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ODEP News Release: [07/25/2003]
Contact Name: Michael Volpe
Phone Number: (202) 693-7880

Statement of Labor Secretary Elaine L. Chao on the 13th Anniversary of the Signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act, July 26, 2003

“Tomorrow we celebrate the 13th anniversary of the signing of the Americans With Disabilities Act, a landmark legislation of compassion and empowerment. The ADA has been a major civil rights legislation for the disabled community. Since its passage, it has been a powerful force in removing barriers to people with disabilities by increasing their opportunities in education, home ownership, transportation, and employment.

“The best way to celebrate the advancements made through the ADA is to build upon its progress through President Bush’s New Freedom Initiative. The New Freedom Initiative promotes the integration of all people with disabilities into their communities. It strongly emphasizes the role of employment as a key element in achieving opportunity and full integration into the 21st century workforce.

“I am proud to note that the Department of Labor has been designated as the lead agency in implementing employment efforts through the New Freedom Initiative. But while the government can lead, it cannot do the job alone. The success of the New Freedom Initiative will depend upon the continuing commitment and sustained cooperation of business, labor, nonprofit organizations, faith-based and community organizations and of course, people with disabilities. Working together, we can help empower people with disabilities and build an America where all individuals are encouraged to achieve their dreams.”

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