Executive Development (R123) Pre-Course Materials

Congratulations on your selection to attend the Executive Development Course, the first year requirement of the Executive Fire Officer Program (EFOP). The following pre-course materials will help you prepare for attendance to the Executive Development Course and the subsequent requirement to complete an Applied Research Project (ARP).

Welcome Packet

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  • PDF, 220 KbWelcome Packet (PDF, 220 Kb)
    General information about the course and to help you plan your travel to the National Emergency Training Center.

A Primer on Making Presentations

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  • PDF, 72 KbMaking a Presentation (PDF, 72 Kb)
    The purpose of this primer is to provide you with practical suggestions to help you make presentations that are interesting and are effective in conveying your important ideas to your audience.

Pre-course Reading: Study Questions on Leadership on the Line

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  • PDF, 113 KbLeadership on the Line (PDF, 113 Kb)
    The following questions are designed to provide specific focus on the content of the book Leadership On The Line by Ronald A. Heifetz and Marty Linsky. Review the questions before you read the book (prior to the beginning of the Executive Development course), and refer back to the questions as necessary. Referring to these will help you prepare for leadership discussions throughout the Executive Development course.

Operational Policies & Procedures/ARP Guidelines and Applied Research Project Proposal Summary



Applied Research Self-Study Course (Q123)

The Applied Research Self-Study course (Q123) has been developed by the NFA to provide you with specific skills that will be critical to successful completion of the research component of the Executive Development course and the four Applied Research Projects (ARPs) required in the EFOP. In an effort to minimize the classroom time required to address the basic aspects of the ARP process and procedures, Q123 must be successfully completed prior to your attendance at the Executive Development course. A minimum score of 70 percent on the final exam is required for successful completion of Q123. Students who do not achieve the required minimum score may perform remedial study and retest. Students enrolled in Executive Development who arrive at NFA without having successfully completing Q123 may be dismissed from the class and the EFOP, as this course is a mandatory pre-requisite. Q123 is available at NFA Online.

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