Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Table 1-33: Roadway Vehicle-Miles Traveled (VMT) and VMT per Lane-Mile by Functional Class

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Urban VMT, total (millions) 855,265 1,044,098 1,275,484 1,288,497 1,363,054 1,409,672 1,449,247 1,489,534 1,523,886 1,552,956 1,595,620 1,627,618 (R) 1,663,773 1,676,379 1,727,596
Interstate 161,242 216,188 278,901 285,325 303,265 317,399 330,577 341,528 351,579 361,433 374,622 383,259 (R) 393,465 399,890 408,618
Other arterialsa 484,189 578,270 699,233 707,518 745,618 773,978 797,899 815,170 834,623 846,627 862,996 878,153 (R) 900,392 913,726 937,357
Collector 83,043 89,578 106,297 107,281 116,065 117,887 120,088 126,929 129,310 130,146 131,905 131,603 (R) 135,372 137,922 141,874
Local 126,791 160,062 191,053 188,373 198,106 200,408 200,683 205,907 208,374 214,750 226,097 234,603 (R) 234,544 224,841 239,747
Rural VMT, total (millions) 672,030 730,728 868,878 883,553 884,097 886,706 908,341 933,289 960,194 999,277 1,032,528 1,062,623 (R) 1,083,152 1,105,083 1,128,160
Interstate 135,084 154,357 200,173 205,011 205,557 208,308 215,568 223,382 232,565 240,255 251,520 260,166 (R) 268,180 274,024 279,962
Other arterialsa 262,774 282,803 330,866 334,755 344,062 349,567 357,329 368,595 378,847 392,057 403,484 413,320 (R) 420,599 426,945 433,805
Collectorb 189,468 206,669 240,460 245,630 234,910 226,296 230,529 236,148 241,030 254,100 257,868 264,453 (R) 267,231 270,962 275,007
Local 84,704 86,899 97,379 98,157 99,568 102,535 104,915 105,164 107,752 112,865 119,656 124,684 (R) 127,142 133,152 139,386
Urban VMT per lane-mile, total (thousands) 613 677 764 766 775 782 794 810 820 825 844 858 869 852 861
Interstate 3,327 3,773 4,483 4,542 4,508 4,588 4,667 4,784 4,897 5,002 5,131 5,229 (R) 5,323 5,370 5,440
Other arterialsa 1,451 1,556 1,751 1,758 1,783 1,778 1,803 1,829 1,857 1,866 1,901 1,950 (R) 1,974 1,997 2,025
Collector 572 552 634 649 659 656 655 686 692 689 703 706 718 728 743
Local 146 168 184 179 181 179 178 181 181 184 192 198 (R) 196 181 188
Rural VMT per lane-mile, total (thousands) 103 113 136 138 139 140 144 148 152 157 165 169 172 176 179
Interstate 1,031 1,170 1,473 1,502 1,540 1,576 1,642 1,693 1,749 1,804 1,888 1,939 (R) 1,993 2,035 2,080
Other arterialsa 518 555 640 646 653 665 674 695 711 730 750 766 (R) 778 787 797
Collectorb 132 141 164 167 163 158 161 167 170 179 182 187 189 192 195
Local 19 20 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 29 30 30 32 33

KEY: R = revised.

a For urban: the sum of other freeways and expressways, other principal arterials, and minor arterials.

For rural: the sum of other principal arterials and minor arterials.

b Collector is the sum of major and minor collectors (rural only).


See table 1-6 for estimated highway lane-miles by functional class.


1980-94: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995, FHWA-PL-97-009 (Washington, DC: July 1997), table VM-202.

1995-2002: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table VM-2 and VM-2A.


1980-95: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Highway Information Management, unpublished data, 1997, table HM-260.

1996-2002: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table HM-60.

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