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Great Lakes Water Life Photo Gallery

Fishes of the Great Lakes


Fish By Family and Eating Habits

Parasitic. Piscivorous. Forage Fish and Small Littoral Fish. Large Planktivores and Bottom Feeders.

Longnose Gar - Piscivorous.


Ciscos/Grayling - Forage


American Eel - Piscivorous


Mooneye - Forage


Brook silversides - Littoral


Brook stickleback  - Forage




Creek chubsucker - Forage/Littoral


Note: Some taxonomic families have been split (e.g., Minnows and Carps are both Family Cyprinidae) other families here may contain a few members (e.g., the non-parasitic native lampreys) which do not accurately fit the indicated feeding preferences. Juveniles of many species have different feeding preferences from the adults.

Great Lakes Fish Links

Bird icon indicates link to a non-GLERL NOAA siteFish of the Great Lakes - Wisconsin Sea Grant

Bird icon indicates link to a non-GLERL NOAA siteSea Grant Nonindigenous Species Site (SGNIS)

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteAngling Indiana: Fish Identification and Consumption Advisories

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteNatural History of Minnesota Fishes

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteA Superior Adventure - Bell Museum

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteGreat Lakes Fishery Commission

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteUSGS/BRD/Great Lakes Science Center

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteEPA/GLNPO - Great Lakes Fish

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteFlora and Fauna of the Great Lakes Region: A Multimedia Digital Collection

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteINHS Fish Collection (includes IL distribution maps)

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteGLIN: Fish and Fisheries of the Great Lakes

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteFishBase - World-wide fish database

Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA - Copyrighted Commercial Art

Bird icon indicates link to a non-GLERL NOAA siteIndicates a link to a non-GLERL NOAA website.
Globe icon indicates link to a non-NOAA siteIndicates a link to a non-NOAA website or content not generated by NOAA. NOAA is not responsible for the accuracy of content. Please check Privacy and Use Policies of the destination site.

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Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab, Sea Grant Lakes Network
2205 Commonwealth Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2945
Phone: 734-741-2287
Fax: 734-741-2055