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Sec. 608.300 Lay Use of *Animal Capture and Euthanasia* Drugs (CPG 7125.26)


Most animal capture and euthanasia drugs are required to bear the veterinary prescription legend. Many animal control agencies do not have veterinarians on their staffs. Policy guidance has been requested to address how these drugs can be legally obtained and used by lay persons employed by these agencies.


In the case of animal control agencies operated either by state or local governments or by government sanctioned non-profit organizations, *CVM* will consider the use of veterinary prescription legend drugs by lay persons to conform to the requirements of *21 CFR* 201.105(c) if there is a staff or consulting veterinarian who obtains the drugs and the drugs are used under his general supervision *and authority*. This means that the veterinarian should provide the lay user with sufficient assistance and instruction and <> be assured that the drugs are properly used.

*Material between asterisks is new or revised*
<> Indicates material has been deleted

Issued: 3/1/82
Revised: 3/95