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1999 Chandra X-ray Observatory News Releases
12.21.99: Chandra Maps Vital Elements From Supernova

12.09.99: The End of Days: Chandra Catches X-ray Glow From Supernova

12.09.99: Chandra Ploughs Up a Snake in Hydra A

11.09.99: NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory Chosen Among "Best of What's New" By Popular Science Magazine

10.22.99: Chandra Probes Explosive Activity in Centaurus A Galaxy

10.08.99: New Chandra X-ray Observatory Images Reveal Shocking Details Of Mysterious Superstar's Activity

09.28.99: Chandra Discovers X-ray Ring Around Cosmic Powerhouse in Crab Nebula

09.23.99: Scientists to Detail Chandra Finding Of Bright Ring Around Cosmic Powerhouse

09.20.99: Chandra Images Provide New Vision Of Cosmic Explosions

09.09.99: Distant Supernova Remnant Imaged by Chandra X-ray Observatory's High Resolution Camera

08.26.99: Husband and Wife from Atlanta See Results of Efforts With Images from NASA's Chandra X-ray Telescope

08.26.99: Chandra X-ray Observatory: Engineering Marvel of the Large, Small and Sophisticated

08.26.99: NASA Unveils First Images From Chandra X-ray Observatory

08.23.99: Experts to Share First Pictures from World's Most Powerful X-ray Observatory

08.23.99: First Images From Marshall Center Managed Chandra X-ray Observatory to be Released

08.23.99: First Images From Chandra X-ray Observatory to Be Released

08.23.99: NASA Scientist to See 22 Years Pay Off With Release of First Images From World's Strongest X-ray Telescope

07.26.99: Chandra X-ray Observatory News Center Hours Set for Remainder of STS-93 Shuttle Mission

07.15.99: Chandra X-ray Observatory News Center Opens July 18; Will Provide Special Media Services in Cambridge, Mass.

07.06.99: How To Cover NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory

06.18.99: KSC Countdown Test Offers Media Opportunities with STS-93 Astronauts

06.15.99: Latest Status on Chandra X-ray Observatory Now Online

02.19.99: Chandra Fellows Named

02.04.99: Chandra X-ray Observatory Arrives at KSC for Processing

02.04.99: TRW Ships NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory To KSC

01.20.99: NASA Announces Delay in Shipment of Chandra

01.14.99: Team Conducts Dry Run of Chandra X-ray Observatory Launch