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Water Science for Schools search system

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Where on page to search:

TIP: Keep it simple! Use just a single word/phrase if you can. Only enter key words instead of phrases or sentences. Leave out irrelevant words, such as "the", "is", "in", "with", "of". In fact, most of the time, don't enter the word "water" in your search! For example, instead of pictures of water, just use picture.

The ALL option finds pages that contain all of the words you typed in. If a page does not contain every word in your search list, then it will not be in the results.
  • Entering water quality will find pages that contain both the words water AND quality on it.

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    The ANY option finds pages that contain any one of the words you typed in.
  • Entering water quality will find any page that has the word water OR quality on it.

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    The EXACT PHRASE option finds pages that contain the exact words you typed in.
  • Entering water quality in Georgia finds those pages that contain the exact phrase water quality in Georgia.
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    Page Contact Information: Howard Perlman
    Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 13-Aug-2008 07:21:44 EDT