Docket Title


Documents received by the Dockets Management Branch "MAY" be posted on the internet. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE personal identifying information, i.e. date of birth, social security number, etc., in your correspondence.


98N-1038 Irradiation in the production, processing, &handling of food *

98P-0151 Introduction Of Downed Cattle Into The Food Supply *

99P-1340 Declared Eternity eau de Parfum Misbranded *

00D-1598 Voluntary Labeling for Bioengineered Foods *

00N-1396 Bioengineered Foods Consumed By Humans or Animals *

00N-1625 Rescission of Substantially Equivalent Decisions & Rescissio *

00P-1572 Adopt Standard of Identity for Bottled Glacier Water,Blend *

98N-1038 Irradiation in the production, processing, &handling of food

C 5254 Jerri Brandt Vol#: 160

C 5255 Sandra Cardona (France) Vol#: 160

C 5256 Joe Alexander Vol#: 160

C 5257 Cynthia Stross Johnson Vol#: 160

C 5258 Lawrence Poser Vol#: 160

C 5259 Steven Wilbur Vol#: 160

C 5260 Gina Clifford Vol#: 160

C 5261 Mike Greco Vol#: 160

C 5262 Alita Kirchner Vol#: 160

C 5263 Robert Evangelista Vol#: 160

C 5264 Lin Hipp Vol#: 160

C 5265 Linda Huhn Vol#: 160

C 5266 Harvest Co-Op Markets Vol#: 160

C 5267 Diadra Decker Vol#: 160

C 5268 Collette Theriault Vol#: 160

C 5269 Jennette Turner Vol#: 160

EMC 317 Joyce Wilson Vol#: 160

98P-0151 Introduction Of Downed Cattle Into The Food Supply

C 4546 Patricia M. Nelson Vol#: 142

C 4547 Sheila K. Dixon Vol#: 142

C 4548 Jack B. Logan Vol#: 142

C 4549 Mrs. Maria Bolanos Vol#: 142

C 4550 Candace A. Allaman Vol#: 142

C 4551 Linda J. Berger Vol#: 142

C 4552 Carmen Klonaris Vol#: 142

C 4553 Sandy Halliwell Vol#: 142

C 4554 Mary Lou DeCruz Vol#: 142

C 4555 Carmen Prebel Vol#: 142

C 4556 Suzie Bruce Vol#: 142

99D-4070 Stability Testing: Photostability testing of New Veterinary


NAD 2 Vol#: 1

99P-1340 Declared Eternity eau de Parfum Misbranded

C 685 Cathleen Krahe Vol#: 17

C 686 Cary Terrall Vol#: 17

C 687 John Gallagher Vol#: 17

C 688 Jodi Marcus Vol#: 17

C 689 Andrew Kuhry-Haeuser Vol#: 17

EMC 281 J. Gossage Vol#: 17

EMC 282 Glenda Gossage Vol#: 17

EMC 283 Ruth Ann Turbidy Vol#: 17

EMC 284 Susan Page Vol#: 17

EMC 285 Carol Voigts Vol#: 17

EMC 286 Penny Godoy Vol#: 17

EMC 287 Marlene Byers Vol#: 17

EMC 288 Jodi Marcus Vol#: 17

EMC 289 Debra Rosenman Vol#: 17

EMC 290 Cheryl Gittens-Jones Vol#: 17

EMC 291 Ginger Lazarus Vol#: 17

EMC 292 Linda Malcolm Vol#: 17

00D-1598 Voluntary Labeling for Bioengineered Foods

C 1168 James Gibson, MD, PA Vol#: 90

C 1169 Sally Foster Vol#: 90

C 1170 Valerie Averez Vol#: 90

C 1171 Jacqueline A. Moreau RSM Vol#: 90

C 1172 Sister Joan Campana, SSJ Vol#: 90

C 1173 Susan Lander Vol#: 90

C 1174 Frank Gropen Vol#: 90

C 1175 Marie & Dave Hayer Vol#: 90

C 1176 Chad Parks Vol#: 90

C 1177 Marilyn Murphy Vol#: 90

C 1178 Donald E. Skinner Vol#: 90

C 1179 Joan Gibson Vol#: 90

C 1180 Krista Brown Vol#: 90

C 1181 Mary & Tom Grant Vol#: 90

C 1182 Eleanor Davidson Vol#: 90

C 1183 Virginia Robards Vol#: 90

C 1184 Robin Kohanowich Vol#: 90

C 1185 Alyse Ogle Vol#: 90

C 1186 Carol Crawford Vol#: 90

C 1187 Jessie Nelson Vol#: 90

C 1188 Elia Ferruzzi Vol#: 90

C 1189 Christina T. Capobianco Vol#: 90

C 1190 Mike Lynch Vol#: 90

C 1191 Betty A. Cone Vol#: 90

C 1192 Sharon Searles Vol#: 90

C 1193 D. Smith Vol#: 90

C 1194 Warren B. King Vol#: 90

C 1195 Mr. Thomas Beck Vol#: 90

C 1196 Billy J. Campbell Vol#: 90

C 1197 Alecs Sakta Vol#: 90

C 1198 Laura DeVita Vol#: 90

C 1199 Darlene Baier Vol#: 90

C 1200 Julie Hasty Vol#: 90

C 1201 Amy Stewart Vol#: 90

C 1202 Elizabeth Frajo Vol#: 90

C 1203 Jeremy Greenfield Vol#: 90

C 1204 Peggy Malnati Vol#: 90

C 1205 M.H. Diaz Vol#: 90

C 1206 Hilda M.D. Vol#: 90

C 1207 Ricardo Guilermo Vol#: 90

C 1208 Sylvia MacGregor Vol#: 90

C 1209 Pat Seyforth Vol#: 90

C 1210 Walte Zadan Vol#: 90

C 1211 Mr & Mrs. Howard Kimel Vol#: 90

C 1212 Santeen S. Bakajee Vol#: 90

C 1213 Mary E. Kent Vol#: 90

C 1214 Libby M. Hazen Vol#: 90

C 1215 Claire Silverman Vol#: 90

C 1216 Joan H. Allen Vol#: 90

C 1217 Phillip Muessig Vol#: 90

C 1218 Emily Bukowski Vol#: 90

C 1219 Jenni L. Cullison Vol#: 90

C 1220 Melanie L. Lietz Vol#: 90

C 1221 Jean Lettner Vol#: 90

C 1222 Barbara Monnat Vol#: 90

EMC 2145 Wanda Hughes Vol#: 89

EMC 2146 Brian Gold Vol#: 89

EMC 2147 Eve Nielsen Vol#: 89

EMC 2148 Jules Fishelman Vol#: 89

EMC 2149 Brenda Friedrich Vol#: 89

EMC 2150 Jesse Tyler Vol#: 89

EMC 2151 Don Shapiro Vol#: 89

EMC 2152 Joanne Gardner Vol#: 89

EMC 2153 Kristen Puckett Vol#: 89

EMC 2154 Kyle F. Hence Vol#: 89

EMC 2155 Nancy Griffin Vol#: 89

EMC 2156 Sarah McCarthy Vol#: 89

EMC 2157 John Shapiro Vol#: 89

EMC 2158 Jim Congdon Vol#: 89

EMC 2159 Vicki Abousamra Vol#: 89

EMC 2160 Victoria Webb Vol#: 89

EMC 2161 Amanda Coleman Vol#: 89

EMC 2162 Joni Tannheimer Vol#: 89

EMC 2163 Thomas Santulli Vol#: 89

EMC 2164 Bill Bryant Vol#: 89

EMC 2165 Michael Dincher Vol#: 89

EMC 2166 Jyllian Smolev Vol#: 89

EMC 2167 Travis Engelman Vol#: 89

EMC 2168 Terry Hooker Vol#: 89

EMC 2169 Isabella Cantrell Vol#: 89

EMC 2170 Richard Grove Vol#: 89

EMC 2171 S. Christman Vol#: 89

EMC 2172 Iain Barron Vol#: 89

EMC 2173 Iain Barron Vol#: 89

EMC 2174 Don Williamson Vol#: 89

EMC 2175 Iain Barron Vol#: 89

EMC 2176 Iain Barron Vol#: 89

EMC 2177 Rose Keseling Vol#: 89

EMC 2178 Dae Watkowski Vol#: 89

EMC 2179 Rachel Griffiths Vol#: 89

EMC 2180 Paul Otten Vol#: 89

EMC 2181 Joanne M. Collins Vol#: 89

EMC 2182 Carolyn Krehel Vol#: 89

EMC 2183 Kimberly Sessions Vol#: 89

EMC 2184 Doug De Stefano Vol#: 89

EMC 2185 Ann Watters Vol#: 89

EMC 2186 Rob Gould & Marcia Hoak Vol#: 89

EMC 2187 Lorie Goodman Vol#: 89

EMC 2188 Kimberly Cunningham Vol#: 89

EMC 2189 Barbara Dobrocki Vol#: 89

EMC 2190 Emily Weissman Vol#: 89

EMC 2191 Michael Wherley Vol#: 89

EMC 2192 Caroline Marino Vol#: 89

EMC 2193 Philip Marinelli Vol#: 89

EMC 2194 Paul Jones Vol#: 89

EMC 2195 Trudi Kretsinger Vol#: 89

EMC 2196 Michael Brickey Vol#: 89

EMC 2197 Charlotte Huetwohi Vol#: 89

EMC 2198 Juju Mojo Vol#: 89

EMC 2199 Linda Niebuhr Vol#: 89

EMC 2200 Dr. Patrick B. Hall Vol#: 89

00N-1396 Bioengineered Foods Consumed By Humans or Animals

C 525 N. Makarewicz Vol#: 61

C 526 Christopher F. Baker Vol#: 61

C 527 Ms. Karen Hunt Vol#: 61

C 528 Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Schuller Vol#: 61

C 529 Sandra H. Perry Vol#: 61

C 530 unreadable Vol#: 61

C 531 Daniel Phillips Vol#: 61

C 532 C. W. Onneweer Vol#: 61

C 533 Ms. Martha Rose Vol#: 61

C 534 R. Palmer Vol#: 61

C 535 David Donellson Vol#: 61

C 536 Francine Cronshaw Vol#: 61

C 537 Matt Rush Vol#: 61

C 538 The C.D. Rhodes Family Vol#: 61

C 539 Christina Forde Vol#: 61

C 540 Lloyd E. Kreitzer Vol#: 61

C 541 Freddie Hernden Vol#: 61

C 542 Dave Pace Vol#: 61

C 543 Mary Dolch Vol#: 61

C 544 Lon Liberty Vol#: 61

C 545 Maggie Gould Vol#: 61

C 546 unreadable Vol#: 61

C 547 Mark Vol#: 61

C 548 P.A. Mauiz Vol#: 61

C 549 unreadable Vol#: 61

C 550 N. Whitmore Vol#: 61

C 551 Faun Brinkerhoff Vol#: 61

C 552 Carl D. Keesler Vol#: 61

C 553 Francie Brown Vol#: 61

C 554 Karen Harris Vol#: 61

C 555 M. Sue Storm Vol#: 61

C 556 R. Storm Vol#: 61

C 557 Heidi and Shawn Sloan Vol#: 61

C 558 Diana B. Mock Vol#: 61

C 559 Nancy Claire Vol#: 61

C 560 Ms. Helen C. Shinkunas Vol#: 61

C 561 Marilyn Ames Vol#: 61

C 562 Elizabeth Jane Irwin Vol#: 61

C 563 Pam Turner Vol#: 61

C 564 Enid Winchell Vol#: 61

C 565 Karen Bucklin Vol#: 61

C 566 Tim Smith Vol#: 61

C 567 Tom Bender Vol#: 61

C 568 unreadable Vol#: 61

C 569 Margaret B. Rankin Vol#: 61

C 570 Elaine V. South Vol#: 61

C 571 Gisela S. Ray Vol#: 61

C 572 Cornelia Knight Vol#: 61

C 573 Maria Brooks Vol#: 61

C 574 K. Calabrese Vol#:

C 575 Yvette K. Smith Vol#: 61

C 576 Nancy Hartje Vol#: 61

C 577 Elizabeth Cornell Vol#: 61

C 578 Mary Reedy Vol#: 61

C 579 Lance B. Price Vol#: 61

C 580 Norma Wojtczak Vol#: 61

C 581 Bernard DeMartini Vol#: 61

C 582 Theodore Kruzich Vol#: 61

C 583 Frank G. Zern & Janice W. Zern Vol#: 61

C 584 Ms. D.R. Flynn Vol#: 61

C 585 Squidge Liljeblad Davis Vol#: 61

C 586 Melissa Carlson Vol#: 61

C 587 Debra Holzman Vol#: 61

C 588 Christine H. Fowler Vol#: 61

C 589 Cynthia Visti Vol#: 61

C 590 Michael T. Babitch Vol#: 61

C 591 Susan Fox Vol#: 61

C 592 Angela Graziano Vol#: 61

C 593 Paul Baker Vol#: 61

C 594 G. Jensen Vol#: 61

C 595 Jean L. Ballor Vol#: 61

C 596 Laura Terhune Vol#: 61

C 597 Peter Neils Vol#: 61

C 598 Ken D. Brown Vol#: 61

C 599 Andrea Hill Vol#: 61

C 600 Sandra K. Redstone Vol#: 61

C 601 Melinda McCain Vol#: 61

C 602 Vishnu Dass Vol#: 61

C 603 Sister Miriam Kertz Vol#: 61

C 604 Raynal Ray Vol#: 61

C 605 Kak Williams Vol#: 61

C 606 Angela Welford Vol#: 61

C 607 Ingrid Baer Vol#: 61

C 608 Gudrun & John Pickering Vol#: 61

C 609 Billy B. Tatum Vol#: 61

C 610 Victoria Richey Vol#: 61

C 611 Laura B. Korey Vol#: 61

C 612 Brenda Nicodemus Vol#: 61

C 613 Michelle Schade Vol#: 61

C 614 Deborah Lindner Vol#: 61

C 615 Frances G. Cassino Vol#: 61

C 616 Michel LeGrand Vol#: 61

C 617 Patricia C. Bright Vol#: 61

C 618 Enid Winchell Vol#: 61

C 619 Jovi Carlyle Vol#: 61

C 620 Carolyn Huff Vol#: 61

C 621 Nancy Gonzales Vol#: 61

C 622 Diane Applebaum Vol#: 61

C 623 Sydney Elks Vol#: 61

C 624 Jean M. Tucker Vol#: 1

C 625 Kathryn Browne Vol#: 61

C 626 Pat Wheeler Vol#: 61

C 627 Catherine D. Cummings Vol#: 61

C 628 Jeremy Pearl Vol#: 61

C 629 Christopher White Vol#: 61

C 630 Eon Hyman Vol#: 61

C 631 Douglas Bebyan Vol#: 61

C 632 Rosemary E. Gaskell Vol#: 61

C 633 Sr. Constance Kozel Vol#: 61

C 634 Jim Sluyter & Jo Meller Vol#: 61

C 635 Jeremiah Savage & Heather Mathews Vol#: 61

C 636 Margreta von Pein Vol#: 61

C 637 Robert A. Kluson Vol#: 61

C 638 Louis Nicholas Vol#: 61

C 639 Alena Miles Vol#: 61

C 640 Richard Belanger Vol#: 61

EMC 1239 Michelle Philips Vol#: 61

EMC 1240 Sat Ganesha Khalsa Vol#: 61

EMC 1241 Jim Ellingson Vol#: 61

EMC 1242 B Soltis Vol#: 61

EMC 1243 Scott McCandless Vol#: 61

EMC 1244 Sarah Smith Vol#: 61

EMC 1245 Janice M. Larson Vol#: 61

EMC 1246 number not used Vol#: 61

EMC 1247 Amy Longo Vol#: 61

EMC 1248 Monica Josephine Vol#: 61

EMC 1249 Tamara Ambar Vol#: 61

EMC 1250 Penny Conlan Vol#: 61

EMC 1251 Grace Higgins Vol#: 61

EMC 1252 Mary Lou Schmersal Vol#: 61

EMC 1253 Joanne Peters Vol#: 61

EMC 1254 Christina Higgens Vol#: 61

EMC 1255 Dawn K. Piper Vol#: 61

EMC 1256 Janet Barber Vol#: 61

EMC 1257 Rebecca Montrenes Vol#: 61

EMC 1258 Sherry Brugioni Vol#: 61

EMC 1259 Rev. C. Lynne White Vol#: 61

EMC 1260 Diana Julian Vol#: 61

EMC 1261 Rev. C. Lynne White Vol#: 61

EMC 1262 Mark Bremer Vol#: 61

EMC 1263 Charles E. A. Johnson Vol#: 61

EMC 1264 Beth Johnson Vol#: 61

EMC 1265 Kimberly Hires Smith Vol#: 61

EMC 1266 Seth Perciano Vol#: 61

EMC 1267 Kay Sunnes Vol#: 61

EMC 1268 Rebecca Newburn Vol#: 61

EMC 1269 Michelle Touchstone Vol#: 61

EMC 1270 Rusty McCall Vol#: 61

EMC 1271 Carol DiMarcello Vol#: 61

EMC 1272 Margaret Weber Vol#: 61

EMC 1273 Cheryl Heidel Vol#: 61

EMC 1274 Patricia Friedman Vol#: 61

EMC 1275 Erin Hamilton Vol#: 61

EMC 1276 David NovicK Vol#: 61

EMC 1277 Robert Haley Vol#: 61

EMC 1278 Scottie Fingar Vol#: 61

EMC 1279 Ann Baier Vol#: 61

EMC 1280 Dan Strimer Vol#: 61

EMC 1281 Jenni Mae Johnston Vol#: 61

EMC 1282 Dione Del Monico Vol#: 61

EMC 1283 David Gustafson Vol#: 61

EMC 1284 Dean Massingill Vol#: 61

EMC 1285 Donna Paul Bessken Vol#: 61

EMC 1286 Nancy Ward Vol#: 61

EMC 1287 Mary McMahon Vol#: 61

EMC 1288 Darlene E. cox Vol#: 61

EMC 1289 Therese Haggerty Vol#: 61

EMC 1290 Michele Damron Vol#: 61

EMC 1291 Rachel Simon Vol#: 61

EMC 1292 K. Shawne Taylor Vol#: 61

EMC 1293 Jason Stomel Vol#: 61

EMC 1294 Angela Bowman Vol#: 61

EMC 1295 Diane Frey Vol#: 61

EMC 1296 Nicole Zaborsky Vol#: 61

EMC 1297 Heather Pool Vol#: 61

EMC 1298 Elaine M. Keene Vol#: 61

EMC 1299 Vickie Novak Vol#: 61

EMC 1300 Frances Lombaer Vol#: 61

EMC 1301 Jessie Hibbs Vol#: 61

EMC 1302 Bonnie Gaumond Vol#: 61

EMC 1303 Nathalie Geddry Vol#: 61

00N-1625 Rescission of Substantially Equivalent Decisions & Rescissio

C 5 AdvaMed, Advanced Medical Technology Ass Vol#: 1

C 6 Thermo Electron Corp. Vol#: 1

C 7 Fujifilm Medical Systems USA, Inc. Vol#: 1

C 8 Contact Lens Institute Vol#: 1

C 9 Terumo Medical Corp. Vol#: 1

00N-1674 Geriatric Use subsection in the labeling for human RX Drugs

NAD 1 Vol#: 1

00P-1572 Adopt Standard of Identity for Bottled Glacier Water,Blend

LET 1 HFS-800 to State of Alaska Vol#: 1

01N-0153 Voluntary Registration of Cosmetic Product Esstablishments

N 1 Vol#: 1

01N-0154 Color Additive Certification Request and Recordkeeping

N 1 Vol#: 1