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Sec. 578.350 Wheat for Human Consumption - Reconditioning (CPG 7104.04)


1. Insect Infested Wheat

Reconditioning will be considered adequate when macroscopic examination of representative samples reveals an average of no more than 0.4% insect damaged kernels.

2. Rodent Excreta Pellet Contaminated Wheat

Reconditioning will be considered adequate when all the following conditions are met:

a.Not more than one pellet is found upon examination of 20 representative pints.

b.The wheat has been scoured to the extent that examination of representative samples reveals that 50% or more of the kernels show removal of the surface seed coat layers down to the cross cell layer (removal of approximately 20% of the kernel) and practically all the beard is gone.

c.Examination of representative samples shows no Salmonella organisms to be present; evidence proves the wheat has been heat treated in such a manner as to insure killing any Salmonella organisms present.

Issued: 10/1/80