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Management System: Human Resources

Subject Area: Guests and Visitors

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Effective Date: Mar 8, 2004 (Rev 3.17)
Periodic Review Due: Sep 8, 2009
Subject Matter Expert:
Bonnie Miller
Management System Steward:
Tony Bowman


Thousands of people visit the Laboratory every year. For some, the nature of their interaction with the Laboratory requires that records be created and maintained in a permanent data file to document some facet of their visit. Collectively, these people have been labeled "Guests," but are really a diverse group consisting of guest researchers and collaborators, scientific consultants, job shoppers, employees of subcontractors, student researchers and collaborators, nonscientific consultants, Department of Energy (DOE) personnel, and others. The Laboratory has a need to identify, categorize, and track these individuals. The scope of the data to be maintained depends on the nature and length of the visit and what portions of the Laboratory their business brings them to. The processes and data that need to be captured include tracking completion of the required training; recording successful completion of required training; providing stipends, visa services, travel, housing, insurance or other financial or administrative support; providing for proper documentation and approvals of consultant agreements; radiation exposure tracking; documenting accidents or other health-related issues; providing for physical and data security; maintaining site integrity and security; and documenting usage of BNL facilities to support future budgetary requests.

This subject area defines the various types of guests and describes procedures for processing them in accordance with their respective circumstances, as explained above.


Section Overview of Content
(see section for full process)

1. Visit Initiation and Approval






  • Register guests through the GIS or complete a Personal Information Form.
  • Review and obtain approvals for registration.
  • Complete Patent Agreement, Designated User Facility Agreement (DUFA), and housing agreements, if required.
  • Determine training requirements.
  • Forward appointment forms and letters to guests.

2. Issuing Identification Badges and Vehicle Stickers


  • See the Laboratory Identification Subject Area.

3. Guest Training


  • See the Training and Qualifications Subject Area.

4. Insurance for Visitors



  • Request insurance coverage.
  • Complete enrollment form.
  • Forward form to Benefits Office.
  • Distribute package to visitor.

5. Registering and Approving Foreign Visitors





  • Preregister into GIS.
  • Assign host for foreign national.
  • Submit Specific Security Plan to Foreign Visits and Assignments Office, if applicable.
  • Submit forms for processing, review, and approval.
  • Notify foreign national of approval or denial.
  • Retain copies of approvals.
6. Requesting and Selecting Job Shoppers
  • Establish Service Contracts with contract labor suppliers.
  • Solicit resumes.
  • Select candidate and establish appointment term.
  • Notify Security Manager of contract award.

7. Processing Contractors, Vendors, and Consultants


  • Complete training.
8. Processing Human Resources Employee & Guest Information Services (EGIS) Consultants
  • Complete Consultant Request Form.
  • Enter information into GIS.
  • Issue the Agreement to the Consultant.

9. Processing Office of Education Program (OEP) Collaborators

  • Select students and input guest information into GIS.
  • Request transportation or housing.
  • Prepare New Employee/Guest Orientation Form.
  • Enter information into Financial System.
  • Complete paperwork for termination.
  • Track information in DOE electronic database or GIS, as appropriate.
10. Updating and Terminating Guests
  • Notify Guest Administrator of changes in guest information or status.
  • Update GIS to change status or extend appointments.
  • Complete new paperwork for noncitizens with extensions.
  • Complete checkout sheet and enter termination date into GIS.

11. Guidebook for Guests Conducting Research

  • Prepare and review Guidebook.
  • Post Guidebook on Web.
  • Notify guests about release of Guidebook.



Guidebook for Guests Conducting Research


Agreement for a DOE Designated User Facility (sample)
Check-out Sheet for Guests, Research Collaborators and Technical Collaborators
Check-Out Sheet for Student and Teacher Collaborators
Commitments and Expectations Statement
Consultant Request Form
Guest Intellectual Property Agreement (Patent Agreement)
Personal Information Form
Record of U.S. Immigration Status

Training Requirements and Reporting Obligations

This subject area contains training requirements. See the Training and Qualifications Web Site.

This subject area contains reporting obligations. See the section Registering and Approving Foreign Visitors for information.

External/Internal Requirements

Requirement Number Requirement Title
8 USC 1324Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Aliens and Nationality/Immigration and Nationality/ Immigration/ General Penalty Provisions/Bringing in and Harboring Certain Aliens)
BSA Contract No. DE-AC02-98CH10886 - Clause J.1: Appendix A Appendix A - Advance Understandings on Human Resources


Badges, Passes, and Vehicle Identification Subject Area

Guest Information System (GIS)

Standard Practice Instruction (SPI) 5-09, Visits and Assignments of Foreign Nationals

Training and Qualifications Subject Area

Training and Qualifications Web Site

Standards of Performance

All staff and guests shall exercise effective stewardship of assets in their custody and control, and shall take reasonable actions to safeguard all assets against theft, loss, misuse, and disruption.

All staff and guests shall assure that only appropriately authorized individuals have access to facilities, information, resources, and assets.

All staff and users shall ensure that they are trained and qualified to carry out their assigned responsibilities, and shall inform their supervisor if they are assigned to perform work for which they are not properly trained or qualified.


The only official copy of this file is the one on-line in SBMS.

Before using a printed copy, verify that it is the most current version by checking the effective date.

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