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Home-based care for chronically ill people: a community programme.

Machinjili AA; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 1996 Jul 7-12; 11: 274 (abstract no. Th.B.4131).

Scm Public Health Nurse Regional Health Office (S), Blantyre, Malawi.

Issue: Chronically ill people who are in communities need care but there are limited resources to give this care. Project: Home based care programmes/activities for chronically ill people have been organised or established by the communities in some parts of the country (Malawi C. Africa) on voluntary basis. These were established after seeing that there were many chronically ill people, some of whom were young and their elderly relatives were not coping in looking after them. The programme is composed of volunteers who use their own material resources e.g. when bathing a patient with bed sores, they put on empty sugar packets as gloves to protect themselves, because they cannot afford to buy rubber gloves using their own money. Problems: The home based care groups are very willing and are enthusiastic to help the chronically ill people, but need external funding to acquire things, e.g. gloves. Conclusion: Home based care activities are important and welcomed by many communities since medical wards in our hospitals are overcrowded with the HIV/AIDS Epidemic.

Publication Types:
  • Meeting Abstracts
  • Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
  • Africa
  • Aged
  • Chronic Disease
  • Family
  • HIV Infections
  • HIV Seropositivity
  • Home Care Services
  • Humans
  • Malawi
  • nursing
Other ID:
  • 96924529
UI: 102220428

From Meeting Abstracts

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