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Updated: 2005-11-29

Sec. 585.300 Corn, Sweet; Canned - Adulteration by Corn Ear Worms, Corn Borers (CPG 7114.08)


The following represents the criteria for direct reference seizure to the Division of Compliance Management and Operations (HFC-210) and for direct citation by the District Offices:

Examine a minimum of 24 lbs. (24 No. 303 cans or equivalent). The corn contains two or more 3 mm or longer larvae, cast skins, larval or cast skin fragments of corn ear worm or corn borer;


The aggregate length of such larvae, cast skins, larval or cast skin fragments exceeds 12 mm.


Seizures involving these products must be discussed with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Submit the following information *by e-mail* or FAX to CFSAN/Office of *Compliance*/Division of Enforcement (HFS-605) and await reply before proceeding:

Sample NumberDate of Shipment
Article InvolvedDealer
Amount of LotShipper
CodesAnalytical Conclusions


The article was adulterated when introduced into and while in interstate commerce, and is adulterated while held for sale after shipment in interstate commerce within the meaning of said Act 21 U.S.C. 342(a)(3) since it consists in part of a filthy substance by reason of the presence therein of insects and/or insect fragments.

*Material between asterisks is new or revised.*

Issued: 11/21/79

Reissued: 10/1/80

Revised: 12/8/88, 3/95, 5/2005