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Sec. 515.400 Raw Sugar (CPG 7105.05)


"Raw sugar" is the term generally applied to the intermediate food product as it leaves the sugar factory mill for further refinement in sugar refineries before use as food. In general, raw sugar is unsuitable for human food use because it contains extraneous impurities which are removed in the refining process. On occasion the agency has taken action against raw sugar intended for human food use without further refinement which was found to contain impurities rendering it unsuitable for food use. The only practical process for freeing raw sugar of such impurities such as filth, dirt, and decomposition is the usual refining process of sugar refiners.


The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act does not prohibit the shipment of raw sugar for further refinement in sugar refineries or for non-human food use. However, the agency will take legal action against raw sugar intended for human food use without further refinement which contains impurities making it unsuitable for *human* food use.

*Material between asterisks is new or revised.*

Issued: 10/1/80
Revised: 3/95