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Sec. 500.100 Additives - Labeling with Adequate Directions for Many Uses (CPG 7117.01)


Many food additive regulations require that the label or labeling of an additive or a premix containing the additive bear adequate directions for use. Because many additives have multiple uses, it may be impractical to include complete directions on the label.


The labeling requirements for food additives with multiple uses may be met by listing complete directions in a brochure or leaflet and labeling bulk drums as follows:

"Caution: This substance should only be used in or on foods (or food packaging) in accordance with the regulations issued under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Specific details furnished in "________" (Insert name of brochure)."

The brochures must be provided to each food customer with each shipment of product.
Issued: 10/1/80