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Sec. 515.425 Sugar - Water Damaged - Reconditioning (CPG 7105.14)


The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition has agreed to the following refining process for reconditioning water damaged sugar:

1. Introduce sugar into refining process at site of high raw sugar melter or "high remelt" melter.

2. Determine if sugar condition warrants lime, P205, etc. treatment.

3. Mix with water or process juices to a 65-70 percent concentration.

4. Maintain temperature at 95oC (203oF) or greater.

5. Add filter aid or diatomaceous earth and pass process sirup through clarifiers or pressure filters and continue through char, *carbon, and/or ion exchange resin* filters to improve color.

6. Introduce filtered liquors into vacuum pans and boil to point of supersaturation.

7. Introduce seed crystals and continue crystal growth to optimum size.

8. Centrifuge, wash with hot water, and dry in granulator.

9. Place in bulk refined storage or screen to desired commercial product size.

10. The supernate and centrifugal washings are returned to normal process stream.


The above method is suitable for reconditioning sugar damaged by non-potable fresh or salt water.

NOTE: The method is not suitable for reconditioning sugar if there is evidence that the sugar was damaged by chemicals or sewage (floods, flooded ship's toilet, etc.).

*Material between asterisks is new or revised.*

Issued: 10/1/80
Revised: 3/95