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Thank you for taking the time to browse our publications. Our intent is to make the information that the Oregon Coastal Management Program has compiled, presented, and written easily accessible to the general public.
A Citizen's Guide to Oregon's Coastal Management Program (pdf)
This document is a how-to book about coastal management. It explains who makes the decisions, the legal requirements for decisions, and gives elected and appointed officials useful information as they decide how and where new development will occur. Produced by the Oregon Coastal Program, 2001.

The Water Quality Model Code and Guidebook  (pdf)
This document was prepared to assist cities and counties interested in reducing impacts on water quality from urban development activities. It is designed to dovetail with the Model Development Code for Small Cities (pdf) recently developed by the state's Transportation and Growth Management Program. The ordinances address urban non-point pollutant sources as identified by the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Marine Fisheries Service as having potential to degrade surface water, ground water, and/or aquatic habitat, and also addresses water quality issues related to flood mitigation under the National Flood Management Act. Produced by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, 2000.
Chronic Coastal Natural Hazards Model Overlay Zone (pdf)
This document is a model ordinance for regulating development in hazardous coastal areas. The model ordinance contains provisions to identify potentially hazardous coastal areas, specifies a methodology to assess the potential risks to life and property those hazards may pose, and reduces potential risks by requiring proper mitigation. Produced by Shoreland Solutions and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, 1998.
Chronic Coastal Natural Hazards Geographic Information System
This resource is a CD ROM containing the littoral cell management planning guide information and a geographic information system [GIS] project for the South Beach area of Newport. The GIS project demonstrates how to develop a littoral cell management plan using the guide. The GIS project is built using the program Arc Explorer. This program is included on the CD ROM along with instructions on how to set up and use the inventory data base. Produced by Shoreland Solutions and the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, 1998.
Littoral Cell Management Planning along the Oregon Coast (pdf)
This document provides coastal planners and policy-makers with a structured system for assessing chronic hazard alleviation needs. Littoral cell management encourages assessment of coastal hazards at the scale of individual littoral cells or subcells. This improves consistency in the quality of hazard assessment when it is carried out on an area-wide scale, increases the effectiveness of hazard alleviation, minimizes potential for adverse impacts, and makes decision-making more timely. Produced by Shoreland Solutions for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, 1995.
Appraisal of Chronic Hazard Alleviation Techniques [Chapter 2] (pdf)
This document is designed to serve as a guide that can be used by decision-makers at all levels to assess chronic coastal natural hazard alleviation options. This is an excellent tool for choosing the best hazard mitigation technique based on long-term vs. short-term scenarios and specifically looking at: hazard avoidance options, options for wave attack, options for mass wasting, and indirect approaches to hazard mitigation. Produced by Shoreland Solutions and the Oregon Coastal Zone Management Association for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, 1994.

The Oregon Estuary Plan Book (link to external site, use Back button to return)
Produced for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, 1987.
Territorial Sea Plan  (pdf)
Produced by the Oregon Ocean Policy Advisory Council for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, 1994.
Principal Policies of the Oregon Ocean Plan  (pdf)
Oregon's Ocean Resources Management Plan, Produced for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development, 1994.
Analysis of Extreme Waves and Water Levels on the Pacific Northwest Coast (pdf)
Paul D. Komar and Jonathan C. Allan, 2000.
Contents of the Geotechnical Reports Related to the Impacts of Coastal Erosion and Related Hazards (pdf)
Paul D. Komar, 1993.
Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Wave Climate of the North Pacific (pdf)
Jonathan C. Allan and Paul D. Komar, 2000.
Other Documents
The following documents are not available on-line. For more information or to request publications not available online, e-mail Lorinda DeHaan.
  • The Oregon Ocean Book, [1985], Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
  • Oregon Coastal Management Plan, [1977], Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
  • Rocky Shores Communication Strategy, BUCY Associates, [1995], Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
  • Creating the Mosaic: An Ocean Management Conference for the Pacific Coast of the United States, Proceedings, [1995], Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
For more information or to request publications not available online, e-mail Lorinda DeHaan.

Page updated: May 23, 2008

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