Scheduling Examinations


It's easy to schedule an examination at OMC, and the process has become pretty much automatic with the rollout of OMC's new electronic JAF, which occurred for most of the Lab during 2007.

OMC will call you to schedule an examination upon receipt of your electronic Job Assessment Form (JAF) after it has been completed and submitted by your supervisor and ES&H Coordinator. They are now required to submit a new JAF for you on a yearly basis.

At the time OMC calls you, the scheduling clerk will inform you as to whether your examination is mandatory or voluntary. Your are only required to have an examination if it is mandatory, but we encourage you to come even if your examination is voluntary in order to help promote your health and screen for diseases and risk factors. (See also Mandatory Exam Requirements).

Be sure to save time and bring your completed history form with you which can be downloaded beforehand. It is important to fill out a new history form each year, so as to update the medical staff on new conditions, changes to old ones, or any prescribed medications.

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Last Modified: April 29, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Joseph Falco