Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowships

Gertrude and Maurice GoldhaberBrookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) has created the Gertrude and Maurice Goldhaber Distinguished Fellowships Program with funding from Battelle Memorial Institute and Stony Brook University. These prestigious Fellowships are awarded to candidates with exceptional talent and credentials who have a strong desire for independent research at the frontiers of their fields. The fellowships are three-year appointments and will each carry a starting salary of $72,000 per annum. Candidates should be at a maximum three years past receipt of the Ph.D at the time of the application. The intention of the program is to select individuals who will qualify for scientific staff positions at BNL upon completion of the appointment.

Consideration will be given to excellent candidates with training in any discipline pertinent to the mission of the Laboratory.

To host a Goldhaber Fellow the sponsoring scientist must have an opening and be able to support the candidate at the standard starting salary for Post Doctoral Research Associates for a period of three years; the fellowship program will provide the additional funds to bring the salary up to the stated level and also provide a modest amount of independent funds for material and supplies. The application and selection process will continue until available positions are filled. Presently there are funds for eight positions with an intention to increase the number.

Goldhaber appointees will work in close collaboration with a member of the BNL Scientific staff and as such it would be useful for them to identify a research mentor. All BNL scientists are encouraged to seek candidates to pursue this unique opportunity, and have them send a letter of intent outlining their research interests, a CV, list of publications, and names and contact information of three referees familiar with their work to:

Dr. Fulvia Pilat
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Bldg. 911B
PO Box 5000
Upton, NY  11973-5000


They can refer to the Laboratory webpage for more information. BNL is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from minorities and women.

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Last Modified: June 19, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Elizabeth Gilbert