Large Truck Crash Causation Study Analytical User's Manual June 2006 US Department of Transportation TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Programmers' Introduction to the LTCCS User's Manual and Data ................................................ 4 LTCCS Data Sets........................................................................................................................... 12 LTCCS Variable List....................................................................................................................... 17 Variable Definitions and Codes...................................................................................................... 37 Airbags Data Set...............................................................................................................38 Brakes Data Set................................................................................................................46 CargoShiftAssessments Data Set..................................................................................... 51 CDCCrush Data Set.......................................................................................................... 61 Crash Data Set.................................................................................................................. 71 CrashAssessment Data Set..............................................................................................78 CrashDiscussion Data Set ................................................................................................ 89 DMVViolation Data Set ..................................................................................................... 90 DriverAssessment Data Set..............................................................................................92 DriverDecisionAggression Data Set................................................................................ 115 DriverDrugs Data Set......................................................................................................127 DriverHealth Data Set ..................................................................................................... 129 DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set ........................................................................... 140 DriverSleep Data Set ......................................................................................................149 Environment Data Set.....................................................................................................158 Events Data Set .............................................................................................................. 174 FactorAssessment Data Set ........................................................................................... 180 GeneralVehicle Data Set ................................................................................................ 204 HazMat Data Set.............................................................................................................253 HazMatInsp Data Set......................................................................................................255 Injuries Data Set..............................................................................................................257 JackknifeAssessments Data Set..................................................................................... 301 MCMISdriverData Data Set ............................................................................................ 307 MCMISviolation Data Set................................................................................................310 NonMotorists Data Set....................................................................................................325 Occupants Data Set........................................................................................................334 Overview Data Set .......................................................................................................... 358 PARViolations Data Set .................................................................................................. 404 SaferAuthorityStatus Data Set ........................................................................................ 407 SaferCarrier Data Set...................................................................................................... 408 SaferCrashSummary Data Set ....................................................................................... 414 SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set .................................................................................. 416 SaferDriverInspection Data Set ...................................................................................... 424 SaferDriverViolation Data Set ......................................................................................... 426 SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set............................................................................... 428 SaferInsurance Data Set................................................................................................. 432 SaferReview Data Set..................................................................................................... 435 SafeStat Data Set ...........................................................................................................437 TruckExterior Data Set.................................................................................................... 440 TruckInspection Data Set................................................................................................451 TruckUnits Data Set........................................................................................................466 VehicleEvents Data Set .................................................................................................. 478 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual • 30 June 2006 Table of Contents • i VehicleExterior Data Set.................................................................................................486 Index............................................................................................................................................ 500 Appendix A: LTCCS Sampling and Analytical Issues.................................................................509 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual • 30 June 2006 Table of Contents • ii Introduction The Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999 (MCSIA), P.L. 106-159, mandated a study to determine the causes of, and contributing factors to, commercial motor vehicle crashes. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) conducted a multiyear, nationwide study of factors that contribute to truck crashes. The Large Truck Crash Causation Study’s (LTCCS) goal is to identify effective crash countermeasures. The LTCCS was conducted at 24 data collection sites in 17 States by researchers from NHTSA’s National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) and State truck inspectors. Crash data were coded in two NASS quality control Zone Centers and reviewed by FMCSA and NHTSA personnel and national truck crash experts. The LTCCS collected data on crashes from 2001 through 2003. An attempt was made to ensure that each crash involved at least one large truck with a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds, and resulted in at least one fatality or at least one incapacitating or non- incapacitating but evident injury. Data were collected on up to 1,000 elements in each crash. To get the highest quality data possible, the onsite investigations began as soon as possible after the crash occurred. Data collection was performed at each crash site by a two-person team consisting of a trained researcher and a State truck inspector. Researchers collected data at crash scenes through driver, passenger, and witness interviews. Subsequent to the crash, each truck and truck driver were subjected to a thorough inspection. After leaving the crash scene, researchers collected additional interview data by telephone from motor carriers responsible for the trucks and surrogate drivers of trucks and other vehicles when the actual drivers could not be interviewed as a result of a fatal or serious injury. Researchers also reviewed police crash reports, hospitals records, and coroners’ reports. In addition, researchers often revisited the crash scene to make more accurate scene diagrams and search for additional data. Together the teams collected data on approximately 1,000 variables on each crash. Crash case data were provided to NHTSA crash experts for coding, difficult cases were reviewed by NHTSA and FMCSA headquarters staff, and finalized cases were sent to DOT’s Volpe National Transportation Systems Center for inclusion in the study’s electronic database. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Introduction • 3 Programmers' Introduction to the LTCCS User's Manual and Data Table Design There are 1070 crashes documented in the Large Truck Crash Causation Study (LTCCS) database. Each of these is assigned a unique CaseID. There were 2284 vehicles involved in the study crashes, each of which is assigned a VehicleNumber (from 1 to 30). Any vehicle in the database can be uniquely identified by CaseID and VehicleNumber. There are 3014 vehicle occupants and 53 non-motorists in the study. Each occupant is assigned an OccupantNumber (from 1 to 11). Each non-motorist is assigned a NonMotoristNumber (from 1 to 7). Occupants can be uniquely identified by CaseID, VehicleNumber, and OccupantNumber, and non- motorists by CaseID and NonMotoristNumber. The database further identifies 2777 distinct events, each of which is one in a sequence of events which occur in the course of a crash. Each of these events can be uniquely identified by CaseID and EventSequence. When joining (i.e. merging) tables one must match those elements which uniquely identify records in the table, e.g. joining the VehicleEvents table with the GeneralVehicle table requires matching by common CaseID and VehicleNumber. There is one crash-level table, Crash and each row in this table corresponds to a single crash. This is the single most general, or "top-level" table. All other tables give finer levels of detail, with multiple rows per crash. The level of detail of the rows of a particular table can be determined by the introduction to the table given in the User's Manual. A description of the variables which must be taken together to uniquely identify each record are also given there. Variable Reference The LTCCS database (LTCCS DB) is released in three formats, SAS, MS-Excel, and plain text. Many of the values in the LTCCS DB are numeric codes corresponding to some meaningful value description. These values are captured by the SAS version of the LTCCS DB, but not the MS- Excel or text versions. To assist users of the study data, a LTCCS DB Variable Reference table has been created for the Excel and text versions, which lists the LTCCS tables and variables with their code values and descriptions. By using this Variable Reference one may determine the meaning of a particular variable code value. This reference is automatically included in both the MS-Excel and text format download packages. Avoiding Difficulties It is recommended that the User's Manual be consulted carefully, rather than relying on intuitive interpretations of variable names. Most variables have integer values. In some cases these are literal values, e.g. counts. In others, these values are codes representing some other value which can be found in the variable reference. For example, the variable OCCFatality in dataset Crash does not represent the number of fatalities in the crash, but rather, whether there were any fatalities, as well as whether any fatalities were ruled due to disease rather than injury. Vehicle body type is identified by GVEBodyType in the GeneralVehicle dataset. By the methodology of the LTCCS large trucks are those with values for GVEBodyType = {60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 78}. LTCCS Analytical User's ManualProgrammers' Introduction to the LTCCS User's Manual and Data • 4 Examples All Trucks, Simple Count This algorithm obtains a simple, un-weighted count of the large trucks involved in the LTCCS. It demonstrates how to use the GVEBodyType variable to identify a particular vehicle as a large truck, and how to use the RATWeight variable to filter out invalid cases. Only cases with a positive RATWeight are valid for the purpose of the study. Invalid cases were included for purposes of qualitative analysis. 1) Access GeneralVehicle table. 2) Select only cases with values for GVEBodyType = {60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 74, 78}. Depending on the programming environment used this may be more easily implemented by selecting cases where (GVEBodyType >= 60 & GVEBodyType <= 78 & GVEBodyType <> 65). 3) Select only cases with values for RATWeight > 0. 4) Count all remaining cases. This gives the unweighted number of large trucks in the LTCCS. 5) Sum all values for RATWeight. This gives the weighted number of large trucks involved in serious crashes nation-wide. There are 1123 large trucks in the LTCCS. There are an estimated 141,200 large trucks involved in serious crashes nation-wide over the 33 month study period. Trucks by Vehicle Configuration The purpose of this table is to categorize large trucks involved in the LTCCS by vehicle configuration type, e.g. single-unit or tractor-trailer, and to give unweighted counts of the number of large trucks in each category. Single-unit vehicles are classified by their number of axles. Combination vehicles by the number of trailers being towed. 1) Access TruckUnits table. 2) Mark all vehicles with at least one value of AxlesUsed = {7, 8, 9}. 3) Select only cases with values for RATWeight > 0. 4) Create variable AxleCt. If AxlesNotUsed <= 3 then set AxleCt = AxlesUsed + AxlesNotUsed, else set AxleCt = AxlesUsed. Please note: values greater than three for AxlesNotUsed are not valid counts of axles. They indicate that the axles were not inspected, that this variable is not applicable, or that the count of axles not used is unknown. 5) Count number of axles for each vehicle by summing the number of axles for each unit constituting that vehicle. 6) Perform inner join (i.e. merge) of results with Overview table. 7) Classify vehicles as follows: a. Vehicles with a single unit, a value of OVEConfiguration = 'R', and AxleCt = 2 are classified as "Single Unit - Two Axles", b. Vehicles with a single unit, a value of OVEConfiguration = 'R', and AxleCt > 2 are classified as "Single Unit - Three or More Axles", c. Vehicles with a single unit, a value of OVEConfiguration = 'R', and the number of axles is unknown (results from Step 2) are classified as "Single Unit - Axles Unknown", d. Vehicles with a value of OVEConfiguration = 'Not Insp' are classified as "Other/Unknown/Missing", e. Vehicles with a value of OVEConfiguration = 'T' are classified as "Combo Truck - Truck Tractor (bobtail)", LTCCS Analytical User's ManualProgrammers' Introduction to the LTCCS User's Manual and Data • 5 f. Vehicles with a value of OVEConfiguration = {'RF', 'RO'} are classified as "Combo Truck - Truck Pulling Trailer(s)", g. Vehicles with a value of OVEConfiguration = {'TO', 'TS', 'TSA'} are classified as "Combo Truck - Tractor pulling Trailer", h. Vehicles with a value of OVEConfiguration = {'TSAS', 'TSCS', 'TSF', 'TSXS'} are classified as "Combo Truck - Tractor pulling Two Trailers", i. Vehicles with a value of OVEConfiguration = {'ISS', 'ROO'} are classified as "Other/Unknown/Missing" (please note that the two cases included here, one instance of ISS and one instance of ROO may appear to fall under specific categories, but a review of the case discussion, CrashDiscussion.Discussion, shows them both to be unique and unusual cases and therefore valid instances of 'Other'). 8) Sum vehicle counts in each classification and calculate percentage for each classification by dividing its count by the total number of large trucks (1123). Results are given in table 1 below. Table 1. Trucks by Vehicle Configuration Vehicle Configuration Unit Count Percentage Single Unit - Two Axles 124 11.0% Single Unit - Three Axles or more 157 14.0% Single Unit - Axles Unknown 2 0.2% Combo Truck - Truck Tractor – Bobtail 29 2.6% Combo Truck - Truck Tractor(s) 40 3.6% Combo Truck - Tractor pulling Trailer 697 62.1% Combo Truck - Tractor pulling Two Trailers 54 4.8% Other/Unknown/Missing 20 1.8% Total 1123 100.0% Trucks in Single-Vehicle Crashes by Critical Reason These crashes involved only a single vehicle. In every case that vehicle was a large truck; no passenger vehicles were involved in any of these crashes. The critical reason (ACRReason in table CrashAssessment, and OVEReason in table Overview) is the immediate reason for the critical event, which is the event that made the crash inevitable. The numbers in the second column represent the rounded estimates of how often these factors would be coded for all 141,200 estimated trucks involved in fatal and injury crashes that occurred during the 33-month period of the study. When the program is run, it will provide unrounded estimates. The numbers in this table have been rounded to the nearest 1,000 because they are National estimates and subject to sampling and nonsampling errors. The percentages in the last column are based on the unrounded estimates divided by 141,200 which is the unrounded estimate of trucks involved in fatal and injury crashes during the 33 months. 1) Perform join (i.e. merge) of two tables, CrashAssessment and Crash using the CaseID variable. 2) Select only cases with VehicleCount = 1. 3) Select only cases with values for RATWeight > 0. Please note: this step is optional. Including this step will filter out large trucks which have zero weighting. There were 107 such cases, which were surveyed as part of the study but given a weight of zero because they did not meet the study criteria for one reason or another. These cases were still included in the study dataset, however, as additional qualitative data. LTCCS Analytical User's ManualProgrammers' Introduction to the LTCCS User's Manual and Data • 6 4) For each value of ACRReason compute the sum of the values for RATWeight, i.e. group cases by values of ACRReason and take the weighted counts. Calculate percentage by dividing the weighted count by total weighted count. Results for step 4 are rounded and given in Table 2 below. 5) Take results of 3) and take weighted counts of cases for each value of ReasonCat. Calculate percentage for reason category by dividing its count by the total number of large trucks. Results for step 5 are given in Table 3 below. Table 2. Trucks in Single-Vehicle Crashes by Critical Reason Critical Reason Number Percentage Too fast for curve/turn 9,000 22.3% Sleep, that is, actually asleep 5,000 12.8% Cargo shifted 3,000 6.6% Too fast for conditions to be able to respond... 2,000 6.4% Inattention (i.e., daydreaming) 2,000 5.9% Heart attack or other physical impairment of the ability... 2,000 5.9% Overcompensation 2,000 4.2% Poor directional control e.g., failing to control vehicle... 2,000 4.0% Critical event not coded to this vehicle 1,000 3.8% Inadequate surveillance (e.g., failed to look, looked but... 1,000 3.6% Type of driver error unknown 1,000 3.5% Internal distraction 1,000 3.4% Unknown recognition error 1,000 2.8% Aggressive driving behavior 1,000 2.1% Suspension failed 1,000 2.1% Degraded braking capability 1,000 2.0% Unknown critical non-performance * 1.3% Other decision error * 1.3% Tires/wheels failed * 1.0% Road design – other * 0.9% External distraction * 0.9% Brakes failed * 0.8% Slick roads (low friction road surface due to ice... * 0.6% Illegal maneuver * 0.4% Following too closely to respond to unexpected actions * 0.4% Other critical non-performance * 0.4% Wind gust * 0.3% Steering failed * 0.2% Misjudgment of gap or other's speed * 0.2% Unknown reason for critical event * 0.1% Road design - roadway geometry (e.g., ramp curvature) 0 0.0% Total 38,000 100.0% * Weighted numbers lower than 500 are rounded to zero. LTCCS Analytical User's ManualProgrammers' Introduction to the LTCCS User's Manual and Data • 7 Table 3. Trucks in Single-Vehicle Crashes by Critical Reason Summary Category Reason Category Number Percentage Driver Decision Factor 13,000 33.1% Physical Driver Factor 8,000 20.3% Driver Recognition Factor 6,000 16.5% Vehicle Related Factor 5,000 12.7% Driver Performance Factor 4,000 11.6% No Driver Error 1,000 3.8% Environment - Highway 1,000 1.6% Environment - Weather * 0.3% Unknown Reason * 0.1% Total 38,000 100.0% * Weighted numbers lower than 500 are rounded to zero. One Truck/One Passenger Vehicle Crashes, Associated Factors One type of crash of particular interest to many investigators is the one truck/one passenger vehicle (PV) crash. These include any crash in which the first two vehicles to collide were a large truck and a passenger vehicle. This algorithm ignores vehicles involved in follow-on collisions. Only the first two vehicles to collide are of interest here. This algorithm describes compilation of a table showing the number of large trucks and passenger vehicles in one truck/one PV crashes by five associated crash factors, 1) prescription drug use, 2) traveling too fast for conditions, 3) braking system problem, 4) driver fatigue, and 5) weather. Two-vehicle crashes are included in this example only if one vehicle was a large truck, and the other a passenger vehicle. One example of a two-vehicle crash not included in this example is a two-vehicle crash involving two large trucks. Another example of a two-vehicle crash not included in this particular example would be a two-vehicle crash involving a large truck and a motorcycle. Additionally, multi-vehicle crashes are included in this example if and only if the first two vehicles to collide are a large truck and a passenger vehicle. In such a crash, only those two vehicles are included. Other vehicles involved in the pile-up are excluded from this particular example. The complexities of this example require that the vehicles to be used in the example be selected in two groups. The first group of vehicles are those involved in two-vehicle crashes. They are identified in steps 1 - 5. The second group of vehicles are those involved in multi-vehicle crashes. They are identified in steps 6 - 32. Step 33 merges these two groups of vehicles. The primary tasks involved in compiling this table are, 1) Classification of the vehicles involved in each event, 2) Identification of the two vehicles involved in the first collision, 3) Identification of one truck/one passenger vehicle crashes, and 4) Identification and summation of the associated factors relevant to all vehicles by vehicle type (i.e. truck versus passenger vehicle). 1) Join (i.e. merge) the GeneralVehicle and Crash data sets. 2) Select only cases for which VehicleCount = 2, TruckCount = 1, and CarCount = 1. 3) Classify vehicles as follows: a. If 1 <= GVEBodyType <= 22, or 28 <= GVEBodyType <= 48, the vehicle is a Passenger Vehicle (PV), b. If 60 <= GVEBodyType <= 78 and GVEBodyType <> 65, the vehicle is a Truck, c. All other vehicles are classified as Other. 4) Assign classifications to new variable called VehicleClass. 5) Save results keeping only CaseID VehicleNumber VehicleClass and RATWeight. 6) Join (i.e. merge) tables Events and GeneralVehicle by CaseID and VehicleNumber. LTCCS Analytical User's ManualProgrammers' Introduction to the LTCCS User's Manual and Data • 8 7) Classify vehicles as follows: a. If 1 <= GVEBodyType <= 22, or 28 <= GVEBodyType <= 48, the vehicle is a Passenger Vehicle (PV), b. If 60 <= GVEBodyType <= 78 and GVEBodyType <> 65, the vehicle is a Truck, c. All other vehicles are classified as Other. 8) Assign classifications to new variable called FirstVehicleClass. 9) Rename VehicleNumber to FirstVehicleNumber. 10) Save results. 11) Access table Events. 12) Select only cases for which EVEObjectContacted <> 0 and EVEObjectContacted <= 30. 13) Delete variable VehicleNumber. 14) Rename EVEObjectContacted to VehicleNumber. 15) Join (i.e. merge) results with table GeneralVehicle by CaseID and VehicleNumber. 16) Classify vehicles as follows: a. If 1 <= GVEBodyType <= 22, or 28 <= GVEBodyType <= 48, the vehicle is a Passenger Vehicle (PV), b. If 60 <= GVEBodyType <= 78 and GVEBodyType <> 65, the vehicle is a Truck, c. All other vehicles are classified as Other. 17) Assign classifications to new variable called SecondVehicleClass. 18) Rename VehicleNumber to SecondVehicleNumber. 19) Save results. 20) Join (i.e. merge) results of step 10) and step 19) by CaseID and EventSequence. 21) Select only cases with positive values for both FirstVehicleNumber and SecondVehicleNumber. 22) Filter cases by selecting only the minimum value of EventSequence for each value of CaseID. 23) Join (i.e. merge) results with Crash table. 24) Select only cases with values for RATWeight > 0. Please note: this step is optional. Including this step will filter out large trucks which have zero weighting. There were 107 such cases, which were surveyed as part of the study but given a weight of zero because they did not meet the study criteria for one reason or another. These cases were still included in the study data set, however, as additional qualitative data. 25) Select only cases for which VehicleCount > 2. 26) Select only cases in which one vehicle is of type Truck and the other vehicle is of type Passenger Vehicle. 27) Save results. 28) Rename variable FirstVehicleClass to VehicleClass and rename FirstVehicleNumber to VehicleNumber. 29) Save results keeping only CaseID VehicleNumber VehicleClass and RATWeight. 30) Access results from step 27). 31) Rename variable SecondVehicleNumber to VehicleNumber and rename variable SecondVehicleClass to VehicleClass. LTCCS Analytical User's ManualProgrammers' Introduction to the LTCCS User's Manual and Data • 9 32) Save results keeping only CaseID VehicleNumber VehicleClass and RATWeight. 33) Concatenate results from steps 5), 29) and 32). 34) Join (i.e. merge) results with DriverDecisionAggression table by CaseID and VehicleNumber. 35) Create variable TooFast. If Speeding = 1 or Speeding = 2 or Speeding = 3, then set TooFast = RATWeight, else set TooFast = 0. 36) Save Results. 37) Access DriverDrugs table. Select only cases with DrugType = 1. This table consists of one row per drug used by the driver prior to the crash. For some cases there are multiple instances of prescription drug use by a driver. Eliminate repeat rows, i.e. there must be at most one row with value of DrugType = 1 per driver. 38) Join (i.e. merge) results with results from step 36) by CaseID and VehicleNumber. 39) Create variable PrescripDrug. If DrugType = 1, then set PrescripDrug = RATWeight, else set PrescripDrug = 0. 40) Perform join (i.e. merge) of results with FactorAssessment table by CaseID and VehicleNumber. 41) Create variable BrakeFactor. If BrakeFailure = 1 or BrakesOutOfAdjustment = 1 or BrakesInoperative = 1 or BrakesSystemDeficiency = 1, then set BrakeFactor = RATWeight, else set BrakeFactor = 0. 42) Create variable WeatherFactor. If WeatherCount >= 1 and WeatherCount <= 6, then set WeatherFactor = RATWeight, else set WeatherFactor = 0. 43) Join (i.e. merge) results with DriverAssessment table by CaseID and VehicleNumber. 44) Create variable DriverFatigue. If Fatigue = 1, then set DriverFatigue = RATWeight, else set DriverFatigue = 0. 45) Group cases by VehicleClass. The weighted number of large trucks or passenger vehicles in one truck/one passenger vehicle crashes that were speeding - or more specifically, traveling too fast for conditions - is the sum of the variable TooFast. Similarly, summing PrescripDrug yields the number of drivers taking prescription drugs. Summing BrakeFactor yields the number of vehicles with faulty brakes. Summing WeatherFactor yields the number of vehicles for which inclement weather was a factor (and as expected the number is the same for large trucks and passenger vehicles). Summing DriverFatigue yields the number of vehicles driven by fatigued drivers. Results are given below. 46) Note that results are rounded to nearest 1000. Percentages are calculated by dividing the weighted count of vehicles per factor, by the total number of each type of vehicle involved in one truck/one PV crashes (i.e. 65460.17). LTCCS Analytical User's ManualProgrammers' Introduction to the LTCCS User's Manual and Data • 10 Table 4. Vehicles Involved in One Truck/One Passenger Vehicle Crashes by Associated Factor. Truck PV Factor Number Percentage Number Percentage TooFast 10,000 15.3% 7,000 10.5% PrescripDrug 19,000 28.9% 23,000 34.8% BrakeFactor 18,000 27.0% 1,000 1.6% WeatherFactor 9,000 13.5% 9,000 13.5% DriverFatigue 5,000 7.4% 10,000 14.8% LTCCS Analytical User's ManualProgrammers' Introduction to the LTCCS User's Manual and Data • 11 LTCCS Data Sets LTCCS data are available to the public in the form of 43 data sets. The data sets are available in SAS, Microsoft Excel, or delimited text versions. Ten of them are imported from SAFER (FMCSA's Safety and Fitness Electronic Records) and two are imported from MCMIS (Motor Carrier Management Information System) data. The rest contain researcher-collected data. • The Airbags data set contains all the airbag-related information for each of the vehicles involved in the crash. This material is provided as one record per airbag. • The Brakes data set contains information about the brake equipment on the vehicles. It is broken out by axle, which becomes part of the unique key of this data set. This material is provided as one record per axle for each truck involved in the crash for which brakes have been coded. • The CargoshiftAssessments data set contains detailed information on cargo shift events for all vehicles in the crash. Cargo shift is a pre-crash event. One record of this information is stored for each vehicle. • The CDCCrush data set contains detailed information about the crush profile for each impact, coded to a vehicle damaged in the crash. This material is provided as one record per unit/event/deformation location for any vehicle involved in the crash. • The Crash data set contains all details that are related to the crash itself, and not individual vehicles involved in the crash. There is one record per crash. The fields contained in this data set cover all the higher-level aspects of each case, such as highest injury severities. • The CrashAssessment data set contains assessment information for each vehicle and driver involved in the crash. One record of this information exists for each vehicle. • The CrashDiscussion data set contains the assessment summary for each vehicle and driver in the crash. This material is provided as one record per vehicle. • The DMVViolation data set contains information on the driver’s prior record of motor vehicle violations. One record is provided for each violation and is stored for each vehicle/driver where this information is available. • The DriverAssessment data set contains assessment information on the driver regarding level of attention, behavior, mental or emotional state prior to the crash. One record of this information exists for each vehicle/driver. • The DriverDecisionAggression data set contains a variety of data supporting the analyst’s assessment. It focuses particularly on the driver’s decisions and aggressive behavior. One record of this information exists for each vehicle/driver. • The DriverDrugs data set contains information supporting the analyst’s assessment on the driver’s use of any drug prior to the crash. One record of this information exists for each drug. • The DriverHealth data set contains a variety of data supporting the analyst’s assessment. It focuses particularly on the area of driver health. One record of this information exists for each vehicle/driver. • The DriverRecognitionDistraction data set contains a variety of data supporting the analyst’s assessment. It focuses particularly on the driver’s recognition and distraction. One record of this information exists for each vehicle/driver. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Data Sets • 12 • The DriverSleep data set contains a variety of data supporting the analyst’s assessment. It focuses particularly on the area of driver sleep patterns and fatigue. One record of this information exists for each vehicle/driver. • The Environment data set contains information on the physical parameters of the roadway in the vicinity of the crash, any adverse weather conditions, how the driver was operating the vehicle and any distraction information if applicable. One record of this information is stored for each vehicle. • The Events data set contains all details that describe the events occurring during the crash. A record exists for each crash event. • The FactorAssessment data set contains a variety of data supporting the analyst’s assessment. It focuses particularly on roadway, environment, and vehicle-related factors. One record of this information exists for each vehicle. • The GeneralVehicle data set contains general information about the vehicle. This material is provided as one record per vehicle. • The HazMat data set contains information on hazardous material cargo for trucks carrying such material at the time of the crash. There is a record for each hazardous material. • The HazMatInsp data set contains information about hazardous material inspections for trucks carrying such material at the time of the crash. There is a record for each hazardous material inspection. • The Injuries data set contains all the injury information for occupants of vehicles involved in the crash. Each occupant injury is assigned a sequential injury number. This material is provided as one record per injury. • The IntvwCarrier data set contains information from the carrier on the carrier’s business operation and the truck driver. One record exists for each truck in the crash. • The IntvwDrAggresiveDriving data set contains information about driver behavior prior to the crash, based on the interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrAttention data set contains information about driver attention and any distractions prior to the crash, based on interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrCargoshift data set contains information about cargo shifting as a potential contributor to the crash, based on interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrCondition data set contains information about the condition of the vehicle involved in the crash, based on interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrDriver data set contains collected information from all the Interview documents focusing particularly on driver license status (CDL). There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrFatigue data set contains information about the driver and extent of fatigue, based on the interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrFire data set contains information from the driver regarding smoke or fire as a potential contributor to the crash, based on the interviews. There may be multiple LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Data Sets • 13 interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrHealth data set contains information on the general physical health of the driver prior to the crash, based on the interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrJackknife data set contains detailed information about the jackknife event that took place prior to the crash, based on the interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrPerception data set contains detailed information about the driver’s perception of events that took place prior to the crash, based on the interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrRollover data set contains information on the rollover event, based on the interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrSleep data set contains information on the driver regarding the extent of sleep obtained before the crash, based on the interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrTrip data set contains information regarding the trip underway prior to the crash, based on the interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The IntvwDrViolations data set contains information on any driving or equipment violations in effect prior to, or issued after, the crash, based on the interviews. There may be multiple interviews per vehicle, which is reflected in InterviewType. One record is stored for each interview. • The JackknifeAssessments data set contains jackknife information on all vehicles. This material is provided as one record per vehicle. • The MCMISdriverData data set contains the number of prior crashes, vehicle inspections and inspection violations associated with this driver as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System. One record is stored for each vehicle/driver where this information is available. • The MCMISviolation data set contains information on the specific inspection violations issued to a driver for previous inspections as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System. One record of this information exists for each violation. • The NonMotorists data set contains information on nonmotorists who were involved in the crash. One record is stored for each nonmotorist. • The Occupants data set contains all the information related to each of the occupants in the vehicles involved in the crash. Not all occupants in the vehicle are researched in detail, so for many occupant records these values are “Unknown.” This material is provided as one record per occupant. • The Overview data set contains a summary of factors coded to each vehicle involved in the crash. Data from select assessment variables in other data sets are provided here. This facilitates analysis of factors that may have contributed to the crash. However, it is important to note that the presence of a particular factor does not necessarily indicate causation. There is one record in the data set for each vehicle. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Data Sets • 14 • The PARViolations data set contains violations filed against the driver as a result of the crash and reported on the Police Accident Report. One record of this information is stored for each violation charged. • The SaferAuthorityStatus data set includes information on the insurance licensing authority for the driver’s carrier. This material is imported from the FMCSA Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) database and is provided as one record per vehicle/driver for which this carrier information is available. • The SaferCarrier data set contains information on the operations of the driver’s carrier from the FMCSA SAFER database. This material is provided as one record per vehicle/driver for which this carrier information is available. • The SaferCrashSummary data set contains summary crash information for the driver’s carrier reported to the FMCSA for a period of 4 years. Each record represents one year of data and four records are stored for each vehicle/driver for which this carrier information is available. • The SaferDriverCrashReport data set contains historical information for previous crashes involving the driver from the FMCSA SAFER database. One record of this information is stored for each previous crash listed on inspection reports for the driver. This information is provided for each vehicle/driver where available. • The SaferDriverInspection data set contains inspection information for the driver while employed by this carrier from the FMCSA SAFER database. One record of this information is stored for each inspection report and is provided for each vehicle/driver where available. • The SaferDriverViolation data set includes information on any violation issued to the driver while employed by this carrier from the FMCSA SAFER database. One record of this information is stored for each violation listed on inspection reports for the driver. This information is provided for each vehicle/driver where available. • The SaferInspectionsSummary data set contains a summary of vehicle, driver, and hazardous material inspection information for the driver’s carrier reported to the FMCSA for the period of 2 years prior to the date of inquiry. This material is provided as one record per vehicle/driver for which this carrier information is available. • The SaferInsurance data set includes information on the type and status of insurance that the driver’s carrier holds from the FMCSA SAFER database. This material is provided as one record per vehicle/driver for which this carrier information is available. • The SaferReview data set contains the safety ratings of the driver’s carrier based on their compliance with FMCSA regulations from the FMCSA SAFER database. One record of this information is provided for each carrier review and reviews are stored for each vehicle/driver where this information is available. • The SafeStat data set contains safety statistics for the driver’s carrier from the FMCSA SAFER database. Scores are compiled for driver, vehicle, accident, and the safety management areas. One record of this information is provided for each SafeStat score assigned to a carrier. These scores are stored for each vehicle/driver where this information is available. • The TruckExterior data set contains information on each truck in the crash. Passenger vehicles involved in the crash are not included in this data set but instead are covered under VehicleExterior. This material is provided as one record per truck involved in the crash. • The TruckInspection data set combines information on Federal inspection violations. There may be more than one record per truck. Each record represents a violation. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Data Sets • 15 • The TruckUnits data set contains detailed information about each unit involved in the crash. This includes both power units and trailers, where applicable, as indicated by the position field, which is part of the key of this data set. This material is provided as one record per truck unit. • The VehicleEvents data set contains information about events, such as safety equipment deployment and fires that occurred during and immediately after the crash. One record exists for each vehicle. • The VehicleExterior data set contains information on each passenger vehicle in the crash. Trucks are not included in this data set but instead are covered under TruckExterior. This material is provided as one record for each passenger vehicle involved in the crash. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Data Sets • 16 LTCCS Variable List The following variables are contained in all of the data sets: CaseID The CaseID number is the identifier for the case. This variable is a unique number assigned to each crash. It appears on each data set and is used to merge the various information from the data sets together. PSU The PSU number refers to the geographic location of the Primary Sampling Unit investigating the case. There are 25 possible values ranging from 2 to 82. A PSU is either a large central city, a county surrounding a city, or a group of counties. This variable appears on each data set. PSUStrata PSUStrata refers to the number assigned to a crash during the first stage of sample selection. Analysts use the PSUStrata number and the SUDAAN statistical system to calculate variance. This variable appears on each data set. RATWeight The RATWeight is the multiplier used to produce national estimates from the data. This variable appears on each data set. The following variable is found in all vehicle-level the data sets: VehicleNumber The VehicleNumber is the number assigned to each vehicle in the case. This variable appears on each vehicle level data set and is used in conjunction with the CaseID variable to merge information from vehicle level data sets together. The following pages contain a list of all the variables in the LTCCS data sets. The list is organized alphabeticaly by data set. Within each data set, the variables are listed in the order they appear in the data set. The list displays the variable’s title, the variable’s name, and the page number where the variable can be found in the manual. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 17 VARIABLE LIST Airbags Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Air Bag Occupant Number Seat Row 1 Seat Location 1 Seat Row 2 Seat Location 2 Deployment Location Of Air Bag Air Bag Status Type Of Air Bag Redesigned Air Bag Air Bag Deployment Indications Of Air Bag Failure? Type Of Cutoff Switch Cutoff Switch Position Status Did Air Bag Module Cover Flaps Open At Designated Tear Points? Were The Cover Flaps Damaged? Was There Damage To The Air Bag? Source Of Air Bag Damage Had The Vehicle Been In Previous Crashes? Had Any Prior Maintenance/Service Been Performed On Air Bag System? CDC For Air Bag Deployment Impact Was The Air Bag In This Occupant’s Position Contacted By Another Occupant? AIROccupantNumber 38 SeatRow1 38 SeatLocation1 38 SeatRow2 39 SeatLocation2 39 AirbagLocation 39 AirbagStatus 40 AirbagType 40 Depowered 40 Deployment 41 AirbagFailure 41 SwitchType 41 SwitchStatus 42 FlapsOpen 42 FlapsDamaged 43 AirbagDamage 43 DamageSource 44 PriorCrashes 44 PriorMaintenance 44 CDC 45 ContactOther 45 Brakes Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Axle Brake Type Brake Axle Position ABS Installed? ABS Functional? Adjustor Type Chamber Size Chamber Type Stroke Type Left Length Right Length Variable Title Axle 46 BrakeType 46 BRAPosition 46 ABSInstalled 47 ABSFunctional 47 AdjustorType 47 ChamberSize 48 ChamberType 48 StrokeType 49 LeftLength 49 RightLength 49 CargoShiftAssessments Data Set Variable Name Page Type Of Cargo Shift Event ACSType 51 Vehicle Location At Start Of Cargo Shift ACSLocation 51 Movement Count MovementCount 52 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 18 Cause Count Precrash Cargo Spillage? Driving At Constant Velocity Traversing A Curve Completing Turn Light Braking Accelerating Completing Avoidance Maneuver Other Event Circumstance Throttle Input Only Moderate Braking Heavy Braking Traversing A Straight Section Improper Loading (General Freight) Improper Loading (Bulk Freight) CauseCount 52 ACSSpillage 52 ACSConstant 53 ACSCurve 53 ACSTurn 53 ACSLightBraking 54 ACSAccelerating 54 ACSAvoidance 54 OtherMovement 55 ACSDecelerating 55 ACSModerateBraking 55 ACSHeavyBraking 56 ACSStraight 56 ImproperGeneralLoading 56 ImproperBulkLoading 57 Inadequate Securement (Number Of Tie Downs)SparseTieDowns 57 Inadequate Securement (Strength Of Tie Downs) Other Source Of Solids Shift Less Than Full Load (Slosh) Baffle Failure Compartment Partition Failure Tank Failure Other Source Of Liquid Shift Other Cargo Shift Types Unknown Cause Of Cargo Shift Variable Title WeakTieDowns 57 OtherSolids 58 Sloshing 58 BaffleFailure 58 CompartmentFailure 58 TankFailure 59 OtherLiquids 59 OtherCargos 59 UnknownCause 60 CDCCrush Data Set Variable Name Page Position Number Deformation Classification Type Object Contacted Category CDC Object Contacted Force Direction Clock Force Override/Underride Deformation Location Deformation – Longitudinal Or Lateral Deformation – Vertical Or Lateral Deformation Distribution Deformation Extent Deform Code Impact Number Direct Damage Location Field L Location Max Crush Location CDC Category CDC Width PositionNumber 61 DCType 61 ObjectContactClass 62 CDCObjectContact 62 ForceDirection 64 ClockForce 64 OverrideDesc 64 DeformLocation 65 DeformLong 65 DeformVertical 66 DeformDistribution 67 DeformExtent 67 DeformCode 68 ImpactNumber 68 DamageLocation 68 FieldLocation 69 MaxCrushLocation 69 CDCCategory 69 CDCWidth 69 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 19 Crash Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Crash Date Time Of Crash Total Number Of Vehicles In Crash Truck Count Car Count Nonmotorist Count Crash Summary Injury Crash Severity Code – Police Injury Crash Severity Code – Researched Case Summary Collision Type Medical Treatment Occupant Fatality Alcohol Involvement? Drug Involvement? CrashDate 71 CrashTime 71 VehicleCount 71 TruckCount 72 CARCount 72 NonMotoristCount 72 CrashType 72 CrashPARSevCode 73 CrashRESSevCode 73 Summary 74 CollisionType 75 Treatment 76 OCCFatality 77 CRAAlcohol 77 AnyDrugsCrash 77 CrashAssessment Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Pre-Event Movement Critical Precrash Event Critical Precrash Event Categories Critical Reason For The Critical Event Critical Reason Categories Attempted Avoidance Maneuver Pre-Impact Stability Pre-Impact Location Right-Of-Way? Crash Type Crash Configuration Jackknife Cargo Shift PreEventMovement 78 ACRCriticalEvent 79 CriticalEventCat 80 ACRReason 81 ReasonCat 82 ACRAvoidance 83 ACRStability 84 ACRLocation 84 ACRRightOfWay 84 CrashCode 85 AccidentCat 87 ACRJackknife 88 ACRCargoshift 88 CrashDiscussion Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Case Summary Discussion 89 DMVViolation Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page License State LicState 90 Citation Date CitDate 90 Conviction Date ConvDate 90 ACD Code ACDcode 91 ACD Detail ACDdetail 91 Violation Description ViolDescription 91 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 20 DriverAssessment Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Was This Driver’s Sight Line To The Other Vehicle Clear? Was This Driver’s View Of The Other Vehicle Obscured? Was This Driver Required To Stop Prior To Crash Occurrence? Period Of Time Stopped Prior To Entering Intersection And/Or Initiating Turn SightLine 92 Obscured 92 StopRequired 93 TimeStopped 93 After Checking For Traffic, Did This Driver Focus On Intended Turn Destination Or Other Location? Sleep Related To Work Schedule Sleep Related To Social Schedule Sleep Related To Personal Problems Sleep Related To Family Problems Sleep Related To Illness No Driver Present Sleep Related To Other Factor Sleep Related To Unknown Factor Alcohol Use Alcohol Test Source Of BAC Test Result Time Delay (Between Crash And BAC Test) Illegal Drug Use Driver Fatigue Was The Driver Upset Prior To The Crash? Was The Driver In A Hurry Prior To Crash? Other Emotional Factors Vehicle Familiarity Roadway Familiarity Work Pressure Factors Count Learning New Position Production/Shipping Deadlines Work Schedule Pressure Additional Production/Sales Requirements Forced To Accept Loads With Little Or No Advance Notice Demoted Self Induced Work Pressure - Illegal Self Induced Work Pressure - Other Other Work Pressure Comfort Count Uncomfortable With Surrounding Traffic Densities Uncomfortable With General Traffic Speeds Uncomfortable with General Traffic Flow Uncomfortable With Some Aspect Of Vehicle/Load Other Comfort Factor Under Pressure To Accept Loads Work Fatigue Factors Count Scheduled Loads Require Extended Hours Scheduled Trips Require Rotating Shift Focused 94 ADRWorkSchedule 94 SocialSchedule 95 PersonalProblems 95 FamilyProblems 96 Illness 96 NoDriverPresent 96 ADROtherFactor 97 UnknownFactor 97 AlcoholUse 97 AlcoholTest 98 TestSource 98 TestDelay 99 DrugTest 99 Fatigue 100 Upset 100 Hurrying 101 Emotional 101 KnewVehicle 102 KnewRoad 102 WorkPressureCount 103 NewPosition 103 ShippingDeadline 104 EXPWorkSchedule 104 Quotas 104 ExtraLoads 105 Demoted 105 SelfInducedIllegal 105 SelfInducedOther 106 OtherPressure 106 ComfortCount 107 TrafficDensity 107 TrafficSpeed 107 ADRTrafficFlow 108 VehicleLoad 108 OtherComfortFactor 108 LoadPressure 109 WorkFatigueCount 109 ScheduledExtensions 110 RotatingShift 110 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 21 Unscheduled Loads Require Extended Hours Not Applicable – Under Pressure To Operate Even If Fatigued Other Fatigue-Related Factors Other Pressure Count Required To Accept Short Notice Trips Required To Fill In For Other Drivers Required To Complete Unpaid Loading Variable Compensation Package Not Applicable – Other Relation Factor Types Other Carrier Relation Factors UnscheduledExtensions 110 NoApplicableFatigue 111 OtherFatigue 111 OtherPressureCount 112 ShortNoticeTrips 112 FillInTrips 112 UnpaidLoading 113 VariableCompensation 113 NoApplicableRelations 113 OtherRelations 114 DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Traveling Too Fast For Conditions Speeding 115 Following Too Closely Tailgating 115 Misjudgment Of Gap Distance Or Velocity Of Other Vehicle Misjudgment 116 Other Vehicle Approaching From This Driver’s Approach 116 Police Reported Travel Speed ADATravelSpeed 117 Posted Speed Limit ADAPostedSpeed 117 False Assumption Of Other Road User’s Actions Assumption 118 Inadequate Evasive Action Evasion 118 Other Decision Factors ADAOtherFactor 119 Illegal Maneuver Count ManeuverCount 119 Crossed Full Barrier Lines While Passing CrossedLine 120 Passed On Right (Drive Off Pavement To Pass) Undertaking 120 Turned From Wrong Lane Initiated Illegal U-Turn Failed To Stop For TCD Drove Wrong Way On One-Way Road Other Illegal Maneuver Aggression Count Speeding Tailgating Weaving In And Out Of Traffic Intentional Violation Of Traffic Control Devices Accelerated Rapidly/Stopped Suddenly Honking Horn Flashing Lights Obscene Gestures Obstructing The Path Of Others Other Aggressive Behavior Reasons For Aggressive Driving Behavior WrongTurnLane 120 IllegalUTurn 120 RanLights 121 WrongWay 121 OtherManeuver 122 AggressionCount 122 SpeedingBehavior 122 TailgatingBehavior 123 Weaving 123 LightViolations 124 RapidAcceleration 124 Honking 124 Flashing 125 ObsceneGestures 125 BlockingOthers 125 OtherAggression 126 AggressionReason 126 DriverDrugs Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Drug Name DrugName 127 Drug Type DrugType 127 Driver Reported DriverReported 127 Drug Test Results TestResult 128 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 22 DriverHealth Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Corrected Vision Level Number Of Illness Factors Heart Attack Seizure (Epilepsy Related) Seizure (Other Source) Blackout (Diabetes Related) Blackout (Other Source) Severe Cold/Flu Symptoms Other Illness Normal Vision Legal Blindness Myopic (Near-sighted) Condition Hyperopic (Far-sighted) Condition Glaucoma Color Blind Astigmatism Other Vision Problem Unknown Vision Problem Number Of Other Physical Factors No Other Physical Factors Hearing Impairment Prosthesis Paraplegia Strenuous Recreation Activities Strenuous Non-Work Activities Sleep Apnea Other Physical Factor ADHCorrectedVision 129 IllnessFactorCount 129 HeartAttack 130 EpilepticSeizure 130 OtherSeizure 130 DiabeticBlackout 131 OtherBlackout 131 ColdFlu 131 OtherIllness 132 NormalVision 132 LegallyBlind 132 Myopic 133 Hyperopic 133 Glaucoma 134 ColorBlind 134 Astigmatic 135 OtherVision 135 UnknownVision 135 OtherFactorCount 136 NoFactors 136 HearingImpairment 137 Prosthesis 137 Paraplegia 137 StrenuousRecreation 138 StrenuousNonWork 138 SleepApnea 139 OtherFactorPhysical 139 DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Inattention Conversation Nature Of Discussion Nature Of Relationship Between Driver And Person Conversing With Location Of Exterior Factor Inadequate Surveillance Tracking Of Rear Exterior Factor Other Recognition Factors Interior Distraction Count Looking At Movement/Actions Of Other Occupants Dialing/Hanging Up Phone Adjusting Radio/CD Player Adjusting Other Vehicle Controls Retrieving Object From Floor And/Or Seat Retrieving Object From Other Location Other Internal Distraction Exterior Distraction Count Looking At Previous Crash Looking At ApproachingTraffic Inattention 140 Conversation 140 Subject 141 Conversant 141 OutsideLocation 142 ADDSurveillance 142 Tracking 143 ADDRecognition 143 InteriorDistractionCount 143 OccupantMovement 144 ADDDialingPhone 144 ADDAdjustingRadio 144 OtherControls 145 FloorRetrieval 145 OtherRetrieval 145 OtherInternal 146 ExteriorDistractionCount 146 ADDPreviousCrash 146 ApproachingTraffic 147 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 23 Looking For Street Address Looking At Outside Person Looking At Building Unspecified Outside Focus Other External Distraction StreetAddress 147 ExternalPerson 147 Building 148 UnspecifiedExternal 148 OtherExternal 148 DriverSleep Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Hours Of Last Sleep Start Time Of Last Sleep Interval End Of Last Sleep Interval Hours Since Last Sleep If Hours Of Sleep Were Less Than 4 Hours, Hours Of Last Main Sleep Start Of Main Sleep Interval End Of Main Sleep Interval Hours Driving Since Last 8-Hour Break Hours On Duty Since Last 8-Hour Break LastSleepHours 149 LastSleepStart 149 LastSleepEnd 150 HoursSinceSleep 150 MainSleepHours 151 MainSleepStart 151 MainSleepEnd 151 HoursDriving 152 HoursOnDuty 152 Longest Work Day In Preceding 7-Day Interval WeekLongest 153 Shortest Work Day In Preceding 7-Day Interval WeekShortest 153 Average Work Day In Preceding 7-Day Interval WeekAverage 153 Did The Time At Which The Driver Began To Sleep Rotate/Shift In Last 7 Days? Hours Worked On Day Of Crash Longest Length Of Daily Sleep In Preceding 7-Day Interval Shortest Length Of Daily Sleep In Preceding 7-Day Interval Average Length Of Daily Sleep In Preceding 7-Day Interval Total Hours Worked On Primary Job During Preceding 7-Day Interval Rotation 154 HoursWorked 154 ADSLongestDay 155 ADSShortestDay 155 AverageDay 156 LastWeekHours 156 Hours Worked On Second Job During Preceding 7-Day Interval LastWeekMoonlight Environment Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Relation To Roadway Relation To Junction Interchange Trafficway Flow Trafficway Flow Restrictions Intersection Type Number Of Travel Lanes Access Control Route Signing Trafficway Functional Class Light Conditions Traffic Control Device Railroad Grade Crossing? Traffic Control Device Functioning RoadRelation 158 Junction 158 Interchange 159 ENVTrafficFlow 159 FlowRestriction 160 IntersectionType 160 TravelLanes 161 AccessControl 161 Signage 162 FunctionalClass 162 Daylight 163 TrafficControl 163 Railroad 164 Functioning 164 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 24 Roadway Class Roadway Alignment Roadway Profile Roadway Surface Type Roadway Surface Condition Roadway Surface Defect Roadway Design Deficiencies Shoulder Surface Type Shoulder Width Rumble Strip Type/Involvement Sight Line Restrictions? Sight Line Distance AASHTO Sight Distance No Adverse Conditions Rain Snow Fog Wind Gusts Hail Sleet Dust Other Atmospheric Conditions RoadwayClass 165 RoadAlignment 165 RoadProfile 166 RoadSurface 166 SurfaceCondition 166 SurfaceDefect 167 DesignDefect 167 ShoulderType 168 ShoulderWidth 168 RumbleStrip 169 SightLineRestriction 169 SightLineDistance 169 AASHToDistance 170 ENVNoConditions 170 ENVRain 170 ENVSnow 171 ENVFog 171 ENVWindGusts 171 ENVHail 172 ENVSleet 172 ENVDust 172 ENVOtherConditions 173 Events Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Stratum Class Of Vehicle (First Listing) General Area Of Damage (First Vehicle Listed) Object Contacted Class Of Vehicle (Second Listing) General Area Of Damage (Second Vehicle Listed) Stratum 174 ClassVehicle 174 DamageArea 175 EVEObjectContact 176 ClassVehicle2 178 DamageArea2 179 FactorAssessment Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page No Traffic Flow Factors Previous Crash Nearby Construction Work Zone Emergency Vehicle Approaching Rush Hour Congestion Other Traffic Flow Interruption Other Traffic Flow Interruption – Specify Vehicle Defect Count View Obstruction – Related To Load View Obstruction – Related To Vehicle Design View Obstruction - Other Tire Malfunction Braking System Malfunction Transmission Malfunction Engine Problem Other Vehicle Condition NoTraffic 180 AFTPreviousCrash 180 ConstructionZone 181 EmergencyVehicle 181 RushHour 181 OtherTraffic 182 OtherTrafficSpecify 182 VehicleDefectCount 183 LoadObstructedView 183 DesignedObstructedView 183 OtherViewObstruction 184 TireFailure 184 BrakeFailure 184 TransmissionFailure 185 EngineProblem 185 OtherDefect 186 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 25 Other Vehicle Condition – Specify Tire Deficiency Brakes Out-Of-Adjustment Brakes Inoperative Brake System Deficiency Vehicle Overweight Vehicle Lighting Deficiency Cargo/Load Securement Related Problem Suspension/Frame Deficiency Towing Unit Problem Reflective Tape Missing/Obscured Fuel System Problem Exhaust Leak Steering Wheel Problem Median Width Radius Of Curvature Sight Distance AASHTO Recommended Sight Distance Roadway Factor Count Traffic Signs/Signals Missing Roadway View Obstruction View Obstructed By Other Vehicle Road Geometry Road Sight Distance Insufficient Lane Delineation Problem Narrow Shoulders Narrow Road Ramp Speed Roadway Condition Slick Surface Road Under Water Road Washed Out Other Roadway Related Factor Other Roadway Related Factor – Specify Weather Factors Count Rain Snow Fog Wind Gust Hail Sleet Other Weather Related Factor Other Weather Related Factor – Specify Environmental Factor Count Glare Blowing Debris Smoke No Driver Present Other Sudden Change In Ambience OtherDefectSpecify 186 TireDeficiency 186 BrakesOutOfAdjustment 186 BrakesInoperative 187 BrakesSystemDeficiency 187 VehicleOverweight 188 VehicleLightingDeficiency 188 CargoLoadSecurement 188 SuspensionFrameDeficiency 189 TowingUnitProblem 189 ReflectiveTapeMissingObscured 189 FuelSystemProblem 190 ExhaustLeak 190 SteeringWheelProblem 191 MedianWidth 191 AFTCurveRadius 191 SightDistance 192 AASHTORecommended 192 RoadwayFactorCount 192 SignsMissing 193 ObjectObscured 193 VehicleObscured 194 RoadGeometry 194 InsufficientSight 194 BadLaneMarkings 195 NarrowShoulders 195 NarrowRoad 195 RampSpeed 196 PoorCondition 196 SlickSurface 197 UnderWater 197 WashedOut 197 OtherProblem 198 OtherProblemSpecify 198 WeatherCount 198 AFTRain 199 AFTSnow 199 AFTFog 200 WindGust 200 AFTHail 200 AFTSleet 201 OtherWeather 201 OtherWeatherSpecify 201 EnvironmentCount 202 Glare 202 BlowingDebris 202 Smoke 203 AFTNoDriver 203 OtherChangeSpecify 203 GeneralVehicle Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Vehicle Make GVEMake 204 Vehicle Model (listed with Vehicle Make) GVEModel (with GVEMake) 206 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 26 Vehicle Model Year Body Type Class Of Vehicle Curb Weight Source Of Curb Weight Cargo Weight Source Of Cargo Weight Information Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Vehicle Special Use Inspection Type Date Of Inspection Injury Severity Code – Police Injury Severity Code – Researched VIN Make VIN Model VIN Year Series VIN Body Type Roof1 Roof2 Roof3 Front Wheel Drive Four Wheel Drive Restraint Type Carburetion Fuel Type VIN Weight Vehicle Type Wheel Configuration Daytime Running Lights Base Weight Motorcycle Displacement Police Reported Travel Speed Posted Speed Is The Driver Present? Police Reported Alcohol Present? Alcohol Test For Driver Alcohol Test Result Time Between Crash And Alcohol Test Source Of Alcohol Test Results Police Reported Other Drug Presence? Driver’s Zip Code Race/Ethnic Origin Of Driver Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes Commercial Motor Vehicle Violations Non-Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes Non-Commercial Motor Vehicle Violations Total Crashes Total Violations Previous Violations Unknown Type Crashes MCMIS Crashes MCMIS Commercial Motor Vehicle Violations MCMIS Commercial Motor Vehicle Non-Violations GVEYear 232 GVEBodyType 232 GVEVehicleClass 234 GVECurbWeight 235 GVEWeightSource 235 GVECargoWeight 236 GVECargoSource 236 GVEVIN 237 GVESpecialUse 237 GVEInspection 237 GVEInspectionDate 238 GVEPARSevCode 238 GVERESSevCode 239 VINMake 239 VINModel 240 VINYear 240 Series 240 VINBodyType 241 Roof1 241 Roof2 241 Roof3 241 FrontWheelDrive 242 FourWheelDrive 242 GVERestraintType 242 Carburetion 242 FuelType 243 VINWeight 243 VehicleType 243 WheelConfig 244 DayRunningLights 244 BaseWeight 244 GVEMotorcycleDisplacement 244 GVETravelSpeed 245 GVEPostedSpeed 245 DriverPresent 245 PARAlcoholPresent 246 PARAlcoholTest 246 PARAlcoholTestResult 246 PARTestDelay 247 PARTestSource 247 PARDrugsPresent 248 ZipCode 248 EthnicOrigin 248 CMVCrashes 249 CMVViolations 249 NonCMVCrashes 250 NonCMVViolations 250 TotalCrashes 250 TotalViolations 251 PrevViolations 251 UnkTypeCrashes 251 MCMIScrashes 252 MCMIScmvViolations 252 MCMIScmvNonViolations 252 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 27 HazMat Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Hazardous Material Reportable? Hazardous Material Waiver? Variable Title Material 253 Reportable 254 Waiver 254 HazMatInsp Data Set Variable Name Page Hazardous Material Inspection Inspection Exists? Violation? Out-Of-Service? Disposition Variable Title HMIInspection 255 InspectionExists 255 HMIViolation 256 HMIOutOfService 256 HMIDisposition 256 Injuries Data Set Variable Name Page Occupant Injury Description AIS Code Aspect Injury Source Category Injury Source Intrusion Row Intrusion Location Crush Direction Crush Magnitude Component Intrusion Information Source Variable Title OINDescription 257 AISCode 257 Aspect 289 InjurySourceCat 291 InjurySource 292 IntrusionRow 297 IntrusionLocation 298 CrushDirection 298 CrushMagnitude 298 Component 299 InformationSource 300 JackknifeAssessments Data Set Variable Name Page Type Of Jackknife Event Source Of Jackknife Impetus Vehicle Location At Start Of Jackknife Direction Of Rotation Jackknifed While Count Driving At Constant Velocity Traversing A Curve Completing A Turn Light Braking Accelerating Completing Avoidance Maneuver Other Jackknife Circumstance Throttle Input Only Moderate Braking Heavy Braking Traversing A Straight Section AJKType 301 AJKSource 301 AJKLocation 302 AJKDirection 302 WhileCount 302 AJKConstant 303 AJKCurve 303 AJKTurn 303 AJKLightBraking 304 AJKAccelerating 304 AJKAvoidance 304 AJKOther 305 AJKDecelerating 305 AJKModerateBraking 305 AJKHeavyBraking 306 AJKStraight 306 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 28 MCMISdriverData Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Number Of Crashes Crashes 307 Number Of Inspections Inspections 307 Driver Out-Of-Service Violations InspDriverOOS 308 Vehicle Out-Of-Service Violations InspVehOOS 308 Total Types Of Local Violations LocalViols 308 Total Types Of Inspection Violations InspViols 309 MCMISviolation Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Violation Code Code 310 Violation Description ViolDesc 323 Total Number Of Violations NumViols 323 Number Of Out-Of-Service Violations NumOOSviols 324 NonMotorists Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Nonmotorist’s Age Nonmotorist’s Height Nonmotorist’s Weight Nonmotorist’s Gender Nonmotorist Type Nonmotorist Attitude Nonmotorist’s Motion Nonmotorist’s Action Relative To Vehicle Nonmotorist’s Body (Chest) Orientation Relative To Striking Vehicle… Nonmotorist Sight Impairments Nonmotorist Sight Restrictions Nonmotorist Hearing Impairments Nonmotorist Hearing Restrictions Nonmotorist Distractions Nonmotorist Decision Errors Nonmotorist Risk-Taking Behavior Nonmotorist First Avoidance Action Nonmotorist Hand Use In Avoidance Action Injury Severity Code – Police Injury Severity Code – Researched ANMAge 325 ANMHeight 325 ANMWeight 325 ANMGender 326 ANMType 326 ANMPosition 326 Motion 327 Action 328 Orientation 328 SightImpaired 329 SightRestricted 329 HearingImpaired 329 HearingRestricted 330 Distraction 330 ANMDecision 331 RiskTaking 331 ANMAvoidance 332 HandsUsed 332 ANMPARSevCode 332 ANMRESSevCode 333 Occupants Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Occupant’s Age OCCAge 334 Occupant’s Height OCCHeight 334 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 29 Occupant’s Weight Occupant’s Sex Occupant’s Role Race/Ethnic Origin Of Occupant Occupant’s Eyewear Police Reported Air Bag Availability/Function Police Reported Belt Use Ejection Type Ejection Area Ejection Medium Medium Status Multi-Ejection? Entrapment Occupant Mobility Number Of Intrusions Occupant Location Occupant’s Posture Head Restraint Type At This Occupant’s Position Head Restraint Damage By Occupant At This Occupant Position Seat Type Seat Orientation Seat Track Position Seat Performance Does The Seat Have Integrated Passenger Belts? Seat Back Incline Prior To Impact Seat Back Incline Position Post Impact Child Safety Seat Used? Manual (Active) Belt System Availability Manual (Active) Belt System Used In This Crash? Proper Use Of Manual (Active) Belts Manual (Active) Belt Failure Modes During Crash Manual Shoulder Belt Upper Anchorage Adjustment Seat Belt Pretensioners Present Pretensioners Actuate? Pretensioner Travel Retractor Type Source Of Researcher’s Determination Of Manual Belt Use Automatic (Passive) Belt System Availability/Function Automatic (Passive) Belt System Use Automatic (Passive) Belt System Type OCCWeight 334 OCCGender 335 Role 335 Race 335 Eyewear 336 AirbagAvail 336 BeltUsed 337 EjectionType 337 EjectionArea 337 Medium 338 MediumStatus 338 MultiEjection 339 Entrapment 339 Mobility 339 Intrusions 340 OCCLocation 340 Posture 341 OCCRestraintType 341 RestraintDamage 342 SeatType 342 SeatOrientation 342 TrackPosition 343 SeatPerformance 343 IntegratedRestraints 343 PriorInclination 344 PostInclination 344 ChildSeatAvailable 345 ManualBeltAvailable 345 ManualBeltUsed 346 ManualBeltProper 346 ManualBeltFailure 347 AnchorAdjustment 347 PreTensionerAvailable 348 PreTensionerActuated 348 PreTensionerTravel 348 Retractor 349 ManualBeltSource 349 AutoBeltAvailable 349 AutoBeltUsed 350 BeltMotorized 350 Proper Use Of Automatic (Passive) Belt System AutoBeltProper Automatic (Passive) Belt Failure Modes During Crash Source Of Researcher’s Determination Of Automatic Belt Use Injury Severity Code – Police Mortality Medical Treatment AutoBeltFailure 351 AutoBeltSource 352 OCCInjSeverityCode 352 Mortality 352 InitialTreatment 353 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 30 Type Of Medical Facility (Initial Treatment) Hospital Stay Working Days Lost Death Date Death Time Number Of Injuries For This Occupant Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Score (At Medical Facility) Was The Occupant Given Blood? Arterial Blood Gases – ABG (HCO3) InitialFacility 353 HospitalDays 354 WorkDaysLost 354 DateOfDeath 354 TimeOfDeath 355 InjuryCount 355 GCSScore 355 UnitsTransfused 356 ABGTest 356 Overview Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Vehicle Make OVEMake 358 Vehicle Model (with Vehicle Make) OVEModel (with OVEMake) 360 Vehicle Model Year OVEYear 386 Truck Configuration OVEConfiguration 386 Pre-Event Movement Movement 387 Critical Precrash Event OVECriticalEvent 388 Critical Reason For The Critical Precrash Event OVEReason 390 Attempted Avoidance Maneuver OVEAvoidance 391 Pre-Impact Stability Pre-Impact Location Right-Of-Way? Crash Configuration Crash Type Jackknife Occurrence Cargo Shift Alcohol Involvement Drug Involvement Driver Physical Factors Driver Fatigue Recognition Factors Decision Factors Aggression Factors Surveillance Factors Emotion/Experience Factors Carrier/Employer Factors Traffic Factors Vehicle Factors Roadway Factors Weather Factors Environmental Factors Speed/Distance Factors Nonmotorist Involvement Variable Title OVEStability 392 OVELocation 392 OVERightOfWay 393 OVEAccidentType 393 OVECrashCode 394 OVEJackKnife 396 OVECargoShift 397 OVEAlcohol 397 AnyDrugsVeh 397 DriverPhysical 398 DriverFatigue 398 OVERecognition 399 OVEDecision 399 Aggression 399 OVESurveillance 400 EmotionExperience 400 CarrierEmployer 401 Traffic 401 VehicleState 401 Roadway 402 Weather 402 OVEenvironment 402 OVESpeed 403 NonMotorist 403 PARViolations Data Set Variable Name Page Violations Charged As A Result Of This Crash PARViolationCode 404 Police Description Of Violation PARDescription 406 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 31 SaferAuthorityStatus Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Common Status CommonStatus 407 Contract Status ContractStatus 407 Broker Status BrokerStatus 407 SaferCarrier Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Carrier Status Authorized For-Hire Exempt For-Hire Private Property Private Passengers (Business) Private Passengers (Non-Business) Migrant U.S. Mail Federal Government State Government Local Government Indian Tribe Other Unknown Carrier Operation Description Cargo Carried Number Of Drivers Number Of Power Units Mileage Year Carrier-Reported Mileage Status 408 AuthorizedForHire 408 ExemptForHire 408 PrivateProperty 409 PrivatePassengersBusiness 409 PrivatePassengersNonBusiness 409 Migrant 410 USMAIL 410 FederalGovernment 410 StateGovernment 411 LocalGovernment 411 IndianTribe 411 Other 411 Unknown 412 CarrierOperationDescription 412 CargoCarried 412 CountDrivers 412 CountPowerUnits 413 MileageYear 413 Mileage 413 SaferCrashSummary Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Crash Year Number Of Fatalities Number Of Injuries Number Of Towaways Variable Title SCSYear 414 SCSFatalities 414 SCSInjuries 414 SCSTowaway 415 SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set Variable Name Page Date Of Crash SCDDate 416 Crash State SCDState 416 Driver’s Date Of Birth SCDDateOfBirth 416 Number Of Fatalities SCDFatalities 416 Number Of Injuries SCDInjuries 417 Towaway? SCDTowaway 417 Hazardous Material? HazardousMaterial 417 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 32 SaferDriverInspection Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Level Code Inspection Date Inspection State Driver Date Of Birth Total Number Of Violations Total Number Of Out-Of-Service Violations HazMat? LevelCode 424 SDIDate 424 SDIState 424 SDIDriverDOB 424 TotalViolations 425 TotalOOS 425 HazMat 425 SaferDriverViolation Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Violation Type SDVViolation 426 Unit Number UnitNumber 426 Unit Type SDVUnitType 427 Number Of Out-Of-Service Violations SDVOutOfService 427 SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Number Of Driver Inspections Number Of Driver Out-Of-Service Inspections Driver Out-Of-Service Percentage Average Number Of Driver Out-Of-Service Violations Number Of Vehicle Inspections Number Of Vehicle Out-Of-Service Inspections Vehicle Out-Of-Service Percentage Average Number Of Vehicle Out-Of Service Violations Number Of HazMat Inspections Number Of HazMat Out-Of-Service Inspections HazMat Out-Of-Service Percentage Average Number Of HazMat Out-Of-Service Violations Total Number Of Inspections DriverInspections 428 DriverOutOfService 428 DriverOutOfServicePerc 428 DriverViolationsAverage 428 VehicleInspections 429 VehicleOutOfService 429 VehicleOutOfServicePerc 429 VehicleViolationsAverage 429 HazMatInspections 430 HazMatOutOfService 430 HazMatOutOfServicePerc 430 HazMatViolationsAverage 430 SISTotal 431 SaferInsurance Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Bodily Injury & Property Damage Insurance Required? Bodily Injury & Property Damage Insurance Status Cargo Insurance Required Cargo Insurance Status Bond Required Bond Status Minimum Coverage Amount Liability Insurance Amount BIPDRequired 432 BIPDOK 432 CargoRequired 432 CargoOK 433 BondRequired 433 BondOK 433 MinCoverageAmount 433 LiabilityInsurance 434 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 33 SaferReview Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Rating Date Safety Rating Review Date Review Type Variable Title RatingDate 435 Rating 435 ReviewDate 435 ReviewType 435 SafeStat Data Set Variable Name Page SafeStat Score Date Overall SafeStat Score Accident Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) Driver Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) Vehicle Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) Safety Management Safety Evaluation Area STADate 437 Score 437 AccidentSEA 437 DriverSEA 438 VehicleSEA 438 SafetySEA 438 STACategory 438 CategoryDescription 439 (SEA) SafeStat Category Category Description Variable Title TruckExterior Data Set Variable Name Page Power Unit Type Cab Style Dromedary Box? Sleeper Berth? Were Blind Spots Related To Crash? Data Recorder Installed? Vehicle Speed Gear Position Total Number Of Trailers Total Empty Weight Total Cargo Weight Total GVWR Truck Configuration Total Length Placard Required? Mirror Count Right Door Mirror Left Door Mirror Right Fender Mirror Left Fender Mirror Other Location Mirror ITS Equipment Count Headway Detection Unit Side/Object Detection Unit Rollover Warning Unit Other ITS Equipment PowerUnitType 440 CabStyle 440 DromedaryBox 441 SleeperBerth 441 BlindSpot 441 DataRecorder 442 TEXSpeed 442 GearPosition 443 TrailerCount 443 TEXEmptyWeight 444 CMDBCargoWeight 444 TOTALGVWR 444 TEXConfiguration 445 TEXTotalLength 445 PlacardRequired 446 MirrorCount 446 RightDoorMirror 446 LeftDoorMirror 447 RightFenderMirror 447 LeftFenderMirror 447 OtherLocationMirror 448 ITSCount 448 ITSHeadway 448 ITSSideObject 449 ITSRollover 449 ITSOther 450 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 34 TruckInspection Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Unit Position Violation Code Violation Type Out Of Service Violation? Disposition Of Truck Variable Title TINPosition 451 TINViolationCode 451 ViolationType 464 TINOutofService 465 TINDisposition 465 TruckUnits Data Set Variable Name Page Unit Position In Vehicle Configuration Unit Type In Vehicle Configuration Trailer Body Type Cargo Type Unit VIN Manufacture Date Empty Weight Of Unit Cargo Weight Of Unit GVWR Total Length Of Unit Percent Of Cargo Capacity Tank Capacity Tank Load Hazardous Cargo? Cargo Spillage Number Of Axles In Use Number Of Lift Axles (Not In Use) Number Of Steer Axles Retroflective Tape Condition On Rear Retroflective Tape Condition On Sides Retroflective Tape Used? Retroflective Tape Pattern Retroflective Tape Color Retroflective Tape Peeling/Damaged On Rear Underride Guard Retroflective Tape Peeling/Damaged On Other Rear Area Retroflective Tape Peeling/Damaged On Sides TUNPosition 466 TUNUnitType 466 TUNBodyType 467 CargoType 467 TUNVIN 468 ManufactureDate 468 TUNEmptyWeight 469 TUNCargoWeight 469 GVWR 470 TUNTotalLength 470 CapacityPercent 471 TankCapacity 471 TankLoad 471 Hazard 472 TUNSpillage 472 AxlesUsed 473 AxlesNotUsed 473 SteerableAxles 473 RearTapeCond 474 SideTapeCond 474 ReflectTapeType 474 ReflectTapePattern 475 ReflectTapeColor 475 UnderrideTapePeel 476 RearTapePeel 476 SideTapePeel 476 VehicleEvents Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Origin Of Fire Fire Occurrence Rollover Type Quarter Turns Rollover Initiation Type Rollover Initiation Location Rollover Initiation – Object Contacted Location On Vehicle Where Initial Principal Tripping Force Is Applied FireOrigin 478 FireSeverity 478 RolloverType 479 QuarterTurns 479 RollInitType 479 RollInitLocation 480 RollObject 480 RollTrip 482 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 35 Direction Of Initial Roll RollDirect 483 Manner Of Collision CollisionManner 483 First Harmful Event FirstHarmfulEvent 484 VehicleExterior Data Set Variable Title Variable Name Page Body Category BodyCategory 486 Is The Vehicle In Transport? InTransport 491 Inspection Type InspectionType 491 Type Of Transmission Transmission 492 Drive Wheels DriveWheels 492 Left Front Tire Restricted? LFRestricted 493 Left Rear Tire Restricted? LRRestricted 493 Right Rear Tire Restricted? RRRestricted 493 Right Front Tire Restricted? RFRestricted 493 Left Front Tire Deflated? LFDeflated 494 Left Rear Tire Deflated? LRDeflated 494 Right Rear Tire Deflated? RRDeflated 494 Right Front Tire Deflated? RFDeflated 495 Wheelbase Wheelbase 495 Overall Length OverallLength 495 Maximum Width MaxWidth 496 Average Track Width AverageTrack 497 Front Overhang FrontOverhang 497 Rear Overhang RearOverhang 497 Undeformed End Width EndWidth 498 Researcher’s Assessment Of Vehicle Disposition VehicleDisposition 498 Justification For Researcher’s Assessment Of Vehicle Disposition Justification 498 Multi-Stage Or Altered Vehicle? MultiStage 498 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual LTCCS Variable List • 36 Variable Definitions and Codes Variable definitions and attributes for all of the LTCCS data sets, including SAFER and MCMIS data sets, are provided here. This section is organized alphabetically by data set. Within each data set, the variables are ordered as they appear in the data sets. For each variable the following information is included (where applicable:) (Sample variable listing) Object Contacted Category Definition: This variable describes the category of object involved in a particular impact to a vehicle. (Source of the data to provide context and further background) Source: Researcher determined — primary sources are the scene and vehicle inspections; secondary sources include the police report and interviewees. (Cross Reference* information provides insight and possible alternatives) Cross Reference: Derived from CDCCrush.CDCObjectContact. Variable Name: ObjectContactClass Attribute Codes Code1 Meaning Vehicle 2 Noncollision 3 5 6 7 Collision with Fixed Object Collision with Nonfixed Object Unknown event or object Other event (specify) *Explanation of terms used in Cross Reference entries: Identical – The variable is exactly the same as another variable. Related to – The variable depicts the same type of information. Congruent – The variable has what appears to be identical information, yet the source is different. Derived from – The variable depicts the same information as another variable, but this variable is not as detailed. Elaborates on – The variable depicts the same information as another variable, but this variable is more detailed. Computed from – The variable provides a count of attributes given by the following variables. When applicable – This is used when the number of records in the 2 data sets are not the same. All cross references are expressed in . format. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Variable Definitions and Codes • 37 Variable Definitions and Codes - Airbags Data Set Airbags Data Set The Airbags data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, VehicleNumber and AirbagNumber. AirbagNumber is assigned to each airbag in the vehicle. Each record is uniquely identified by CaseID, VehicleNumber and AirbagNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the Airbag data set with vehicle level data sets. CaseID, VehicleNumber and AIROccupantNumber should be used to merge the Airbag data set with the Occupant data set. This data set also contains the following variables: Cross Reference: This table is related to Occupants.AirbagAvail. Air Bag Occupant Number Definition: This variable represents the occupant associated with this air bag, identified by their occupant number. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview, repair facilities, tow facility, and medical records. Cross Reference: Related to Occupants.AirbagAvail, values will differ in part due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AIROccupantNumber Attribute Codes Code* 99 Meaning Value Unknown Seat Row 1 Definition: This variable is used to identify an air bag deployment that occurred in the first row of seats in the vehicle. Variable Name: SeatRow1 Attribute Codes Code0-5 9 Meaning Seat row value Unknown Seat Location 1 Definition: This variable is used to identify the seat location in the first row of the vehicle where an air bag deployment occurred. Variable Name: SeatLocation1 Attribute Codes Code0-4 9 Meaning Seat row value Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Airbags Data Set • 38 Variable Definitions and Codes - Airbags Data Set Seat Row 2 Definition: This variable is used to identify an air bag deployment that occurred in the second row of seats in the vehicle. Variable Name: SeatRow2 Attribute Codes Code0-5 9 Meaning Seat Row value Unknown Seat Location 2 Definition: This variable is used to identify the seat location in the second row of the vehicle where an air bag deployment occurred. Variable Name: SeatLocation2 Attribute Codes Code0-4 9 Meaning Seat Row value Unknown Deployment Location Of Air Bag Definition: This variable identifies the location of a particular air bag. Variable Name: AirbagLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Steering Wheel Hub 2 Top Instrument Panel 3 Mid Instrument Panel 4 Bottom Instrument Panel 5 Seat Back 6 Door 7 Roof Side Rail 98 Other 99 Unknown Air Bag Status Definition: This variable documents the availability of the air bag. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview, police report, and medical records. NOTE: The use of the police report is limited. If there is no vehicle inspection and the only secondary source is the PAR, then the PAR LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Airbags Data Set • 39 Variable Definitions and Codes - Airbags Data Set must clearly indicate that the vehicle is airbag equipped and/or deployed either in the "narrative" or "restraint system" block. Variable Name: AirbagStatus Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Airbag Available 2 Airbag disconnected (specify) 3 Airbag not reinstalled 9 Unknown if airbag available for this crash Type Of Air Bag Definition: This variable describes the type of air bag present. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the interview, secondary sources may include the repair facility and/or documents found in the vehicle. Variable Name: AirbagType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Orig. man. installed sys. 2 Retrofitted Air Bag 3 Replacement Air Bag 4 Unknown Type 8 Not applicable 9 Unknown Redesigned Air Bag Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the vehicle was equipped with a redesigned air bag for this location. Redesigned air bags include second-generation air bags, next-generation air bags, Air Bag II, advanced air bags, and other innovative systems that have been developed to make use of air bag protection technology. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include VIN and interview. Variable Name: Depowered Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Redesigned 1 Redesigned 2 Advanced (specify) 70 No air bag available for this crash 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Airbags Data Set • 40 Variable Definitions and Codes - Airbags Data Set Air Bag Deployment Definition: This variable describes when in the crash sequence the air bag deployed. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview, repair facilities, tow facility, police report, and medical records. NOTE: The use of the police report is limited. If there is no vehicle inspection and the only secondary source is the PAR, then the PAR must clearly indicate that an air bag deployed either in the "narrative" or in a "restraint system" block. Variable Name: Deployment Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Deployed during crash (as a result of impact) 2 Deployed, inadvertently just prior to crash 3 Deployed, details unknown 4 Deployed as a result of a non-collision event during accident sequence (e.g. fire, explosion, electrical) 7 Not deployed 70 No airbag functional for this crash 99 Unknown if deployed Indications Of Air Bag Failure? Definition: This variable documents whether or not something abnormal has occurred to the air bag system. It may not necessarily mean that the air bag system was defective. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview, repair facilities, tow facility, police report, and medical records. NOTE: The use of all secondary sources is limited. If there is no vehicle inspection, then the secondary sources are limited to the reporting of "no failure". If the only secondary source is the PAR and no failure is alleged, then the PAR must clearly indicate that an air bag deployed either in the "narrative" or in a "restraint system" block. Variable Name: AirbagFailure Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes (specify) 70 Airbag not available 79 Unknown if available 99 Unknown Type Of Cutoff Switch Definition: This variable describes the type of air bag cutoff switch present in the vehicle. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include the police report, repair facilities, and tow facility. Variable Name: SwitchType LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Airbags Data Set • 41 Variable Definitions and Codes - Airbags Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 None present 1 Originally equipped 2 Retro fit 3 Switch present, type unknown 9 Unknown if switch present Cutoff Switch Position Status Definition: This variable describes the status of the airbag cutoff switch at the time of the crash. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include the police report, repair facilities, and tow facility. Variable Name: SwitchStatus Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Switch On/Automatic Switch off 7 8 9 None present Unknown if switch present Switch status unknown Did Air Bag Module Cover Flaps Open At Designated Tear Points? Definition: This variable documents whether or not the air bag properly opened at its tear points. A designated tear point is a weakened area of the flap material designed to allow the air bag easy escape from its storage area during deployment. Some air bags in the seat cushion and seat back may not have cover flaps, but will deploy through a seam that separates during the air bag deployment. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the vehicle inspection, secondary source is the interview Variable Name: FlapsOpen Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes 60 Not deployed 69 Unknown if deployed 70 No airbag available for this crash 79 Unknown 99 Unknown if flaps/seams opened at tear points LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Airbags Data Set • 42 Variable Definitions and Codes - Airbags Data Set Were The Cover Flaps Damaged? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the air bag cover flaps sustained damage during deployment. Normal separation/tearing at the designated tear points does not constitute damage. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary source is the interview. Variable Name: FlapsDamaged Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes (specify) 60 Not deployed 69 Unknown if deployed 70 No airbag available for this crash 99 Unknown if airbag module cover flaps opened at tear points Was There Damage To The Air Bag? Definition: This variable documents any damage to the air bag during the crash sequence. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary source may include the interview. Variable Name: AirbagDamage Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Damaged 1 Ruptured 2 Cut 3 Torn 4 Punctured 5 Burned 6 Abraded 60 Not deployed 69 Unknown if deployed 70 No airbag available for this crash 88 Other damage (specify) 95 Damaged, details unknown 99 Deployed, unknown if damaged Source Of Air Bag Damage Definition: This variable documents the source of damage to the air bag during the crash sequence. This variable is related to the variable “Was There Damage To The Air Bag?” Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary source includes the interview. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Airbags Data Set • 43 Variable Definitions and Codes - Airbags Data Set Variable Name: DamageSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Object worn by occupant (specify) 2 Object carried by occupant (specify) 3 Adaptive/assistive controls (specify) 4 Cover flaps 5 Fire in vehicle 6 Thermal burns 7 Windshield 8 Rescue or emergency efforts 50 Not Damaged 59 Deployed, unknown if damaged 60 Not deployed 69 Unknown if deployed 70 No airbag available for this crash 88 Other damage source (specify) 99 Damaged, unknown source Had The Vehicle Been In Previous Crashes? Definition: This variable documents whether the vehicle had been in any previous crashes (that may or may not have involved air bag deployment). Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the interview, secondary source may include a repair facility. Variable Name: PriorCrashes Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 No previous crashes 2 Previous crash(es) without deployment(s) 3 One previous crash with deployment 4 More than one previous crash with at least one deployment 8 Previous crashes, unknown deployment status 9 Unknown Had Any Prior Maintenance/Service Been Performed On Air Bag System? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the air bag had received any maintenance or service work prior to the crash. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the interview, secondary sources may include repair facilities and or documents found in the vehicle. Variable Name: PriorMaintenance LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Airbags Data Set • 44 Variable Definitions and Codes - Airbags Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes (specify) 9 Unknown CDC For Air Bag Deployment Impact Definition: This variable indicates the CDC’s delta V rating for the impact associated with this air bag’s deployment. Source: Researcher determined — primary sources are the scene and vehicle inspection; secondary sources are the police report and the interviewee. Variable Name: CDC Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Highest Delta V 2 Second Highest Delta V 3 Other delta V (specify) 9 Unknown 60 Not deployed 69 Unknown if deployed 70 No airbag available for this crash 99 Deployed, unknown event Was The Air Bag In This Occupant’s Position Contacted By Another Occupant? Definition: This variable documents whether another occupant (besides the intended occupant) contacted this particular air bag. Variable Name: ContactOther Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes (specify) 60 Not deployed 69 Unknown if deployed 70 Airbag not functional (disconnected or not reinstalled) 79 Unknown 99 Deployed, unknown if other occupant contact to airbag LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Airbags Data Set • 45 Variable Definitions and Codes - Brakes Data Set Brakes Data Set The Brakes data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID, VehicleNumber, and Axle uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the Brakes data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Axle Definition: This variable identifies the axle to which the brake information is related. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is vehicle inspection, secondary sources include FMCSA Truck Inspector and/or Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: Axle Attribute Codes Code1-15 99 Meaning Value Unknown Brake Type Definition: This variable documents the type of brake system present at a particular axle. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is vehicle inspection, secondary sources include FMCSA Truck Inspector and/or Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: BrakeType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Air 2 Hydraulic 3 Electric 9 Unknown Brake Axle Position Definition: This variable identifies on which unit of the truck configuration a particular axle is located. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is vehicle inspection, secondary sources include FMCSA Truck Inspector and/or Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: BRAPosition Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1-4 Number of Unit where axle is located 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Brakes Data Set • 46 Variable Definitions and Codes - Brakes Data Set ABS Installed? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not ABS is available at a particular axle. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is vehicle inspection, secondary sources include FMCSA Truck Inspector and/or Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: ABSInstalled Attribute Codes Code0 1 99 Meaning No Yes Unknown ABS Functional? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the ABS is functioning properly at a particular axle. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is vehicle inspection, secondary sources include FMCSA Truck Inspector and/or Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: ABSFunctional Attribute Codes Code0 1 99 Meaning No Yes Unknown Adjustor Type Definition: This variable indicates the type of brake adjustment system that is present at a particular axle. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is vehicle inspection, secondary sources include FMCSA Truck Inspector and/or Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: AdjustorType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Man 2 Auto 99 Unknown Chamber Size Definition: This variable documents the size of the brake chamber for the braking system at a particular axle. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Brakes Data Set • 47 Variable Definitions and Codes - Brakes Data Set Source: Researcher determined — primary source is vehicle inspection, secondary sources include FMCSA Truck Inspector and/or Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: ChamberSize Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0.00-1000.00 Size in cm 8887 Not applicable 9994 Not Examined 9999 Unknown Chamber Type Definition: This variable documents the type of chamber for a braking system at a particular axle. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is vehicle inspection, secondary sources include FMCSA Truck Inspector and/or Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: ChamberType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 A 6-15/16 1-3/8 2 B 9-3/16 1-3/4 3 C 8-1/16 1-3/4 4 D 5-1/4 1-1/4 5 E 6-3/16 1-3/8 6 F 11 2-1/4 7 G 9-7/8 2 8 C-6 4-1/2 1-1/4 9 C-9 5-1/4 1-3/8 10 C-12 5-11/16 1-3/8 11 C-16 6-3/8 1-3/4 12 C-20 6-25/32 1-3/4 13 C-24 7-7/32 1-3/4 14 C-30 8-3/32 2 15 C-36 9 2-1/4 16 D-30 8-1/8 2-1/4 17 DISC NA 18 ELEC NA 19 HYDR NA 20 L-16 6-3/8 2.0 21 L-20 6-25/32 2.0 22 L-24 7-7/32 2.0 23 L-24* 7-7/32 2.5 24 L-30 8-3/32 2.5 25 MM 8-1/8 2-1/4 26 R-9 4-9/32 1-1/2 27 R-12 4-13/16 1-1/2 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Brakes Data Set • 48 Variable Definitions and Codes - Brakes Data Set 28 R-16 5-13/32 2 29 R-20 5-15/16 2 30 R-24 6-13/32 2 31 R-30 7-1/16 2-1/4 32 R-36 7-5/8 2-3/4 33 R-50 8-7/8 3 34 WEDG 5/16 5/16 88 Not applicable 99 Unknown Stroke Type Definition: This variable indicates whether a particular chamber type is categorized as long or short. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is vehicle inspection, secondary sources include FMCSA Truck Inspector and/or Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: StrokeType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Long 2 Short 3 Not Examined 9 Unknown Left Length Definition: This variable documents the length of the left brake chamber at a particular axle. This value is measured and provided by the FMCSA Truck Inspector. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: LeftLength Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0.00-100.00 Size in cm 8887 Not applicable 9992 Inoperable 9994 Not examined 9999 Unknown Right Length Definition: This variable documents the length of the right brake chamber at a particular axle. This value is measured and provided by the FMCSA Truck Inspector. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: RightLength LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Brakes Data Set • 49 Variable Definitions and Codes - Brakes Data Set Attribute Codes Code0.00 - 100.00 Meaning Size in cm 8887 9992 9994 Not applicable Inoperable Not examined 9999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Brakes Data Set • 50 Variable Definitions and Codes - CargoShiftAssessments Data Set CargoShiftAssessments Data Set The CargoShiftAssessments data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the CargoShiftAssessments data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: All variables in this table are determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. Input from the truck inspection staff can also be utilized to code this variable. Type Of Cargo Shift Event Definition: This variable documents the occurrence of a precrash cargo shift and the type of freight that shifted. The cargo shift must occur prior to any impact event. Cross Reference: Elaborates on CrashAssessment.ACRCargoShift. Elaborates on Overview.OVECargoShift. Variable Name: ACSType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No pre-crash cargo shift 1 Boxed general freight (solids) 2 Bulk freight (containerized) 3 Bulk freight (not containerized) 4 Large objects (solids) 5 Tank – solids 6 Tank – liquids 77 Not applicable 88 Other (specify) 99 Unknown Vehicle Location At Start Of Cargo Shift Definition: This variable establishes the vehicle location at the start of the cargo shift sequence. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGLocation, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No pre-crash event 1 On roadway 2 On shoulder 3 On roadside 4 On median 7 Not applicable 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CargoShiftAssessments Data Set • 51 Variable Definitions and Codes - CargoShiftAssessments Data Set Movement Count Definition: This variable documents the number of circumstances that were identified in which the cargo shift event occurred. This variable refers to the movements of the vehicle prior to the cargo shift. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the CargoShiftAssessments data set: ACSConstant, ACSCurve, ACSTurn, ACSLightBraking, ACSAccelerating, ACSAvoidance, OtherMovement, ACSDecelerating, ACSModerateBraking, ACSHeavyBraking, ACSStraight. Variable Name: MovementCount Attribute Codes Code0-13 88 99 Meaning Value counter No Driver Unknown Cause Count Definition: This variable documents the number of circumstances associated with a cargo shift that were coded for this vehicle. This variable refers to the possible causes of the cargo shift. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the CargoShiftAssessments data set: ImproperGeneralLoading, ImproperBulkLoading, SparseTieDowns, WeakTieDowns, OtherSolids, Sloshing, BaffleFailure, CompartmentFailure, TankFailure, OtherLiquids, OtherCargos, UnknownCause. Variable Name: CauseCount Attribute Codes Code0-13 88 99 Meaning Value counter No Driver Unknown Precrash Cargo Spillage? Definition: This variable establishes the occurrence of cargo spillage during the precrash phase. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGSpillage, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSSpillage Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No pre-crash cargo shift 1 Yes (specify) 2 No 7 Not applicable 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CargoShiftAssessments Data Set • 52 Variable Definitions and Codes - CargoShiftAssessments Data Set Driving At Constant Velocity Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is attempting to maintain a constant velocity at the time that the cargo begins to shift. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGDrivingConstantVelocity, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSConstant Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Traversing A Curve Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is traversing a curve at the time that the cargo begins to shift. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGTraversingCurve, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSCurve Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Completing Turn Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is attempting to turn at the time that the cargo begins to shift. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGCompletingTurn, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSTurn Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Light Braking Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is decelerating using light braking effort at the time that the cargo begins to shift. While the term “light braking” is a subjective evaluation, it generally implies that the level of braking is less than the level typically associated LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CargoShiftAssessments Data Set • 53 Variable Definitions and Codes - CargoShiftAssessments Data Set with a normal traffic stop. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGLightBraking, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSLightBraking Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Accelerating Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is accelerating at the time that the cargo begins to shift. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGAccelerating, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSAccelerating Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Completing Avoidance Maneuver Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver initiates a precrash avoidance maneuver at or prior to the time that the cargo begins to shift. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGCompletingAvoidance, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSAvoidance Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Event Circumstance Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver/vehicle action or velocity is not described by the other cargo shift occurrence variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred” and was the “Other (specify):” attribute choice.) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CargoShiftAssessments Data Set • 54 Variable Definitions and Codes - CargoShiftAssessments Data Set Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGOtherSpecify, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: OtherMovement Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Throttle Input Only Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is decelerating and decelerates solely by reducing throttle input at the time that the cargo begins to shift. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGDecelerating, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSDecelerating Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Moderate Braking Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is decelerating using a moderate level of braking effort at the time that the cargo begins to shift. A moderate level of braking effort generally implies that the level of braking effort is similar to the level typically associated with a normal traffic stop. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGModerateBraking, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSModerateBraking Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Heavy Braking Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is decelerating using a heavy level of braking effort (e.g. panic stop) at the time that the cargo begins to shift. The vehicle will typically experience wheel “lock-up” in this circumstance; however, wheel lock is not a requirement for using this designation. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CargoShiftAssessments Data Set • 55 Variable Definitions and Codes - CargoShiftAssessments Data Set Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGHeavyBraking, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSHeavyBraking Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Traversing A Straight Section Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is traversing a straight roadway segment at the time that the cargo begins to shift. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.IDGTraversingStraightSection, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ACSStraight Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Improper Loading (General Freight) Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo shift is associated with improper loading of general freight cargo. Usually, the cargo is not properly balanced during the loading process (e.g. large boxes on top of small boxes, inappropriate gaps between cargo units, etc.). This element is also used when the freight is not properly distributed over the length of the cargo area. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.SolidImproperLoadGeneral, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ImproperGeneralLoading Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Improper Loading (Bulk Freight) Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo shift is associated with improper loading of bulk freight cargo. Usually, the cargo consists of one or several large items that are not properly balanced. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CargoShiftAssessments Data Set • 56 Variable Definitions and Codes - CargoShiftAssessments Data Set Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.SolidImproperLoadBulk, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ImproperBulkLoading Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Inadequate Securement (Number Of Tie Downs) Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo shift is associated with an inadequate number of tie downs used. This circumstance is most typically associated with bulk freight items. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.SolidInadeqSecureNumber, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: SparseTieDowns Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Inadequate Securement (Strength Of Tie Downs) Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo shift is associated with inadequate strength of the tie downs that are used. This circumstance is most typically associated with bulk freight items. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.SolidInadeqSecureStrength, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: WeakTieDowns Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Source Of Solids Shift Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo shift (solid freight) is associated with a specific factor that is not covered under the loading or securement variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.SolidOther, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CargoShiftAssessments Data Set • 57 Variable Definitions and Codes - CargoShiftAssessments Data Set Variable Name: OtherSolids Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Less Than Full Load (Slosh) Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo shift (liquids) is associated with liquid slosh due to the truck carrying less than a full load. This affects vehicle stability. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.LiquidLessLoad, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: Sloshing Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Baffle Failure Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo shift (liquids) is associated with a baffle failure that affects vehicle stability. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.LiquidBaffleFailure, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: BaffleFailure Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Compartment Partition Failure Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo shift (liquids) is associated with a failure of a partition for at least one of the vehicle’s compartments. This failure subsequently affects vehicle stability. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.LiquidCompartmentFailure, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: CompartmentFailure LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CargoShiftAssessments Data Set • 58 Variable Definitions and Codes - CargoShiftAssessments Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Tank Failure Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo shift (liquids) is associated with a tank failure (e.g. seam failure). The failure may or may not affect vehicle stability. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.LiquidTankFailure, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: TankFailure Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Source Of Liquid Shift Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo shift (liquid freight) is associated with a specific factor that is not covered under the other liquid cargo shift variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.LiquidOther, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: OtherLiquids Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Cargo Shift Types Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the cargo type is neither solid nor liquid (e.g. grains, bulk powders, etc.) and the vehicle experiences a cargo shift. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.OtherCargoType, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: OtherCargos Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CargoShiftAssessments Data Set • 59 Variable Definitions and Codes - CargoShiftAssessments Data Set Unknown Cause Of Cargo Shift Definition: This variable establishes whether or not there is insufficient information to determine if a cargo shift occurred. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Cargo Shift Associated With.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCargoShift.UnknownAssoc, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: UnknownCause Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CargoShiftAssessments Data Set • 60 Variable Definitions and Codes - CDCCrush Data Set CDCCrush Data Set The CDCCrush data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, VehicleNumber, EventNumber and ImpactNumber. EventNumber identifies a particular event in a sequence in the accident. ImpactNumber identifies each particular impact in the crush profile for a vehicle. CaseID, VehicleNumber, EventNumber and ImpactNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set. (Each record can also be uniquely identified by CaseID, VehicleNumber, EventNumber and PositionNumber.) CaseID and EventNumber should be used to merge the CDCCrush data set with the Events data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the CDCCrush data set with vehicle level data sets. CaseID, VehicleNumber and PositionNumber should be used to merge the CDCCrush data set with the TruckUnits data set. This data set also contains the following variables: Position Number Definition: This variable identifies the unit number on the vehicle associated with a CDC/TDC. For example, a truck-trailer’s power unit would be Position Number “1,” and the first trailer would be Position Number “2.” A passenger vehicle would be assigned Position Number “1.” Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: PositionNumber Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value Deformation Classification Type Definition: This variable indicates whether the deformation classification is related to a car or a truck. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: DCType Attribute Codes CodeC T Meaning Car Truck Object Contacted Category Definition: This variable describes the category of object involved in a particular impact to a vehicle. Source: Researcher determined — primary sources are the scene and vehicle inspections; secondary sources include the police report and interviewees. Cross Reference: Derived from CDCCrush.CDCObjectContact. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CDCCrush Data Set • 61 Variable Definitions and Codes - CDCCrush Data Set Variable Name: ObjectContactClass Attribute Codes Code1 Meaning Vehicle 2 Noncollision 3 5 6 7 Collision with Fixed Object Collision with Nonfixed Object Unknown event or object Other event (specify) CDC Object Contacted Definition: This variable identifies the object that was contacted for this event/impact. Source: Researcher determined. Cross Reference: Related to VehicleEvents.FirstHarmfulEvent, if CDCCrush.EventNumber = 1. Variable Name: CDCObjectContact Attribute Codes Code Meaning Vehicle#1 Vehicle#2 Vehicle#3 Vehicle#4 Vehicle#5 Vehicle#6 Vehicle#7 Vehicle#8 Vehicle#9 Vehicle#10 Vehicle#11 Vehicle#12 Vehicle#13 Vehicle#14 Vehicle#15 Vehicle#16 Vehicle#17 Vehicle#18 Vehicle#19 Vehicle#20 Vehicle#21 Vehicle#22 Vehicle#23 Vehicle#24 Vehicle#25 Vehicle#26 Vehicle#27 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CDCCrush Data Set • 62 Variable Definitions and Codes - CDCCrush Data Set 28 Vehicle#28 29 Vehicle#29 30 Vehicle#30 31 Overturn->rollover (excludes end-over-end) 32 Rollover->end-over-end 33 Fire or explosion 34 Jackknife 35 Other intraunit damage (specify) 36 Noncollision injury 38 Other noncollision (specify) 39 Noncollision->details unknown 41 Tree (<= 10 cm in diameter) 42 Tree (> 10 cm in diameter) 43 Shrubbery or bush 44 Embankment 45 Breakaway pole or post (any diameter) 50 Nonbreakaway pole or post (<=10cm in diameter) 51 Nonbreakaway pole or post (>10 cm but <= 30 cm in diameter) 52 Nonbreakaway pole or post (>30 cm in diameter) 53 Nonbreakaway pole or post (diameter unknown) 54 Concrete traffic barrier 55 Impact attenuator 56 Other traffic barrier (includes guardrail) (specify) 57 Fence 58 Wall 59 Building 60 Ditch or culvert 61 Ground 62 Fire hydrant 63 Curb 64 Bridge 68 Other fixed object (specify) 69 Unknown fixed object 70 Pass. car, light truck, van, or other vehicle not in-transport 71 Medium/heavy truck or bus not in-transport 72 Pedestrian 73 Cyclist or cycle 74 Other nonmotorist or conveyance (specify) 75 Vehicle occupant 76 Animal 77 Train 78 Trailer, disconnected in transport 79 Object fell from vehicle in-transport 88 Other nonfixed object (specify) 89 Unknown nonfixed object 98 Other event (specify) 99 Unknown event or object LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CDCCrush Data Set • 63 Variable Definitions and Codes - CDCCrush Data Set Force Direction Definition: This variable indicates the direction of force exerted upon the vehicle by an object. If the force is applied directly upon the center of the front bumper, the force of direction is said to be “0.” The direction of force rotates to the right around the vehicle in increments of 10 degrees, circling around the vehicle until it returns to the front (360 degrees). This value is used to create the variable “Clock Force.” Source: Restricted to vehicle inspection or photographs. Variable Name: ForceDirection Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-360 Value (degrees) 888 Not applicable 999 Unknown Clock Force Definition: This variable identifies the direction from which the principal force is applied for a particular impact. The direction of force is based on the face of a clock (e.g. an impact to the front bumper is classified as “12”) and is the first two columns of each impact’s CDC/TDC. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: ClockForce Attribute Codes Code0-98 99 Meaning Value Unknown Override/Underride Definition: This variable indicates that this vehicle overrode or underrode another vehicle. “Override” is coded when this vehicle overrides (i.e. goes on top of) the bumper of another vehicle, and “underride” is coded when this vehicle underrides (i.e. goes below) the bumper of another vehicle. For override/underride in combination cases (CDS/Truck cases), the attribute “Medium/heavy truck or bus override” is used. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include driver interviews. Variable Name: OverrideDesc Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 None 2 Override 3 Underride 4 Medium/heavy truck or bus over LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CDCCrush Data Set • 64 Variable Definitions and Codes - CDCCrush Data Set 11 Underride, compartment intrusion 12 Underride, no compartment intrusion 13 Underride, compartment intrusion unknown 14 Override, motor vehicle in transport 15 Override, motor vehicle not in transport 16 Unknown Deformation Location Definition: This variable documents the initial plane of contact to the vehicle and represents the general area of the vehicle. This is the third column in a coded CDC/TDC. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Related to Events.DamageArea or Events.DamageArea2. Variable Name: DeformLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 9 9 Unknown B B Back of unit w/ cargo area C C Rear of cab D D Back - rear of tractor F F Front L L Left Side R R Right Side T T Top U U Undercarriage V V Front of cargo area Deformation – Longitudinal Or Lateral Definition: This variable documents the lateral or longitudinal area of the vehicle that contains the contact deformation. This is the fourth column in a coded CDC/TDC. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: DeformLong Attribute Codes Code CDCPlane Meaning 9 1 9 Unknown 9 2 9 Unknown B 1 B Side rear of cab to rear of trailer/cargo area B 2 B Rear Section C 1 C Center - front or rear D 1 D Distributed - side or end D 2 D Distributed - (F+P+B) F 1 F Side Front - frontof windshield LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CDCCrush Data Set • 65 Variable Definitions and Codes - CDCCrush Data Set F 2 F Front Section K 1 K Side(P + W) L 1 L Left - front or rear P 1 P Side cab P 2 P Center Section R 1 R Right - front or rear S 1 S Side(F + P + W) T 1 T Trailer T 2 T Trailer W 1 W Side rear of cab to rear of tractor Y 1 Y Side (F + P) OR End (L + C) Y 2 Y Side Front/Center Section (F+P) Z 1 Z Side (P + B) OR End (C + R) Z 2 Z Side Center/Rear Section(P+B) Deformation – Vertical Or Lateral Definition: This variable documents either the vertical or lateral area of the vehicle that contains the contact deformation. The vertical location is used for vertical planes (F, B, L, R) and the lateral location is used for horizontal planes (T, U). This is the fifth column in a coded CDC/TDC. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: DeformVertical Attribute Codes Code CDCPlane Meaning 9 1 9 Unknown 9 2 9 Unknown A 1 A Top to Bottom of vehicle / no wheels B 1 B Belt Line and above C 2 C Center D 2 D Distributed E 1 E belt line and below F 1 F Belt line/below on trailer G 1 G Belt line and above H 1 H Top of frame to top of vehicle L 1 L Low - top of frame, frame, and bottom of frame L 2 L Left M 1 M Middle -- top of frame to belt line or hood R 2 R Right T 1 T Everything above cab T 2 T Trailer W 1 W Below undercarriage level (wheels and tires only) Y 2 Y Left and Center (L+C) Z 2 Z Right and Center(R+C) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CDCCrush Data Set • 66 Variable Definitions and Codes - CDCCrush Data Set Deformation Distribution Definition: This variable documents the general type of damage distribution for the impact. This classification provides a qualitative description of the type of damage sustained by the vehicle. This is the sixth column of a coded CDC/TDC. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: DeformDistribution Attribute Codes Code Meaning 9 9 Unknown A A Overhanging Structure E E Corner K Conversion in impact type N N Narrow Impact Area O O Rollover (include side) R R Override S S Sideswipe U U No residual deformation W W Wide Impact Area Deformation Extent Definition: This variable documents the extent of damage for the impact. The extent of residual deformation is classified using a nine-zone extent system. Extent is a mathematical determination of which zone the crush extends into, beginning with Zone “1.” This is the seventh column of a coded CDC/TDC. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: DeformExtent Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0A 0A 0B 0B 0C 0C 0D 0D 0X 0X Ei Eight Fi Five Fo Four Ni Nine On One Se Seven Si Six Th Three LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CDCCrush Data Set • 67 Variable Definitions and Codes - CDCCrush Data Set Tw Two Un Unknown Deform Code Definition: This variable identifies the direction from which the principal force is applied for a particular impact. The direction of force is based on the face of a clock (e.g. an impact to the front bumper is classified as “12”) and is the first two columns of each impact’s CDC/TDC. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: DeformCode Attribute Codes Code0-98 99 Meaning Value Unknown Impact Number Definition: This variable identifies the CDC/TDC that is linked to a particular crush profile. Variable Name: ImpactNumber Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value 9 Unknown CDC Direct Damage Location Definition: This variable describes the location of the direct damage on the vehicle for each impact. This information is used to determine the CDC/TDC for the impact. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Related to Events.DamageArea and Events.DamageArea2. Variable Name: DamageLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text description of the location of direct damage on the vehicle Field L Location Definition: This variable describes the location of the Field L on the vehicle. Field L represents direct and induced deformation. This information is used to determine the CDC/TDC for the impact. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CDCCrush Data Set • 68 Variable Definitions and Codes - CDCCrush Data Set Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: FieldLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text description of the location of the Field L on the vehicle Max Crush Location Definition: This variable describes the location in the crush profile of the maximum crush of this impact to the vehicle. This information is used to determine the CDC/TDC for the impact. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: MaxCrushLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text description of the location in the crush profile of the maximum crush of this impact to the vehicle CDC Category Definition: This variable describes the information provided by columns 3-7 in a coded CDC/TDC. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: CDCCategory Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Deformation location 2 Long/Lateral location 3 Vert/Lateral location 4 Damage distribution 5 Damage extent 97 Not applicable 99 Unknown CDC Width Definition: This variable indicates the direct damage width. This is a measured value on the vehicle that is used in determining the CDC/TDC for this impact/event. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: CDCWidth LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CDCCrush Data Set • 69 Variable Definitions and Codes - CDCCrush Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value (cm) 9997 Not Collected 9999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CDCCrush Data Set • 70 Variable Definitions and Codes - Crash Data Set Crash Data Set The Crash data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat and RATWeight. CaseID uniquely identifies each record in this data set and should be used to merge the Crash data set with other data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Crash Date Definition: This variable identifies the date of the crash. Source: Researcher determined — substantiated by police report and medical records. Variable Name: CrashDate Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) Time Of Crash Definition: This variable identifies the time of day of the crash. Source: Police report. Variable Name: CrashTime Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Time (in HH:MM format) Total Number Of Vehicles In Crash Definition: This variable documents the total number of vehicles that were involved in the crash. This includes all CDS, non-CDS, in-transport, and not in-transport vehicles. Source: Researcher determined — substantiated by police report. Cross Reference: Can be derived from any vehicle specific data sets including: CargoShiftAssessments, CrashAssessment, CrashDiscussion, Environment, FactorAssessment, GeneralVehicle, JackknifeAsssessments, Overview, VehicleEvents. Variable Name: VehicleCount Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Value Truck Count Definition: This variable represents the total number of heavy trucks involved in the crash. Source: Researcher determined — substantiated by police report. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Crash Data Set • 71 Variable Definitions and Codes - Crash Data Set Cross Reference: Can be derived from GeneralVehicle.GVEBodyType (60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 74, 78). Can be derived from the truck specific data sets including: TruckExterior and TruckUnits. Variable Name: TruckCount Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Value Car Count Definition: This variable represents the total number of passenger vehicles involved in the crash. Source: Researcher determined — substantiated by police report. Cross Reference: Can be derived from GeneralVehicle.GVEBodyType (1-22 and 28-48). Variable Name: CARCount Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value Nonmotorist Count Definition: This variable identifies the number of nonmotorists involved in the crash. Source: Researcher determined — substantiated by police report. Cross Reference: Can be derived from the NonMotorist data set. Related to Overview.NonMotorist. Variable Name: NonMotoristCount Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Value Crash Summary Definition: This variable is a combination of two variables separated by “-+-”. The first is a description of the overall crash scenario. The second is a general description of the crash configuration. Source: Derived variable. Variable Name: CrashType LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Crash Data Set • 72 Variable Definitions and Codes - Crash Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text that combines two variables to describe the overall crash scenario Injury Crash Severity Code – Police Definition: This variable represents the highest injury severity rating in the case, as determined by police on the Police Accident Report (PAR). Source: Police report Cross Reference: Can be derived from the combination of GeneralVehicle.GVEPARSevCode and NonMotorist.ANMPARSevCode. Variable Name: CrashPARSevCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 O - No injury 1 C - Possible injury 2 B - Non-incapacitating injury 3 A - Incapacitating injury 4 K - Killed 5 U - Injury, severity unknown 6 Died prior to crash 9 Unknown Injury Crash Severity Code – Researched Definition: This variable represents the highest injury severity rating in the case, as determined by injury coding and case narratives. This code is based on occupant medical records and/or case narratives and may differ from the police-reported injury severity code. Source: Zone Center determined – based on occupant medical records and case narratives, including the police report. Cross Reference: Can be derived from the combination of GeneralVehicle.GVERESSevCode and NonMotorist.ANMResSevCode. Variable Name: CrashRESSevCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 O - No injury 1 C - Possible injury 2 B - Non-incapacitating injury 3 A - Incapacitating injury 4 K - Killed 5 U - Injury, severity unknown 6 Died prior to crash 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Crash Data Set • 73 Variable Definitions and Codes - Crash Data Set Case Summary Definition: This variable is the researcher’s description of the crash events/sequence. Source: Written by researcher using all available case evidence. Cross Reference: Related to CrashDiscussion.Discussion, values are not identical in all cases due to Crash.Summary being crash specific and CrashDiscussion.Discussion is vehicle specific. Variable Name: Summary Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Detailed description of the crash events Day Of Week Of Crash Definition: This variable identifies the day of the week that the crash occurred. Source: Derived variable. Variable Name: Day Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Sunday 2 Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Friday 7 Saturday Collision Type Definition: This variable describes the type of vehicles involved in the crash using the following vehicle classifications. These classifications are “strung together” to indicate the number and type of each vehicle involved in the crash. CAR Automobile or automobile type BodytypeId within (1..9, 17) OLV Other light vehicle BodytypeID within (10..16, 19) VAN Minivan to full size Van BodytypeId within (20..28) PICKUP Light vehicle pick ups Bodytypeid within (30..39) LIGHT TRUCK Other light trucks Bodytypeid within (40..49) BUS Buses BodytypeID within (50..59) TRUCK Trucks BodytypeID within (60..64,66..78) MHOME Large motorhome Bodytypeid within (65) MCYCLE Motorcycle and mopeds Bodytypeid within (80..89) OTHER Bodytypeid within (90..97) MULTI VEHICLE More than 5 vehicles in the crash Source: Derived variable. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Crash Data Set • 74 Variable Definitions and Codes - Crash Data Set Variable Name: CollisionType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 BUS-TRUCK 2 CAR-BUS-TRUCK 3 CAR-CAR-CAR-CAR-TRUCK 4 CAR-CAR-CAR-OLV-TRUCK 5 CAR-CAR-CAR-PICKUP-TRUCK 6 CAR-CAR-CAR-TRUCK 7 CAR-CAR-CAR-TRUCK-TRUCK 8 CAR-CAR-LIGHT TRUCK-TRUCK 9 CAR-CAR-LIGHT TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK 10 CAR-CAR-OLV-TRUCK 11 CAR-CAR-PICKUP-TRUCK 12 CAR-CAR-TRUCK 13 CAR-CAR-TRUCK-TRUCK 14 CAR-CAR-TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK 15 CAR-CAR-VAN-PICKUP-TRUCK 16 CAR-CAR-VAN-TRUCK 17 CAR-CAR-VAN-TRUCK-TRUCK 18 CAR-LIGHT TRUCK-TRUCK 19 CAR-OLV-OLV-TRUCK 20 CAR-OLV-PICKUP-TRUCK 21 CAR-OLV-PICKUP-TRUCK-TRUCK 22 CAR-OLV-TRUCK 23 CAR-OLV-TRUCK-MCYCLE 24 CAR-OLV-TRUCK-TRUCK 25 CAR-OLV-VAN-TRUCK 26 CAR-OLV-VAN-TRUCK-TRUCK 27 CAR-PICKUP-PICKUP-TRUCK 28 CAR-PICKUP-TRUCK 29 CAR-PICKUP-TRUCK-TRUCK 30 CAR-TRUCK 31 CAR-TRUCK-MCYCLE 32 CAR-TRUCK-TRUCK 33 CAR-TRUCK-TRUCK-MCYCLE 34 CAR-TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK 35 CAR-TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK 36 CAR-VAN-PICKUP-TRUCK 37 CAR-VAN-PICKUP-TRUCK-TRUCK 38 CAR-VAN-TRUCK 39 CAR-VAN-TRUCK-TRUCK 40 CAR-VAN-VAN-VAN-TRUCK 41 LIGHT TRUCK-TRUCK 42 LIGHT TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK 43 MULTI VEHICLE 44 OLV-OLV-TRUCK 45 OLV-PICKUP-PICKUP-TRUCK-TRUCK LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Crash Data Set • 75 Variable Definitions and Codes - Crash Data Set 46 OLV-PICKUP-TRUCK 47 OLV-TRUCK 48 OLV-TRUCK-TRUCK 49 OLV-TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK 50 OLV-VAN-PICKUP-TRUCK 51 OLV-VAN-TRUCK 52 PICKUP-PICKUP-PICKUP-TRUCK 53 PICKUP-PICKUP-TRUCK 54 PICKUP-TRUCK 55 PICKUP-TRUCK-TRUCK 56 PICKUP-TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK 57 TRUCK 58 TRUCK-MCYCLE 59 TRUCK-OTHER 60 TRUCK-TRUCK 61 TRUCK-TRUCK-MHOME 62 TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK 63 TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK 64 TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK-TRUCK 65 VAN-PICKUP-TRUCK 66 VAN-TRUCK 67 VAN-TRUCK-MCYCLE 68 VAN-TRUCK-TRUCK 69 VAN-VAN-TRUCK 70 VAN-VAN-TRUCK-TRUCK 71 CAR-CAR-PICKUP-PICKUP-TRUCK Medical Treatment Definition: This variable represents the highest level of treatment of any occupant in the case. Source: Researcher determined — inputs include interviewee, police report, and medical records. Cross Reference: Related to Occupants.InitialTreatment. Variable Name: Treatment Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No treatment 1 Dead on Arrival (DOA) at hospital 2 Dead prior to Admission 3 Hospitalization 4 Transported and released 5 Treatment at scene - non-transported 6 Treatment later 7 Transported to a medical facility-unknown if treated 8 Treatment - other (specify) 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Crash Data Set • 76 Variable Definitions and Codes - Crash Data Set Occupant Fatality Definition: This variable documents if there were any occupant fatalities in the case. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is medical records; secondary source is police report. Variable Name: OCCFatality Attribute Codes Code0 Meaning Not Fatal 1 Fatal 2 9 Fatal - ruled disease (specify) Unknown Alcohol Involvement? Definition: This variable documents whether or not alcohol was involved in the crash. Source: Zone Center determined – based on occupant medical records, police report, and interviews. Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.PARAlcoholPresent, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: CRAAlcohol Attribute Codes Code1 2 9 Meaning Yes No Unknown Drug Involvement? Definition: This variable documents whether or not any drugs (legal or illegal) were present or involved in the crash. Source: Zone Center determined – based on occupant medical records, police report, and interviews. Cross Reference: Can be derived from the DriverDrugs data set. Variable Name: AnyDrugsCrash Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes 2 No 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Crash Data Set • 77 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set CrashAssessment Data Set The CrashAssessment data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the CrashAssessment data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Pre-Event Movement Definition: This variable establishes the subject vehicle’s pre-critical event movement pattern. The pre-event movement pattern is usually described as the point which both precedes the critical precrash envelope and which precedes vehicle motions that place the involved vehicle(s) on an imminent collision path. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, and witness interviews. It should be noted, however, that this may be a subjective decision based on the preponderance of available evidence. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.Movement. Variable Name: PreEventMovement Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No driver present 1 Going Straight 2 Decelerating in traffic lane 3 Accelerating in traffic lane 4 Starting in traffic lane 5 Stopped in traffic lane 6 Passing or overtaking another vehicle 7 Disabled or parked in travel lane 8 Leaving a parking position 9 Entering a parking position 10 Turning right 11 Turning left 12 Making a U-turn 13 Backing up (other than for parking position) 14 Negotiating a curve 15 Changing lanes 16 Merging 17 Successful avoidance maneuver to a previous critical event 98 Other (specify) 99 Unknown Critical Precrash Event Definition: This variable identifies the event which made the crash imminent (i.e. something occurred which made the collision inevitable). A precrash critical event is coded for each vehicle in the crash and documents the circumstances leading to this vehicle’s first impact in the crash sequence. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 78 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic; police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. It should be noted, however, that this may be a subjective decision based on the preponderance of available evidence. Cross Reference: Elaborates on CrashAssessment.CriticalEventCat. Identical to Overview.OVECriticalEvent. Variable Name: ACRCriticalEvent Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Blow out/flat tire, (specify blow out/flat, location/make) 2 Stalled engine 3 Disabling vehicle failure (e.g. wheel fell off) Specify: 4 Non-disabling vehicle problem (e.g., hood flew up) Specify: 5 Poor road conditions (Puddle, pothole, ice, etc.) Specify: 6 Traveling too fast for conditions 7 Jackknife Event 8 Other cause of control loss (specify) 9 Unknown cause of control loss 10 Over the lane line on left side of travel lane 11 Over the lane line on right side of travel lane 12 Off the edge of the road on the left side 13 Off the edge of the road on the right side 14 End departure 15 Turning left at intersection 16 Turning right at intersection 17 Crossing over (passing through) intersection 18 This vehicle decelerating 19 Unknown travel direction 50 Other vehicle stopped 51 Traveling in same direction with low steady speed 52 Traveling in same direction while decelerating 53 Traveling in same direction with higher speed 54 Traveling in opposite direction 55 In crossover 56 Backing 59 Unknown travel direction of other motor vehicle in lane 60 From adjacent lane (same direction) - over left lane line 61 From adjacent lane (same direction -over right lane line 62 From opposite direction-over left lane line 63 From opposite direction -over right lane line 64 From parking lane 65 From crossing street, turning into same direction 66 From crossing street, across path 67 From crossing street, turning into opposite direction 68 From crossing street, intended path not known 70 From driveway, turning into same direction 71 From driveway, across path 72 From driveway, turning into opposite direction LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 79 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set 73 From driveway, intended path not known 74 From entrance to limited access highway 78 Encroachment by other vehicle-details unknown 80 Pedestrian in roadway 81 Pedestrian approaching roadway 82 Pedestrian-unknown location 83 Pedal cyclist or other non-motorist in roadway (specify): 84 Pedal cyclist or other non-motorist approaching roadway (specify) 85 Pedal cyclist or other non-motorist-unknown location (specify) 87 Animal in roadway 88 Animal approaching roadway 89 Animal - unknown location 90 Object in roadway 91 Object approaching roadway 92 Object - unknown location 98 Other (specify) 99 Unknown 100 Cargo Shift 125 Not involved first harmful event Critical Precrash Event Categories Definition: This variable groups the individual attributes of the Critical Precrash Event into categories. These categories are helpful in deciding the critical precrash event. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic; police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. It should be noted, however, that this may be a subjective decision based on the preponderance of available evidence. Cross Reference: Derived from CrashAssessment.ACRCriticalEvent. Derived from Overview.OVECriticalEvent. Variable Name: CriticalEventCat Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 This vehicle loss of control 2 This vehicle traveling 3 Other motor vehicle in lane 4 Other motor vehicle encroaching into lane 5 Pedestrian, pedacyclist, or other nonmotorist 6 Object or animal 7 Other (specify) 8 Unknown 9 This vehicle not involved in first harmful event Critical Reason For The Critical Event Definition: This variable establishes the critical reason for the occurrence of the critical event. The critical reason is the immediate reason for this event and is often the last failure in the causal LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 80 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set chain (i.e. closest in time to the critical precrash event). Although the critical reason is an important part of the description of crash events, it is not the cause of the crash nor does it imply the assignment of fault. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. It should be noted, however, that this may be a subjective decision based on the preponderance of available evidence. Cross Reference: Elaborates on CrashAssessment.ReasonCat. Identical to Overview.OVEReason. Variable Name: ACRReason Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Critical event not coded to this vehicle 100 Sleep, that is, actually asleep 101 Heart attack or other physical impairment of the ability to act 108 Other critical non-performance (specify) 109 Unknown critical non-performance 110 Inattention (i.e., daydreaming) 111 Internal distraction 112 External distraction 113 Inadequate surveillance (e.g., failed to look, looked but did not see) 118 Other recognition error (specify) 119 Unknown recognition error 120 Too fast for conditions to be able to respond to unexpected actions of other road users (specify) 121 Too slow for traffic stream 122 Misjudgment of gap or other's speed 123 Following too closely to respond to unexpected actions 124 False assumption of other road user's actions 125 Illegal maneuver 126 Failure to turn on headlamps 127 Inadequate evasive action, e.g. braking only, not braking and steering 128 Aggressive driving behavior 138 Other decision error (specify) 139 Unknown decision error 140 Too fast for curve/turn 141 Panic/Freezing 142 Overcompensation 143 Poor directional control e.g., failing to control vehicle with skill ordinarily expected 148 Other performance error (specify) 149 Unknown performance error 199 Type of driver error unknown 200 Tires/wheels failed 201 Brakes failed 202 Steering failed 203 Cargo shifted 204 Trailer attachment failed LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 81 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set 205 Suspension failed 206 Lights failed 207 Vehicle related vision obstructions 208 Body, doors, hood failed 209 Jackknifed 298 Other vehicle failure (specify) 299 Unknown vehicle failures 500 Signs/signals missing 501 Signs/signals erroneous/defective 502 Signs/signals inadequate 503 View obstructions by roadway design/furniture 504 View obstructed by other vehicles 505 Road design - roadway geometry (e.g., ramp curvature) 506 Road design - sight distance 507 Road design - other 508 Maintenance problems (potholes, deteriorated road edges, etc.) 509 Slick roads (low friction road surface due to ice, loose debris, any other cause) 518 Other highway-related condition (specify) 521 Rain, snow 522 Fog 523 Wind gust 528 Other weather-related condition (specify) 530 Glare 531 Blowing debris 538 Other sudden change in ambience (specify) 540 Degraded braking capability 541 Transmission/engine failure 999 Unknown reason for critical event Critical Reason Categories Definition: This variable groups the attributes for the variable Critical Reason for the Critical Event variable into categories. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic; police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. It should be noted, however, that this may be a subjective decision based on the preponderance of available evidence. Cross Reference: Derived from CrashAssessment.ACRReason. Derived from Overview.OVEReason. Variable Name: ReasonCat Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Driver Error 1 Physical Driver Factor 2 Driver Recognition Factor 3 Driver Decision Factor LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 82 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set 4 Driver Performance Factor 5 Vehicle Related Factor 6 Environment - Highway 7 Environment - Weather 99 Unknown Reason Attempted Avoidance Maneuver Definition: This variable documents the driver’s actions initiated in response to the realization of impending danger. Attempted avoidance maneuvers are movements/actions initiated by the subject driver, within the crucial crash envelope, in response to a critical precrash event. Attempted avoidance maneuvers occur after the driver has realization of an impending danger. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.OVEAvoidance. Variable Name: ACRAvoidance Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No driver present 1 No avoidance maneuver 2 Braking (no lockup) 3 Braking (lockup) 4 Braking (lockup unknown) 5 Releasing brakes 6 Steering left 7 Steering right 8 Braking and steering left 9 Braking and steering right 10 Accelerating 11 Accelerating and steering left 12 Accelerating and steering right 98 Other action (specify) 99 Unknown Pre-Impact Stability Definition: This variable focuses upon this vehicle’s dynamics after the critical event. The purpose of this variable is to assess the stability of the vehicle after the critical event. The stability of the vehicle prior to an avoidance action is not considered except in the following situation: A vehicle that is out of control (e.g. yawing clockwise) prior to an avoidance maneuver is coded “Other vehicle loss of control” only if an avoidance action was taken in response to an impending danger. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.OVEStability. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 83 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set Variable Name: ACRStability Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No driver present 1 Tracking 2 Skidding longitudinally->rotation less than 30 degrees 3 Skidding laterally->clockwise rotation 4 Skidding laterally->counterclockwise rotation 8 Other vehicle loss-of-control (specify) 9 Pre-crash stability unknown Pre-Impact Location Definition: This variable reports the location of the subject vehicle at the point where its pre- impact stability is determined. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.OVELocation. Variable Name: ACRLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No driver present 1 Stayed in original travel lane 2 Stayed on roadway but left original travel lane 3 Stayed on roadway, not known if left original travel lane 4 Departed roadway 5 Remained off roadway 6 Returned to roadway 7 Entered roadway 9 Unknown Right-Of-Way? Definition: This variable establishes vehicle right-of-way characteristics, from a legal perspective, for the subject vehicle. Specifically, did this vehicle have the right-of-way? Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.OVERightOfWay. Variable Name: ACRRightOfWay LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 84 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code1 2 88 99 Meaning Yes No Not applicable Unknown Crash Type Definition: This variable is used in categorizing the collisions of drivers involved in crashes. A collision is defined here as the first harmful event in a crash between a vehicle and some object, accompanied by property damage or human injury. The object may be another vehicle, a person, an animal, a fixed object, the road surface, or the ground. If the first collision is a rollover, the impact is with the ground or road surface. The collision may also involve plowing into soft ground, if severe deceleration results in damage or injury. A road departure without damage or injury is not defined as a collision. This variable encompasses the “Configuration” variable, which is a component of this variable. Cases where the crash type is “No Impact” include fire and immersion. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Elaborates on CrashAssessment.AccidentCat. Identical to Overview.OVECrashCode. Elaborates on Overview.OVEAccidentType. Variable Name: CrashCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Impact 1 Right roadside departure, drive off road 2 Right roadside departure, control/traction loss 3 Right roadside departure; avoid collision with vehicle, pedestrian, animal 4 Right roadside departure, specific other 5 Specifics Unknown 6 Left roadside departure, drive off road 7 Left roadside departure, control/traction loss 8 Left roadside departure; avoid collision with vehicle, pedestrian, animal 9 Left roadside departure, specifics other 10 Specifics Unknown 11 Forward Impact, parked vehicle 12 Forward impact, stationary object 13 Forward Impact, pedestrian/animal 14 End Departure 15 Forward Impact, Specifics Other 16 Specifics Unknown 20 Rear-end: Stopped 21 Rear-end: Stopped, Straight 22 Rear-end: Stopped, Left 23 Rear-end: Stopped, Right LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 85 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set 24 Rear-end: Slower 25 Slower, Going Straight 26 Rear-end: Slower, Going Left 27 Rear-end: Slower, Going Right 28 Rear-end: Decelerating (Slowing) 29 Rear-end: Decelerating (Slowing), Going Straight 30 Rear-end: Decelerating (Slowing), Going Left 31 Rear-end: Decelerating (Slowing), Going Right 32 Rear-end: Specifics Other 33 Rear-end: Specifics Unknown 34 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 35 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 36 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 37 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 38 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Vehicle. 39 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Vehicle 40 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Object 41 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Object 42 Forward Impact: Specifics Other 43 Forward Impact: Specifics Unknown 44 Sideswipe/Angle: Straight Ahead on Left 45 Sideswipe/Angle: Straight Ahead on Left/Right 46 Sideswipe/Angle: Changing Lanes to the Right 47 Sideswipe/Angle: Changing Lanes to the Left 48 Sideswipe/Angle: Specifics Other 49 Sideswipe/Angle: Specifics Unknown 50 Head-On: Lateral Move (Left/Right) 51 Head-On: Lateral Move (Going Straight) 52 Head-On: Specifics Other 53 Head-On: Specifics Unknown 54 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 55 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 56 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 57 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 58 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Vehicle 59 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Vehicle 60 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Object 61 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Object 62 Forward Impact: Specifics Other 63 Forward Impact: Specifics Unknown 64 Sideswipe/Angle: Lateral Move (Left/Right) 65 Sideswipe/Angle: Lateral Move (Going Straight) 66 Sideswipe/Angle: Specifics Other 67 Sideswipe/Angle: Specifics Unknown 68 Turn Across Path: Initial Opposite Directions (Left/Right) 69 Turn Across Path: Initial Opposite Directions (Going Straight) 70 Turn Across Path: Initial Same Directions (Turning Right) 71 Turn Across Path: Initial Same Directions (Going Straight) 72 Turn Across Path: Initial Same Directions (Turning Left) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 86 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set 73 Turn Across Path: Initial Same Directions (Going Straight) 74 Turn Across Path: Specifics Other 75 Turn Across Path: Specifics Unknown 76 Turn Into Same Direction (Turning Left) 77 Turn Into Same Direction (Going Straight) 78 Turn Into Same Direction (Turning Right) 79 Turn Into Same Direction (Going Straight) 80 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Turning Right) 81 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Going Straight) 82 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Turning Left) 83 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Going Straight) 84 Turn Into Path: Specifics Other 85 Turn Into Path: Specifics Unknown 86 Straight Paths: Striking from the Right 87 Straight Paths: Struck on the Right 88 Straight Paths: Striking from the Left 89 Straight Paths: Struck on the Left 90 Straight Paths: Specifics Other 91 Straight Paths: Specifics Unknown 92 Backing, Etc.: Backing Vehicle 93 Backing, Etc.: Other Vehicle or Object 98 Backing, Etc.: Other Crash Type 99 Backing, Etc.: Unknown Crash Type Crash Configuration Definition: This variable is used in categorizing the collisions of drivers involved in crashes. A collision is defined here as the first harmful event in a crash between a vehicle and some object, accompanied by property damage or human injury. The object may be another vehicle, a person, an animal, a fixed object, the road surface, or the ground. If the first collision is a rollover, the impact is with the ground or road surface. The collision may also involve plowing into soft ground, if severe deceleration results in damage or injury. A road departure without damage or injury is not defined as a collision. This variable is part of the larger variable “Crash Type.” The “Crash Type” variable is actually broken down into three components: the crash category, the crash configuration, and the accident type. This variable only deals with the configuration of the crash. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Derived from CrashAssessment.CrashCode. Identical to Overview.OVEAccidentType. Derived from Overview.OVECrashCode. Variable Name: AccidentCat Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Right Roadside Departure 2 Rear-End 3 Head-On 4 Turn Across Path 5 Straight Paths LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 87 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashAssessment Data Set 6 Same Trafficway Opposite Directions - Sideswipe/Angle 7 Left Roadside Departure 8 Same Trafficway Same Direction - Forward Impact 9 Same Trafficway Opposite Directions - Forward Impact 10 Turn Into Path 11 Single Driver - Forward Impact 12 Same Trafficway Same Direction - Sideswipe/Angle 13 Miscellaneous 99 Backing, Etc.: Unknown Crash Type Jackknife Definition: This variable documents the presence/absence of a jackknife for this vehicle. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.OVEJackKnife. Derived from JackknifeAssessments.AJKType. Variable Name: ACRJackknife Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Cargo Shift Definition: This variable documents the presence/absence of a cargo shift for this vehicle. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews and vehicle inspection results. Input from the truck inspection staff can also be utilized to code this variable. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.OVECargoShift. Derived from CargoShiftAssessments.ACSType. Variable Name: ACRCargoshift Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashAssessment Data Set • 88 Variable Definitions and Codes - CrashDiscussion Data Set CrashDiscussion Data Set The CrashDiscussion data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the CrashDiscussion data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Case Summary Definition: The Case Summary is intended to provide a detailed description of the crash sequence including precrash vehicle movement patterns and driver precrash actions. In addition to describing crash events for each vehicle/driver, the summary is intended to provide a detailed accounting of all causal-related information for this vehicle/driver. This includes describing the critical precrash event, the critical reason for the critical event, and all critical event associated factors. Source: Written by Case Reviewer utilizing all available case information. Cross Reference: Related to Crash.Summary, values are not identical in all cases due to Crash.Summary being crash specific and CrashDiscussion.Discussion is vehicle specific. Variable Name: Discussion Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Detailed description of the crash LTCCS Analytical User's Manual CrashDiscussion Data Set • 89 Variable Definitions and Codes - DMVViolation Data Set DMVViolation Data Set The DMVViolation data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, VehicleNumber and DriverNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the DMVViolation data set with vehicle level data sets. DriverNumber is used to uniquely identify each driver, however, since a driver can have more than one violation and be involved in more than one crash, this variable does not uniquely identify each record. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the Commercial Driver's License Information System (CDLIS). CDLIS maintains identification data for each commercial driver registered in the fifty states and the District of Columbia. It acts as the central point of access for driver information maintained by a driver's state of record. For more information go to Cross Reference: This table is related to the following variables in the GeneralVehicle data set: CMVViolations, NonCMVViolations, TotalViolations, PrevViolations. License State Definition: This variable identifies the State in which the driver’s (driving) license was issued. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrDriver.IDRLicenseState, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Related to GeneralVehicle.ZipCode. Variable Name: LicState Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Two-letter state abbreviation Citation Date Definition: This variable identifies the date that the driver received a citation for a particular violation. Variable Name: CitDate Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) Conviction Date Definition: This variable identifies the date that the driver was convicted of a particular violation. Variable Name: ConvDate Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DMVViolation Data Set • 90 Variable Definitions and Codes - DMVViolation Data Set ACD Code Definition: This variable represents Department Of Motor Vehicle (DMV) violation codes. Variable Name: ACDcode Attribute Codes Code* Meaning DMV code ACD Detail Definition: This variable is a 5-digit code that provides further detail of the ACD code. Variable Name: ACDdetail Attribute Codes Code Meaning * DMV code Violation Description Definition: This variable is a description of each violation and corresponds to the ACD Code. Variable Name: ViolDescription Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text description of each violation LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DMVViolation Data Set • 91 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set DriverAssessment Data Set The DriverAssessment data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the DriverAssessment data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Was This Driver’s Sight Line To The Other Vehicle Clear? Definition: This variable establishes the driver’s sight line to the other vehicle in terms of being clear or being obstructed in some manner. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include scaled scene schematic, scene measurement log, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrPerception.LineClear, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.Obscured, DriverAssessment.Focused, and DriverRecognitionDistraction.ADDSurveillance matches Overview.OVESurveillance. Variable Name: SightLine Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes 2 No, view obstructed by roadway curvature or grade 3 No, view obstructed by roadside appurtenance 4 No, view obstructed by intervening vehicle 7 Not applicable 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Was This Driver’s View Of The Other Vehicle Obscured? Definition: This variable establishes the driver’s view of the other vehicle in terms of having a clear view or having a view that is obscured in some manner. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include scaled scene schematic, scene measurement log, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrPerception.ViewObscured, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.SightLine, DriverAssessment.Focused, and DriverRecognitionDistraction.ADDSurveillance matches Overview.OVESurveillance. Variable Name: Obscured LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 92 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes, obscured by solar glare 2 Yes, obscured by headlight glare 3 Yes, obscured by other glare (specify) 4 Yes, obscured by dark (nighttime) viewing conditions 5 No 7 Not applicable 8 Yes, obscured by other condition (specify) 9 Unknown Was This Driver Required To Stop Prior To Crash Occurrence? Definition: This variable establishes if this driver is required to stop prior to entering an intersection, initiating a turn, or prior to the crash. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrPerception.Stopped, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Related to DriverDecisionAggression.RanLights. Variable Name: StopRequired Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes, traffic control device (TCD) 2 Yes, other reason (specify) 3 Yes, yield right of way requirement 5 No 7 No driver present 9 Unknown Period Of Time Stopped Prior To Entering Intersection And/Or Initiating Turn Definition: This variable establishes the period of time the driver was stopped prior to entering an intersection, initiating a turn, or prior to the crash. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source is the driver interview; secondary data sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrPerception.Stopped, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: TimeStopped LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 93 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes--* Code Meaning 0 Traveling at constant velocity 1 Decelerated, did not stop 2 Rolling stop prior to proceeding 3 Stopped < 1 second prior to proceeding 4 Stopped 1-2 seconds prior to proceeding 5 Stopped 3-5 seconds prior to proceeding 6 Stopped more then 5 seconds prior to proceeding 7 No driver present 8 Not required to stop 9 Unknown After Checking For Traffic, Did This Driver Focus On Intended Turn Destination Or Other Location? Definition: This variable documents the circumstance where the driver focuses on an extraneous location after initially checking for approaching traffic. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrPerception.FocusTurnIntended, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.SightLine, DriverAssessment.Obscured, and DriverRecognitionDistraction.ADDSurveillance matches Overview.OVESurveillance. Variable Name: Focused Attribute Codes Code1 Meaning Yes 2 No 7 9 Not applicable Unknown Sleep Related To Work Schedule Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver’s sleep pattern is primarily related to his/her work schedule. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver’s Hours of Main Sleep Related To.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, interviews with other occupants, and interviews with friends of the driver. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.RelateTo (1 “Work Schedule”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ADRWorkSchedule LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 94 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Sleep Related To Social Schedule Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver’s sleep pattern is related to a social schedule. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver’s Hours Of Main Sleep Related To.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, interviews with other occupants, and interviews with friends of the driver. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.RelateTo (2 “Social Schedule”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: SocialSchedule Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Sleep Related To Personal Problems Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver’s sleep pattern is primarily related to a set of personal problems. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver’s Hours Of Main Sleep Related To.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, interviews with other occupants, and interviews with friends of the driver. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.RelateTo (3 “Personal Problems”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: PersonalProblems Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Sleep Related To Family Problems Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver’s sleep pattern is related to problems of other family members or to interpersonal relationships between the driver and other family members. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver’s Hours Of Main Sleep Related To.”) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 95 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, interviews with other occupants, and interviews with friends of the driver. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.RelateTo (4 “Family Problems”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: FamilyProblems Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Sleep Related To Illness Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver’s sleep pattern is related to illness. The illness may involve either the driver or other family members. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver’s Hours Of Main Sleep Related To.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, interviews with other occupants, and interviews with friends of the driver. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.RelateTo (5 “Illness”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: Illness Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present No Driver Present Definition: This variable establishes whether or not there was a driver present in the driver’s seated position at the time of the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver’s Hours Of Main Sleep Related To.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, interviews with other occupants, and interviews with friends of the driver. Variable Name: NoDriverPresent Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 96 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Sleep Related To Other Factor Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver’s sleep pattern is related to a factor not described by the other sleep pattern variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver’s Hours Of Main Sleep Related To” and was the “Other (specify):” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, interviews with other occupants, and interviews with friends of the driver. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.RelateTo (6 “Other (specify)”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ADROtherFactor Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Sleep Related To Unknown Factor Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver’s sleep pattern was related to an unknown factor. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver’s Hours Of Main Sleep Related To” and was the “Unknown” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, interviews with other occupants, and interviews with friends of the driver. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.RelateTo (99 “Unknown”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: UnknownFactor Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Alcohol Use Definition: This variable establishes the presence of alcohol for this driver. Source: Police report, medical report, other official records, OR the field observation of the NASS Researcher. Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.PARAlcoholPresent, values differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Elaborates on Overview.OVEAlcohol. Variable Name: AlcoholUse LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 97 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00 No alcohol use 90 Test performed 91 AC test performed, results positive 92 Field observation of NASS researcher 93 AC test performed, results negative 95 Test refused 96 None given 97 AC test performed, results unknown 98 No driver present 99 Unknown Alcohol Test Definition: This variable records the results of an alcohol test (either blood alcohol test or Breathalyzer test). Source: Police report, medical report, other official records, OR the field observation of the NASS Researcher. Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.PARAlcoholTestResult, values differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AlcoholTest Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-500 Test result value [percent (times 100)] 8887 No driver present 9998 None 9999 Unknown Source Of BAC Test Result Definition: This variable documents the source of the BAC test results. Source: Police report, medical report, carrier records, or other official records. Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.PARTestSource, values differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: TestSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 1 2 5 6 No BAC test/Not applicable Police reported Company reported Lay Coroner No driver present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 98 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Time Delay (Between Crash And BAC Test) Definition: This variable documents the time delay between the crash and the time the BAC test is administered. Source: Police report, medical report, carrier records, or other official records. Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.PARTestDelay, values differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: TestDelay Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0000-9999 Time delayed (in HHMM format) 9797 Not applicable 9889 No Test 9898 No BAC test 9999 Unknown Illegal Drug Use Definition: This variable documents the administration of a drug test for this driver. Source: Police report, medical report, carrier records, or other official records. Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.PARDrugsPresent, values differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: DrugTest Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No drug use 5 Test performed, results negative 7 Not applicable 91 Test performed, results positive 95 Test refused 96 None given 97 Test performed, results unknown 98 No driver present 99 Unknown Driver Fatigue Definition: This variable assesses driver fatigue at the time of the crash. The assessment is based on an evaluation of the driver’s current and preceding sleep schedules, current and preceding work schedules, and a variety of other fatigue-related factors including recreational and non-work activities. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 99 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source here is the driver interview, however, due to the inaccuracies inherent in these data, the Case Reviewer should compare driver responses with other data sources including log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, carrier records, and other interview sources to determine the veracity of the driver responses. The final assessment of fatigue involvement is made from all of these sources and may include the on-site assessments of the NASS Researcher. Cross Reference: Elaborates on Overview.DriverFatigue. Related to the IntvwDrFatigue data set, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: Fatigue Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 1 8 9 Driver not fatigued Driver fatigued No driver present Unknown Was The Driver Upset Prior To The Crash? Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was upset prior to the crash and the specific reason for this emotional state. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Related to DriverRecognitionDistraction.Inattention. Related to IntvwDrAttention.Concerns, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.Hurrying, DriverAssessment.Emotional, DriverAssessment.KnewVehicle, DriverAssessment.KnewRoad, DriverAssessment.WorkPressureCount, and DriverAssessment.ComfortCount matches Overview.EmotionExperience. Variable Name: Upset Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not upset 1 Preceding argument with spouse 2 Preceding argument with other family member 3 Preceding argument with other individual (specify) 4 Related to financial problems 5 Related to family problems 7 No driver present 8 Other source (specify) 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 100 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Was The Driver In A Hurry Prior To Crash? Definition: This variable establishes if the driver was in a hurry prior to crash occurrence. Assessments of this type are reflected in the driver’s precrash driving behavior (e.g. speeding, sudden starts/stops, weaving in and out of traffic, etc.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrPerception.HurryPrior, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Related to DriverDecisionAggression data set. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.Upset, DriverAssessment.Emotional, DriverAssessment.KnewVehicle, DriverAssessment.KnewRoad, DriverAssessment.WorkPressureCount, and DriverAssessment.ComfortCount matches Overview.EmotionExperience. Variable Name: Hurrying Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not in a hurry 1 Due to work-related schedule 2 Late for business appointment 3 Late for social appointment 4 Late for start of work shift/start of school classes 5 Normal driving pattern 7 No driver present 8 Other reason (specify) 9 Unknown Other Emotional Factors Definition: This variable establishes if there were other emotional factors relevant to this driver’s precrash behavior. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: In conjunction with DriverAssessment.Upset, DriverAssessment.Hurrying, DriverAssessment.KnewVehicle, DriverAssessment.KnewRoad, DriverAssessment.WorkPressureCount, and DriverAssessment.ComfortCount matches Overview.EmotionExperience. Variable Name: Emotional Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No other emotional factors 1 Driver clinically depressed 2 Driver has a diagnosed psychosis (specify) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 101 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set 7 No driver present 8 Other factors (specify) 9 Unknown Vehicle Familiarity Definition: This variable establishes driver familiarity with the vehicle being operated at the time of the crash. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCondition.Familarity, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.Upset, DriverAssessment.Hurrying, DriverAssessment.Emotional, DriverAssessment.KnewRoad, DriverAssessment.WorkPressureCount, and DriverAssessment.ComfortCount matches Overview.EmotionExperience. Variable Name: KnewVehicle Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 First time driving this vehicle 2 Had driven this vehicle 2-5 times in the past six months 3 Had driven this vehicle 6-10 times in the past six months 4 Had driven this vehicle more than 10 times in the past six months 7 No driver present 9 Unknown Roadway Familiarity Definition: This variable establishes the driver’s familiarity with the approach to the crash site. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrTrip.FrequentRoute, values will differ due to road vs. route as well as Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.Upset, DriverAssessment.Hurrying, DriverAssessment.Emotional, DriverAssessment.KnewVehicle, DriverAssessment.WorkPressureCount, and DriverAssessment.ComfortCount matches Overview.EmotionExperience. Variable Name: KnewRoad Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 First time driving on this roadway 2 Rarely drives on this roadway 3 Drives on this roadway once per month LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 102 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set 4 Drives on this roadway several times per month 5 Drives on this roadway weekly 6 Drives on this roadway daily 7 No driver present 8 Other frequency (specify) 9 Unknown Work Pressure Factors Count Definition: This variable is a count of the number of work pressure variables. This includes attributes from the original variable “Driver Under Work-Related Pressure,” which were broken out into individual variables. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the DriverAssessment data set: NewPosition, ShippingDeadlines, EXPWorkSchedule, Quotas, ExtraLoads, Demoted, SelfInducedIllegal, SelfInducedOther, OtherPressure. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.Upset, DriverAssessment.Hurrying, DriverAssessment.Emotional, DriverAssessment.KnewVehicle, DriverAssessment.KnewRoad, and DriverAssessment.ComfortCount matches Overview.EmotionExperience. Variable Name: WorkPressureCount Attribute Codes Code0-6 7 99 Meaning Count of work pressure attributes No driver present Unknown Learning New Position Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was under pressure from his/her employer as a result of learning a new position in his/her primary work place. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver Under Work-Related Pressure.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: NewPosition Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 103 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Production/Shipping Deadlines Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced work pressure as a result of being under time-related pressures associated with production/shipping deadlines. (This variable was originally an attribute under the variable “Driver Under Work-Related Pressure.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: ShippingDeadline Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Work Schedule Pressure Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was experiencing any pressure on the job as it relates to his/her work schedule. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver Under Work-Related Pressure.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: EXPWorkSchedule Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Additional Production/Sales Requirements Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced any work pressure with regard to additional production or sales requirements. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver Under Work-Related Pressure.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: Quotas Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 104 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Forced To Accept Loads With Little Or No Advance Notice Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was under pressure from his/her employer to accept loads with little or no advance notice. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver Under Work-Related Pressure.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: ExtraLoads Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Demoted Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver had recently been forced to accept a demotion and/or pay decrease. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver Under Work-Related Pressure.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: Demoted Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Self Induced Work Pressure - Illegal Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced self-induced work pressure, as opposed to employer-induced pressure. The driver was pressuring himself to do things that are considered illegal (e.g. a truck driver continuing to drive even though he knows he is over his allowed driving hours). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Work-Related Pressure” in the electronic data system, but was not found on the paper version of the Crash Event Assessment Form.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: SelfInducedIllegal LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 105 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Self Induced Work Pressure - Other Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced self-induced work pressure, as opposed to employer-induced pressure. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Work-Related Pressure” in the electronic data system, but was not found on the paper version of the Crash Event Assessment Form.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: SelfInducedOther Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Work Pressure Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced any work-related pressure that was not captured under other work-pressure variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Driver Under Work-Related Pressure” and was the “Other (specify)” attribute choice). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: OtherPressure Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Comfort Count Definition: This variable establishes the total number of attributes coded for the variable “Other Factor Types,” which had to do with a driver’s comfort with traffic conditions and the vehicle. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 106 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the DriverAssessment data set: TrafficDensity, TrafficSpeed, ADRTrafficFlow, VehicleLoad, OtherComfortFactor. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.Upset, DriverAssessment.Hurrying, DriverAssessment.Emotional, DriverAssessment.KnewVehicle, DriverAssessment.KnewRoad, and DriverAssessment.WorkPressureCount matches Overview.EmotionExperience. Variable Name: ComfortCount Attribute Codes Code0-6 Meaning Count of comforts coded 7 9 No driver present Unknown Uncomfortable With Surrounding Traffic Densities Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was uncomfortable with the surrounding traffic densities. The densities are usually very high as might be associated with rush hour traffic. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Factor Types,” which had to do with driver experience.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Variable Name: TrafficDensity Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Uncomfortable With General Traffic Speeds Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was uncomfortable with the general speed of surrounding traffic. The discomfort is typically associated with the driver feeling that surrounding traffic is moving too fast. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Factor Types,” which had to do with driver experience.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Variable Name: TrafficSpeed Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 107 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Uncomfortable with General Traffic Flow Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was uncomfortable with the general flow of surrounding traffic. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Factor Types,” which had to do with driver experience.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Variable Name: ADRTrafficFlow Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Uncomfortable With Some Aspect Of Vehicle/Load Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was uncomfortable with either the vehicle or the load. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Factor Types,” which had to do with driver experience.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Congruent with the following variables from IntvwDrCondition: Vehicle, Load, Both. These values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: VehicleLoad Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Comfort Factor Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver had an “other” experience/exposure factor that was relevant to the crash that was not described by the other comfort variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Factor Types,” was the “Other (specify)” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Variable Name: OtherComfortFactor Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 108 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Under Pressure To Accept Loads Definition: This variable documents the circumstance where the driver is under some pressure from the carrier to accept additional loads. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: In conjunction with DriverAssessment.WorkFatigueCount and DriverAssessment.OtherPressureCount matches Overview.CarrierEmployer. Variable Name: LoadPressure Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not under pressure to accept loads 1 Accept unscheduled loads on scheduled trip 2 Accept additional loads on unscheduled trip 3 Accept unscheduled loads on short notice scheduled trip 4 Accept additional loads when over allowable driving hours 7 Not applicable 8 Other load factors (specify) 9 Unknown Work Fatigue Factors Count Definition: This variable is a count of the number of work fatigue-related variables. This includes attributes from the original variable “Under Pressure to Operate Even if Fatigued,” which were broken out into individual variables. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interviews. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the DriverAssessment data set: ScheduledExtensions, RotatingShift, UnscheduledExtensions, NoApplicableFatigue, OtherFatigue. Related to IntvwDrFatigue data set, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.LoadPressure and DriverAssessment.OtherPressureCount matches Overview.CarrierEmployer. Variable Name: WorkFatigueCount Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-6 Count of other fatigue attributes 7 Not applicable 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 109 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Scheduled Loads Require Extended Hours Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced work pressure due to his/her carrier scheduling trips in a manner that requires extended work shifts to complete. (This variable was originally an attribute under the variable “Under Pressure to Operate Even if Fatigued.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interviews. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Variable Name: ScheduledExtensions Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Scheduled Trips Require Rotating Shift Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced work pressure due to his/her carrier scheduling trips in a manner that requires the driver to work rotating shift schedules with an associated rotating sleep pattern. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Under Pressure to Operate Even if Fatigued.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interviews. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Variable Name: RotatingShift Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Unscheduled Loads Require Extended Hours Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced work pressure due to his/her carrier pressing the driver to accept unscheduled loads/trips that require the driver to operate while fatigued. (This variable was originally an attribute under the variable “Under Pressure to Operate Even if Fatigued.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interviews. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Variable Name: UnscheduledExtensions LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 110 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Not Applicable – Under Pressure To Operate Even If Fatigued Definition: This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Under Pressure to Operate Even if Fatigued” (a carrier-related variable). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interviews. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Variable Name: NoApplicableFatigue Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Fatigue-Related Factors Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced any pressure by the carrier to operate even if fatigued when that pressure did not fit under other fatigue variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Under Pressure to Operate Even If Fatigued” and was the “Other (specify)” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interviews. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Variable Name: OtherFatigue Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Pressure Count Definition: This variable establishes the number of “other” pressures specified in the “Other Work Pressure” variable. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the DriverAssessment data set: ShortNoticeTrips, FillInTrips, UnpaidLoading, VariableCompensation, NoApplicableRelations, LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 111 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set OtherRelations. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.LoadPressure and DriverAssessment.WorkFatigueCount matches Overview.CarrierEmployer. Variable Name: OtherPressureCount Attribute Codes Code0-6 7 9 Meaning Count of other pressure attributes Not applicable Unknown Required To Accept Short Notice Trips Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was required by his/her carrier to accept short notice trips. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under variable “Other Relation Factor Types.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwCarrier.AdvanceNotice, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Related to IntvwDrFatigue.ADVNotice, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ShortNoticeTrips Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Required To Fill In For Other Drivers Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was under pressure by his/her carrier to fill in for other drivers (i.e. perform extra work) when other drivers are absent. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: FillInTrips Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 112 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Required To Complete Unpaid Loading Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was required by his/her carrier to complete uncompensated loading/unloading activities. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under variable “Other Relation Factor Types.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrFatigue.Compensated, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with IntvwCarrier.LoadUnloadComp (0 “Not compensated”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: UnpaidLoading Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Variable Compensation Package Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is compensated in accordance with a variable compensation package such that the driver is not paid on a consistent basis. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under variable “Other Relation Factor Types.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: VariableCompensation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Not Applicable – Other Relation Factor Types Definition: This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Relation Factor Types” (a carrier-related variable). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: NoApplicableRelations LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 113 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Carrier Relation Factors Definition: This variable establishes whether or not there were other carrier relation factors not captured in other carrier relation variables that may have had a bearing on crash occurrence. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Relation Factor Types,” and was the “Other (specify)” attribute choice). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/ friends, and the police report. Variable Name: OtherRelations Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverAssessment Data Set • 114 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set DriverDecisionAggression Data Set The DriverDecisionAggression data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the DriverDecisionAggression data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Cross Reference: This table is related to DriverAssessment.Hurrying. Traveling Too Fast For Conditions Definition: This variable documents reasons given by the driver for traveling at his/her pre-crash travel speed. This variable is only relevant in the circumstance where the driver had been assessed as traveling too fast for conditions. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrAggression data set, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverDecisionAggression.Tailgating and DriverDecisionAggression.Misjudgment matches Overview.OVESpeed. Variable Name: Speeding Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 1 2 3 7 9 Not traveling too fast factors Keeping up with traffic Did not realize caution required Other reason (specify) No driver present Unknown Following Too Closely Definition: This variable documents reasons given by the driver for traveling with less than the recommended gap interval to traffic forward of the driver’s position. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrAggression data set, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Related to IntvwDrPerception.GapDistance, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverDecisionAggression.Speeding and DriverDecisionAggression.Misjudgment matches Overview.OVESpeed. Variable Name: Tailgating LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 115 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not following too closely factors 1 Rush hour, heavy traffic 2 Keeping up with traffic 3 Did not realize too close 4 Always drive at this gap distance 7 No driver present 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Misjudgment Of Gap Distance Or Velocity Of Other Vehicle Definition: This variable documents the involvement of a decision error in which the subject driver either misjudges the gap distance to the other vehicle or misjudges the velocity of the other vehicle. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: In conjunction with DriverDecisionAggression.Speeding and DriverDecisionAggression.Tailgating matches Overview.OVESpeed. Variable Name: Misjudgment Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No misjudgment factors 1 Misjudgment of gap distance 2 Misjudgment of velocity of other vehicle 3 Misjudgment of both factors 7 No driver present 9 Unknown Other Vehicle Approaching From This Driver’s Definition: This variable establishes the direction from which the misjudged vehicle was approaching this driver’s position. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Variable Name: Approach Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No misjudgment factors 1 Left 2 Right LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 116 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set 3 Forward direction (i.e. 170-190 degrees opposed) 4 Left forward direction (i.e. 120-169 degrees opposed) 5 Right forward direction (i.e. 191-240 degrees opposed) 6 Rear 7 No driver present 9 Unknown Police Reported Travel Speed Definition: This variable documents the travel speed of this driver as reported on the police report. Source: Police report only. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVETravelSpeed. Congruent with TruckExterior.TEXSpeed when applicable, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Vehicle’s data recorder. Variable Name: ADATravelSpeed Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-900 Travel speed (km/hr) 9999 Unknown Posted Speed Limit Definition: This variable establishes the pre-crash roadway’s posted speed limit. Source: Primary sources are scene inspection or statutory law; a secondary source is the police report. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEPostedSpeed. Variable Name: ADAPostedSpeed Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-900 Posted speed limit (km/hr) 9999 Unknown False Assumption Of Other Road User’s Actions Definition: This variable identifies false assumptions on the part of this driver with respect to other driver’s actions or intended actions. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: In conjunction with DriverDecisionAggression.Evasion, DriverDecisionAggression.ADAOtherFactor, DriverDecisionAggression.ManeuverCount matches Overview.OVEDecision. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 117 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Variable Name: Assumption Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No false assumption factors 1 Assumed that other driver would merge without stopping 2 Assumed that other driver would turn without stopping 3 Assumed that other driver would continue to proceed 4 Assumed that other driver would yield right-of-way 7 No driver present 8 Other false assumption (specify) 9 Unknown Inadequate Evasive Action Definition: This variable establishes inadequate evasive actions on the part of this driver. This variable does not deal with legal requirements and the final assessment may be subjective. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: In conjunction with DriverDecisionAggression.Assumption, DriverDecisionAggression.ADAOtherFactor, DriverDecisionAggression.ManeuverCount matches Overview.OVEDecision. Variable Name: Evasion Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No inadequate evasive action factors 1 Insufficient steering inputs 2 Insufficient braking inputs 3 Combination of insufficient steering and braking inputs 4 No driver present 8 Other inadequate evasive action (specify) 9 Unknown Other Decision Factors Definition: This variable establishes decision factors relevant to this crash that are not described in the other decision variables. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: In conjunction with DriverDecisionAggression.Assumption, DriverDecisionAggression.Evasion, DriverDecisionAggression.ManeuverCount matches Overview.OVEDecision. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 118 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Variable Name: ADAOtherFactor Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No other decision factors 1 Crossed with obstructed view 2 Turned with obstructed view 3 Stopped when not required 4 Proceeded with insufficient clearance 5 Turned without signaling 7 No driver present 8 Other decision error (specify) 9 Unknown Illegal Maneuver Count Definition: This variable establishes the total number of illegal maneuvers conducted by this driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the police report and the driver interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the DriverDecisionAggression data set: CrossedLine, Undertaking, WrongTurnLane, IllegalUTurn, RanLights, WrongWay, OtherManeuver. In conjunction with DriverDecisionAggression.Assumption, DriverDecisionAggression.Evasion, DriverDecisionAggression.ADAOtherFactor matches Overview.OVEDecision. Variable Name: ManeuverCount Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-6 Count of maneuver aspects present 7 No driver present 9 Unknown Crossed Full Barrier Lines While Passing Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver crosses full barrier lines to execute, or while executing, a passing maneuver. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illegal Maneuver.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the police report and the driver interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: CrossedLine LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 119 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Passed On Right (Drive Off Pavement To Pass) Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver drives off the travel lane(s) to pass on the right (i.e. driver moves on to shoulder area to execute the passing maneuver). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illegal Maneuver.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the police report and the driver interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: Undertaking Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Turned From Wrong Lane Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver executes a turn from the wrong lane (i.e. driver turns left from the right lane or turns right from the left lane of a multi-lane roadway). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illegal Maneuver.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the police report and the driver interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: WrongTurnLane Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Initiated Illegal U-Turn Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver initiates a U-turn in an area where these turns are not permitted. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illegal Maneuver.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the police report and the driver interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: IllegalUTurn LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 120 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Failed To Stop For TCD Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver does not stop for a displayed red traffic signal phase or does not stop for a stop sign. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illegal Maneuver.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the police report and the driver interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Related to DriverAssessment.StopRequired. Related to IntvwDrPerception.Stopped, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: RanLights Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Drove Wrong Way On One-Way Road Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver travels the wrong way on a one- way roadway. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illegal Maneuver.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the police report and the driver interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: WrongWay Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Illegal Maneuver Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver initiates an illegal maneuver that is not described in the other illegal maneuver variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illegal Maneuver” and was the “Other Illegal Maneuver (specify):” attribute.) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 121 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the police report and the driver interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: OtherManeuver Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Aggression Count Definition: This variable establishes the total number of aggressive behaviors exhibited by this driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the DriverDecisionAggression data set: SpeedingBehavior, TailgatingBehavior, Weaving, LightViolation, RapidAcceleration, Honking, Flashing, ObsceneGestures, BlockingOthers, OtherAggression. Elaborates on Overview.Aggression. Related to IntvwDrAggressiveDriving data set, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AggressionCount Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-10 Count of aggression attributes present 77 No driver present 99 Unknown Speeding Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver exhibited aggressive behavior in terms of exceeding the speed limit by a minimum of 5 MPH (8.05 kmph) and the vehicle’s speed has a bearing on subsequent crash events. A degree of caution is required when assigning this element. Specifically, to be considered as a valid aggressive driving element, the act of speeding should pose some risk to surrounding traffic. If, for example, the driver is speeding in a stream of traffic, this act poses a risk to surrounding traffic. On the other hand, a driver who is speeding late at night, on a rural highway with no surrounding traffic, does not pose a risk to others and should not be considered as driving aggressively. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Aggressive Driving Behavior.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: SpeedingBehavior LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 122 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Tailgating Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver exhibited aggressive behavior in terms of traveling in close proximity to a vehicle forward of his/her position. While the exact gap interval that qualifies for this assignment will vary with the velocity of the traffic stream, the interval should be sufficiently small/short to preclude the following vehicle/driver from executing a safe stop in an emergency stop circumstance. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Aggressive Driving Behavior.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: TailgatingBehavior Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Weaving In And Out Of Traffic Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver exhibited aggressive behavior in terms of weaving in and out of traffic to pass slower-moving vehicles. While drivers engaging in this activity typically exceed the speed limit, speeding is not required for valid use of this element. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Aggressive Driving Behavior.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: Weaving Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Intentional Violation Of Traffic Control Devices Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver exhibited aggressive behavior in terms of violating a displayed red signal phase or stop sign. Deliberate violation of a yield sign is captured under the “Other Aggressive Behavior” variable. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Aggressive Driving Behavior.”) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 123 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: LightViolations Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Accelerated Rapidly/Stopped Suddenly Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver exhibited aggressive behavior in terms of engaging in these activities in a repeating fashion (i.e. braking late for a TCD and then accelerating rapidly away from that location and repeating this behavior at the next TCD). This behavior pattern is often associated with being in a hurry or being late for some engagement. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Aggressive Driving Behavior.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: RapidAcceleration Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Honking Horn Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver exhibited aggressive behavior in terms of repeatedly honking the vehicle’s horn at surrounding traffic to gain a time/space advantage. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Aggressive Driving Behavior.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: Honking Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 124 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Flashing Lights Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver exhibited aggressive behavior in terms of repeatedly flashing the vehicle’s lights in an attempt to have traffic forward of this vehicle’s position move either to the right or left so that this vehicle can “get by.” (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Aggressive Driving Behavior.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: Flashing Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Obscene Gestures Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver exhibited aggressive behavior in terms of making obscene gestures at other drivers. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Aggressive Driving Behavior.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: ObsceneGestures Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Obstructing The Path Of Others Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver exhibited aggressive behavior in terms of using his/her vehicle to physically obstruct the path of another vehicle by pulling in front of that vehicle. In addition to physically blocking the path, the subject driver typically slows to force the other driver to take evasive action (e.g. steering, and/or braking actions). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Aggressive Driving Behavior.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: BlockingOthers LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 125 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDecisionAggression Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Aggressive Behavior Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver exhibited aggressive behavior that is not described by the other aggressive driving behavior variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Aggressive Driving Behavior” and was the “Other (specify)” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: OtherAggression Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Reasons For Aggressive Driving Behavior Definition: This variable establishes the reason for the aggressive driving behaviors reported in the corresponding variables. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview, interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: AggressionReason Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No aggressive driving behaviors 1 Anger 2 Frustration 3 Always drive this way 77 No driver present 88 Other (specify) 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDecisionAggression Data Set • 126 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDrugs Data Set DriverDrugs Data Set The DriverDrugs data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID, VehicleNumber and DrugName uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the DriverDrugs data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Cross Reference: This table elaborates on Crash.AnyDrugsCrash. Drug Name Definition: Name of drug(s) used – includes illegal drugs, over-the-counter drugs, and prescription drugs. Source: For illegal drugs: Police report, medical report, carrier reports, or other official records. For over-the-counter and prescription drugs: The primary source for this information is the driver interviews. The information, however, may also be obtained from other occupants in the vehicle and from surrogate interviews. When appropriate, official records including police reports and medical reports may also be used. Variable Name: DrugName Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual drug name Drug Type Definition: This variable establishes the type of drug specified in the Drug Name variable. Source: For illegal drugs: Police report, medical report, carrier reports, or other official records. For over-the-counter and prescription drugs: The primary source for this information is the driver interviews. The information, however, may also be obtained from other occupants in the vehicle and from surrogate interviews. When appropriate, official records including police reports and medical reports may also be used. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.OverCounter and IntvwDrHealth.Prescribed, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: DrugType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Prescription 2 Over the counter 3 Illegal Driver Reported Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the drug usage was reported by the driver. Source: Driver interview. Variable Name: DriverReported LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDrugs Data Set • 127 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverDrugs Data Set Attribute Codes Code1 2 Meaning Yes No Drug Test Results Definition: This variable documents the results of drug tests performed on the driver. Source: Police report, medical report, carrier records, or other official records. Variable Name: TestResult Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0.00-1000.00 Test result (usually nanograms/ml) 99995 None given 99996 Legal drug, test results not collected 99997 Drug test positive, measured value unknown 99998 Trace 99999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverDrugs Data Set • 128 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set DriverHealth Data Set The DriverHealth data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the DriverHealth data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Corrected Vision Level Definition: This variable documents the driver’s corrected vision level. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include driver and surrogate interviews. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.CorrectedVision, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ADHCorrectedVision Attribute Codes Code0-9000 Meaning Corrected vision 9797 9898 9999 No test given Not applicable Unknown Number Of Illness Factors Definition: This variable documents the number of illness factors coded for this driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, medical report, driver interviews, other occupant interviews, and witness interviews. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the DriverHealth data set: HeartAttack, EpilepticSeizure, OtherSeizure, DiabeticBlackout, OtherBlackout, ColdFlu, OtherIllness. In conjunction with DriverHealth.LegallyBlind, DriverHealth.Myopic, DriverHealth.Hyperopic, DriverHealth.Glaucoma, DriverHealth.ColorBlind, DriverHealth.Astigmatic, DriverHealth.OtherVision, and DriverHealth.OtherFactorCount matches Overview.DriverPhysical. Variable Name: IllnessFactorCount Attribute Codes Code0-6 7 9 Meaning Count of illness factors present No driver present Unknown Heart Attack Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced a heart attack prior to the crash event. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illness.”) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 129 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, medical report, driver interviews, other occupant interviews, and witness interviews. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: HeartAttack Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Seizure (Epilepsy Related) Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced an epileptic seizure prior to the crash event. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illness.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, medical report, driver interviews, other occupant interviews, and witness interviews. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: EpilepticSeizure Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Seizure (Other Source) Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced a seizure prior to the crash event that was not related to epilepsy. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illness.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, medical report, driver interviews, other occupant interviews, and witness interviews. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: OtherSeizure Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Blackout (Diabetes Related) Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced a blackout prior to the crash event and that this event can be traced to a medically diagnosed diabetic condition (e.g. driver blacks out as a result of insulin shock). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illness.”) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 130 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, medical report, driver interviews, other occupant interviews, and witness interviews. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: DiabeticBlackout Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Blackout (Other Source) Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experienced a blackout prior to the crash event and that this event is not related to a diabetic condition. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illness.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, medical report, driver interviews, other occupant interviews, and witness interviews. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: OtherBlackout Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Severe Cold/Flu Symptoms Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is operating the vehicle while experiencing severe cold/flu symptoms which influence his/her driving performance. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illness.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, medical report, driver interviews, other occupant interviews, and witness interviews. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: ColdFlu Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Illness Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experiences an illness or physical symptoms that are not described under the other illness variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Illness” and was the “Other (specify)” attribute.) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 131 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, medical report, driver interviews, other occupant interviews, and witness interviews. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: OtherIllness Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Normal Vision Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver wears corrective lenses to improve vision levels. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vision.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.VisionCondition (9 “Not Applicable”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: NormalVision Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Legal Blindness Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver has been diagnosed with an uncorrected vision level that exceeds 20/2800. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vision.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.VisionCondition (part of 9 “Other”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverHealth.IllnessFactorCount, DriverHealth.Myopic, DriverHealth.Hyperopic, DriverHealth.Glaucoma, DriverHealth.ColorBlind, DriverHealth.Astigmatic, DriverHealth.OtherVision, and DriverHealth.OtherFactorCount matches Overview.DriverPhysical. Variable Name: LegallyBlind Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 132 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set Myopic (Near-sighted) Condition Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver wears corrective lenses (including contact lenses) to compensate for a near-sighted condition. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vision.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.VisionCondition (1 “Myopic (near sighted)”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverHealth.IllnessFactorCount, DriverHealth.LegallyBlind, DriverHealth.Hyperopic, DriverHealth.Glaucoma, DriverHealth.ColorBlind, DriverHealth.Astigmatic, DriverHealth.OtherVision, and DriverHealth.OtherFactorCount matches Overview.DriverPhysical. Variable Name: Myopic Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Hyperopic (Far-sighted) Condition Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver wears corrective lenses (including contact lenses) to compensate for a far-sighted condition. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vision.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.VisionCondition (2 “Hyperopic (far sighted)”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverHealth.IllnessFactorCount, DriverHealth.LegallyBlind, DriverHealth.Myopic, DriverHealth.Glaucoma, DriverHealth.ColorBlind, DriverHealth.Astigmatic, DriverHealth.OtherVision, and DriverHealth.OtherFactorCount matches Overview.DriverPhysical. Variable Name: Hyperopic Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Glaucoma Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver has been diagnosed as having glaucoma. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vision.”) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 133 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.VisionCondition (part of 9 “Other”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverHealth.IllnessFactorCount, DriverHealth.LegallyBlind, DriverHealth.Myopic, DriverHealth.Hyperopic, DriverHealth.ColorBlind, DriverHealth.Astigmatic, DriverHealth.OtherVision, and DriverHealth.OtherFactorCount matches Overview.DriverPhysical. Variable Name: Glaucoma Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Color Blind Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver has been diagnosed as being color blind. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vision.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.VisionCondition (part of 9 “Other”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverHealth.IllnessFactorCount, DriverHealth.LegallyBlind, DriverHealth.Myopic, DriverHealth.Hyperopic, DriverHealth.Glaucoma, DriverHealth.Astigmatic, DriverHealth.OtherVision, and DriverHealth.OtherFactorCount matches Overview.DriverPhysical. Variable Name: ColorBlind Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Astigmatism Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver has been diagnosed as having astigmatism. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vision.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.VisionCondition (part of 9 “Other”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverHealth.IllnessFactorCount, DriverHealth.LegallyBlind, DriverHealth.Myopic, LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 134 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set DriverHealth.Hyperopic, DriverHealth.Glaucoma, DriverHealth.ColorBlind, DriverHealth.OtherVision, and DriverHealth.OtherFactorCount matches Overview.DriverPhysical. Variable Name: Astigmatic Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Vision Problem Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver has a vision problem that is not described by the other vision variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vision” and was the “Other (specify)” attribute.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.VisionCondition (part of 9 “Other”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverHealth.IllnessFactorCount, DriverHealth.LegallyBlind, DriverHealth.Myopic, DriverHealth.Hyperopic, DriverHealth.Glaucoma, DriverHealth.ColorBlind, DriverHealth.Astigmatic, and DriverHealth.OtherFactorCount matches Overview.DriverPhysical. Variable Name: OtherVision Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Unknown Vision Problem Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was coded as “Vision problem unknown.” This code is used when there is insufficient information to determine if the driver has a vision related problem/deficiency. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vision” and was the “Unknown” attribute.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.VisionCondition (9 “Unknown”), values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: UnknownVision LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 135 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Number Of Other Physical Factors Definition: This variable documents the number of other physical factors coded to this driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the DriverHealth data set: NoFactors, HearingImpairment, Prosthesis, Paraplegia, StrenuousRecreation, OtherStrenuous, SleepApnea, OtherFactorPhysical. In conjunction with DriverHealth.IllnessFactorCount, DriverHealth.LegallyBlind, DriverHealth.Myopic, DriverHealth.Hyperopic, DriverHealth.Glaucoma, DriverHealth.ColorBlind, DriverHealth.Astigmatic, and DriverHealth.OtherVision matches Overview.DriverPhysical. Variable Name: OtherFactorCount Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-6 Count of other factors present 7 No driver present 9 Unknown No Other Physical Factors Definition: This variable documents whether or not there were no other physical factors coded to this driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: NoFactors Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Hearing Impairment Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver has a diagnosed hearing impairment. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Physical Factors.”) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 136 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.Hearing, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: HearingImpairment Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Prosthesis Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is wearing a prosthesis. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Physical Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwCarrier.ConditionCovered (2 “Prosthesis”), values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: Prosthesis Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Paraplegia Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver has paralysis of the lower limbs. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Physical Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: Paraplegia Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 137 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set Strenuous Recreation Activities Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver participates in strenuous recreational activities during the seven day interval preceding the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Physical Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrFatigue.RecreationalStrenuous, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: StrenuousRecreation Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Strenuous Non-Work Activities Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver participates/engages in strenuous non-work activities (e.g. household chores) during the seven day interval preceding the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Physical Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrFatigue.OtherStrenuous, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: StrenuousNonWork Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Sleep Apnea Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver has an obstructive sleep apnea disorder. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Physical Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 138 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverHealth Data Set Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrHealth.ApneaHas and IntvwDrHealth.ApneaBeingTreated, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: SleepApnea Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Physical Factor Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver has a relevant physical factor that is not described in the other physical factor variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Physical Factors” and was the “Other (specify)” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: OtherFactorPhysical Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverHealth Data Set • 139 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set The DriverRecognitionDistraction data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the DriverRecognitionDistraction data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: All variables in this table are determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Inattention Definition: This variable documents driver inattention (i.e. focusing on internal thought processes) and the nature of the involved thought processes. Cross Reference: Related to DriverAssessment.Upset. Related to IntvwDrAttention.Concerns, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverRecognitionDistraction.Conversation, DriverRecognitionDistraction.ADDRecognition, DriverRecognitionDistraction.InteriorDistractionCount, and ExteriorDistractionCount matches Overview.OVERecognition. Variable Name: Inattention Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Inattention Factors 1 Personal problem 2 Family problem 3 Financial problem 4 Preceding argument 5 Future event (vacation, wedding, etc.) 7 No driver present 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Conversation Definition: This variable documents driver participation in conversation. The conversation can be associated with a variety of sources including conversing with passengers, talking on a cell phone, or talking on a CB radio. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrAttention.OnPhone, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Related to IntvwDrAttention.TalkingOnPhone and IntvwDrAttention.TalkingOnCB, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverRecognitionDistraction.Inattention, DriverRecognitionDistraction.ADDRecognition, DriverRecognitionDistraction.InteriorDistractionCount, and ExteriorDistractionCount matches Overview.OVERecognition. Variable Name: Conversation LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set • 140 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not conversing 1 Conversing with passenger 2 Talking on phone 3 Talking on CB radio 7 No driver present 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Nature Of Discussion Definition: This variable documents the nature of the conversation the driver is involved in during the pre-crash phase. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrAttention.DiscussionNature, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: Subject Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not conversing 1 Business 2 Social 3 Family matter 4 Argument 5 Disciplinary 7 No driver present 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Nature Of Relationship Between Driver And Person Conversing With Definition: This variable documents the relationship between the driver and the person the driver was conversing with during the immediate pre-crash phase. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrAttention.OnPhone, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: Conversant Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not conversing No relation/stranger Business Social (friend) Boyfriend/girlfriend Husband/wife Driver/co-driver LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set • 141 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set 7 Parent/child 77 No driver present 88 Other (specify) 99 Unknown Location Of Exterior Factor Definition: This variable documents the location of the exterior factor with respect to the driver’s location at the time the distraction first occurred. Variable Name: OutsideLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No exterior factors 1 Forward 2 Forward, left 3 Forward, right 4 Left 5 Right 6 Rearward 7 No driver present 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Inadequate Surveillance Definition: This variable establishes inadequate surveillance behavior on the part of the driver of this vehicle. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrAttention.LookedDidNotSee, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverAssessment.SightLine, DriverAssessment.Obscured, and DriverAssessment.Focused matches Overview.OVESurveillance. Variable Name: ADDSurveillance Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No additional surveillance factors 1 Failed to look far enough ahead 2 Failed to look to either side ahead 3 Failed to look to side 4 Failed to look to rear (mirrors) 5 Failed to look other (specify) 6 Looked, but did not see 9 Unknown 77 No driver present 88 Other (specify) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set • 142 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set Tracking Of Rear Exterior Factor Definition: This variable establishes how the driver tracked the exterior factor when this factor is located behind the vehicle. Variable Name: Tracking Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No exterior factors 1 Turned head 2 Used rearview mirror 3 Used side mirror 7 No driver present 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Other Recognition Factors Definition: This variable establishes the occurrence of other recognition factors related to this driver. Cross Reference: In conjunction with DriverRecognitionDistraction.Inattention, DriverRecognitionDistraction.Conversation, DriverRecognitionDistraction.InteriorDistractionCount, and ExteriorDistractionCount matches Overview.OVERecognition. Variable Name: ADDRecognition Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No other recognition factors 1 Impending problem masked by traffic flow pattern 2 Driver focused on extraneous vehicle 3 Other recognition error (specify) 7 No driver present 9 Unknown Interior Distraction Count Definition: This variable documents the number of interior distractions that were coded for this driver. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the DriverRecognitionDistraction data set: OccupantMovement, ADDDialingPhone, ADDAdjustingRadio, OtherControls, FloorRetrieval, OtherRetrieval, OtherInternal. In conjunction with DriverRecognitionDistraction.Inattention, DriverRecognitionDistraction.Conversation, DriverRecognitionDistraction.ADDRecognition, and ExteriorDistractionCount matches Overview.OVERecognition. Variable Name: InteriorDistractionCount LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set • 143 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-6 Count of interior distractions present 7 No driver present 9 Unknown Looking At Movement/Actions Of Other Occupants Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver is distracted by other occupants in the vehicle. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Non-Driving Activities,” which had to do with distractions internal to the vehicle.) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrAttention.OtherOccupant, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: OccupantMovement Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Dialing/Hanging Up Phone Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver is distracted as a result of either dialing or hanging up a phone during the pre-crash phase. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Non-Driving Activities,” which had to do with distractions internal to the vehicle.) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrAttention.IDADialingPhone, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ADDDialingPhone Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Adjusting Radio/CD Player Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver is distracted as a result of attempting to adjust the sound system controls during the pre-crash phase. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Non-Driving Activities,” which had to do with distractions internal to the vehicle.) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrAttention.IDAAdjustingRadio, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ADDAdjustingRadio LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set • 144 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Adjusting Other Vehicle Controls Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver is distracted as a result of attempting to adjust the heat, vent or air conditioning controls during the pre-crash phase. This category also includes attempted adjustments to other OEM and after-market controls. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Non-Driving Activities,” which had to do with distractions internal to the vehicle.) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrAttention.AdjustingClimate and/or IntvwDrAttention.OtherDevice, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: OtherControls Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Retrieving Object From Floor And/Or Seat Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver is distracted as a result of trying to retrieve an object from either the floor or seat while driving. The objects in this category include everything with the exception of items related to smoking or eating, which are addressed in the “Other” category. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Non- Driving Activities,” which had to do with distractions internal to the vehicle.) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrAttention.RetrievingFallen, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: FloorRetrieval Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Retrieving Object From Other Location Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver is distracted as a result of trying to retrieve an object from a location other than the floor or seat while driving. Again, the objects in this category include everything with the exception of items related to smoking or eating, which are addressed in the “Other” category. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Non-Driving Activities,” which had to do with distractions internal to the vehicle.) Variable Name: OtherRetrieval LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set • 145 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Internal Distraction Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver is distracted by internal factors not described in the other variables. Examples include smoking, eating, drinking, and reading-related activities. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Non-Driving Activities,” and was the “Other (specify)” attribute choice.) Cross Reference: Related to a combination of the following variables from the IntvwDrAttention data set: Reading, Eating, Smoking, etc. Values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: OtherInternal Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Exterior Distraction Count Definition: This variable documents the number of exterior distractions that were coded for this driver. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the DriverRecognitionDistraction data set: ADDPreviousCrash, ApproachingTraffic, StreetAddress, ExternalPerson, Building, UnspecifiedExternal, OtherExternal. Congruent with IntvwDrAttention.OusideObject, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverRecognitionDistraction.Inattention, DriverRecognitionDistraction.Conversation, DriverRecognitionDistraction.ADDRecognition, and InteriorDistractionCount matches Overview.OVERecognition. Variable Name: ExteriorDistractionCount Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-6 Count of exterior distractions present 7 No driver present 9 Unknown Looking At Previous Crash Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver removes his/her focus from the driving task to look at a previous crash (i.e. rubbernecking). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Factors” and had to do with the driver focusing on factors that were exterior to the vehicle.) Variable Name: ADDPreviousCrash LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set • 146 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Looking At ApproachingTraffic Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver removes his/her focus from the driving task to look at approaching traffic either in an adjoining lane or across a median area. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Factors” and had to do with the driver focusing on factors that were exterior to the vehicle.) Variable Name: ApproachingTraffic Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Looking For Street Address Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver removes his/her focus from the driving task to search for a street address (usually searching for a specific building number). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Factors” and had to do with the driver focusing on factors that were exterior to the vehicle.) Variable Name: StreetAddress Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Looking At Outside Person Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver removes his/her focus from the driving task to look at a person who is exterior to this vehicle. The person can be a pedestrian, bicyclist, skater, and an occupant of another vehicle or even a person in a building. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Factors” and had to do with the driver focusing on factors that were exterior to the vehicle.) Variable Name: ExternalPerson Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set • 147 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set Looking At Building Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver removes his/her focus from the driving task to look at a building (usually as a result of seeing a feature of interest). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Factors” and had to do with the driver focusing on factors that were exterior to the vehicle.) Variable Name: Building Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Unspecified Outside Focus Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver removes his/her focus from the driving task to focus on something exterior to the vehicle, but there is insufficient information to determine the direction or the specific object that is being examined. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Factors” and had to do with the driver focusing on factors that were exterior to the vehicle.) Variable Name: UnspecifiedExternal Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other External Distraction Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver was distracted by something that is exterior to the vehicle and that is not adequately described by the other variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Factors” and was the “Other (specify)” attribute choice.) Variable Name: OtherExternal Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set • 148 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverSleep Data Set DriverSleep Data Set The DriverSleep data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the DriverSleep data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Hours Of Last Sleep Definition: This represents the number of hours the driver slept (most recent sleep interval). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.LastLenght, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: LastSleepHours Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No sleep 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown Start Time Of Last Sleep Interval Definition: The time of day (military time) that the driver began his/her last sleep interval. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.LastStart, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: LastSleepStart Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No sleep 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverSleep Data Set • 149 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverSleep Data Set End Of Last Sleep Interval Definition: This is the time of day (military time) that the driver awoke from his/her last sleep interval. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.LastEnd, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: LastSleepEnd Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No sleep 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown Hours Since Last Sleep Definition: This represents the number of hours that have passed since the driver has awoken from his/her last sleep interval. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.LastSince, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: HoursSinceSleep Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No sleep 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown If Hours Of Sleep Were Less Than 4 Hours, Hours Of Last Main Sleep Definition: If the driver’s last sleep interval was less than 4 hours, this is the number of hours that the driver slept in his/her previous sleep interval where that interval was greater than 4 hours (i.e. “main” sleep interval). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverSleep Data Set • 150 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverSleep Data Set Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.Less4Lenght, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: MainSleepHours Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No sleep 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown Start Of Main Sleep Interval Definition: This is the time of day (military time) that the driver’s main sleep interval began. This variable should be coded when the driver’s last sleep interval was less than 4 hours. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.Less4Start, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: MainSleepStart Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No sleep 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown End Of Main Sleep Interval Definition: This is the time of day (military time) that the driver’s main sleep interval ended. This variable should be coded when the driver’s last sleep interval was less than 4 hours. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.Less4End, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: MainSleepEnd Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No sleep 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverSleep Data Set • 151 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverSleep Data Set 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown Hours Driving Since Last 8-Hour Break Definition: This represents the number of hours the driver has been driving since he/she last had a break of at least 8 hours. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.Since8Driving, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: HoursDriving Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No hours driving 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown Hours On Duty Since Last 8-Hour Break Definition: This represents the number of hours the driver has been on duty since he/she last had a break of at least 8 hours. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.Since8OnDuty, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: HoursOnDuty Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No hours on duty 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown Longest Work Day In Preceding 7-Day Interval Definition: This number represents the number of hours the driver worked on his/her longest workday in the 7-day interval preceding the crash. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverSleep Data Set • 152 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverSleep Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include carrier records, log book entries and surrogate interviews with the driver's family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.Longest, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: WeekLongest Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No work hours 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 99:99 Unknown Shortest Work Day In Preceding 7-Day Interval Definition: This number represents the number of hours the driver worked on his/her shortest workday in the 7-day interval preceding the crash. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include carrier records, log book entries and surrogate interviews with the driver's family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.Shortest, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: WeekShortest Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No work hours 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 99:99 Unknown Average Work Day In Preceding 7-Day Interval Definition: This number represents the average number of hours the driver worked per day in the 7-day interval preceding the crash. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include carrier records, log book entries and surrogate interviews with the driver's family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.Average, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: WeekAverage LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverSleep Data Set • 153 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverSleep Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00 No work hours 00:01-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 99:99 Unknown Did The Time At Which The Driver Began To Sleep Rotate/Shift In Last 7 Days? Definition: This variable establishes the occurrence of a rotating sleep period (i.e. beginning of sleep interval changes during the period). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source here is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.ShiftRotate, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: Rotation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes (specify) 2 No 7 No driver present 9 Unknown Hours Worked On Day Of Crash Definition: This represents the number of hours the driver worked on the day of the crash. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include carrier records, log book entries and surrogate interviews with the driver's family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.Last24Worked, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with IntvwCarrier.CAIHoursOnDuty, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: HoursWorked Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverSleep Data Set • 154 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverSleep Data Set Longest Length Of Daily Sleep In Preceding 7-Day Interval Definition: This is the number of hours the driver slept in the 7-day interval preceding the crash that represents his/her longest interval of daily sleep. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.IDSLongestDay, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with IntvwCarrier.LongestDay, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ADSLongestDay Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown Shortest Length Of Daily Sleep In Preceding 7-Day Interval Definition: This is the number of hours the driver slept in the 7-day interval preceding the crash that represents his/her shortest interval of daily sleep. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.IDSShortestDay, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with IntvwCarrier.ShortestDay, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ADSShortestDay Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown Average Length Of Daily Sleep In Preceding 7-Day Interval Definition: This represents the average number of hours the driver slept per day in the 7-day interval preceding the crash. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include surrogate interviews, other occupant interviews, log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, and carrier records. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverSleep Data Set • 155 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverSleep Data Set Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrSleep.AverageWorkDay, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with IntvwCarrier.CAIAverageDay, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AverageDay Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00-24:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown Total Hours Worked On Primary Job During Preceding 7-Day Interval Definition: This represents the total number of hours that the driver worked on his primary job during the 7-day interval preceding the crash. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include carrier records, log book entries and surrogate interviews with the driver's family members/friends. Cross Reference: In conjunction with DriverSleep.LastWeekMoonlight congruent with IntvwDrSleep.TotalHours, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverSleep.LastWeekMoonlight congruent with IntvwCarrier.CAITotalHours, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: LastWeekHours Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00:130:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown Hours Worked On Second Job During Preceding 7-Day Interval Definition: This number represents the number of hours the driver worked on his/her second job during the 7-day interval preceding the crash. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include carrier records, log book entries and surrogate interviews with the driver's family members/friends. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwCarrier.HoursWorked7Days, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverSleep.LastWeekHours congruent with IntvwDrSleep.TotalHours, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. In conjunction with DriverSleep.LastWeekHours congruent with IntvwCarrier.CAITotalHours, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: LastWeekMoonlight LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverSleep Data Set • 156 Variable Definitions and Codes - DriverSleep Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00:00-130:00 Time (in HH:MM format) 97:97 No driver present 98:98 Not applicable 99:99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual DriverSleep Data Set • 157 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set Environment Data Set The Environment data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the Environment data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Relation To Roadway Definition: This variable describes the characteristics of this vehicle’s roadway environment just prior to the critical precrash event. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection, secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Variable Name: RoadRelation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 On roadway 2 Shoulder 3 Median 4 Roadside 5 Outside right-of-way 6 Off roadway - location unknown 7 In parking lane 8 Gore 9 Unknown Relation To Junction Definition: This variable describes this vehicle’s roadway as it relates to a junction. A junction is, in general, the area formed by the connection of two roadways. It includes (1) all at-grade intersections, (2) connections between a driveway access or alley access and a roadway that is not a driveway access or an alley access, (3) connections between two alley accesses or driveway accesses, or (4) a connection between a driveway and an alley access. An interchange is an area around a grade separation that involves at least two trafficways. Included within its boundaries are: (1) all ramps that connect the roadways, and (2) each roadway entering or leaving the interchange to a point 30 meters (100 feet) beyond the gore or curb return at the outermost ramp connection for the roadway. Included within an interchange area are intersections, driveway accesses, and roadway sections that are non-junction. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection, secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Variable Name: Junction Attribute Codes Code1 2 Meaning Non-junction Intersection 3 Intersection related LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 158 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set 4 Driveway, alley access, etc. 5 Entrance/exit ramp related 6 Rail grade crossing 7 In crossover 9 Unknown, non interchange 15 Other location in interchange 19 Unknown, interchange area 99 Unknown Interchange Definition: This variable determines whether or not the crash involved an interchange. An interchange is an area around a grade separation that involves at least two trafficways. Included within its boundaries are: (1) all ramps that connect the roadways, and (2) each roadway entering or leaving the interchange to a point 30 meters (100 feet) beyond the gore or curb return at the outermost ramp connection for the roadway. Included within an interchange area are intersections, driveway accesses, and roadway sections that are non-junction. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection, secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Variable Name: Interchange Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes 9 Unknown 15 Unknown Interchange Area - this when it was selected as an interchange -9999 Unknown - this is when it was not selected as an interchange Trafficway Flow Definition: This variable describes the flow of traffic as specified by the design of the roadway just prior to the critical precrash event. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection, secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Variable Name: ENVTrafficFlow Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Divided trafficway-median strip without positive barrier 2 Divided trafficway-median strip with positive barrier 3 One way traffic 4 Not physically divided (two way traffic) 5 Not physically divided with two-way left turn lane 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 159 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set Trafficway Flow Restrictions Definition: This variable identifies preexisting trafficway flow restrictions that hindered the general flow of traffic in some way. Selection of specific attributes does not imply that the restriction contributed to crash causation. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Cross Reference: Related to the following variables from FactorAssessment: NoTraffic, ConstructionZone, RushHour, Underwater, AFTPreviousCrash. Variable Name: FlowRestriction Attribute Codes Code0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Meaning No restrictions Work zone Roadway immersed Prior crash Congestion Dust storm Other (specify) Unknown Intersection Type Definition: This variable defines the intersection type for those crashes that occur in an intersection or are intersection-related. For example, if there is a stream of traffic stopped on the approach to an intersection and a vehicle at the rear of this traffic stream is struck in the rear by a second vehicle, the crash is considered intersection-related and intersection type is coded for this crash. Source: Research determined – primary source is the scene inspection, secondary sources include the police report and local maps/site plans. Variable Name: IntersectionType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Non-intersection (and not intersection related) 1 Signalized cross intersection 2 Cross intersection with right turn lane(s) and stop control on minor street 3 Cross intersection with left turn lane(s) and stop control on minor street 4 Cross intersection with left/right turn lane(s) and stop control on minor street 5 Cross intersection with no turning lanes and stop control on minor street 6 Signalized Tee intersection 7 Tee intersection with turn lanes and stop control on minor street 8 Tee intersection with no turn lanes and stop control on minor street 88 Other (specify) 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 160 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set Number Of Travel Lanes Definition: This variable establishes the number of travel lanes that existed for this vehicle prior to the critical precrash event. The attribute related to this variable is determined from the same roadway that was used to determine the variable “Trafficway Flow.” If traffic flows in both directions and is undivided, the number of lanes in both directions is indicated. If the trafficway is divided into two or more roadways, only the number of lanes for the roadway on which this vehicle was traveling is indicated. If turn bays, acceleration, deceleration, or center two-way left turn lanes exist and are physically located within the cross section of the roadway and these lanes are the most representative of the driver’s environment just prior to the critical precrash event, then they are included in the number of lanes. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Variable Name: TravelLanes Attribute Codes Code1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 Meaning One Two Three Four Five Six Seven or more Unknown Access Control Definition: This variable describes the level of control maintained for vehicles attempting to enter/exit the roadway. The attribute is determined for the same roadway as described in the variable “Number Of Travel Lanes.” Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Variable Name: AccessControl Attribute Codes Code1 2 3 9 Meaning Full control No control Other (specify) Unknown Route Signing Definition: This variable describes the general class of roadway by noting the type of route signing. The attribute is determined for the same roadway described in the variable “Number Of Travel Lanes.” Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 161 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set include the police report and state maps. Variable Name: Signage Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Interstate 2 U.S. highway 3 State highway 4 County road 5 Township 6 Municipality 7 Frontage road 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Trafficway Functional Class Definition: This variable is based upon the Federal Highway Administration’s classification system for identifying a roadway functional system. The basic functional systems are: (1) rural areas, (2) urbanized areas, and (3) small urban areas (under 50,000 in population). Each system is comprised of various functional categories. Source: Researcher determined – primary data source include state maps and the scene inspection (not the police report). Variable Name: FunctionalClass Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Rural principal arterial - Interstate 2 Rural principal arterial - other 3 Rural minor arterial 4 Rural major collector 5 Rural minor collector 6 Rural local 7 Rural unknown 8 Urban principal arterial - Interstate 9 Urban principal arterial - Freeways and Expressways 10 Urban principal arterial - other 11 Urban minor arterial 12 Urban collector 13 Urban local 14 Urban unknown 99 Unknown Light Conditions Definition: This variable establishes the light conditions of the roadway at the time of the crash and represents both ambient and artificial sources of light. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 162 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the police report; secondary sources include interviews and scene inspection. Variable Name: Daylight Attribute Codes Code1 2 Meaning Daylight Dark 3 4 Dark, but lighted Dawn 5 Dusk 9 Unknown Traffic Control Device Definition: This variable documents the above-ground traffic control(s) that regulate vehicular traffic in the vehicle’s environment just prior to this vehicle’s critical precrash event. The attribute is determined for the same roadway that is used to define the variable “Trafficway Flow.” Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Variable Name: TrafficControl Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Control Devices 1 Control signal (on colors) w/pedestrian signal 2 Control signal (on colors) w/o pedestrian signal 3 Control signal (on colors) unknown pedestrian signal 4 Flashing control signal 5 Flashing beacon 6 Flashing highway signal, unknown or other 7 Lane use control signal 8 Other highway signal 9 Unknown highway signal 20 Stop sign 21 Yield sign 22 Other regulatory sign 29 Unknown type of regulatory sign 30 School speed limit sign 31 School advance or crossing sign 38 Other school related sign 40 Warning sign 50 Office, crossing guard, flagman, etc 60 Gates (active) 61 Flashing lights (active) 62 Traffic control signal (active) 63 Wigwags (active) 64 Bells (active) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 163 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set 68 Other train activated device 69 Active device, type unknown 70 Cross-bucks (passive) 71 Stop Sign (passive) 72 Other railroad crossing sign (passive) 73 Special warning device (passive) 78 Other passive device 79 Passive device, type unknown 80 Grade crossing controlled, type unknown 98 Other (specify) 99 Unknown Railroad Grade Crossing? Definition: This variable establishes whether or not a railroad-crossing device was present at the time of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Variable Name: Railroad Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes 2 Unknown 70 Active Device, Type Unknown -9999 Unknown for non railroad devices Traffic Control Device Functioning Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the traffic control device that was identified in the variable “Traffic Control Device” was functioning properly (as it was designed to function). Source: Researcher determined – inputs include scene inspection, interviews, and police report. Variable Name: Functioning Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No traffic control device 1 Traffic control device not functioning (specify) 2 Traffic control device functioning properly 9 Unknown Roadway Class Definition: This variable designates the class of roadway within rural and urban categories. The “urban” designation includes urbanized and small urban areas (under 50,000 in population). In LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 164 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set general, the “freeways” designation includes freeways, expressways, thruways, and other controlled-access roadway segments. Source: Researcher determined – primary data sources include state maps and the scene inspection (not the police report.) Variable Name: RoadwayClass Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Rural Freeway (> 4 lanes) 2 Rural Freeway (<= 4 lanes) 3 Rural multi-lane divided, non-Freeway 4 Rural multi-lane undivided, non-Freeway 5 Rural two-lane road 6 Rural unknown 7 Urban Freeway (> 4 lanes) 8 Urban Freeway (<= 4 lanes) 9 Urban multi-lane divided, non-Freeway 10 Urban multi-lane undivided, non-Freeway 11 Urban two-lane road 12 Urban unknown 99 Unknown Roadway Alignment Definition: This variable describes the alignment of the roadway just prior to the vehicle’s critical precrash event. This element is determined from the same roadway that was used to determine the variable “Trafficway Flow.” Source: Researcher determined – primary source is scene inspection; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Cross Reference: Related to FactorAssessment.RoadGeometry. Variable Name: RoadAlignment Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Straight 2 Curve right 3 Curve left 9 Unknown Roadway Profile Definition: This variable establishes the grade of the roadway just prior to the vehicle’s critical precrash event. To determine the grade, the vertical measurement is divided by the horizontal value; the result is a percentage value of the grade. This element is determined from the same roadway that was used to determine the variable “Trafficway Flow.” LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 165 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set Source: Researcher determined – primary source is scene inspection; secondary sources include police report and interviews. Variable Name: RoadProfile Attribute Codes Code1 Meaning Level 2 3 Uphill grade (>2%) Hill crest 4 5 9 Downhill grade (>2%) Sag Unknown Roadway Surface Type Definition: This variable describes the surface type of the roadway just prior to the vehicle’s critical precrash event. This element is determined from the same roadway that was used to determine the variable “Trafficway Flow.” Source: Researcher determined – primary source is scene inspection; secondary sources include police report and interviews. Variable Name: RoadSurface Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Concrete 2 Bituminous (asphalt) 3 Brick or block 4 Slag, gravel, or stone 5 Dirt 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Roadway Surface Condition Definition: This variable describes the condition of the surface of the roadway just prior to the vehicle’s critical precrash event. This element is determined from the same roadway that was used to determine the variable “Trafficway Flow.” Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the police report; secondary sources include interviews, and scene inspection. Cross Reference: Related to FactorAssessment.SlickSurface and FactorAssessment.Underwater. Variable Name: SurfaceCondition LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 166 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Dry 2 Wet 3 Snow or slush 4 Ice 5 Sand, dirt, or oil 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Roadway Surface Defect Definition: This variable describes the presence of any surface defects of the roadway just prior to the vehicle’s critical precrash event, regardless of the relative contribution of the defect(s) to crash causation. This element is determined from the same roadway that was used to determine the variable “Number Of Travel Lanes.” Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Cross Reference: Related to FactorAssessment.PoorCondition. Variable Name: SurfaceDefect Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No defects noted 1 Defect noted (specify) 9 Unknown Roadway Design Deficiencies Definition: This variable identifies design deficiencies of the roadway as they relate to established AASHTO standards. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Variable Name: DesignDefect Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No deficiencies notes Inappropriate signage speeds Insufficient crown Excessive crown Insufficient super-elevation Excessive super-elevation Excessive curvature No shoulder/ Breakdown lane LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 167 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Shoulder Surface Type Definition: This variable establishes stabilized shoulder presence at the crash site and the type of available shoulder surface. A shoulder is defined as that part of a trafficway that is (1) contiguous with the roadway for emergency use, (2) for accommodation of stopped road vehicles, and (3) for lateral support of the roadway structure. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources include on-scene photographs. Variable Name: ShoulderType Attribute Codes Code0 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 Meaning No stabilized shoulder Concrete Bituminous (asphalt) Brick or block Slag, gravel, or stone Dirt Other (specify) Unknown Shoulder Width Definition: This variable establishes the width of the stabilized shoulder available to this vehicle. To qualify as a stabilized shoulder, the measured shoulder width must exceed two feet (0.61 meters). Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources include on-scene photographs. Variable Name: ShoulderWidth Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No stabilized shoulder 1 < 1 meter 2 > 1 <= 2 meters 3 > 2 <= 3 meters 4 > 3 meters 9 Unknown Rumble Strip Type/Involvement Definition: This variable establishes the presence of a rumble strip, the type of rumble strip, and whether or not the rumble strip was involved in the pre-crash circumstances in terms of this vehicle either departing or not departing the roadway. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 168 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources include on-scene photographs. Variable Name: RumbleStrip Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No rumble strip present 1 Raised rumble strip/no pre-crash departure 2 Raised rumble strip/partial pre-crash departure 3 Raised rumble strip/full pre-crash departure 4 Depressed rumble strip/no pre-crash departure 5 Depressed rumble strip/partial pre-crash departure 6 Depressed rumble strip/full pre-crash departure 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Sight Line Restrictions? Definition: This variable establishes sight line restrictions for the driver of this vehicle after measuring the sight distance and comparing it to AASHTO standards. This determination is based on recommended sight distances as established by AASHTO. For safety on a highway, the roadway designer must provide sight distance of sufficient length that drivers can control the operation of their vehicle to avoid striking an unexpected object on the travel way. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection. Cross Reference: Related to the difference between FactorAssessment.SightDistance and FactorAssessment.AASHToRecommended. Variable Name: SightLineRestriction Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 No 2 Yes (specify) 9 Unknown Sight Line Distance Definition: This variable is the measured sight line distance and represents the distance along the roadway that an object of specified height is continuously visible to the driver. This distance is dependent on the height of the driver’s eye above the road surface, the specified object height above the road surface, and the height of sight obstructions within the line of sight. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection. Variable Name: SightLineDistance Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Distance value (m) 8887 No sight line restriction, this vehicle LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 169 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set 9997 Unknown if sight line restricted, this vehicle 9999 Sight line restriction, this vehicle, actual distance not measured AASHTO Sight Distance Definition: This variable identifies the AASHTO-recommended sight distance for the roadway on which the crash occurred. This variable will have a value attached to it when a sight line restriction is suspected and the actual sight distance is measured. The sight distance as measured is then compared to the recommended sight distance for that situation. Source: Researcher determined utilizing the AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) document “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (4th edition).” Variable Name: AASHToDistance Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Distance value (m) 8887 No sight line restriction, this vehicle 9997 Unknown if sight line restricted, this vehicle 9999 Sight line restriction, this vehicle, recommended distance unknown No Adverse Conditions Definition: This variable documents whether or not there were no adverse atmospheric-related driving conditions just prior to the critical event. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Atmospheric Conditions.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary data sources include the police report and local weather information obtained by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include interviews and scene inspection. Variable Name: ENVNoConditions Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Rain Definition: This variable documents whether or not it was raining just prior to the critical event. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Atmospheric Conditions.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary data sources include the police report and local weather information obtained by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include interviews and scene inspection Variable Name: ENVRain LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 170 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Snow Definition: This variable documents whether or not it was snowing just prior to the critical event. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Atmospheric Conditions.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary data sources include the police report and local weather information obtained by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include interviews and scene inspection. Variable Name: ENVSnow Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Fog Definition: This variable documents whether or not fog was present just prior to the critical event. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Atmospheric Conditions.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary data sources include the police report and local weather information obtained by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include interviews and scene inspection. Variable Name: ENVFog Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Wind Gusts Definition: This variable documents whether or not heavy wind gusts were present just prior to the critical event. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Atmospheric Conditions.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary data sources include the police report and local weather information obtained by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include interviews and scene inspection. Variable Name: ENVWindGusts LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 171 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Hail Definition: This variable documents whether or not hail was falling just prior to the critical event. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Atmospheric Conditions.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary data sources include the police report and local weather information obtained by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include interviews and scene inspection. Cross Reference: Identical to FactorAssessment.AFTHail. Variable Name: ENVHail Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Sleet Definition: This variable documents whether or not sleet (frozen or partially frozen raindrops) was falling just prior to the critical event. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Atmospheric Conditions.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary data sources include the police report and local weather information obtained by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include interviews and scene inspection. Variable Name: ENVSleet Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Dust Definition: This variable documents whether or not heavy dust (with corresponding limited visibility) was present just prior to the critical event. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Atmospheric Conditions.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary data sources include the police report and local weather information obtained by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include interviews and scene inspection. Cross Reference: Related to Environment.FlowRestriction (5 “Dust Storm”). Variable Name: ENVDust LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 172 Variable Definitions and Codes - Environment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Atmospheric Conditions Definition: This variable documents whether or not there were other adverse atmospheric- related driving conditions present just prior to the critical event that were not identified in the other atmospheric condition variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Atmospheric Conditions.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary data sources include the police report and local weather information obtained by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include interviews and scene inspection. Variable Name: ENVOtherConditions Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Environment Data Set • 173 Variable Definitions and Codes - Events Data Set Events Data Set The Events data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, VehicleNumber and EventSequence. EventSequence identifies a particular event in a sequence in the accident. CaseID and EventSequence uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and EventSequence should be used to merge the Events data set with the CDCCrush data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the Events data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Stratum Definition: The Stratum is the letter identifying the CDS sampling classification to which the case is assigned. Source: Researcher determined. Variable Name: Stratum Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text Class Of Vehicle (First Listing) Definition: This variable describes the class of vehicle for the first vehicle listed on the Case Form Events tab. This represents the same attribute as that found in the General Vehicle Data Set (“Class Of Vehicle” variable) and that found in the Vehicle Exterior Data Set (“Class Of Vehicle” variable). This classification is based on the size of the vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police and other vehicle photographs. Partially determined by VIN information (size-based information). Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEVehicleClass when applicable. Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXVehicleClass when applicable. Variable Name: ClassVehicle Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not a motor vehicle 1 Subcompact/mini (wheelbase < 254 cm) 2 Compact (wheelbase >= 254 but < 265 cm) 3 Intermediate (wheelbase >= 265 but < 278 cm) 4 Full Size (wheelbase >= 278 but < 291 cm) 5 Largest (wheelbase >= 291 cm) 9 Unknown passenger car size 14 Compact utility vehicle 15 Large utility vehicle (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 16 Utility station wagon (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 19 Unknown utility type 20 Minivan (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Events Data Set • 174 Variable Definitions and Codes - Events Data Set 21 Large van (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 24 Van Based school bus (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 28 Other van type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 29 Unknown van type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 30 Compact pickup truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 31 Large pickup truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 38 Other pickup truck type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 39 Unknown pick up truck (<=4,536 kg GVWR) 45 Other light truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 48 Unknown light truck type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 49 Unknown light vehicle type 50 School bus (excludes van based)(>4,536 kg GVWR) 58 Other bus (>4,536 kg GVWR) 59 Unknown bus type 60 Truck (>4,536 kg GVWR) 67 Tractor without trailer 68 Tractor-trailer(s) 78 Unknown medium/heavy truck type 79 Unknown light/medium/heavy truck type 80 Motored cycle 90 Other vehicle 99 Unknown General Area Of Damage (First Vehicle Listed) Definition: This variable describes the general area of damage on the first vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Related to CDCCrush.DeformLocation and CDCCrush.DamageLocation. Variable Name: DamageArea Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not a motor vehicle 9 Unknown B Back/Bk of unit with cargo area-rear of trailer or straight truck* C Rear of cab D Back (rear of tractor) F Front L Left Side N Noncollision R Right Side T Top U Undercarriage V Front of cargo area ‘B’ represents ‘Back’ for a CDS vehicle, ‘Bk of unit with cargo area-rear of trailer or straight truck’ for a truck. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Events Data Set • 175 Variable Definitions and Codes - Events Data Set Object Contacted Definition: This variable describes the object or vehicle that was contacted by each vehicle in the case. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the scene and vehicle inspections; secondary sources include the police report and interviewees. Cross Reference: Related to VehicleEvents.FirstHarmfulEvent, if Events.EventSequence = 1 when applicable. Variable Name: EVEObjectContact Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Vehicle#1 2 Vehicle#2 3 Vehicle#3 4 Vehicle#4 5 Vehicle#5 6 Vehicle#6 7 Vehicle#7 8 Vehicle#8 9 Vehicle#9 10 Vehicle#10 11 Vehicle#11 12 Vehicle#12 13 Vehicle#13 14 Vehicle#14 15 Vehicle#15 16 Vehicle#16 17 Vehicle#17 18 Vehicle#18 19 Vehicle#19 20 Vehicle#20 21 Vehicle#21 22 Vehicle#22 23 Vehicle#23 24 Vehicle#24 25 Vehicle#25 26 Vehicle#26 27 Vehicle#27 28 Vehicle#28 29 Vehicle#29 30 Vehicle#30 31 Overturn->rollover(excludes end-over-end) 32 Rollover->end-over-end 33 Fire or explosion 34 Jackknife 35 Other intraunit damage (specify) 36 Noncollision injury LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Events Data Set • 176 Variable Definitions and Codes - Events Data Set 38 Other noncollision (specify) 39 Noncollision->details unknown 41 Tree (<= 10 cm in diameter) 42 Tree (> 10 cm in diameter) 43 Shrubbery or bush 44 Embankment 45 Breakaway pole or post (any diameter) 50 Nonbreakaway pole or post (<=10cm in diameter) 51 Nonbreakaway pole or post (>10 cm but <= 30 cm in diameter) 52 Nonbreakaway pole or post (>30 cm in diameter) 53 Nonbreakaway pole or post (diameter unknown) 54 Concrete traffic barrier 55 Impact attenuator 56 Other traffic barrier (includes guardrail) (specify) 57 Fence 58 Wall 59 Building 60 Ditch or culvert 61 Ground 62 Fire hydrant 63 Curb 64 Bridge 68 Other fixed object (specify) 69 Unknown fixed object 70 Pass. car, light truck,van,or other vehicle not in-transport 71 Medium/heavy truck or bus not in-transport 72 Pedestrian 73 Cyclist or cycle 74 Other nonmotorist or conveyance (specify) 75 Vehicle occupant 76 Animal 77 Train 78 Trailer, disconnected in transport 79 Object fell from vehicle in-transport 88 Other nonfixed object (specify) 89 Unknown nonfixed object 98 Other event (specify) 99 Unknown event or object Class Of Vehicle (Second Listing) Definition: This variable describes the class of vehicle for the second vehicle listed on the Case Form Events tab (if the collision was between two vehicles). This represents the same attribute as that found in the General Vehicle Data Set (“Class Of Vehicle” variable) and that found in the Vehicle Exterior Data Set (“Class Of Vehicle” variable). This classification is based on the size of the vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police and other vehicle photographs. Partially determined by VIN information (size-based information). LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Events Data Set • 177 Variable Definitions and Codes - Events Data Set Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEVehicleClass, if Events.EVEObjectContact<31 when applicable. Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXVehicleClass if Events.EVEObjectContact<31 when applicable. Variable Name: ClassVehicle2 Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not a motor vehicle 1 Subcompact/mini (wheelbase < 254 cm) 2 Compact (wheelbase >= 254 but < 265 cm) 3 Intermediate (wheelbase >= 265 but < 278 cm) 4 Full Size (wheelbase >= 278 but < 291 cm) 5 Largest (wheelbase >= 291 cm) 9 Unknown passenger car size 14 Compact utility vehicle 15 Large utility vehicle (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 16 Utility station wagon (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 19 Unknown utility type 20 Minivan (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 21 Large van (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 24 Van Based school bus (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 28 Other van type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 29 Unknown van type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 30 Compact pickup truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 31 Large pickup truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 38 Other pickup truck type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 39 Unknown pick up truck (<=4,536 kg GVWR) 45 Other light truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 48 Unknown light truck type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 49 Unknown light vehicle type 50 School bus (excludes van based)(>4,536 kg GVWR) 58 Other bus (>4,536 kg GVWR) 59 Unknown bus type 60 Truck (>4,536 kg GVWR) 67 Tractor without trailer 68 Tractor-trailer(s) 78 Unknown medium/heavy truck type 79 Unknown light/medium/heavy truck type 80 Motored cycle 90 Other vehicle 99 Unknown General Area Of Damage (Second Vehicle Listed) Definition: This variable describes the general area of damage on the second vehicle (if the collision was between two vehicles). Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include on-scene vehicle photographs. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Events Data Set • 178 Variable Definitions and Codes - Events Data Set Cross Reference: Related to CDCCrush.DeformLocation and CDCCrush.DamageLocation. Variable Name: DamageArea2 Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not a motor vehicle 9 Unknown B Back/Bk of unit with cargo area-rear of trailer or straight truck* C Rear of cab D Back (rear of tractor) F Front L Left Side N Noncollision R Right Side T Top U Undercarriage V Front of cargo area ‘B’ represents ‘Back’ for a CDS vehicle, ‘Bk of unit with cargo area-rear of trailer or straight truck’ for a truck. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Events Data Set • 179 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set FactorAssessment Data Set The FactorAssessment data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the FactorAssessment data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: No Traffic Flow Factors Definition: This variable establishes whether or not there are no traffic flow interruption factors relevant to the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Traffic Flow Interruption Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview, the police report, and researcher on-scene investigation. Secondary data sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Identical to the opposite of Overview.Traffic. Related to Environment.FlowRestrictions (0 “No restrictions”). Variable Name: NoTraffic Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Previous Crash Nearby Definition: This variable establishes whether or not traffic flow at the crash site is interrupted by a previous crash located near this site. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Traffic Flow Interruption Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview, the police report, and researcher on-scene investigation. Secondary data sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Related to DriverRecognitionDistraction.ADDPreviousCrash. Related to Enviornment.FlowRestrictions (3 “Prior crash”). Variable Name: AFTPreviousCrash Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 180 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Construction Work Zone Definition: This variable establishes whether or not traffic flow at the crash site is interrupted as a result of the crash site being located in a construction work zone. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Traffic Flow Interruption Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview, the police report, and researcher on-scene investigation. Secondary data sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Related to Environment.FlowRestrictions (1 “Work zone”). Variable Name: ConstructionZone Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Emergency Vehicle Approaching Definition: This variable establishes whether or not traffic flow at the crash site is interrupted as a result of an emergency vehicle approaching from either direction. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Traffic Flow Interruption Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the police report. Secondary data sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: EmergencyVehicle Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Rush Hour Congestion Definition: This variable establishes whether or not traffic flow at the crash site is interrupted as a result of rush hour traffic congestion. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Traffic Flow Interruption Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview, the police report, and researcher on-scene investigation. Secondary data sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Related to Environment.FlowRestriction (4 “Congestion”). Variable Name: RushHour LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 181 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Traffic Flow Interruption Definition: This variable establishes whether or not traffic flow at the crash site is interrupted as a result of a factor not described in the other traffic flow variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Traffic Flow Interruption Factors” and was the “Other (specify):” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview, the police report, and researcher on-scene investigation. Secondary data sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: OtherTraffic Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Traffic Flow Interruption – Specify Definition: This variable documents the “specify” text that was included where the “Other Traffic Flow Interruption” variable (above) was coded as being present for this driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview, the police report, and researcher on-scene investigation. Secondary data sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Variable Name: OtherTrafficSpecify Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text Vehicle Defect Count Definition: This variable documents the total number of vehicle condition-related factors coded to this vehicle. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables from the FactorAssessment data set: LoadObstructedView, DesignedObstructedView, OtherViewObstruction, TireFailure, BrakeFailure, TransmissionFailure, EngineProblem, OtherDefect, TireDeficiency, LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 182 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set BrakesOutOfAdjustment, BrakesInoperative, BrakesSystemDeficiency, VehicleOverweight, VehicleLightingDeficiency, CargoLoadSecurement, SuspensionFrameDeficiency, TowingUnitProblem, ReflectiveTapeMissingObscured, FuelSystemProblem, ExhaustLeak, SteeringWheelProblem. Elaborates on Overview.VehicleState. Variable Name: VehicleDefectCount Attribute Codes Code0-6 7 99 Meaning Count of vehicle defects present No driver present Unknown View Obstruction – Related To Load Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experiences a view obstruction that is related to the vehicle’s load. Typically in this circumstance, the obstruction is related to oversize cargo. Less frequently occurring however, is the circumstance where the obstruction is related to improper loading of the cargo. Both of these situations are included in this designation. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vehicle Condition Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: LoadObstructedView Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present View Obstruction – Related To Vehicle Design Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experiences a view obstruction that is related to vehicle design (e.g. view blocked by upper A-pillar). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vehicle Condition Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: DesignedObstructedView Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 183 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set View Obstruction - Other Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experiences a view obstruction that is related to a factor not described in the other view obstruction variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vehicle Condition Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: OtherViewObstruction Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Tire Malfunction Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle experiences a tire malfunction (e.g. blowout, airout, etc.) during the precrash phase. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vehicle Condition Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: TireFailure Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Braking System Malfunction Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle experiences a braking system malfunction during the precrash phase. NOTE: Degraded braking performance (i.e. out-ofadjustment) is coded under the “Brakes Out-Of-Adjustment” variable. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vehicle Condition Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: BrakeFailure Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 184 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Transmission Malfunction Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle experiences a transmission malfunction during the precrash phase. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vehicle Condition Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: TransmissionFailure Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Engine Problem Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle experiences an engine-related problem during the precrash phase. Examples of engine-related problems include stalling, missing, and throttle problems. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vehicle Condition Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: EngineProblem Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Other Vehicle Condition Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle experiences a problem/exhibits a condition during the precrash phase that is relevant to crash occurrence, but is not described by other vehicle condition variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Vehicle Condition Related Factors” and was the “Other (specify):” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 185 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Variable Name: OtherDefect Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Vehicle Condition – Specify Definition: This variable documents the “specify” text that was included where the “Other Vehicle Condition” variable (above) was coded as being present for this driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: OtherDefectSpecify Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text Tire Deficiency Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle had a tire deficiency prior to the crash event (e.g. low tread depth on one or more tires). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrCondition.Tires, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: TireDeficiency Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Brakes Out-Of-Adjustment Definition: This variable establishes whether or not any of the vehicle’s brakes were out-ofadjustment during the precrash phase. This variable applies only to heavy trucks. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Variable Name: BrakesOutOfAdjustment LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 186 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Brakes Inoperative Definition: This variable establishes whether or not any of the vehicle’s brakes were inoperative during the precrash phase. This variable applies only to heavy trucks. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: BrakesInoperative Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Brake System Deficiency Definition: This variable establishes whether or not there were any braking system deficiencies prior to the crash that are not described in the other braking variables. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrCondition.Brakes, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: BrakesSystemDeficiency Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Vehicle Overweight Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle was overweight prior to the precrash phase. This variable applies to heavy trucks only, and has to do with local ordinances as they relate to a truck’s GVWR (gross vehicle weight rating). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 187 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Cross Reference: Related to the sum of TruckExterior.CMDBCargoWeight and TruckExterior.TEXEmptyWeight being greater than TruckExterior.TotalGVWR. Related to sum of TruckUnits.TUNEmptyWeight and TruckUnits.TUNCargoWeight being greater than TruckUnits.GVWR. The TruckUnits data set looks at each unit individually whereas TruckExterior looks at the truck as a whole. Variable Name: VehicleOverweight Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Vehicle Lighting Deficiency Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle had a lighting system deficiency during the precrash phase (e.g. a turn signal or headlight out). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrCondition.Lights, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: VehicleLightingDeficiency Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Cargo/Load Securement Related Problem Definition: This variable establishes whether or not there were any vehicle problems related to load securement or to the cargo itself prior to the crash event. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: CargoLoadSecurement Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 188 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Suspension/Frame Deficiency Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle had a suspension or frame deficiency prior to the crash event. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrCondition.Suspension, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: SuspensionFrameDeficiency Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Towing Unit Problem Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the there was a problem with the towing unit of an articulated vehicle (this variable usually applies only to trucks). Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: TowingUnitProblem Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Reflective Tape Missing/Obscured Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle’s reflective tape was missing or obscured in some manner. This variable only applies to heavy trucks and has to do with FMCSA reflective tape requirements. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, and the police report. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of the following variables in the TruckUnits data set: RearTapeCondition, SideTapeCondition, ReflectTapeType, UnderrideTapePeel, RearTapePeel, SideTapePeel. Variable Name: ReflectiveTapeMissingObscured LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 189 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Fuel System Problem Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle experienced a problem that is related to its fuel system during the precrash phase. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: FuelSystemProblem Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Exhaust Leak Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle experienced an exhaust leak during the precrash phase. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Variable Name: ExhaustLeak Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Steering Wheel Problem Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the vehicle experienced a steering-related problem during the precrash phase. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher vehicle inspection, the Level 1 vehicle inspection results, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview and interviews with other vehicle occupants. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrCondition.Steering, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 190 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Variable Name: SteeringWheelProblem Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Median Width Definition: This variable documents the measured median width when a roadway geometry factor has been identified involving a crossover. This value is provided when the “Roadway Geometry” variable is coded as being present. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: MedianWidth Attribute Codes Code* 8887.0 Meaning Actual value (m) Not applicable 9999999999.0 Unknown Radius Of Curvature Definition: This variable documents the measured radius of curvature for the roadway on which the crash occurred. This value is specified when the “Roadway Geometry (Curve)” variable is coded as being present. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: AFTCurveRadius Attribute Codes Code* 8887.0 9999 Meaning Actual value (m) Not applicable Unknown Sight Distance Definition: This variable documents the measured sight distance when the “Road Sight Distance Insufficient” variable is coded as being present. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 191 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: SightDistance Attribute Codes Code* 8887.0 9999 Meaning Actual value (m) Not applicable Unknown AASHTO Recommended Sight Distance Definition: This variable documents the AASHTO recommended sight distance for this vehicle in the precrash phase. This value is specified when the “Road Sight Distance Insufficient” variable is coded as being present. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source is the AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) document “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (4th edition),” used in conjunction with the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: AASHTORecommended Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (m) 8887.0 Not applicable 9999 Unknown Roadway Factor Count Definition: This variable documents the number of roadway-related factors that were coded for this vehicle. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the FactorAssessment data set: SignsMissing, ObjectObscured, VehicleObscured, RoadGeometry, InsufficientSight, BadLaneMarkings, NarrowShoulders, NarrowRoad, RampSpeed, PoorCondition, SlickSurface, UnderWater, WashedOut, OtherProblem. Elaborates on Overview.Roadway. Variable Name: RoadwayFactorCount LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 192 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0-6 77 99 Meaning Count of roadway factors present No driver present Unknown Traffic Signs/Signals Missing Definition: This variable documents whether or not traffic signs/signals have been removed from the designated location and are not physically present. The removal can be associated with either a repair function or vandalism. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: SignsMissing Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Roadway View Obstruction Definition: This variable documents whether or not there is a view obstruction associated with roadway design including such added devices as signal boxes, signal light support poles, guardrails, and crash cushions. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: ObjectObscured Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present View Obstructed By Other Vehicle Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver’s view is obstructed by an intervening vehicle. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 193 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: VehicleObscured Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Road Geometry Definition: This variable documents whether or not roadway geometry, usually in the form of a curve, is relevant to the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: RoadGeometry Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Road Sight Distance Insufficient Definition: This variable documents whether or not the measured sight distance on this roadway does not meet the standard as specified in AASHTO. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: InsufficientSight Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 194 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Lane Delineation Problem Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver encounters difficulty as a result of lane delineation. The delineation markings in this circumstance may not be present, may be worn (i.e. reduced visibility), or may be covered in some manner (e.g. gravel, debris, etc.). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: BadLaneMarkings Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Narrow Shoulders Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver experiences a problem as a result of the shoulder, which is not sufficiently wide. While circumstances will vary depending on location, shoulder width should be less than 1.5 meters to qualify for this designation. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: NarrowShoulders Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Narrow Road Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver experiences a problem as a result of insufficient roadway width. While circumstances will vary depending on the type of roadway, two-lane roadways should be less than 20 feet (6.1 meters) in width to qualify for this designation. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: NarrowRoad LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 195 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Ramp Speed Definition: This variable documents whether or not the posted ramp entrance/exit speed is inappropriate. This includes circumstances where the posted speed is adequate for one class of vehicle, but is too high for another class of vehicle (e.g. adequate for automobiles, but too high for large trucks). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: RampSpeed Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Roadway Condition Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver encounters a problem as a result of a roadway maintenance condition. Specific areas of concern include potholes, deteriorated/broken road edges, washboard areas, and depressions where a localized area of the surface has sunk several inches or more. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: PoorCondition Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Slick Surface Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver encounters a low friction surface most commonly associated with an icy condition. There are several other circumstances that can be associated with a pronounced reduction of friction values. These include loose gravel/sand spread over a paved surface and oil build-ups. Typically, wet surfaces are not included in this LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 196 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set designation unless moisture adds to an existing condition such as an oil build-up. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: SlickSurface Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Road Under Water Definition: This variable documents whether or not one or more travel lane is completely covered with water. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Cross Reference: Related to Environment.FlowRestrictions (2 “Roadway Immersed”). Variable Name: UnderWater Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Road Washed Out Definition: This variable documents whether or not a portion of the roadway collapses/washes away as a result of exposure to running water. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: WashedOut Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 197 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Other Roadway Related Factor Definition: This variable documents whether or not the driver encounters a roadway problem that is not described by the other roadway-related variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Roadway Related Factors” and was the “Other (specify):” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: OtherProblem Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Roadway Related Factor – Specify Definition: This variable documents the “specify” text that was included where the “Other Roadway Related Factor” variable (above) was coded as being present for this driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Variable Name: OtherProblemSpecify Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text Weather Factors Count Definition: This variable documents the number of weather related factors that were coded for this vehicle. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables from the FactorAssessment data set: AFTRain, AFTSnow, AFTFog, WindGust, AFTHail, AFTSleet, OtherWeather. Elaborates on Overview.Weather. Variable Name: WeatherCount LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 198 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-6 Count of weather factors present 7 No driver present 9 Unknown Rain Definition: This variable establishes whether or not it was raining at the time of the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Weather Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Variable Name: AFTRain Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Snow Definition: This variable establishes whether or not it was snowing at the time of the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Weather Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Variable Name: AFTSnow Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Fog Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was operating in fog at the time of the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Weather Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 199 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Variable Name: AFTFog Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Wind Gust Definition: This variable establishes whether or not a wind gust occurs prior to the crash and has some relevance to the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Weather Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Variable Name: WindGust Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Hail Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was operating in hail at the time of the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Weather Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Cross Reference: Identical to Environment.ENVHail. Variable Name: AFTHail Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Sleet Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver was operating in sleet at the time of the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Weather Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 200 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Variable Name: AFTSleet Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Weather Related Factor Definition: This variable establishes whether or not there is a relevant weather related factor that is not described in the other weather variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Weather Related Factors” and was the “Other (specify):” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Variable Name: OtherWeather Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Weather Related Factor – Specify Definition: This variable documents the “specify” text that was included where the “Other Weather Related Factor” variable (above) was coded as being present for this driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Variable Name: OtherWeatherSpecify Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text Environmental Factor Count Definition: This variable documents the number of environmental factors that were coded for this vehicle. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 201 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. (A derived variable) Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the FactorAssessment data set: Glare, BlowingDebris, Smoke, OtherChangeSpecify. Elaborates on Overview.OVEEnvironment. Variable Name: EnvironmentCount Attribute Codes Code0-6 7 9 Meaning Count of environment attributes present No driver present Unknown Glare Definition: This variable establishes whether or not glare in some form is relevant to the crash for this driver. Examples include headlight glare, sun glare, and reflected glare (i.e. sun reflecting off a windshield or other metal component). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Environmental Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher on-scene investigation, the police report, and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Variable Name: Glare Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Blowing Debris Definition: This variable establishes whether or not this driver is exposed to some form of blowing debris. Examples include paper, cardboard boxes, and tree limbs. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Environmental Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher on-scene investigation, the police report, and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Variable Name: BlowingDebris Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 202 Variable Definitions and Codes - FactorAssessment Data Set Smoke Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver’s view is obscured by the presence of smoke (e.g. smoke from a grass fire, house fire, or forest fire). (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Environmental Factors.”) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher on-scene investigation, the police report, and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Variable Name: Smoke Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present No Driver Present Definition: This variable establishes whether or not there was no driver in the driver’s seated position at the time of the crash. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Weather Related Factors.”) Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available inputs. Variable Name: AFTNoDriver Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Sudden Change In Ambience Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver experiences a problem as a result of a sudden change in ambience. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Other Environmental Factors” and was the “Other Sudden Change In Ambience (specify):” attribute choice.) Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher on-scene investigation, the police report, and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Variable Name: OtherChangeSpecify Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual FactorAssessment Data Set • 203 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set GeneralVehicle Data Set The GeneralVehicle data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the GeneralVehicle data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Vehicle Make Definition: This vehicle identifies the vehicle make for this vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police report, interview, and other vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.OVEMake. Congruent with GeneralVehicle.VINMake, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: GVEMake Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 AMC 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 3 AM GENERAL 6 CHRYSLER 7 DODGE 8 IMPERIAL 9 PLYMOUTH 10 EAGLE 12 FORD 13 LINCOLN 14 MERCURY 18 BUICK 19 CADILLAC 20 CHEVROLET 21 OLDSMOBILE 22 PONTIAC 23 GMC 24 SATURN 25 GRUMMAN 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 30 VOLKSWAGEN 31 ALFA ROMEO 32 AUDI 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 34 BMW 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 36 FIAT 37 HONDA 38 ISUZU 39 JAGUAR LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 204 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 40 LANCIA 41 MAZDA 42 MERCEDES BENZ 43 MG 44 PEUGEOT 45 PORSCHE 46 RENAULT/AMC 47 SAAB 48 SUBARU 49 TOYOTA 50 TRIUMPH 51 VOLVO 52 MITSUBISHI 53 SUZUKI 54 ACURA 55 HYUNDAI 56 MERKUR 57 YUGO 58 INFINITI 59 LEXUS 60 DAIHATSU 61 STERLING 62 LAND ROVER 63 KIA 64 DAEWOO 65 MINI 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 70 BSA 71 DUCATI 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 73 KAWASAKI 74 MOTO-GUZZI 75 NORTON 76 YAMAHA 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 80 BROCKWAY 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 83 FWD 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 85 KENWORTH 86 MACK 87 PETERBILT 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 205 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Vehicle Model (listed with Vehicle Make) Definition: This variable identifies the vehicle model for this vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police report, interview, and other vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.OVEModel. Congruent with GeneralVehicle.VINModel, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: GVEModel (with GVEMake) Attribute Codes MAKE MODEL Code Meaning Code Meaning 1 AMC 1 RAMBLER/AMERICAN 1 AMC 2 REBEL/MATADOR 1 AMC 3 AMBASSADOR 1 AMC 4 PACER 1 AMC 5 AMX 1 AMC 6 JAVELIN 1 AMC 7 HORNET/CONCORD 1 AMC 8 SPIRIT/GREMLIN 1 AMC 9 EAGLE 1 AMC 10 EAGLE SX-4 1 AMC 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 1 AMC 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 1 AMC 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 401 CJ-2/CJ-3/CJ-4 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 402 CJ-5/CJ-6/CH-7/CH-8 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 403 YJ-SERIES 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 404 CHEROKEE (1984 ON) 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 405 LIBERTY 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 421 CHEROKEE (1963 - 1983) 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 431 GRAND WAGONEER 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 481 PICKUP 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 482 COMANCHE 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 3 AM GENERAL 401 DISPATCHER 3 AM GENERAL 421 HUMMER 3 AM GENERAL 466 DISPATCHER 3 AM GENERAL 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 3 AM GENERAL 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 3 AM GENERAL 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 3 AM GENERAL 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 3 AM GENERAL 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 3 AM GENERAL 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 3 AM GENERAL 983 BUS - REAR ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 3 AM GENERAL 988 OTHER BUS 3 AM GENERAL 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 3 AM GENERAL 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 6 CHRYSLER 9 CORDOBA 6 CHRYSLER 10 NEW YORKER FIFTH AVENUE ('89) 6 CHRYSLER 10 NEWPORT 6 CHRYSLER 13 RAMPAGE 2.2 (CAR BASED PICKUP) 6 CHRYSLER 14 RWD ONLY-NEW YORKER/NEWPORT/5TH AVENUE/IMPERIAL LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 206 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 6 CHRYSLER 14 NEW YORKER ('83-'90) 6 CHRYSLER 14 NEW YORKER SALON 6 CHRYSLER 14 NEW YORKER/E CLASS/IMPERIAL/5TH AVENUE 6 CHRYSLER 15 LASER 6 CHRYSLER 16 LEBARON 6 CHRYSLER 17 LEBARON GTS/GTC 6 CHRYSLER 18 INTREPID (CANADIAN) 6 CHRYSLER 19 NEON (EXPORT) 6 CHRYSLER 31 TC (MASERATI SPORT) 6 CHRYSLER 35 CONQUEST 6 CHRYSLER 41 CONCORDE 6 CHRYSLER 42 LHS 6 CHRYSLER 43 SEBRING 6 CHRYSLER 44 CIRRUS 6 CHRYSLER 51 300M 6 CHRYSLER 52 PT CRUISER 6 CHRYSLER 53 PROWLER 6 CHRYSLER 54 PACIFICA 6 CHRYSLER 55 CROSSFIRE 6 CHRYSLER 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 6 CHRYSLER 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 6 CHRYSLER 441 TOWN AND COUNTRY 6 CHRYSLER 442 VOYAGER 6 CHRYSLER 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 6 CHRYSLER 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 6 CHRYSLER 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 7 DODGE 1 DART 7 DODGE 2 CORONET/CHARGER/MAGNUM 7 DODGE 3 POLARA/MONACO/ROYAL MONACO 7 DODGE 4 VIPER 7 DODGE 5 CHALLENGER 7 DODGE 6 ASPEN 7 DODGE 7 DIPLOMAT 7 DODGE 8 OMNI/CHARGER 7 DODGE 9 MIRADA 7 DODGE 10 ST REGIS 7 DODGE 11 ARIES (K) 7 DODGE 12 400 7 DODGE 13 RAMPAGE 2.2, GT, SPORT 7 DODGE 14 600 7 DODGE 15 DAYTONA 7 DODGE 16 LANCER 7 DODGE 17 SHADOW 7 DODGE 18 DYNASTY 7 DODGE 19 SPIRIT 7 DODGE 20 NEON 7 DODGE 33 CHALLENGER (ALL IMPORTED) 7 DODGE 34 COLT (EXCLUDES VISTA) 7 DODGE 35 CONQUEST 7 DODGE 39 STEALTH 7 DODGE 40 MONACO 7 DODGE 41 INTREPID 7 DODGE 42 AVENGER 7 DODGE 43 STRATUS 7 DODGE 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 7 DODGE 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 7 DODGE 401 RAIDER 7 DODGE 421 RAMCHARGER 7 DODGE 422 DURANGO LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 207 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 7 DODGE 441 VISTA 7 DODGE 442 CARAVAN 7 DODGE 461 B-SERIES VANS 7 DODGE 462 SPRINTER 7 DODGE 470 VAN DERIVATIVE 7 DODGE 471 D50, COLT P/U, RAM 50/RAM 100 7 DODGE 472 DAKOTA 7 DODGE 481 D, W-SERIES PICKUP, W100-W350 7 DODGE 482 RAM 7 DODGE 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 7 DODGE 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 7 DODGE 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY: CBE 7 DODGE 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE LOW ENGRY 7 DODGE 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE HIGH ENTRY 7 DODGE 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY: UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 7 DODGE 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 7 DODGE 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 7 DODGE 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 7 DODGE 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 7 DODGE 981 MEDIUM BUS 7 DODGE 988 OTHER BUS 7 DODGE 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 7 DODGE 998 OTHER VEHICLE 7 DODGE 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 8 IMPERIAL 10 IMPERIAL 8 IMPERIAL 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 8 IMPERIAL 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 8 IMPERIAL 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 9 PLYMOUTH 1 VALIANT/DUSTER/SCAMP 9 PLYMOUTH 2 SATELLITE/BELVEDERE 9 PLYMOUTH 3 FURY 9 PLYMOUTH 4 GRAN FURY 9 PLYMOUTH 5 BARRACUDA 9 PLYMOUTH 6 VOLARE 9 PLYMOUTH 7 CARAVELLE 9 PLYMOUTH 8 HORIZON 9 PLYMOUTH 11 RELIANT (K) 9 PLYMOUTH 13 SCAMP (CAR BASED PICKUP) 9 PLYMOUTH 17 SUNDANCE 9 PLYMOUTH 19 ACCLAIM 9 PLYMOUTH 20 NEON 9 PLYMOUTH 31 CRICKET 9 PLYMOUTH 32 ARROW 9 PLYMOUTH 33 SAPPORO 9 PLYMOUTH 34 CHAMP/COLT (EXCLUDES VISTA) 9 PLYMOUTH 35 CONQUEST 9 PLYMOUTH 37 LASER 9 PLYMOUTH 38 BREEZE 9 PLYMOUTH 39 PROWLER 9 PLYMOUTH 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 9 PLYMOUTH 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 9 PLYMOUTH 421 TRAILDUSTER 9 PLYMOUTH 441 COLT VISTA 9 PLYMOUTH 442 VOYAGER (MINIVAN) 9 PLYMOUTH 461 VAN-FULLSIZE (B-SERIES) 9 PLYMOUTH 471 ARROW PICKUP (FOREIGN) 9 PLYMOUTH 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 9 PLYMOUTH 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 208 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 9 PLYMOUTH 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 10 EAGLE 34 SUMMIT 10 EAGLE 37 TALON 10 EAGLE 40 PREMIER 10 EAGLE 41 VISION 10 EAGLE 44 MEDALLION 10 EAGLE 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 10 EAGLE 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 10 EAGLE 441 SUMMIT WAGON 10 EAGLE 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 10 EAGLE 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 10 EAGLE 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 12 FORD 1 FALCON 12 FORD 2 FAIRLANE 12 FORD 3 MUSTANG/MUSTANG II 12 FORD 4 THUNDERBIRD (ALL SIZES) 12 FORD 5 LTD II 12 FORD 6 LTD/CUSTOM/GALAXIE (ALL SIZES) 12 FORD 7 RANCHERO 12 FORD 8 MAVERICK 12 FORD 9 PINTO 12 FORD 10 TORINO/GRAN TORINO/ELITE 12 FORD 11 GRANADA 12 FORD 12 FAIRMONT 12 FORD 13 ESCORT/EXP 12 FORD 15 TEMPO 12 FORD 16 CROWN VICTORIA 12 FORD 17 TAURUS 12 FORD 18 PROBE 12 FORD 31 ENGLISH FORD 12 FORD 32 FIESTA 12 FORD 33 FESTIVA 12 FORD 34 LASER 12 FORD 35 CONTOUR 12 FORD 36 ASPIRE 12 FORD 37 FOCUS 12 FORD 38 GT 12 FORD 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 12 FORD 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 12 FORD 401 EXPLORER/BRONCO ii/BRONCO (-77) 12 FORD 402 ESCAPE 12 FORD 421 BRONCO-FULLSIZE 12 FORD 422 EXPEDITION 12 FORD 431 EXCURSION 12 FORD 441 AEROSTAR 12 FORD 442 WINDSTAR 12 FORD 443 FREESTAR 12 FORD 461 E-SERIES VANS 12 FORD 470 VAN DERIVATIVE 12 FORD 471 RANGER 12 FORD 472 COURIER 12 FORD 473 SPORT TRAC 12 FORD 481 F-SERIES PICKUP 12 FORD 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 12 FORD 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 12 FORD 880 F450/550 PICKUP >4536 GVWR 12 FORD 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY CBE 12 FORD 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE LOW ENGRY 12 FORD 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 209 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 12 FORD 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY: UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 12 FORD 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 12 FORD 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 12 FORD 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 12 FORD 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 12 FORD 981 MEDIUM BUS 12 FORD 988 OTHER BUS 12 FORD 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 12 FORD 998 OTHER VEHICLE 12 FORD 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 13 LINCOLN 1 CONTINENTAL/TOWN CAR 13 LINCOLN 2 MARK 13 LINCOLN 5 CONTINENTAL (82-ON) 13 LINCOLN 11 VERSAILLES 13 LINCOLN 12 LS 13 LINCOLN 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 13 LINCOLN 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 13 LINCOLN 401 AVIATOR 13 LINCOLN 421 NAVIGATOR 13 LINCOLN 481 BLACKWOOD 13 LINCOLN 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 13 LINCOLN 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 13 LINCOLN 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 14 MERCURY 2 CYCLONE 14 MERCURY 3 CAPRI-DOMESTIC 14 MERCURY 4 COUGAR/XR7 14 MERCURY 6 MARQUIS/MONTEREY 14 MERCURY 8 COMET 14 MERCURY 9 BOBCAT 14 MERCURY 10 MONTEGO 14 MERCURY 11 MONARCH 14 MERCURY 12 ZEPHYR 14 MERCURY 13 LYNX/LN-7 (82-83) 14 MERCURY 15 TOPAZ 14 MERCURY 17 SABLE 14 MERCURY 31 CAPRI-FOREIGN 14 MERCURY 33 PANTERA 14 MERCURY 36 TRACER 14 MERCURY 37 MYSTIQUE 14 MERCURY 38 COUGAR 14 MERCURY 39 MARAUDER 14 MERCURY 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 14 MERCURY 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 14 MERCURY 401 MOUNTAINEER 14 MERCURY 443 VILLAGER 14 MERCURY 444 MONTEREY (2004+) 14 MERCURY 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 14 MERCURY 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 14 MERCURY 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 18 BUICK 1 SPECIAL/SKYLARK (thru 1972) 18 BUICK 2 LESABRE/CENTURION/WILDCAT 18 BUICK 3 ELECTRA/ELECTRA 225/PARK AVENUE (91ON) 18 BUICK 4 ROADMASTER 18 BUICK 5 RIVIERA 18 BUICK 7 CENTURY 18 BUICK 8 APOLLO/SKYLARK (73-76) 18 BUICK 10 REGAL 18 BUICK 12 SKYHAWK LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 210 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 18 BUICK 15 SKYLARK (76-85) 18 BUICK 18 SOMERSET(85-87)/SKYLARK(86-ON) 18 BUICK 20 REGAL (FWD) 18 BUICK 21 REATTA 18 BUICK 31 OPEL KADETT 18 BUICK 32 OPEL MANTA 18 BUICK 33 OPEL GT 18 BUICK 34 OPEL ISUZU 18 BUICK 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 18 BUICK 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 18 BUICK 401 RENDEZVOUS 18 BUICK 402 RAINIER 18 BUICK 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 18 BUICK 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 18 BUICK 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 19 CADILLAC 3 DEVILLE/FLEETWOOD 19 CADILLAC 4 LIMOUSINE 19 CADILLAC 5 ELDORADO 19 CADILLAC 6 COMMERCIAL SERIES 19 CADILLAC 9 ALLANTE 19 CADILLAC 14 SEVILLE 19 CADILLAC 16 CIMARRON 19 CADILLAC 17 CATERA 19 CADILLAC 18 CTS 19 CADILLAC 19 XLR 19 CADILLAC 20 SRX 19 CADILLAC 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 19 CADILLAC 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 19 CADILLAC 421 ESCALADE 19 CADILLAC 431 ESCALADE ESV 19 CADILLAC 480 ESCALADE EXT 19 CADILLAC 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 19 CADILLAC 498 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 19 CADILLAC 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 20 CHEVROLET 1 CHEVELLE/MALIBU (83-) 20 CHEVROLET 2 IMPALA/CAPRICE 20 CHEVROLET 4 CORVETTE 20 CHEVROLET 6 CORVAIR 20 CHEVROLET 7 EL CAMINO 20 CHEVROLET 8 NOVA (-79) 20 CHEVROLET 9 CAMARO 20 CHEVROLET 10 MONTE CARLO ('70-'88) (RWD ONLY) 20 CHEVROLET 11 VEGA 20 CHEVROLET 12 MONZA 20 CHEVROLET 13 CHEVETTE 20 CHEVROLET 15 CITATION 20 CHEVROLET 16 CAVALIER 20 CHEVROLET 17 CELEBRITY 20 CHEVROLET 19 BERETTA/CORSICA 20 CHEVROLET 20 LUMINA 20 CHEVROLET 31 SPECTRUM 20 CHEVROLET 32 NOVA/GEO PRIZM 20 CHEVROLET 33 SPRINT/GEO SPRINT 20 CHEVROLET 34 GEO METRO 20 CHEVROLET 35 GEO STORM 20 CHEVROLET 36 MONTE CARLO (1995+) (FWD ONLY) 20 CHEVROLET 37 MALIBU (1997+) 20 CHEVROLET 38 SSR 20 CHEVROLET 39 AVEO 20 CHEVROLET 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 211 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 20 CHEVROLET 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 20 CHEVROLET 401 S-10 BLAZER, BLAZER 20 CHEVROLET 402 GEO TRACKER 20 CHEVROLET 403 TRAILBLAZER (2002 and later) 20 CHEVROLET 404 EQUINOX 20 CHEVROLET 421 FULLSIZE BLAZER (K, Tahoe) 20 CHEVROLET 431 SUBURBAN 20 CHEVROLET 441 ASTRO VAN 20 CHEVROLET 442 LUMINA APV/VENTURE 20 CHEVROLET 461 G-SERIES VAN 20 CHEVROLET 466 P-SERIES VAN 20 CHEVROLET 470 VAN DERIVATIVE 20 CHEVROLET 471 S-10/T-10 20 CHEVROLET 472 LUV 20 CHEVROLET 473 COLORADO 20 CHEVROLET 481 C, K, R, V-SERIES PICKUP 20 CHEVROLET 482 AVALANCHE 20 CHEVROLET 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 20 CHEVROLET 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 20 CHEVROLET 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY CBE 20 CHEVROLET 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE LOW ENTRY 20 CHEVROLET 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 20 CHEVROLET 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY; UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 20 CHEVROLET 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY; UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCAITON 20 CHEVROLET 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 20 CHEVROLET 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 20 CHEVROLET 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 20 CHEVROLET 981 BUS 20 CHEVROLET 988 OTHER BUS 20 CHEVROLET 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 20 CHEVROLET 998 OTHER VEHICLE 20 CHEVROLET 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 21 OLDSMOBILE 1 CUTLASS (RWD-ONLY) 21 OLDSMOBILE 2 DELTA 88 21 OLDSMOBILE 3 NINETY-EIGHT 21 OLDSMOBILE 5 TORONADO-TROFEO 21 OLDSMOBILE 6 COMMERCIAL SERIES 21 OLDSMOBILE 12 STARFIRE 21 OLDSMOBILE 15 OMEGA 21 OLDSMOBILE 16 FIRENZA 21 OLDSMOBILE 17 CIERA 21 OLDSMOBILE 18 CALAIS 21 OLDSMOBILE 20 CUTLASS (FWD) 21 OLDSMOBILE 21 ACHIEVA 21 OLDSMOBILE 22 AURORA 21 OLDSMOBILE 23 INTRIGUE 21 OLDSMOBILE 24 ALERO 21 OLDSMOBILE 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 21 OLDSMOBILE 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 21 OLDSMOBILE 401 BRAVADA 21 OLDSMOBILE 441 SILHOUETTE 21 OLDSMOBILE 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 21 OLDSMOBILE 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 21 OLDSMOBILE 998 OTHER VEHICLE 21 OLDSMOBILE 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 22 PONTIAC 1 LEMANS/TEMPEST (THRU 79) 22 PONTIAC 2 BONNEVILLE/CATALINA/PARISIENNE 22 PONTIAC 5 FIERO LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 212 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 22 PONTIAC 8 VENTURA 22 PONTIAC 9 FIREBIRD/TRANS AM 22 PONTIAC 10 GRAND PRIX (RWD) 22 PONTIAC 11 ASTRE 22 PONTIAC 12 SUNBIRD (THRU 80) 22 PONTIAC 13 T1000/1000 22 PONTIAC 15 PHOENIX 22 PONTIAC 16 J2000/SUNBIRD/SUNFIRE 22 PONTIAC 17 6000 22 PONTIAC 18 GRAND AM 22 PONTIAC 20 GRAND PRIX (FWD) 22 PONTIAC 31 LEMANS (88-on) 22 PONTIAC 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 22 PONTIAC 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 22 PONTIAC 401 AZTEK 22 PONTIAC 402 VIBE 22 PONTIAC 441 TRANS SPORT/MONTANA 22 PONTIAC 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 22 PONTIAC 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 22 PONTIAC 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 22 PONTIAC OTHER LIGHT 23 GMC 7 CABALLERO/SPRINT 23 GMC 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 23 GMC 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 23 GMC 401 JIMMY/TYPHOON/ENVOY 23 GMC 421 FULLSIZE JIMMY/YUKON 23 GMC 431 SUBURBAN 23 GMC 441 SAFARI (MINIVAN) 23 GMC 461 G-SERIES VAN 23 GMC 466 P-SERIES VAN 23 GMC 470 VAN DERIVATIVE 23 GMC 471 S15/T15/SONOMA 23 GMC 472 CANYON 23 GMC 481 C, K, R, V-SERIES PICKUP 23 GMC 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 23 GMC 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 23 GMC 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY CBE 23 GMC 882 MEDIUM/HDAVY COE LOW ENTRY 23 GMC 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 23 GMC 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY: UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 23 GMC 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 23 GMC 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 23 GMC 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 23 GMC 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 23 GMC 981 MEDIUM BUS 23 GMC 988 OTHER BUS 23 GMC 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 23 GMC 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 24 SATURN 1 SL 24 SATURN 2 SC 24 SATURN 3 SW 24 SATURN 4 EV 24 SATURN 5 LS/ LS1/ LS2/L100/L200/L300 24 SATURN 6 LW/LW1/ LW2/ LW200/300 24 SATURN 7 ION 24 SATURN 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 24 SATURN 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 24 SATURN 401 VUE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 213 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 24 SATURN 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 24 SATURN 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 24 SATURN 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 25 GRUMMAN 441 LLV 25 GRUMMAN 442 STEP-IN VAN 25 GRUMMAN 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 25 GRUMMAN 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 25 GRUMMAN 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK - CBE 25 GRUMMAN 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK - COE LOW ENTRY 25 GRUMMAN 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK - COE HIGH ENTRY 25 GRUMMAN 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 25 GRUMMAN 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 25 GRUMMAN 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 25 GRUMMAN 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 25 GRUMMAN 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 25 GRUMMAN 983 BUS-FLAT FRONT, REAR ENGINE 25 GRUMMAN 988 OTHER BUS 25 GRUMMAN 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 25 GRUMMAN 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 29 STUDEBAKER 1 LARK 29 STUDEBAKER 1 GRAN TURISMO 29 STUDEBAKER 1 CRUISER 29 STUDEBAKER 1 HAWK 29 STUDEBAKER 1 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 AVANTI 1 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 AVANTI 1 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 STUDEBAKER 1 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 CHECKER 2 MARATHON 29 CHECKER 2 TAXI 29 CHECKER 2 AEROBUS 29 CHECKER 2 SUPERBA 29 CHECKER 2 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 CHECKER 2 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 EXCALIBER 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 CONSULIER 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 CONSULIER 398 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 398 OTHER MAKE 29 EXCALIBER 398 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 HUDSON 398 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 DESOTO 398 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 STUTZ 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 HUDSON 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 STUTZ 398 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 DESOTO 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 399 UNKNOWN MAKE 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 29 INDIAN 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 29 BUELL 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-051CC) 29 INDIAN 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 29 BUELL 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 29 INDIAN 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 29 BUELL 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 29 INDIAN 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 29 BUELL 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 29 INDIAN 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 214 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 29 BUELL 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 29 INDIAN 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC OR GREATER) 29 BUELL 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC OR GREATER) 29 INDIAN 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 29 BUELL 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 29 INDIAN 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 29 BUELL 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 29 INDIAN 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 29 BUELL 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 988 OTHER BUS 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 998 OTHER VEHICLE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 31 KARMANN GHIA 30 VOLKSWAGEN 32 BEETLE 1300/1500 30 VOLKSWAGEN 33 SUPER BEETLE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 34 411/412 30 VOLKSWAGEN 35 SQUAREBACK/FASTBACK 30 VOLKSWAGEN 36 RABBIT 30 VOLKSWAGEN 37 DASHER 30 VOLKSWAGEN 38 SCIROCCO 30 VOLKSWAGEN 40 JETTA 30 VOLKSWAGEN 41 QUANTUM 30 VOLKSWAGEN 42 GOLF/CABRIOLET/GTI 30 VOLKSWAGEN 43 RABBIT PICKUP 30 VOLKSWAGEN 44 FOX 30 VOLKSWAGEN 45 CORRADO 30 VOLKSWAGEN 46 PASSAT 30 VOLKSWAGEN 47 JETTA III 30 VOLKSWAGEN 48 GOLF III 30 VOLKSWAGEN 49 NEW BEETLE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 50 PHAETON 30 VOLKSWAGEN 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 401 THE THING (181) 30 VOLKSWAGEN 421 TOUAREG 30 VOLKSWAGEN 441 VANAGON/CAMPER 30 VOLKSWAGEN 442 EUROVAN 30 VOLKSWAGEN 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 30 VOLKSWAGEN 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 30 VOLKSWAGEN 998 OTHER VEHICLE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 31 ALFA ROMEO 31 SPIDER 31 ALFA ROMEO 32 SPORTS SEDAN 31 ALFA ROMEO 33 SPRINT SPECIAL 31 ALFA ROMEO 34 GTV-6 31 ALFA ROMEO 35 164 31 ALFA ROMEO 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 31 ALFA ROMEO 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 31 ALFA ROMEO 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 32 AUDI 31 SUPER 90 32 AUDI 32 100/A6 32 AUDI 33 FOX 32 AUDI 34 4000 32 AUDI 35 5000 32 AUDI 36 80/90 32 AUDI 37 200 32 AUDI 38 V8 QUATTRO LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 215 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 32 AUDI 39 COUPE QUATTRO 32 AUDI 40 S4/S6 32 AUDI 41 CABRIOLET 32 AUDI 42 A4 32 AUDI 43 A3 32 AUDI 44 A8 32 AUDI 45 TT 32 AUDI 46 S8 32 AUDI 47 ALLROAD 32 AUDI 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 32 AUDI 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 32 AUDI 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 31 MARINA 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 32 AMERICA 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 33 HEALEY SPRITE 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 34 HEALY 3000 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 35 MINI 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 34 BMW 31 1600, 2002 34 BMW 32 COUPE 34 BMW 33 BAVARIA SEDAN 34 BMW 34 3 SERIES 34 BMW 35 5 SERIES 34 BMW 36 6 SERIES 34 BMW 37 7 SERIES 34 BMW 38 8 SERIES 34 BMW 39 Z3 34 BMW 40 Z8 34 BMW 42 Z4 34 BMW 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 34 BMW 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 34 BMW 401 X5 34 BMW 402 X3 34 BMW 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 34 BMW 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 34 BMW 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 34 BMW 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 34 BMW 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 34 BMW 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 34 BMW 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 34 BMW 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 34 BMW 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 34 BMW 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 34 BMW 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 31 F10 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 32 200/240 SX 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 33 1200/210/B210 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 34 Z-CAR, ZX 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 35 310 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 36 510 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 37 610 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 38 710 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 39 810/MAXIMA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 40 ROADSTER 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 41 PL411, RL411 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 42 STANZA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 43 SENTRA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 44 PULSAR LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 216 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 45 MICRA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 46 NX 1600/2000 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 47 ALTIMA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 48 350Z 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 49 MURANO 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 401 PATHFINDER 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 402 XTERRA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 421 PATHFINDER ARMADA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 441 VAN 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 442 AXXESS 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 443 QUEST 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 471 DATSUN/NISSAN PU/FRONTIER 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 473 TITAN 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 36 FIAT 31 124 (COUPE/SEDAN) 36 FIAT 32 124 SPIDER/RACER 36 FIAT 33 BRAVA - 131 36 FIAT 34 850 (COUPE/SPYDER) 36 FIAT 35 128 36 FIAT 36 X-1/9 36 FIAT 37 STRADA 36 FIAT 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 36 FIAT 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 36 FIAT 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE LOW ENTRY 36 FIAT 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 36 FIAT 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 36 FIAT 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 36 FIAT 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 36 FIAT 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 37 HONDA 31 CIVIC/CRX/DEL SOL 37 HONDA 32 ACCORD 37 HONDA 33 PRELUDE 37 HONDA 34 600 37 HONDA 35 S2000 37 HONDA 37 INSIGHT 37 HONDA 38 FCX 37 HONDA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 37 HONDA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 37 HONDA 401 PASSPORT 37 HONDA 402 CR-V 37 HONDA 403 ELEMENT 37 HONDA 421 PILOT 37 HONDA 441 ODYSSEY 37 HONDA 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 37 HONDA 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 37 HONDA 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 37 HONDA 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 37 HONDA 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 37 HONDA 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 37 HONDA 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 37 HONDA 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 217 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 37 HONDA 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 37 HONDA 731 ATC/ATV (000-050CC) 37 HONDA 732 ATC/ATV (051-124CC) 37 HONDA 733 ATC/ATV (125-349CC) 37 HONDA 734 ATC/ATV (350CC-OVER) 37 HONDA 739 ATC/ATV (UNKNOWN CC) 37 HONDA 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 37 HONDA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 38 ISUZU 31 I-MARK 38 ISUZU 32 IMPULSE 38 ISUZU 33 STYLUS 38 ISUZU 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 38 ISUZU 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 38 ISUZU 401 TROOPER/TROOPER II 38 ISUZU 402 RODEO 38 ISUZU 403 AMIGO 38 ISUZU 404 VEHICROSS 38 ISUZU 405 AXIOM 38 ISUZU 421 ASCENDER 38 ISUZU 441 OASIS 38 ISUZU 471 P'UP (PICKUP) HOMBRE 38 ISUZU 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 38 ISUZU 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 38 ISUZU 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 38 ISUZU 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE LOW ENTRY 38 ISUZU 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 38 ISUZU 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 38 ISUZU 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 38 ISUZU 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 38 ISUZU 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 38 ISUZU 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 38 ISUZU 981 CONVENTIONAL FRONT ENGINE 38 ISUZU 982 FRONT ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 38 ISUZU 983 REAR ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 38 ISUZU 988 OTHER BUS 38 ISUZU 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 38 ISUZU 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 39 JAGUAR 31 XJ-S COUPE 39 JAGUAR 32 VANDEN PLAS 39 JAGUAR 32 XJ6/12 SEDAN/COUPE/XJ8/ 39 JAGUAR 33 XKE 39 JAGUAR 34 S-TYPE 39 JAGUAR 34 X100 39 JAGUAR 35 X-TYPE 39 JAGUAR 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 39 JAGUAR 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 39 JAGUAR 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 40 LANCIA 31 BETA SEDAN-HPE 40 LANCIA 32 BETA COUPE - ZAGATO 40 LANCIA 33 SCORPION 40 LANCIA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 40 LANCIA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 40 LANCIA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 41 MAZDA 31 RX2 41 MAZDA 32 RX3 41 MAZDA 33 RX4 41 MAZDA 34 RX7 41 MAZDA 35 GLC/PROTEGE/323 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 218 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 41 MAZDA 36 COSMO 41 MAZDA 37 626 41 MAZDA 38 808 41 MAZDA 39 MIZER 41 MAZDA 40 R-100 41 MAZDA 41 616/618 41 MAZDA 42 1800 41 MAZDA 43 929 41 MAZDA 44 MX-6 41 MAZDA 45 MIATA 41 MAZDA 46 MX-3 41 MAZDA 47 MILLENIA 41 MAZDA 48 MP3 41 MAZDA 49 RX-8 41 MAZDA 50 MAZDA 6 41 MAZDA 51 MAZDA3 41 MAZDA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 41 MAZDA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 41 MAZDA 401 NAVAJO 41 MAZDA 402 TRIBUTE 41 MAZDA 441 MPV 41 MAZDA 471 MAZDA PICKUP 41 MAZDA 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 41 MAZDA 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 41 MAZDA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 31 200/220/230/240/250/260/280/300/320 SE,CD,D,SD,ETC 42 MERCEDES BENZ 32 230/280 SL 42 MERCEDES BENZ 33 300/350/380/450/500SL/560SL 42 MERCEDES BENZ 34 350/380/420/450/560/ SLC 42 MERCEDES BENZ 35 280/300SEL 42 MERCEDES BENZ 36 380/420/450/500/560SEL/500SEC/ 560SEC/350SDL/300SDL 42 MERCEDES BENZ 37 300 SE/380/450 SE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 38 600, 6.9 SEDAB 42 MERCEDES BENZ 39 190 42 MERCEDES BENZ 40 300 42 MERCEDES BENZ 41 400/500 E 42 MERCEDES BENZ 42 220/280 C 42 MERCEDES BENZ 43 S CLASS 42 MERCEDES BENZ 44 SL CLASS 42 MERCEDES BENZ 45 SLK 42 MERCEDES BENZ 46 CL 42 MERCEDES BENZ 47 CLK 42 MERCEDES BENZ 48 E 42 MERCEDES BENZ 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 401 M 42 MERCEDES BENZ 402 G CLASS 42 MERCEDES BENZ 470 VAN DERIVATIVE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 42 MERCEDES BENZ 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 42 MERCEDES BENZ 881 MEDIUM/HEAVE - CBE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE LOW ENTRY 42 MERCEDES BENZ 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE HIGH ENTRY 42 MERCEDES BENZ 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY; UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 42 MERCEDES BENZ 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 42 MERCEDES BENZ 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 42 MERCEDES BENZ 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 219 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 42 MERCEDES BENZ 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 42 MERCEDES BENZ 981 MEDIUM BUS 42 MERCEDES BENZ 988 OTHER BUS 42 MERCEDES BENZ 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 43 MG 31 MIDGET 43 MG 32 MGB ('76-'79) 43 MG 33 MGB ('67-'75) 43 MG 34 MGA 43 MG 35 TA/TC/TD/TF 43 MG 36 MGC 43 MG 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 43 MG 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 43 MG 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 44 PEUGEOT 31 304 44 PEUGEOT 32 403 44 PEUGEOT 33 404 44 PEUGEOT 34 504/505 44 PEUGEOT 35 604 44 PEUGEOT 36 405 44 PEUGEOT 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 44 PEUGEOT 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 44 PEUGEOT 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 44 PEUGEOT 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 44 PEUGEOT 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 44 PEUGEOT 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 44 PEUGEOT 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 45 PORSCHE 31 911 45 PORSCHE 32 912 45 PORSCHE 33 914 45 PORSCHE 34 924 45 PORSCHE 35 928 45 PORSCHE 36 930 45 PORSCHE 37 944 45 PORSCHE 38 959 45 PORSCHE 39 968 45 PORSCHE 40 986 BOXSTER 45 PORSCHE 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 45 PORSCHE 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 45 PORSCHE 421 CAYENNE 45 PORSCHE 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 46 RENAULT/AMC 31 LECAR 46 RENAULT/AMC 32 DAUPHINE/10/R-8/CARAVELLE 46 RENAULT/AMC 33 12 46 RENAULT/AMC 34 15 46 RENAULT/AMC 35 16 46 RENAULT/AMC 36 17 46 RENAULT/AMC 37 R18I 46 RENAULT/AMC 38 FUEGO 46 RENAULT/AMC 39 ALLIANCE/ENCORE/GTA, CONVERTIBLE 46 RENAULT/AMC 41 ALPINE 46 RENAULT/AMC 44 MEDALLION 46 RENAULT/AMC 45 PREMIER 46 RENAULT/AMC 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 46 RENAULT/AMC 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 46 RENAULT/AMC 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 47 SAAB 31 99/99E/900 47 SAAB 32 SONNETT 47 SAAB 33 95/96/97 47 SAAB 34 9000, CS LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 220 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 47 SAAB 35 9 - 3 47 SAAB 36 9 - 5 47 SAAB 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 47 SAAB 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 47 SAAB 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 48 SUBARU 31 DL/FE/G/GF/GL/GLF/STD/LOYALE 48 SUBARU 32 STAR 48 SUBARU 33 360 48 SUBARU 34 LEGACY 48 SUBARU 35 XT/XT6 48 SUBARU 36 JUSTY 48 SUBARU 37 SVX 48 SUBARU 38 IMPREZA 48 SUBARU 43 BRAT DL, GL 48 SUBARU 44 BAJA 48 SUBARU 45 OUTBACK 48 SUBARU 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 48 SUBARU 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 48 SUBARU 401 FORESTER 48 SUBARU 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 48 SUBARU 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 48 SUBARU 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 49 TOYOTA 31 CORONA 49 TOYOTA 32 COROLLA 49 TOYOTA 33 CELICA 49 TOYOTA 34 SUPRA 49 TOYOTA 35 CRESSIDA 49 TOYOTA 36 CROWN 49 TOYOTA 37 CARINA 49 TOYOTA 38 TERCEL 49 TOYOTA 39 STARLET 49 TOYOTA 40 CAMRY 49 TOYOTA 41 MR-2 49 TOYOTA 42 PASEO 49 TOYOTA 43 AVALON 49 TOYOTA 44 SOLARA 49 TOYOTA 45 ECHO 49 TOYOTA 46 PRIUS 49 TOYOTA 48 SCION XA 49 TOYOTA 49 SCION XB 49 TOYOTA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 49 TOYOTA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 49 TOYOTA 401 4-RUNNER 49 TOYOTA 402 RAV-4 49 TOYOTA 403 HIGHLANDER 49 TOYOTA 403 HIGHLANDER 49 TOYOTA 404 MATRIX 49 TOYOTA 421 LANDCRUISER 49 TOYOTA 422 SEQUOIA 49 TOYOTA 441 MINVAN/PREVIA 49 TOYOTA 442 SIENNA 49 TOYOTA 471 PICKUP 49 TOYOTA 472 TACOMA 49 TOYOTA 481 T-100 49 TOYOTA 482 TUNDRA 49 TOYOTA 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 49 TOYOTA 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 49 TOYOTA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 50 TRIUMPH 31 SPITFIRE 50 TRIUMPH 32 GT-6 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 221 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 50 TRIUMPH 33 TR4 50 TRIUMPH 34 TR6 50 TRIUMPH 35 TR7/8 50 TRIUMPH 36 HERALD 50 TRIUMPH 37 STAG 50 TRIUMPH 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 50 TRIUMPH 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 50 TRIUMPH 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 50 TRIUMPH 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 50 TRIUMPH 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 50 TRIUMPH 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 50 TRIUMPH 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 50 TRIUMPH 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 50 TRIUMPH 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 50 TRIUMPH 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 50 TRIUMPH 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 51 VOLVO 31 122 51 VOLVO 32 142/144/145 51 VOLVO 33 164 51 VOLVO 34 240/242/244/245 51 VOLVO 35 262/264/265 51 VOLVO 36 1800 51 VOLVO 38 760/780 51 VOLVO 39 740 51 VOLVO 40 940 51 VOLVO 41 960 51 VOLVO 42 850 51 VOLVO 43 70 SERIES 51 VOLVO 44 90 SERIES 51 VOLVO 45 80 SERIES 51 VOLVO 46 4O SERIES 51 VOLVO 47 60 SERIES 51 VOLVO 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 51 VOLVO 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 51 VOLVO 401 XC90 51 VOLVO 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY CBE 51 VOLVO 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE LOW ENTRY 51 VOLVO 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 51 VOLVO 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 51 VOLVO 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 51 VOLVO 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 51 VOLVO 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 51 VOLVO 981 MEDIUM BUS 51 VOLVO 988 OTHER BUS 51 VOLVO 989 UNKNOWN TYPE BUS 51 VOLVO 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 52 MITSUBISHI 31 STARION 52 MITSUBISHI 32 TREDIA 52 MITSUBISHI 33 CORDIA 52 MITSUBISHI 34 GALANT 52 MITSUBISHI 35 MIRAGE 52 MITSUBISHI 36 PRECIS 52 MITSUBISHI 37 ECLIPSE 52 MITSUBISHI 38 SIGMA 52 MITSUBISHI 39 3000GT 52 MITSUBISHI 40 DIAMANTE 52 MITSUBISHI 46 LANCER 52 MITSUBISHI 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 222 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 52 MITSUBISHI 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 52 MITSUBISHI 401 MONTERO 52 MITSUBISHI 402 OUTLANDER 52 MITSUBISHI 403 ENDEAVOR 52 MITSUBISHI 441 MINIVAN 52 MITSUBISHI 442 EXPO WAGON 52 MITSUBISHI 471 PICKUP 52 MITSUBISHI 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 52 MITSUBISHI 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 52 MITSUBISHI 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE LOW ENTRY 52 MITSUBISHI 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 52 MITSUBISHI 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 52 MITSUBISHI 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 52 MITSUBISHI 981 CONVENTIONAL FRONT ENGINE 52 MITSUBISHI 982 FRONT ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 52 MITSUBISHI 983 REAR ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 52 MITSUBISHI 988 OTHER BUS 52 MITSUBISHI 989 UNKNOWN TYPE BUS 52 MITSUBISHI 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 53 SUZUKI 31 SA310 53 SUZUKI 34 SWIFT 53 SUZUKI 35 ESTEEM 53 SUZUKI 36 AERIO 53 SUZUKI 37 FORENZA 53 SUZUKI 38 VERONA 53 SUZUKI 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 53 SUZUKI 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 53 SUZUKI 401 SAMURAI 53 SUZUKI 402 SIDEKICK/GRAND VITARA 53 SUZUKI 403 X-90/VITARA 53 SUZUKI 404 GRAND VITARA 53 SUZUKI 405 XL7 53 SUZUKI 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 53 SUZUKI 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 53 SUZUKI 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 53 SUZUKI 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 53 SUZUKI 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 53 SUZUKI 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 53 SUZUKI 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 53 SUZUKI 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 53 SUZUKI 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 53 SUZUKI 731 ATC/ATV (000-050CC) 53 SUZUKI 732 ATC/ATV (051-124CC) 53 SUZUKI 733 ATC/ATV (125-349CC) 53 SUZUKI 734 ATC/ATV (350CC-OVER) 53 SUZUKI 739 ATC/ATV (UNKNOWN CC) 53 SUZUKI 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 53 SUZUKI 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 54 ACURA 31 INTEGRA 54 ACURA 32 LEGEND 54 ACURA 32 RL 54 ACURA 33 NSX 54 ACURA 34 VIGOR 54 ACURA 35 TL 54 ACURA 35 CL 54 ACURA 38 RSX 54 ACURA 39 TSX 54 ACURA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 54 ACURA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 54 ACURA 401 SLX LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 223 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 54 ACURA 421 MDX 54 ACURA 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 54 ACURA 499 UNKNOWN TYPE LIGHT TRUCK 54 ACURA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 55 HYUNDAI 31 PONY 55 HYUNDAI 32 EXCEL 55 HYUNDAI 33 SONATA 55 HYUNDAI 34 SCOUPE 55 HYUNDAI 35 ELANTRA 55 HYUNDAI 36 ACCENT 55 HYUNDAI 37 TIBURON 55 HYUNDAI 38 XG300/350 55 HYUNDAI 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 55 HYUNDAI 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 55 HYUNDAI 401 SANTA FE 55 HYUNDAI 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 55 HYUNDAI 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 55 HYUNDAI 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 56 MERKUR 31 XR4Ti 56 MERKUR 32 SCORPIO 56 MERKUR 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 56 MERKUR 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 56 MERKUR 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 57 YUGO 31 GV 57 YUGO 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 57 YUGO 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 57 YUGO 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 58 INFINITI 31 M30 58 INFINITI 32 Q45 58 INFINITI 33 G20 58 INFINITI 34 J30 58 INFINITI 35 I30 58 INFINITI 36 I35 58 INFINITI 37 G35 58 INFINITI 38 M45 58 INFINITI 39 FX35/45 58 INFINITI 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 58 INFINITI 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 58 INFINITI 401 QX4 58 INFINITI 421 QX56 58 INFINITI 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 58 INFINITI 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 58 INFINITI 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 59 LEXUS 31 ES250/ES-300 59 LEXUS 32 LS400 59 LEXUS 33 SC-300/SC-400 59 LEXUS 34 GS300/GS400 59 LEXUS 35 IS-300 59 LEXUS 36 SC 430 59 LEXUS 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 59 LEXUS 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 59 LEXUS 401 RX300 59 LEXUS 402 GX470 59 LEXUS 421 LX 450/470 59 LEXUS 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 59 LEXUS 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 59 LEXUS 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 60 DAIHATSU 31 CHARADE 60 DAIHATSU 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 60 DAIHATSU 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 224 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 60 DAIHATSU 401 ROCKY 60 DAIHATSU 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 60 DAIHATSU 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 60 DAIHATSU 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 61 STERLING 31 827S 61 STERLING 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 61 STERLING 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 61 STERLING 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 62 LAND ROVER 401 DISCOVERY (LR) 62 LAND ROVER 421 COUNTY LWB (RR) / COUNT CLASSIC (RR) 62 LAND ROVER 422 FREELANDER 62 LAND ROVER 422 4.0 SE (RR) 62 LAND ROVER 422 DEFENDER 90 (LR) 62 LAND ROVER 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 62 LAND ROVER 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 62 LAND ROVER 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 63 KIA 31 SEPHIA 63 KIA 32 SPECTRA 63 KIA 33 RIO 63 KIA 34 OPTIMA 63 KIA 35 AMANTI 63 KIA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 63 KIA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 63 KIA 401 SPORTAGE 63 KIA 402 SORRENTO 63 KIA 441 SEDONA 63 KIA 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 63 KIA 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 63 KIA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 64 DAEWOO 31 LANOS 64 DAEWOO 32 NUBIRA 64 DAEWOO 33 LEGANZA 64 DAEWOO 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 64 DAEWOO 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 64 DAEWOO 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 65 MINI 31 COOPER,COOPER S 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 LAGONDA 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 VOLANTE 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 SALOON 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 VANTAGE 69 BRICKLIN 32 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 BRICKLIN 32 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 CITROEN 33 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 CITROEN 33 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 DELOREAN 34 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 DELOREAN 34 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 FERRARI 35 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 FERRARI 35 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 HILLMAN 36 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 HILLMAN 36 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 JENSEN 37 HEALY 69 JENSEN 37 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 JENSEN 37 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 LAMBORGHINI 38 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 LAMBORGHINI 38 JALPA 69 LAMBORGHINI 38 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 LAMBORGHINI 38 COUNTACH 5000S 69 LOTUS 39 EUROPE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 225 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 69 LOTUS 39 ESPRIT 69 LOTUS 39 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 LOTUS 39 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 MASERATI 40 BITURBO 69 MASERATI 40 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 MASERATI 40 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 MORRIS 41 MINOR 69 MORRIS 41 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 MORRIS 41 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 ROLLS ROYCE/BENTLEY 42 CLOUD/SHADOW SERIES 69 ROLLS ROYCE/BENTLEY 42 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 ROLLS ROYCE/BENTLEY 42 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 SIMCA 44 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 SIMCA 44 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 SUNBEAM 45 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 SUNBEAM 45 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 TVR 46 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 TVR 46 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 DESTA 48 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 DESTA 48 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 RELIANT 49 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 RELIANT 49 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 BERTONE 52 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 BERTONE 52 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 LADA 53 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 LADA 53 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 398 OTHER MAKE 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 399 UNKOWN MAKE 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 988 OTHER BUS 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 998 OTHER VEHICLE 70 BSA 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 70 BSA 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 70 BSA 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 70 BSA 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 70 BSA 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 70 BSA 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 70 BSA 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 70 BSA 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 70 BSA 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 71 DUCATI 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 71 DUCATI 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 71 DUCATI 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 71 DUCATI 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 71 DUCATI 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 71 DUCATI 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 71 DUCATI 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 71 DUCATI 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 71 DUCATI 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 226 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 73 KAWASAKI 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 73 KAWASAKI 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 73 KAWASAKI 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 73 KAWASAKI 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 73 KAWASAKI 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 73 KAWASAKI 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 73 KAWASAKI 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 73 KAWASAKI 731 ATC/ATV (000-050CC) 73 KAWASAKI 732 ATC/ATV (051-124CC) 73 KAWASAKI 733 ATC/ATV (125-349CC) 73 KAWASAKI 734 ATC/ATV (350CC-OVER) 73 KAWASAKI 739 ATC/ATV (UNKNOWN CC) 73 KAWASAKI 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 73 KAWASAKI 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 74 MOTO-GUZZI 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 731 ATC/ATV (000-050CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 732 ATC/ATV (051-124CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 733 ATC/ATV (125-349CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 734 ATC/ATV (350CC-OVER) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 739 ATC/ATV (UNKNOWN CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 74 MOTO-GUZZI 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 75 NORTON 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 75 NORTON 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 75 NORTON 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 75 NORTON 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 75 NORTON 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 75 NORTON 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 75 NORTON 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 75 NORTON 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 75 NORTON 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 76 YAMAHA 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 76 YAMAHA 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 76 YAMAHA 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 76 YAMAHA 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 76 YAMAHA 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 76 YAMAHA 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 76 YAMAHA 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 76 YAMAHA 731 ATC/ATV (000-050CC) 76 YAMAHA 732 ATC/ATV (051-124CC) 76 YAMAHA 733 ATC/ATV (125-349CC) 76 YAMAHA 734 ATC/ATV (350CC-OVER) 76 YAMAHA 739 ATC/ATV (UNKNOWN CC) 76 YAMAHA 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 76 YAMAHA 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 76 YAMAHA 998 OTHER VEHICLE 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 701 0-50cc 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 702 51-124cc 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 709 UNKNOWN cc LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 227 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 701 0-50cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 702 51-124cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 703 125-349cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 704 350-449cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 705 450-749cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 706 750c or greater 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 709 Unknown cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 731 ATC/ATV 0-50cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 732 ATC/ATV 51-124cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 733 ATC/ATV 125-349cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 734 ATC/ATV 350cc OR GREATER 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 739 ATV/ATC UNKNOWN cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 80 BROCKWAY 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 80 BROCKWAY 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 80 BROCKWAY 882 MEDIUM/HEAVE - COE/LOW ENTRY 80 BROCKWAY 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE HIGH ENTRY 80 BROCKWAY 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 80 BROCKWAY 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 80 BROCKWAY 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 80 BROCKWAY 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 461 SPRINTER/ADVANTAGE 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 470 M-LINE WALK IN VAN 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 899 UNKNOWN LIGHT/MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 981 BUS CONVENTIONAL ENGINE OUT FRONT 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 982 BUS FRONT ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 983 BUS REAR ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 988 OTHER BUS 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 83 FWD 850 MEIDUM/HEAVY TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 83 FWD 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 228 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 83 FWD 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 83 FWD 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 83 FWD 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 83 FWD 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 83 FWD 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 83 FWD 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 421 SCOUT 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 431 TRAVELALL 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 466 MULTISTOP VAN 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 481 PICKUP 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 850 TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 881 MEDIUM HEAVY - CBE 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE LOW ENTRY 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE HIGH ENTRY 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY: UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 950 BUS BASED MOTOHOME 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 981 CONVENTIONAL BUS 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 982 BUS-FLAT FRONT, FRONT ENGINE 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 983 BUS-FLAT FRONT, REAR ENGINE 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 988 OTHER BUS 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 998 OTHER VEHICLE 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 85 KENWORTH 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 85 KENWORTH 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 85 KENWORTH 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 85 KENWORTH 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 85 KENWORTH 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 85 KENWORTH 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 85 KENWORTH 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 85 KENWORTH 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 86 MACK 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 86 MACK 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 86 MACK 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 86 MACK 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 86 MACK 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 86 MACK 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 86 MACK 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 86 MACK 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 87 PETERBILT 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 87 PETERBILT 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 87 PETERBILT 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 87 PETERBILT 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 87 PETERBILT 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 87 PETERBILT 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 229 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 87 PETERBILT 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 87 PETERBILT 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKOWN ENGINE LOCATION 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 98 WINNEBAGO 470 VAN BASED MOTORHOME 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 98 WINNEBAGO 498 LIGHT TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 98 WINNEBAGO 499 UNKNOWN TYPE LIGHT MOTORHOME 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 AUTOCAR 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 230 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 850 TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 98 WINNEBAGO 850 MOTOR HOME 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 WINNEBAGO 898 MEDIUM / HEAVY OTHER 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 WINNEBAGO 899 MEDIUM / HEAVY UNKNOWN 98 NEOPLAN 902 BUS - CONVENTIONAL FRONT ENGINE 98 NEOPLAN 902 BUS BASED MOTORHOME 98 NEOPLAN 902 BUS - FRONT ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 98 NEOPLAN 902 BUS - REAR ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 98 NEOPLAN 902 OTHER BUS 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 950 BUS BASED MOTORHOME 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 988 OTHER BUS 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 998 OTHER VEHICLE 98 WINNEBAGO 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 231 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 99 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCKS AND BUSES MANUFACTURER 899 Unknown medium/heavy truck 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCKS AND BUSES MANUFACTURER 988 Unknown bus type 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE Vehicle Model Year Definition: This variable establishes the model year that the vehicle was manufactured. Source: Primary source is the VIN during vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.OVEYear. Congruent with GeneralVehicle.VINYear, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Related to TruckUnits.ManufactureDate if TruckUnit.TUNPosition = 1 when applicable. Variable Name: GVEYear Attribute Codes Code* 9999 Meaning Actual model year Unknown Body Type Definition: This variable identifies the body type for this vehicle. Source: Vehicle inspection, police report, and interview. Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.VINBodyType, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXBodyType when applicable. Elaborates on TruckExterior.PowerUnitType when applicable. Variable Name: GVEBodyType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Convertible 2 2-door sedan, hardtop, coupe 3 3-door/2-door hatchback LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 232 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 4 4-door sedan, hardtop 5 5-door/4-door hatchback 6 Station Wagon 7 Hatchback, number of doors unknown 8 Other automobile type 9 Unknown automobile type 10 Auto based pickup 11 Auto based panel 12 Large limousine 13 Three-wheel automobile or automobile derivative 14 Compact utility 15 Large utility 16 Utility station wagon 17 3-door coupe 19 Utility, unknown body type 20 Minivan 21 Large van 22 Step van or walk-in van 23 Van based motor home 24 Van based school bus 25 Van based other bus 28 Other van type 29 Unknown van type 30 Compact pickup 31 Large pickup 32 Pickup with slide-in camper 33 Convertible pickup 39 Unknown pickup style light conventional truck type 40 Cab chassis based 41 Truck based panel 42 Light truck based motor home (chassis mounted) 45 Other light conventional truck type 48 Unknown light truck type 49 Unknown light vehicle type 50 School bus 58 Other bus type 59 Unknown bus type 60 Step van 61 Single unit straight truck(4500kg 12,000kg) 64 Single unit straight truck (GVWR unknown) 65 Medium/heavy truck based motor home 66 Truck-tractor (Cab Only, or any trailing units) 67 Truck-tractor with no cargo trailer 68 Truck-tractor pulling one trailer 69 Truck-tractor pulling two or more trailers 70 Truck-tractor (unknown if pulling trailer) 74 Medium/heavy Pickup (>=4,536kg) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 233 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 78 Unknown medium/heavy truck type 79 Unknown truck type (light/medium/heavy) 80 Motorcycle 81 Moped 82 Three-wheel motorcycle or moped 88 Other motored cycle (mini-bike, motor scooter) 89 Unknown motored cycle type 90 ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle) & ATC (All-Terrain Cycle) 91 Snowmobile 92 Farm equipment other than trucks 93 Construction equipment other than trucks 97 Other vehicle type 99 Unknown body type Class Of Vehicle Definition: This variable establishes the class of vehicle. This classification is largely based on size. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police and other vehicle photographs. Partially determined by VIN information (size-based information). Cross Reference: Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXVehicleClass when applicable. Identical to Events.ClassVehicle when applicable. Identical to Events.ClassVehicle2 when applicable. Variable Name: GVEVehicleClass Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Subcompact/mini (wheelbase < 254 cm) 2 Compact (wheelbase >= 254 but < 265 cm) 3 Intermediate (wheelbase >= 265 but < 278 cm) 4 Full Size (wheelbase >= 278 but < 291 cm) 5 Largest (wheelbase >= 291 cm) 9 Unknown passenger car size 14 Compact utility vehicle 15 Large utility vehicle (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 16 Utility station wagon (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 19 Unknown utility type 20 Minivan (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 21 Large van (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 24 Van Based school bus (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 28 Other van type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 29 Unknown van type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 30 Compact pickup truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 31 Large pickup truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 38 Other pickup truck type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 39 Unknown pick up truck (<=4,536 kg GVWR) 45 Other light truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 48 Unknown light truck type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 234 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 49 Unknown light vehicle type 50 School bus (excludes van based)(>4,536 kg GVWR) 58 Other bus (>4,536 kg GVWR) 59 Unknown bus type 60 Truck (>4,536 kg GVWR) 67 Tractor without trailer 68 Tractor-trailer(s) 78 Unknown medium/heavy truck type 79 Unknown light/medium/heavy truck type 80 Motored cycle 90 Other vehicle 99 Unknown Curb Weight Definition: This variable establishes the weight of the vehicle as specified by the manufacturer. Source: Primary source is Passenger Vehicle Specifications, American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) of the U.S., Inc. Secondary sources are Automotive News, Crain Automotive Group, Inc., Branham Automobile Reference Book, Branham Publishing Company, and Gasoline Truck Index and Diesel Truck Index, Truck Index, Inc. Cross Reference: Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXCurbWeight when applicable. Related to TruckExterior.TEXEmptyWeight, values will differ due to Curb weight vs. Empty weight. Related to the sum of TruckUnits.TUNEmptyWeight over each vehicle, values will differ due to Curb weight vs. Empty weight. Related to GeneralVehicle.BaseWeight, values will differ in part due to VIN vs. Researcher determined. Variable Name: GVECurbWeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (kg) 777777 Not inspected 999999 Unknown Source Of Curb Weight Definition: This variable establishes the source for the weight of the vehicle as reported in the variable “Curb Weight.” Source: Researcher specified. Cross Reference: Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXWeightSource when applicable. Variable Name: GVEWeightSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Curb weight unknown 1 AAMA 2 Automotive News LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 235 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set 3 Branham Automobile Reference Book 4 Gasoline Truck, Import Truck, and Diesel Truck Index 5 Canadian Specifications 8 Other (specify) 99 Curb Weight Source Unknown Cargo Weight Definition: This variable documents the weight of any cargo that is present in the vehicle at the time of the crash. This number does not include the weight of any occupants in the vehicle. For CDS vehicles that are towing a trailer, this weight represents the weight of the trailer plus its cargo. To obtain the cargo weight (only) of cargo being transported by heavy trucks, the variable CMBDCargoWeight (Total Cargo Weight) in the TruckExterior Data Set should be used. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include vehicle inspection, interviewees, police report, and tow facility. Cross Reference: Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXCargoWeight when applicable. Related to TruckExterior.CMDBCargoWeight, values will differ due to GeneralVehicle.GVECargoWeight including the weight of any trailers where TruckExterior.CMDBCargoWeight only includes payload cargo weight. Related to the sum of TruckUnits.TUNCargoWeight, values will differ due to GeneralVehicle.GVECargoWeight including the weight of any trailers where TruckUnits.TUNCargoWeight only includes payload cargo weight. Variable Name: GVECargoWeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (kg) 999999 Unknown Source Of Cargo Weight Information Definition: This variable establishes the source from which the value reported in the variable “Cargo Weight” was obtained. Source: Researcher specified. Cross Reference: Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXCargoSource when applicable. Variable Name: GVECargoSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Cargo weight unknown 1 Vehicle inspection 2 Interview 3 PAR 4 Tow Yard Operator 8 Other (specify) 99 Cargo Weight Source Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 236 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Definition: This variable identifies the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for this vehicle. Source: Primary source is vehicle inspection; a secondary source is the police report. Cross Reference: Identical to TruckUnits.TUNVIN if TruckUnits.TUNPosition = 1 when applicable. Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXVIN when applicable. Variable Name: GVEVIN Attribute Codes Code* 9999999999 Meaning Actual VIN value Unknown Vehicle Special Use Definition: This variable establishes any uses for the vehicle outside of personal use. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the police report; secondary sources include vehicle inspection, and interviewees. Cross Reference: Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXSpecialUse when applicable. Variable Name: GVESpecialUse Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Special Use 1 Taxi 2 Vehicle used as a school bus 3 Vehicle used as other bus 4 Military 5 Police 6 Ambulance 7 Fire truck or car 9 Unknown 88 Heavy truck Inspection Type Definition: This variable documents the type of inspection completed for this vehicle. Source: Researcher specified. Cross Reference: Identical to VehicleExterior.InspectionType when applicable. Variable Name: GVEInspection LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 237 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Inspection 1 Vehicle fully repaired - no damage evident 2 Partial inspection (specify): 3 Complete Inspection 8 Non qualifying vehicle Date Of Inspection Definition: This variable documents the date that the vehicle was inspected by the researcher. Source: Researcher specified. Cross Reference: Identical to VehicleExterior.VEXInspectionDate when applicable. Variable Name: GVEInspectionDate Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Date (in YYYY-MM-DD format) 7777-77-77 Not qualifying vehicles 8888-88-88 Not inspected 9999-99-99 Unknown Injury Severity Code – Police Definition: This variable documents the highest injury severity code in the vehicle, as reported by police on the Police Accident Report (PAR). Source: Police report. Cross Reference: This in conjunction with NonMotorist.ANMPARSevCode aggregated yield Crash.CrashPARSevCode. Variable Name: GVEPARSevCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 O - No injury C - Possible injury B - Non-incapacitating injury A - Incapacitating injury K - Killed U - Injury, severity unknown Died prior to crash 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 238 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Injury Severity Code – Researched Definition: This variable documents the highest injury severity code in the vehicle, as determined by injury coding and case narratives. This code is based on information obtained from medical records and/or case narratives and may differ from the police-reported injury severity code. Source: Zone Center determined – based on occupant medical records and case narratives, including the police report. Cross Reference: This in conjunction with NonMotorist.ANMRESSevCode aggregated yield Crash.CrashRESSevCode. Variable Name: GVERESSevCode Attribute Codes Code0 1 2 3 4 Meaning O - No injury C - Possible injury B - Non-incapacitating injury A - Incapacitating injury K - Killed 5 6 9 U - Injury, severity unknown Died prior to crash Unknown VIN Make Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.GVEMake, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with Overview.OVEMake, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: VINMake Attribute Codes Code* 9999999999 Meaning PCVINA returned value Unknown VIN Model Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 239 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.GVEModel, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with Overview.OVEModel, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: VINModel Attribute Codes Code* 9999999999 Meaning PCVINA returned value Unknown VIN Year Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.GVEYear, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with Overview.OVEYear, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Related to TruckUnits.ManufactureDate if TruckUnits.TUNPosition = 1 when applicable. Variable Name: VINYear Attribute Codes Code Meaning * PCVINA returned value Series Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Variable Name: Series Attribute Codes Code* Meaning PCVINA returned value VIN Body Type Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.GVEBodyType, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with VehicleExterior.VEXBodyType, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 240 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Variable Name: VINBodyType Attribute Codes Code* 9999999999 Meaning PCVINA returned value Unknown Roof1 Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Variable Name: Roof1 Attribute Codes Code Meaning * PCVINA returned value Roof2 Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Variable Name: Roof2 Attribute Codes Code Meaning * PCVINA returned value Roof3 Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Variable Name: Roof3 Attribute Codes Code Meaning * PCVINA returned value Front Wheel Drive Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 241 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Cross Reference: Congruent with VehicleExterior.DriverWheels, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: FrontWheelDrive Attribute Codes Code* 8 9 Meaning PCVINA returned value Not applicable/No value returned by PCVINA Unknown Four Wheel Drive Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Cross Reference: Congruent with VehicleExterior.DriverWheels, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: FourWheelDrive Attribute Codes Code* 8 9 Meaning PCVINA returned value Not applicable/No value returned by PCVINA Unknown Restraint Type Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Cross Reference: Related to Airbags data set and Occupants.ManualBeltAvailable, but results not identical due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: GVERestraintType Attribute Codes Code Meaning * PCVINA returned value Carburetion Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Variable Name: Carburetion LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 242 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning * PCVINA returned value 888 Not applicable/No value returned by PCVINA 999 Unknown Fuel Type Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Variable Name: FuelType Attribute Codes Code Meaning * PCVINA returned value VIN Weight Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Variable Name: VINWeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning * PCVINA returned value Vehicle Type Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Variable Name: VehicleType Attribute Codes Code Meaning * PCVINA returned value Wheel Configuration Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 243 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Variable Name: WheelConfig Attribute Codes Code Meaning * PCVINA returned value Daytime Running Lights Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Variable Name: DayRunningLights Attribute Codes Code* Meaning PCVINA returned value Base Weight Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Cross Reference: Related to GeneralVehicle.GVECurbWeight, values will differ in part due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Related to VehicleExterior.VEXCurbWeight, values will differ in part due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Related to TruckExterior.TEXEmptyWeight, values will differ in part due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Related to the sum of TruckUnits.TUNEmptyWeight, values will differ in part due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: BaseWeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (kg) 9999 Unknown Motorcycle Displacement Definition: This variable is created by running the vehicle’s Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) through the PCVINA computer program. Source: Derived variable obtained from PCVINA program (VIN-based). Cross Reference: Related to GeneralVehicle.GVEModel (701-709), values will differ in part due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Related to Overview.OVEModel (701-709), values will differ in part due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: GVEMotorcycleDisplacement LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 244 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Attribute Codes Code* 88888887 99999999 Meaning PCVINA returned value Not applicable Unknown Police Reported Travel Speed Definition: This variable documents the travel speed of the vehicle (prior to the crash) as reported by police on the Police Accident Report (PAR). Source: Police report only. Cross Reference: Identical to DriverDecisionAggression.ADATravelSpeed. Congruent with TruckExterior.TEXSpeed, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Vehicle’s data recorder. Variable Name: GVETravelSpeed Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Speed traveled (km/hr) 9999 Unknown Posted Speed Definition: This variable establishes the posted speed limit in effect for the crash location. Source: Primary sources are scene inspection or statutory law. The police report is a secondary source. Cross Reference: Identical to DriverDecisionAggression.ADAPostedSpeed. Variable Name: GVEPostedSpeed Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual posted speed (km/hr) 9999 Unknown Is The Driver Present? Definition: This variable serves as a flag to identify driverless motor vehicles in-transport. Source: Researcher determined, based on all available evidence. Variable Name: DriverPresent Attribute Codes Code0 1 9 Meaning No Driver Present Yes Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 245 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Police Reported Alcohol Present? Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the police report indicates that the driver had consumed an alcoholic beverage. Presence is not an indication that alcohol was in any way a cause of the crash, even though it might have been. Finding opened or unopened alcoholic beverages in the vehicle does not by itself constitute presence. Source: Police accident report. Cross Reference: Congruent with Crash.CRAAlcohol, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with DriverAssessment.AlcoholUse, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with Overview.OVEAlcohol, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: PARAlcoholPresent Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 1 7 8 9 No alcohol present Yes alcohol present Not reported No driver present Unknown Alcohol Test For Driver Definition: This variable establishes whether or not an alcohol test was administered to this driver. Source: Police accident report. Variable Name: PARAlcoholTest Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Test performed 95 Test refused 96 None given 97 AC test performed, results unknown 98 No driver present 99 Unknown Alcohol Test Result Definition: This variable reports the results of any analytical alcohol test conducted on the driver. Sources of information include the police report, medical records, and other official sources. Source: Police report, carrier records, medical records, or other official sources. Cross Reference: Congruent with DriverAssessment.AlcoholTest, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: PARAlcoholTestResult LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 246 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-1000 Test result value [percent (times 100)] 8888 No Driver Present 9999 Unknown Time Between Crash And Alcohol Test Definition: This variable documents the time delay between the time of the crash and the administration of an alcohol test. Source: Medical records, police report, carrier records, or other official sources. Cross Reference: Congruent with DriverAssessment.TestDelay, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined. Variable Name: PARTestDelay Attribute Codes Code00:00-90:00 97:97 98:98 Meaning Time delayed (in HH:MM format) Not applicable No BAC test 99:99 Unknown Source Of Alcohol Test Results Definition: This variable establishes the source of the data provided in the variable “Alcohol Test Results.” Source: Police report, medical reports, or other official sources. Cross Reference: Congruent with DriverAssessment.TestSource, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: PARTestSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No BAC test 1 Police reported 2 Company reported 3 Medical Record 4 Autopsy 5 Lay Coroner 6 No driver present 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 247 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Police Reported Other Drug Presence? Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the police report indicated that the driver had ingested an “other” drug prior to the crash. An “other” drug includes all prescription, over-thecounter medications, as well as “illicit” (illegal) drugs. Police-reported presence of an “other” drug is not an indication that the drug usage was in any way the cause of the crash, even though it might have been. Finding other drugs in the vehicle does not by itself constitute presence. Source: Police report. Cross Reference: Congruent with DriverAssessment.DrugTest, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with Overview.AnyDrugsVeh, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Congruent with DriverDrugs data set, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: PARDrugsPresent Attribute Codes Code0 1 7 8 9 Meaning No other drug(s) present Yes, other drug(s) present Not reported No driver present Unknown Driver’s Zip Code Definition: This variable documents the 5-digit zip code for the driver’s primary residence. Source: Primary source is the police report; secondary sources include interviewees, medical records, and other official documents. Cross Reference: Related to DMVViolation.LicState. Related to IntvwDrDriver.IDRLicenseState, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ZipCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Five-digit zip code 1 Driver not a resident of U.S. or territories 99999 Unknown Race/Ethnic Origin Of Driver Definition: This variable documents the self-identification of race/ethnic origin by the driver. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the interviewee; secondary sources include police report, medical records, and other official documents. Cross Reference: Identical to Occupants.Race if Occupants.Role = 1. Variable Name: EthnicOrigin LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 248 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 White (non-Hispanic) 2 Black (non-Hispanic) 3 White (Hispanic) 4 Black (Hispanic) 5 American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut 6 Asian or Pacific Islander 7 Other (specify) 8 No driver present 9 Unknown Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes Definition: This variable reports the number of crashes this driver has been involved in while driving a Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) in the past 5 years, as reported by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Source: DMV records. Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.MCMIScrashes, values will differ due to CDLIS vs. MCMIS values. Congruent with IntvwDrDriver.CommCrashes, values will differ due to Interview vs. CDLIS values. Variable Name: CMVCrashes Attribute Codes Code* 88 97 Meaning Actual value No driver present No official records found Commercial Motor Vehicle Violations Definition: This variable reports the number of Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) violations received by this driver in the past 5 years, as reported by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Source: DMV records. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrDriver.CMVCitiations, values will differ due to Citations vs. Violations and Interview vs. CDLIS. Variable Name: CMVViolations Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Actual value 88 97 No driver present No official records found 98 Not a CMV driver LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 249 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Non-Commercial Motor Vehicle Crashes Definition: This variable reports the number of crashes this driver has been involved in while driving a non-commercial motor vehicle in the past 5 years, as reported by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Source: DMV records. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrDriver.NonCommCrashes, values will differ due to Interview vs. CDLIS values. Variable Name: NonCMVCrashes Attribute Codes Code* 88 97 Meaning Actual value No driver present No official records found Non-Commercial Motor Vehicle Violations Definition: This variable reports the number of violations received by this driver while driving a non-commercial motor vehicle in the past 5 years, as reported by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Source: DMV records. Variable Name: NonCMVViolations Attribute Codes Code* 88 97 Meaning Actual value No driver present No official records found Total Crashes Definition: This variable reports the total number of crashes this driver has been involved in while driving any type of vehicle in the past 5 years, as reported by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Source: DMV records. Variable Name: TotalCrashes Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Actual value 88 97 No driver present No official records found LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 250 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set Total Violations Definition: This variable reports the total number of violations received by this driver (both CMV and non-CMV) in the past 5 years, as reported by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Source: DMV records. Cross Reference: Related to the DMVViolations data set, violations pertaining to 5 years prior to the crash date. Variable Name: GVETotalViolations Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Actual value 88 97 No driver present No official records found Previous Violations Definition: This variable reports the total number of violations received by this driver (both CMV and non-CMV) in the years previous to the last 5 years, as reported by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Source: DMV records. Cross Reference: Related to the DMVViolations data set, violations older than 5 years from the crash date. Variable Name: PrevViolations Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Actual value 88 97 No driver present No official records found Unknown Type Crashes Definition: This variable reports the number of crashes this driver has been involved in while driving an unknown type vehicle in the past 5 years, as reported by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). Source: DMV records. Variable Name: UnkTypeCrashes Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value 88 No driver present 97 No official records found LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 251 Variable Definitions and Codes - GeneralVehicle Data Set MCMIS Crashes Definition: This variable reports the number of crashes this driver has been involved in while driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV), as reported to the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: MCMIS records. Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.CMVCrashes, values will differ due to CDLIS vs. MCMIS values. Congruent with IntvwDrDriver.CommCrashes, values will differ due to Interview vs. MCMIS values. Variable Name: MCMIScrashes Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Actual value 88 97 No driver present No official records found 98 Not a CMV driver MCMIS Commercial Motor Vehicle Violations Definition: This variable represents the total number of types of inspection violations cited to this driver (not including local violations), as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: MCMIS records. Variable Name: MCMIScmvViolations Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Actual value 88 97 No driver present No official records found 98 Not a CMV driver MCMIS Commercial Motor Vehicle Non-Violations Definition: This variable represents the total number of types of “local” inspection violations cited to this driver, as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: MCMIS records. Variable Name: MCMIScmvNonViolations Attribute Codes Code* 88 97 Meaning Actual value No driver present No official records found 98 Not a CMV driver LTCCS Analytical User's Manual GeneralVehicle Data Set • 252 Variable Definitions and Codes - HazMat Data Set HazMat Data Set The HazMat data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID, VehicleNumber and Material uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the HazMat data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: All variables in this table are researcher determined. Primary source is the Level 1 Truck Inspection report; secondary sources include driver and carrier interviews. Cross Reference: This table is related to TruckExterior.PlacardRequirement and TruckUnits.Hazard. Hazardous Material Definition: This variable establishes the type of hazardous material that the vehicle was transporting at the time of the crash, as reported by the Truck Inspector. The attributes are FMCSA-generated designations. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwCarrier.PrimHazMat and IntvwCarrier.OtherHazMat, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: Material Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 1.1 Explosives 1.1 2 1.2 Explosives 1.2 3 1.3 Explosives 1.3 4 1.4 Explosives 1.4 5 1.5 Explosives 1.5 6 1.6 Explosives 1.6 7 2.1 Flammable Gas 8 2.2 Nonflammable Gas 9 2.3 Poisonous Gas 10 2.1 LPG 11 2.1 Methane 12 2.2 Anhydrous Ammon 13 2.3 Zone A 14 2.3 Zone B 15 2.3 Zone C 16 2.3 Zone D 17 3 Flammable 18 3 Zone A 19 3 (PIH) Zone B 20 6.1 (Liquids) 21 3 Combustible Liquid 22 4.1 Flammable Solid 23 4.2 Spontan Combust 24 4.3 Dangerous wn/Wet 25 5.1 Oxidizer 26 5.2 Organic Peroxide LTCCS Analytical User's Manual HazMat Data Set • 253 Variable Definitions and Codes - HazMat Data Set 27 6.2 Infectious Subst 28 6.1 Zone A 29 6.1 Zone B 30 6.1 (Solids) 31 7 Radioactive Materl 32 Hwy Route Cntr Qty 33 8 Corrosive Material 34 8 (PIH) Zone A 35 8 (PIH) Zone B 36 9 Miscellaneous HM 37 9 (Elev Temp Materl) 38 9 (Infectious Waste) 39 9 (Marine Pollutnts) 40 9 (Hazardous Subst) 41 9 (Hazardous Waste) 42 ORM-D Reportable? Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the hazardous material that was being transported was a reportable quantity, as reported by the Truck Inspector. This is an FMCSA- generated variable. Variable Name: Reportable Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes 2 No 99 Unknown Hazardous Material Waiver? Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the carrier had a waiver in place for the hazardous material that was being transported at the time of the crash, as reported by the Truck Inspector. This is an FMCSA-generated variable. Variable Name: Waiver Attribute Codes Code1 2 99 Meaning Yes No Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual HazMat Data Set • 254 Variable Definitions and Codes - HazMatInsp Data Set HazMatInsp Data Set The HazMatInsp data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID, VehicleNumber and HMIInspection uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the HazMatInsp data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the Level 1 Truck Inspection report. Hazardous Material Inspection Definition: This variable is a listing of the inspection items required by FMCSA, to be completed by the Truck Inspector, when the truck is transporting hazardous materials. This is an FMCSA- generated variable. Variable Name: HMIInspection Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Ship paper/manifest (HA) 2 HM license (HB) 3 HW registration (HC) 4 Placards (HD) 5 Packaging (HE) 6 Markings (HF) 7 Labels (HG) 8 Loading/securement (HH) 9 Cargo/portable tanks (HI) 10 Safety equipment (HJ) 11 Not applicable 12 (Inspection not required) 99 Unknown Inspection Exists? Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the truck was inspected by a certified North American Commercial Vehicle Inspector, and that an official truck inspection document exists. Variable Name: InspectionExists Attribute Codes Code Meaning Yes Yes No No N/A Not applicable UNK Unknown Violation? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the items listed in the variable “Hazardous Material Inspection” are in violation of FMCSA standards. This is an FMCSA-generated variable. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual HazMatInsp Data Set • 255 Variable Definitions and Codes - HazMatInsp Data Set Cross Reference: Related to TruckInspection.TINViolationCode (when the code relates to Hazardous Material Violations). Variable Name: HMIViolation Attribute Codes Code1 2 9 Meaning Yes No Unknown Out-Of-Service? Definition: This variable establishes whether or not a particular violation is classified as “out-ofservice.” This variable is related to the “Violation” variable, which is related to the “Hazardous Material Inspection” variable. This is an FMCSA-generated variable. Cross Reference: Related to TruckInspection.TINOutofService. Variable Name: HMIOutOfService Attribute Codes Code1 2 9 Meaning Yes No Unknown Disposition Definition: This variable documents the disposition of each violation (how it was handled) by the Truck Inspector. This variable is related to the “Violation” variable, which is related to the “Hazardous Material Inspection” variable. This is an FMCSA-generated variable. Cross Reference: Related to TruckInspection.TINDisposition. Variable Name: HMIDisposition Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Repaired at scene 2 Towed/Escorted 3 Other (specify) 8 Not applicable 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual HazMatInsp Data Set • 256 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set Injuries Data Set The Injuries data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, VehicleNumber, OccupantNumber and InjuryNumber. OccupantNumber is assigned to each occupant in a vehicle. InjuryNumber is assigned to each occupant’s injuries. CaseID, VehicleNumber, OccupantNumber and InjuryNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID, VehicleNumber and OccupantNumber should be used to merge the Injuries data set with the Occupant data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Occupant Injury Description Definition: This variable provides a description of each injury. Source: Zone Center determined – inputs include driver interview and medical records. Variable Name: OINDescription Attribute Codes Code Meaning * AIS code provided in text format AIS Code Definition: This variable is a listing of the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) codes. The AIS is a numerical method for ranking and comparing injuries by severity. Source: Zone Center determined – inputs include driver interview and medical records. Variable Name: AISCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1130006 Head Crush 1150997 Closed head injury/blunt head trauma/traumatic brain injury NFS 1152997 Traumatic brain injury NFS 1159997 Closed Head Injury (Died Without Further Evaluation - No Autopsy) 1202025 Anterior cerebral artery laceration 1202043 Anterior cerebral artery thrombosis (occlusion) 1202063 Anterior cerebral artery traumatic aneurysm 1202993 Anterior cerebral artery NFS 1204025 Basilar artery laceration 1204045 Basilar artery thrombosis (occlusion) 1204065 Basilar Artery Traumatic Aneurysm 1204995 Basilar artery NFS 1206024 Carotid-cavernous fistula 1208024 Cavernous sinus laceration 1208045 Cavernous sinus open laceration or segmental loss 1208063 Cavernous sinus thrombosis (occlusion) 1208993 Cavernous sinus NFS 1210025 Internal carotid artery laceration 1210044 Internal carotid artery thrombosis (occlusion) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 257 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 1210063 Internal carotid artery traumatic aneurysm 1210993 Internal carotid artery NFS 1212024 Intracranial vessel laceration 1212043 Intracranial vessel thrombosis (occlusion) 1212063 Intracranial vessel traumatic aneurysm 1212993 Intracranial vessel NFS 1214025 Middle cerebral artery laceration 1214044 Middle cerebral artery thrombosis (occlusion) 1214063 Middle cerebral artery traumatic aneurysm 1214993 Middle cerebral artery NFS 1216024 Other head artery laceration 1216043 Other head artery thrombosis (occlusion) 1216063 Other head artery traumatic aneurysm 1216993 Other head artery NFS 1218025 Posterior cerebral artery laceration 1218043 Posterior cerebral artery thrombosis (occlusion) 1218063 Posterior cerebral artery traumatic aneurysm 1218993 Posterior cerebral artery NFS 1220024 Sigmoid sinus laceration 1220045 Sigmoid sinus open laceration or segmental loss 1220064 Sigmoid sinus thrombosis (occlusion) 1220994 Sigmoid sinus NFS 1222024 Sinus or major vein laceration 1222043 Sinus or major vein thrombosis (occlusion) 1222993 Sinus NFS or major vein NFS 1224024 Superior longitudinal (saggital) sinus laceration 1224045 Superior longitudinal (saggital) sinus open laceration or segmental loss 1224064 Superior longitudinal (saggital) sinus thrombosis (occlusion) 1224994 Superior longitudinal (saggital) sinus NFS 1226024 Transverse sinus laceration 1226045 Transverse sinus open laceration or segmental loss 1226064 Transverse sinus thrombosis (occlusion) 1226994 Transverse sinus NFS 1228025 Vertebral artery laceration 1228043 Vertebral artery thrombosis (occlusion) 1228063 Vertebral artery traumatic aneurysm 1228993 Vertebral artery NFS 1302022 Cranial nerve contusion 1302042 Cranial nerve laceration 1302992 Cranial nerve NFS 1304022 I Olfactory nerve contusion 1304042 I Olfactory nerve laceration 1304992 I Olfactory nerve NFS 1306022 II Optic nerve--intracranial and intracanalicular segments contusion 1306042 II Optic nerve--intracranial and intracanalicular segments contusion bilateral 1306062 II Optic nerve--intracranial and intracanalicular segments laceration 1306082 II Optic nerve--intracranial and intracanalicular segments laceration bilateral 1306992 II Optic nerve--intracranial and intracanalicular segments NFS 1308022 III Oculomotor nerve contusion or compression LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 258 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 1308042 III Ooculomotor nerve laceration 1308992 III Oculomotor nerve NFS 1310022 IV Trochlear nerve contusion 1310042 IV Trochlear nerve laceration 1310992 IV Trochlear nerve NFS 1312022 V Trigeminal nerve contusion 1312042 V Trigeminal nerve laceration 1312992 V Trigeminal nerve NFS 1314022 VI Abducens nerve contusion 1314042 VI Abducens nerve laceration 1314992 VI Abducens nerve NFS 1316022 VII Facial nerve contusion 1316042 VII Facial nerve laceration 1316992 VII Facial nerve NFS 1318022 VIII Acoustic Nerve contusion 1318042 VIII Acoustic Nerve laceration 1318062 VIII Acoustic Nerve laceration bilateral 1318992 VIII Acoustic Nerve NFS 1320022 IX Glossopharyngeal nerve contusion 1320042 IX Glossopharyngeal nerve laceration 1320992 IX Glossopharyngeal nerve NFS 1322022 X Vagus nerve contusion 1322042 X Vagus nerve laceration 1322992 X Vagus nerve NFS 1324022 XI Spinal accessory nerve contusion 1324042 XI Spinal accessory nerve laceration 1324992 XI Spinal accessory nerve NFS 1326022 XII Hypoglossal nerve contusion 1326042 XII Hypoglossal nerve laceration 1326992 XII Hypoglossal nerve NFS 1402025 Brain stem compression 1402045 Brain stem contusion 1402065 Brain stem diffuse axonal injury (white matter shearing) 1402085 Brain stem infarction 1402105 Brain stem injury involving hemorrhage 1402126 Brain stem laceration 1402146 Brain stem massive destruction 1402166 Brain stem penetrating injury 1402186 Brain stem transection 1402995 Brain stem NFS 1404023 Cerebellum contusion, single or multiple, NFS 1404033 Cerebellum contusion small 1404044 Cerebellum contusion large 1404055 Cerebellum contusion extensive 1404065 Cerebellum diffuse axonal injury (white matter shearing) 1404104 Cerebellum hematoma/hemorrhage NFS - extra axial 1404144 Cerebellum hematoma/hemorrhage epidural or extradural NFS 1404184 Cerebellum hematoma/hemorrhage epidural or extradural small 1404225 Cerebellum epidural or extradural hematoma/hemorrhage large LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 259 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 1404264 Cerebellum hematoma/hemorrhage intracerebellar NFS 1404304 Cerebellum hematoma/hemorrhage intracerebellar small 1404345 Cerebellum hematoma/hemorrhage intracerebellar large 1404384 Cerebellum hematoma/hemorrhage subdural NFS 1404424 Cerebellum hematoma/hemorrhage subdural small 1404465 Cerebellum hematoma/hemorrhage subdural large 1404503 Cerebellum brain swelling/edema 1404543 Cerebellum edema 1404583 Cerebellum infarction 1404623 Cerebellum ischemia 1404663 Cerebellum subarachnoid hemorrhage 1404703 Cerebellum subpial hemorrhage 1404744 Cerebellum laceration 1404785 Cerebellum penetrating injury 1404993 Cerebellum NFS 1406023 Cerebrum contusion NFS 1406043 Cerebrum contusion single NFS 1406063 Cerebrum contusion single small 1406084 Cerebrum contusion single large 1406105 Cerebrum contusion single extensive 1406113 Cerebrum Contusions - multiple NFS 1406123 Cerebrum contusion multiple, on same side NFS 1406143 Cerebrum contusion multiple, on same side small 1406164 Cerebrum contusion multiple, on same side large 1406185 Cerebrum contusion multiple, on same side extensive 1406203 Cerebrum contusion multiple, at least one on each side but NFS 1406223 Cerebrum contusion multiple, at least one on each side small 1406244 Cerebrum contusion multiple, at least one on each side large 1406265 Cerebrum contusion multiple, at least one on each side extensive 1406285 Cerebrum diffuse axonal injury (white matter shearing) 1406294 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage NFS - extra axial 1406304 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage epidural or extradural NFS 1406324 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage epidural or extradural small 1406345 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage epidural or extradural small bilateral 1406365 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage epidural or extradural large 1406384 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage intracerebral NFS 1406404 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage intracerebral small 1406424 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage intracerebral small petechial hemorrhage(s) 1406444 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage intracerebral small subcortical hemorrhage 1406465 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage intracerebral bilateral 1406485 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage intracerebral large 1406504 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage subdural NFS 1406524 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage subdural small 1406545 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage subdural small bilateral 1406565 Cerebrum hematoma/hemorrhage subdural large 1406603 Cerebrum brain swelling/edema NFS 1406623 Cerebrum brain swelling mild 1406644 Cerebrum brain swelling moderate LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 260 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 1406665 Cerebrum brain swelling severe 1406683 Cerebrum edema NFS 1406703 Cerebrum edema mild 1406724 Cerebrum edema moderate 1406745 Cerebrum edema severe 1406763 Cerebrum infarction 1406784 Cerebrum intraventricular hemorrhage/intracerebral hematoma in ventricular system 1406803 Cerebrum ischemia (directly related to trauma) 1406823 Cerebrum pneumocephalus (directly related to trauma) 1406843 Cerebrum subarachnoid hemorrhage 1406863 Cerebrum subpial hemorrhage 1406884 Cerebrum laceration 1406905 Cerebrum penetrating injury 1406993 Cerebrum NFS (use if described as 'brain' injury) 1407993 Pituitary injury 1500002 Skull fracture NFS 1502003 Base (basilar) skull fracture NFS 1502023 Base (basilar) skull fracture without CSF leak 1502043 Base (basilar) skull fracture with CSF leak 1502064 Base (basilar) skull fracture complex 1504002 Vault skull fracture NFS 1504022 Vault skull fracture closed 1504043 Vault skull fracture comminuted 1504064 Vault skull fracture complex 1504084 Vault skull fracture massively depressed 1602022 Length of Unconsciousness < 1 Hr. 1602043 Length of Unconsciousness known to be <1 hr. with neurological deficit 1602063 Length of Unconsciousness known to be 1-6 hrs. 1602084 Length of Unconsciousness known to be 1-6 hrs. with neurological deficit 1602104 Length of Unconsciousness known to be 6-24 hrs. 1602125 Length of Unconsciousness known to be 6-24 hrs. with neurological deficit 1602145 Length of Unconsciousness known to be > 24 hrs. 1604021 Awake post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 15) no prior unconsciousness 1604042 Awake post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 15) no prior unconsciousness with neurological deficit 1604062 Awake post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 15) prior unconsciousness, but length of time NFS 1604083 Awake post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 15) prior unconsciousness with neurological deficit 1604102 Awake post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 15) amnesia 1604123 Awake post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 15) amnesia with neurological deficit 1604142 Awake post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 15) unconsciousness known to be < 1 hr. 1604163 Awake post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 15) unconsciousness known to be <1 hr. with neurological deficit 1604991 Awake post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 15) NFS LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 261 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 1606022 Lethargic, Stuporous, Obtunded post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS 9-14) no prior unconsciousness 1606043 Lethargic, Stuporous, Obtunded post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 9-14) no prior unconsciousness with neurological deficit 1606062 Lethargic, Stuporous, Obtunded post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS 9-14) prior unconsciousness, but length of time NFS 1606083 Lethargic, Stuporous, Obtunded post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 9-14) prior unconsciousness, but length of time NFS with neurological deficit 1606102 Lethargic, Stuporous, Obtunded post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 9-14) unconsciousness known to be < 1 hr. 1606123 Lethargic, Stuporous, Obtunded post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS 9-14) unconsciousness known to be <1hr. with neurological deficit 1606143 Lethargic, Stuporous, Obtunded post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 9-14) 1-6 hrs. unconsciousness 1606164 Lethargic, Stuporous, Obtunded post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS 9-14)1-6 hrs. unconsciousness with neurological deficit 1606992 Lethargic, Stuporous, Obtunded post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS 9-14) NFS 1608023 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS <9) length of unconsciousness NFS 1608044 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS <9) length of unconsciousness NFS with neurological deficit 1608063 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS <9) < 1 hr. 1608084 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS <9) <1 hr. with neurological deficit 1608103 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS < 9) 1-6 hrs. 1608124 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS <9) 1-6 hrs. with neurological deficit 1608144 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS <9) 6-24 hrs. 1608165 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS <9) 6-24 hrs. with neurological deficit 1608185 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene ( GCS <9) > 24 hrs. 1608204 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS <9) appropriate movements with painful stimulit no matter length of time 1608225 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS <9) apprpriate movements with painful stimuli no matter length of unconsciousness with neurological deficit 1608245 Unconscious post resusciation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS <9) inappropriate movements no matter length of unconsciousness 1608993 Unconscious post resuscitation on Admission or Initial Observation at Scene (GCS <9) NFS 1610002 Cerebral Concussion 1900991 Scalp NFS LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 262 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 1902021 Scalp abrasion 1904021 Scalp contusion/subgaleal hematoma 1906001 Scalp laceration NFS 1906021 Scalp laceration minor 1906042 Scalp laceration major 1906063 Scalp laceration blood loss >20% by volume 1908001 Scalp avulsion NFS 1908021 Scalp avulsion superficial 1908042 Scalp avulsion major 1908063 Scalp avulsion blood loss > 20% by volume 1908083 Scalp total scalp loss 1920001 Head unspecified burn 1920021 Head 1st degree burn 1920042 Head 1st degree burn 1920061 Head 2nd degree burn <10% TBS 1920082 Head 3rd degree burn <10% TBS 1920103 Head 3rd degree burn <10% TBS with face/hand/genitalia involvement 1920122 Head 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS 1920143 Head 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS <5 years 1920163 Head 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia invlvmnt 2150997 Blunt/Traumatic Facial Injury NFS 2159997 Blunt/Traumatic Facial Injury - Died without further evaluation (no autopsy) 2202001 External cartoid artery branch(es) NFS 2202021 External cartoid artery minor 2202043 External cartoid artery major (blood loss > 20% by volume) 2302022 Optic nerve injury contusion 2302042 Optic nerve injury laceration 2302062 Optic nerve injury avulsion 2302991 Optic nerve injury NFS 2402041 Ear canal injury 2402081 Ear Inner or middle ear injury 2402121 Ear Ossicular chain (ear bone) dislocation 2402161 Ear Tympanic membrane (ear drum) rupture 2402201 Ear Vestibular apparatus injury 2402991 Ear NFS 2404022 Eye avulsion 2404081 Eye Canaliculus (tear duct) laceration 2404121 Eye Choroid rupture 2404161 Eye Conjunctiva injury/Subconjunctiva 2404991 Eye NFS 2406021 Cornea abrasion 2406041 Cornea contusion 2406061 Cornea laceration 2406991 Cornea NFS 2408001 Iris laceration 2410001 Retina laceration 2410022 Retinal laceration with retinal detachment 2412001 Sclera laceration 2412022 Sclera laceration involving globe LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 263 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 2414991 Uvea injury 2416991 Vitreous injury 2430991 Mouth injury NFS 2432021 Gingiva (gum) contusion 2432041 Gingiva (gum) laceration 2432061 Gingiva (gum) avulsion 2432991 Gingiva (gum) NFS 2434001 Tongue laceration NFS 2434021 Tongue laceration superficial 2434042 Tongue laceration deep/extensive 2502002 Alveolar ridge (bone) fracture 2504001 Facial bone(s) fracture NFS 2506001 Mandible fracture NFS 2506021 Mandible fracture closed but NFS as to location 2506041 Mandible fracture closed body/angle with or without ramus involvement 2506061 Mandible fracture closed ramus 2506082 Mandible fracture closed subcondylar 2506102 Mandible fracture open/displaced/comminuted but NFS as to location 2506122 Mandible fracture open/displaced/comminuted body/angle with or without ramus involvement 2506142 Mandible fracture open/displaced/comminuted ramus 2506162 Mandible fracture open/displaced/comminuted subcondylar 2506991 Mandible NFS 2508002 Maxilla fracture NFS 2508022 Maxiilla fracture closed 2508042 Maxilla fracture LeFort I 2508062 Maxilla fracture LeFort II 2508083 Maxilla fracture LeFort III 2508104 Maxilla fracture LeFort III blood loss > 20% by volume 2510001 Nose fracture NFS 2510021 Nose fracture closed 2510042 Nose fracture open/displaced/comminuted 2510901 Nose - rupture of mucosal/vessels 2510991 Nose NFS 2512002 Orbit fracture NFS 2512022 Orbit fracture closed 2512043 Orbit fracture open/displaced/comminuted 2514021 Teeth dislocation or loosened 2514041 Teeth fracture 2514061 Teeth avulsion 2514991 Teeth NFS 2516021 Temporomandibular joint sprain 2516042 Temporomandibular joint dislocation 2516991 Temporomandibular joint NFS 2518002 Zygoma/malar fracture 2900991 Facial Skin/Subcutaneous tissue/Muscle - NFS 2902021 Facial Skin abrasion 2904021 Facial Skin contusion 2906001 Facial Skin laceration NFS 2906021 Facial Skin laceration minor LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 264 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 2906042 Facial Skin laceration major 2906063 Facial Skin laceration blood loss > 20% by volume 2908001 Facial Skin avulsion NFS 2908021 Facial Skin avulsion superficial 2908042 Facial Skin avulsion major 2908063 Facial Skin avulsion blood loss >20% by voilume 2920001 Face unspecified burn 2920021 Face 1st degree burn 2920042 Face 1st degree burn 2920061 Face 2nd degree burn <10% TBS 2920082 Face 3rd degree burn <10% TBS 2920103 Face 3rd degree burn <10% TBS with face/hand/genitalia involvement 2920122 Face 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS 2920143 Face 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS <5 years 2920163 Face 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia invlvmnt 2970991 Eyelid or orbit (soft tissue) NFS 2972021 Eyelid abrasion 2974021 Eyelid contusion 2976021 Eyelid laceration 2978021 Eyelid avulsion 3110006 Decapitation 3150997 Blunt/Traumatic Neck/Throat Injury NFS 3159997 Blunt/Traumatic Neck/Throat injury - died without further evaluation (no autopsy) 3202023 Carotid (common, internal) artery intimal tear, no disruption 3202044 Carotid (common, internal) artery intimal tear, no disruption with neurological deficit (stroke) 3202063 Carotid (common. internal) artery laceration NFS 3202083 Carotid (common. internal) artery laceration minor 3202104 Carotid (common, internal) artery laceration minor with neurological deficit (stroke) 3202124 Carotid (common, internal) artery laceration major 3202145 Carotid (common, internal) artery laceration major with neurological deficit (stroke) 3202163 Carotid (common, internal) artery laceration major with thrombosis (occlusion) secondary to trauma 3202184 Carotid (common, internal) artery laceration major with thrombosis (occlusion) with neurological deficit (stroke) 3202203 Carotid (common, internal) artery thrombosis (occlusion) secondary to trauma 3202224 Carotid (common, internal) artery thrombosis (occlusion) secondary to trauma with neurological deficit (stroke) 3202993 Carotid (common, internal) artery NFS 3204022 Carotid (external) artery intimal tear, no disruption 3204042 Carotid (external) artery laceration NFS 3204062 Carotid (external) artery laceration minor 3204083 Carotid (external) artery laceration major 3204102 Carotid (external) artery laceration with thrombosis (occlusion) secondary to trauma 3204122 Carotid (external) artery thrombosis (occlusion) secondary to trauma 3204992 Carotid (external) artery NFS LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 265 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 3206021 Jugular vein, external laceration NFS 3206041 Jugular vein, external laceration minor 3206063 Jugular vein, external laceration major 3206991 Jugular vein, external NFS 3208022 Jugular vein, internal laceration NFS 3208042 Jugular vein, internal laceration minor 3208063 Jugular vein, internal laceration major 3208991 Jugular vein, internal NFS (All OIS Grade II) 3210022 Vertebral artery intimal tear, no disruption 3210043 Vertebral artery intimal tear, no disruption with neurological deficit (stroke) 3210062 Vertebral artery laceration NFS 3210082 Vertebral artery laceration minor 3210103 Vertebral artery laceration minor with neurological deficit (stroke) 3210123 Vertebral artery laceration major 3210144 Vertebral artery laceration major with neurological deficit (stroke) 3210163 Vertebral artery laceration with thrombosis (occlusion) secondary to trauma 3210183 Vertebral artery thrombosis (occlusion) secondary to trauma 3210204 Vertebral artery thrombosis (occlusion) secondary to trauma with neurological deficit (stroke) 3210992 Vertebral artery NFS 3302992 Phrenic injury 3304991 Vagus injury 3402022 Larynx contusion 3402042 Larynx laceration, puncture NFS 3402062 Larynx laceration no perforation 3402083 Larynx laceration perforation 3402104 Larynx laceration perforation with vocal cord involvement 3402125 Larynx laceration massive destruction 3402992 Larynx NFS 3406023 Pharynx contusion 3406042 Pharynx laceration, puncture NFS 3406063 Pharynx laceration no perforation 3406084 Pharynx laceration perforation 3406105 Pharynx laceration massive destruction 3406993 Pharynx or Retropharyngeal area NFS 3410023 Salivary gland with ductal involvement or transection 3410992 Salivary gland NFS 3414021 Thyroid gland contusion 3414042 Thyroid gland laceration 3414991 Thyroid gland NFS 3418022 Vocal cord unilateral 3418043 Vocal cord bilateral 3418992 Vocal cord NFS 3502002 Hyoid fracture 3900991 Neck/Throat Skin/Subcutaneous tissue/Muscle NFS 3902021 Neck/Throat Skin abrasion 3904021 Neck/Throat Skin contusion 3906001 Neck/Throat Skin laceration NFS 3906021 Neck/Throat Skin laceration minor 3906042 Neck/Throat Skin laceration major LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 266 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 3906063 Neck/Throat Skin laceration blood loss > 20% by volume 3908001 Neck/Throat Skin avulsion NFS 3908021 Neck/Throat Skin avulsion superficial 3908042 Neck/Throat Skin avulsion major 3908063 Neck/Throat Skin avulsion blood loss > 20% by volume 3920001 Neck unspecified burn 3920021 Neck 1st degree burn 3920042 Neck 1st degree burn 3920061 Neck 2nd degree burn <10% TBS 3920082 Neck 3rd degree burn <10% TBS 3920103 Neck 3rd degree burn <10% TBS with face/hand/genitalia involvement 3920122 Neck 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS 3920143 Neck 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS <5 years 3920163 Neck 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia invlvmnt 4110002 Breast avulsion, female 4130006 Chest Crush 4150997 Blunt/Traumatic chest (thoracic) injury NFS 4159997 Blunt/Traumatic chest (thoracic) injury died without further evaluation, no autopsy 4202024 Aorta, thoracic intimal tear, no disruption 4202045 Aorta, thoracic intimal tear with aortic valve involvement 4202064 Aorta, thoracic laceration NFS 4202084 Aorta, thoracic laceration minor 4202105 Aorta, thoracic laceration major 4202125 Aorta, thoracic laceration major with aortic root or valve involvement 4202145 Aorta, thoracic laceration major with paraplegia not due to direct spinal cord trauma 4202165 Aorta, thoracic laceration major with hemorrhage confined to mediastinum 4202186 Aorta, thoracic laceration major with hemorrhage not confined to mediastinum (OIS Grade VI) 4202994 Aorta, thoracic NFS 4204023 Brachiocephalic (innominate) artery intimal tear, no disruption 4204043 Brachiocephalic (innominate) artery laceration NFS 4204063 Brachiocephalic (innominate) artery laceration minor 4204084 Brachiocephalic (innominate) artery laceration major 4204993 Brachiocephalic (innominate) artery NFS (All OIS Grade III) 4206023 Brachiocephalic (innominate) vein laceration NFS 4206043 Brachiocephalic (innominate) vein laceration minor 4206064 Brachiocephalic (innominate) vein laceration major 4206085 Brachiocephalic (innominate) vein laceration major with air embolus right side 4206993 Brachiocephalic (innominate) vein NFS (All OIS Grade II) 4208005 Coronary artery laceration/thrombosis 4210023 Pulmonary artery intimal tear, no disruption 4210043 Pulmonary artery laceration NFS 4210063 Pulmonary artery laceration minor 4210084 Pulmonary artery laceration major 4210993 Pulmonary artery NFS (All OIS Grades IV and V) 4212023 Pulmonary vein laceration NFS 4212043 Pulmonary vein laceration minor LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 267 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 4212064 Pulmonary vein laceration major 4212993 Pulmonary vein NFS (All OIS Grades IV and V) 4214023 Subclavian artery intimal tear, no disruption 4214043 Subclavian artery laceration NFS 4214063 Subclavian artery laceration minor 4214084 Subclavian artery laceration major 4214993 Subclavian artery NFS (All OIS Grade III) 4216023 Subclavian vein laceration NFS 4216043 Subclavian vein laceration minor 4216064 Subclavian vein laceration major 4216993 Subclavian vein NFS (All OIS Grade II) 4218023 Vena Cava laceration NFS 4218043 Vena Cava laceration minor with or without thrombosis 4218064 Vena Cava laceration major 4218085 Vena Cava laceration major with air embolus right side 4218993 Vena Cava NFS (All OIS Grades IV and V) 4220022 Other named chest arteries intimal tear, no disruption 4220042 Other named chest arteries laceration NFS 4220062 Other named chest arteries laceratiion minor 4220083 Other named chest arteries laceration major 4220992 Other named chest arteries NFS (All OIS Grade I) 4222022 Other named chest veins laceration NFS 4222042 Other named chest veins laceration minor 4222063 Other named chest veins laceration major 4222992 Other named chest veins NFS (All OIS Grades I except azygos Grade II) 4304991 Vagus nerve injury 4402021 Bronchus distal contusion 4402042 Bronchus distal laceration NFS 4402062 Bronchus distal laceration no perforation 4402083 Bronchus distal laceration perforation 4402104 Bronchus distal laceration complex 4402123 Bronchus distal fracture NFS 4402143 Bronchus distal fracture simple 4402164 Bronchus distal fracture major 4402991 Bronchus distal to main stem NFS 4404005 Chordae tendineae laceration 4406022 Diaphragm contusion (OIS Grade I) 4406043 Diaphragm laceration (OIS Grade II thru IV) 4406064 Diaphragm rupture with herniation 4406992 Diaphragm NFS 4408022 Esophagus contusion (OIS Grade I) 4408043 Esophagus laceration NFS 4408063 Esophagus laceration no perforation (OIS Grades I and II) 4408084 Esophagus laceration perforation (OIS Grade III) 4408105 Esophagus laceration complex with tissue loss (OIS Grades IV and V) 4408992 Esophagus NFS 4410021 Heart (Myocardium) contusion (hematoma) NFS 4410023 Heart (Myocardium) contusion NFS 4410041 Heart (Myocardium) contusion minor LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 268 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 4410043 Heart (Myocardium) contusion minor 4410064 Heart (Myocardium) contusion major 4410083 Heart (Myocardium) laceration NFS 4410103 Heart (Myocardium) laceration no perforation, no chamber involvement 4410125 Heart (Myocardium) laceration perforation 4410146 Heart (Myocardium) laceration perforation complex or ventricular rupture 4410166 Heart (Myocardium) multiple lacerations 4410186 Heart (Myocardium) Avulsion 4410991 Heart (Myocardium) NFS 4410993 Heart (Myocardium) NFS 4412005 Intracardiac valve laceration 4413005 Intraventricular or inter-atrial septum laceration (rupture) 4414023 Lung contusion NFS with or without hemo-/pneumothorax 4414063 Lung contusion unilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax 4414104 Lung contusion bilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax 4414143 Lung laceration NFS with or without hemo-/pneumothorax 4414163 Lung laceration NFS with pneumomediastinum 4414184 Lung laceration NFS with hemomediastinum 4414204 Lung laceration NFS with blood loss > 20% by volume 4414225 Lung laceration NFS with tension pneumothorax 4414245 Lung laceration NFS with parenchymal laceration with massive air leak 4414265 Lung laceration NFS with systemic air embolus 4414303 Lung laceration unilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax 4414323 Lung laceration unilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with pneumomediastinum 4414344 Lung laceration unilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with hemomediastinum 4414364 Lung laceration unilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with blood loss > 20% by volume 4414385 Lung laceration unilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with tension pneumothorax 4414405 Lung laceration unilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with parenchymal laceration with massive air leak 4414425 Lung laceration unilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with systemic air embolus 4414504 Lung laceration bilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax 4414524 Lung laceration bilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with pneumomediastinum 4414544 Lung laceration bilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with hemomediastinum 4414565 Lung laceration bilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with blood loss > 20% by volume 4414585 Lung laceration bilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with tension pneumothorax 4414605 Lung laceration bilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with parenchymal laceration with massive air leak 4414625 Lung laceration bilateral with or without hemo-/pneumothorax with systemic air embolus 4414993 Lung NFS 4416022 Pericardium laceration 4416043 Pericardium injury with tamponade without heart injury LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 269 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 4416065 Pericardium herniation of the heart 4416992 Pericardium NFS 4418002 Pleura laceration 4418023 Pleura laceration with hemo-/pneumothorax 4418042 Pleura contusion 4422023 Thoracic cavity injury with hemo-/pneumothorax 4422043 Thoracic cavity injury with pneumomediastinum 4422064 Thoracic cavity injury with hemomediastinum 4422084 Thoracic cavity injury with blood loss > 20% by volume 4422105 Thoracic cavity injury with tension pneumothorax 4422125 Thoracic cavity injury with systemic air embolus 4422141 Thoracic cavity chest wall strain 4422997 Thoracic cavity injury NFS 4424022 Thoracic duct laceration 4426023 Trachea and main stem bronchus contusion 4426043 Trachea and main stem bronchus laceration NFS 4426063 Trachea and main stem bronchus laceration no perforation 4426084 Trachea and main stem bronchus laceration perforation 4426105 Trachea and main stem bronchus laceration complex 4426124 Trachea and main stem bronchus fracture NFS 4426144 Trachea and main stem bronchus fracture simple 4426165 Trachea and main stem bronchus fracture major with laryngeal-tracheal separation 4426993 Trachea and main stem bronchus NFS 4502021 Rib cage contusion 4502101 Rib cage fracture NFS 4502102 Rib cage multiple rib fractures NFS 4502113 Rib cage multiple rib fractures NFS with hemo-/pneumothorax 4502121 Rib cage fracture 1 rib 4502143 Rib cage fracture 1 rib with hemo-/pneumothorax (OIS Grade I) 4502202 Rib cage fracture 2-3 ribs any location (OIS Grade I, II or III) 4502223 Rib cage fracture 2-3 ribs any location with hemo-/pneumothorax 4502303 Rib cage fracture >3 ribs on one side and <=3 ribs on the other side, stable chest or NFS 4502324 Rib cage fracture >3 ribs on one side and <=3 ribs on other side, stable chest or NFS == with hemo-/pneumothorax 4502404 Rib cage fracture > 3 ribs on each of two sides, with stable chest or NFS 4502425 Rib cage fracture >3 ribs on each of two sides, with hemo-/pneumothorax 4502503 Rib cage fracture open/displaced/comminuted (any or combination; >1 rib) 4502524 Rib cage fracture open/displaced/comminuted with hemo-/pneumothorax 4502604 Rib cage flail chest NFS (OIS Grade III or IV) 4502623 Rib cage flail chest without lung contusion (OIS Grade III or IV) 4502644 Rib cage flail chest with lung contusion (OIS Grade III or IV) 4502665 Rib cage flail chest bilateral flaill with or without lung contusion (OIS Grade V) 4502685 Rib cage flail chest < 15 years old - flail with or without lung contusion 4502991 Rib cage NFS 4508021 Sternum contusion 4508042 Sternum fracture (OIS Grade II or III) 4508991 Sternum NFS LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 270 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 4900991 Chest Skin/Subcutaneous tissue/Muscle/Chest Wall NFS 4902021 Chest Skin abrasion 4904021 Chest Skin contusion (OIS Grade I) 4906001 Chest Skin laceration NFS 4906021 Chest Skin laceration minor (OIS Grade I, II) 4906042 Chest Skin laceration major 4906063 Chest Skin laceration blood loss > 20% by volume 4908001 Chest Skin avulsion NFS 4908021 Chest Skin avulsion superficial 4908042 Chest Skin avulsion major 4908063 Chest Skin avulsion blood loss > 20% by volume 4920001 Chest unspecified burn 4920021 Chest 1st degree burn 4920042 Chest 1st degree burn 4920061 Chest 2nd degree burn <10% TBS 4920082 Chest 3rd degree burn <10% TBS 4920103 Chest 3rd degree burn <10% TBS with face/hand/genitalia involvement 4920122 Chest 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS 4920143 Chest 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS <5 years 4920163 Chest 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia invlvmnt 5150997 Blunt/Traumatic abdominal injury 5159997 Blunt/Traumatic abdominal injury died without further evaluation, no autopsy 5202024 Aorta, abdominal intimal tear, no disruption 5202044 Aorta, abdominal laceration NFS 5202064 Aorta, abdominal laceration minor 5202085 Aorta, abdominal laceration major 5202994 Aorta, abdominal NFS 5204023 Celiac Artery intimal tear, no disruption 5204043 Celiac Artery laceration NFS 5204064 Celiac Artery laceration minor 5204085 Celiac Artery laceration major 5204993 Celiac Artery NFS 5206023 Iliac artery intimal tear, no disruption 5206043 Iliac artery laceration NFS 5206063 Iliac artery laceration minor 5206084 Iliac artery laceration major 5206993 Iliac artery NFS 5208023 Iliac vein (common) laceration NFS 5208043 Iliac vein (common) laceration minor 5208064 Iliac vein (common) laceration major 5208993 Iliac vein (common) NFS 5210022 Iliac vein (internal, external) laceration NFS 5210042 Iliac vein (internal, external) laceration minor 5210063 Iliac vein (internal, external) laceration major 5210992 Iliac vein (internal, external) NFS 5212023 Vena cava, inferior laceration NFS 5212043 Vena cava, inferior laceration minor 5212064 Vena cava, inferior laceration major 5212993 Vena cava, inferior NFS LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 271 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 5214023 Other named abdomen arteries intimal tear, no disruption 5214043 Other named abdomen arteries laceration NFS 5214063 Other named abdomen arteries laceration minor 5214084 Other named abdomen arteries laceration major 5214993 Other named abdomen arteries NFS 5216023 Other named abdomen veins laceration NFS 5216043 Other named abdomen veins laceration minor 5216064 Other named abdomen veins laceration major 5216993 Other named abdomen veins NFS 5304991 Vagus nerve injury 5402101 Adrenal gland contusion NFS 5402121 Adrenal gland contusion minor 5402142 Adrenal gland contusion major 5402201 Adrenal gland laceration NFS 5402221 Adrenal gland laceration minor 5402242 Adrenal gland laceration major 5402263 Adrenal gland laceration complex 5402991 Adrenal gland NFS 5404101 Anus contusion 5404202 Anus laceration NFS 5404222 Anus laceration no perforation 5404243 Anus laceration perforation 5404264 Anus laceration massive 5404991 Anus NFS 5406102 Bladder contusion (OIS Grade I) 5406202 Bladder laceration NFS 5406223 Bladder laceration no perforation (OIS Grade I) 5406244 Bladder laceration perforation (OIS Grade II, III, IV) 5406264 Bladder laceration massive (OIS Grades II, III, IV) 5406403 Bladder rupture NFS 5406992 Bladder NFS 5408102 Colon contusion (OIS Grade I) 5408202 Colon laceration NFS 5408222 Colon laceration no perforation (OIS Grade I or II) 5408243 Colon laceration perforation (OIS Grade III) 5408264 Colon laceration massive (OIS Grade IV and V) 5408992 Colon NFS 5410102 Duodenum contusion (OIS Grades I or II) 5410123 Duodenum contusion with obstruction 5410203 Duodenum laceration NFS 5410223 Duodenum laceration no perforation (OIS Grade I or II) 5410233 Duodenum laceration (OIS Grade IV) 5410244 Duodenum laceration (OIS Grade IV) 5410265 Duodenum laceration perforation involving pancreatic head, duct, ampulla 5410285 Duodenum laceration massive (OIS Grade V) 5410992 Duodenum NFS 5412102 Gallbladder contusion (OIS Grade I) 5412202 Gallbladder laceration NFS (OIS Grade II) 5412222 Gallbladder laceration minor LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 272 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 5412243 Gallbladder laceration massive (OIS Grade III) 5412264 Gallbladder laceration massiver with common or hepatic bile duct "laceration" (OIS Grade IV and V) 5412992 Gallbladder NFS 5414102 Jejunum-ileum contusion (OIS Grade I) 5414202 Jejunum-ileum laceration NFS 5414222 Jejunum-ileum laceration no perforation (OIS Grade I or II) 5414243 Jejunum-ileum laceration perforation (OIS Grade III) 5414264 Jejunum-ileum laceration massive (OIS Grades IV or V) 5414992 Jejunum-ileum NFS 5416102 Kidney contusion NFS 5416122 Kidney contusion minor (OIS Grade I or II) 5416143 Kidney contusion major 5416202 Kidney laceration NFS 5416222 Kidney laceration minor (OIS Grade II) 5416243 Kidney laceration moderate (OIS Grade III) 5416264 Kidney laceration major (OIS Grade IV) 5416285 Kidney hilum avulsion (OIS Grade V) 5416404 Kidney rupture NFS 5416992 Kidney NFS 5418102 Liver contusion NFS 5418122 Liver contusion minor (OIS Grade I or II) 5418143 Liver contusion major (OIS Grade III) 5418202 Liver laceration NFS 5418222 Liver laceration minor (OIS Grade I or II) 5418243 Liver laceration moderate (OIS Grade III) 5418264 Liver laceration major (OIS Grade IV) 5418285 Liver laceration complex (OIS Grade V) 5418306 Liver laceration hepatic avulsion (OIS Grade VI) 5418404 Liver rupture NFS 5418992 Liver NFS 5420102 Mesentery contusion 5420202 Mesentery laceration NFS 5420222 Mesentery laceration minor 5420243 Mesentery laceration major 5420264 Mesentery laceration complex 5420992 Mesentery NFS 5422102 Omentum contusion 5422202 Omentum laceration NFS 5422222 Omentum laceration minor 5422243 Omentum laceration major 5422992 Omentum NFS 5424002 Ovarian (Fallopian) tube laceration 5426101 Ovary contusion (OIS Grade I) 5426202 Ovary laceration NFS 5426222 Ovary laceration minor (OIS Grade II) 5426243 Ovary laceration major (OIS Grade III, IV or V) 5426991 Ovary NFS 5428102 Pancreas contusion NFS 5428122 Pancreas contusion minor (OIS Grade I) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 273 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 5428143 Pancreas contusion major (OIS Grade I or II) 5428202 Pancreas laceration NFS 5428222 Pancreas laceration minor (OIS Grade I) 5428243 Pancreas laceration moderate (OIS Grade III) 5428264 Pancreas laceration moderate if involving ampulla (OIS Grade IV) 5428284 Pancreas laceration major 5428304 Pancreas laceration major if involving ampulla (OIS Grade IV) 5428325 Pancreas laceration complex (OIS Grade V) 5428992 Pancreas NFS 5430101 Penis contusion 5430201 Penis laceration NFS 5430221 Penis laceration minor 5430242 Penis laceration major 5430263 Penis laceration complex 5430991 Penis NFS 5432101 Perineum contusion 5432201 Perineum laceration NFS 5432221 Perineum laceration minor 5432242 Perineum laceration major 5432263 Perineum laceration major complex 5432991 Perineum NFS 5434003 Placenta abruption NFS 5434024 Placenta abruption blood loss > 20% by volume 5436102 Rectum contusion (OIS Grade I) 5436202 Rectum laceration NFS 5436222 Rectum laceration no perforation (OIS Grades I and II) 5436243 Rectum laceration perforation (OIS Grade III) 5436254 Rectum laceration perforation (OIS Grade IV) 5436265 Rectum laceration massive (OIS Grade V) 5436992 Rectum NFS 5438003 Retroperitoneum hemorrhage or hematoma 5440101 Scrotum contusion 5440201 Scrotum laceration NFS 5440221 Scrotum laceration minor 5440242 Scrotum laceration major 5440991 Scrotum NFS 5442102 Spleen contusion NFS 5442122 Spleen contusion minor (OIS Grade I or II) 5442143 Spleen contusion major (OIS Grade III) 5442202 Spleen laceration NFS 5442222 Spleen laceration minor (OIS Grade I or II) 5442243 Spleen laceration moderate (OIS Grade III) 5442264 Spleen laceration major (OIS Grade IV) 5442285 Spleen laceration complex (OIS Grade V) 5442403 Spleen rupture (fracture) NFS 5442992 Spleen NFS 5444102 Stomach contusion (OIS Grade I) 5444202 Stomach laceration NFS 5444222 Stomach laceration no perforation (OIS Grade I) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 274 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 5444243 Stomach laceration perforation (OIS Grade II and III) 5444264 Stomach laceration massive (OIS Grade IV and V) 5444992 Stomach NFS 5446101 Testes contusion 5446201 Testes laceration NFS 5446221 Testes laceration minor 5446242 Testes laceration major 5446991 Testes NFS 5448102 Ureter contusion (OIS Grade I) 5448202 Ureter laceration NFS 5448222 Ureter laceration no perforation (OIS Grade II) 5448243 Ureter laceration perforation (OIS Grade III) 5448263 Ureter laceration massive (OIS Grades IV and V) 5448992 Ureter NFS 5450102 Urethra contusion (OIS Grade I) 5450202 Urethra laceration NFS 5450222 Urethra laceration no perforation (OIS Grade III) 5450243 Urethra laceration perforation (OIS Grade IV) 5450263 Urethra laceration massive (OIS Grade IV) 5450284 Urethra laceration massive with posterior tissue loss (OIS Grade V) 5450992 Urethra NFS 5452102 Uterus contusion (OIS Grade I) 5452202 Uterus laceration NFS 5452222 Uterus laceration minor (OIS Grade II) 5452263 Uterus laceration minor if pregnancy in the 2nd trimester or 3rd trimester 5452303 Uterus laceration major (OIS Grade III) 5452343 Uterus laceration major if pregnancy in 2nd trimester 5452364 Uterus laceration major if pregnancy in 3rd trimester 5452403 Uterus laceration complex (OIS Grade IV and V) 5452424 Uterus laceration complex if pregnancy in 2nd trimester 5452465 Uterus laceration complex if pregnancy in 3rd trimester 5452991 Uterus NFS 5454101 Vagina contusion (OIS Grade I) 5454201 Vagina laceration NFS 5454221 Vagina laceration minor (OIS Grade II) 5454242 Vagina laceration major (OIS Grade III) 5454263 Vagina laceration complex (OIS Grades IV and V) 5454991 Vagina NFS 5456101 Vulva contusion (OIS Grade I) 5456201 Vulva laceration NFS 5456221 Vulva laceration minor (OIS Grade II) 5456242 Vulva laceration major (OIS Grade III) 5456263 Vulva laceration complex (OIS Grades IV and V) 5456991 Vulva NFS 5900991 Abdomen Skin/Subcutaneous tissue/Muscle NFS 5902021 Abdomen Skin abrasion 5904021 Abdomen Skin contusion 5906001 Abdomen Laceration NFS 5906021 Abdomen Skin laceration minor LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 275 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 5906042 Abdomen Skin laceration major 5906063 Abdomen Skin laceration blood loss > 20% by volume 5908001 Abdomen Skin avulsion NFS 5908021 Abdomen Skin avulsion superficial 5908042 Abdomen Skin avulsion major 5908063 Abdomen Skin avulsion blood loss > 20% by volume 5920001 Abdomen unspecified burn 5920021 Abdomen 1st degree burn 5920042 Abdomen 1st degree burn 5920061 Abdomen 2nd degree burn <10% TBS 5920082 Abdomen 3rd degree burn <10% TBS 5920103 Abdomen 3rd degree burn <10% TBS with face/hand/genitalia involvement 5920122 Abdomen 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS 5920143 Abdomen 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS <5 years 5920163 Abdomen 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia invlvmnt 6150997 Blunt/traumatic cervical spine injury NFS 6159997 Blunt/traumatic cervical spine injury died without further evaluation, no autopsy 6160997 Blunt/traumatic thoracic spine injury NFS 6169997 Blunt/traumatic throacic spine injury died without further evaluation, no autopsy 6170997 Blunt/traumatic lumbar spine injury NFS 6179997 Blunt/traumatic lumbar spine injury died without further evaluation, no autopsy 6302022 Cervical Spine nerve root contusion 6302042 Cervical Spine nerve root laceration NFS 6302062 Cervical Spine nerve root laceration single 6302083 Cervical Spine nerve root laceration multiple 6302102 Cervical Spine Brachial plexus incomplete plexus injury NFS 6302122 Cervical Spine Brachial plexus incomplete plexus injury contusion 6302142 Cervical Spine Brachial plexus incomplete plexus injury laceration 6302162 Cervical Spine Brachial plexus incomplete plexus injury avulsion 6302202 Cervical Spine Brachial plexus complete plexus injury but NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6302223 Cervical Spine Brachial plexus complete plexus contusion 6302243 Cervical Spine Brachial plexus complete plexus laceration 6302263 Cervical Spine Brachial plexus complete plexus avulsion 6302602 Cervical Spine nerve root NFS 6302622 Cervical Spine nerve root avulsion NFS 6302642 Cervical Spine nerve root avulsion single 6302663 Cervical Spine nerve root avulsion multiple 6302841 Interspinous ligament laceration 6302992 Cervical Spine Brachial plexus NFS 6304022 Thoracic Spine Nerve root contusion 6304042 Thoracic Spine Nerve root laceration NFS 6304062 Thoracic Spine Nerve root laceration single 6304083 Thoracic Spine Nerve root laceration multiple 6304102 Thoracic Spine Nerve root avulsion 6304122 Thoracic Spine Nerve root avulsion single 6304143 Thoracic Spine Nerve root avulsion multiple LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 276 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 6304992 Thoracic Spine Nerve root NFS 6306003 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina contusion NFS 6306023 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina contusion with transient neurological signs NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6306043 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina contusion with transient neurological signs with no fracture or dislocation 6306063 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina contusion with transient neurological signs with fracture 6306083 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina contusion with transient neurological signs with dislocation 6306103 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina contusion with transient neurological signs with fracture and dislocation 6306203 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina incomplete syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6306223 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina incomplete syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6306243 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina incomplete syndrome with fracture 6306263 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina incomplete syndrome with dislocation 6306283 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina incomplete syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6306304 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina complete syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6306324 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina complete syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6306344 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina complete syndrome with fracture 6306364 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina complete syndrome with dislocation 6306384 Lumbar Spine Cauda equina complete syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6306602 Lumbar Spine Nerve root or sacral plexus contusion 6306622 Lumbar Spine Nerve root or sacral plexus laceration NFS 6306642 Lumbar Spine Nerve root or sacral plexus laceration single 6306663 Lumbar Spine Nerve root or sacral plexus laceration multiple 6306682 Lumbar Spine Nerve root or sacral plexus avulsion NFS 6306702 Lumbar Spine Nerve root or sacral plexus avulsion single 6306723 Lumbar Spine Nerve root or sacral plexus avulsion multiple 6306992 Lumbar Spine Nerve root or sacral plexus NFS 6402003 Cervical Spine Cord contusion NFS 6402013 Cervical Spine Cord contusion with transient neurological signs NFS 6402023 Cervical Spine Cord contusion with transient neurological signs with no fracture or dislocation 6402043 Cervical Spine Cord contusion with transient neurological signs with fracture 6402063 Cervical Spine Cord contusion with transient neurological signs with dislocation 6402083 Cervical Spine Cord contusion with transient neurological signs with fracture and dislocation 6402104 Cervical Spine Cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome but NFS 6402124 Cervical Spine Cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6402144 Cervical Spine Cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with fracture 6402164 Cervical Spine Cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with dislocation LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 277 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 6402184 Cervical Spine Cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6402205 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome NFS 6402215 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome C-4 or below, NFS as to fracture/dislocation, or NFS as to site 6402225 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome C-4 or below with no fracture or dislocation 6402245 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome C-4 or below with fracture 6402265 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome C-4 or below with dislocation 6402285 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome C-4 or below with fracture and dislocation 6402296 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome C-3 or above NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6402306 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome C-3 or above with no fracture or dislocation 6402326 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome C-3 or above with fracture 6402346 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome C-3 or above with dislocation 6402366 Cervical Spine Cord contusion complete cord syndrome C-3 or above with fracture and dislocation 6402405 Cervical Spine Cord laceration NFS 6402425 Cervical Spine Cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6402445 Cervical Spine Cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6402465 Cervical Spine Cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with fracture 6402485 Cervical Spine Cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with dislocation 6402505 Cervical Spine Cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6402605 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome NFS 6402615 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome C-4 or below NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6402625 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome C-4 or below with no fracture or dislocation 6402645 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome C-4 or below with fracture 6402665 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome C-4 or below with dislocation 6402685 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6402696 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome C-3 or above NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6402706 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome C-3 or above with no fracture or dislocation 6402726 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome C-3 or above with fracture 6402746 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome C-3 or above with dislocation LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 278 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 6402766 Cervical Spine Cord laceration complete cord syndrome C-3 or above with fracture and dislocation 6402781 Cervical Spine Strain 6404003 Thoracic Spine cord contusion NFS 6404013 Thoracic Spine cord contusion with transient neurological signs NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6404023 Thoracic Spine cord contusion with transient neurological signs with no fracture or dislocation 6404043 Thoracic Spine cord contusion with transient neurological signs with fracture 6404063 Thoracic Spine cord contusion with transient neurological signs with dislocation 6404083 Thoracic Spine cord contusion with transient neurological signs with fracture and dislocation 6404104 Thoracic Spine cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6404124 Thoracic Spine cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6404144 Thoracic Spine cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with fracture 6404164 Thoracic Spine cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with dislocation 6404184 Thoracic Spine cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6404205 Thoracic Spine cord contusion complete cord syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6404225 Thoracic Spine cord contusion complete cord syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6404245 Thoracic Spine cord contusion complete cord syndrome with fracture 6404265 Thoracic Spine cord contusion complete cord syndrome with dislocation 6404285 Thoracic Spine cord contusion complete cord syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6404405 Thoracic Spine Cord laceration NFS 6404425 Thoracic Spine cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6404445 Thoracic Spine cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6404465 Thoracic Spine cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with fracture 6404485 Thoracic Spine cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with dislocation 6404505 Thoracic Spine cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6404605 Thoracic Spine cord laceration complete cord syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6404625 Thoracic Spine cord laceration complete cord syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6404645 Thoracic Spine cord laceration complete cord syndrome with fracture 6404665 Thoracic Spine cord laceration complete cord syndrome with dislocation 6404685 Thoracic Spine cord laceration complete cord syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6404781 Thoracic Spine Strain 6406003 Lumbar Spine Cord contusion NFS 6406013 Lumbar Spine cord contusion with transient neurological signs NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6406023 Lumbar Spine cord contusion with transient neurological signs with no fracture or dislocation LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 279 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 6406043 Lumbar Spine cord contusion with transient neurological signs with fracture 6406063 Lumbar Spine cord contusion with transient neurological signs with dislocation 6406083 Lumbar Spine cord contusion with transient neurological signs with fracture and dislocation 6406104 Lumbar Spine cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6406124 Lumbar Spine cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6406144 Lumbar Spine cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with fracture 6406164 Lumbar Spine cord contusion incomplete cord syndrome with dislocation 6406184 Lumbar Spine cord contusion incomplete with fracture and dislocation 6406205 Lumbar Spine cord contusion complete cord syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6406225 Lumbar Spine cord contusion complete cord syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6406245 Lumbar Spine cord contusion complete cord syndrome with fracture 6406265 Lumbar Spine cord contusion complete cord syndrome with dislocation 6406285 Lumbar Spine cord contusion complete cord syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6406405 Lumbar Spine Cord laceration NFS 6406425 Lumbar Spine cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6406445 Lumbar Spine cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6406465 Lumbar Spine cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with fracture 6406485 Lumbar Spine cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with dislocation 6406505 Lumbar Spine cord laceration incomplete cord syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6406605 Lumbar Spine cord laceration complete cord syndrome NFS as to fracture/dislocation 6406625 Lumbar Spine cord laceration complete cord syndrome with no fracture or dislocation 6406645 Lumbar Spine cord laceration complete cord syndrome with fracture 6406665 Lumbar Spine cord laceration complete cord syndrome with dislocation 6406685 Lumbar Spine cord laceration complete cord syndrome with fracture and dislocation 6406781 Lumbar Spine Strain 6502002 Cervical Spine Disc injury herniation NFS 6502022 Cervical Spine Disc injury without nerve root damage 6502033 Cervical Spine Disc injury with nerve root damage ruptured disc 6502042 Cervical Spine dislocation 6502063 Cervical Spine dislocation atlanto-axial (odontoid) 6502082 Cervical Spine dislocation atlanto-occipital 6502092 Cervical Spine dislocation facet NFS 6502103 Cervical Spine dislocation facet unilateral 6502123 Cervical Spine dislocation facet bilateral 6502162 Cervical Spine fracture 6502182 Cervical Spine fracture spinous process 6502202 Cervical Spine fracture transverse process 6502223 Cervical Spine fracture facet LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 280 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 6502243 Cervical Spine fracture lamina 6502263 Cervical Spine fracture pedicle 6502283 Cervical Spine fracture odontoid (dens) 6502302 Cervical Spine fracture vertebral body NFS 6502322 Cervical Spine fracture vertebral body minor compression 6502343 Cervical Spine fracture vertebra; body major compression 6502992 Cervical Spine Disc injury NFS 6504002 Thoracic Spine Disc injury herniation NFS 6504022 Thoracic Spine Disc injury without nerve root damage 6504033 Thoracic Spine Disc injury with nerve root damage; ruptured disc 6504042 Thoracic Spine Dislocation NFS test 6504092 Thoracic Spine Dislocation facet NFS 6504103 Thoracic Spine Dislocation facet unilateral 6504123 Thoracic Spine Dislocation facet bilateral 6504162 Thoracic Spine fracture NFS 6504182 Thoracic Spine fracture spinous process 6504202 Thoracic Spine fracture transverse process 6504223 Thoracic Spine fracture facet 6504243 Thoracic Spine fracture lamina 6504263 Thoracic Spine fracture pedicle 6504302 Thoracic Spine fracture vertebral body NFS 6504322 Thoracic Spine fracture vertebral body minor compression 6504343 Thoracic Spine fracture vertebral body major compression 6504841 Interspinous ligament laceration 6504992 Thoracic Spine Disc injury NFS 6506002 Lumbar Spine Disc injury herniation NFS 6506022 Lumbar Spine Disc injury without nerve root damage 6506033 Lumbar Spine Disc injury with nerve root damage ; ruptured disc 6506042 Lumbar Spine Dislocation NFS 6506092 Lumbar Spine Dislocation facet NFS 6506102 Lumbar Spine Dislocation facet unilateral 6506123 Lumbar Spine Dislocation facet bilateral 6506162 Lumbar Spine Fracture NFS 6506182 Lumbar Spine fracture spinous process 6506202 Lumbar Spine fracture transverse process 6506223 Lumbar Spine fracture facet 6506243 Lumbar Spine fracture lamina 6506263 Lumbar Spine fracture pedicle 6506302 Lumbar Spine fracture vertebral body NFS 6506322 Lumbar Spine fracture vertebral body minor compression 6506343 Lumbar Spine fracture vertebral body major compression 6506841 Interspinous ligament laceration 6506992 Lumbar Spine Disc injury NFS 6900991 Back Skin ( subcutaneous tissue/muscle) NFS 6902021 Back Skin abrasion 6904021 Back Skin contusion 6906001 Back Skin laceration NFS 6906021 Back Skin laceration minor 6906042 Back Skin laceration major LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 281 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 6906063 Back Skin laceration blood loss > 20% by volume 6908001 Back Skin avulsion NFS 6908021 Back Skin avulsion superficial 6908042 Back Skin avulsion major 6908063 Back Skin avulsion blood loss > 20% by volume 6920001 Back unspecified burn 6920021 Back 1st degree burn 6920042 Back 1st degree burn 6920061 Back 2nd degree burn <10% TBS 6920082 Back 3rd degree burn <10% TBS 6920103 Back 3rd degree burn <10% TBS with face/hand/genitalia involvement 6920122 Back 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS 6920143 Back 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS <5 years 6920163 Back 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia invlvmnt 7110003 Upper Extremity Amputation 7130003 Upper Extremity Crush 7150002 Upper Extremity injury with compartment syndrome 7150097 Blunt/traumatic upper extremity injury NFS 7150997 Blunt/Traumatic upper extremity injury NFS 7159997 Blunt/traumatic upper extremity injury died without further evaluation, no autopsy 7202022 Axillary artery intimal tear, no disruption 7202042 Axillary artery laceration NFS 7202062 Axillary artery laceration minor 7202083 Axillary artery laceration major 7202992 Axillary artery NFS 7204022 Axillary vein laceration NFS 7204042 Axillary vein laceration minor 7204063 Axillary vein laceration major 7204992 Axillary vein NFS 7206022 Brachial artery intimal tear, no disruption 7206042 Brachial artery laceration NFS 7206062 Brachial artery laceration minor 7206083 Brachial artery laceration major 7206992 Brachial artery NFS 7208021 Brachial vein laceration NFS 7208041 Brachial vein laceration minor 7208063 Brachial vein laceration major 7208991 Brachial vein NFS 7210021 Other named upper extremity arteries intimal tear, no disruption 7210041 Other named upper extremity arteries laceration NFS 7210061 Other named upper extremity arteries laceration minor 7210083 Other named upper extremity arteries laceration major 7210991 Other named upper extremity arteries NFS 7212021 Other named upper extremity veins laceration NFS 7212041 Other named upper extremity veins laceration minor 7212063 Other named upper extremity veins laceration major 7212991 Other named upper extremity veins NFS 7302021 Upper Extremity Digital nerve contusion 7302041 Upper Extremity Digital nerve laceration LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 282 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 7302991 Upper Extremity Digital nerve NFS 7304101 Median, radial, or ulnar nerve contusion 7304201 Median, radial, or ulnar nerve laceration NFS 7304302 Median, radial, or ulnar nerve laceration single nerve 7304402 Median, radial, or ulnar nerve laceration multiple nerves 7304502 Median, radial, or ulnar nerve laceration with motor loss 7304991 Median, radial, or ulnar nerve NFS 7402001 Upper Extremity Tendon laceration NFS 7402101 Tendon laceration multiple tendons (in hand) 7402201 Tendon laceration multiple tendons (other than hand) 7404002 Upper Extremity Muscle laceration 7404021 Upper Extremity Muscle strain or contusion 7406002 Upper Extremity joint capsule laceration 7502101 Acromioclavicular joint contusion 7502201 Acromioclavicular joint sprain 7502302 Acromioclavicular joint dislocation 7502402 Acromioclavicular joint laceration into joint 7502991 Acromioclavicular joint NFS 7504021 Carpal-Metacarpal, Metacarpal-Phalangeal, or Interphalangeal joint sprain 7504041 Carpal-Metacarpal, Metacarpal-Phalangeal, or Interphalangeal joint dislocation 7504991 Carpal-Metacarpal or Metacarpal-Phalangeal Joint NFS 7506101 Elbow joint contusion 7506201 Elbow joint sprain 7506301 Elbow joint dislocation 7506402 Elbow joint laceration NFS 7506422 Elbow joint laceration with ligament involvement 7506442 Elbow joint laceration with single nerve laceration 7506462 Elbow joint laceration with multiple nerve lacerations 7506503 Elbow joint crush 7506991 Elbow joint NFS 7508001 Interphalangeal joint dislocation 7510101 Shoulder (glenohumeral joint) contusion 7510201 Shoulder (glenohumeral joint) sprain 7510302 Shoulder (glenohumeral joint) dislocation 7510402 Shoulder (glenohumeral joint) laceration into joint 7510503 Shoulder (glenohumeral joint) crush 7510991 Shoulder (glenohumeral joint) NFS 7512101 Sternoclavicular joint contusion 7512201 Sternoclavicular joint sprain 7512302 Sternoclavicular joint dislocation 7512402 Sternoclavicular joint laceration into joint 7512991 Sternoclavicular joint NFS 7514101 Wrist (carpus) joint contusion 7514201 Wrist (carpus) joint sprain 7514302 Wrist (carpus) joint dislocation 7514402 Wrist (carpus) joint laceration into joint 7514503 Wrist (carpus) joint crush 7514991 Wrist (carpus) joint NFS 7516002 Acromion fracture LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 283 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 7518002 Arm - Wrist fracture NFS 7519002 Forearm fracture NFS 7520002 Carpus or Metacarpus NFS 7520022 Carpus or metacarpus fracture 7520042 Metacarpal bone crush 7520063 Carpal bone crush 7522002 Clavicle fracture (OIS Grade I or II) 7524001 Finger NFS 7524022 Finger amputation 7524041 Finger fracture 7524062 Finger crush 7525002 Hand fracture NFS 7526002 Humerus fracture NFS 7526022 Humerus fracture closed 7526043 Humerus fracture open/displaced/comminuted 7526063 Humerus fracture with radial nerve involvement 7528002 Radius fracture NFS 7528022 Radius fracture closed 7528043 Radius fracture open/displaced/comminuted 7528063 Radius fracture with radial nerve involvement 7530002 Scapula fracture (OIS Grade II) 7532002 Ulna fracture NFS 7532022 Ulna fracture closed 7532043 Ulna fracture open/displaced/comminuted 7532063 Ulna fracture with ulnar nerve involvement 7900991 Upper Extremity Skin NFS 7902021 Upper Extremity Skin abrasion 7904021 Upper Extremity Skin contusion 7906001 Upper Extremity Skin laceration NFS 7906021 Upper Extremity Skin laceration minor 7906042 Upper Extremity Skin laceration major 7906063 Upper Extremity Skin laceration blood loss > 20% by volume 7908001 Upper Extremity Skin avulsion NFS 7908021 Upper Extremity Skin avulsion superficial 7908042 Upper Extremity Skin avulsion major 7908063 Upper Extremity Skin avulsion blood loss > 20% by volume 7920001 Upper extremity unspecified burn 7920021 Upper extremity 1st degree burn 7920042 Upper extremity 1st degree burn 7920061 Upper extremity 2nd degree burn <10% TBS 7920082 Upper extremity 3rd degree burn <10% TBS 7920103 Upper extremity 3rd degree burn <10% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia involvement 7920122 Upper extremtiy 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS 7920143 Upper extremity 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS <5 years 7920163 Upper extremity 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia involvement 7940022 Degloving injury arm or forearm 7940042 Degloving injury finger(s) only 7940063 Degloving injury hand, palm or entire extremity LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 284 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 8110003 Lower Extremity Amputation NFS 8110023 Amputation below knee; entire foot; calcaneus 8110044 Amputation above knee 8130002 Lower Extremity Crush NFS 8130022 Crush below knee; entire foot; calcaneus 8130043 Crush knee or above 8150002 Lower Extremity Injury with compartment syndrome 8150997 Lower Extremity Injury NFS 8159997 Traumatic lower extremity injury died without further evaluation, no autopsy 8202023 Femoral artery intimal tear, no disruption 8202043 Femoral artery laceration NFS 8202063 Femoral artery laceration minor 8202084 Femoral artery laceration major 8202993 Femoral artery NFS 8204022 Femoral vein laceration NFS 8204042 Femoral vein laceration minor 8204063 Femoral vein laceration major 8204992 Femoral vein NFS 8206022 Popliteal artery intimal tear, no disruption 8206042 Popliteal artery laceration NFS 8206062 Popliteal artery laceration minor 8206083 Popliteal artery laceration major 8206992 Popliteal artery NFS 8208022 Popliteal vein laceration NFS 8208042 Popliteal vein laceration minor 8208063 Popliteal vein laceration major 8208992 Popliteal vein NFS 8210021 Other named lower extremity arteries intimal tear, no disruption 8210041 Other named lower extremity arteries laceration NFS 8210061 Other named lower extremity arteries laceration minor 8210083 Other named lower extremity arteries laceration major 8210991 Other named lower extremity arteries NFS 8212021 Other named lower extremity veins laceration NFS 8212041 Other named lower extremity veins laceration minor 8212063 Other named lower extremity veins laceration major 8212991 Other named lower extremity veins NFS 8302021 Digital nerve contusion 8302041 Digital nerve laceration 8302991 Digital nerve NFS 8304022 Sciatic nerve contusion 8304043 Sciatic nerve laceration NFS 8304063 Sciatic nerve laceration incomplete 8304083 Sciatic nerve laceration complete 8304992 Sciatic nerve NFS 8306022 Femoral, tibial, peroneal nerve contusion 8306042 Femoral, tibial, peroneal nerve laceration NFS 8306062 Femoral, tibial, peroneal nerve laceration single nerve 8306082 Femoral, tibial, peroneal nerve laceration multiple nerves 8306102 Femoral, tibial, peroneal nerve laceration with motor loss LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 285 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 8306992 Femoral, tibial, peroneal nerve NFS 8402002 Achilles tendon laceration NFS 8402022 Achilles tendon laceration incomplete 8402042 Achilles tendon laceration complete 8404022 Collateral or cruciate ligament laceration ankle 8404042 Collateral or cruciate ligament laceration knee 8404063 Posterior cruciate with complete disruption at knee 8406002 Lower Extremity Muscle laceration 8406021 Lower Extremity Muscle strain 8408022 Lower Extremity Tendon laceration 8408042 Lower Extremity Tendon laceration multiple tendons 8410022 Patellar tendon laceration 8410042 Patellar tendon laceration total transection 8502021 Ankle (Tarsus) Joint contusion 8502061 Ankle (Tarsus) Joint sprain 8502102 Ankle (Tarsus) Joint dislocation NFS 8502142 Ankle (Tarsus) Joint dislocation without involving articular cartilage 8502182 Ankle (Tarsus) Joint dislocation involving articular cartilage 8502222 Ankle (Tarsus) Joint laceration into joint 8502991 Ankle (Tarsus) Joint NFS 8504001 Foot joint NFS 8504021 Foot joint dislocation 8504041 Foot joint sprain 8506021 Hip contusion 8506061 Hip sprain 8506102 Hip dislocation NFS 8506142 Hip dislocation without involving articular cartilage 8506182 Hip dislocation involving articular cartilage 8506222 Hip laceration into joint NFS 8506991 Hip NFS 8508021 Knee contusion 8508062 Knee dislocation NFS 8508102 Knee dislocation without involving articular cartilage 8508142 Knee dislocation involving articular cartilage 8508182 Knee laceration into joint 8508222 Knee meniscus tear 8508262 Knee sprain 8508991 Knee NFS 8510021 Metatarsal, Phalangeal, or Interphalangeal joint sprain 8510061 Metatarsal, Phalangeal, or Interphalangeal joint dislocation NFS 8510101 Metatarsal, Phalangeal, or Interphalangeal joint dislocation without involving articular cartilage 8510141 Metatarsal, Phalangeal, or Interphalangeal joint dislocation involving articular cartilage 8510991 Metatarsal, Phalangeal, or Interphalangeal joint NFS 8512021 Subtalar, transtarsal, or transmetatarsal joint sprain 8512031 Subtalar, transtarsal, or transmetatarsal joint dislocation NFS 8512041 Subtalar, transtarsal, or transmetatarsal joint dislocation without involving articular cartilage LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 286 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 8512061 Subtalar, transtarsal, or transmetatarsal joint dislocation involving articular cartilage 8512991 Subtalar, transtarsal, or transmetatarsal joint NFS 8514002 Calcaneus fracture 8516021 Fibula contusion 8516041 Fibula contusion with peroneal nerve injury 8516052 Fibula fracture NFS 8516062 Fibula fracture head, neck, shaft 8516082 Fibula fracture lateral malleous 8516102 Fibula fracture lateral malleous open/displaced/comminuted 8516122 Fibula fracture bimalleolar or trimalleolar 8516143 Fibula fracture, bimalleolar or trimalleolar, open/displaced/comminuted 8516991 Fibula NFS 8518003 Femur fracture NFS 8518013 Femur fracture open/displaced/comminuted but NFS as to site 8518022 Femur fracture < 12 years old 8518043 Femur fracture condylar 8518062 Femur fracture condylar < 12 years old 8518083 Femur fracture head 8518103 Femur fracture intertrochanteric 8518123 Femur fracture neck 8518143 Femur fracture shaft 8518162 Femur fracture shaft < 12 years old 8518183 Femur fracture subtrochanteric 8518202 Femur fracture subtrochanteric < 12 years old 8518223 Femur fracture supracondylar 8518242 Femur fracture supracondylar < 12 years old 8520002 Foot fracture NFS 8520022 Leg or Ankle fracture NFS 8522002 Metatarsal or Tarsal fracture 8524002 Patella fracture 8526002 Pelvis fracture NFS 8526022 Pelvis fracture closed 8526043 Pelvis fracture open/displaced/comminuted 8526064 Pelvis Crush 8526084 Pelvis crush blood loss < 20% by volume 8526105 Pelvis crush blood loss > 20% by volume 8528003 Sacroilium fracture 8530003 Symphysis pubis separation 8532002 Talus fracture 8534021 Tibia contusion 8534042 Tibia fracture NFS 8534053 Tibia fracture, any type, but NFS as to site, open/displaced/comminuted 8534062 Tibia fracture condyles 8534083 Tibia fracture condyles open/displaced/comminuted 8534102 Tibia fracture intercondyloid spine 8534122 Tibia fracture medial malleolus 8534142 Tibia fracture medial malleolus open/displaced/comminuted 8534162 Tibia fracture posterior malleolus 8534183 Tibia fracture posterior malleolus open/displaced/comminuted LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 287 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 8534202 Tibia fracture shaft 8534223 Tibia fracture shaft open/displaced/comminuted 8534991 Tibia NFS 8536021 Toe fracture 8536042 Toe amputation 8536062 Toe crush 8536991 Toe NFS 8900991 Lower Extremity Skin NFS 8902021 Lower Extremity Skin abrasion 8904021 Lower Extremity Skin contusion 8906001 Lower Extremity Skin laceration NFS 8906021 Lower Extremity Skin laceration minor 8906042 Lower Extremity Skin laceration major 8906063 Lower Extremity Skin laceration blood loss > 20% by volume 8908001 Lower Extremity Skin avulsion NFS 8908021 Lower Extremity Skin avulsion superficial 8908042 Lower Extremity Skin avulsion major 8908063 Lower Extremity Skin avulsion blood loss > 20% by volume 8920001 Lower extemity unspecified burn 8920021 Lower extremity 1st degree burn 8920042 Lower extremity 1st degree burn 8920061 Lower extremity 2nd degree burn <10% TBS 8920082 Lower extremity 3rd degree burn <10% TBS 8920103 Lower extremtiy 3rd degree burn <10% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia involvement 8920122 Lower extremty 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS 8920143 Lower extremity 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS <5 years 8920163 Lower extremity 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia invlvmnt 8940022 Degloving injury toe(s) only, single or multiple 8940042 Degloving injury thigh, calf 8940063 Degloving injury knee, ankle, sole of foot, entire extremity 9192002 Inhalation injury NFS 9192012 Inhalation Injury 9192023 Inhalation injury 9192044 Inhalation injury moderate 9192065 Inhalation injury severe 9192086 Inhalation Injury NFS including nonintentional carbon monoxide exposure (mucosal sloughing, necrosis, endoluminal obliteration) 9196021 Accidental hypothermia 34 degrees C 9196042 Accidental hypothermia 33-32 degrees C 9196063 Accidental hypothermia 31-30 degrees C 9196084 Accidental hypothermia 29-28 degrees C 9196105 Accidental hypothermia <28 degrees C 9902001 Whole or unknown area skin abrasion 9904001 Whole or unknown area skin contusion 9906001 Whole or unknown area skin laceration 9908002 Whole area skin Avulsion 9920001 Unknown body region burn 9920021 Unkown body region 1st degree burn LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 288 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 9920042 Unknown body region 1st degree burn 9920061 Unknown body region 2nd degree burn <10% TBS 9920071 3rd degree burn 100cm2 (except face > 25cm2) or <10% TBS 9920103 Unknown body region 3rd degree burn <10% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia 9920122 Unknown body region 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS 9920143 Unknown body region 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS <5 years 9920163 Unknown body region 2 or 3 degree burn 10-19% TBS w/ face/hand/genitalia 9920183 Two or more body regions burned 2 or 3 degree burn 20-29% TBS 9920204 Two or more body regions burned 2 or 3 degree burn 20-29% TBS <5 years old 9920224 Two or more body regions burned 2 or 3 degree burn 20-29% TBS w/face/hand/genit 9920244 Two or more body regions burned 2 or 3 degree burn 30-39% TBS 9920265 Two or more body regions burned 2 or 3 degree burn 30-39% TBS <5 years old 9920285 Two or more body regions burned 2 or 3 degree burn 30-39% TBS w/face/hand/genitalia involvement 9920305 Two or more body regions burned 2 or 3 degree burn 40-89% TBS 9920326 Two or more body regions burned 2 or 3 degree burn >89% TBS 9940001 Whole or Unknonw area degloving injury Aspect Definition: This variable documents the location on the body where the injury occurred. Source: Zone Center determined - inputs include driver interview and medical records. Variable Name: Aspect Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Whole Region 1 Right 2 Left 3 Bilateral 4 Central 5 Anterior/Front/Ventral 6 Posterior/Back/Dorsal 7 Superior/Upper 8 Inferior/Lower 9 Unknown/Multiple Regions 10 Upper Extremity 11 Elbow 12 Forearm 13 Wrist 14 Hand/Digits 15 Buttock 16 Thigh 17 Knee LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 289 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 18 Lower Leg 19 Ankle 20 Foot/Toes 21 C1C2 22 C2C3 23 C3C4 24 C4C5 25 C5C6 26 C6C7 27 T1T2 28 T2T3 29 T3T4 30 T4T5 31 T5T6 32 T6T7 33 T7T8 34 T8T9 35 T9T10 36 T10T11 37 T11T12 38 L1L2 39 L2L3 40 L3L4 41 L4L5 43 C1 44 C2 45 C3 46 C4 47 C5 48 C6 49 C7 50 T1 51 T2 52 T3 53 T4 54 T5 55 T6 56 T7 57 T8 58 T9 59 T10 60 T11 61 T12 62 L1 63 L2 64 L3 65 L4 66 L5 68 Cauda Equina LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 290 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 99 Unknown 100 I 101 II 102 III 103 IVa 104 IVb 105 V 106 VI 107 VII 108 VIII 110 Lateral 121 medial 888 Multiple Regions 889 R Rib 1 890 R Rib 2 891 R Rib 3 892 R Rib 4 893 R Rib 5 894 R Rib 6 895 R Rib 7 896 R Rib 8 897 R Rib 9 898 R Rib 10 899 R Rib 11 900 R Rib 12 901 L Rib 1 902 L Rib 2 903 L Rib 3 904 L Rib 4 905 L Rib 5 906 L Rib 6 907 L Rib 7 908 L Rib 8 909 L Rib 9 910 L Rib 10 911 L Rib 11 912 L Rib 12 913 SHoulder 914 Hip Injury Source Category Definition: This variable documents the general area of the vehicle in which the source of injury is located. Source: Zone Center determined – inputs include vehicle inspection, interviewee, and medical records. Variable Name: InjurySourceCat LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 291 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Front 2 Left Side 3 Right Side 4 Interior 5 Air Bag 6 Roof 7 Floor 8 Rear 9 Adaptive (Assistive) Driving Equipment 10 Exterior of Occupant's Vehicle 11 Exterior of Other Motor Vehicle 12 Other Vehicle or Object in the Environment 13 Noncontact Injury 14 Injured, unknown source 20 Other Injury 30 Pedestrian Injury Sources 99 Unknown Injury Source Definition: This variable documents the object that caused a particular injury. Source: Zone Center determined – inputs include vehicle inspection, interviewee, and medical records. Variable Name: InjurySource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Windshield 2 Mirror 3 Sun visor 4 Steering wheel rim 5 Steering wheel hub/spoke 6 Steering wheel (combination of codes 004 and 005) 7 Steering column, transmission selector lever, other attachment 8 Cellular telephone or CB radio 9 Add on equipment (e.g., tape deck, air conditioner) 10 Left instrument panel and below 11 Center instrument panel and below 12 Right instrument panel and below 13 Glove compartment door 14 Knee bolster 15 Win. incl. 1/+:fr header, A(A1/A2)-pillar, instrument panel, mirror, or steering assembly(driver) 16 Win. Incl. 1/+:fr header, A(A1/A2)-pillar, instrument panel, or mirror(passenger) 17 Windshield reinforced by exterior object(specify) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 292 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 19 Other front object (specify) 20 Sun visor reinforced by front header 51 Left side interior surface, excluding hardware or armrests 52 Left side hardware or armrest 53 Left A(A1/A2)-pillar 54 Left B-pillar 55 Other left pillar(specify) 56 Left side window glass 57 Left side window frame 58 Left side window sill 59 Lt side win. glass incl. 1/+:frame,win. sill, A(A1/A2)-pillar, B-pillar, or roof side rail 60 Other left side object (specify) 101 Right side interior surface, excluding hardware or armrests 102 Right side hardware or armrest 103 Right A (A1/A2)-pillar 104 Right B-pillar 105 Other right pillar (specify) 106 Right side window glass 107 Right side window frame 108 Right side window sill 109 Right side win. glass incl. 1/+:frame,win. sill, A(A1/A2)-pillar, B-pillar, or roof side rail 110 Other right side object (specify) 151 Seat, back support 152 Belt restraint webbing/buckle 153 Belt restraint B-pillar or door frame attachment point 154 Other restraint system component (specify) 155 Head restraint system 160 Other occupants(specify) 161 Interior loose objects (specify) 162 Child safety seat (specify) 163 Other interior object (specify) 164 Center console first row 165 Center console second row 166 Center console other row 167 Fold down armrest first row 168 Fold down armrest second row 169 Fold down armrest other row 170 Airbag-driver side 171 Airbag-driver side and eyewear 172 Airbag-driver side and jewelry 173 Airbag-driver side and object held 174 Airbag-driver side and object in mouth 175 Airbag compartment cover-driver side 176 Airbag compartment cover-driver side and eyewear 177 Airbag compartment cover-driver side and jewelry 178 Airbag compartment cover-driver side and object held 179 Airbag compartment cover-driver side and object in mouth 180 Airbag-passenger side LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 293 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 181 Airbag-passenger side and eyewear 182 Airbag-passenger side and jewelry 183 Airbag-passenger side and object held 184 Airbag-passenger side and object in mouth 185 Airbag compartment cover-passenger side 186 Airbag compartment cover-passenger side and eyewear 187 Airbag compartment cover-passenger side and jewelry 188 Airbag compartment cover-passenger side and object held 189 Airbag compartment cover-passenger side and object in mouth 190 Other Airbag (specify) 195 Other Airbag compartment cover (specify) 201 Front header 202 Rear header 203 Roof left side rail 204 Roof right side rail 205 Roof or convertible top 206 Roof map light/console 207 Sunroof/components 208 Roll-bar 251 Floor (including toe pan) 252 Floor or console mounted transmission lever, including console 253 Parking brake handle 254 Foot controls including parking brake 301 Backlight (rear window) 302 Backlight storage rack, door, etc 303 Other rear object(specify) 401 Hand controls for breaking/acceleration 402 Steering control devices (attached to OEM steering wheel) 403 Steering knob attached to steering wheel 405 Replacement steering wheel (i.e., reduced diameter) 406 Joy stick steering controls 407 Wheelchair tie-downs 408 Modification to seat belts, (specify) 409 Additional or relocated switches, (specify) 410 Raised roof 411 Wall mounted head rest (used behind wheel chair) 412 Other adaptive device (specify) 451 Hood 452 Outside hardware (e.g., outside mirror, antenna) 453 Other exterior surface or tires (specify) 454 Unknown exterior objects 501 Front bumper 502 Hood edge 503 Other front of vehicle (specify) 504 Hood 505 Hood ornament 506 Windshield, roof rail, A-pillar 507 Side surface 508 Side mirrors LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 294 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 509 Other side protrusions (specify) 510 Rear surface 511 Undercarriage 512 Tires and wheels 513 Other exterior of other motor vehicle (specify) 514 Unknown exterior of other motor vehicle 551 Ground 570 Same occupant contact (specify) [ex- knee] 571 Interior loose object (specify) 572 Seat LATCH points for child restraints 573 Grab handles 574 Engine shroud/cover 575 Seatback trays 598 Other vehicle or object (specify) 599 Unknown vehicle or object 601 Fire in vehicle 602 Flying glass 603 Other non-contact injury source (specify) 604 Airbag exhaust gases 697 Injured, unknown source 699 Other Injury 700 Front bumper 701 Front lower valance/spoiler 702 Front grille 703 Front hood edge and/or trim 704 Front hood ornament (fixed) 705 Front hood ornament (spring loaded) 706 Front headlight 707 Front retractable headlight door (open/closed) 708 Front turn signal/parking lights 718 Other front or add an object (specify) 719 Unknown front object 720 Left front fender side surface 721 Left front antenna 722 Left A1 pillar 723 Left A2 pillar 724 Left B pillar 725 Left C pillar 726 Left D pillar 728 Other left pillar (specify) 729 Left side roof rail 730 Left side door surface 731 Left side door handle 732 Left side mirror fixed housing 733 Left side folding mirror 734 Left side glazing forward of B pillar 735 Left side glazing rearward of B pillar 736 Left side back fender or quarter panel 737 Left rear antenna LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 295 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 738 Other left side object (specify) 739 Unknown left side component 740 Right front fender side surface 741 Right front antenna 742 Right A1 pillar 743 Right A2 pillar 744 Right B pillar 745 Right C pillar 746 Right D pillar 748 Other right pillar (specify) 749 Right side roof rail 750 Right side door surface 751 Right side door handle 752 Right side mirror fixed housing 753 Right side folding mirror 754 Right side glazing forward of B pillar 755 Right side glazing rearward of B pillar 756 Right rear antenna 757 Right rear fender or quarter panel 758 Other right side object (specify) 759 Unknown right side component 760 Rear (back) bumper 761 Tailgate 762 Hatchback, vertical surface 768 Other back component (specify) 769 Unknown back component 770 Top hood surface 771 Top hood surface reinforced by under hood component 772 Front fender top surface 773 Cowl area 774 Wiper blade & mountings 775 Windshield glazing 776 Top front header 777 Top roof surface 778 Top backlight glazing 779 Top rear header 780 Top hatchback 781 Top rear trunk lid 788 Other top component (specify) 789 Unknown top component 790 Left front wheel/tire 791 Right front wheel/tire 792 Left rear wheel/tire 793 Right rear wheel/tire 798 Other wheel/tire (specify) 799 Unknown wheel/tire 800 Front cross-member 801 Steering assembly/Front suspension 802 Oil pan LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 296 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 803 Exhaust system pipe 804 Transmission 805 Drive shaft 806 Catalytic converter 807 Muffler 808 Floor pan 809 Fuel tank 810 Rear suspension 818 Other undercarriage component (specify) 819 Unknown undercarriage component 820 Air scoop, deflector 821 Cellular or CB radio antenna 822 Emergency lights or bar 823 Fog lights 824 Luggage, ski, or bike rack 825 Cargo (specify) 826 Spare tire 827 Spotlight 828 Other accessory (specify) 947 Ground 948 Other object (specify) 949 Unknown object in environment 959 Unknown object on contacting vehicle 997 Non-contact injury source 999 Unknown injury source Intrusion Row Definition: This variable documents the seat row of the vehicle where the intrusion occurred. Source: Zone Center determined – inputs include vehicle inspection and vehicle photos. Cross Reference: Related to Occupants.Row. Variable Name: IntrusionRow Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Front Seat 2 Second Seat 3 Third Seat 4 Fourth Seat 5 Fifth Seat 97 Catastrophic 98 Other 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 297 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set Intrusion Location Definition: This variable describes the location within a particular seat row of the vehicle into which the intrusion occurred. Source: Zone Center determined – inputs include vehicle inspection and vehicle photos. Cross Reference: Related to Occupants.OCCLocation. Variable Name: IntrusionLocation Attribute Codes Code1 2 3 99 Meaning Left Middle Right Unknown Crush Direction Definition: This variable documents the direction of the intrusion of a particular component into the passenger compartment. Source: Zone Center determined – inputs include vehicle inspection and vehicle photos. Variable Name: CrushDirection Attribute Codes Code1 2 3 7 9 Meaning Vertical Longitudinal Lateral Catastrophic Unknown Crush Magnitude Definition: This variable documents a component’s magnitude of intrusion into the passenger compartment. Source: Zone Center determined – inputs include vehicle inspection and vehicle photos. Variable Name: CrushMagnitude Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 <= 2 cms 1 >= 3 to < 8 cms 2 >= 8 to < 15 cms 3 >= 15 to < 30 cms 4 >= 30 to < 46 cms 5 >= 46 to < 61 cms LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 298 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set 6 >= 61 cms 7 Catastrophic 9 Unknown Component Intrusion Definition: This variable documents the vehicle component that intruded into the passenger compartment and caused a particular injury. Source: Zone Center determined – inputs include vehicle inspection and vehicle photos. Variable Name: Component Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Steering Assembly 2 Instrument panel left 3 Instrument panel center 4 Instrument panel right 5 Toe pan 6 A (A1/A2)-pillar 7 B-pillar 8 C-pillar 9 D-pillar 10 Side panel - forward of the A1/A2 pillar 11 Door panel (side) 12 Side panel - rear of the B-pillar 13 Roof (or convertible top) 14 Roof side rail 15 Windshield 16 Windshield header 17 Window frame 18 Floor pan (includes sill) 19 Backlight header 20 Front seat back 21 Second seat back 22 Third seat back 23 Fourth seat back 24 Fifth seat back 25 Seat cushion 26 Back door/panel (e.g., tailgate) 27 Other interior component (specify): 30 Hood 31 Outside surface of this vehicle (specify): 32 Other exterior object in the environment (specify): 33 Unknown exterior object 98 Intrusion of unlisted component(s) (specify): 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 299 Variable Definitions and Codes - Injuries Data Set Information Source Definition: This variable identifies the source of information used to complete AIS coding for each injury. Source: Zone Center specified. Variable Name: InformationSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Autopsy 2 Post-ER Medical Record 3 Admission Records 4 Discharge Summary 5 Operative Report 6 Radiographic 7 History/Physical Examination 8 Emergency Room Records 9 Private Physician 10 Lay Coroner 11 EMS Record 12 Interviewee 13 Police Report 14 Other (specify) 15 Discharge Face Sheet 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Injuries Data Set • 300 Variable Definitions and Codes - JackknifeAssessments Data Set JackknifeAssessments Data Set The JackknifeAssessments data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the JackknifeAssessments data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: All variables in this table are determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. Type Of Jackknife Event Definition: This variable establishes the type of precrash jackknife event that is experienced by the subject vehicle. In general, the type of jackknife event is determined by the unit of the articulated combination that begins to rotate first. For example, if the tractor/cab unit is the first unit to begin rotating, the event is generally considered a tractor jackknife. If, on the other hand, the trailer unit is the first unit to begin rotating, the event is generally considered to be trailer swing. Cross Reference: Elaborates on CrashAssessment.ACRJackknife. Elaborates on Overview.OVEJackknife. Variable Name: AJKType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 1 2 7 9 No pre-crash jackknife Tractor jackknife Trailer swing Not applicable Unknown Source Of Jackknife Impetus Definition: This variable establishes the source of the jackknife impetus. Variable Name: AJKSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No pre-crash jackknife 1 Steering input 2 Braking input 3 Steering and braking input 4 Environmental condition (specify) 5 Vehicle condition (specify) 7 Not applicable 8 Combination of sources (specify) 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual JackknifeAssessments Data Set • 301 Variable Definitions and Codes - JackknifeAssessments Data Set Vehicle Location At Start Of Jackknife Definition: This variable establishes the location of the vehicle at the start of the jackknife sequence. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJLocation, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No pre-crash event 1 On roadway 2 On shoulder 3 On roadside 4 On median 7 Not applicable 9 Unknown Direction Of Rotation Definition: This variable establishes the direction of rotation of the first unit within the articulated vehicle configuration to begin jackknifing. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.RotationDirection, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKDirection Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No pre-crash jackknife Clockwise 2 Counterclockwise 7 9 Not applicable Unknown Jackknifed While Count Definition: This variable documents the number of circumstances in which the jackknife occurred that were coded to this vehicle. Cross Reference: Computed from the following variables in the JackknifeAssessments data set: AJKConstant, AJKCurve, AJKTurn, AJKLightBraking, AJKAccelerating, AJKAvoidance, AJKOther, AJKDecelerating, AJKModerateBraking, AJKHeavyBraking, AJKStraight. Variable Name: WhileCount LTCCS Analytical User's Manual JackknifeAssessments Data Set • 302 Variable Definitions and Codes - JackknifeAssessments Data Set Attribute Codes Code* 88 99 Meaning Value counter No Driver Unknown Driving At Constant Velocity Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is attempting to maintain a constant velocity at the time the vehicle begins to jackknife. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJDrivingConstantVelocity, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKConstant Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Traversing A Curve Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is traversing a curve at the time the vehicle begins to jackknife. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJTraversingCurve, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKCurve Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Completing A Turn Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is attempting to turn at the time the vehicle begins to jackknife. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJCompletingTurn, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKTurn LTCCS Analytical User's Manual JackknifeAssessments Data Set • 303 Variable Definitions and Codes - JackknifeAssessments Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Light Braking Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is decelerating using light braking effort at the time the vehicle begins to jackknife. While the term “light braking” is a subjective evaluation, it generally implies that the level of braking effort is less than the level typically associated with a normal traffic stop. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJLightBraking, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKLightBraking Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Accelerating Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is accelerating at the time the vehicle begins to jackknife. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJAccelerating, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKAccelerating Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Completing Avoidance Maneuver Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver initiates a precrash avoidance maneuver at or prior to the time the vehicle begins to jackknife. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJCompletingAvoidance, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKAvoidance LTCCS Analytical User's Manual JackknifeAssessments Data Set • 304 Variable Definitions and Codes - JackknifeAssessments Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Other Jackknife Circumstance Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the circumstance associated with the jackknife is not described by the other jackknife event variables. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred” and was the “Other (specify):” attribute.) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.OtherSpecify, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKOther Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Throttle Input Only Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is decelerating and decelerates solely by reducing throttle input at the time the vehicle begins to jackknife. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJDecelerating, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKDecelerating Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Moderate Braking Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is decelerating using a moderate level of braking effort at the time the vehicle begins to jackknife. A moderate level of braking effort generally implies that the level of braking effort is similar to the level typically associated with a normal traffic stop. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJModerateBraking, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKModerateBraking LTCCS Analytical User's Manual JackknifeAssessments Data Set • 305 Variable Definitions and Codes - JackknifeAssessments Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Heavy Braking Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is decelerating using a heavy level of braking effort (e.g. panic stop) at the time the vehicle begins to jackknife. The vehicle will typically experience wheel “lock-up” in this circumstance; however, wheel lock is not a requirement for using this designation. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJHeavyBraking, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKHeavyBraking Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Traversing A Straight Section Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the driver is traversing a straight roadway segment at the time the vehicle begins to jackknife. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Circumstances In Which Event Occurred.”) Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrJackknife.IDJTraversingStraightSection, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AJKStraight Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual JackknifeAssessments Data Set • 306 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISdriverData Data Set MCMISdriverData Data Set The MCMISdriverData data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the MCMISdriverData data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table was the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). MCMIS is operated and maintained by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). It contains information on the safety fitness of commercial motor carriers and hazardous material (HM) shippers subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and the Hazardous Materials Regulations. For more information go to Number Of Crashes Definition: This variable represents the total number of crashes for this driver, as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: These data may be extracted from the MCMIS database by running a query count against the CRASH_DRIVER table and using the driver's license number, or name and date of birth. Variable Name: Crashes Attribute Codes Code* 99 Meaning Actual value Unknown Number Of Inspections Definition: This variable represents the total number of inspections performed on a vehicle driven by this driver, as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: These data may be extracted from the MCMIS database by running a query count against the INSP_DRIVER table and using the driver's license number, or name and date of birth. Variable Name: Inspections Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value 99 Unknown Driver Out-Of-Service Violations Definition: This variable represents the total number of “driver” out-of-service violations for this driver, as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: These data may be extracted from the MCMIS database by performing a join on INSP_VIOLATION and INSP_DRIVER using the INSPECTION_ID field, then running a query LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISdriverData Data Set • 307 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISdriverData Data Set count using the driver's license number, or name and date of birth, of records having a INSP_VIOL_UNIT value of 'D' (for driver). Cross Reference: Related to MCMISViolations.NumOOSviols when only driver violations are aggregated. Variable Name: InspDriverOOS Attribute Codes Code* 99 Meaning Actual value Unknown Vehicle Out-Of-Service Violations Definition: This variable represents the total number of “vehicle” out-of-service violations for this driver, as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: These data may be extracted from the MCMIS database by performing a join on INSP_VIOLATION and INSP_UNIT using the INSPECTION_ID field, then running a query count using the Vehicle Identification Number (INSP_UNIT_VEHICLE_ID_NUMBER), or the vehicle registration and registration state (INSP_UNIT_LICENSE and INSP_UNIT_LICENSE_STATE). Cross Reference: Related to MCMISViolations.NumOOSviols when only vehicle violations are aggregated. Variable Name: InspVehOOS Attribute Codes Code* 99 Meaning Actual value Unknown Total Types Of Local Violations Definition: This variable represents the total number of types of “local” inspection violations cited to this driver, as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: These data may be extracted from the MCMIS database by performing a join on INSP_VIOLATION and INSP_DRIVER using the INSPECTION_ID field, then running a query count of violation records with a value of '392' for the PART_NO and '2%' for the PART_NO_SECTION, and the driver's license number, or name and date of birth. A 392.2 indicates a violation of local laws. Cross Reference: Related to MCMISViolations.NumViols when only local violations are aggregated. Variable Name: LocalViols Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISdriverData Data Set • 308 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISdriverData Data Set Total Types Of Inspection Violations Definition: This variable represents the total number of types of inspection violations cited to this driver (not including local violations), as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: These data may be extracted from the MCMIS database by performing a join on INSP_VIOLATION and INSP_DRIVER using the INSPECTION_ID field, then running a query count of violation records, and the driver's license number, or name and date of birth. Cross Reference: Related to MCMISViolations.NumViols if violations other than local are aggregated. Variable Name: InspViols Attribute Codes Code* 99 Meaning Actual value Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISdriverData Data Set • 309 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set MCMISviolation Data Set The MCMISviolation data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID, VehicleNumber and Code uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the MCMISviolation data set with the MCMISdriverData data set and vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table was the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). MCMIS is operated and maintained by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). It contains information on the safety fitness of commercial motor carriers and hazardous material (HM) shippers subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and the Hazardous Materials Regulations. For more information go to Violation Code Definition: This variable represents the violation codes cited to this driver, as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). This coding structure was established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Source: These data may be extracted from the MCMIS database from the INSP_VIOLATION table. It may be associated with the driver's license number, or name and date of birth by performing a join on this table and INSP_DRIVER using the INSPECTION_ID field. Variable Name: Code Attribute Codes Code Meaning 107.620B No copy of US DOT HM registration number 13901 Operating w/o proper motor carrier authority 13902C4B Operating beyond geographical restrictions 13906 Oper w/o proper insurance or other securities 171.11D US requirements for ICAO shipment 171.12AB US requirements for TDG shipment 171.12B US requirements for IMDG shipment 171.2A Failure to comply with HM regulations 171.2B Failed to comply with exemption 171.5A1I Fail to deter if dischrge system is leak free 171.5A1III Unload w/o prompt activation of internl valve 171.5A1V Fail to displ emerg operat proced for transfr 171.5A1VI Fail to provide training for oper under 171.5 171.5B Fail to mark cargo tank used under 171.5 172.200A No shipping paper provided offeror 172.201A1 HM not distinguished fron non HM 172.201A2 HM description not printed legibly in english 172.201A3 HM description contains abbreviation or code 172.201A4 Additional information after hm basic desc 172.201C Failure to list page of pages 172.201D ER phone number not listed 172.202A1 No proper shipping name 172.202A2 No proper hazard class LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 310 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 172.202A3 Wrong or no id number 172.202A4 No packing group listed 172.202A5 Total quantity not listed 172.202B Description not in proper sequence 172.202C Total quantity proper location 172.202E Non HM entered with class or ID# 172.203A Exemption number not listed 172.203B Limited quantity not shown 172.203C1 Hazardous substance entry missing 172.203C2 RQ not on shipping paper 172.203D1 Radioactive material not noted 172.203D10 No exclusive use notation 172.203D11 No lSA-SCO notation 172.203D2 Radionuclide name not on shipping paper 172.203D3 No ram physical or chemical form 172.203D4 No ram activity 172.203D5 No ram label category 172.203D6 No ram transport index 172.203D7 No fissile radioactive entry 172.203D8 No DOE/NRC package approval 172.203D9 IAEA authority noted 172.203E No empty packaging noted 172.203H1 No qt/nqt for anhydrous ammonia 172.203H2 No qt/nqt for lpg 172.203K No technical name for nos entry 172.203M1 Poison or toxic with subsid hazard 172.203M2 No tech name 6.1 pg i or ii or 2.3 172.203M3 No poison inhalation hazard and/or zone A 172.203N No "hot" on shipping paper 172.203O No temp controls noted 4.1 and 5.2 172.205 Hazardous waste manifest not as required 172.301A No shipping name or ID# on non-bulk 172.301B No technical name on non-bulk 172.301C No exemption number on non-bulk 172.301D No consignee/consignor on non-bulk 172.302 Marking requirements bulk packagings 172.302A No ID# (portable and cargo tank) 172.302B Bulk package marking incorrect size 172.302C No exemption number on bulk package 172.303A Prohibited HM marking on package 172.304A1 Package marking not durable, english or print 172.304A2 Marking not on sharply contrasting color 172.304A3 Marking obscured by label or attachments 172.304A4 Marking not away from other marking 172.308A Package marked with unauthorized abbreviation 172.310A No gross weight on RAM package>50KG 172.310A1 No gross weight on RAM package >159 kg 172.310A2 RAM package not marked "type A or B" 172.310A3 No "USA" marking when required LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 311 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 172.310B RAM package not marked "Type A or B" 172.310C Type B,B(U),B(M) pkg not mrkd w/radiation sym 172.312A No package orientation arrows 172.312B Prohibited use of orientation arrows 172.313A No "inhalation hazard" on package 172.313B No "poison" on non-bulk plastic package 172.316A ORM non-bulk package not marked 172.320A Class 1 package not marked with ex-number 172.322B No marpol marking on bulk packaging 172.324 Non-bulk hazardous substance not marked 172.325 No "hot" marking for bulk elevated temp 172.325A Elevated temp not marked "Hot" 172.325B Improperly marked molten alum/sulphur 172.326A Port tank no proper shipping name or ID# 172.326B No port tank owner or lessee marking 172.326C1 No ID# marking on veh carrying portable tank 172.326C2 Shipper failed to provide ID# to carrier 172.328A Shipper failed to provide or affix ID# for ct 172.328B Cargo tank not marked for class 2 172.328C No qt/nqt marked on cargo tank (mc330/331) 172.330A2 Tank car tank (non cylinder) not mrkd as reqd 172.330B Vehicle with tank car tank not marked 172.331 Markings for other bulk packages 172.332 ID# marking for (b) panel (c) placards 172.334 Prohibited id number marking 172.338 Carrier failed to replace missing ID number 172.400A Package/containment not labeled as required 172.401 Prohibited labeling 172.402A No label for subsidiary hazard 172.402B Display of class number on label 172.402D Subsidiary labeling for ram 172.402E subsidiary labeling for class 1 materials 172.403A RAM label requirement 172.403F RAM package 2 labels on opposite sides 172.403G Failed to label RAM properly 172.404A Mixed package not properly labeled 172.404B Failed to properly label consolidated package 172.406A1 Label placement not as required 172.406C Multiple label placement not as required 172.406D Label not on contrasting bkgrnd or no border 172.406E Failed to display duplicate label as required 172.406F Label obscured by marking or attachment 172.502A1 Prohibited placarding 172.502A2 Sign/device could be confused with HM placard 172.504A Vehicle not placarded as required 172.504B Dangerous placard violation 172.505A No placard for poison inhalation hazard 172.505B No placard for RAM and corrosive 172.505C Placard for subsidiary dangerous when wet LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 312 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 172.506A Failed to provide placards shipper 172.506A1 Placards not affixed to vehicle 172.507 RAM highway route controlled quantity 172.512A Freight container not placarded 172.514A Bulk package offered without placard 172.514B Bulk package not placarded residue of hm 172.516A Placard not visible from direction it faces 172.516C1 Placard not securely affixed or attached 172.516C2 Placard not clear of appurtenance 172.516C4 Placard improper location 172.516C5 Placard not reading horizontally 172.516C6 Placard damaged, deteriorated, or obscured 172.516C7 Placard not on contrasting bckgrnd or border 172.519 Placard does not meet specifications 172.600C ER info not available 172.602A ER info missing 172.602B ER info not accessible 172.602C1 Maintenance of ER information 172.700 Training of HM employees 173.24AA1 Non-bulk inner packaging closure 173.24AA3 Non-bulk packaging securing and cushioning 173.24AB Non-bulk package filling limit 173.24AC Non-bulk package mixed contents requirements 173.24B Filed to meet general package requirements 173.24B1 Release of HM from package 173.24BA Bulk package outage or filling limit rqmts 173.24BD2 Exceed max weight of rating on spec plate 173.24C Unauthorized packaging 173.24F1 Closures for pkgs must not be open or leaking 173.25A Failed to meet overpack conditions 173.29A Transporting empty packages (residue) 173.30 Loading/unloading transport vehicles 173.315A Cargo or portable tank class 2, filling denst 173.315B Filling density butadiene or LPG 173.315J3 Residential gas tank not secure in transport 173.315J4 LPG storage tank overfilled for transport 173.318B10 Marking inlets and outlets cryogenic tanks 173.318G No one way travel time (owtt) 173.31D Retesting for multiunit tank car tanks 173.32BA IM portable tank periodic testing 173.32BD Test date marking 173.32CG1 IM101/102 outlet closures 173.32CG2 IM101/102 outlet closures 173.32E1 Portable tank retest schedule (out of date) 173.32E3 Portable tank retest marking 173.33A Cargo tank general requirements 173.33B Cargo tank loading requirements 173.33C2 Cargo tank not marked with design or mawp 173.34A Cylinder qualification and use LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 313 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 173.34C Cylinder markings 173.34E Cylinder retest and marking 173.35A Intermediate bulk container requirements 173.35D liquid filled ibc-ullage over 98% 173.35F2 IBC not secured to or within vehicle 173.40 General requirements poisons in cylinder 173.412 Gen type a failing to meet addtl req design 173.412B No seal for type a RAM package 173.427AIV No instructions for exclusive use pkg LSA 173.427AVI LSA package not marked as required 173.431 Exceeded activity limits type A or B package 173.441A Exceeding radiation LVL allowed for transport 173.441B Exceeding radiation level for exclusive use 173.441C No exclusive use instructions 173.447 RAM transport storage violation 173.448 General RAM transport requirements 173.54 Forbidden explosives, offering or transportng 173.60 General packaging requirements explosives 173.9B Failed to warn of fumigated load 177.804 Failed to comply with FMCSR 177.816 Driver training requirements 177.817A No shipping papers (carrier) 177.817B Shipper certification missing (when required) 177.817E Shipping paper accessibility 177.823A No placards/markings when required 177.834A Package not secure in vehicle 177.834C Smoking while loading or unloading 177.834G Failed to prevent relative motion 177.834I Attendance of cargo tank (load or unload) 177.834J Manholes and valves not closed or leak free 177.834M1 Securing spec 106a or 110a tanks 177.834N Improper spec 56, 57, im101 and im102 177.835 Improper transport of explosives (class 1) 177.838 Improper transport of class 4, 5 or div 4.2 177.839 Improper transporting of class 8 177.840 Improper transport of class 2 177.840G Discharge valve not closed in transit class 2 177.841 Improper transort of division 6.1 or 2.3 177.841E Poison label loaded with foodstuffs 177.842A Total TI exceeds 50 non-exclusive use 177.842B Distance from package to person RAM 177.842D Blocking and bracing of RAM packages 177.848D Prohibited load/transport/storage combination 177.848F Class 1 load separation or segregation 178.245-4 DOT51 integrity and securement 178.245-5 DOT51 valve protection 178.245-6 DOT51 ID plate 178.245-6B DOT51 spec markings 178.251 Gen dsign/const DOT56(178.252) DOT57(178.253 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 314 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 178.251-4 DOT 56/57 integrity and securement 178.251-7 DOT 56/57 ID plate 178.251-7B DOT56/57 spec markings 178.253-2 DOT57 manhole 178.253-3 DOT57 valve protection 178.253-4 DOT57 pressure relief 178.255-11 DOT60 integrity and securement 178.255-14 DOT60 ID plate 178.255-4 DOT60 manhole 178.255-7 DOT60 valve protection 178.255-8 DOT60 pressure relief 178.270-1 IM101/102 general design 178.270-11D1 IM101/102 pressure relief 178.270-14 IM101/102 spec plate 178.270-4 IM101/102 frames 178.270-6 IM 101/102 frames 178.270-8 IM101/102 valve protection 178.270-9 IM101/102 manholes 178.32CM IM101/102 load securement 178.336-10 Protecting of fittings MC330 178.336-13 Anchoring of tank MC330 178.336-17 Metal ID plate marking MC330 178.336-17A Certification plate MC330 178.336-9A Safety relief devices MC330 178.336-9C Marking of inlets/outlets MC330 178.337-10A Protection of fittings MC331 178.337-10D Rear end protection MC331 178.337-11A2 Internal valve MC331 178.337-11A2I Remote control >3500 gal MC331 178.337-11A2II Remote control <3500 gal MC331 178.337-11B Shut off valves MC331 178.337-13 MC331 supports and anchoring 178.337-17A Metal id plate missing MC331 178.337-8A2 Outlets MC331 178.337-9 Pressure relief devices MC331 178.337-9C Marking inlets/outlets MC331 178.338-10A Protection of fittings MC338 178.338-10C Rear end protection MC338 178.338-10E Ground clearance MC338 178.338-11B Manual shutoff valve MC338 178.338-11C Internal valve MC338 178.338-11C1 Remote control >3500 gal MC338 178.338-11C2 Remote control <3500 gal MC338 178.338-12 Shear section MC338 178.338-13 Supports and anchoring MC338 178.338-18A Name plate missing MC338 178.338-18B Specification plate missing MC338 178.338-6 Manhole MC338 178.338-8 Pressure relief devices MC338 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 315 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 178.340-10B MC306/307/312 metal certificatn plate missing 178.340-6 MC306/307/312 supports and anchoring 178.340-7A MC306/307/312 ring stiffeners 178.340-7C MC306/307/312 double bulkhead drain 178.340-7D2 MC306/307/312 ring stiffener drain hole 178.340-8A MC306/307/312 appurtenances attachment 178.340-8B MC306/307/312 rearend protection 178.340-8C MC306/307/312 overturn protection 178.340-8D1 MC306/307/312 piping protection 178.340-8D2 MC306/307/312 minimum road clearance 178.341-3A MC 306 no manhole closure 178.341-4 MC306 venting 178.341-4D1 MC306 inadequate emergency venting 178.341-4D2 MC 306 pressure activated vents 178.341-4D3 MC 306 no fusible venting 178.341-5A MC306 internal valves 178.341-5A1 MC306 heat actuated safety 178.341-5A2 MC306 remote control shutoff 178.342-3 MC307 manhole closure 178.342-4 MC307 venting 178.342-5A MC307 internal valve 178.342-5A1 MC307 heat actuated safety 178.342-5A2 MC307 remote control shutoff 178.343-3 Manhole closure MC312 178.343-4 Venting MC312 (show calculations) 178.343-5A MC 312 top outlet and valve 178.343-5B1 MC312 bottom valve/piping protection 178.345-10 DOT406/407/412 pressure reliev 178.345-11B DOT406/407/412 tank valves 178.345-11B1I DOT406/407/412 remote control 178.345-11B1II DOT406/407/412 thermal and remote 178.345-14B DOT406/407/412 name plate 178.345-14C DOT406/407/412 specification plate 178.345-1I2 406, 407, 412 double bulkhead drain 178.345-5D DOT406/407/412 manhole securement 178.345-5E DOT 406/407/412 manhole marking 178.345-6 DOT406/407/412 supports and anchoring 178.345-7D4 DOT406/407/412 ring stiffener drain 178.345-8A DOT406/407/412 accident protection 178.345-8A5 DOT406/407/412 minimum road clearance 178.345-8B DOT406/407/412 bottom damage protection 178.345-8C DOT406/407/412 rollover damage protection 178.345-8D DOT406/407/412 rear end protection 178.703A IBC manufacturer markings 178.703B IBC additional markings 178.704E IBC protection valves 178.800C6 IBC test dates 179.300-12 DOT106/110aw protection of fittings 179.300-13 DOT106/110aw venting and valves LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 316 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 179.300-15 DOT106/110aw safety relief devices 179.300-18 DOT106/110aw stamping of tanks 180.352B IBC retest or inspection 180.352D IBC retest date marking 180.405B Cargo tank specifications 180.405J Cargo tank withdrawal certification 180.407C Cargo tank periodic test and inspection 180.415B Cargo tank test or inspection markings 383.21A Operating a CMV with more than 1 drv license 383.23A2 Operating a CMV without a CDL 383.23C Operating on learner's permit w/o CDL holder 383.23C1 Operating on learner's permit w/o CDL holder 383.23C2 Oper on learner's permit w/o valid drv lic 383.51A Driving a CMV (CDL) while disqualified 383.91A Operating a CMV with improper CDL group 383.93B1 No double/triple trailer endorsement on CDL 383.93B2 No passenger vehicle endorsement on CDL 383.93B3 No tank vehicle endorsement on CDL 383.93B4 No hazardous materials endorsement on CDL 383.95A Violating airbrake restriction 387.301A No evidence of public liab and prop dmg insur 387.301B No evidence of cargo insurance 387.303B4 No copy of certificate of registration 387.307 Prop brkr-no evdn of bond or trust fund agrm 387.31F No proof of financial resp-foreign passenger 387.403A Freight forwarder-no evidence of insurance 387.403B Frt fwrd-no evdnce of pub liab and prop dmg ins 387.7F No proof of financial responsibility-foreign 390.21A No DOT # marking and/or name/city/state 390.21B Carrier name and/or USDOT reqd; Not displayed 390.21C Improper marking, size, shape 390.21E Improper marking, rented CMV 391.11 Driver qualification 391.11B1 Interstate driver under 21 years of age 391.11B2 Non-english speaking driver 391.11B4 Oper com veh w/o corr lenses or hearing aid 391.11B5 Not licensed for type vehicle being operated 391.11B6 Operating CMV without corrective lenses 391.11B7 No or invalid driver's license CMV 391.15A Driving a CMV while disqualified 391.41A No medical certificate on driver's possession 391.43E Improper medical exam form 391.43G Improper medical examiner's certificate 391.45B Expired medical examiner's certificate 391.49J No valid medical waiver in driver's possessn 392.10A1 Failing to stop at railroad crossing-bus 392.10A2 Failing to stop at railroad crossing-chlorin 392.10A3 Failing to stop at railroad crossing-placard 392.10A4 Failing to stop at railroad crossing-HM cargo LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 317 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 392.14 Failed to use caution for hazardous condition 392.15A Failing or improper use of turn signal 392.15B Failed to signal direction from parked positn 392.15C Failing to signal a lane change 392.15D Using turn signal to indicate disabled vehicl 392.15E Using turn signal as a "do pass" 392.16 Failing to use seat belt while operating CMV 392.2 Local laws (general) 392.20 Failing to properly secure parked vehicle 392.22A Failing to use hazard warning flashers 392.22B Failing/improper placement of warning devices 392.2C Local laws/failure to obey traff cntl device 392.2FC Local law/following too close 392.2LC Local law/improper lane change 392.2P Local law/improper passing 392.2R Local law/reckless driving 392.2S Local law/speeding 392.2T Local laws/improper turns 392.2W Local laws/size and weight 392.2Y Local laws/failure to yield right of way 392.3 Operating a CMV while ill/fatigued 392.33 Operating CMV with lamps/reflectors obscured 392.4A Driver uses or is in possession of drugs 392.5A Poss/use/under inflnce alcohol-4hrs prio duty 392.5C2 Violating OOS order pursuant to 392.5(a)/(b) 392.6 Scheduling run to necessitate speeding 392.60A Unauthorized passenger on board CMV 392.63 Pushing/towing a loaded bus 392.7 No pretrip inspection 392.71A Using or equiping a CMV with radar detector 392.8 Failing to inspect/use emergency equipment 392.9 Driver load secure 392.9A Failing to secure load 392.9A1 Failing to secure cargo/393.100-393.106 392.9A2 Failing to secure vehicle equipment 392.9A3 Driver's view/movement is obstructed 392.9AAR Operating without registration (49 USC 13902) 392.9AAS Operating beyond registration scope (49 USC 13902) 392.9B Hearing aid not worn while operating CMV 393.100 No or improper load securement 393.100A No or improper load securement 393.100E Improper securement of intermodal containers 393.102 Improper securement system (tiedown assembls) 393.102A Improper securement syst (tiedown assemblies) 393.104A Improper blocking and/or bracing-longitudinal 393.104B Improper blocking and/or bracing-lateral 393.106A No/improper front end structure/headerboard 393.11 No/defective lighting devices/ref/projected 393.11LR Lwr rr retroreflct sht/reflx reflct mfg>12/93 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 318 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 393.11N No retroreflect sheet/reflex mfg > 12/93 393.11RT Retroreflect not affixed as req Trl.mfg>12/93 393.11S Side retroreflect sht/reflx reflect mfg>12/93 393.11TL TT lwr rr mud flaps retro sht/reflex mfg>7/97 393.11TT TT no retroreflect sht/reflx reflect mfg>7/97 393.11TU TT upr body corners retro sht/reflex mfg>7/97 393.11UR Up rr retroreflect sht/reflx reflct mfg>12/93 393.13A No retroreflect sht/reflex reflect mfg <12/93 393.13B No retroreflect sht/reflex reflect mfg >12/93 393.13C1 Side retroreflect sht/reflx reflect mfg<12/93 393.13C2 Lwr retroreflect sht/reflex reflect mfg<12/93 393.13C3 Up rr retroreflect sht/reflx reflct mfg<12/93 393.13D1 Side retroreflect sht/reflx reflect mfg>11/93 393.13D2 Lwr rr retroreflct sht/reflx reflct mfg>11/93 393.13D3 Up rr retrorefect sht/reflx reflect mfg>11/93 393.17 No/defective lamp/reflector-towaway operation 393.17A No/defective lamps-towing unit-towaway oper 393.17B No/defective side marker 393.19 No/defective turn/hazard lamp as required 393.20 No/improper mounting of clearance lamps 393.201A Frame cracked/broken/bent/loose 393.201B Bolts securing cab broken/loose/missing 393.201C Frame rail flange improperly bent/cut/notched 393.201D Frame accessories not bolted/riveted securely 393.201E Prohibited holes drilled in frame rail flange 393.203 Cab/body parts requirements violations 393.203A Cab door missing/broken 393.203B Cab/body improperly secured to frame 393.203C Hood not securely fastened 393.203D Cab seats not securely mounted 393.203E Cab front bumper missing/unsecured/protrude 393.205A Wheel/rim cracked or broken 393.205B Stud/bolt holes elongated on wheels 393.205C Wheel fasteners loose and/or missing 393.207A Axle positioning parts defective/missing 393.207B Adj axle locking pin missing/disengaged 393.207C Leaf spring assembly defective/missing 393.207D Coil spring cracked and/or broken 393.207E Torsion bar cracked and/or broken 393.207F Air suspension pressure loss 393.209A Steering wheel not secured/broken 393.209B Excessive steering wheel lash 393.209C Loose steering column 393.209D Steering system components worn/welded/missng 393.209E Power steering violations 393.24B Non-compliance with headlamp requirements 393.25B Lamps are not visible as required 393.25E Lamp not steady burning 393.25F Stop lamp violations LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 319 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 393.26 Requirements for reflectors 393.28 Improper or no wiring protection as required 393.30 Improper battery installation 393.32 Improper electrical connections 393.33 Improper wiring installations 393.40 Inadequate brake system on a CMV 393.41 No or defective parking brake system on CMV 393.42 No brakes as required 393.43 No/improper breakaway or emergency braking 393.43A No/improper tractor protection valve 393.43D No or defective automatic trailer brake 393.44 No/defective bus front brake line protection 393.45 Brake tubing and hose adequacy 393.45A4 Brake hose/tubing chaffing and/or kinking 393.45A5 Brake hose/tubing contacting exhaust system 393.46 Brake hose/tube connection 393.46B Brake connections with leaks/constrictions 393.47 Inadequate brake lining for safe stopping 393.48A Inoperative/defective brakes 393.48B1 Defective brake limiting device 393.50 Inadequate reservoir for air/vacuum brakes 393.50A Failing to have sufficient air/vacuum reserve 393.50B Failing to equip veh-prevent res air/vac leak 393.50C No means to ensure operable check valve 393.51 No or defective brake warning device 393.53A Auto brake adjuster cmv mfg >10/19/93 hyd brk 393.53B Auto brake adjuster cmv mfg >10/19/94 air brk 393.53C Brake adj ind cmv mfg >10/19/94 ext auto adj 393.55A ABS all cmvs mfg >2/99 with hydraulic brakes 393.55B ABS malfunction indicators for hydr brake sys 393.55C1 ABS all tractors mfg >2/97 air brake system 393.55C2 ABS all other cmvs mfg >2/98 air brake system 393.55D1 ABS malf circ/signl mfg>2/97,sgl cmv mfg>2/98 393.55D2 ABS malf indctr to cab of towing cmv mfg>2/01 393.55D3 ABS malf indctr conec from towed cmv mfg>2/01 393.55E ABS malfunct lamps towed cmv mfg>2/98mfg<2/09 393.60B Damaged or discolored windshield 393.60C Use of vision reducing matter on windows 393.60D Glazing permits < 70% of light 393.61A Inadequate or missing truck side windows 393.61B Buses-window escape inoperative/obstructed 393.61B2 No or defective bus emergency exits 393.61C Buses-push out window requirements violation 393.62 Window obstructed which would hinder escape 393.63 No or inadequate bus escape window markings 393.65 Fuel system requirements 393.65B Improper location of fuel system 393.65C Improper securement of fuel tank 393.65F Improper fuel line protection LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 320 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 393.67 Fuel tank requirement violations 393.67C7 Fuel tank fill pipe cap missing 393.67C8 Improper fuel tank safety vent 393.70 Fifth wheel 393.70A Defective coupling device-improper tracking 393.70B Defective/improper fifth wheel assemblies 393.70B2 Defective fifth wheel locking mechanism 393.70C Defective coupling devices for full trailer 393.70D No/improper safety chains/cables for full trl 393.71 Improper coupling driveaway/towaway operation 393.71H Towbar requirement violations 393.71H10 No/improper safety chains/cables for towbar 393.75A Flat tire or fabric exposed 393.75A1 Tire-ply or belt material exposed 393.75A2 Tire-tread and/or sidewall separation 393.75A3 Tire-flat and/or audible air leak 393.75A4 Tire-cut exposing ply and/or belt material 393.75B Tire-front tread depth less than 4/32 of inch 393.75C Tire-other tread depth less than 2/32 of inch 393.75D Tire-bus regrooved/recap on front wheel 393.75E Tire-regrooved on front of truck/truck-trac 393.75F Tire-load weight rating/under inflated 393.75F1 Weight carried exceeds tire load limit 393.75F2 Tire under-inflated 393.76 Sleeper berth requirement violations 393.77 Defective and/or prohibited heaters 393.77B11 Bus heater fuel tank location 393.77B5 Tampering with bus heater 393.78 Windshield wipers inoperative/defective 393.79 Defroster inoperative 393.80 No or defective rear-vision mirror 393.81 Horn inoperative 393.82 Speedometer inoperative 393.83A Exhaust system location 393.83B Exhaust discharge fuel tank/filler tube 393.83C Improper exhaust-bus (gasoline) 393.83D Improper exhaust-bus (diesel) 393.83E Improper exhaust discharge (not rear of cab) 393.83F Improper exhaust system repair (patch/wrap) 393.83G Exhaust leak under truck cab and/or sleeper 393.83H Exhaust system not securely fastened 393.84 Inadequate floor condition 393.86 No or improper rearend protection 393.86A1 Rear Impct Grds all tlrs/semitlrs mfg>1/26/98 393.86A2 Impct grd width all tlrs/semitlrs mfg>1/26/98 393.86A3 Impct grd hght all tlrs/semitlrs mfg>1/26/98 393.86A4 Impct grd rear all tlrs/semitlrs mfg>1/26/98 393.86A5 Crs-sec vert ht all tlrs/semitlrs mfg>1/26/98 393.86B1 Rear Impact Grds mv mfg >12/31/52 see excepts LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 321 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 393.87 No flag on projecting load 393.88 Improperly located tv receiver 393.89 Bus driveshaft not properly protected 393.9 Inoperable lamp (other than head/tail) 393.90 Bus-no or obscure standee line 393.91 Bus-improper aisle seats 393.92 Bus-no/improper emergency door marking 393.93A Bus-not equipped with seat belt 393.93B Truck not equipped with seat belt 393.95A No/discharged/unsecured fire extinguisher 393.95C Spare fuses not as required 393.95F Emergency warning devices not as required 393.95G HM-restricted emergency warning device 393.9H Inoperable head lamps 393.9T Inoperable tail lamp 395.13D Driving after being declared out-of-service 395.15B Onboard rcdng devc info requirements not met 395.15C Onboard rcdng devc improper form and manner 395.15F Onboard rcdng devc fails to reconstruct info 395.15G On-board recording device info not available 395.15I5 Onboard rcdng devc doesn't display req. info 395.1I1 15,20,70/80 hours of service violations (AK) 395.1I2 Adverse driving conditions violations (AK) 395.3A1 10 hour rule violation 395.3A2 15 hour rule violation 395.3B 60/70 hour rule violation 395.8 Log violation (general/form and manner) 395.8A No drivers record of duty status 395.8E False report of drivers record of duty status 395.8F1 Drivers record of duty status not current 395.8K2 Driver failing to retain previous 7 days logs 396.1 Must have knowledge of and comply with regs 396.11 Driver vehicle inspection report 396.13C No reviewing driver's signature on DVIR 396.17C Operating a CMV without periodic inspection 396.3A Inspection, repair, and maintenance 396.3A1 Inspection/repair and maintenance 396.3A1B Brakes (general) 396.3A1BA Brake-out of adjustment 396.3A1BC Brake-air compressor violation 396.3A1BD Brake-defective brake drum 396.3A1BL Brake-reserve system pressure loss 396.3A1T Tires (general) 396.5 Excessive oil leaks 396.5B Oil and/or grease leak 396.7 Unsafe operations forbidden 396.9C2 Operating an out-of-service vehicle 396.9D2 Failure to correct defects noted on insp 396.9D3 Failure to return insp rpt within 15 days LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 322 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set 397.101B RAM vehicle not on preferred route 397.101D No written route plan - RAM 397.101E2 Copy of training record/route (RAM) 397.11A Hazmat vehicle operated near open fire 397.11B Hazmat vehicle parked within 300 ft. of fire 397.13 Smoking within 25 ft of HM vehicle 397.15 HM vehicle fueling violation 397.17 No tire examine hazmat vehicle 397.19 No instructions/docs 1.1/1.2/1.3 397.19C Required documents not in possession-explosiv 397.1B Driver/carrier must obey part 397 397.2 Must comply w/ rules Parts 390-397-transp HM 397.3 State/local laws ordinances regulations 397.5A Unattended explosives 1.1/1.2/1.3 397.5C Unattended hazmat vehicle 397.67 HM vehicle routing violation (non RAM) 397.7A Improperly parked explosives vehicle 397.7B Improperly parked hazmat vehicle 398.3B Driver qualif-migrant workers 398.3B8 No doctor's certificate in possession 398.4 Driving of veh-migrant workers 398.5 Parts/access-migrant workers 398.6 Violation of hours of service reg-migrant 398.7 Inspect/maint mv-migrant workers 399.207 Vehicle access requirements violations 399.211 Inadequate maintenance of driver access Violation Description Definition: This variable provides a description of each type of violation received by this driver. Source: These data may be extracted from the MCMIS database from the PART_SECTION table using the SECTION_DESC field. Variable Name: ViolDesc Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text description information about each type of violation Total Number Of Violations Definition: This variable represents the total number of violations cited to this driver, as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: These data may be extracted from the MCMIS database by performing a join on INSP_VIOLATION and INSP_DRIVER using the INSPECTION_ID field and the driver's license number, or name and date of birth, and then performing a query count. Variable Name: NumViols LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 323 Variable Definitions and Codes - MCMISviolation Data Set Attribute Codes Code* 99 Meaning Actual value Unknown Number Of Out-Of-Service Violations Definition: This variable represents the total number of out-of-service violations cited to this driver, as reported by the Motor Carrier Management Information System (MCMIS). Source: These data may be extracted from the MCMIS database by performing a join on INSP_VIOLATION and INSP_DRIVER using the INSPECTION_ID field, then running a query count using the driver's license number, or name and date of birth. Variable Name: NumOOSviols Attribute Codes Code* 99 Meaning Actual value Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual MCMISviolation Data Set • 324 Variable Definitions and Codes - NonMotorists Data Set NonMotorists Data Set The NonMotorists data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and NonMotoristNumber. NonMotoristNumber is assigned to each non-motorist (i.e., pedestrian, pedal cyclist, etc.) involved in the crash. CaseID and NonMotoristNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the NonMotorists data set with the crash data set. This data set also contains the following variables: Nonmotorist’s Age Definition: This variable establishes the nonmotorist’s age at the time of the crash. Age is recorded with respect to the nonmotorist’s last birthday. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: ANMAge Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (years) 999 Unknown Nonmotorist’s Height Definition: This variable establishes the height of the nonmotorist, recorded in centimeters. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: ANMHeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (cms) 9999 Unknown Nonmotorist’s Weight Definition: This variable establishes the weight of the nonmotorist, recorded in kilograms. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: ANMWeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (kgs) 9999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual NonMotorists Data Set • 325 Variable Definitions and Codes - NonMotorists Data Set Nonmotorist’s Gender Definition: This variable reports the gender of the nonmotorist. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: ANMGender Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Male 2 Female - not reported pregnant 3 Female - pregnant 4 Female - unknown if pregnant 9 Unknown Nonmotorist Type Definition: This variable establishes the specific type of nonmotorist involved in the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: ANMType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Pedestrian 1 Pedal cyclist 2 Skater 3 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Nonmotorist Attitude Definition: This variable describes the nonmotorist’s vertical orientation just prior to the nonmotorist’s first avoidance action. If there was no avoidance action, this variable represents the nonmotorist’s vertical orientation just prior to first impact. Individuals who are standing in a stationary position, walking, or running are all classified as standing. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: ANMPosition Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 2 3 4 Standing Crouching Kneeling Bending at waist LTCCS Analytical User's Manual NonMotorists Data Set • 326 Variable Definitions and Codes - NonMotorists Data Set 5 One foot on skateboard/other on pavement 6 Sitting 7 Lying prone 10 Standing/straddling pedal cycle while stopped 11 Sitting upright, pedaling/coasting 12 Crouched over handlebars, pedaling/coasting 13 Standing on pedals, pedaling 14 Standing on pedals, coasting 88 Other (specify) 99 Unknown Nonmotorist’s Motion Definition: This variable describes the motion of the nonmotorist just prior to the nonmotorist’s first avoidance action. If there was no avoidance action, this represents the nonmotorist’s motion just prior to the first impact. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: Motion Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Moving 1 Walking slowly 2 Walking rapidly 3 Running or jogging 4 Hopping 5 Skipping 8 Pedaling at a slow rate 9 Pedaling at a medium rate 10 Pedaling at a rapid rate 14 Skating at a slow pace 15 Skating at a medium pace 16 Skating at a rapid pace 17 Moving at a slow pace 18 Moving at a medium pace 19 Moving at a rapid pace 27 Coasting 28 Starting from a stopped position 29 Falling 30 Jumping 31 Falling/stumbling/rising 88 Other (specify) 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual NonMotorists Data Set • 327 Variable Definitions and Codes - NonMotorists Data Set Nonmotorist’s Action Relative To Vehicle Definition: This variable describes the direction of the nonmotorist’s motion with respect to the vehicle, prior to the first avoidance action. If there was no avoidance action, this variable represents the nonmotorist’s motion with respect to the vehicle, just prior to first impact. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: Action Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Stopped 1 Crossing road, straight 2 Crossing road, diagonally 3 Crossing road, weaving 4 Moving in road with traffic (straight) 5 Moving in road with traffic (weaving) 6 Moving in road against traffic (straight) 7 Moving in road against traffic (weaving) 8 Off road, approaching road 9 Off road, going away from road 10 Off road, moving parallel 11 Off road, crossing driveway 12 Off road, moving along driveway 98 Other (specify) 99 Unknown Nonmotorist’s Body (Chest) Orientation Relative To Striking Vehicle… Definition: This variable describes the nonmotorist’s body orientation with respect to the striking vehicle prior to avoidance actions. “Facing vehicle” indicates the nonmotorist’s body (chest) is facing the path of travel of the striking vehicle (which may be tracking or yawing). Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: Orientation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Facing vehicle 2 Facing away 3 Left side to vehicle 4 Right side to vehicle 8 Other (specify) 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual NonMotorists Data Set • 328 Variable Definitions and Codes - NonMotorists Data Set Nonmotorist Sight Impairments Definition: This variable establishes nonmotorist sight impairments. An individual is considered sight impaired if the corrected vision level exceeds 20/70 on a standard measurement scale. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: SightImpaired Attribute Codes Code0 1 9 Meaning Not sight impaired Sight impaired (specify) Unknown Nonmotorist Sight Restrictions Definition: This variable establishes nonmotorist sight restrictions with respect to the nonmotorist’s pre-crash view of the striking vehicle. Specifically, did the nonmotorist have an unobstructed view regardless of whether or not the nonmotorist actually checked for approaching traffic? Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report. Variable Name: SightRestricted Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No sight restrictions 1 Intervening vehicle 2 Building 3 Shrubbery 5 Rain, fog 6 Solar glare 7 Headlight glare 9 Other Obstruction (specify) 88 Other Obscuration (specify) 99 Unknown Nonmotorist Hearing Impairments Definition: This variable establishes nonmotorist hearing impairments. Total deafness is considered a hearing impairment. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Variable Name: HearingImpaired LTCCS Analytical User's Manual NonMotorists Data Set • 329 Variable Definitions and Codes - NonMotorists Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 9 Meaning No hearing impairment Hearing impairment (specify) Unknown Nonmotorist Hearing Restrictions Definition: This variable establishes nonmotorist hearing restrictions. This information is important with respect to the nonmotorist hearing the approaching vehicle and/or warnings (horn) attempted by the vehicle driver. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report. Variable Name: HearingRestricted Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No hearing restrictions 1 Use of radio/cassette/CD 2 Wind noise 3 Helmet configuration (specify) 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Nonmotorist Distractions Definition: This variable documents nonmotorist pre-crash distraction as a result of engaging in a variety of activities. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report. Variable Name: Distraction Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not distracted Conversing with another pedal cyclist Conversing with another skater Conversing with another non-motorist Conversing with pedestrian Conversing with pedestrian/pedal cyclist Conversing with another vehicle occupant Talking on cell phone Reading book/magazine Looking for street address Looking at buildings LTCCS Analytical User's Manual NonMotorists Data Set • 330 Variable Definitions and Codes - NonMotorists Data Set 11 Looking at other vehicles 88 Other (specify) 99 Unknown Nonmotorist Decision Errors Definition: This variable documents decision errors made by the nonmotorist during the pre- crash phase. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report. Variable Name: ANMDecision Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No decision error involved 1 Assumed striking vehicle would stop/yield right-of-way 2 Assumed driver was aware of presence 3 Other faulty assumption (specify) 4 Misjudged velocity/gap distance of vehicle 8 Other decision error (specify) 9 Unknown Nonmotorist Risk-Taking Behavior Definition: This variable documents pre-crash risk-taking behavior by the nonmotorist. This is a subjective evaluation based on the preponderance of evidence. Examples of risk-taking behavior would include crossing the street in a mid-block area without the benefit of a defined pedestrian crosswalk and associated TCD, crossing against a “Don’t Walk” pedestrian signal warning, and walking in the traffic lane. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report. Variable Name: RiskTaking Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Did not exhibit risk taking behavior 1 Exhibited risk taking behavior (specify) 9 Unknown Nonmotorist First Avoidance Action Definition: This variable documents the nonmotorist’s first pre-crash avoidance action. To be considered an avoidance action, the nonmotorist activity must be a conscious or instinctive action and not a kinematic response to the impact. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual NonMotorists Data Set • 331 Variable Definitions and Codes - NonMotorists Data Set Variable Name: ANMAvoidance Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No avoidance action 1 Stopped (froze) 2 Stopped 3 Accelerated pace 4 Reduced pace 5 Reduced pedaling pace 6 Reduced skating pace 7 Reduced pace 8 Jumped 9 Jumped from pedal cycle 10 Turned toward vehicle 11 Turned away from vehicle 12 Dove or fell away 13 Dove or fell away with pedal cycle 88 Other (specify) 99 Unknown Nonmotorist Hand Use In Avoidance Action Definition: This variable describes the nonmotorist’s attempted use of his or her hands in completing the avoidance action. The primary categories for attempted hand use are vaulting and bracing. These actions may or may not be successful and may or may not be appropriate. The primary factor here is nonmotorist intent. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the on-site investigation findings and interview data; secondary sources include the police report. Variable Name: HandsUsed Attribute Codes Code0 Meaning Did not use hands 1 Vaulted corner of vehicle 2 Vaulted onto vehicle 3 8 9 Braced against vehicle Other (specify) Unknown Injury Severity Code – Police Definition: This variable represents the police-reported injury severity code for the nonmotorist. Source: Police report. Cross Reference: This in conjunction with GeneralVehicle.GVEPARSevCode aggregated yield Crash.CrashPARSevCode. Variable Name: ANMPARSevCode LTCCS Analytical User's Manual NonMotorists Data Set • 332 Variable Definitions and Codes - NonMotorists Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 O - No injury 1 C - Possible injury 2 B - Non-incapacitating injury 3 A - Incapacitating injury 4 K - Killed 5 U - Injury, severity unknown 6 Died prior to crash 9 Unknown Injury Severity Code – Researched Definition: This variable represents the nonmotorist’s injury severity code, as determined by injury coding and case narratives. This code is based on occupant medical records and/or case narratives and may differ from the police-reported injury severity code. Source: Zone Center determined – primary sources are non-motorist medical records and interview data; secondary sources include the police report and other official records. Cross Reference: This in conjunction with GeneralVehicle.GVERESSevCode aggregated yield Crash.CrashRESSevCode. Variable Name: ANMRESSevCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 O - No injury 1 C - Possible injury 2 B - Non-incapacitating injury 3 A - Incapacitating injury 4 K - Killed 5 U - Injury, severity unknown 6 Died prior to crash 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual NonMotorists Data Set • 333 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Occupants Data Set The Occupants data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, VehicleNumber and OccupantNumber. OccupantNumber is assigned to each occupant in a vehicle. CaseID, VehicleNumber and OccupantNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the Occupant data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Occupant’s Age Definition: This variable documents the age of the occupant at the time of the crash with respect to the occupant’s last birthday. Source: Primary source is interviewee; secondary sources include police reports and other official records (i.e., medical records). Variable Name: OCCAge Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (years) 9999 Unknown Occupant’s Height Definition: This variable documents the height of the occupant to the nearest centimeter. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include interviewee or official records (e.g., medical). Variable Name: OCCHeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (cm) 9999 Unknown Occupant’s Weight Definition: This variable documents the weight of the occupant to the nearest kilogram. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include interviewee or official records (e.g., medical). Variable Name: OCCWeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (kgs) 9999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 334 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Occupant’s Sex Definition: This variable identifies the gender of the occupant and includes information regarding pregnancy. Source: Primary source is the interview, secondary sources include police report and official records (e.g. medical). Variable Name: OCCGender Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Male 2 Female, not reported pregnant 3 Female, pregnant - 1st trimester (1st-3rd month) 4 Female, pregnant - 2nd trimester (4th-6th month) 5 Female, pregnant - 3rd trimester (7th-9th month) 6 Female, pregnant - term unknown 9 Unknown Occupant’s Role Definition: This variable describes the role of the occupant within the vehicle – driver or passenger. Source: Primary source is interviewee; secondary source is police report. Variable Name: Role Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Driver 2 Passenger 9 Unknown Race/Ethnic Origin Of Occupant Definition: This variable represents the occupant’s self-identification of his/her race or ethnic origin. Self-identification represents self-classification by people according to the race with which they identify themselves. Source: Primary source is the interview, secondary sources include police report, medical records, and other official documents. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.EthnicOrigin if Occupants. Role = 1. Variable Name: Race Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 White (non-Hispanic) 2 Black (non-Hispanic) 3 White (Hispanic) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 335 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set 4 Black (Hispanic) 5 American Indian, Eskimo or Aleut 6 Asian or Pacific Islander 7 Other (specify) 8 No driver present 9 Unknown Occupant’s Eyewear Definition: This variable documents whether or not the occupant was wearing any type of eyewear, including contact lenses, at the time of the crash. Source: Researcher determined — primary source is the interview and secondary sources include vehicle inspection and medical records. Variable Name: Eyewear Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Eyeglasses/sunglasses 2 Contact lenses 3 Contact lenses w/ sunglasses 9 Unknown Police Reported Air Bag Availability/Function Definition: This variable captures what was documented on the police report regarding the availability and functioning of any air bag system. Source: Police report. Cross Reference: Related to the Airbags data set, values will differ in part due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AirbagAvail Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No airbag available 1 Police did not indicate airbag availability/function 2 Deployed 3 Not deployed 4 Unknown if deployed 9 Police indicated 'unknown' Police Reported Belt Use Definition: This variable captures what was documented on the police report regarding occupant use of available vehicle restraints (i.e. manual belts, child safety seat, or automatic restraints). Source: Police report. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 336 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Variable Name: BeltUsed Attribute Codes Code0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Meaning None Used Police did not indicate belt use Shoulder Belt Lap Belt Lap and shoulder belt Belt used, type not specified Child safety seat Automatic belt Other type belt (specify) Police indicated 'unknown' Ejection Type Definition: This variable describes the type of occupant ejection that was involved during the crash sequence. Ejection refers to the person being completely or partially thrown from the vehicle as a result of the impact or rollover. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include the vehicle inspection, interviewee, medical records, and the police report. Variable Name: EjectionType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Ejection 1 Complete Ejection 2 Partial Ejection 3 Ejection, unknown degree 9 Unknown Ejection Area Definition: This variable describes the general area of the vehicle from where the occupant ejection occurred during the crash sequence. Ejection refers to the person being completely or partially thrown from the vehicle as a result of the impact or rollover. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include the vehicle inspection, interviewee, medical records, and the police report. Variable Name: EjectionArea Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Ejection 1 Windshield 2 Left Front 3 Right Front LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 337 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set 4 Left Rear 5 Right Rear 6 Rear 7 Roof 8 Other area 9 Unknown Ejection Medium Definition: This variable describes the component of the vehicle from which the occupant was ejected during the crash sequence. Ejection refers to the person being completely or partially thrown from the vehicle as a result of the impact or rollover. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include the vehicle inspection, interviewee, medical records, and the police report. Variable Name: Medium Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Ejection 1 Door/hatch/tailgate 2 Non-fixed Roof Structure 3 Fixed Glazing 4 Non-fixed Glazing (specify) 5 Integral Structure 8 Other medium (specify) 9 Unknown Medium Status Definition: This variable describes the status of the component of the vehicle from which the occupant was ejected during the crash sequence. This variable represents the status of the component immediately prior to the impact. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include the vehicle inspection, interviewee, medical records, and the police report. Variable Name: MediumStatus Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Ejection 1 Open 2 Closed 3 Integral Structure 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 338 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Multi-Ejection? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not there were multiple ejections associated with a particular vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include the vehicle inspection, interviewee, medical records, and the police report. Variable Name: MultiEjection Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes Entrapment Definition: This variable documents whether or not the occupant was physically trapped inside the vehicle by an integral part of the vehicle (e.g. intruding component). Source: Researcher determined – inputs include the vehicle inspection, interview and police report. Variable Name: Entrapment Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not trapped/exit not inhibited 1 Trapped/pinned - mechanically restrained 2 Could not exit vehicle due to jammed doors, fire, etc (specify) 9 Unknown Occupant Mobility Definition: This variable documents the mobility of the occupant (how the occupant exited the vehicle) after the crash. Source: Investigator determined – inputs include PAR, fire and or EMS personnel/records, medical records, witnesses, and interviewees. Variable Name: Mobility Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Occupant fatal before removed from vehicle 1 Removed from vehicle while unconscious or not oriented to time or place 2 Removed from vehicle due to perceived serious injuries 3 Exited vehicle with some assistance 4 Exited vehicle under own power 5 Occupant fully ejected 8 Removed from vehicle for other reasons (specify) 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 339 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Number Of Intrusions Definition: This variable documents the number of vehicle components that intruded into the passenger compartment of the vehicle as a result of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include the vehicle inspection, interviewee, medical records, and the police report. Variable Name: Intrusions Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Count of intrusions Row Definition: This variable identifies in which row in the vehicle the occupant was seated. Source: Primary source is interviewee; secondary sources include vehicle inspection, police report, or official records (i.e., medical). Cross Reference: Related to Injuries.IntrusionRow. Variable Name: Row Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 First row 2 Second row 3 Third row 4 Fourth row 5 Fifth row O Other U Unknown Occupant Location Definition: This variable identifies in which seat in the vehicle the occupant was located. This variable is used in conjunction with the variable “Row” to determine the exact seating location for a particular occupant. Source: Primary source is interviewee; secondary sources include vehicle inspection, police report, or official records (i.e., medical). Cross Reference: Related to Injuries.IntrusionLocation. Variable Name: OCCLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 First location 2 Second location 3 Third location LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 340 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set 4 Fourth location O Other position U Unknown Occupant’s Posture Definition: This variable describes the occupant’s last known position in the vehicle just prior to impact. This variable is designed to capture those instances where an occupant was not in the usual upright, forward-facing seated position prior to the crash. Source: Primary source is interviewee; secondary sources include vehicle inspection, police report, or official records (i.e., medical). Variable Name: Posture Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Normal Posture 1 Kneeling or standing on seat 2 Lying on or across seat 3 Kneeling, standing or sitting in front of seat 4 Sitting Sideways/turned to talk with anoth occ/look out rear 5 Sitting on a console 6 Lying back in a reclined seat position 7 Bracing with feet or hands on a surface in front of seat 8 In the lap of another occupant 9 Sharing a seat - sitting side by side - not primary 10 In a Child Seat 88 Other posture (specify) 99 Unknown Head Restraint Type At This Occupant’s Position Definition: This variable describes the type of head restraint available for a particular seating position. Source: Vehicle inspection. Variable Name: OCCRestraintType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 No head restraints 2 Integral 3 Adjustable 4 Add-on 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 341 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Head Restraint Damage By Occupant At This Occupant Position Definition: This variable describes any type of damage to the head restraint by the occupant at a particular seating position. Source: Vehicle inspection. Variable Name: RestraintDamage Attribute Codes Code1 2 3 9 Meaning No head restraints No damage Damaged during crash Unknown Seat Type Definition: This variable describes the type of seat available for a particular occupant position. Source: Vehicle inspection. Variable Name: SeatType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Bucket 2 Bucket with folding back 3 Bench 4 Bench with separate back cushions 5 Bench with folding back(s) 6 Split bench with separate back cushions 7 Split bench with folding back(s) 8 Pedestal (i.e., column supported) 9 Box mounted seat (i.e., van type) 10 Other seat type (specify) 99 Unknown Seat Orientation Definition: This variable describes the orientation (the direction that it is facing) of a particular seat in the vehicle. Source: Vehicle inspection. Variable Name: SeatOrientation Attribute Codes Code1 2 3 Meaning Forward facing seat Rear facing seat Side facing seat (inward) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 342 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set 4 Side facing seat (outward) 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Seat Track Position Definition: This variable describes the seat position (on its track) at the time of impact. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include the vehicle inspection with interviewee as confirming or secondary source. Variable Name: TrackPosition Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Non-adjustable seat track 2 Seat at forward most track position 3 Seat between forward most and middle track positions 4 Seat at middle track position 5 Seat between middle and rear most track positions 6 Seat at rear most track position 9 Unknown Seat Performance Definition: This variable assesses the performance of the seat during the crash sequence. The attributes are indications of whether the seat failed or was deformed in any way. Source: Vehicle inspection. Variable Name: SeatPerformance Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 No seat performance failure(s) 2 Seat adjusters failed 3 Seat back folding locks or 'seat back' failed (specify) 4 Seat track/anchors failed 5 Deformed by impact of occupant 6 Deformed by passenger compartment intrusion (specify) 7 Combination of above (specify) 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Does The Seat Have Integrated Passenger Belts? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the seat belts associated with a particular seat are an integral part of the seat. In other words, the belts are a part of the seat itself. Source: Vehicle inspection. Variable Name: IntegratedRestraints LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 343 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 99 Meaning No Yes Unknown Seat Back Incline Prior To Impact Definition: This variable describes the pre-crash position of the seat back for a particular seat in the vehicle and is relevant only for adjustable (reclining) seat backs. Source: Researcher determined – vehicle inspection with driver/occupant interview as corroboration. Variable Name: PriorInclination Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Not Adjustable 2 Upright 3 Slightly Reclined 4 Completely Reclined 9 Unknown Seat Back Incline Position Post Impact Definition: This variable describes the post-impact position of the seat back for a particular seat in the vehicle and is relevant only for adjustable (reclining) seat backs. This variable reflects the change in the seat back incline position as a result of forces upon it during the crash sequence. Source: Researcher determined – vehicle inspection with driver/occupant interview as corroboration. Variable Name: PostInclination Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Not Adjustable 11 Moved to completely rearward position 12 Moved to rearward midrange position 13 Moved to slightly rearward position 14 Retained pre-impact position 15 Moved to slightly forward position 16 Moved to forward midrange position 17 Moved to completely forward position 21 Moved to completely rearward position 22 Moved to rearward midrange position 23 Retained pre-impact position 24 Moved to upright position 25 Moved to slightly forward position 26 Moved to forward midrange position LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 344 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set 27 Moved to completely forward position 31 Retained pre-impact position 32 Moved to rearward midrange position 33 Moved to slightly rearward position 34 Moved to upright position 35 Moved to slightly forward position 36 Moved to forward midrange position 37 Moved to completely forward position 99 Unknown Child Safety Seat Used? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not a particular occupant was seated in a child safety seat. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include the vehicle inspection, interviewee, and the police report. Variable Name: ChildSeatAvailable Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes 99 Unknown Manual (Active) Belt System Availability Definition: This variable identifies the type of manual belt system available for a particular seating position. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview, medical records, and police report. NOTE: The use of the police report is limited. If there is no vehicle inspection and the only secondary source is the PAR, then the PAR "narrative" must clearly state that the manual belt system was used or available. An indication of usage or availability in a "restraint system" block is, by itself, not usable. Cross Reference: Related to GeneralVehicle.GVERestraintType, values will differ in part due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: ManualBeltAvailable Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 None available 1 Belt removed/destroyed 2 Shoulder Belt 3 Lap Belt 4 Lap and shoulder belt 5 Belt available - type unknown 6 Shoulder (lap destroyed/removed) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 345 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set 7 Lap (shoulder destroyed/removed) 8 Other Belt (specify) 9 Unknown Manual (Active) Belt System Used In This Crash? Definition: This variable documents actual usage of a manual belt at a particular seating position. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview and medical records. NOTE: Do not use the police crash report as a source for coding this variable. Variable Name: ManualBeltUsed Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Used/ not available/ removed or destroyed 1 Inoperative (specify) 2 Shoulder Belt 3 Lap Belt 4 Lap and shoulder belt 5 Belt used - type unknown 8 Other belt used (specify) 12 Shoulder w/child safety seat 13 Lap w/child safety seat 14 Lap & shoulder w/child safety seat 15 Belt w/child seat - type unknown 18 Other belt w/child seat (specify) 99 Unknown if belt used Proper Use Of Manual (Active) Belts Definition: This variable documents if the manual belt system was used as it was intended to be used (as it was designed) at a particular seating location. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview, police report, and medical records. NOTE: The use of the police report is limited. If there is no vehicle inspection and the only secondary source is the PAR, then the PAR "narrative" must clearly state that the manual belt system was used properly or improperly. Variable Name: ManualBeltProper Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not equipped/not available/not used 1 Used properly 2 Used properly w/child seat 3 Improper-shoulder worn under arm 4 Improper-shoulder worn behind back or seat 5 Improper-belt worn around more than one person LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 346 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set 6 Improper-lap belt worn on abdomen 7 Lap or lap/shoulder used improperly w/child seat (specify) 8 Other improper use (specify) 9 Unknown 10 Used, unknown if proper Manual (Active) Belt Failure Modes During Crash Definition: This variable indicates failure of a manual belt system during the crash sequence, based on physical evidence. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include interviewee and police report if a vehicle inspection is obtained. Variable Name: ManualBeltFailure Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 None used / Not available 1 No manual belt failure(s) 2 Torn webbing (stretched webbing not included) 3 Broken buckle or latch plate 4 Upper anchorage separated 5 Other anchorage separated (specify) 6 Broken retractor 7 Combination of above (specify) 8 Other manual belt failure (specify) 9 Unknown Manual Shoulder Belt Upper Anchorage Adjustment Definition: This variable documents the position of the adjustable upper anchorage point of the manual shoulder belt at the time of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include vehicle inspection and occupant interview. Variable Name: AnchorAdjustment Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No manual shoulder belt 1 None for manual shoulder belt 2 In full up position 3 In mid position 4 In full down position 5 Position unknown 9 Unknown if adjuster present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 347 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Seat Belt Pretensioners Present Definition: This variable identifies whether or not a seat belt pretensioner is present for a manual belt. Pretensioners are designed to take up the slack in the seat belt during a crash of sufficient deceleration. When the vehicle is involved in a collision of sufficient force, a microprocessor causes current to flow through the seat belt deployment loops to the initiator. Current passing through the intiator ignites the material in the canister, producing a rapid generation of gas. The gas produced from this reaction deploys the seat belt pretensioners and shortens the seat belt pretentioner height, which removes all of the slack in the seat belts. The seat belt pretensioners will deploy immediately before the frontal initiator (air bag) modules deploy. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview and manufacturer’s data. Variable Name: PreTensionerAvailable Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Not reinstalled 2 None present 3 Present 9 Unknown Pretensioners Actuate? Definition: This variable documents whether or not a manual seat belt pretensioner activated during the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary source is the interview. Variable Name: PreTensionerActuated Attribute Codes Code0 1 9 Meaning No Yes Unknown Pretensioner Travel Definition: This variable documents the distance (in millimeters) the pretensioner moved from its original position during the crash. Source: Vehicle inspection. Variable Name: PreTensionerTravel Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (mm) 999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 348 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Retractor Type Definition: This variable describes the type of retractor associated with a particular seat belt. Retractors wind up the loose webbing of the unused 3-point safety belt, take up the slack, and provide slight tension on belts that are in use. Source: Vehicle inspection. Variable Name: Retractor Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 None Present 1 Emergency Locking Retractor (ELR) 2 Automatic Locking Retractor 3 Switchable Retractor in ELR Mode 4 Switchable Retractor in ALR Mode 5 Switchable Retractor-Unknown Mode 9 Unknown Retractor Type Source Of Researcher’s Determination Of Manual Belt Use Definition: This variable documents from where the researcher obtained the preponderance of information to make the determination that the manual belt system was used. Source: Researcher determined. Variable Name: ManualBeltSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Equipped/Not Available/Destroyed or Rendered Inoperative 1 Vehicle Inspection 2 Official Injury Data 3 Driver/occupant interview 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown if belt used Automatic (Passive) Belt System Availability/Function Definition: This variable identifies the type of automatic belt system available for a particular seating position. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview, medical records, and police report. NOTE: The use of the police report is limited. If there is no vehicle inspection and the only secondary source is the PAR, then the PAR "narrative" must clearly state that the manual belt system was used or available. An indication of usage or availability in a "restraint system" block is, by itself, not usable. Variable Name: AutoBeltAvailable LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 349 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Equipped/Not Available 1 Two point automatic belts 2 Three point automatic belts 3 Automatic type unknown 4 Automatic destroyed or rendered inoperative 9 Unknown Automatic (Passive) Belt System Use Definition: This variable documents actual usage of an automatic belt at a particular seating position. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview and medical records. NOTE: Do not use the police crash report as a source for coding this variable. Variable Name: AutoBeltUsed Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Equipped/Not Available/destroyed or rendered inoperative 1 Automatic belt in use 2 Not in use (manually disconnected, motorized track inoperative) (specify) 3 Automatic belt use unknown 4 Automatic belt used with child restraint 9 Unknown Automatic (Passive) Belt System Type Definition: This variable indicates whether the automatic belt system is motorized or non- motorized. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview, police report, and medical records. NOTE: The use of the police report is limited. If there is no vehicle inspection and the only secondary source is the PAR, then the PAR "narrative" must clearly state what type of automatic belt system was used. Variable Name: BeltMotorized Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Equipped/Not Available 1 Non-motorized system 2 Motorized system 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 350 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Proper Use Of Automatic (Passive) Belt System Definition: This variable documents if the automatic belt system was used as it was intended to be used (as it was designed) at a particular seating location. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interview, police report, and medical records. NOTE: The use of the police report is limited. If there is no vehicle inspection and the only secondary source is the PAR, then the PAR "narrative" must clearly state that the automatic belt system was used properly or improperly. Variable Name: AutoBeltProper Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Equipped/Not Available/Not Used 1 Used properly 2 Used properly w/child safety seat 3 Shoulder belt worn under arm 4 Shoulder belt worn behind back 5 Belt worn around more than one person 6 Lap portion worn on abdomen 7 Lap/shoulder belt/automatic shoulder belt used improperly with child safety seat (specify) 8 Other improper use (specify) 9 Unknown Automatic (Passive) Belt Failure Modes During Crash Definition: This variable indicates failure of an automatic belt system during the crash sequence, based on physical evidence. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; additional input may include the interview and police report if a vehicle inspection is obtained. Variable Name: AutoBeltFailure Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Equipped/Not Available/Not In Use 1 No automatic belt failure(s) 2 Torn webbing (stretched webbing not included) 3 Broken buckle or latch plate 4 Upper anchorage separated 5 Other anchorage separated (specify) 6 Broken retractor 7 Combination of above (specify) 8 Other automatic belt failure (specify) 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 351 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Source Of Researcher’s Determination Of Automatic Belt Use Definition: This variable documents from where the researcher obtained the preponderance of information to make the determination that the automatic belt system was used. Source: Researcher determined. Variable Name: AutoBeltSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Equipped/Not Available/Destroyed or Rendered Inoperative 1 Vehicle Inspection 2 Official Injury Data 3 Driver/occupant interview 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown if belt used Injury Severity Code – Police Definition: This variable identifies the police-reported injury severity for a particular occupant. Source: Police report. Variable Name: OCCInjSeverityCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 O - No injury 1 C - Possible injury 2 B - Non-incapacitating injury 3 A - Incapacitating injury 4 K - Killed 5 U - Injury, severity unknown 6 Died prior to crash 9 Unknown Mortality Definition: This variable documents whether or not the occupant died as a result of the crash (either due to injuries received during the crash or due to a physical incapacitation that led to the crash). Source: Researcher determined – inputs include interviewee, police report, and medical records. Variable Name: Mortality Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not Fatal 1 Fatal LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 352 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set 2 Fatal - ruled disease (specify) 9 Unknown Medical Treatment Definition: This variable describes the type of medical treatment an occupant received as a result of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is medical records; secondary sources include police report and interviews. Cross Reference: Related to Crash.Treatment. Variable Name: InitialTreatment Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No treatment 1 Dead on Arrival (DOA) at hospital 2 Dead prior to Admission 3 Hospitalization 4 Transported and released 5 Treatment at scene - non-transported 6 Treatment later 7 Transported to a medical facility-unknown if treated 8 Treatment - other (specify) 9 Unknown Type Of Medical Facility (Initial Treatment) Definition: This variable describes the category of medical facility that provided initial treatment to an occupant as a result of injuries from the crash. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include police report, interviewee, official records, and the American College of Surgeons classification criteria. Variable Name: InitialFacility Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not treated at a medical facility 1 Trauma Center 2 Hospital 3 Medical clinic 4 Physician's Office 5 Treatment later at medical facility 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 353 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Hospital Stay Definition: This variable documents the number of days that the occupant was hospitalized (after being admitted) in a primary medical care facility. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include interviewee and medical reports. Variable Name: HospitalDays Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (days) 99 Unknown Working Days Lost Definition: This variable documents the actual number of “work” days lost due to the crash by an employed person or a full-time college student. Employed is defined to mean that the occupant was scheduled to work at least four hours on each of the days lost. The days lost need not be due to injury. Source: Primary source is the interviewee; a secondary source is the person's employer. Variable Name: WorkDaysLost Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (days) 88 Not applicable 99 Unknown Death Date Definition: This variable identifies the actual date of death for a fatally injured occupant. Source: Zone Center determined – primary source is medical records; secondary sources include police report, autopsy report, or other official records for actual date of death for fatally injured occupants. Variable Name: DateOfDeath Attribute Codes Code* 9999-99 Meaning Date (in YYYY-MM format) Unknown Death Time Definition: This variable identifies the actual time of death for a fatally injured occupant (military clock time). LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 354 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set Source: Zone Center determined – primary source is medical records; secondary sources include police report, autopsy report, or other official records for actual time of death for fatally injured occupants. Variable Name: TimeOfDeath Attribute Codes Code* 99:99 Meaning Time (in HH:MM format) Unknown Number Of Injuries For This Occupant Definition: This variable represents the total number of coded injuries (coded by the Zone Center) for a particular occupant. Source: Zone Center determined – inputs include official medical records and interviewee data from the PSU. Cross Reference: Identical to the aggregation of the Injuries data set. Variable Name: InjuryCount Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual count of coded injuries Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Score (At Medical Facility) Definition: This variable documents the actual value of the initial GCS score obtained at a medical facility. The Glascow Coma Scale assesses three neurological functions: eye opening, motor response, and verbal response. The GCS is taken from medical records. Source: Zone Center determined from official medical records. Variable Name: GCSScore Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00 Not Injured 1 Injured - not treated at medical facility 2 No GCS Score at medical facility 3 GCS = 3 4 GCS = 4 5 GCS = 5 6 GCS = 6 7 GCS = 7 8 GCS = 8 9 GCS = 9 10 GCS = 10 11 GCS = 11 12 GCS = 12 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 355 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set 13 GCS = 13 14 GCS = 14 15 GCS = 15 97 Injured, details unknown 99 Unknown if injured Was The Occupant Given Blood? Definition: This variable documents the number of blood units given to an occupant for treatment of injuries resulting from the crash. Source: Zone Center determined from official medical records or Emergency Medical Service (EMS) reports. Variable Name: UnitsTransfused Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Blood Given 1 1 Unit given 2 2 Unit given 3 3 Unit given 4 4 Unit given 5 5 Unit given 6 6 Unit given 7 7 Unit given 8 8 Unit given 9 9 Unit given 10 10 or more Units given 97 Blood given, # units unknown 99 Unknown if blood given Arterial Blood Gases – ABG (HCO3) Definition: This variable documents the reported HCO3 (bicarbonate) value obtained for this occupant. This information is found on medical records. Source: Zone Center determined from official medical records. Variable Name: ABGTest Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00 Not Injured 1 Injured, ABG not measured or reported 2 ABG = 2 3 ABG = 3 4 ABG = 4 5 ABG = 5 6 ABG = 6 7 ABG = 7 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 356 Variable Definitions and Codes - Occupants Data Set 8 ABG = 8 9 ABG = 9 10 ABG = 10 11 ABG = 11 12 ABG = 12 13 ABG = 13 14 ABG = 14 15 ABG = 15 16 ABG = 16 17 ABG = 17 18 ABG = 18 19 ABG = 19 20 ABG = 20 21 ABG = 21 22 ABG = 22 23 ABG = 23 24 ABG = 24 25 ABG = 25 26 ABG = 26 27 ABG = 27 28 ABG = 28 29 ABG = 29 30 ABG = 30 31 ABG = 31 32 ABG = 32 33 ABG = 33 34 ABG = 34 35 ABG = 35 36 ABG = 36 37 ABG = 37 38 ABG = 38 39 ABG = 39 40 ABG = 40 41 ABG = 41 42 ABG = 42 43 ABG = 43 44 ABG = 44 45 ABG = 45 46 ABG = 46 47 ABG = 47 48 ABG = 48 49 ABG = 49 50 ABG = 50 96 ABG reported, HCO3 unknown 97 Injured, details unknown 99 Unknown if injured LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Occupants Data Set • 357 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Overview Data Set The Overview data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the Overview data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Vehicle Make Definition: This vehicle identifies the vehicle make for this vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police report, interview, and other vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEMake. Congruent with GeneralVehicle.VINMake, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: OVEMake Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 AMC 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 3 AM GENERAL 6 CHRYSLER 7 DODGE 8 IMPERIAL 9 PLYMOUTH 10 EAGLE 12 FORD 13 LINCOLN 14 MERCURY 18 BUICK 19 CADILLAC 20 CHEVROLET 21 OLDSMOBILE 22 PONTIAC 23 GMC 24 SATURN 25 GRUMMAN 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 30 VOLKSWAGEN 31 ALFA ROMEO 32 AUDI 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 34 BMW 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 36 FIAT 37 HONDA 38 ISUZU 39 JAGUAR LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 358 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 40 LANCIA 41 MAZDA 42 MERCEDES BENZ 43 MG 44 PEUGEOT 45 PORSCHE 46 RENAULT/AMC 47 SAAB 48 SUBARU 49 TOYOTA 50 TRIUMPH 51 VOLVO 52 MITSUBISHI 53 SUZUKI 54 ACURA 55 HYUNDAI 56 MERKUR 57 YUGO 58 INFINITI 59 LEXUS 60 DAIHATSU 61 STERLING 62 LAND ROVER 63 KIA 64 DAEWOO 65 MINI 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 70 BSA 71 DUCATI 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 73 KAWASAKI 74 MOTO-GUZZI 75 NORTON 76 YAMAHA 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 80 BROCKWAY 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 83 FWD 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 85 KENWORTH 86 MACK 87 PETERBILT 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 359 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Vehicle Model (with Vehicle Make) Definition: This variable identifies the vehicle model for this vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police report, interview, and other vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEModel. Congruent with GeneralVehicle.VINModel, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: OVEModel (with OVEMake) Attribute Codes MAKE MODEL Code Meaning Code Meaning 1 AMC 1 RAMBLER/AMERICAN 1 AMC 2 REBEL/MATADOR 1 AMC 3 AMBASSADOR 1 AMC 4 PACER 1 AMC 5 AMX 1 AMC 6 JAVELIN 1 AMC 7 HORNET/CONCORD 1 AMC 8 SPIRIT/GREMLIN 1 AMC 9 EAGLE 1 AMC 10 EAGLE SX-4 1 AMC 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 1 AMC 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 1 AMC 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 401 CJ-2/CJ-3/CJ-4 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 402 CJ-5/CJ-6/CH-7/CH-8 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 403 YJ-SERIES 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 404 CHEROKEE (1984 ON) 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 405 LIBERTY 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 421 CHEROKEE (1963 - 1983) 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 431 GRAND WAGONEER 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 481 PICKUP 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 482 COMANCHE 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 2 JEEP / KAISER-JEEP 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 3 AM GENERAL 401 DISPATCHER 3 AM GENERAL 421 HUMMER 3 AM GENERAL 466 DISPATCHER 3 AM GENERAL 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 3 AM GENERAL 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 3 AM GENERAL 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 3 AM GENERAL 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 3 AM GENERAL 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 3 AM GENERAL 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 3 AM GENERAL 983 BUS - REAR ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 3 AM GENERAL 988 OTHER BUS 3 AM GENERAL 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 3 AM GENERAL 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 6 CHRYSLER 9 CORDOBA 6 CHRYSLER 10 NEW YORKER FIFTH AVENUE ('89) 6 CHRYSLER 10 NEWPORT 6 CHRYSLER 13 RAMPAGE 2.2 (CAR BASED PICKUP) 6 CHRYSLER 14 RWD ONLY-NEW YORKER/NEWPORT/5TH AVENUE/IMPERIAL LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 360 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 6 CHRYSLER 14 NEW YORKER ('83-'90) 6 CHRYSLER 14 NEW YORKER SALON 6 CHRYSLER 14 NEW YORKER/E CLASS/IMPERIAL/5TH AVENUE 6 CHRYSLER 15 LASER 6 CHRYSLER 16 LEBARON 6 CHRYSLER 17 LEBARON GTS/GTC 6 CHRYSLER 18 INTREPID (CANADIAN) 6 CHRYSLER 19 NEON (EXPORT) 6 CHRYSLER 31 TC (MASERATI SPORT) 6 CHRYSLER 35 CONQUEST 6 CHRYSLER 41 CONCORDE 6 CHRYSLER 42 LHS 6 CHRYSLER 43 SEBRING 6 CHRYSLER 44 CIRRUS 6 CHRYSLER 51 300M 6 CHRYSLER 52 PT CRUISER 6 CHRYSLER 53 PROWLER 6 CHRYSLER 54 PACIFICA 6 CHRYSLER 55 CROSSFIRE 6 CHRYSLER 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 6 CHRYSLER 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 6 CHRYSLER 441 TOWN AND COUNTRY 6 CHRYSLER 442 VOYAGER 6 CHRYSLER 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 6 CHRYSLER 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 6 CHRYSLER 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 7 DODGE 1 DART 7 DODGE 2 CORONET/CHARGER/MAGNUM 7 DODGE 3 POLARA/MONACO/ROYAL MONACO 7 DODGE 4 VIPER 7 DODGE 5 CHALLENGER 7 DODGE 6 ASPEN 7 DODGE 7 DIPLOMAT 7 DODGE 8 OMNI/CHARGER 7 DODGE 9 MIRADA 7 DODGE 10 ST REGIS 7 DODGE 11 ARIES (K) 7 DODGE 12 400 7 DODGE 13 RAMPAGE 2.2, GT, SPORT 7 DODGE 14 600 7 DODGE 15 DAYTONA 7 DODGE 16 LANCER 7 DODGE 17 SHADOW 7 DODGE 18 DYNASTY 7 DODGE 19 SPIRIT 7 DODGE 20 NEON 7 DODGE 33 CHALLENGER (ALL IMPORTED) 7 DODGE 34 COLT (EXCLUDES VISTA) 7 DODGE 35 CONQUEST 7 DODGE 39 STEALTH 7 DODGE 40 MONACO 7 DODGE 41 INTREPID 7 DODGE 42 AVENGER 7 DODGE 43 STRATUS 7 DODGE 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 7 DODGE 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 7 DODGE 401 RAIDER 7 DODGE 421 RAMCHARGER 7 DODGE 422 DURANGO LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 361 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 7 DODGE 441 VISTA 7 DODGE 442 CARAVAN 7 DODGE 461 B-SERIES VANS 7 DODGE 462 SPRINTER 7 DODGE 470 VAN DERIVATIVE 7 DODGE 471 D50, COLT P/U, RAM 50/RAM 100 7 DODGE 472 DAKOTA 7 DODGE 481 D, W-SERIES PICKUP, W100-W350 7 DODGE 482 RAM 7 DODGE 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 7 DODGE 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 7 DODGE 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY: CBE 7 DODGE 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE LOW ENGRY 7 DODGE 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE HIGH ENTRY 7 DODGE 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY: UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 7 DODGE 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 7 DODGE 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 7 DODGE 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 7 DODGE 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 7 DODGE 981 MEDIUM BUS 7 DODGE 988 OTHER BUS 7 DODGE 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 7 DODGE 998 OTHER VEHICLE 7 DODGE 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 8 IMPERIAL 10 IMPERIAL 8 IMPERIAL 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 8 IMPERIAL 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 8 IMPERIAL 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 9 PLYMOUTH 1 VALIANT/DUSTER/SCAMP 9 PLYMOUTH 2 SATELLITE/BELVEDERE 9 PLYMOUTH 3 FURY 9 PLYMOUTH 4 GRAN FURY 9 PLYMOUTH 5 BARRACUDA 9 PLYMOUTH 6 VOLARE 9 PLYMOUTH 7 CARAVELLE 9 PLYMOUTH 8 HORIZON 9 PLYMOUTH 11 RELIANT (K) 9 PLYMOUTH 13 SCAMP (CAR BASED PICKUP) 9 PLYMOUTH 17 SUNDANCE 9 PLYMOUTH 19 ACCLAIM 9 PLYMOUTH 20 NEON 9 PLYMOUTH 31 CRICKET 9 PLYMOUTH 32 ARROW 9 PLYMOUTH 33 SAPPORO 9 PLYMOUTH 34 CHAMP/COLT (EXCLUDES VISTA) 9 PLYMOUTH 35 CONQUEST 9 PLYMOUTH 37 LASER 9 PLYMOUTH 38 BREEZE 9 PLYMOUTH 39 PROWLER 9 PLYMOUTH 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 9 PLYMOUTH 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 9 PLYMOUTH 421 TRAILDUSTER 9 PLYMOUTH 441 COLT VISTA 9 PLYMOUTH 442 VOYAGER (MINIVAN) 9 PLYMOUTH 461 VAN-FULLSIZE (B-SERIES) 9 PLYMOUTH 471 ARROW PICKUP (FOREIGN) 9 PLYMOUTH 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 9 PLYMOUTH 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 362 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 9 PLYMOUTH 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 10 EAGLE 34 SUMMIT 10 EAGLE 37 TALON 10 EAGLE 40 PREMIER 10 EAGLE 41 VISION 10 EAGLE 44 MEDALLION 10 EAGLE 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 10 EAGLE 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 10 EAGLE 441 SUMMIT WAGON 10 EAGLE 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 10 EAGLE 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 10 EAGLE 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 12 FORD 1 FALCON 12 FORD 2 FAIRLANE 12 FORD 3 MUSTANG/MUSTANG II 12 FORD 4 THUNDERBIRD (ALL SIZES) 12 FORD 5 LTD II 12 FORD 6 LTD/CUSTOM/GALAXIE (ALL SIZES) 12 FORD 7 RANCHERO 12 FORD 8 MAVERICK 12 FORD 9 PINTO 12 FORD 10 TORINO/GRAN TORINO/ELITE 12 FORD 11 GRANADA 12 FORD 12 FAIRMONT 12 FORD 13 ESCORT/EXP 12 FORD 15 TEMPO 12 FORD 16 CROWN VICTORIA 12 FORD 17 TAURUS 12 FORD 18 PROBE 12 FORD 31 ENGLISH FORD 12 FORD 32 FIESTA 12 FORD 33 FESTIVA 12 FORD 34 LASER 12 FORD 35 CONTOUR 12 FORD 36 ASPIRE 12 FORD 37 FOCUS 12 FORD 38 GT 12 FORD 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 12 FORD 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 12 FORD 401 EXPLORER/BRONCO ii/BRONCO (-77) 12 FORD 402 ESCAPE 12 FORD 421 BRONCO-FULLSIZE 12 FORD 422 EXPEDITION 12 FORD 431 EXCURSION 12 FORD 441 AEROSTAR 12 FORD 442 WINDSTAR 12 FORD 443 FREESTAR 12 FORD 461 E-SERIES VANS 12 FORD 470 VAN DERIVATIVE 12 FORD 471 RANGER 12 FORD 472 COURIER 12 FORD 473 SPORT TRAC 12 FORD 481 F-SERIES PICKUP 12 FORD 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 12 FORD 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 12 FORD 880 F450/550 PICKUP >4536 GVWR 12 FORD 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY CBE 12 FORD 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE LOW ENGRY 12 FORD 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 363 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 12 FORD 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY: UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 12 FORD 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 12 FORD 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 12 FORD 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 12 FORD 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 12 FORD 981 MEDIUM BUS 12 FORD 988 OTHER BUS 12 FORD 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 12 FORD 998 OTHER VEHICLE 12 FORD 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 13 LINCOLN 1 CONTINENTAL/TOWN CAR 13 LINCOLN 2 MARK 13 LINCOLN 5 CONTINENTAL (82-ON) 13 LINCOLN 11 VERSAILLES 13 LINCOLN 12 LS 13 LINCOLN 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 13 LINCOLN 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 13 LINCOLN 401 AVIATOR 13 LINCOLN 421 NAVIGATOR 13 LINCOLN 481 BLACKWOOD 13 LINCOLN 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 13 LINCOLN 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 13 LINCOLN 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 14 MERCURY 2 CYCLONE 14 MERCURY 3 CAPRI-DOMESTIC 14 MERCURY 4 COUGAR/XR7 14 MERCURY 6 MARQUIS/MONTEREY 14 MERCURY 8 COMET 14 MERCURY 9 BOBCAT 14 MERCURY 10 MONTEGO 14 MERCURY 11 MONARCH 14 MERCURY 12 ZEPHYR 14 MERCURY 13 LYNX/LN-7 (82-83) 14 MERCURY 15 TOPAZ 14 MERCURY 17 SABLE 14 MERCURY 31 CAPRI-FOREIGN 14 MERCURY 33 PANTERA 14 MERCURY 36 TRACER 14 MERCURY 37 MYSTIQUE 14 MERCURY 38 COUGAR 14 MERCURY 39 MARAUDER 14 MERCURY 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 14 MERCURY 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 14 MERCURY 401 MOUNTAINEER 14 MERCURY 443 VILLAGER 14 MERCURY 444 MONTEREY (2004+) 14 MERCURY 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 14 MERCURY 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 14 MERCURY 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 18 BUICK 1 SPECIAL/SKYLARK (thru 1972) 18 BUICK 2 LESABRE/CENTURION/WILDCAT 18 BUICK 3 ELECTRA/ELECTRA 225/PARK AVENUE (91ON) 18 BUICK 4 ROADMASTER 18 BUICK 5 RIVIERA 18 BUICK 7 CENTURY 18 BUICK 8 APOLLO/SKYLARK (73-76) 18 BUICK 10 REGAL 18 BUICK 12 SKYHAWK LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 364 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 18 BUICK 15 SKYLARK (76-85) 18 BUICK 18 SOMERSET(85-87)/SKYLARK(86-ON) 18 BUICK 20 REGAL (FWD) 18 BUICK 21 REATTA 18 BUICK 31 OPEL KADETT 18 BUICK 32 OPEL MANTA 18 BUICK 33 OPEL GT 18 BUICK 34 OPEL ISUZU 18 BUICK 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 18 BUICK 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 18 BUICK 401 RENDEZVOUS 18 BUICK 402 RAINIER 18 BUICK 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 18 BUICK 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 18 BUICK 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 19 CADILLAC 3 DEVILLE/FLEETWOOD 19 CADILLAC 4 LIMOUSINE 19 CADILLAC 5 ELDORADO 19 CADILLAC 6 COMMERCIAL SERIES 19 CADILLAC 9 ALLANTE 19 CADILLAC 14 SEVILLE 19 CADILLAC 16 CIMARRON 19 CADILLAC 17 CATERA 19 CADILLAC 18 CTS 19 CADILLAC 19 XLR 19 CADILLAC 20 SRX 19 CADILLAC 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 19 CADILLAC 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 19 CADILLAC 421 ESCALADE 19 CADILLAC 431 ESCALADE ESV 19 CADILLAC 480 ESCALADE EXT 19 CADILLAC 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 19 CADILLAC 498 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 19 CADILLAC 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 20 CHEVROLET 1 CHEVELLE/MALIBU (83-) 20 CHEVROLET 2 IMPALA/CAPRICE 20 CHEVROLET 4 CORVETTE 20 CHEVROLET 6 CORVAIR 20 CHEVROLET 7 EL CAMINO 20 CHEVROLET 8 NOVA (-79) 20 CHEVROLET 9 CAMARO 20 CHEVROLET 10 MONTE CARLO ('70-'88) (RWD ONLY) 20 CHEVROLET 11 VEGA 20 CHEVROLET 12 MONZA 20 CHEVROLET 13 CHEVETTE 20 CHEVROLET 15 CITATION 20 CHEVROLET 16 CAVALIER 20 CHEVROLET 17 CELEBRITY 20 CHEVROLET 19 BERETTA/CORSICA 20 CHEVROLET 20 LUMINA 20 CHEVROLET 31 SPECTRUM 20 CHEVROLET 32 NOVA/GEO PRIZM 20 CHEVROLET 33 SPRINT/GEO SPRINT 20 CHEVROLET 34 GEO METRO 20 CHEVROLET 35 GEO STORM 20 CHEVROLET 36 MONTE CARLO (1995+) (FWD ONLY) 20 CHEVROLET 37 MALIBU (1997+) 20 CHEVROLET 38 SSR 20 CHEVROLET 39 AVEO 20 CHEVROLET 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 365 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 20 CHEVROLET 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 20 CHEVROLET 401 S-10 BLAZER, BLAZER 20 CHEVROLET 402 GEO TRACKER 20 CHEVROLET 403 TRAILBLAZER (2002 and later) 20 CHEVROLET 404 EQUINOX 20 CHEVROLET 421 FULLSIZE BLAZER (K, Tahoe) 20 CHEVROLET 431 SUBURBAN 20 CHEVROLET 441 ASTRO VAN 20 CHEVROLET 442 LUMINA APV/VENTURE 20 CHEVROLET 461 G-SERIES VAN 20 CHEVROLET 466 P-SERIES VAN 20 CHEVROLET 470 VAN DERIVATIVE 20 CHEVROLET 471 S-10/T-10 20 CHEVROLET 472 LUV 20 CHEVROLET 473 COLORADO 20 CHEVROLET 481 C, K, R, V-SERIES PICKUP 20 CHEVROLET 482 AVALANCHE 20 CHEVROLET 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 20 CHEVROLET 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 20 CHEVROLET 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY CBE 20 CHEVROLET 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE LOW ENTRY 20 CHEVROLET 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 20 CHEVROLET 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY; UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 20 CHEVROLET 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY; UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCAITON 20 CHEVROLET 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 20 CHEVROLET 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 20 CHEVROLET 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 20 CHEVROLET 981 BUS 20 CHEVROLET 988 OTHER BUS 20 CHEVROLET 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 20 CHEVROLET 998 OTHER VEHICLE 20 CHEVROLET 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 21 OLDSMOBILE 1 CUTLASS (RWD-ONLY) 21 OLDSMOBILE 2 DELTA 88 21 OLDSMOBILE 3 NINETY-EIGHT 21 OLDSMOBILE 5 TORONADO-TROFEO 21 OLDSMOBILE 6 COMMERCIAL SERIES 21 OLDSMOBILE 12 STARFIRE 21 OLDSMOBILE 15 OMEGA 21 OLDSMOBILE 16 FIRENZA 21 OLDSMOBILE 17 CIERA 21 OLDSMOBILE 18 CALAIS 21 OLDSMOBILE 20 CUTLASS (FWD) 21 OLDSMOBILE 21 ACHIEVA 21 OLDSMOBILE 22 AURORA 21 OLDSMOBILE 23 INTRIGUE 21 OLDSMOBILE 24 ALERO 21 OLDSMOBILE 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 21 OLDSMOBILE 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 21 OLDSMOBILE 401 BRAVADA 21 OLDSMOBILE 441 SILHOUETTE 21 OLDSMOBILE 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 21 OLDSMOBILE 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 21 OLDSMOBILE 998 OTHER VEHICLE 21 OLDSMOBILE 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 22 PONTIAC 1 LEMANS/TEMPEST (THRU 79) 22 PONTIAC 2 BONNEVILLE/CATALINA/PARISIENNE 22 PONTIAC 5 FIERO LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 366 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 22 PONTIAC 8 VENTURA 22 PONTIAC 9 FIREBIRD/TRANS AM 22 PONTIAC 10 GRAND PRIX (RWD) 22 PONTIAC 11 ASTRE 22 PONTIAC 12 SUNBIRD (THRU 80) 22 PONTIAC 13 T1000/1000 22 PONTIAC 15 PHOENIX 22 PONTIAC 16 J2000/SUNBIRD/SUNFIRE 22 PONTIAC 17 6000 22 PONTIAC 18 GRAND AM 22 PONTIAC 20 GRAND PRIX (FWD) 22 PONTIAC 31 LEMANS (88-on) 22 PONTIAC 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 22 PONTIAC 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 22 PONTIAC 401 AZTEK 22 PONTIAC 402 VIBE 22 PONTIAC 441 TRANS SPORT/MONTANA 22 PONTIAC 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 22 PONTIAC 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 22 PONTIAC 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 22 PONTIAC OTHER LIGHT 23 GMC 7 CABALLERO/SPRINT 23 GMC 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 23 GMC 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 23 GMC 401 JIMMY/TYPHOON/ENVOY 23 GMC 421 FULLSIZE JIMMY/YUKON 23 GMC 431 SUBURBAN 23 GMC 441 SAFARI (MINIVAN) 23 GMC 461 G-SERIES VAN 23 GMC 466 P-SERIES VAN 23 GMC 470 VAN DERIVATIVE 23 GMC 471 S15/T15/SONOMA 23 GMC 472 CANYON 23 GMC 481 C, K, R, V-SERIES PICKUP 23 GMC 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 23 GMC 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 23 GMC 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY CBE 23 GMC 882 MEDIUM/HDAVY COE LOW ENTRY 23 GMC 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 23 GMC 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY: UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 23 GMC 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 23 GMC 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 23 GMC 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 23 GMC 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 23 GMC 981 MEDIUM BUS 23 GMC 988 OTHER BUS 23 GMC 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 23 GMC 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 24 SATURN 1 SL 24 SATURN 2 SC 24 SATURN 3 SW 24 SATURN 4 EV 24 SATURN 5 LS/ LS1/ LS2/L100/L200/L300 24 SATURN 6 LW/LW1/ LW2/ LW200/300 24 SATURN 7 ION 24 SATURN 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 24 SATURN 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 24 SATURN 401 VUE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 367 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 24 SATURN 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 24 SATURN 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 24 SATURN 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 25 GRUMMAN 441 LLV 25 GRUMMAN 442 STEP-IN VAN 25 GRUMMAN 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 25 GRUMMAN 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 25 GRUMMAN 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK - CBE 25 GRUMMAN 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK - COE LOW ENTRY 25 GRUMMAN 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK - COE HIGH ENTRY 25 GRUMMAN 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 25 GRUMMAN 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 25 GRUMMAN 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 25 GRUMMAN 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 25 GRUMMAN 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 25 GRUMMAN 983 BUS-FLAT FRONT, REAR ENGINE 25 GRUMMAN 988 OTHER BUS 25 GRUMMAN 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 25 GRUMMAN 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 29 STUDEBAKER 1 LARK 29 STUDEBAKER 1 GRAN TURISMO 29 STUDEBAKER 1 CRUISER 29 STUDEBAKER 1 HAWK 29 STUDEBAKER 1 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 AVANTI 1 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 AVANTI 1 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 STUDEBAKER 1 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 CHECKER 2 MARATHON 29 CHECKER 2 TAXI 29 CHECKER 2 AEROBUS 29 CHECKER 2 SUPERBA 29 CHECKER 2 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 CHECKER 2 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 EXCALIBER 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 CONSULIER 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 CONSULIER 398 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 398 OTHER MAKE 29 EXCALIBER 398 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 HUDSON 398 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 DESOTO 398 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 STUTZ 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 HUDSON 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 STUTZ 398 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 29 DESOTO 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 399 UNKNOWN MAKE 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 29 INDIAN 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 29 BUELL 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-051CC) 29 INDIAN 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 29 BUELL 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 29 INDIAN 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 29 BUELL 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 29 INDIAN 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 29 BUELL 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 29 INDIAN 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 368 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 29 BUELL 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 29 INDIAN 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC OR GREATER) 29 BUELL 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC OR GREATER) 29 INDIAN 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 29 BUELL 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 29 INDIAN 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 29 BUELL 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 29 INDIAN 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 29 BUELL 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 988 OTHER BUS 29 OTHER DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 998 OTHER VEHICLE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 31 KARMANN GHIA 30 VOLKSWAGEN 32 BEETLE 1300/1500 30 VOLKSWAGEN 33 SUPER BEETLE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 34 411/412 30 VOLKSWAGEN 35 SQUAREBACK/FASTBACK 30 VOLKSWAGEN 36 RABBIT 30 VOLKSWAGEN 37 DASHER 30 VOLKSWAGEN 38 SCIROCCO 30 VOLKSWAGEN 40 JETTA 30 VOLKSWAGEN 41 QUANTUM 30 VOLKSWAGEN 42 GOLF/CABRIOLET/GTI 30 VOLKSWAGEN 43 RABBIT PICKUP 30 VOLKSWAGEN 44 FOX 30 VOLKSWAGEN 45 CORRADO 30 VOLKSWAGEN 46 PASSAT 30 VOLKSWAGEN 47 JETTA III 30 VOLKSWAGEN 48 GOLF III 30 VOLKSWAGEN 49 NEW BEETLE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 50 PHAETON 30 VOLKSWAGEN 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 401 THE THING (181) 30 VOLKSWAGEN 421 TOUAREG 30 VOLKSWAGEN 441 VANAGON/CAMPER 30 VOLKSWAGEN 442 EUROVAN 30 VOLKSWAGEN 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 30 VOLKSWAGEN 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 30 VOLKSWAGEN 998 OTHER VEHICLE 30 VOLKSWAGEN 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 31 ALFA ROMEO 31 SPIDER 31 ALFA ROMEO 32 SPORTS SEDAN 31 ALFA ROMEO 33 SPRINT SPECIAL 31 ALFA ROMEO 34 GTV-6 31 ALFA ROMEO 35 164 31 ALFA ROMEO 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 31 ALFA ROMEO 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 31 ALFA ROMEO 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 32 AUDI 31 SUPER 90 32 AUDI 32 100/A6 32 AUDI 33 FOX 32 AUDI 34 4000 32 AUDI 35 5000 32 AUDI 36 80/90 32 AUDI 37 200 32 AUDI 38 V8 QUATTRO LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 369 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 32 AUDI 39 COUPE QUATTRO 32 AUDI 40 S4/S6 32 AUDI 41 CABRIOLET 32 AUDI 42 A4 32 AUDI 43 A3 32 AUDI 44 A8 32 AUDI 45 TT 32 AUDI 46 S8 32 AUDI 47 ALLROAD 32 AUDI 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 32 AUDI 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 32 AUDI 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 31 MARINA 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 32 AMERICA 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 33 HEALEY SPRITE 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 34 HEALY 3000 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 35 MINI 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 33 AUSTIN / AUSTIN HEALEY 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 34 BMW 31 1600, 2002 34 BMW 32 COUPE 34 BMW 33 BAVARIA SEDAN 34 BMW 34 3 SERIES 34 BMW 35 5 SERIES 34 BMW 36 6 SERIES 34 BMW 37 7 SERIES 34 BMW 38 8 SERIES 34 BMW 39 Z3 34 BMW 40 Z8 34 BMW 42 Z4 34 BMW 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 34 BMW 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 34 BMW 401 X5 34 BMW 402 X3 34 BMW 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 34 BMW 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 34 BMW 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 34 BMW 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 34 BMW 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 34 BMW 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 34 BMW 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 34 BMW 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 34 BMW 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 34 BMW 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 34 BMW 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 31 F10 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 32 200/240 SX 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 33 1200/210/B210 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 34 Z-CAR, ZX 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 35 310 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 36 510 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 37 610 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 38 710 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 39 810/MAXIMA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 40 ROADSTER 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 41 PL411, RL411 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 42 STANZA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 43 SENTRA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 44 PULSAR LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 370 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 45 MICRA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 46 NX 1600/2000 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 47 ALTIMA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 48 350Z 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 49 MURANO 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 401 PATHFINDER 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 402 XTERRA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 421 PATHFINDER ARMADA 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 441 VAN 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 442 AXXESS 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 443 QUEST 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 471 DATSUN/NISSAN PU/FRONTIER 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 473 TITAN 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 35 NISSAN / DATSUN 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 36 FIAT 31 124 (COUPE/SEDAN) 36 FIAT 32 124 SPIDER/RACER 36 FIAT 33 BRAVA - 131 36 FIAT 34 850 (COUPE/SPYDER) 36 FIAT 35 128 36 FIAT 36 X-1/9 36 FIAT 37 STRADA 36 FIAT 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 36 FIAT 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 36 FIAT 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE LOW ENTRY 36 FIAT 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 36 FIAT 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 36 FIAT 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 36 FIAT 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 36 FIAT 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 37 HONDA 31 CIVIC/CRX/DEL SOL 37 HONDA 32 ACCORD 37 HONDA 33 PRELUDE 37 HONDA 34 600 37 HONDA 35 S2000 37 HONDA 37 INSIGHT 37 HONDA 38 FCX 37 HONDA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 37 HONDA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 37 HONDA 401 PASSPORT 37 HONDA 402 CR-V 37 HONDA 403 ELEMENT 37 HONDA 421 PILOT 37 HONDA 441 ODYSSEY 37 HONDA 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 37 HONDA 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 37 HONDA 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 37 HONDA 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 37 HONDA 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 37 HONDA 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 37 HONDA 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 37 HONDA 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 371 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 37 HONDA 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 37 HONDA 731 ATC/ATV (000-050CC) 37 HONDA 732 ATC/ATV (051-124CC) 37 HONDA 733 ATC/ATV (125-349CC) 37 HONDA 734 ATC/ATV (350CC-OVER) 37 HONDA 739 ATC/ATV (UNKNOWN CC) 37 HONDA 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 37 HONDA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 38 ISUZU 31 I-MARK 38 ISUZU 32 IMPULSE 38 ISUZU 33 STYLUS 38 ISUZU 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 38 ISUZU 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 38 ISUZU 401 TROOPER/TROOPER II 38 ISUZU 402 RODEO 38 ISUZU 403 AMIGO 38 ISUZU 404 VEHICROSS 38 ISUZU 405 AXIOM 38 ISUZU 421 ASCENDER 38 ISUZU 441 OASIS 38 ISUZU 471 P'UP (PICKUP) HOMBRE 38 ISUZU 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 38 ISUZU 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 38 ISUZU 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 38 ISUZU 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE LOW ENTRY 38 ISUZU 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 38 ISUZU 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 38 ISUZU 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 38 ISUZU 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 38 ISUZU 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 38 ISUZU 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 38 ISUZU 981 CONVENTIONAL FRONT ENGINE 38 ISUZU 982 FRONT ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 38 ISUZU 983 REAR ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 38 ISUZU 988 OTHER BUS 38 ISUZU 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 38 ISUZU 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 39 JAGUAR 31 XJ-S COUPE 39 JAGUAR 32 VANDEN PLAS 39 JAGUAR 32 XJ6/12 SEDAN/COUPE/XJ8/ 39 JAGUAR 33 XKE 39 JAGUAR 34 S-TYPE 39 JAGUAR 34 X100 39 JAGUAR 35 X-TYPE 39 JAGUAR 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 39 JAGUAR 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 39 JAGUAR 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 40 LANCIA 31 BETA SEDAN-HPE 40 LANCIA 32 BETA COUPE - ZAGATO 40 LANCIA 33 SCORPION 40 LANCIA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 40 LANCIA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 40 LANCIA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 41 MAZDA 31 RX2 41 MAZDA 32 RX3 41 MAZDA 33 RX4 41 MAZDA 34 RX7 41 MAZDA 35 GLC/PROTEGE/323 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 372 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 41 MAZDA 36 COSMO 41 MAZDA 37 626 41 MAZDA 38 808 41 MAZDA 39 MIZER 41 MAZDA 40 R-100 41 MAZDA 41 616/618 41 MAZDA 42 1800 41 MAZDA 43 929 41 MAZDA 44 MX-6 41 MAZDA 45 MIATA 41 MAZDA 46 MX-3 41 MAZDA 47 MILLENIA 41 MAZDA 48 MP3 41 MAZDA 49 RX-8 41 MAZDA 50 MAZDA 6 41 MAZDA 51 MAZDA3 41 MAZDA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 41 MAZDA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 41 MAZDA 401 NAVAJO 41 MAZDA 402 TRIBUTE 41 MAZDA 441 MPV 41 MAZDA 471 MAZDA PICKUP 41 MAZDA 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 41 MAZDA 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 41 MAZDA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 31 200/220/230/240/250/260/280/300/320 SE,CD,D,SD,ETC 42 MERCEDES BENZ 32 230/280 SL 42 MERCEDES BENZ 33 300/350/380/450/500SL/560SL 42 MERCEDES BENZ 34 350/380/420/450/560/ SLC 42 MERCEDES BENZ 35 280/300SEL 42 MERCEDES BENZ 36 380/420/450/500/560SEL/500SEC/560S EC/350SDL/300SDL 42 MERCEDES BENZ 37 300 SE/380/450 SE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 38 600, 6.9 SEDAB 42 MERCEDES BENZ 39 190 42 MERCEDES BENZ 40 300 42 MERCEDES BENZ 41 400/500 E 42 MERCEDES BENZ 42 220/280 C 42 MERCEDES BENZ 43 S CLASS 42 MERCEDES BENZ 44 SL CLASS 42 MERCEDES BENZ 45 SLK 42 MERCEDES BENZ 46 CL 42 MERCEDES BENZ 47 CLK 42 MERCEDES BENZ 48 E 42 MERCEDES BENZ 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 401 M 42 MERCEDES BENZ 402 G CLASS 42 MERCEDES BENZ 470 VAN DERIVATIVE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 42 MERCEDES BENZ 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 42 MERCEDES BENZ 881 MEDIUM/HEAVE - CBE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE LOW ENTRY 42 MERCEDES BENZ 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE HIGH ENTRY 42 MERCEDES BENZ 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY; UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 42 MERCEDES BENZ 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 42 MERCEDES BENZ 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 373 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 42 MERCEDES BENZ 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 42 MERCEDES BENZ 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 42 MERCEDES BENZ 981 MEDIUM BUS 42 MERCEDES BENZ 988 OTHER BUS 42 MERCEDES BENZ 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 42 MERCEDES BENZ 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 43 MG 31 MIDGET 43 MG 32 MGB ('76-'79) 43 MG 33 MGB ('67-'75) 43 MG 34 MGA 43 MG 35 TA/TC/TD/TF 43 MG 36 MGC 43 MG 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 43 MG 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 43 MG 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 44 PEUGEOT 31 304 44 PEUGEOT 32 403 44 PEUGEOT 33 404 44 PEUGEOT 34 504/505 44 PEUGEOT 35 604 44 PEUGEOT 36 405 44 PEUGEOT 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 44 PEUGEOT 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 44 PEUGEOT 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 44 PEUGEOT 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 44 PEUGEOT 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 44 PEUGEOT 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 44 PEUGEOT 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 45 PORSCHE 31 911 45 PORSCHE 32 912 45 PORSCHE 33 914 45 PORSCHE 34 924 45 PORSCHE 35 928 45 PORSCHE 36 930 45 PORSCHE 37 944 45 PORSCHE 38 959 45 PORSCHE 39 968 45 PORSCHE 40 986 BOXSTER 45 PORSCHE 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 45 PORSCHE 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 45 PORSCHE 421 CAYENNE 45 PORSCHE 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 46 RENAULT/AMC 31 LECAR 46 RENAULT/AMC 32 DAUPHINE/10/R-8/CARAVELLE 46 RENAULT/AMC 33 12 46 RENAULT/AMC 34 15 46 RENAULT/AMC 35 16 46 RENAULT/AMC 36 17 46 RENAULT/AMC 37 R18I 46 RENAULT/AMC 38 FUEGO 46 RENAULT/AMC 39 ALLIANCE/ENCORE/GTA, CONVERTIBLE 46 RENAULT/AMC 41 ALPINE 46 RENAULT/AMC 44 MEDALLION 46 RENAULT/AMC 45 PREMIER 46 RENAULT/AMC 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 46 RENAULT/AMC 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 46 RENAULT/AMC 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 47 SAAB 31 99/99E/900 47 SAAB 32 SONNETT 47 SAAB 33 95/96/97 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 374 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 47 SAAB 34 9000, CS 47 SAAB 35 9 - 3 47 SAAB 36 9 - 5 47 SAAB 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 47 SAAB 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 47 SAAB 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 48 SUBARU 31 DL/FE/G/GF/GL/GLF/STD/LOYALE 48 SUBARU 32 STAR 48 SUBARU 33 360 48 SUBARU 34 LEGACY 48 SUBARU 35 XT/XT6 48 SUBARU 36 JUSTY 48 SUBARU 37 SVX 48 SUBARU 38 IMPREZA 48 SUBARU 43 BRAT DL, GL 48 SUBARU 44 BAJA 48 SUBARU 45 OUTBACK 48 SUBARU 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 48 SUBARU 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 48 SUBARU 401 FORESTER 48 SUBARU 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 48 SUBARU 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 48 SUBARU 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 49 TOYOTA 31 CORONA 49 TOYOTA 32 COROLLA 49 TOYOTA 33 CELICA 49 TOYOTA 34 SUPRA 49 TOYOTA 35 CRESSIDA 49 TOYOTA 36 CROWN 49 TOYOTA 37 CARINA 49 TOYOTA 38 TERCEL 49 TOYOTA 39 STARLET 49 TOYOTA 40 CAMRY 49 TOYOTA 41 MR-2 49 TOYOTA 42 PASEO 49 TOYOTA 43 AVALON 49 TOYOTA 44 SOLARA 49 TOYOTA 45 ECHO 49 TOYOTA 46 PRIUS 49 TOYOTA 48 SCION XA 49 TOYOTA 49 SCION XB 49 TOYOTA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 49 TOYOTA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 49 TOYOTA 401 4-RUNNER 49 TOYOTA 402 RAV-4 49 TOYOTA 403 HIGHLANDER 49 TOYOTA 403 HIGHLANDER 49 TOYOTA 404 MATRIX 49 TOYOTA 421 LANDCRUISER 49 TOYOTA 422 SEQUOIA 49 TOYOTA 441 MINVAN/PREVIA 49 TOYOTA 442 SIENNA 49 TOYOTA 471 PICKUP 49 TOYOTA 472 TACOMA 49 TOYOTA 481 T-100 49 TOYOTA 482 TUNDRA 49 TOYOTA 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 49 TOYOTA 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 49 TOYOTA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 50 TRIUMPH 31 SPITFIRE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 375 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 50 TRIUMPH 32 GT-6 50 TRIUMPH 33 TR4 50 TRIUMPH 34 TR6 50 TRIUMPH 35 TR7/8 50 TRIUMPH 36 HERALD 50 TRIUMPH 37 STAG 50 TRIUMPH 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 50 TRIUMPH 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 50 TRIUMPH 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 50 TRIUMPH 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 50 TRIUMPH 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 50 TRIUMPH 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 50 TRIUMPH 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 50 TRIUMPH 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 50 TRIUMPH 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 50 TRIUMPH 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 50 TRIUMPH 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 51 VOLVO 31 122 51 VOLVO 32 142/144/145 51 VOLVO 33 164 51 VOLVO 34 240/242/244/245 51 VOLVO 35 262/264/265 51 VOLVO 36 1800 51 VOLVO 38 760/780 51 VOLVO 39 740 51 VOLVO 40 940 51 VOLVO 41 960 51 VOLVO 42 850 51 VOLVO 43 70 SERIES 51 VOLVO 44 90 SERIES 51 VOLVO 45 80 SERIES 51 VOLVO 46 4O SERIES 51 VOLVO 47 60 SERIES 51 VOLVO 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 51 VOLVO 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 51 VOLVO 401 XC90 51 VOLVO 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY CBE 51 VOLVO 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE LOW ENTRY 51 VOLVO 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY COE HIGH ENTRY 51 VOLVO 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 51 VOLVO 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 51 VOLVO 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 51 VOLVO 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 51 VOLVO 981 MEDIUM BUS 51 VOLVO 988 OTHER BUS 51 VOLVO 989 UNKNOWN TYPE BUS 51 VOLVO 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 52 MITSUBISHI 31 STARION 52 MITSUBISHI 32 TREDIA 52 MITSUBISHI 33 CORDIA 52 MITSUBISHI 34 GALANT 52 MITSUBISHI 35 MIRAGE 52 MITSUBISHI 36 PRECIS 52 MITSUBISHI 37 ECLIPSE 52 MITSUBISHI 38 SIGMA 52 MITSUBISHI 39 3000GT 52 MITSUBISHI 40 DIAMANTE 52 MITSUBISHI 46 LANCER LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 376 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 52 MITSUBISHI 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 52 MITSUBISHI 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 52 MITSUBISHI 401 MONTERO 52 MITSUBISHI 402 OUTLANDER 52 MITSUBISHI 403 ENDEAVOR 52 MITSUBISHI 441 MINIVAN 52 MITSUBISHI 442 EXPO WAGON 52 MITSUBISHI 471 PICKUP 52 MITSUBISHI 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 52 MITSUBISHI 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 52 MITSUBISHI 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE LOW ENTRY 52 MITSUBISHI 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 52 MITSUBISHI 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 52 MITSUBISHI 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 52 MITSUBISHI 981 CONVENTIONAL FRONT ENGINE 52 MITSUBISHI 982 FRONT ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 52 MITSUBISHI 983 REAR ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 52 MITSUBISHI 988 OTHER BUS 52 MITSUBISHI 989 UNKNOWN TYPE BUS 52 MITSUBISHI 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 53 SUZUKI 31 SA310 53 SUZUKI 34 SWIFT 53 SUZUKI 35 ESTEEM 53 SUZUKI 36 AERIO 53 SUZUKI 37 FORENZA 53 SUZUKI 38 VERONA 53 SUZUKI 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 53 SUZUKI 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 53 SUZUKI 401 SAMURAI 53 SUZUKI 402 SIDEKICK/GRAND VITARA 53 SUZUKI 403 X-90/VITARA 53 SUZUKI 404 GRAND VITARA 53 SUZUKI 405 XL7 53 SUZUKI 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 53 SUZUKI 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 53 SUZUKI 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 53 SUZUKI 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 53 SUZUKI 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 53 SUZUKI 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 53 SUZUKI 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 53 SUZUKI 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 53 SUZUKI 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 53 SUZUKI 731 ATC/ATV (000-050CC) 53 SUZUKI 732 ATC/ATV (051-124CC) 53 SUZUKI 733 ATC/ATV (125-349CC) 53 SUZUKI 734 ATC/ATV (350CC-OVER) 53 SUZUKI 739 ATC/ATV (UNKNOWN CC) 53 SUZUKI 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 53 SUZUKI 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 54 ACURA 31 INTEGRA 54 ACURA 32 LEGEND 54 ACURA 32 RL 54 ACURA 33 NSX 54 ACURA 34 VIGOR 54 ACURA 35 TL 54 ACURA 35 CL 54 ACURA 38 RSX 54 ACURA 39 TSX 54 ACURA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 54 ACURA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 377 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 54 ACURA 401 SLX 54 ACURA 421 MDX 54 ACURA 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 54 ACURA 499 UNKNOWN TYPE LIGHT TRUCK 54 ACURA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 55 HYUNDAI 31 PONY 55 HYUNDAI 32 EXCEL 55 HYUNDAI 33 SONATA 55 HYUNDAI 34 SCOUPE 55 HYUNDAI 35 ELANTRA 55 HYUNDAI 36 ACCENT 55 HYUNDAI 37 TIBURON 55 HYUNDAI 38 XG300/350 55 HYUNDAI 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 55 HYUNDAI 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 55 HYUNDAI 401 SANTA FE 55 HYUNDAI 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 55 HYUNDAI 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 55 HYUNDAI 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 56 MERKUR 31 XR4Ti 56 MERKUR 32 SCORPIO 56 MERKUR 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 56 MERKUR 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 56 MERKUR 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 57 YUGO 31 GV 57 YUGO 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 57 YUGO 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 57 YUGO 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 58 INFINITI 31 M30 58 INFINITI 32 Q45 58 INFINITI 33 G20 58 INFINITI 34 J30 58 INFINITI 35 I30 58 INFINITI 36 I35 58 INFINITI 37 G35 58 INFINITI 38 M45 58 INFINITI 39 FX35/45 58 INFINITI 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 58 INFINITI 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 58 INFINITI 401 QX4 58 INFINITI 421 QX56 58 INFINITI 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 58 INFINITI 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 58 INFINITI 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 59 LEXUS 31 ES250/ES-300 59 LEXUS 32 LS400 59 LEXUS 33 SC-300/SC-400 59 LEXUS 34 GS300/GS400 59 LEXUS 35 IS-300 59 LEXUS 36 SC 430 59 LEXUS 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 59 LEXUS 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 59 LEXUS 401 RX300 59 LEXUS 402 GX470 59 LEXUS 421 LX 450/470 59 LEXUS 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 59 LEXUS 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 59 LEXUS 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 60 DAIHATSU 31 CHARADE 60 DAIHATSU 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 378 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 60 DAIHATSU 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 60 DAIHATSU 401 ROCKY 60 DAIHATSU 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 60 DAIHATSU 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 60 DAIHATSU 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 61 STERLING 31 827S 61 STERLING 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 61 STERLING 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 61 STERLING 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 62 LAND ROVER 401 DISCOVERY (LR) 62 LAND ROVER 421 COUNTY LWB (RR) / COUNT CLASSIC (RR) 62 LAND ROVER 422 FREELANDER 62 LAND ROVER 422 4.0 SE (RR) 62 LAND ROVER 422 DEFENDER 90 (LR) 62 LAND ROVER 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 62 LAND ROVER 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 62 LAND ROVER 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 63 KIA 31 SEPHIA 63 KIA 32 SPECTRA 63 KIA 33 RIO 63 KIA 34 OPTIMA 63 KIA 35 AMANTI 63 KIA 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 63 KIA 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 63 KIA 401 SPORTAGE 63 KIA 402 SORRENTO 63 KIA 441 SEDONA 63 KIA 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 63 KIA 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 63 KIA 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 64 DAEWOO 31 LANOS 64 DAEWOO 32 NUBIRA 64 DAEWOO 33 LEGANZA 64 DAEWOO 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 64 DAEWOO 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 64 DAEWOO 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 65 MINI 31 COOPER,COOPER S 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 LAGONDA 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 VOLANTE 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 SALOON 69 ASTON MARTIN 31 VANTAGE 69 BRICKLIN 32 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 BRICKLIN 32 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 CITROEN 33 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 CITROEN 33 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 DELOREAN 34 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 DELOREAN 34 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 FERRARI 35 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 FERRARI 35 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 HILLMAN 36 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 HILLMAN 36 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 JENSEN 37 HEALY 69 JENSEN 37 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 JENSEN 37 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 LAMBORGHINI 38 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 LAMBORGHINI 38 JALPA 69 LAMBORGHINI 38 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 LAMBORGHINI 38 COUNTACH 5000S LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 379 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 69 LOTUS 39 EUROPE 69 LOTUS 39 ESPRIT 69 LOTUS 39 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 LOTUS 39 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 MASERATI 40 BITURBO 69 MASERATI 40 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 MASERATI 40 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 MORRIS 41 MINOR 69 MORRIS 41 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 MORRIS 41 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 ROLLS ROYCE/BENTLEY 42 CLOUD/SHADOW SERIES 69 ROLLS ROYCE/BENTLEY 42 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 ROLLS ROYCE/BENTLEY 42 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 SIMCA 44 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 SIMCA 44 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 SUNBEAM 45 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 SUNBEAM 45 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 TVR 46 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 TVR 46 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 DESTA 48 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 DESTA 48 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 RELIANT 49 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 RELIANT 49 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 BERTONE 52 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 BERTONE 52 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 LADA 53 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 69 LADA 53 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 398 OTHER MAKE 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 399 UNKOWN MAKE 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 988 OTHER BUS 69 OTHER FOREIGN MANUFACTURER (light vehicles) 998 OTHER VEHICLE 70 BSA 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 70 BSA 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 70 BSA 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 70 BSA 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 70 BSA 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 70 BSA 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 70 BSA 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 70 BSA 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 70 BSA 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 71 DUCATI 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 71 DUCATI 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 71 DUCATI 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 71 DUCATI 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 71 DUCATI 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 71 DUCATI 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 71 DUCATI 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 71 DUCATI 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 71 DUCATI 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 380 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 72 HARLEY-DAVIDSON 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 73 KAWASAKI 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 73 KAWASAKI 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 73 KAWASAKI 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 73 KAWASAKI 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 73 KAWASAKI 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 73 KAWASAKI 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 73 KAWASAKI 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 73 KAWASAKI 731 ATC/ATV (000-050CC) 73 KAWASAKI 732 ATC/ATV (051-124CC) 73 KAWASAKI 733 ATC/ATV (125-349CC) 73 KAWASAKI 734 ATC/ATV (350CC-OVER) 73 KAWASAKI 739 ATC/ATV (UNKNOWN CC) 73 KAWASAKI 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 73 KAWASAKI 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 74 MOTO-GUZZI 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 731 ATC/ATV (000-050CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 732 ATC/ATV (051-124CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 733 ATC/ATV (125-349CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 734 ATC/ATV (350CC-OVER) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 739 ATC/ATV (UNKNOWN CC) 74 MOTO-GUZZI 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 74 MOTO-GUZZI 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 75 NORTON 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 75 NORTON 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 75 NORTON 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 75 NORTON 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 75 NORTON 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 75 NORTON 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 75 NORTON 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 75 NORTON 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 75 NORTON 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 76 YAMAHA 701 MOTORCYCLE (000-050CC) 76 YAMAHA 702 MOTORCYCLE (051-124CC) 76 YAMAHA 703 MOTORCYCLE (125-349CC) 76 YAMAHA 704 MOTORCYCLE (350-449CC) 76 YAMAHA 705 MOTORCYCLE (450-749CC) 76 YAMAHA 706 MOTORCYCLE (750CC-OVER) 76 YAMAHA 709 MOTORCYCLE (UNKNOWN CC) 76 YAMAHA 731 ATC/ATV (000-050CC) 76 YAMAHA 732 ATC/ATV (051-124CC) 76 YAMAHA 733 ATC/ATV (125-349CC) 76 YAMAHA 734 ATC/ATV (350CC-OVER) 76 YAMAHA 739 ATC/ATV (UNKNOWN CC) 76 YAMAHA 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 76 YAMAHA 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 76 YAMAHA 998 OTHER VEHICLE 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 701 0-50cc 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 702 51-124cc LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 381 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 709 UNKNOWN cc 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 78 OTHER MAKE MOPED 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 701 0-50cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 702 51-124cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 703 125-349cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 704 350-449cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 705 450-749cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 706 750c or greater 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 709 Unknown cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 731 ATC/ATV 0-50cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 732 ATC/ATV 51-124cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 733 ATC/ATV 125-349cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 734 ATC/ATV 350cc OR GREATER 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 739 ATV/ATC UNKNOWN cc 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 798 OTHER MOTORED CYCLE 79 OTHER MAKE MOTORED CYCLE 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 80 BROCKWAY 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 80 BROCKWAY 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 80 BROCKWAY 882 MEDIUM/HEAVE - COE/LOW ENTRY 80 BROCKWAY 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE HIGH ENTRY 80 BROCKWAY 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 80 BROCKWAY 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 80 BROCKWAY 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 80 BROCKWAY 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 81 DIAMOND REO/REO 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 461 SPRINTER/ADVANTAGE 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 470 M-LINE WALK IN VAN 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 899 UNKNOWN LIGHT/MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 981 BUS CONVENTIONAL ENGINE OUT FRONT 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 982 BUS FRONT ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 983 BUS REAR ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 988 OTHER BUS 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 82 FREIGHTLINER/WHITE 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 83 FWD 850 MEIDUM/HEAVY TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 382 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 83 FWD 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 83 FWD 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 83 FWD 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 83 FWD 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 83 FWD 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 83 FWD 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 83 FWD 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 421 SCOUT 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 431 TRAVELALL 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 466 MULTISTOP VAN 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 481 PICKUP 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 850 TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 881 MEDIUM HEAVY - CBE 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE LOW ENTRY 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE HIGH ENTRY 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY: UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY: COE ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 950 BUS BASED MOTOHOME 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 981 CONVENTIONAL BUS 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 982 BUS-FLAT FRONT, FRONT ENGINE 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 983 BUS-FLAT FRONT, REAR ENGINE 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 988 OTHER BUS 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 998 OTHER VEHICLE 84 INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER/NAVISTAR 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 85 KENWORTH 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 85 KENWORTH 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 85 KENWORTH 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 85 KENWORTH 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 85 KENWORTH 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 85 KENWORTH 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 85 KENWORTH 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 85 KENWORTH 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 86 MACK 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 86 MACK 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 86 MACK 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 86 MACK 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 86 MACK 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 86 MACK 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 86 MACK 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 86 MACK 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 87 PETERBILT 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 87 PETERBILT 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 87 PETERBILT 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 87 PETERBILT 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 87 PETERBILT 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 383 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 87 PETERBILT 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 87 PETERBILT 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 87 PETERBILT 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 850 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 881 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 882 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 883 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 884 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKOWN ENGINE LOCATION 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 890 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 88 IVECO/MAGIRUS 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 398 OTHER AUTOMOBILE 98 WINNEBAGO 470 VAN BASED MOTORHOME 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 498 OTHER LIGHT TRUCK 98 WINNEBAGO 498 LIGHT TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 98 WINNEBAGO 499 UNKNOWN TYPE LIGHT MOTORHOME 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 AUTOCAR 801 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 AUTOCAR 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 AUTO-UNION-DKW 802 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 DIVCO 803 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 WESTERN STAR 804 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 384 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 OSHKOSH 805 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 HINO 806 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 SCANIA 807 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 STERLING TRUCKS 808 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 850 TRUCK BASED MOTORHOME 98 WINNEBAGO 850 MOTOR HOME 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 WINNEBAGO 898 MEDIUM / HEAVY OTHER 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 898 OTHER MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - OTHER 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/ENTRY POSITION UNKNOWN 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/HIGH ENTRY 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - CBE 98 WARD LAFRANCE 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - UNKNOWN ENGINE LOCATION 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY - COE/LOW ENTRY 98 MARMON 898 MEDIUM/HEAVY BASED MOTORHOME 98 WINNEBAGO 899 MEDIUM / HEAVY UNKNOWN 98 NEOPLAN 902 BUS - CONVENTIONAL FRONT ENGINE 98 NEOPLAN 902 BUS BASED MOTORHOME 98 NEOPLAN 902 BUS - FRONT ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 98 NEOPLAN 902 BUS - REAR ENGINE/FLAT FRONT 98 NEOPLAN 902 OTHER BUS 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 950 BUS BASED MOTORHOME 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 988 OTHER BUS 98 OTHER MAKE (med/heavy truck/bus or "other") 998 OTHER VEHICLE 98 WINNEBAGO 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 385 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 399 UNKNOWN AUTOMOBILE 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 499 UNKNOWN LIGHT TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 799 UNKNOWN MOTORED CYCLE 99 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCKS AND BUSES MANUFACTURER 899 Unknown medium/heavy truck 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 899 UNK TYPE TRUCK (LIGHT/MED/HEAVY) 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 899 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCK 99 UNKNOWN MEDIUM/HEAVY TRUCKS AND BUSES MANUFACTURER 988 Unknown bus type 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 989 UNKNOWN BUS TYPE 99 UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 99 UNKNOWN DOMESTIC MANUFACTURER 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE 99 UNKNOWN FOREIGN MANUFACTURER 999 UNKNOWN VEHICLE Vehicle Model Year Definition: This variable establishes the model year that the vehicle was manufactured. Source: Primary source is the VIN during vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEYear. Congruent with GeneralVehicle.VINYear, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Related to TruckUnits.ManufactureDate if TruckUnits.TUNPosition =1 when applicable. Variable Name: OVEYear Attribute Codes Code* 9999 Meaning Actual coded model year Unknown Truck Configuration Definition: This variable provides a summary of the configuration of the rig. Letter codes are “strung together” (listed from left to right) to represent the order of equipment in the rig. For example, a tractor pulling two trailers connected by an A-dolly would have a configuration of “TSAS”. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Identical to TruckExterior.TEXConfiguration when applicable. Elaborates on TruckExterior.PowerUnitType when applicable. Variable Name: OVEConfiguration LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 386 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning R Straight truck T Tractor S Semi-trailer F Full trailer G Gooseneck hitch O Other trailer (specify) U Unknown trailer type A A dolly B B train C C dolly X Unknown dolly J Jeep P Bus I Implement of husbandry Not Insp Not inspected 88 Non truck 99 Unknown Pre-Event Movement Definition: This variable establishes the subject vehicle’s pre-critical event movement pattern. The pre-event movement pattern is usually described as the point that both precedes the critical precrash envelope and that precedes vehicle motions that place the involved vehicle(s) on an imminent collision path. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, and witness interviews. It should be noted, however, that this may be a subjective decision based on the preponderance of available evidence. Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.PreEventMovement. Variable Name: Movement Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00 No driver present 1 Going Straight 2 Decelerating in traffic lane 3 Accelerating in traffic lane 4 Starting in traffic lane 5 Stopped in traffic lane 6 Passing or overtaking another vehicle 7 Disabled or parked in travel lane 8 Leaving a parking position 9 Entering a parking position 10 Turning right 11 Turning left LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 387 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 12 Making a U-turn 13 Backing up (other than for parking position) 14 Negotiating a curve 15 Changing lanes 16 Merging 17 Successful avoidance maneuver to a previous critical event 98 Other (specify) 99 Unknown Critical Precrash Event Definition: This variable identifies the event which made the crash imminent (i.e. something occurred which made the collision inevitable). A precrash critical event is coded for each vehicle in the crash and documents the circumstances leading to this vehicle’s first impact in the crash sequence. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. It should be noted, however, that this may be a subjective decision based on the preponderance of available evidence. Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.ACRCriticalEvent. Elaborates on CrashAssessment.CriticalEventCat. Variable Name: OVECriticalEvent Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Blow out/flat tire, (specify blow out/flat, location/make) 2 Stalled engine 3 Disabling vehicle failure (e.g., wheel fell off) Specify: 4 Non-disabling vehicle problem (e.g., hood flew up) Specify: 5 Poor road conditions (Puddle, pot hole, ice, etc.) Specify: 6 Traveling too fast for conditions 7 Jackknife Event 8 Other cause of control loss (specify) 9 Unknown cause of control loss 10 Over the lane line on left side of travel lane 11 Over the lane line on right side of travel lane 12 Off the edge of the road on the left side 13 Off the edge of the road on the right side 14 End departure 15 Turning left at intersection 16 Turning right at intersection 17 Crossing over (passing through) intersection 18 This vehicle decelerating 19 Unknown travel direction 50 Other vehicle stopped 51 Traveling in same direction with low steady speed 52 Traveling in same direction while decelerating 53 Traveling in same direction with higher speed LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 388 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 54 Traveling in opposite direction 55 In crossover 56 Backing 59 Unknown travel direction of other motor vehicle in lane 60 From adjacent lane (same direction) - over left lane line 61 From adjacent lane (same direction - over right lane line 62 From opposite direction-over left lane line 63 From opposite direction -over right lane line 64 From parking lane 65 From crossing street, turning into same direction 66 From crossing street, across path 67 From crossing street, turning into opposite direction 68 From crossing street, intended path not known 70 From driveway, turning into same direction 71 From driveway, across path 72 From driveway, turning into opposite direction 73 From driveway, intended path not known 74 From enterance to limited access highway 78 Encroachment by other vehicle-details unknown 80 Pedestrian in roadway 81 Pedestrian approaching roadway 82 Pedestrian-unknown location 83 Pedalcyclist or other nonmotorist in roadway (specify): 84 Pedalcyclist or other nonmotorist approaching roadway Specify 85 Pedalcyclist or other nonmotorist-unknown location (specify) 87 Animal in roadway 88 Animal approaching roadway 89 Animal - unknown location 90 Object in roadway 91 Object approaching roadway 92 Object - unknown location 98 Other (specify) 99 Unknown 100 Cargo Shift 125 Not involved first harmful event Critical Reason For The Critical Precrash Event Definition: This variable establishes the critical reason for the occurrence of the critical event. The critical reason is the immediate reason for this event and is often the last failure in the causal chain (i.e. closest in time to the critical precrash event). Although the critical reason is an important part of the description of crash events, it is not the cause of the crash nor does it imply the assignment of fault. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. It should be noted, however, that this may be a subjective decision based on the preponderance of available evidence. Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.ACRReason. Elaborates on CrashAssessment.ReasonCat. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 389 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Variable Name: OVEReason Attribute Codes Code Meaning 000 Critical event not coded to this vehicle 100 Sleep, that is, actually asleep 101 Heart attack or other physical impairment of the ability to act 108 Other critical non-performance (specify) 109 Unknown critical non-performance 110 Inattention (i.e., daydreaming) 111 Internal distraction 112 External distraction 113 Inadequate surveillance (e.g., failed to look, looked but did not see) 118 Other recognition error (specify) 119 Unknown recognition error 120 Too fast for conditions to be able to respond to unexpected actions of other road users (specify) 121 Too slow for traffic stream 122 Misjudgment of gap or other's speed 123 Following too closely to respond to unexpected actions 124 False assumption of other road user's actions 125 Illegal maneuver 126 Failure to turn on headlamps 127 Inadequate evasive action, e.g. braking only, not braking and steering 128 Aggressive driving behavior 138 Other decision error (specify) 139 Unknown decision error 140 Too fast for curve/turn 141 Panic/Freezing 142 Overcompensation 143 Poor directional control e.g., failing to control vehicle with skill ordinarily expected 148 Other performance error (specify) 149 Unknown performance error 199 Type of driver error unknown 200 Tires/wheels failed 201 Brakes failed 202 Steering failed 203 Cargo shifted 204 Trailer attachment failed 205 Suspension failed 206 Lights failed 207 Vehicle related vision obstructions 208 Body, doors, hood failed 209 Jackknifed 298 Other vehicle failure (specify) 299 Unknown vehicle failures 500 Signs/signals missing 501 Signs/signals erroneous/defective 502 Signs/signals inadequate LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 390 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 503 View obstructions by roadway design/furniture 504 View obstructed by other vehicles 505 Road design - roadway geometry (e.g., ramp curvature) 506 Road design - sight distance 507 Road design - other 508 Maintenance problems (potholes, deteriorated road edges, etc.) 509 Slick roads (low friction road surface due to ice, loose debris, any other cause) 518 Other highway-related condition (specify) 521 Rain, snow 522 Fog 523 Wind gust 528 Other weather-related condition (specify) 530 Glare 531 Blowing debris 538 Other sudden change in ambience (specify) 540 Degraded braking capability 541 Transmission/engine failure 999 Unknown reason for critical event Attempted Avoidance Maneuver Definition: Attempted avoidance maneuvers are movements/actions initiated by the subject driver, within the crucial crash envelope, in response to a critical precrash event. Attempted avoidance maneuvers occur after the driver has realization of an impending danger. This variable documents the driver’s actions initiated in response to the realization of impending danger. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.ACRAvoidance. Variable Name: OVEAvoidance Attribute Codes Code Meaning 00 No driver present 1 No avoidance maneuver 2 Braking (no lockup) 3 Braking (lockup) 4 Braking (lockup unknown) 5 Releasing brakes 6 Steering left 7 Steering right 8 Braking and steering left 9 Braking and steering right 10 Accelerating 11 Accelerating and steering left 12 Accelerating and steering right LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 391 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 98 Other action (specify) 99 Unknown Pre-Impact Stability Definition: The purpose of this variable is to assess the stability of the vehicle after the critical event. The stability of the vehicle prior to an avoidance action is not considered except in the following situation: A vehicle that is out of control (e.g. yawing clockwise) prior to an avoidance maneuver is coded “Other vehicle loss of control” only if an avoidance action was taken in response to an impending danger. Thus, the variable focuses upon this vehicle’s dynamics after the critical event. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.ACRStability. Variable Name: OVEStability Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No driver present 1 Tracking 2 Skidding longitudinally->rotation less than 30 degrees 3 Skidding laterally->clockwise rotation 4 Skidding laterally->counterclockwise rotation 8 Other vehicle loss-of-control (specify) 9 Pre-crash stability unknown Pre-Impact Location Definition: This variable reports the location of the subject vehicle at the point where its pre- impact stability is determined. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.ACRLocation. Variable Name: OVELocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No driver present 1 Stayed in original travel lane 2 Stayed on roadway but left original travel lane 3 Stayed on roadway, not known if left original travel lane 4 Departed roadway 5 Remained off roadway LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 392 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 6 Returned to roadway 7 Entered roadway 9 Unknown Right-Of-Way? Definition: This variable establishes vehicle right-of-way characteristics, from a legal perspective, for the subject vehicle. Specifically, did this vehicle have the right-of-way? Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources included the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection reports. Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.ACRRightOfWay. Variable Name: OVERightOfWay Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes 2 No 88 Not applicable 99 Unknown Crash Configuration Definition: This variable is used in categorizing the collisions of drivers involved in crashes. A collision is defined here as the first harmful event in a crash between a vehicle and some object, accompanied by property damage or human injury. The object may be another vehicle, a person, an animal, a fixed object, the road surface, or the ground. If the first collision is a rollover, the impact is with the ground or road surface. The collision may also involve plowing into soft ground, if severe deceleration results in damage or injury. A road departure without damage or injury is not defined as a collision. This variable is part of the larger variable “Crash Type.” The “Crash Type” variable is actually broken down into three components: the crash category, the crash configuration, and the accident type. This variable only deals with the configuration of the crash. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection reports. Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.AccidentCat. Derived from CrashAssessment.CrashCode. Derived from Overview.OVECrashCode. Variable Name: OVEAccidentType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Right Roadside Departure 2 Rear-End 3 Head-On 4 Turn Across Path 5 Straight Paths 6 Same Trafficway Opposite Directions - Sideswipe/Angle LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 393 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 7 Left Roadside Departure 8 Same Trafficway Same Direction - Forward Impact 9 Same Trafficway Opposite Directions - Forward Impact 10 Turn Into Path 11 Single Driver - Forward Impact 12 Same Trafficway Same Direction - Sideswipe/Angle 13 Miscellaneous 99 Backing, Etc.: Unknown Crash Type Crash Type Definition: This variable is used in categorizing the collisions of drivers involved in crashes. A collision is defined here as the first harmful event in a crash between a vehicle and some object, accompanied by property damage or human injury. The object may be another vehicle, a person, an animal, a fixed object, the road surface, or the ground. If the first collision is a rollover, the impact is with the ground or road surface. The collision may also involve plowing into soft ground, if severe deceleration results in damage or injury. A road departure without damage or injury is not defined as a collision. This variable encompasses the “Crash Configuration” variable, which is a component of this variable. Cases where the crash type is “No Impact” include fire and immersion. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection reports. Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.CrashCode. Elaborates on CrashAssessment.AccidentCat. Elaborates on Overview.OVEAccidentType. Variable Name: OVECrashCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Impact 1 Right roadside departure, drive off road 2 Right roadside departure, control/traction loss 3 Right roadside departure; avoid collision with vehicle, pedestrian, animal 4 Right roadside departure, specific other 5 Specifics Unknown 6 Left roadside departure, drive off road 7 Left roadside departure, control/traction loss 8 Left roadside departure; avoid collision with vehicle, pedestrian, animal 9 Left roadside departure, specifics other 10 Specifics Unknown 11 Forward Impact, parked vehicle 12 Forward impact, stationary object 13 Forward Impact, pedestrian/animal 14 End Departure 15 Forward Impact, Specifics Other 16 Specifics Unknown 20 Rear-end: Stopped 21 Rear-end: Stopped, Straight 22 Rear-end: Stopped, Left LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 394 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 23 Rear-end: Stopped, Right 24 Rear-end: Slower 25 Slower, Going Straight 26 Rear-end: Slower, Going Left 27 Rear-end: Slower, Going Right 28 Rear-end: Decelerating (Slowing) 29 Rear-end: Decelerating (Slowing), Going Straight 30 Rear-end: Decelerating (Slowing), Going Left 31 Rear-end: Decelerating (Slowing), Going Right 32 Rear-end: Specifics Other 33 Rear-end: Specifics Unknown 34 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 35 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 36 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 37 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 38 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Vehicle. 39 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Vehicle 40 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Object 41 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Object 42 Forward Impact: Specifics Other 43 Forward Impact: Specifics Unknown 44 Sideswipe/Angle: Straight Ahead on Left 45 Sideswipe/Angle: Straight Ahead on Left/Right 46 Sideswipe/Angle: Changing Lanes to the Right 47 Sideswipe/Angle: Changing Lanes to the Left 48 Sideswipe/Angle: Specifics Other 49 Sideswipe/Angle: Specifics Unknown 50 Head-On: Lateral Move (Left/Right) 51 Head-On: Lateral Move (Going Straight) 52 Head-On: Specifics Other 53 Head-On: Specifics Unknown 54 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 55 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 56 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 57 Forward Impact: Control/Traction Loss 58 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Vehicle 59 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Vehicle 60 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Object 61 Forward Impact: Avoid Collision with Object 62 Forward Impact: Specifics Other 63 Forward Impact: Specifics Unknown 64 Sideswipe/Angle: Lateral Move (Left/Right) 65 Sideswipe/Angle: Lateral Move (Going Straight) 66 Sideswipe/Angle: Specifics Other 67 Sideswipe/Angle: Specifics Unknown 68 Turn Across Path: Initial Opposite Directions (Left/Right) 69 Turn Across Path: Initial Opposite Directions (Going Straight) 70 Turn Across Path: Initial Same Directions (Turning Right) 71 Turn Across Path: Initial Same Directions (Going Straight) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 395 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set 72 Turn Across Path: Initial Same Directions (Turning Left) 73 Turn Across Path: Initial Same Directions (Going Straight) 74 Turn Across Path: Specifics Other 75 Turn Across Path: Specifics Unknown 76 Turn Into Same Direction (Turning Left) 77 Turn Into Same Direction (Going Straight) 78 Turn Into Same Direction (Turning Right) 79 Turn Into Same Direction (Going Straight) 80 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Turning Right) 81 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Going Straight) 82 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Turning Left) 83 Turn Into Opposite Directions (Going Straight) 84 Turn Into Path: Specifics Other 85 Turn Into Path: Specifics Unknown 86 Straight Paths: Striking from the Right 87 Straight Paths: Struck on the Right 88 Straight Paths: Striking from the Left 89 Straight Paths: Struck on the Left 90 Straight Paths: Specifics Other 91 Straight Paths: Specifics Unknown 92 Misc.: Backing Vehicle 93 Misc.: Other Vehicle or Object 98 Misc.: Other Crash Type 99 Misc.: Unknown Crash Type Jackknife Occurrence Definition: This variable indicates whether or not a jackknife occurred for this vehicle. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.ACRJackknife. Derived from JackknifeAssessments.AJKType. Variable Name: OVEJackKnife Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Cargo Shift Definition: This variable indicates whether or not a cargo shift occurred for this vehicle. Source: Determined by Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary sources include the scaled schematic, police report, driver interviews, witness interviews, and vehicle inspection results. Input from the truck inspection staff can also be utilized to code this variable. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 396 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Cross Reference: Identical to CrashAssessment.ACRCargoShift. Derived from CargoShiftAssessments.ACSType. Variable Name: OVECargoShift Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Alcohol Involvement Definition: This variable indicates whether or not there was any alcohol involvement for this vehicle/driver. Source: Police report, medical report, other official records, OR the field observation of the NASS Researcher. Cross Reference: Derived from DriverAssessment.AlcoholUse. Congruent with GeneralVehicle.PARAlcoholPresent, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: OVEAlcohol Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Drug Involvement Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any illegal drugs were coded as present for this vehicle/driver. Source: For illegal drugs: Police report, medical report, carrier records, or other official records. For over-the-counter and prescription drugs: The primary source of this information is the driver interview. The information, however, may also be obtained from other occupants in the vehicle and from surrogate interviews. When appropriate, official records including police reports and medical reports may also be used. Cross Reference: Derived from DriverAssessment.DrugTest. Congruent with GeneralVehicle.PARDrugsPresent, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: AnyDrugsVeh Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 397 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Driver Physical Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not there were any other physical factors coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the driver interview, carrier records, medical records, and the police report. Secondary sources include other occupant interviews and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Derived from the combination of the following variables from the DriverHealth data set: IllnessFactorCount, LegallyBlind, Myopic, Hyperopic, Glaucoma, ColorBlind, Astigmatic, OtherVision, and OtherFactorCount. Variable Name: DriverPhysical Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Driver Fatigue Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the driver in this vehicle was coded as being fatigued at the time of the crash. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source here is the driver interview, however, due to the inaccuracies inherent in these data, the Case Reviewer should compare driver responses with other data sources including log book entries, time stamped fuel and toll receipts, carrier records, and other interview sources to determine the veracity of the driver responses. The final assessment of fatigue involvement is made from all of these sources and may include the on-site assessments of the NASS Researcher. Cross Reference: Derived from DriverAsessment.Fatigue. Variable Name: DriverFatigue Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Recognition Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any recognition-related factors were coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source is the driver interview; secondary data sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 398 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Cross Reference: Derived from the combination of the following variables from the DriverRecognitionDistraction data set: Inattention, Conversation, ADDRecognition, InteriorDistractionCount, and ExteriorDistractionCount. Variable Name: OVERecognition Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Decision Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any decision-related factors were coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview; interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Derived from the combination of the following variables from the DriverDecisionAggression data set: Assumption, Evasion, ADAOtherFactor, and ManeuverCount. Variable Name: OVEDecision Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Aggression Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any aggression factors were coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data sources include the police report, the driver interview; interviews with witnesses, other vehicle occupants, and other drivers. Secondary sources include surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Derived from DriverDecisionAggression.AggressionCount. Variable Name: Aggression Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 399 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Surveillance Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any surveillance-related factors were coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Derived from the combination of the following variables: DriverAssessment.SightLine, DriverAssessment.Obscured, DriverAssessment.Focused, and DriverRecognitionDistraction.ADDSurveillance. Variable Name: OVESurveillance Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Emotion/Experience Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not there were any emotional or experience- related factors coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Derived from the combination of the following variables from the DriverAssessment data set: Upset, Hurrying, Emotional, KnewVehicle, KnewRoad, WorkPressureCount, and ComfortCount. Variable Name: EmotionExperience Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present Carrier/Employer Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any carrier or employer factors were coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview and the carrier interview. Secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Derived from the combination of the following variables from the DriverAssessment data set: LoadPressure, WorkFatigueCount, and OtherPressureCount. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 400 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Variable Name: CarrierEmployer Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Traffic Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any traffic-related factors were coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources are the driver interview, the police report, and the researcher on-scene investigation; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Identical to the opposite of FactorAssessment.NoTraffic. Variable Name: Traffic Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Vehicle Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any vehicle-related factors (deficiencies or malfunctions) were coded for this vehicle. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include vehicle inspection, the Level 1 inspection results , the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include the carrier interview, interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other vehicle drivers. Cross Reference: Derived from FactorAssessment.VehicleDefectCount. Variable Name: VehicleState Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Roadway Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any roadway-related factors were coded for this vehicle/driver. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 401 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the scaled schematic, scene measurement log, scene photographs, General Vehicle Form, and the police report. Secondary sources include the driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants and witnesses. Cross Reference: Derived from FactorAssessment.RoadwayFactorCount. Variable Name: Roadway Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Weather Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any weather-related factors were coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include the police report and local weather information provided by the NASS Researcher. Secondary data sources include driver interviews and interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Cross Reference: Derived from FactorAssessment.WeatherCount. Variable Name: Weather Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Environmental Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not there were any environmental factors coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher on-scene investigation, the police report, and the driver interview. Secondary data sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, and other drivers. Cross Reference: Derived from FactorAssessment.EnvironmentCount. Variable Name: OVEenvironment Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 402 Variable Definitions and Codes - Overview Data Set Speed/Distance Factors Definition: This variable indicates whether or not any speed-related or gap distance-related factors were coded for this vehicle/driver. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. Primary data source is the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, surrogate interviews with family members/friends, and the police report. Cross Reference: Derived from the combination of the following variables from the DriverDecisionAggression data set: Speeding, Tailgating, and Misjudgment. Variable Name: OVESpeed Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present Nonmotorist Involvement Definition: This variable indicates whether or not a nonmotorist was involved in an impact with this vehicle. Source: Determined by the Case Reviewer using all available information inputs. The primary data sources include researcher on-scene investigation, the police report, and the driver interview; secondary sources include interviews with other vehicle occupants, witnesses, other drivers, and surrogate interviews with family members/friends. Cross Reference: Can be derived from Crash.NonMotoristCount. Can be derived from NonMotorist data set. Variable Name: NonMotorist Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Overview Data Set • 403 Variable Definitions and Codes - PARViolations Data Set PARViolations Data Set The PARViolations data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID, VehicleNumber and PARViolationCode uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the PARViolations data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Violations Charged As A Result Of This Crash Definition: This variable indicates violation of the Vehicle Code as charged by the investigating officer and as noted on the police report. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the police report. Secondary sources include driver interviews and DMV records. Variable Name: PARViolationCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 None 1 Manslaughter or homicide 2 Willful reckless driving, driving to endanger, negligent driving 3 Unsafe reckless (not willful, wanton reckless) driving 4 Inattentive, careless, improper driving 5 Fleeing or eluding police 6 Failure to obey police, fireman, authorized person directing traffic 7 Hit-and-run, failure to stop after accident 8 Failure to give aid, info, wait for police after accident 9 Serious violation resulting in death 11 Driving while intoxicated (alco/drug) or BAC above limit(any detect BAC for CDLs) 12 Driving while impaired 13 Driving while under influence of substance not intended to intoxicate 14 Drinking while operating 15 Illegal possession of alcohol or drugs 16 Driving with detectable alcohol 18 Refusal to submit to chemical test 19 Alcohol, drug or impairment violations, generally 21 Racing 22 Speeding (above the speed limit) 23 Speed greater than reasonable & prudent (not necessarily over the limit) 24 Exceeding special speed limit(e.g.:for trucks, buses, bridge, school zone, etc.) 25 Energy speed (exceeding 55 mph, non-pointable) 26 Driving too slowly 29 Speed related, violations, generally 31 Failure to stop for red signal 32 Failure to stop for flashing red 33 Violation of turn on red (failure to stop & yield to pedestrians before turning) 34 Failure to obey flashing signal (yellow or red) 35 Failure to obey signal, generally LTCCS Analytical User's Manual PARViolations Data Set • 404 Variable Definitions and Codes - PARViolations Data Set 36 Violate RR grade crossing device/regulations 37 Failure to obey stop sign 38 Failure to obey yield sign 39 Failure to obey traffic control device, generally 41 Turn in violation of traffic control (this is not a right-on-red violation) 42 Improper method & position of turn (too wide, wrong lane) 43 Failure to signal for turn or stop 45 Failure to yield to emergency vehicle 46 Failure to yield, generally 48 Enter intersection, when space insufficient 49 Turn, yield, signaling violations, generally 51 Driving wrong way on one-way road 52 Driving on left, wrong side of road, generally 53 Improper, unsafe passing 54 Pass on right (drive off pavement to pass) 55 Pass stopped school bus 56 Failure to give way when overtaken 58 Following too closely 59 Wrong side, passing, following violations, generally 61 Unsafe or prohibited lane change 62 Improper use of lane (center of 3-lane road, HOV designed lane) 63 Certain traffic to use right lane (trucks, slow-moving, etc.) 66 Motorcycle lane violation (more than two per lane, riding between lanes, etc.) 67 Motorcyclist attached to another vehicle 69 Lane violations, generally 71 Driving while license withdrawn (including violation of work permit) 72 Other driver license violations 73 Commercial driver violations (log book, hours, permits carried) 74 Vehicle registration violations 75 Failure to carry insurance card 76 Driving uninsured vehicle 79 Non-moving violations, generally 81 Lamp violations 82 Brake violations 83 Failure to require restraint use (by self or passengers) 84 Motorcycle equipment violations (helmet, special equipment) 85 Violation of hazardous cargo regulations 86 Size, weight, load violations 89 Equipment violations, generally 91 Parking 92 Theft, unauthorized use of motor vehicle 93 Driving where prohibited (sidewalk, limited access, off truck route) 98 Other moving violation (coasting, backing, opening door) 99 Unknown violation Police Description Of Violation Definition: This variable describes the violations charged to the driver as indicated on the police report. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual PARViolations Data Set • 405 Variable Definitions and Codes - PARViolations Data Set Source: Police accident report. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrCondition.IDVViolation, values will differ due to Interview vs. Police Report. Variable Name: PARDescription Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Descriptive information about the violations charged on the police accident report LTCCS Analytical User's Manual PARViolations Data Set • 406 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferAuthorityStatus Data Set SaferAuthorityStatus Data Set The SaferAuthorityStatus data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the SaferAuthorityStatus data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the SAFER database. SAFER is developed, maintained and hosted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. SAFER uses carrier information from existing government motor carrier safety data bases. Presently, it consists of interstate carrier data and several states' intrastate data, and interstate vehicle registration data. For more information go to Common Status Definition: This variable describes the standing of the common carrier certificate (operating authority). Variable Name: CommonStatus Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Text Contract Status Definition: This variable describes the standing of the contract carrier permit (operating authority). Variable Name: ContractStatus Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Text Broker Status Definition: This variable describes the standing of the broker license (operating authority). Variable Name: BrokerStatus Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferAuthorityStatus Data Set • 407 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferCarrier Data Set SaferCarrier Data Set The SaferCarrier data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the SaferCarrier data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the SAFER database. SAFER is developed, maintained and hosted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. SAFER uses carrier information from existing government motor carrier safety data bases. Presently, it consists of interstate carrier data and several states' intrastate data, and interstate vehicle registration data. For more information go to Carrier Status Definition: This variable describes the status of the carrier in MCMIS (Motor Carrier Management Information System). Variable Name: Status Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text Authorized For-Hire Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Authorized For- Hire. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: AuthorizedForHire Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes Exempt For-Hire Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Exempt For-Hire. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: ExemptForHire LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferCarrier Data Set • 408 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferCarrier Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes Private Property Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Private Property. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: PrivateProperty Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes Private Passengers (Business) Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Private Passengers (Business). Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: PrivatePassengersBusiness Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes Private Passengers (Non-Business) Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Private Passengers (Non-Business). Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: PrivatePassengersNonBusiness Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferCarrier Data Set • 409 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferCarrier Data Set Migrant Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Migrant. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: Migrant Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes U.S. Mail Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was U.S. Mail. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: USMAIL Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes Federal Government Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Federal Government. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: FederalGovernment Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes State Government Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was State Government. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferCarrier Data Set • 410 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferCarrier Data Set Variable Name: StateGovernment Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes Local Government Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Local Government Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: LocalGovernment Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes Indian Tribe Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Indian Tribe. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: IndianTribe Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes Other Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Other. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: Other Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferCarrier Data Set • 411 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferCarrier Data Set Unknown Definition: This variable indicates whether the carrier’s type of business was Unknown. Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAICarrierType and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Related to IntvwDrCondition.CarrierType, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: Unknown Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes Carrier Operation Description Definition: This variable describes the carrier’s type of operation – it describes where the carrier is allowed to go (intrastate vs. interstate). Cross Reference: Related to a combination of IntvwCarrier.CAIHazMat and IntvwCarrier.CAIStatus, values will differ in part due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: CarrierOperationDescription Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text Cargo Carried Definition: This variable describes the specific type of cargo hauled by this carrier. Variable Name: CargoCarried Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text Number Of Drivers Definition: This variable documents the number of drivers employed by this carrier. Cross Reference: Congruent with the sum of IntvwCarrier.FullTime and IntvwCarrier.PartTime, values will differ due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: CountDrivers Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value 999999999999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferCarrier Data Set • 412 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferCarrier Data Set Number Of Power Units Definition: This variable documents the number of power units owned, trip-leased, and term- leased by this carrier. Cross Reference: Congruent with the sum of IntvwCarrier.TruckOper and IntvwCarrier.TractorOper, values will differ due to Interview vs. SAFER values. Variable Name: CountPowerUnits Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Actual value Mileage Year Definition: This variable documents the calendar year on the carrier’s MCS-150 form that represents the year in which the Carrier-Reported Mileage was obtained. Variable Name: MileageYear Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (year) 999999999999 Unknown Carrier-Reported Mileage Definition: This variable documents the carrier’s total fleet mileage to the nearest 10,000 miles for the last calendar year, as reported by the carrier on the MCS-150 form. Variable Name: Mileage Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (miles) 999999999999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferCarrier Data Set • 413 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferCrashSummary Data Set SaferCrashSummary Data Set The SaferCrashSummary data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID, VehicleNumber and SCSYear uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the SaferCrashSummary data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the SAFER database. SAFER is developed, maintained and hosted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. SAFER uses carrier information from existing government motor carrier safety data bases. Presently, it consists of interstate carrier data and several states' intrastate data, and interstate vehicle registration data. For more information go to Crash Year Definition: This variable identifies the year from which the crash data is taken. Variable Name: SCSYear Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (year) Number Of Fatalities Definition: This variable documents the number of crashes that caused at least one fatality for this carrier in a particular year. This number includes both the carrier’s driver(s) and occupants in any other involved vehicles. Variable Name: SCSFatalities Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Number Of Injuries Definition: This variable documents the number of crashes that caused at least one injury for this carrier in a particular year. This number includes both the carrier’s driver(s) and occupants in any other involved vehicles. Variable Name: SCSInjuries Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Number Of Towaways Definition: This variable documents the number of crashes that caused at least one vehicle to be towed from the scene of a crash involving one of this carrier’s vehicles in a particular year. This number includes both the carrier vehicle and any other involved vehicles. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferCrashSummary Data Set • 414 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferCrashSummary Data Set Variable Name: SCSTowaway Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferCrashSummary Data Set • 415 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set The SaferDriverCrashReport data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the SaferDriverCrashReport data set with the SaferDriverInspection data set and vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the SAFER database. SAFER is developed, maintained and hosted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. SAFER uses carrier information from existing government motor carrier safety data bases. Presently, it consists of interstate carrier data and several states' intrastate data, and interstate vehicle registration data. For more information go to Date Of Crash Definition: This variable identifies the date of a particular crash. Variable Name: SCDDate Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Date (in YYYY-MM format) Crash State Definition: This variable identifies the State in which a particular crash occurred. Variable Name: SCDState Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Two-letter state abbreviation Driver’s Date Of Birth Definition: This variable identifies the driver’s year of birth for a particular crash. Variable Name: SCDDateOfBirth Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual Value (year) Number Of Fatalities Definition: This variable documents the total number of fatalities as a result of a particular crash. Variable Name: SCDFatalities LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set • 416 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Number Of Injuries Definition: This variable documents the total number of persons injured as a result of a particular crash. Variable Name: SCDInjuries Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Towaway? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not a vehicle involved in a particular crash was towed away from the scene of the crash. Variable Name: SCDTowaway Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes Hazardous Material? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not there was any hazardous material involved/released in the crash. Variable Name: HazardousMaterial Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes Collision Involving Animal (ANL) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision with an animal. Variable Name: ANL Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent ANL Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set • 417 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set Collision Involving Pedal Cycle (BIK) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision with a pedal cycle. Variable Name: BIK Attribute Codes CodeABS BIK Meaning Absent Present Noncollision: Cargo Loss Or Shift (CGO) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a noncollision event involving a cargo loss or shift. Variable Name: CGO Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent CGO Present Noncollision: Failure (EQF) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a noncollision event involving a vehicle failure (e.g. brake failure, blown tire, etc.). Variable Name: EQF Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent EQF Present Noncollision: Explosion Or Fire (FIR) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a noncollision event involving an explosion or fire. Variable Name: FIR Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent FIR Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set • 418 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set Collision Involving Fixed Object (FOB) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision with a fixed object. Variable Name: FOB Attribute Codes CodeABS FOB Meaning Absent Present Noncollision: Jackknife (JAK) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a noncollision event involving a jackknife. Variable Name: JAK Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent JAK Present Collision Involving Motor Vehicle In Transport (MVH) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision with a motor vehicle in transport. Variable Name: MVH Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent MVH Present Noncollision: Cross Median/Centerline (NCM) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a noncollision event where the vehicle crossed the centerline or the median. Variable Name: NCM Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent NCM Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set • 419 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set Noncollision: Other (NCO) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a noncollision event not described by the other Event variable choices. Variable Name: NCO Attribute Codes CodeABS NCO Meaning Absent Present Noncollision: Ran Off Road (OFR) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a noncollision event where the vehicle ran off the roadway. Variable Name: OFR Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent OFR Present Collision Involving Other Moveable Object (OOB) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision with an “other” moveable object. Variable Name: OOB Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent OOB Present Other (OTH) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included an “other” type of collision. Variable Name: OTH Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent OTH Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set • 420 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set Noncollision: Overturn/Rollover (OVR) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a noncollision event involving an overturn/rollover. Variable Name: OVR Attribute Codes CodeABS OVR Meaning Absent Present Collision Involving Pedestrian (PED) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision with a pedestrian. Variable Name: PED Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent PED Present Collision Involving Parked Motor Vehicle (PVH) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision with a parked motor vehicle. Variable Name: PVH Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent PVH Present Collision: Downhill Runaway (RUN) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision that involved a downhill runaway vehicle. Variable Name: RUN Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent RUN Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set • 421 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set Noncollision: Separation Of Unit (SEP) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a noncollision event involving a separation of units. Variable Name: SEP Attribute Codes CodeABS SEP Meaning Absent Present Collision Involving Train (TRN) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision with a train. Variable Name: TRN Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent TRN Present Collision Involving Unknown Moveable Object (UMO) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision with an unknown moveable object. Variable Name: UMO Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent UMO Present Noncollision: Unknown (UNK) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a noncollision event of an unknown nature. Variable Name: UNK Attribute Codes Code Meaning ABS Absent UNK Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set • 422 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set Collision Involving Work Zone Maintenance Equipment (WZE) Definition: This variable indicates whether or not the sequence of events in the crash included a collision with work zone maintenance equipment. Variable Name: WZE Attribute Codes CodeABS WZE Meaning Absent Present LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set • 423 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverInspection Data Set SaferDriverInspection Data Set The SaferDriverInspection data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the SaferDriverInspection data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the SAFER database. SAFER is developed, maintained and hosted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. SAFER uses carrier information from existing government motor carrier safety data bases. Presently, it consists of interstate carrier data and several states' intrastate data, and interstate vehicle registration data. For more information go to Level Code Definition: This variable indicates the level of the inspection for a particular inspection. Variable Name: LevelCode Attribute Codes Code1 2 Meaning Full Inspection Walk-Around 3 4 Driver-Only Inspection Special Study Inspection Date Definition: This variable documents the date of a particular inspection. Variable Name: SDIDate Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Date (in YYYY-MM format) Inspection State Definition: This variable documents the State in which a particular inspection took place. Variable Name: SDIState Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Two-letter state abbreviation Driver Date Of Birth Definition: This variable documents the driver’s year of birth as it relates to a particular inspection. Variable Name: SDIDriverDOB LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverInspection Data Set • 424 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverInspection Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (year) Total Number Of Violations Definition: This variable indicates the total number of violations found during a particular inspection. Variable Name: TotalViolations Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Total Number Of Out-Of-Service Violations Definition: This variable indicates the total number of out-of-service violations found during a particular inspection. Variable Name: TotalOOS Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Actual value HazMat? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not a particular inspection involved hazardous materials. Variable Name: HazMat Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverInspection Data Set • 425 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverViolation Data Set SaferDriverViolation Data Set The SaferDriverViolation data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the SaferDriverViolation data set with the SaferDriverInspection data set and vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the SAFER database. SAFER is developed, maintained and hosted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. SAFER uses carrier information from existing government motor carrier safety data bases. Presently, it consists of interstate carrier data and several states' intrastate data, and interstate vehicle registration data. For more information go to Violation Type Definition: This variable lists the different types of violations assigned to this particular driver within a particular time period. Variable Name: SDVViolation Attribute Codes Code Meaning BRKADJ Brakes, out of adjustment BRKOTH Brakes, all others COUPLR Coupling devices EMREQP Emergency equipment EXHST Exhaust discharge FRAMES Frames FUEL Fuel systems HOTHR All other hazmat violations HPLCRD Improper placarding IMPTRN Improper turn LDSECR Load securement LIGHTS Lighting LOGVIO Log book violation OTHDRV All other driver violations OTHER All other vehicle defects PERINS Periodic inspection SIZWGT Size and weight STERNG Steering mechanism SUSPEN Suspension TIRES Tires UNKNOWN Unknown WHEELS Wheels WNDSHL Windshield Unit Number Definition: This variable is an identifier used to distinguish individual units inspected. Variable Name: UnitNumber LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverViolation Data Set • 426 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferDriverViolation Data Set Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Actual value Unit Type Definition: This variable indicates the type of unit on which a particular inspection is conducted. Variable Name: SDVUnitType Attribute Codes Code Meaning FT Full trailer OT Other SB School bus ST Semitrailer TR Straight truck TT Truck tractor Number Of Out-Of-Service Violations Definition: This variable documents the number of out-of-service violations for a particular driver within a particular time period. Variable Name: SDVOutOfService Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning No Yes LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferDriverViolation Data Set • 427 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set The SaferInspectionsSummary data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the SaferInspectionsSummary data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the SAFER database. SAFER is developed, maintained and hosted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. SAFER uses carrier information from existing government motor carrier safety data bases. Presently, it consists of interstate carrier data and several states' intrastate data, and interstate vehicle registration data. For more information go to Number Of Driver Inspections Definition: This variable documents the total number of driver inspections for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: DriverInspections Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Number Of Driver Out-Of-Service Inspections Definition: This variable documents the total number of driver out-of-service inspections where out-of-service violations were found for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: DriverOutOfService Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Driver Out-Of-Service Percentage Definition: This variable documents the percentage of inspections that resulted in one or more driver out-of-service violations for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: DriverOutOfServicePerc Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (percent) Average Number Of Driver Out-Of-Service Violations Definition: This variable documents the average number of driver out-of-service violations found per inspection for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: DriverViolationsAverage LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set • 428 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value 999999999999.0 Unknown Number Of Vehicle Inspections Definition: This variable documents the total number of vehicle inspections for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: VehicleInspections Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Number Of Vehicle Out-Of-Service Inspections Definition: This variable documents the total number of vehicle out-of-service inspections where out-of-service violations were found for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: VehicleOutOfService Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Vehicle Out-Of-Service Percentage Definition: This variable documents the percentage of inspections that resulted in one or more vehicle out-of-service violations for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: VehicleOutOfServicePerc Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (percent) Average Number Of Vehicle Out-Of Service Violations Definition: This variable documents the average number of vehicle out-of-service violations found per inspection for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: VehicleViolationsAverage Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set • 429 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set Number Of HazMat Inspections Definition: This variable documents the total number of Hazmat inspections for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: HazMatInspections Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Number Of HazMat Out-Of-Service Inspections Definition: This variable documents the total number of Hazmat out-of-service inspections where out-of-service violations were found for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: HazMatOutOfService Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value HazMat Out-Of-Service Percentage Definition: This variable documents the percentage of inspections that resulted in one or more Hazmat out-of-service violations for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: HazMatOutOfServicePerc Attribute Codes Code* 99999.0 Meaning Actual value (percent) Unknown Average Number Of HazMat Out-Of-Service Violations Definition: This variable documents the average number of Hazmat out-of-service violations found per inspection for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. Variable Name: HazMatViolationsAverage Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value 999999999999.00 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set • 430 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set Total Number Of Inspections Definition: This variable documents the total number of inspections (any type) for this carrier in the 24 months prior to the date of inquiry. The Total Number Of Inspections may not reflect a simple addition of all the driver, vehicle, and Hazmat inspections because two or more of these types of violations may occur on the same inspection. Variable Name: SISTotal Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set • 431 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferInsurance Data Set SaferInsurance Data Set The SaferInsurance data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the SaferInsurance data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the SAFER database. SAFER is developed, maintained and hosted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. SAFER uses carrier information from existing government motor carrier safety data bases. Presently, it consists of interstate carrier data and several states' intrastate data, and interstate vehicle registration data. For more information go to Bodily Injury & Property Damage Insurance Required? Definition: This variable documents whether or not the carrier is required to have Bodily Injury & Property Damage insurance coverage. Variable Name: BIPDRequired Attribute Codes CodeY N N/A Meaning Yes No Unknown Bodily Injury & Property Damage Insurance Status Definition: This variable documents whether or not the carrier has the required Bodily Injury & Propery Damage insurance coverage. Variable Name: BIPDOK Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text N/A Unknown Cargo Insurance Required Definition: This variable documents whether or not the carrier is required to have cargo insurance coverage. Variable Name: CargoRequired Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text N/A Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferInsurance Data Set • 432 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferInsurance Data Set Cargo Insurance Status Definition: This variable documents whether or not the carrier has cargo insurance coverage when required to have this type of coverage. Variable Name: CargoOK Attribute Codes Code* N/A Meaning Text Unknown Bond Required Definition: This variable documents whether or not a $10,000 surety bond is required for the broker’s license (authority). Variable Name: BondRequired Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text N/A Unknown Bond Status Definition: This variable documents whether or not the surety bond was in place on the broker’s license (authority). Variable Name: BondOK Attribute Codes Code* N/A Meaning Text Unknown Minimum Coverage Amount Definition: This variable documents (in thousands of dollars) the minimum amount of liability insurance coverage that this carrier is required to have. Variable Name: MinCoverageAmount Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value (thousand $) 8888888887.00 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferInsurance Data Set • 433 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferInsurance Data Set Liability Insurance Amount Definition: This variable documents the amount (in thousands of dollars) of the liability insurance coverage that this carrier has. Variable Name: LiabilityInsurance Attribute Codes Code* N/A Meaning Actual value (thousand $) Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferInsurance Data Set • 434 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferReview Data Set SaferReview Data Set The SaferReview data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID, VehicleNumber and ReviewDate uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the SaferReview data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the SAFER database. SAFER is developed, maintained and hosted by the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. SAFER uses carrier information from existing government motor carrier safety data bases. Presently, it consists of interstate carrier data and several states' intrastate data, and interstate vehicle registration data. For more information go to Rating Date Definition: This variable documents the date that the current Federal safety rating was assigned to this carrier. Variable Name: RatingDate Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Date (in YYYY-MM format) Safety Rating Definition: This variable documents the current Federal safety rating assigned to this carrier. Variable Name: Rating Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text • 999999999 Unknown Review Date Definition: This variable documents the date that the most recent Safety/Compliance Review was performed on this carrier. Variable Name: ReviewDate Attribute Codes Code* Meaning Date (in YYYY-MM format) Review Type Definition: This variable documents the type of review performed on this carrier. Variable Name: ReviewType LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferReview Data Set • 435 Variable Definitions and Codes - SaferReview Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SaferReview Data Set • 436 Variable Definitions and Codes - SafeStat Data Set SafeStat Data Set The SafeStat data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the SafeStat data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: All data in this table may be found in the MCMIS database. Below are given descriptions of how to find the value of each variable in the MCMIS database by specifying each table and field in the format
.. SafeStat Score Date Definition: This variable establishes the date that a particular SafeStat score was assigned to a carrier. Source: Currently SafeStat is run once per month. The run date for a particular SafeStat run is given by SAFESTAT_RUN.SAFESTAT_RUN_DATE. Variable Name: STADate Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Date (in YYYY-MM format) Overall SafeStat Score Definition: This variable documents the overall SafeStat Score, where SafeStat score = 2 x Accident SEA + 1.5 x Driver SEA + Vehicle SEA + Safety Management SEA. Source: A carrier's SafeStat score may be found in SS_RESULTS_.SAFESTAT_SCORE, where gives the exact date of the SafeStat run. Variable Name: Score Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value 999 Unknown Accident Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) Definition: This variable documents the SafeStat score for the Accident SEA category for this carrier. Source: A carrier's Accident SEA is given by SS_RESULTS_.ACC_SEA. Variable Name: AccidentSEA Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SafeStat Data Set • 437 Variable Definitions and Codes - SafeStat Data Set Driver Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) Definition: This variable documents the SafeStat score for the Driver SEA category for this carrier. Source: A carrier's Accident SEA is given by SS_RESULTS_.DRV_SEA. Variable Name: DriverSEA Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Vehicle Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) Definition: This variable documents the SafeStat score for the Vehicle SEA category for this carrier. Source: A carrier's Accident SEA is given by SS_RESULTS_.VEH_SEA. Variable Name: VehicleSEA Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value Safety Management Safety Evaluation Area (SEA) Definition: This variable documents the SafeStat score for the Safety Management SEA category for this carrier. Source: A carrier's Accident SEA is given by SS_RESULTS_.MGT_SEA. Variable Name: SafetySEA Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Actual value SafeStat Category Definition: This variable provides the letter code for the category indicator value calculated for this carrier. Source: A carrier's SafeStat category is given by SS_RESULTS_.SAFESTAT_ CATEGORY. Variable Name: STACategory LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SafeStat Data Set • 438 Variable Definitions and Codes - SafeStat Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning A >=350 B >=225<350 C <225 D Only ACSEA >=75 E Only DRSEA >=75 F Only VHSEA >=75 G Only SMSEA >=75 H At least one SEA value calculated and all SEA values <75 Category Description Definition: This variable describes the SafeStat indicator value calculated for this carrier. Source: Category descriptions are standard. They are described in SafeStat; Motor Carrier Safety Status Measurement System Methodology. Variable Name: CategoryDescription Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text LTCCS Analytical User's Manual SafeStat Data Set • 439 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set TruckExterior Data Set The TruckExterior data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the TruckExterior data set with vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Power Unit Type Definition: This variable establishes the type of power unit involved in this crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the police report. Cross Reference: Derived from GeneralVehicle.GVEBodyType when applicable. Derived from Overivew.OVEConfiguration when applicable. Derived from TruckExterior.TEXConfiguration. Variable Name: PowerUnitType Attribute Codes Code1 2 7 8 9 Meaning Straight truck Tractor Not inspected Other (specify) Unknown Cab Style Definition: This variable establishes the cab style of the power unit involved in the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Variable Name: CabStyle Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Conventional 2 Cab-over-engine 3 Cab forward 7 Not inspected 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Dromedary Box? Definition: This variable establishes the presence of a dromedary box on the vehicle. A dromedary box is essentially a storage box that is typically mounted on the tractor chassis immediately rearward of the rear wall of the tractor cab. Access is typically located on the sides of the vehicle. These boxes are used to store tarps, tie-downs, tools, and the driver’s personal gear. On occasion, dromedary boxes are utilized to haul cargo. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 440 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other photographs. Variable Name: DromedaryBox Attribute Codes Code1 2 8 99 Meaning Yes No Not inspected Unknown Sleeper Berth? Definition: This variable establishes the presence of a sleeper berth as an integral part of the cab structure. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Variable Name: SleeperBerth Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes 2 No 8 Not inspected 9 Unknown Were Blind Spots Related To Crash? Definition: This variable establishes links between the vehicle’s mirror system and crash causation. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection in combination with the driver interview. Secondary sources include the police report and witness statements. Variable Name: BlindSpot Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes (specify) 2 No 8 Not inspected 9 Unknown Data Recorder Installed? Definition: This variable establishes the presence of an engine control/data recorder unit. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the inspection record and carrier records. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 441 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set Variable Name: DataRecorder Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 No 2 Yes (specify) 8 Not inspected 9 Unknown Engine RPM Definition: This variable establishes the engine RPM as obtained from the truck’s data recorder. Source: Researcher determined from inspection of truck’s data recorder. Variable Name: RPM Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-9994 Engine RPM 9995 EC/DR unit installed, no RPM recording capability 9996 EC/DR unit not installed 9997 Not inspected 9998 Unknown if EC/DR unit installed 9999 EC/DR unit installed, unknown RPMs Vehicle Speed Definition: This variable establishes the speed of the vehicle as indicated by information obtained from the truck’s data recorder. Source: Researcher determined from inspection of truck’s data recorder. Cross Reference: Congruent with DriverDecisionAggression.ADATravelSpeed, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Vehicle’s data recorder. Congruent with GeneralVehicle.GVETravelSpeed, values will differ due to Police Report vs. Vehicle’s data recorder. Variable Name: TEXSpeed Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-994 Speed value 995 EC/DR unit installed, no speed recording capability 996 EC/DR unit not installed 997 Not inspected 998 Unknown if EC/DR unit installed 999 EC/DR unit installed, unknown speed LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 442 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set Gear Position Definition: This variable establishes the gear position of the truck as indicated by information obtained from the data recorder. Source: Researcher determined from inspection of truck’s data recorder. Variable Name: GearPosition Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-9 Gear position 95 EC/DR unit installed, no gear position recording capability 96 EC/DR unit not installed 97 Not inspected 98 Unknown if EC/DR unit installed 99 EC/DR unit installed, unknown gear position Total Number Of Trailers Definition: This variable establishes the number of trailers that are included in the vehicle configuration. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Can be derived from Overview.OVEConfiguration when applicable. Can be derived from TruckExterior.TEXConfiguration. Can be derived from TruckUnits.TUNUnitType. Variable Name: TrailerCount Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value 0 No trailer *and* power unit not straight truck 7 Straight truck with no trailers 8 Not inspected 9 Unknown number of trailers Total Empty Weight Definition: This variable establishes the combined total empty weight for all units in the truck configuration. The empty weight for each unit is specified by the unit’s manufacturer. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the Level 1 inspection report, carrier records and vehicle specification literature. Cross Reference: Related to GeneralVehicle.GVECurbWeight, values will differ due to Curb Weight vs. Empty Weight. In conjunction with TruckExterior.CMDBCargoWeight greater than TruckExterior.TOTALGVWR relates to FactorAssessment.VehicleOverweight. Related to GeneralVehicle.BaseWeight, values will differ in part due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 443 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set Variable Name: TEXEmptyWeight Attribute Codes Code* 777777 999999 Meaning Value (kgs) Not inspected Unknown Total Cargo Weight Definition: This variable establishes the total weight of all cargo in all trailers combined. This value represents payload cargo only, not the weight of the trailer, the driver, or the driver’s personal effects. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary sources include company records, the driver interview, and the Level 1 inspection report. Cross Reference: Related to GeneralVehicle.GVECargoWeight, values will differ due to GeneralVehicle.GVECargoWeight including the weight of any trailers where TruckExterior.CMDBCargoWeight only includes payload cargo weight. In conjunction with TruckExterior.TEXEmptyWeight greater than TruckExterior.TOTALGVWR relates to FactorAssessment.Overweight. Variable Name: CMDBCargoWeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value (kgs) 777777 Not inspected 999999 Unknown Total GVWR Definition: This is the total combined gross vehicle weight rating for all units of the truck configuration. The GVWR is specified by the manufacturer and represents the sum of the weights each axle within a unit is designed to carry. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary sources include vehicle specification literature and the Level 1 inspection report. Cross Reference: This being greater than the sum of TruckExterior.TEXEmptyWeight and TruckExterior.CMDBCargoWeight relates to FactorAssessment.Overweight. Variable Name: TOTALGVWR Attribute Codes Code Meaning * 777777 888887 999999 Value (kgs) Not inspected Not applicable Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 444 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set Truck Configuration Definition: This variable provides a summary of the configuration of the rig. Letter codes are “strung together” (listed from left to right) to represent the order of equipment in the rig. For example, a tractor pulling two trailers connected by an A-dolly would have a configuration of “TSAS”. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the Level 1 inspection report, driver interview, police report, and other vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Identical to Overview.OVEConfiguration when applicable. Elaborates on TruckExterior.PowerUnitType. Variable Name: TEXConfiguration Attribute Codes Code Meaning R Straight truck T Tractor S Semi-trailer F Full trailer G Gooseneck hitch O Other trailer (specify) U Unknown trailer type A A dolly B B train C C dolly X Unknown dolly J Jeep P Bus I Implement of husbandry Not Insp Not inspected Total Length Definition: This variable establishes the total length of the entire truck configuration. Due to overlapping vehicle connection points, the total length of the vehicle configuration will be less than the sum of the unit lengths. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary sources include measurements taken from undamaged vehicle configurations that match the crash- involved vehicles. Variable Name: TEXTotalLength Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value (m) 77 Not inspected 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 445 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set Placard Required? Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the trailer unit was placarded (i.e. had warning symbol on it), indicating the trailer was carrying hazardous cargo. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the Level 1 inspection report, the driver interview, and carrier records. Cross Reference: Related to TruckUnits.Hazard. Related to HazMat data set. Variable Name: PlacardRequired Attribute Codes Code0 1 8 9 Meaning No placard required Yes, placard required Not inspected Unknown Mirror Count Definition: This variable establishes the total number of mirrors on the truck configuration. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: MirrorCount Attribute Codes Code* 0 7 9 Meaning Value No mirror Not inspected Unknown mirror count Right Door Mirror Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the truck’s power unit has an exterior mirror mounted on its right door. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Mirror Location.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: RightDoorMirror Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present 7 Not inspected 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 446 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set Left Door Mirror Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the truck’s power unit has an exterior mirror mounted on its left door. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Mirror Location.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: LeftDoorMirror Attribute Codes Code0 Meaning Absent 1 Present 7 9 Not inspected Unknown Right Fender Mirror Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the truck’s power unit has an exterior mirror mounted on its right fender. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Mirror Location.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: RightFenderMirror Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present 7 Not inspected 9 Unknown Left Fender Mirror Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the truck’s power unit has an exterior mirror mounted on its left fender. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Mirror Location.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: LeftFenderMirror Attribute Codes Code0 Meaning Absent 1 Present 7 9 Not inspected Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 447 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set Other Location Mirror Definition: This variable establishes whether or not the truck’s power unit has an exterior mirror mounted on locations other than its doors or fenders. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “Exterior Mirror Location” and was the “Other (specify):” attribute choice.) Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: OtherLocationMirror Attribute Codes Code0 1 Meaning Absent Present 7 9 Not inspected Unknown ITS Equipment Count Definition: This variable establishes the total number of ITS equipment on the truck. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Variable Name: ITSCount Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value 0 No ITS equipment 7 Not inspected 9 Unknown Headway Detection Unit Definition: This variable establishes whether or not a headway detection unit is installed in the cab of the vehicle and is functional. These units are intended to assist the driver in avoiding rear- end crashes. While several operational modes are in active use, all of these units measure the gap distance to a vehicle/object located forward of the driver’s position. When the gap distance diminishes to a pre-selected unacceptable level, the unit issues an auditory alert to the driver. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “ITS Equipment Installed.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Variable Name: ITSHeadway LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 448 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 1 7 Meaning Absent Present Not inspected Side/Object Detection Unit Definition: This variable establishes whether or not a side/object detection unit is installed in the cab of the vehicle and is functional. These units are intended to assist the driver in avoiding side impacts as a result of intruding into adjacent lanes or as a result of other vehicle’s intruding into the truck lanes. These units are also useful with respect to avoiding obstacles while backing. While several operational modes are in active use, all of these units typically issue alerts when clearances to the sides of the vehicle diminish to unacceptable levels. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “ITS Equipment Installed.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Variable Name: ITSSideObject Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present 7 Not inspected Rollover Warning Unit Definition: This variable establishes whether or not a rollover warning unit is installed in the cab of the vehicle and is functional. While several operational modes are in active use, these devices typically measure lateral acceleration and issue an alert to the driver when these forces rise to a level that may create an unstable condition. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “ITS Equipment Installed.”) Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Variable Name: ITSRollover Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Absent 1 Present 7 Not inspected LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 449 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckExterior Data Set Other ITS Equipment Definition: This variable establishes whether or not other ITS equipment (other than headway detection units, side/object detection units, and rollover warning units) is installed in the cab of the vehicle and is functional. (This variable was originally an attribute choice under the variable “ITS Equipment Installed” and was the “Other (specify):” attribute choice.) Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Variable Name: ITSOther Attribute Codes Code0 1 7 Meaning Absent Present Not inspected LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckExterior Data Set • 450 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set TruckInspection Data Set The TruckInspection data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID, VehicleNumber, TINPosition and TINViolationCode uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the TruckInspection data set with the TruckExterior data set and other vehicle level data sets. CaseID, VehicleNumber and TINPosition should be used to merge the TruckInspections data set with the TruckUnits data set. This data set also contains the following variables: Source: The source for all variables in this table is the Level 1 inspection report. Unit Position Definition: This variable indicates which unit in the truck configuration received a specific violation, based on its position in the truck’s configuration. Variable Name: TINPosition Attribute Codes Code1-4 9 Meaning Unit Position Unknown Violation Code Definition: This variable indicates the numerical violation code as it corresponds to a specific violation. These codes are found in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations “Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49.” Cross Reference: Related to HazMatInsp.HMIViolation, if there is a hazardous material violation. Variable Name: TINViolationCode Attribute Codes Code Meaning 107.620B No copy of US DOT HM registration number 13901 Operating w/o proper motor carrier authority 13902C4B Operating beyond geographical restrictions 13906 Oper w/o proper insurance or other securities 171.11D US requirements for ICAO shipment 171.12AB US requirements for TDG shipment 171.12B US requirements for IMDG shipment 171.2A Failure to comply with HM regulations 171.2B Failed to comply with exemption 171.5A1I Fail to deter if dischrge system is leak free 171.5A1III Unload w/o prompt activation of internl valve 171.5A1V Fail to displ emerg operat proced for transfr 171.5A1VI Fail to provide training for oper under 171.5 171.5B Fail to mark cargo tank used under 171.5 172.200A No shipping paper provided offeror 172.201A1 HM not distinguished fron non HM LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 451 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 172.201A2 HM description not printed legibly in english 172.201A3 HM description contains abbreviation or code 172.201A4 Additional information after hm basic desc 172.201C Failure to list page of pages 172.201D ER phone number not listed 172.202A1 No proper shipping name 172.202A2 No proper hazard class 172.202A3 Wrong or no id number 172.202A4 No packing group listed 172.202A5 Total quantity not listed 172.202B Description not in proper sequence 172.202C Total quantity proper location 172.202E Non HM entered with class or ID# 172.203A Exemption number not listed 172.203B Limited quantity not shown 172.203C1 Hazardous substance entry missing 172.203C2 RQ not on shipping paper 172.203D1 Radioactive material not noted 172.203D10 No exclusive use notation 172.203D11 No lSA-SCO notation 172.203D2 Radionuclide name not on shipping paper 172.203D3 No ram physical or chemical form 172.203D4 No ram activity 172.203D5 No ram label category 172.203D6 No ram transport index 172.203D7 No fissile radioactive entry 172.203D8 No DOE/NRC package approval 172.203D9 IAEA authority noted 172.203E No empty packaging noted 172.203H1 No qt/nqt for anhydrous ammonia 172.203H2 No qt/nqt for lpg 172.203K No technical name for nos entry 172.203M1 Poison or toxic with subsid hazard 172.203M2 No tech name 6.1 pg i or ii or 2.3 172.203M3 No poison inhalation hazard and/or zone A 172.203N No "hot" on shipping paper 172.203O No temp controls noted 4.1 and 5.2 172.205 Hazardous waste manifest not as required 172.301A No shipping name or ID# on non-bulk 172.301B No technical name on non-bulk 172.301C No exemption number on non-bulk 172.301D No consignee/consignor on non-bulk 172.302 Marking requirements bulk packagings 172.302A No ID# (portable and cargo tank) 172.302B Bulk package marking incorrect size 172.302C No exemption number on bulk package 172.303A Prohibited HM marking on package 172.304A1 Package marking not durable, english or print 172.304A2 Marking not on sharply contrasting color LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 452 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 172.304A3 Marking obscured by label or attachments 172.304A4 Marking not away from other marking 172.308A Package marked with unauthorized abbreviation 172.310A No gross weight on RAM package>50KG 172.310A1 No gross weight on RAM package >159 kg 172.310A2 RAM package not marked "type A or B" 172.310A3 No "USA" marking when required 172.310B RAM package not marked "Type A or B" 172.310C Type B,B(U),B(M) pkg not mrkd w/radiation sym 172.312A No package orientation arrows 172.312B Prohibited use of orientation arrows 172.313A No "inhalation hazard" on package 172.313B No "poison" on non-bulk plastic package 172.316A ORM non-bulk package not marked 172.320A Class 1 package not marked with ex-number 172.322B No marpol marking on bulk packaging 172.324 Non-bulk hazardous substance not marked 172.325 No "hot" marking for bulk elevated temp 172.325A Elevated temp not marked "Hot" 172.325B Improperly marked molten alum/sulphur 172.326A Port tank no proper shipping name or ID# 172.326B No port tank owner or lessee marking 172.326C1 No ID# marking on veh carrying portable tank 172.326C2 Shipper failed to provide ID# to carrier 172.328A Shipper failed to provide or affix ID# for ct 172.328B Cargo tank not marked for class 2 172.328C No qt/nqt marked on cargo tank (mc330/331) 172.330A2 Tank car tank (non cylinder) not mrkd as reqd 172.330B Vehicle with tank car tank not marked 172.331 Markings for other bulk packages 172.332 ID# marking for (b) panel (c) placards 172.334 Prohibited id number marking 172.338 Carrier failed to replace missing ID number 172.400A Package/containment not labeled as required 172.401 Prohibited labeling 172.402A No label for subsidiary hazard 172.402B Display of class number on label 172.402D Subsidiary labeling for ram 172.402E subsidiary labeling for class 1 materials 172.403A RAM label requirement 172.403F RAM package 2 labels on opposite sides 172.403G Failed to label RAM properly 172.404A Mixed package not properly labeled 172.404B Failed to properly label consolidated package 172.406A1 Label placement not as required 172.406C Multiple label placement not as required 172.406D Label not on contrasting bkgrnd or no border 172.406E Failed to display duplicate label as required 172.406F Label obscured by marking or attachment LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 453 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 172.502A1 Prohibited placarding 172.502A2 Sign/device could be confused with HM placard 172.504A Vehicle not placarded as required 172.504B Dangerous placard violation 172.505A No placard for poison inhalation hazard 172.505B No placard for RAM and corrosive 172.505C Placard for subsidiary dangerous when wet 172.506A Failed to provide placards shipper 172.506A1 Placards not affixed to vehicle 172.507 RAM highway route controlled quantity 172.512A Freight container not placarded 172.514A Bulk package offered without placard 172.514B Bulk package not placarded residue of hm 172.516A Placard not visible from direction it faces 172.516C1 Placard not securely affixed or attached 172.516C2 Placard not clear of appurtenance 172.516C4 Placard improper location 172.516C5 Placard not reading horizontally 172.516C6 Placard damaged, deteriorated, or obscured 172.516C7 Placard not on contrasting bckgrnd or border 172.519 Placard does not meet specifications 172.600C ER info not available 172.602A ER info missing 172.602B ER info not accessible 172.602C1 Maintenance of ER information 172.700 Training of HM employees 173.24AA1 Non-bulk inner packaging closure 173.24AA3 Non-bulk packaging securing and cushioning 173.24AB Non-bulk package filling limit 173.24AC Non-bulk package mixed contents requirements 173.24B Filed to meet general package requirements 173.24B1 Release of HM from package 173.24BA Bulk package outage or filling limit rqmts 173.24BD2 Exceed max weight of rating on spec plate 173.24C Unauthorized packaging 173.24F1 Closures for pkgs must not be open or leaking 173.25A Failed to meet overpack conditions 173.29A Transporting empty packages (residue) 173.30 Loading/unloading transport vehicles 173.315A Cargo or portable tank class 2, filling denst 173.315B Filling density butadiene or LPG 173.315J3 Residential gas tank not secure in transport 173.315J4 LPG storage tank overfilled for transport 173.318B10 Marking inlets and outlets cryogenic tanks 173.318G No one way travel time (owtt) 173.31D Retesting for multiunit tank car tanks 173.32BA IM portable tank periodic testing 173.32BD Test date marking 173.32CG1 IM101/102 outlet closures LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 454 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 173.32CG2 IM101/102 outlet closures 173.32E1 Portable tank retest schedule (out of date) 173.32E3 Portable tank retest marking 173.33A Cargo tank general requirements 173.33B Cargo tank loading requirements 173.33C2 Cargo tank not marked with design or mawp 173.34A Cylinder qualification and use 173.34C Cylinder markings 173.34E Cylinder retest and marking 173.35A Intermediate bulk container requirements 173.35D liquid filled ibc-ullage over 98% 173.35F2 IBC not secured to or within vehicle 173.40 General requirements poisons in cylinder 173.412 Gen type a failing to meet addtl req design 173.412B No seal for type a RAM package 173.427AIV No instructions for exclusive use pkg LSA 173.427AVI LSA package not marked as required 173.431 Exceeded activity limits type A or B package 173.441A Exceeding radiation LVL allowed for transport 173.441B Exceeding radiation level for exclusive use 173.441C No exclusive use instructions 173.447 RAM transport storage violation 173.448 General RAM transport requirements 173.54 Forbidden explosives, offering or transportng 173.60 General packaging requirements explosives 173.9B Failed to warn of fumigated load 177.804 Failed to comply with FMCSR 177.816 Driver training requirements 177.817A No shipping papers (carrier) 177.817B Shipper certification missing (when required) 177.817E Shipping paper accessibility 177.823A No placards/markings when required 177.834A Package not secure in vehicle 177.834C Smoking while loading or unloading 177.834G Failed to prevent relative motion 177.834I Attendance of cargo tank (load or unload) 177.834J Manholes and valves not closed or leak free 177.834M1 Securing spec 106a or 110a tanks 177.834N Improper spec 56, 57, im101 and im102 177.835 Improper transport of explosives (class 1) 177.838 Improper transport of class 4, 5 or div 4.2 177.839 Improper transporting of class 8 177.840 Improper transport of class 2 177.840G Discharge valve not closed in transit class 2 177.841 Improper transort of division 6.1 or 2.3 177.841E Poison label loaded with foodstuffs 177.842A Total TI exceeds 50 non-exclusive use 177.842B Distance from package to person RAM 177.842D Blocking and bracing of RAM packages LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 455 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 177.848D Prohibited load/transport/storage combination 177.848F Class 1 load separation or segregation 178.245-4 DOT51 integrity and securement 178.245-5 DOT51 valve protection 178.245-6 DOT51 ID plate 178.245-6B DOT51 spec markings 178.251 Gen dsign/const DOT56(178.252) DOT57(178.253 178.251-4 DOT 56/57 integrity and securement 178.251-7 DOT 56/57 ID plate 178.251-7B DOT56/57 spec markings 178.253-2 DOT57 manhole 178.253-3 DOT57 valve protection 178.253-4 DOT57 pressure relief 178.255-11 DOT60 integrity and securement 178.255-14 DOT60 ID plate 178.255-4 DOT60 manhole 178.255-7 DOT60 valve protection 178.255-8 DOT60 pressure relief 178.270-1 IM101/102 general design 178.270-11D1 IM101/102 pressure relief 178.270-14 IM101/102 spec plate 178.270-4 IM101/102 frames 178.270-6 IM 101/102 frames 178.270-8 IM101/102 valve protection 178.270-9 IM101/102 manholes 178.32CM IM101/102 load securement 178.336-10 Protecting of fittings MC330 178.336-13 Anchoring of tank MC330 178.336-17 Metal ID plate marking MC330 178.336-17A Certification plate MC330 178.336-9A Safety relief devices MC330 178.336-9C Marking of inlets/outlets MC330 178.337-10A Protection of fittings MC331 178.337-10D Rear end protection MC331 178.337-11A2 Internal valve MC331 178.337-11A2I Remote control >3500 gal MC331 178.337-11A2II Remote control <3500 gal MC331 178.337-11B Shut off valves MC331 178.337-13 MC331 supports and anchoring 178.337-17A Metal id plate missing MC331 178.337-8A2 Outlets MC331 178.337-9 Pressure relief devices MC331 178.337-9C Marking inlets/outlets MC331 178.338-10A Protection of fittings MC338 178.338-10C Rear end protection MC338 178.338-10E Ground clearance MC338 178.338-11B Manual shutoff valve MC338 178.338-11C Internal valve MC338 178.338-11C1 Remote control >3500 gal MC338 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 456 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 178.338-11C2 Remote control <3500 gal MC338 178.338-12 Shear section MC338 178.338-13 Supports and anchoring MC338 178.338-18A Name plate missing MC338 178.338-18B Specification plate missing MC338 178.338-6 Manhole MC338 178.338-8 Pressure relief devices MC338 178.340-10B MC306/307/312 metal certificatn plate missing 178.340-6 MC306/307/312 supports and anchoring 178.340-7A MC306/307/312 ring stiffeners 178.340-7C MC306/307/312 double bulkhead drain 178.340-7D2 MC306/307/312 ring stiffener drain hole 178.340-8A MC306/307/312 appurtenances attachment 178.340-8B MC306/307/312 rearend protection 178.340-8C MC306/307/312 overturn protection 178.340-8D1 MC306/307/312 piping protection 178.340-8D2 MC306/307/312 minimum road clearance 178.341-3A MC 306 no manhole closure 178.341-4 MC306 venting 178.341-4D1 MC306 inadequate emergency venting 178.341-4D2 MC 306 pressure activated vents 178.341-4D3 MC 306 no fusible venting 178.341-5A MC306 internal valves 178.341-5A1 MC306 heat actuated safety 178.341-5A2 MC306 remote control shutoff 178.342-3 MC307 manhole closure 178.342-4 MC307 venting 178.342-5A MC307 internal valve 178.342-5A1 MC307 heat actuated safety 178.342-5A2 MC307 remote control shutoff 178.343-3 Manhole closure MC312 178.343-4 Venting MC312 (show calculations) 178.343-5A MC 312 top outlet and valve 178.343-5B1 MC312 bottom valve/piping protection 178.345-10 DOT406/407/412 pressure reliev 178.345-11B DOT406/407/412 tank valves 178.345-11B1I DOT406/407/412 remote control 178.345-11B1II DOT406/407/412 thermal and remote 178.345-14B DOT406/407/412 name plate 178.345-14C DOT406/407/412 specification plate 178.345-1I2 406, 407, 412 double bulkhead drain 178.345-5D DOT406/407/412 manhole securement 178.345-5E DOT 406/407/412 manhole marking 178.345-6 DOT406/407/412 supports and anchoring 178.345-7D4 DOT406/407/412 ring stiffener drain 178.345-8A DOT406/407/412 accident protection 178.345-8A5 DOT406/407/412 minimum road clearance 178.345-8B DOT406/407/412 bottom damage protection 178.345-8C DOT406/407/412 rollover damage protection LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 457 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 178.345-8D DOT406/407/412 rear end protection 178.703A IBC manufacturer markings 178.703B IBC additional markings 178.704E IBC protection valves 178.800C6 IBC test dates 179.300-12 DOT106/110aw protection of fittings 179.300-13 DOT106/110aw venting and valves 179.300-15 DOT106/110aw safety relief devices 179.300-18 DOT106/110aw stamping of tanks 180.352B IBC retest or inspection 180.352D IBC retest date marking 180.405B Cargo tank specifications 180.405J Cargo tank withdrawal certification 180.407C Cargo tank periodic test and inspection 180.415B Cargo tank test or inspection markings 383.21A Operating a CMV with more than 1 drv license 383.23A2 Operating a CMV without a CDL 383.23C Operating on learner's permit w/o CDL holder 383.23C1 Operating on learner's permit w/o CDL holder 383.23C2 Oper on learner's permit w/o valid drv lic 383.51A Driving a CMV (CDL) while disqualified 383.91A Operating a CMV with improper CDL group 383.93B1 No double/triple trailer endorsement on CDL 383.93B2 No passenger vehicle endorsement on CDL 383.93B3 No tank vehicle endorsement on CDL 383.93B4 No hazardous materials endorsement on CDL 383.95A Violating airbrake restriction 387.301A No evidence of public liab and prop dmg insur 387.301B No evidence of cargo insurance 387.303B4 No copy of certificate of registration 387.307 Prop brkr-no evdn of bond or trust fund agrm 387.31F No proof of financial resp-foreign passenger 387.403A Freight forwarder-no evidence of insurance 387.403B Frt fwrd-no evdnce of pub liab and prop dmg ins 387.7F No proof of financial responsibility-foreign 390.21A No DOT # marking and/or name/city/state 390.21B Carrier name and/or USDOT reqd; Not displayed 390.21C Improper marking, size, shape 390.21E Improper marking, rented CMV 391.11 Driver qualification 391.11B1 Interstate driver under 21 years of age 391.11B2 Non-english speaking driver 391.11B4 Oper com veh w/o corr lenses or hearing aid 391.11B5 Not licensed for type vehicle being operated 391.11B6 Operating CMV without corrective lenses 391.11B7 No or invalid driver's license CMV 391.15A Driving a CMV while disqualified 391.41A No medical certificate on driver's possession 391.43E Improper medical exam form LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 458 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 391.43G Improper medical examiner's certificate 391.45B Expired medical examiner's certificate 391.49J No valid medical waiver in driver's possessn 392.10A1 Failing to stop at railroad crossing-bus 392.10A2 Failing to stop at railroad crossing-chlorin 392.10A3 Failing to stop at railroad crossing-placard 392.10A4 Failing to stop at railroad crossing-HM cargo 392.14 Failed to use caution for hazardous condition 392.15A Failing or improper use of turn signal 392.15B Failed to signal direction from parked positn 392.15C Failing to signal a lane change 392.15D Using turn signal to indicate disabled vehicl 392.15E Using turn signal as a "do pass" 392.16 Failing to use seat belt while operating CMV 392.2 Local laws (general) 392.20 Failing to properly secure parked vehicle 392.22A Failing to use hazard warning flashers 392.22B Failing/improper placement of warning devices 392.2C Local laws/failure to obey traff cntl device 392.2FC Local law/following too close 392.2LC Local law/improper lane change 392.2P Local law/improper passing 392.2R Local law/reckless driving 392.2S Local law/speeding 392.2T Local laws/improper turns 392.2W Local laws/size and weight 392.2Y Local laws/failure to yield right of way 392.3 Operating a CMV while ill/fatigued 392.33 Operating CMV with lamps/reflectors obscured 392.4A Driver uses or is in possession of drugs 392.5A Poss/use/under inflnce alcohol-4hrs prio duty 392.5C2 Violating OOS order pursuant to 392.5(a)/(b) 392.6 Scheduling run to necessitate speeding 392.60A Unauthorized passenger on board CMV 392.63 Pushing/towing a loaded bus 392.7 No pretrip inspection 392.71A Using or equiping a CMV with radar detector 392.8 Failing to inspect/use emergency equipment 392.9 Driver load secure 392.9A Failing to secure load 392.9A1 Failing to secure cargo/393.100-393.106 392.9A2 Failing to secure vehicle equipment 392.9A3 Driver's view/movement is obstructed 392.9AAR Operating without registration (49 USC 13902) 392.9AAS Operating beyond registration scope (49 USC 13902) 392.9B Hearing aid not worn while operating CMV 393.100 No or improper load securement 393.100A No or improper load securement 393.100E Improper securement of intermodal containers LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 459 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 393.102 Improper securement system (tiedown assembls) 393.102A Improper securement syst (tiedown assemblies) 393.104A Improper blocking and/or bracing-longitudinal 393.104B Improper blocking and/or bracing-lateral 393.106A No/improper front end structure/headerboard 393.11 No/defective lighting devices/ref/projected 393.11LR Lwr rr retroreflct sht/reflx reflct mfg>12/93 393.11N No retroreflect sheet/reflex mfg > 12/93 393.11RT Retroreflect not affixed as req Trl.mfg>12/93 393.11S Side retroreflect sht/reflx reflect mfg>12/93 393.11TL TT lwr rr mud flaps retro sht/reflex mfg>7/97 393.11TT TT no retroreflect sht/reflx reflect mfg>7/97 393.11TU TT upr body corners retro sht/reflex mfg>7/97 393.11UR Up rr retroreflect sht/reflx reflct mfg>12/93 393.13A No retroreflect sht/reflex reflect mfg <12/93 393.13B No retroreflect sht/reflex reflect mfg >12/93 393.13C1 Side retroreflect sht/reflx reflect mfg<12/93 393.13C2 Lwr retroreflect sht/reflex reflect mfg<12/93 393.13C3 Up rr retroreflect sht/reflx reflct mfg<12/93 393.13D1 Side retroreflect sht/reflx reflect mfg>11/93 393.13D2 Lwr rr retroreflct sht/reflx reflct mfg>11/93 393.13D3 Up rr retrorefect sht/reflx reflect mfg>11/93 393.17 No/defective lamp/reflector-towaway operation 393.17A No/defective lamps-towing unit-towaway oper 393.17B No/defective side marker 393.19 No/defective turn/hazard lamp as required 393.20 No/improper mounting of clearance lamps 393.201A Frame cracked/broken/bent/loose 393.201B Bolts securing cab broken/loose/missing 393.201C Frame rail flange improperly bent/cut/notched 393.201D Frame accessories not bolted/riveted securely 393.201E Prohibited holes drilled in frame rail flange 393.203 Cab/body parts requirements violations 393.203A Cab door missing/broken 393.203B Cab/body improperly secured to frame 393.203C Hood not securely fastened 393.203D Cab seats not securely mounted 393.203E Cab front bumper missing/unsecured/protrude 393.205A Wheel/rim cracked or broken 393.205B Stud/bolt holes elongated on wheels 393.205C Wheel fasteners loose and/or missing 393.207A Axle positioning parts defective/missing 393.207B Adj axle locking pin missing/disengaged 393.207C Leaf spring assembly defective/missing 393.207D Coil spring cracked and/or broken 393.207E Torsion bar cracked and/or broken 393.207F Air suspension pressure loss 393.209A Steering wheel not secured/broken 393.209B Excessive steering wheel lash LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 460 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 393.209C Loose steering column 393.209D Steering system components worn/welded/missng 393.209E Power steering violations 393.24B Non-compliance with headlamp requirements 393.25B Lamps are not visible as required 393.25E Lamp not steady burning 393.25F Stop lamp violations 393.26 Requirements for reflectors 393.28 Improper or no wiring protection as required 393.30 Improper battery installation 393.32 Improper electrical connections 393.33 Improper wiring installations 393.40 Inadequate brake system on a CMV 393.41 No or defective parking brake system on CMV 393.42 No brakes as required 393.43 No/improper breakaway or emergency braking 393.43A No/improper tractor protection valve 393.43D No or defective automatic trailer brake 393.44 No/defective bus front brake line protection 393.45 Brake tubing and hose adequacy 393.45A4 Brake hose/tubing chaffing and/or kinking 393.45A5 Brake hose/tubing contacting exhaust system 393.46 Brake hose/tube connection 393.46B Brake connections with leaks/constrictions 393.47 Inadequate brake lining for safe stopping 393.48A Inoperative/defective brakes 393.48B1 Defective brake limiting device 393.50 Inadequate reservoir for air/vacuum brakes 393.50A Failing to have sufficient air/vacuum reserve 393.50B Failing to equip veh-prevent res air/vac leak 393.50C No means to ensure operable check valve 393.51 No or defective brake warning device 393.53A Auto brake adjuster cmv mfg >10/19/93 hyd brk 393.53B Auto brake adjuster cmv mfg >10/19/94 air brk 393.53C Brake adj ind cmv mfg >10/19/94 ext auto adj 393.55A ABS all cmvs mfg >2/99 with hydraulic brakes 393.55B ABS malfunction indicators for hydr brake sys 393.55C1 ABS all tractors mfg >2/97 air brake system 393.55C2 ABS all other cmvs mfg >2/98 air brake system 393.55D1 ABS malf circ/signl mfg>2/97,sgl cmv mfg>2/98 393.55D2 ABS malf indctr to cab of towing cmv mfg>2/01 393.55D3 ABS malf indctr conec from towed cmv mfg>2/01 393.55E ABS malfunct lamps towed cmv mfg>2/98mfg<2/09 393.60B Damaged or discolored windshield 393.60C Use of vision reducing matter on windows 393.60D Glazing permits < 70% of light 393.61A Inadequate or missing truck side windows 393.61B Buses-window escape inoperative/obstructed 393.61B2 No or defective bus emergency exits LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 461 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 393.61C Buses-push out window requirements violation 393.62 Window obstructed which would hinder escape 393.63 No or inadequate bus escape window markings 393.65 Fuel system requirements 393.65B Improper location of fuel system 393.65C Improper securement of fuel tank 393.65F Improper fuel line protection 393.67 Fuel tank requirement violations 393.67C7 Fuel tank fill pipe cap missing 393.67C8 Improper fuel tank safety vent 393.70 Fifth wheel 393.70A Defective coupling device-improper tracking 393.70B Defective/improper fifth wheel assemblies 393.70B2 Defective fifth wheel locking mechanism 393.70C Defective coupling devices for full trailer 393.70D No/improper safety chains/cables for full trl 393.71 Improper coupling driveaway/towaway operation 393.71H Towbar requirement violations 393.71H10 No/improper safety chains/cables for towbar 393.75A Flat tire or fabric exposed 393.75A1 Tire-ply or belt material exposed 393.75A2 Tire-tread and/or sidewall separation 393.75A3 Tire-flat and/or audible air leak 393.75A4 Tire-cut exposing ply and/or belt material 393.75B Tire-front tread depth less than 4/32 of inch 393.75C Tire-other tread depth less than 2/32 of inch 393.75D Tire-bus regrooved/recap on front wheel 393.75E Tire-regrooved on front of truck/truck-trac 393.75F Tire-load weight rating/under inflated 393.75F1 Weight carried exceeds tire load limit 393.75F2 Tire under-inflated 393.76 Sleeper berth requirement violations 393.77 Defective and/or prohibited heaters 393.77B11 Bus heater fuel tank location 393.77B5 Tampering with bus heater 393.78 Windshield wipers inoperative/defective 393.79 Defroster inoperative 393.80 No or defective rear-vision mirror 393.81 Horn inoperative 393.82 Speedometer inoperative 393.83A Exhaust system location 393.83B Exhaust discharge fuel tank/filler tube 393.83C Improper exhaust-bus (gasoline) 393.83D Improper exhaust-bus (diesel) 393.83E Improper exhaust discharge (not rear of cab) 393.83F Improper exhaust system repair (patch/wrap) 393.83G Exhaust leak under truck cab and/or sleeper 393.83H Exhaust system not securely fastened 393.84 Inadequate floor condition LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 462 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 393.86 No or improper rearend protection 393.86A1 Rear Impct Grds all tlrs/semitlrs mfg>1/26/98 393.86A2 Impct grd width all tlrs/semitlrs mfg>1/26/98 393.86A3 Impct grd hght all tlrs/semitlrs mfg>1/26/98 393.86A4 Impct grd rear all tlrs/semitlrs mfg>1/26/98 393.86A5 Crs-sec vert ht all tlrs/semitlrs mfg>1/26/98 393.86B1 Rear Impact Grds mv mfg >12/31/52 see excepts 393.87 No flag on projecting load 393.88 Improperly located tv receiver 393.89 Bus driveshaft not properly protected 393.9 Inoperable lamp (other than head/tail) 393.90 Bus-no or obscure standee line 393.91 Bus-improper aisle seats 393.92 Bus-no/improper emergency door marking 393.93A Bus-not equipped with seat belt 393.93B Truck not equipped with seat belt 393.95A No/discharged/unsecured fire extinguisher 393.95C Spare fuses not as required 393.95F Emergency warning devices not as required 393.95G HM-restricted emergency warning device 393.9H Inoperable head lamps 393.9T Inoperable tail lamp 395.13D Driving after being declared out-of-service 395.15B Onboard rcdng devc info requirements not met 395.15C Onboard rcdng devc improper form and manner 395.15F Onboard rcdng devc fails to reconstruct info 395.15G On-board recording device info not available 395.15I5 Onboard rcdng devc doesn't display req. info 395.1I1 15,20,70/80 hours of service violations (AK) 395.1I2 Adverse driving conditions violations (AK) 395.3A1 10 hour rule violation 395.3A2 15 hour rule violation 395.3B 60/70 hour rule violation 395.8 Log violation (general/form and manner) 395.8A No drivers record of duty status 395.8E False report of drivers record of duty status 395.8F1 Drivers record of duty status not current 395.8K2 Driver failing to retain previous 7 days logs 396.1 Must have knowledge of and comply with regs 396.11 Driver vehicle inspection report 396.13C No reviewing driver's signature on DVIR 396.17C Operating a CMV without periodic inspection 396.3A Inspection, repair, and maintenance 396.3A1 Inspection/repair and maintenance 396.3A1B Brakes (general) 396.3A1BA Brake-out of adjustment 396.3A1BC Brake-air compressor violation 396.3A1BD Brake-defective brake drum 396.3A1BL Brake-reserve system pressure loss LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 463 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set 396.3A1T Tires (general) 396.5 Excessive oil leaks 396.5B Oil and/or grease leak 396.7 Unsafe operations forbidden 396.9C2 Operating an out-of-service vehicle 396.9D2 Failure to correct defects noted on insp 396.9D3 Failure to return insp rpt within 15 days 397.101B RAM vehicle not on preferred route 397.101D No written route plan - RAM 397.101E2 Copy of training record/route (RAM) 397.11A Hazmat vehicle operated near open fire 397.11B Hazmat vehicle parked within 300 ft. of fire 397.13 Smoking within 25 ft of HM vehicle 397.15 HM vehicle fueling violation 397.17 No tire examine hazmat vehicle 397.19 No instructions/docs 1.1/1.2/1.3 397.19C Required documents not in possession-explosiv 397.1B Driver/carrier must obey part 397 397.2 Must comply w/ rules Parts 390-397-transp HM 397.3 State/local laws ordinances regulations 397.5A Unattended explosives 1.1/1.2/1.3 397.5C Unattended hazmat vehicle 397.67 HM vehicle routing violation (non RAM) 397.7A Improperly parked explosives vehicle 397.7B Improperly parked hazmat vehicle 398.3B Driver qualif-migrant workers 398.3B8 No doctor's certificate in possession 398.4 Driving of veh-migrant workers 398.5 Parts/access-migrant workers 398.6 Violation of hours of service reg-migrant 398.7 Inspect/maint mv-migrant workers 399.207 Vehicle access requirements violations 399.211 Inadequate maintenance of driver access Violation Type Definition: This variable indicates if a violation was in effect prior to the crash, or if the violation was a result of the crash. Variable Name: ViolationType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Pre-Crash 2 Crash Related 3 No 999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 464 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckInspection Data Set Out Of Service Violation? Definition: This variable indicates whether or not a specific violation was classified as “out-ofservice.” Cross Reference: Related to HazMatInsp.HMIOutOfService, if there is a hazardous material violation. Variable Name: TINOutofService Attribute Codes Code1 2 9 Meaning Yes No Unknown Disposition Of Truck Definition: This variable establishes the disposition of the truck as indicated by violations found during the FMCSA truck inspection. Cross Reference: Related to HazMatInsp.HMIDisposition, if there is a hazardous material inspection. Variable Name: TINDisposition Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Repaired at scene 2 Towed/Escorted 3 Other (specify) 8 Not applicable 9 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckInspection Data Set • 465 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set TruckUnits Data Set The TruckUnits data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID, VehicleNumber and TUNPosition uniquely identify each record in this data set. CaseID and VehicleNumber should be used to merge the TruckUnits data set with the TruckExterior data set and other vehicle level data sets. CaseID, VehicleNumber and TUNPosition should be used to merge the TruckUnits data set with the TruckInspections data set. This data set also contains the following variables: Unit Position In Vehicle Configuration Definition: This variable identifies the position of a particular unit within the vehicle configuration. Position “1” should identify a straight truck or a power unit in a multiple combination, with each trailer then assigned the next number as it moves away from the power unit. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs, and the Level 1 inspection report. Variable Name: TUNPosition Attribute Codes Code1- 4 9 Meaning Value Unknown Unit Type In Vehicle Configuration Definition: This variable describes the unit type for each unit in the vehicle configuration. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs, and the Level 1 inspection report. Cross Reference: Related to TruckExterior.TrailerCount. Variable Name: TUNUnitType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Semi 2 Full 3 Power unit 6 Not inspected 7 Not applicable (includes no trailer) 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Trailer Body Type Definition: This variable establishes the type of trailer unit/cargo body identified within the vehicle configuration. If the vehicle is a straight truck, this designation is also used to describe the body type of the straight truck (e.g. cement mixer). LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 466 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: Related to GeneralVehicle.GVEBodyType and GeneralVehicle.GVEVehicleClass. Variable Name: TUNBodyType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Van 2 Open top van 3 Refrigerated van 4 Livestock carrier 5 Flatbed 6 Low boy 7 Flatbed with equipment 8 Flatbed with sides 9 Pole/logging 10 Tank-liquid 11 Tank-compressed gas 12 Tank-dry bulk 13 Auto carrier 14 Dump 15 Bottom dump/hopper bottom 16 Garbage/refuse 17 Cement mixer 18 Other (specify) 77 Not applicable (includes tractor power unit) 88 Not inspected 99 Unknown Cargo Type Definition: This variable establishes the type of cargo carried in each unit of the vehicle configuration. A tractor power unit is normally classified with the “Not applicable” designation since these units typically do not carry cargo. For the unusual circumstance where a tractor power unit is carrying cargo, either the “Tractor power unit with container cargo” or “Tractor power unit with other bulk cargo (specify):” designations are used as appropriate. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include company records and the driver interview. Variable Name: CargoType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Empty 1 General freight 2 Household goods 3 Building materials 4 Metal (coil, sheets) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 467 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set 5 Heavy machinery 6 Large objects 7 Motor vehicles 8 Piggyback/tow-away 9 Gases in bulk 10 Solids in bulk 11 Liquids in bulk 12 Explosives 13 Logs, poles, lumber 14 Refrigerated foods 15 Mobile home 16 Farm products 17 Live animals 18 Other (specify): 75 Tractor power unit with container cargo 76 Tractor power unit with other bulk cargo (specify): 77 Not applicable 88 Not inspected 99 Unknown Unit VIN Definition: This variable establishes the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for each unit in the vehicle configuration. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the police report and the Level 1 inspection report. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEVIN when TruckUnits.TUNPosition=1 when applicable. Variable Name: TUNVIN Attribute Codes Code* 9999999999 Meaning Value Unknown Manufacture Date Definition: This variable establishes the month and year in which each unit in the vehicle configuration was manufactured. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include carrier records. Cross Reference: Related to GeneralVehicle.GVEYear. Related to Overview.OVEYear. Related to GeneralVehicle.VINYear. Variable Name: ManufactureDate LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 468 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Manufacture date (in MM/YY format) 88/88 Not inspected 99/99 Unknown Empty Weight Of Unit Definition: This variable establishes the empty weight for each unit of the vehicle configuration. This value represents the empty weight of each unit as specified by the unit’s manufacturer. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include vehicle specification literature. Cross Reference: Related to GeneralVehicle.GVECurbWeight, values will differ due to Curb Weight vs. Empty Weight. Related to FactorAssessment.VehicleOverweight by the sum of TruckUnits.TUNEmptyWeight over each vehicle added to the sum of TruckUnits.TUNCargoWeight over each vehicle being greater than the sum of TruckUnits.GVWR over each vehicle. Related to GeneralVehicle.BaseWeight, values will differ in part due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: TUNEmptyWeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value (kgs) 888888 Not inspected 999999 Unknown Cargo Weight Of Unit Definition: This variable establishes the weight of the cargo transported in each unit of the vehicle configuration. This value represents the payload associated with each unit of the vehicle combination. Payload is the total weight of the unit and cargo minus the weight of the unit before the cargo is loaded. Payload does not include miscellaneous items in the cab or dromedary box of power units or other items such as chains and tie downs. However, in rare situations cargo may be carried in the dromedary box. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include company records and the driver interview. Cross Reference: Related to GeneralVehicle.GVECargoWeight, values will differ due to GeneralVehicle.GVECargoWeight including the weight of any trailers where TruckUnits.TUNCargoWeight only includes payload cargo weight. Related to FactorAssessment.VehicleOverweight by the sum of TruckUnits.TUNEmptyWeight over each vehicle added to the sum of TruckUnits.TUNCargoWeight over each vehicle being greater than the sum of TruckUnits.GVWR over each vehicle. Variable Name: TUNCargoWeight LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 469 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value (kgs) 888887 Not applicable 888888 Not inspected 999999 Unknown GVWR Definition: This variable establishes the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) for each unit of the vehicle configuration. The GVWR is specified by the manufacturer and represents the sum of the weights each axle within a unit is designed to carry. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include vehicle specification literature. Cross Reference: Related to FactorAssessment.VehicleOverweight by the sum of TruckUnits.TUNEmptyWeight over each vehicle added to the sum of TruckUnits.TUNCargoWeight over each vehicle being greater than the sum of TruckUnits.GVWR over each vehicle. Variable Name: GVWR Attribute Codes Code* 888887 Meaning Value (kgs) Not available 888888 999999 Not inspected Unknown Total Length Of Unit Definition: This variable establishes the length of each unit of the vehicle’s configuration. Unit lengths are established by measuring from the furthest forward projection to the furthest rearward projection. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include measurements taken from undamaged vehicle configurations which match the crash- involved vehicle. Variable Name: TUNTotalLength Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value (m) 7777 Not inspected 9999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 470 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set Percent Of Cargo Capacity Definition: This variable establishes the proportion of available cargo space that is used to transport cargo in each unit of the vehicle configuration. The reported percentages are subjective estimates of the total available space that is used. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include company records and the driver interview. Variable Name: CapacityPercent Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value (percent) 777 Not inspected 888 Not applicable 999 Unknown Tank Capacity Definition: This variable is used with tankers (liquid loads) and establishes the total capacity of that particular tank. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include company records and the driver interview. Variable Name: TankCapacity Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value (liters) 88888 Not inspected 99999 Unknown Tank Load Definition: This variable is used with tankers (liquid load) and establishes the total load being carried in that particular tank at the time of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include company records and the driver interview. Variable Name: TankLoad Attribute Codes Code* 88888 99999 Meaning Value (liters) Not inspected Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 471 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set Hazardous Cargo? Definition: This variable establishes the presence of hazardous cargo in each unit of the vehicle configuration. A cargo is hazardous if it is corrosive, explosive, flammable, or radioactive. This includes all petroleum products except motor oil in cans and finished plastics. If the cargo was required by law to be placarded (i.e. warning symbol), it should be classified as hazardous. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include company records and the driver interview. Cross Reference: Relates to TruckExterior.PlacardRequired. Relates to HazMat data set. Variable Name: Hazard Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes 2 No 7 Not applicable (includes tractor power unit) 8 Not inspected 9 Unknown Cargo Spillage Definition: This variable establishes the occurrence of cargo spillage during the crash sequence. To qualify, the cargo spillage must occur as a result of or following the first harmful event. Spillage of fuel from the involved vehicles and the scattering of debris from the crash are not considered cargo spillage. Similarly, cargo spillage that occurs prior to the first harmful event (i.e. pre-crash phase) is not considered applicable to this variable. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle and scene inspection; secondary sources include the police report and the driver interview. Variable Name: TUNSpillage Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No spillage 1 Non-hazardous spillage 2 Hazardous spillage 7 Not applicable (includes tractor power unit) 8 Not inspected 9 Unknown Number Of Axles In Use Definition: This variable establishes the number of axles in use for each unit of the vehicle configuration. This number does not include lift axles that are up and therefore, not in use at the time of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 472 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set Variable Name: AxlesUsed Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value 7 Not inspected 9 Unknown Number Of Lift Axles (Not In Use) Definition: This variable establishes the number of axles that were lifted and not in use at the time of the crash. The number of lift axles is reported for each unit of the vehicle configuration. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Variable Name: AxlesNotUsed Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value 777 Not inspected 888 Not applicable 999 Unknown Number Of Steer Axles Definition: This variable establishes the number of steer axles (including self-aligning steer axles) on each unit within the configuration. For most articulated vehicles on U.S. trafficways, there will typically be one steer axle within the configuration (i.e. the front steer axle of the tractor unit). Within those configurations that utilize a C-dolly however, there can be self-aligning axles on the C-dolly. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police or other vehicle photographs. Variable Name: SteerableAxles Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value 777 Not inspected 888 Not applicable 999 Unknown Retroflective Tape Condition On Rear Definition: This variable establishes the condition of the tape on the rear of each trailer/cargo body. For this variable, tape condition factors are limited to visibility issues (e.g. clean/dirty). Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 473 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set Cross Reference: In conjunction with the following variables from TruckUnits: SideTapeCond, UnderrideTapePeel, RearTapePeel, and SideTapePeel, related to FactorAssessment.ReflectiveTapeMissingObscured. Variable Name: RearTapeCond Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No tape 1 Clean 2 Some dirt 3 Very dirty 7 Not applicable 8 Not inspected 9 Unknown Retroflective Tape Condition On Sides Definition: This variable establishes the condition of the tape on the sides of each trailer/cargo body. For this variable, tape condition factors are limited to visibility issues (e.g. clean/dirty). Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: In conjunction with the following variables from TruckUnits: RearTapeCond, UnderrideTapePeel, RearTapePeel, and SideTapePeel, related to FactorAssessment.ReflectiveTapeMissingObscured. Variable Name: SideTapeCond Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No tape 1 Clean 2 Some dirt 3 Very dirty 7 Not applicable 8 Not inspected 9 Unknown Retroflective Tape Used? Definition: This variable establishes the use/presence of retroflective tape to improve truck conspicuity. It should be noted that the first unit in the vehicle configuration for this variable is designated as the power unit cargo body. This designation refers to the cargo body of a straight truck. If the power unit is a tractor, the “Not applicable” designation would typically be used. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: ReflectTapeType LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 474 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set Attribute Codes Code0 Meaning No 1 Yes 7 8 9 Not applicable Not inspected Unknown Retroflective Tape Pattern Definition: This variable establishes the pattern of tape markings that are present. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: ReflectTapePattern Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No tape 1 Side/rear per FMVSS 108 or similar 6 Not inspected 7 Not applicable 8 Other pattern (specify): 9 Unknown Retroflective Tape Color Definition: This variable establishes the color of tape markings that are present. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Variable Name: ReflectTapeColor Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No tape 1 Red/white per FMVSS 108 6 Not inspected 7 Not applicable 8 Other color (specify): 9 Unknown Retroflective Tape Peeling/Damaged On Rear Underride Guard Definition: This variable establishes the proportion of tape on the rear underride guard that is peeling or damaged. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 475 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: In conjunction with the following variables from TruckUnits: RearTapeCond, SideTapeCond, RearTapePeel, and SideTapePeel, related to FactorAssessment.ReflectiveTapeMissingObscured. Variable Name: UnderrideTapePeel Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value (percent) 666 No tape 777 Not inspected 888 Not applicable 999 Unknown Retroflective Tape Peeling/Damaged On Other Rear Area Definition: This variable establishes the proportion of the tape on the rear area of each unit (excluding the underride guard) that is peeling or damaged. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: In conjunction with the following variables from TruckUnits: RearTapeCond, SideTapeCond, UnderrideTapePeel, and SideTapePeel, related to FactorAssessment.ReflectiveTapeMissingObscured. Variable Name: RearTapePeel Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value 666 No tape 777 Not inspected 888 Not applicable 999 Unknown Retroflective Tape Peeling/Damaged On Sides Definition: This variable establishes the proportion of the tape on the sides of the trailer that is peeling or damaged. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the driver interview and on-scene vehicle photographs. Cross Reference: In conjunction with the following variables from TruckUnits: RearTapeCond, SideTapeCond, UnderrideTapePeel, and RearTapePeel, related to FactorAssessment.ReflectiveTapeMissingObscured. Variable Name: SideTapePeel LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 476 Variable Definitions and Codes - TruckUnits Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Value (percent) 666 No tape 777 Not inspected 888 Not applicable 999 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual TruckUnits Data Set • 477 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleEvents Data Set VehicleEvents Data Set The VehicleEvents data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the VehicleEvents data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Origin Of Fire Definition: This variable identifies the location of fire initiation. Source: Primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interviewee(s) and police crash report. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrFire.FireSmokeBefore, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: FireOrigin Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Vehicle exterior (front, side, back, top) 2 Exhaust System 3 Fuel tank (and other fuel retention system parts) 4 Engine compartment 5 Cargo/Truck compartment 6 Instrument panel 7 Passenger compartment area 8 Other location (specify) 88 No fire 99 Unknown Fire Occurrence Definition: This variable documents the degree of fire involvement. Source: Primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include the interviewee(s), police crash report, and occupant medical records. Variable Name: FireSeverity Attribute Codes Code1 Meaning Minor Fire 2 9 Major Fire Unknown 88 No fire LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleEvents Data Set • 478 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleEvents Data Set Rollover Type Definition: This variable describes the type of rollover event that occurred for this vehicle. Rollover is defined as any vehicle rotation of 90 degrees or more about any true longitudinal or lateral axis. Rollover can occur at any time during the collision and is coded independently of other configuration questions. Source: Primary sources are the vehicle and scene inspections; secondary sources include photographs, police report, driver interviews, and other interviewees. Cross Reference: Related to IntvwDrRollover.IDLDirection, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Derived from VehicleEvents.RollDirect. Variable Name: RolloverType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No rollover (no overturning) 1 Longitudinal axis 98 Rollover, end-over-end (i.e., primarily about the lateral axis) 99 Rollover (overturn), details unknown Quarter Turns Definition: This variable documents the number of quarter turns that the vehicle rolled during the crash sequence. A quarter turn is defined as a rotation of 90 degrees about the longitudinal axis of the vehicle; this does not include rotation about the vertical axis, commonly called yaw. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the vehicle and scene inspections; secondary sources include photographs, police report, driver interviews, and other interviewees. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrRollover.Turns, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: QuarterTurns Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No rollover 1-9 Value (quarter turns) 88 Not applicable 99 Unknown Rollover Initiation Type Definition: This variable describes the type of rollover event in terms of how the rollover was initiated. The attributes are used for rollovers initiated about the longitudinal axis. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the scene and vehicle inspections; secondary sources are photographs, police report, driver interviews, and other interviewees. Variable Name: RollInitType LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleEvents Data Set • 479 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleEvents Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No rollover 1 Trip-over 2 Flip-over 3 Turn-over (specify) 4 Climb-over 5 Fall-over 6 Bounce-over 7 Collision with another vehicle 8 Other rollover initiation type (specify) 98 Rollover-end-over-end 99 Unknown rollover initiation type Rollover Initiation Location Definition: This variable establishes the location of the trip point or start of the vehicle’s roll that was identified in the variable “Rollover Initiation Type.” Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources are vehicle inspection, photographs, police report, driver interviews, and other interviewees. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrRollover.IDLBegan, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: RollInitLocation Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No rollover 1 On roadway 2 On shoulder -paved 3 On shoulder - unpaved 4 On roadside or divided trafficway median 8 Rollover - end-over-end 9 Unknown Rollover Initiation – Object Contacted Definition: This variable is related to the variable “Rollover Initiation Type,” and identifies the source of the force that acted upon the vehicle, which resulted in the rollover. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the scene inspection; secondary sources are vehicle inspection, photographs, police report, driver interviews, and other interviewees. Variable Name: RollObject LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleEvents Data Set • 480 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleEvents Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No rollover 1 Vehicle#1 2 Vehicle#2 3 Vehicle#3 4 Vehicle#4 5 Vehicle#5 6 Vehicle#6 7 Vehicle#7 8 Vehicle#8 9 Vehicle#9 10 Vehicle#10 11 Vehicle#11 12 Vehicle#12 13 Vehicle#13 14 Vehicle#14 15 Vehicle#15 16 Vehicle#16 17 Vehicle#17 18 Vehicle#18 19 Vehicle#19 20 Vehicle#20 21 Vehicle#21 22 Vehicle#22 23 Vehicle#23 24 Vehicle#24 25 Vehicle#25 26 Vehicle#26 27 Vehicle#27 28 Vehicle#28 29 Vehicle#29 30 Vehicle#30 31 Overturn->rollover (excludes end-over-end) 32 Rollover->end-over-end 33 Fire or explosion 34 Jackknife 35 Other intraunit damage (specify) 36 Noncollision injury 38 Other noncollision (specify) 39 Noncollision->details unknown 41 Tree (<= 10 cm in diameter) 42 Tree (> 10 cm in diameter) 43 Shrubbery or bush 44 Embankment 45 Breakaway pole or post (any diameter) 50 Nonbreakaway pole or post (<=10cm in diameter) 51 Nonbreakaway pole or post (>10 cm but <= 30 cm in diameter) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleEvents Data Set • 481 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleEvents Data Set 52 Nonbreakaway pole or post (>30 cm in diameter) 53 Nonbreakaway pole or post (diameter unknown) 54 Concrete traffic barrier 55 Impact attenuator 56 Other traffic barrier (includes guardrail) (specify) 57 Fence 58 Wall 59 Building 60 Ditch or culvert 61 Ground 62 Fire hydrant 63 Curb 64 Bridge 68 Other fixed object (specify) 69 Unknown fixed object 70 Pass. car, light truck,van,or other vehicle not in-transport 71 Medium/heavy truck or bus not in-transport 72 Pedestrian 73 Cyclist or cycle 74 Other nonmotorist or conveyance (specify) 75 Vehicle occupant 76 Animal 77 Train 78 Trailer, disconnected in transport 79 Object fell from vehicle in-transport 88 Other nonfixed object (specify) 89 Unknown nonfixed object 98 Other event (specify) 99 Unknown event or object Location On Vehicle Where Initial Principal Tripping Force Is Applied Definition: This variable establishes the specific point on the vehicle where the tripping force was applied. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection. Secondary sources are scene inspection, photographs, police report, driver interviews, and other interviews. Variable Name: RollTrip Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No rollover 1 Wheels/tires 2 Side plane 3 End plane 4 Undercarriage 5 Other location on vehicle (specify) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleEvents Data Set • 482 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleEvents Data Set 6 Non-contact rollover forces (specify) 8 Rollover - end-over-end 9 Unknown Direction Of Initial Roll Definition: This variable establishes the direction in which the vehicle initially rolled. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources are the scene and vehicle inspections; secondary sources are the police report, driver interviews, and other interviewees. Cross Reference: Congruent with IntvwDrRollover.IDLDirection, values will differ due to Interview vs. Researcher determined values. Expands on VehicleEvents.RolloverType. Variable Name: RollDirect Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No rollover 1 Roll right - primarily about the longitudinal axis 2 Roll left - primarily about the longitudinal axis 8 Rollover - end-over-end 9 Unknown roll direction Manner Of Collision Definition: This variable is intended to describe the primary impact (in terms of delta V) sustained by this vehicle during the collision sequence. The primary impact may not be the first impact sustained by this vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary sources include the scene and vehicle inspections; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Variable Name: CollisionManner Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not a collision with a motor-vehicle in transit 1 Rear-end 2 Head-on 3 Rear-to-rear 4 Angle 5 Sideswipe - same direction 6 Sideswipe - opposite direction 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown First Harmful Event Definition: This variable establishes the first property or injury-producing event that can be determined to have occurred during the crash sequence. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleEvents Data Set • 483 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleEvents Data Set Source: Researcher determined – primary sources include the scene and vehicle inspections; secondary sources include the police report and interviews. Cross Reference: Related to CDCCrush.CDCObjectContact if CDCCrush.EventNumber = 1. Related to Events.EVEObjectContact if Events.EventSequence = 1. Variable Name: FirstHarmfulEvent Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Overturn 2 Fire/explosion 3 Immersion 4 Gas Inhalation 5 Fell from vehicle 6 Injured in vehicle 7 Other non-collision 8 Pedestrian 9 Pedal cycle 10 Railway train 11 Animal 12 Motor vehicle in transport 13 Motor vehicle in transport in other roadway 14 Parked motor vehicle 15 Other type non-motorist 16 Thrown or falling object 17 Boulder 18 Other object (not fixed) 19 Building 20 Impact attenuator/crash cushion 21 Bridge pier or abutment 22 Bridge parapet end 23 Bridge rail 24 Guardrail 25 Concrete traffic barrier 26 Other longitudinal barrier 27 Highway/traffic sign post 28 Overhead sign support 29 Luminaire/light support 30 Utility pole 31 Other post, pole or support 32 Culvert 33 Curb 34 Ditch 35 Embankment - earth 36 Embankment - rock, stone or concrete 37 Embankment - material type unknown 38 Fence 39 Wall 40 Fire hydrant LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleEvents Data Set • 484 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleEvents Data Set 41 Shrubbery 42 Tree 43 Other fixed object 44 Pavement surface irregularity 45 Transport device used as equipment 46 Traffic signal support 99 Unknown LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleEvents Data Set • 485 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set VehicleExterior Data Set The VehicleExterior data set contains the variables CaseID, PSU, PSUStrat, RATWeight, and VehicleNumber. CaseID and VehicleNumber uniquely identify each record in this data set and should be used to merge the VehicleExterior data set with other vehicle level data sets. This data set also contains the following variables: Body Category Definition: This variable describes the vehicle’s general body category. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include vehicle specification literature, police report, and interview. Variable Name: BodyCategory Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Automobiles 2 Automobiles Derivatives 3 Utility Vehicles (<= 4,536 kgs GVWR) 4 Van Based Light Trucks (<= 4,536 kgs GVWR) 5 Light Conventional Trucks (Pickup style cab, <=4,536 kgs GVWR) 6 Other Light Trucks (<=4,536 kgs GVWR) 7 Buses (Excludes Van Based) 8 Medium/Heavy Trucks (> 4,536 Kgs GVWR) 9 Motored Cycles(Does Not Include all- Terrain Veh /Cycles) 10 Other Vehicles 99 Unknown Vehicle Type Body Type Definition: This variable documents the body type of the vehicle, as identified by the manufacturer. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include vehicle specification literature, police report, and interview. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEBodyType when applicable. Congruent with GeneralVehicle. VINBodyType, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Expands on VehicleExterior.VEXVehicleClass. Variable Name: VEXBodyType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Convertible 2 2-door sedan, hardtop, coupe 3 3-door/2-door hatchback 4 4-door sedan, hardtop 5 5-door/4-door hatchback 6 Station Wagon LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 486 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set 7 Hatchback, number of doors unknown 8 Other automobile type 9 Unknown automobile type Auto based pickup 11 Auto based panel 12 Large limousine 13 Three-wheel automobile or automobile derivative 14 Compact utility 15 Large utility 16 Utility station wagon 17 3-door coupe 19 Utility, unknown body type Minivan 21 Large van 22 Step van or walk-in van 23 Van based motor home 24 Van based school bus 25 Van based other bus 28 Other van type 29 Unknown van type Compact pickup 31 Large pickup 32 Pickup with slide-in camper 33 Convertible pickup 39 Unknown pickup style light conventional truck type Cab chassis based 41 Truck based panel 42 Light truck based motor home (chassis mounted) 45 Other light conventional truck type 48 Unknown light truck type 49 Unknown light vehicle type School bus 58 Other bus type 59 Unknown bus type Step van 61 Single unit straight truck(4500kg 12,000kg) 64 Single unit straight truck (GVWR unknown) 65 Medium/heavy truck based motor home 66 Truck-tractor (Cab Only, or any trailing units) 67 Truck-tractor with no cargo trailer 68 Truck-tractor pulling one trailer 69 Truck-tractor pulling two or more trailers Truck-tractor (unknown if pulling trailer) 74 Medium/heavy Pickup (>=4,536kg) 78 Unknown medium/heavy truck type 79 Unknown truck type (light/medium/heavy) Motorcycle LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 487 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set 81 Moped 82 Three-wheel motorcycle or moped 88 Other motored cycle (mini-bike, motor scooter) 89 Unknown motored cycle type 90 ATV(All-Terrain Vehicle) & ATC(All-Terrain Cycle) 91 Snowmobile 92 Farm equipment other than trucks 93 Construction equipment other than trucks 97 Other vehicle type 99 Unknown body type Class Of Vehicle Definition: This variable documents the class of vehicle, as determined by the researcher. This classification system is based on documentation provided by the Passenger Car Classification Committee A3B11(1) of the Transportation Research Board, Traffic Records and Accident Analysis Committee, A3B11. This classification is based on the size of the vehicle’s wheelbase. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include police and other vehicle photographs. Partially determined by VIN information (size-based information). Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEVehicleClass when applicable. Identical to Events.ClassVehicle and Events.ClassVehicle2 when applicable. Derived from VehicleExterior.VEXBodyType. Variable Name: VEXVehicleClass Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not a motor vehicle 1 Subcompact/mini (wheelbase < 254 cm) 2 Compact (wheelbase >= 254 but < 265 cm) 3 Intermediate (wheelbase >= 265 but < 278 cm) 4 Full Size (wheelbase >= 278 but < 291 cm) 5 Largest (wheelbase >= 291 cm) 9 Unknown passenger car size 14 Compact utility vehicle 15 Large utility vehicle (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 16 Utility station wagon (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 19 Unknown utility type 20 Minivan (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 21 Large van (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 24 Van Based school bus (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 28 Other van type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 29 Unknown van type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 30 Compact pickup truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 31 Large pickup truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 38 Other pickup truck type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 39 Unknown pick up truck (<=4,536 kg GVWR) 45 Other light truck (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 488 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set 48 Unknown light truck type (<= 4,536 kg GVWR) 49 Unknown light vehicle type 50 School bus (excludes van based)(>4,536 kg GVWR) 58 Other bus (>4,536 kg GVWR) 59 Unknown bus type 60 Truck (>4,536 kg GVWR) 67 Tractor without trailer 68 Tractor-trailer(s) 78 Unknown medium/heavy truck type 79 Unknown light/medium/heavy truck type 80 Motored cycle 90 Other vehicle 99 Unknown Source Of Curb Weight Information Definition: This variable identifies the source from which the curb weight of the vehicle was obtained. Source: Researcher identified. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEWeightSource when applicable. Variable Name: VEXWeightSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Curb weight unknown 1 AAMA 2 Automotive News 3 Branham Automobile Reference Book 4 Gasoline Truck, Import Truck, and Diesel Truck Index 5 Canadian Specifications 8 Other (specify) 99 Unknown curb weight source Cargo Weight Definition: This variable documents the weight of any cargo inside the vehicle at the time of the crash and most often represents a researcher’s “best guess” estimate of the cargo weight. This value is based on interview information, the PAR, and vehicle inspection. Source: Researcher determined – inputs include vehicle inspection, interviews, police report, and tow yard operator. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVECargoWeight when applicable. Variable Name: VEXCargoWeight LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 489 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set Attribute Codes Code0-20000 999999 Meaning Cargo Weight value (kgs) Unknown Source Of Cargo Weight Information Definition: This variable documents the source from which the estimate of the weight of the cargo inside the vehicle at the time of the crash was obtained. Source: Researcher identified. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVECargoSource when applicable. Variable Name: VEXCargoSource Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Unknown 1 Vehicle inspection 2 Interview 3 PAR 4 Tow Yard Operator 8 Other (specify) Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Definition: This variable documents the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the vehicle, as determined by the researcher from vehicle inspection. Source: Primary source is vehicle inspection; a secondary source is the police report. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEVIN when applicable. Variable Name: VEXVIN Attribute Codes Code Meaning Actual VIN text 9999999999 Unknown Vehicle Special Use Definition: This variable documents specific other uses for the vehicle in addition to personal use. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the police report; secondary sources include vehicle inspection, and interviewees. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVESpecialUse when applicable. Variable Name: VEXSpecialUse LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 490 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No Special Use 1 Taxi 2 Vehicle used as a school bus 3 Vehicle used as other bus 4 Military 5 Police 6 Ambulance 7 Fire truck or car 8 Other (specify) 9 Unknown Is The Vehicle In Transport? Definition: This variable determines whether or not the vehicle was in transport at the time of the crash. To be considered “in transport,” a vehicle must be on the roadway or in motion within the trafficway Source: Researcher determined from all available sources, including scene inspection, interviews, and the police report. Variable Name: InTransport Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No 1 Yes 99 Unknown Inspection Type Definition: This variable documents the type of inspection performed on the vehicle by the researcher. It allows users to identify cases with complete documentation of required damage data (exterior and interior). Source: Researcher specified. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEInspection when applicable. Variable Name: InspectionType Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Vehicle fully repaired -no damage evident 2 Partial inspection (specify): 3 Complete Inspection Date Of Inspection Definition: This variable documents the date that the researcher inspected the vehicle. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 491 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set Source: Researcher specified. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVEInspectionDate when applicable. Variable Name: VEXInspectionDate Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Date (in YYYY-MM format) Type Of Transmission Definition: This variable documents the type of transmission that is in the vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include vehicle specification literature. Variable Name: Transmission Attribute Codes Code1 2 9 Meaning Manual Automatic Unknown Drive Wheels Definition: This variable describes the type of drive wheels that power the vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources include vehicle specification literature. Cross Reference: Congruent with GeneralVehicle.FrontWheelDrive and GeneralVehicle.FourWheelDrive, value will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: DriveWheels Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 2 3 4 9 Front Wheel Drive (FWD) Rear Wheel Drive (RWD) Four Wheel Drive (4WD) All Wheel Drive (AWD) Unknown Left Front Tire Restricted? Definition: This variable documents whether or not the vehicle’s left front tire was prevented from rotation by damaged components of this vehicle as a result of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include police vehicle photographs. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 492 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set Variable Name: LFRestricted Attribute Codes Code1 Meaning Yes 2 No 3 4 Not applicable Unknown Left Rear Tire Restricted? Definition: This variable documents whether or not the vehicle’s left rear tire was prevented from rotation by damaged components of this vehicle as a result of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include police vehicle photographs. Variable Name: LRRestricted Attribute Codes Code1 Meaning Yes 2 No 3 4 Not applicable Unknown Right Rear Tire Restricted? Definition: This variable documents whether or not the vehicle’s right rear tire was prevented from rotation by damaged components of this vehicle as a result of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include police vehicle photographs. Variable Name: RRRestricted Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes 2 No 3 Not applicable 4 Unknown Right Front Tire Restricted? Definition: This variable documents whether or not the vehicle’s right front tire was prevented from rotation by damaged components of this vehicle as a result of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include police vehicle photographs. Variable Name: RFRestricted LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 493 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set Attribute Codes Code1 Meaning Yes 2 No 3 4 Not applicable Unknown Left Front Tire Deflated? Definition: This variable documents whether or not the vehicle’s left front tire was deflated as a result of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include police vehicle photographs. Variable Name: LFDeflated Attribute Codes Code1 Meaning Yes 2 No 3 4 Not applicable Unknown Left Rear Tire Deflated? Definition: This variable documents whether or not the vehicle’s left rear tire was deflated as a result of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include police vehicle photographs. Variable Name: LRDeflated Attribute Codes Code1 2 Meaning Yes No 3 4 Not applicable Unknown Right Rear Tire Deflated? Definition: This variable documents whether or not the vehicle’s right rear tire was deflated as a result of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include police vehicle photographs. Variable Name: RRDeflated Attribute Codes LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 494 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set Code Meaning 1 Yes 2 No 3 Not applicable 4 Unknown Right Front Tire Deflated? Definition: This variable documents whether or not the vehicle’s right front tire was deflated as a result of the crash. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is the vehicle inspection; secondary sources may include police vehicle photographs. Variable Name: RFDeflated Attribute Codes Code Meaning 1 Yes 2 No 3 Not applicable 4 Unknown Wheelbase Definition: This variable reflects the length of the vehicle’s original or undamaged wheelbase to the nearest centimeter, based on manufacturer specifications. Source: Primary source is Passenger Vehicle Specifications, American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) of the U.S., Inc. Secondary sources are Automotive News, Crain Automotive Group, Inc., Branham Automobile Reference Book, Branham Publishing Company, and Gasoline Truck Index and Diesel Truck Index, Truck Index, Inc. Variable Name: Wheelbase Attribute Codes Code100-650 999 Meaning Value (cm) Unknown Overall Length Definition: This variable documents the overall length of the vehicle, as specified by the manufacturer. Source: Primary source is Passenger Vehicle Specifications, American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) of the U.S., Inc. Secondary sources are Automotive News, Crain Automotive Group, Inc., Branham Automobile Reference Book, Branham Publishing Company, and Gasoline Truck Index and Diesel Truck Index, Truck Index, Inc. Variable Name: OverallLength LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 495 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 100-850 Value (cm) 9999 Unknown Maximum Width Definition: This variable documents the overall/maximum width of the vehicle, as specified by the manufacturer. Source: Primary source is Passenger Vehicle Specifications, American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) of the U.S., Inc. Secondary sources are Automotive News, Crain Automotive Group, Inc., Branham Automobile Reference Book, Branham Publishing Company, and Gasoline Truck Index and Diesel Truck Index, Truck Index, Inc. Variable Name: MaxWidth Attribute Codes Code100-350 999 Meaning Value (cm) Unknown Curb Weight Definition: This variable documents the vehicle’s curb weight, as identified by manufacturer specifications. Source: Primary source is Passenger Vehicle Specifications, American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) of the U.S., Inc. Secondary sources are Automotive News, Crain Automotive Group, Inc., Branham Automobile Reference Book, Branham Publishing Company, and Gasoline Truck Index and Diesel Truck Index, Truck Index, Inc. Cross Reference: Identical to GeneralVehicle.GVECurbWeight when applicable. Congruent with GeneralVehicle.BaseWeight, values will differ due to VIN vs. Researcher determined values. Variable Name: VEXCurbWeight Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0-20000 Value range (kgs) 999999 Unknown Average Track Width Definition: This variable documents the vehicle’s average track width, calculated by averaging the front and rear track width, values that are identified by the manufacturer. This value represents the average track width prior to the crash (undamaged). Source: Researcher determined from values obtained from manufacturer specifications. Primary source is Passenger Vehicle Specifications, American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) of the U.S., Inc. Secondary sources are Automotive News, Crain Automotive Group, Inc., LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 496 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set Branham Automobile Reference Book, Branham Publishing Company, and Gasoline Truck Index and Diesel Truck Index, Truck Index, Inc. Variable Name: AverageTrack Attribute Codes Code100-200 999 Meaning Value (cm) Unknown Front Overhang Definition: This variable documents the front overhang of the vehicle as identified by manufacturer specifications. Front overhang is the distance between the front axle and the maximum forward projection of the vehicle. This value represents the vehicle’s front overhang prior to the crash (undamaged). Source: Primary source is Passenger Vehicle Specifications, American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) of the U.S., Inc. Secondary sources are Automotive News, Crain Automotive Group, Inc., Branham Automobile Reference Book, Branham Publishing Company, and Gasoline Truck Index and Diesel Truck Index, Truck Index, Inc. Variable Name: FrontOverhang Attribute Codes Code Meaning 25-150 Value (cm) 999 Unknown Rear Overhang Definition: This variable documents the rear overhang of the vehicle as identified by manufacturer specifications. Rear overhang is the distance between the rear axle and the maximum rear projection of the vehicle. This value represents the rear overhang prior to the crash (undamaged). Source: Primary source is Passenger Vehicle Specifications, American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) of the U.S., Inc. Secondary sources are Automotive News, Crain Automotive Group, Inc., Branham Automobile Reference Book, Branham Publishing Company, and Gasoline Truck Index and Diesel Truck Index, Truck Index, Inc. Variable Name: RearOverhang Attribute Codes Code Meaning 25-200 Value (cm) 999 Unknown Undeformed End Width Definition: This variable represents the undamaged dimension of either the contacted end plane or the front undamaged plane if the side plane is contacted. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 497 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary sources include Passenger Vehicle Specifications, American Automobile Manufacturers Association (AAMA) of the U.S., Inc.,Automotive News, Crain Automotive Group, Inc., Branham Automobile Reference Book, Branham Publishing Company, and Gasoline Truck Index and Diesel Truck Index, Truck Index, Inc. Variable Name: EndWidth Attribute Codes Code100-250 999 Meaning Value (cm) Unknown Researcher’s Assessment Of Vehicle Disposition Definition: This variable represents the researcher’s assessment of the disposition of the vehicle and is based primarily on inspection of the vehicle. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary source is the driver interview. Variable Name: VehicleDisposition Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 Not towed due to vehicle damage 1 Towed due to vehicle damage 9 Unknown Justification For Researcher’s Assessment Of Vehicle Disposition Definition: This variable represents the reason for the determination that the vehicle was or was not towed, based on the researcher’s assessment of the disposition of the vehicle. Source: Researcher specified. Variable Name: Justification Attribute Codes Code Meaning * Text justification for the assessment of vehicle disposition Multi-Stage Or Altered Vehicle? Definition: This variable documents whether the vehicle is a multi-stage (initially an incomplete) vehicle or an altered (modified) vehicle. The determination is based on a label attached to the vehicle that demonstrates compliance with all Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Source: Researcher determined – primary source is vehicle inspection; secondary source is the VIN. Variable Name: MultiStage LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 498 Variable Definitions and Codes - VehicleExterior Data Set Attribute Codes Code Meaning 0 No post-manufacturer modifications 1 Yes – post manufacturer modification (specify) 9 Unknown if vehicle is modified LTCCS Analytical User's Manual VehicleExterior Data Set • 499 Index A AASHToDistance 170 AASHTORecommended 192 ABGTest 356 ABSFunctional 47 ABSInstalled 47 AccessControl 161 AccidentCat 87 AccidentSEA 437 ACDcode 91 ACDdetail 91 ACRAvoidance 83 ACRCargoshift 88 ACRCriticalEvent 78 ACRJackknife 88 ACRLocation 84 ACRReason 80 ACRRightOfWay 84 ACRStability 83 ACSAccelerating 54 ACSAvoidance 54 ACSConstant 53 ACSCurve 53 ACSDecelerating 55 ACSHeavyBraking 55 ACSLightBraking 53 ACSLocation 51 ACSModerateBraking 55 ACSSpillage 52 ACSStraight 56 ACSTurn 53 ACSType 51 Action 328 ADAOtherFactor 118 ADAPostedSpeed 117 ADATravelSpeed 117 ADDAdjustingRadio 144 ADDDialingPhone 144 ADDPreviousCrash 146 ADDRecognition 143 ADDSurveillance 142 ADHCorrectedVision 129 AdjustorType 47 ADROtherFactor 97 ADRTrafficFlow 108 ADRWorkSchedule 94 ADSLongestDay 155 ADSShortestDay 155 AFTCurveRadius 191 AFTFog 199 AFTHail 200 AFTNoDriver 203 AFTPreviousCrash 180 AFTRain 199 AFTSleet 200 AFTSnow 199 Aggression 399 AggressionCount 122 AggressionReason 126 AirbagAvail 336 AirbagDamage 43 AirbagFailure 41 AirbagLocation 39 Airbags Data Set 38 AirbagStatus 39 AirbagType 40 AIROccupantNumber 38 AISCode 257 AJKAccelerating 304 AJKAvoidance 304 AJKConstant 303 AJKCurve 303 AJKDecelerating 305 AJKDirection 302 AJKHeavyBraking 306 AJKLightBraking 304 AJKLocation 302 AJKModerateBraking 305 AJKOther 305 AJKSource 301 AJKStraight 306 AJKTurn 303 AJKType 301 AlcoholTest 98 AlcoholUse 97 AnchorAdjustment 347 ANL 417 ANMAge 325 ANMAvoidance 331 ANMDecision 331 ANMGender 326 ANMHeight 325 ANMPARSevCode 332, 333 ANMPosition 326 ANMType 326 ANMWeight 325 AnyDrugsCrash 77 AnyDrugsVeh 397 Approach 116 ApproachingTraffic 147 Aspect 289 Assumption 117 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Index • 500 Astigmatic 134 AuthorizedForHire 408 AutoBeltAvailable 349 AutoBeltFailure 351 AutoBeltProper 351 AutoBeltSource 352 AutoBeltUsed 350 AverageDay 155 AverageTrack 496 Axle 46 AxlesNotUsed 473 AxlesUsed 472 B BadLaneMarkings 195 BaffleFailure 58 BaseWeight 244 BeltMotorized 350 BeltUsed 336 BIK 418 BIPDOK 432 BIPDRequired 432 BlindSpot 441 BlockingOthers 125 BlowingDebris 202 BodyCategory 486 BondOK 433 BondRequired 433 BrakeFailure 184 Brakes Data Set 46 BrakesInoperative 187 BrakesOutOfAdjustment 186 BrakesSystemDeficiency 187 BrakeType 46 BRAPosition 46 BrokerStatus 407 Building 148 CabStyle 440 CapacityPercent 471 Carburetion 242 CARCount 72 CargoCarried 412 CargoLoadSecurement 188 CargoOK 433 CargoRequired 432 CargoshiftAssessments Data Set 51 CargoType 467 CarrierEmployer 400 CarrierOperationDescription 412 CaseID 17 CategoryDescription 439 CauseCount 52 CDC 45 CDCCategory 69 CDCCrush Data Set 61 CDCObjectContact 62 CDCWidth 69 CGO 418 ChamberSize 47 ChamberType 48 ChildSeatAvailable 345 CitDate 90 ClassVehicle 174 ClassVehicle2 177 ClockForce 64 CMDBCargoWeight 444 CMVCrashes 249 CMVViolations 249 Code 310 ColdFlu 131 CollisionManner 483 CollisionType 74 ColorBlind 134 ComfortCount 106 CommonStatus 407 CompartmentFailure 58 Component 299 ConstructionZone 181 ContactOther 45 ContractStatus 407 ConvDate 90 Conversant 141 Conversation 140 CountDrivers 412 CountPowerUnits 413 CRAAlcohol 77 Crash Data Set 71 CrashAssessment Data Set 78 CrashCode 85 CrashDate 71 CrashDiscussion Data Set 89 Crashes 307 CrashPARSevCode 73 CrashRESSevCode 73 CrashTime 71 CriticalEventCat 80 CrossedLine 119 CrushDirection 298 CrushMagnitude 298 D DamageArea 175 DamageArea2 178 DamageLocation 68 DamageSource 43 DataRecorder 441 DateOfDeath 354 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Index • 501 Day 74 Daylight 162 DayRunningLights 244 DCType 61 DeformCode 68 DeformDistribution 67 DeformExtent 67 DeformLocation 65 DeformLong 65 DeformVertical 66 Demoted 105 Deployment 41 Depowered 40 DesignDefect 167 DesignedObstructedView 183 DiabeticBlackout 130 Discussion 89 Distraction 330 DMVViolation Data Set 90 DriverAssessment Data Set 92 DriverDecisionAggression Data Set 115 DriverDrugs Data Set 127 DriverFatigue 398 DriverHealth Data Set 129 DriverInspections 428 DriverOutOfService 428 DriverOutOfServicePerc 428 DriverPhysical 398 DriverPresent 245 DriverRecognitionDistraction Data Set 140 DriverReported 127 DriverSEA 438 DriverSleep Data Set 149 DriverViolationsAverage 428 DriveWheels 492 DromedaryBox 440 DrugName 127 DrugTest 99 DrugType 127 E EjectionArea 337 EjectionType 337 EmergencyVehicle 181 Emotional 101 EmotionExperience 400 EndWidth 497 EngineProblem 185 Entrapment 339 ENVDust 172 ENVFog 171 ENVHail 172 Environment Data Set 158 EnvironmentCount 201 ENVNoConditions 170 ENVOtherConditions 173 ENVRain 170 ENVSleet 172 ENVSnow 171 ENVTrafficFlow 159 ENVWindGusts 171 EpilepticSeizure 130 EQF 418 EthnicOrigin 248 Evasion 118 EVE ObjectContact 176 Events Data Set 174 ExemptForHire 408 ExhaustLeak 190 EXP WorkSchedule 104 ExteriorDistractionCount 146 ExternalPerson 147 ExtraLoads 105 Eyewear 336 F FactorAssessment Data Set 180 FamilyProblems 95 Fatigue 99 FederalGovernment 410 FieldLocation 68 FillInTrips 112 FIR 418 FireOrigin 478 FireSeverity 478 FirstHarmfulEvent 483 FlapsDamaged 43 FlapsOpen 42 Flashing 125 FloorRetrieval 145 FlowRestriction 160 FOB 419 Focused 94 ForceDirection 64 FourWheelDrive 242 FrontOverhang 497 FrontWheelDrive 241 FuelSystemProblem 190 FuelType 243 FunctionalClass 162 Functioning 164 G GCSScore 355 GearPosition 443 GeneralVehicle Data Set 204 Glare 202 Glaucoma 133 GVEBodyType 232 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Index • 502 GVECargoSource 236 GVECargoWeight 236 GVECurbWeight 235 GVEInspection 237 GVEInspectionDate 238 GVEMake 204 GVEModel(with GVEMake) 206 GVEMotorcycleDisplacement 244 GVEPARSevCode 238 GVEPostedSpeed 245 GVERESSevCode 239 GVERestraintType 242 GVESpecialUse 237 GVETotalViolations 251 GVETravelSpeed 245 GVEVehicleClass 234 GVEVIN 237 GVEWeightSource 235 GVEYear 232 GVWR 470 H HandsUsed 332 Hazard 472 HazardousMaterial 417 HazMat 425 HazMat Data Set 253 HazMatInsp Data Set 255 HazMatInspections 430 HazMatOutOfService 430 HazMatOutOfServicePerc 430 HazMatViolationsAverage 430 HearingImpaired 329 HearingImpairment 136 HearingRestricted 330 HeartAttack 129 HMIDisposition 256 HMIInspection 255 HMIOutOfService 256 HMIViolation 255 Honking 124 HospitalDays 354 HoursDriving 152 HoursOnDuty 152 HoursSinceSleep 150 HoursWorked 154 Hurrying 101 Hyperopic 133 IllegalUTurn 120 Illness 96 IllnessFactorCount 129 ImpactNumber 68 ImproperBulkLoading 56 ImproperGeneralLoading 56 Inattention 140 IndianTribe 411 InformationSource 300 InitialFacility 353 InitialTreatment 353 Injuries Data Set 257 InjuryCount 355 InjurySource 292 InjurySourceCat 291 InspDriverOOS 307 InspectionExists 255 Inspections 307 InspectionType 491 InspVehOOS 308 InspViols 309 InsufficientSight 194 IntegratedRestraints 343 Interchange 159 InteriorDistractionCount 143 IntersectionType 160 InTransport 491 IntrusionLocation 298 IntrusionRow 297 Intrusions 340 ITSHeadway 448 ITSOther 450 ITSRollover 449 ITSSideObject 449 J JackknifeAssessments 301 JAK 419 Junction 158 Justification 498 K KnewRoad 102 KnewVehicle 102 L LastSleepEnd 150 LastSleepHours 149 LastSleepStart 149 LastWeekHours 156 LastWeekMoonlight 156 LeftDoorMirror 447 LeftFenderMirror 447 LeftLength 49 LegallyBlind 132 LevelCode 424 LFDeflated 494 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Index • 503 LFRestricted 492 LiabilityInsurance 434 LicState 90 LightViolations 123 LoadObstructedView 183 LoadPressure 109 LocalGovernment 411 LocalViols 308 LRDeflated 494 LRRestricted 493 M MainSleepEnd 151 MainSleepHours 150 MainSleepStart 151 ManeuverCount 119 ManualBeltAvailable 345 ManualBeltFailure 347 ManualBeltProper 346 ManualBeltSource 349 ManualBeltUsed 346 ManufactureDate 468 Material 253 MaxCrushLocation 69 MaxWidth 496 MCMIScmvNon Violations 252 MCMIScmvViolations 252 MCMIScrashes 252 MCMISdriverData Data Set 307 MCMISviolation Data Set 310 MedianWidth 191 Medium 338 MediumStatus 338 Migrant 410 Mileage 413 MileageYear 413 MinCoverageAmount 433 MirrorCount 446, 448 Misjudgment 116 Mobility 339 Mortality 352 Motion 327 Movement 387 MovementCount 52 MultiEjection 339 MultiStage 498 MVH 419 Myopic 133 N NarrowRoad 195 NarrowShoulders 195 NCM 419 NCO 420 NewPosition 103 NoApplicableFatigue 111 NoApplicableRelations 113 NoDriverPresent 96 NoFactors 136 NonCMVCrashes 250 NonCMVViolations 250 NonMotorist 403 NonMotoristCount 72 NonMotorists Data Set 325 NormalVision 132 NoTraffic 180 NumOOSviols 324 NumViols 323 O ObjectContactClass 37, 61 ObjectObscured 193 ObsceneGestures 125 Obscured 92 OCCAge 334 OCCFatality 77 OCCGender 335 OCCHeight 334 OCCInjSeverityCode 352 OCCLocation 340 OCCRestraintType 341 OccupantMovement 144 Occupants Data Set 334 OCCWeight 334 OFR 420 OINDescription 257 OOB 420 Orientation 328 OTH 420 Other 411 OtherAggression 126 OtherBlackout 131 OtherCargos 59 OtherChangeSpecify 203 OtherComfortFactor 108 OtherControls 145 OtherDefect 185 OtherDefectSpecify 186 OtherExternal 148 OtherFactorCount 136 OtherFactorPhysical 139 OtherFatigue 111 OtherIllness 131 OtherInternal 146 OtherLiquids 59 OtherLocationMirror 448 OtherManeuver 121 OtherMovement 54 OtherPressure 106 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Index • 504 OtherPressureCount 111 OtherProblem 198 OtherProblemSpecify 198 OtherRelations 114 OtherRetrieval 145 OtherSeizure 130 OtherSolids 57 OtherTraffic 182 OtherTrafficSpecify 182 OtherViewObstruction 184 OtherVision 135 OtherWeather 201 OtherWeatherSpecify 201 OutsideLocation 142 OVEAccidentType 393 OVEAlcohol 397 OVEAvoidance 391 OVECargoShift 396 OVEConfiguration 386 OVECrashCode 394 OVECriticalEvent 388 OVEDecision 399 OVEenvironment 402 OVEJackKnife 396 OVELocation 392 OVEMake 358 OVEModel 360 OverallLength 495 OVEReason 389 OVERecognition 398 OVERightOfWay 393 OverrideDesc 64 Overview Data Set 358 OVESpeed 403 OVEStability 392 OVESurveillance 400 OVEYear 386 OVR 421 P PARAlcoholPresent 246 PARAlcoholTest 246 PARAlcoholTestResult 246 Parapalegia 137 PARDescription 405 PARDrugsPresent 248 PARTestDelay 247 PARTestSource 247 PARViolationCode 404 PARViolations Data Set 404 PED 421 PersonalProblems 95 PlacardRequired 446 PoorCondition 196 PositionNumber 61 PostInclination 344 Posture 341 PowerUnitType 440 PreEventMovement 78 PreTensionerActuated 348 PreTensionerAvailable 348 PreTensionerTravel 348 PrevViolations 251 PriorCrashes 44 PriorInclination 344 PriorMaintenance 44 PrivatePassengersBusiness 409 PrivatePassengersNonBusiness 409 PrivateProperty 409 Prosthesis 137 PSU 17 PSUStrata 17 PVH 421 Q QuarterTurns 479 Quotas 104 R Race 335 Railroad 164 RampSpeed 196 RanLights 121 RapidAcceleration 124 Rating 435 RatingDate 435 RATWeight 17 RearOverhang 497 RearTapeCond 473 RearTapePeel 476 ReasonCat 82 ReflectiveTapeMissingObscured 189 ReflectTapeColor 475 ReflectTapePattern 475 ReflectTapeType 474 Reportable 254 RestraintDamage 342 Retractor 349 ReviewDate 435 ReviewType 435 RFDeflated 495 RFRestricted 493 RightDoorMirror 446 RightFenderMirror 447 RightLength 49 RiskTaking 331 RoadAlignment 165 RoadGeometry 194 RoadProfile 165 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Index • 505 RoadRelation 158 RoadSurface 166 Roadway 401 RoadwayClass 164 RoadwayFactorCount 192 Role 335 RollDirection 483 RollInitLocation 480 RollInitType 479 RollObject 480 RolloverType 479 RollTrip 482 Roof1 241 Roof2 241 Roof3 241 RotatingShift 110 Rotation 154 Row 340 RPM 442 RRDeflated 494 RRRestricted 493 RumbleStrip 168 RUN 421 RushHour 181 S SaferAuthorityStatus Data Set 407 SaferCarrier Data Set 408 SaferCrashSummary Data Set 414 SaferDriverCrashReport Data Set 416 SaferDriverInspection Data Set 424 SaferDriverViolation Data Set 426 SaferInspectionsSummary Data Set 428 SaferInsurance Data Set 432 SaferReview Data Set 435 SafeStat Data Set 437 SafetySEA 438 SCDDate 416 SCDDateOfBirth 416 SCDFatalities 416 SCDInjuries 417 SCDState 416 SCDTowaway 417 ScheduledExtensions 110 Score 437 SCSFatalities 414 SCSInjuries 414 SCSTowaway 414 SCSYear 414 SDIDate 424 SDIDriverDOB 424 SDIState 424 SDVOutOfService 427 SDVUnitType 427 SDVViolation 426 SeatLocation1 38 SeatLocation2 39 SeatOrientation 342 SeatPerformance 343 SeatRow1 38 SeatRow2 39 SeatType 342 SelfInducedIllegal 105 SelfInducedOther 106 SEP 422 Series 240 ShippingDeadline 104 ShortNoticeTrips 112 ShoulderType 168 ShoulderWidth 168 SideTapeCond 474 SideTapePeel 476 SightDistance 191 SightImpaired 329 SightLine 92 SightLineDistance 169 SightLineRestriction 169 SightRestricted 329 Signage 161 SignsMissing 193 SISTotal 431 SleepApnea 138 SleeperBerth 441 SlickSurface 196 Sloshing 58 Smoke 203 SocialSchedule 95 SparseTieDowns 57 Speeding 115 SpeedingBehavior 122 STACategory 438 STADate 437 StateGovernment 410 Status 408 SteerableAxles 473 SteeringWheelProblem 190 StopRequired 93 Stratum 174 StreetAddress 147 StrenuousNonWork 138 StrenuousRecreation 138 StrokeType 49 Subject 141 Summary 72, 74 SurfaceCondition 166 SurfaceDefect 167 SuspensionFrameDeficiency 189 SwitchStatus 42 SwitchType 41 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Index • 506 T Tailgating 115 TailgatingBehavior 123 TankCapacity 471 TankFailure 59 TankLoad 471 TestDelay 99 TestResult 128 TestSource 98 TEXConfiguration 445 TEXEmptyWeight 443 TEXSpeed 442 TEXTotalLength 445 TimeOfDeath 354 TimeStopped 93 TINDisposition 465 TINOutofService 465 TINPosition 451 TINViolationCode 451 TireDeficiency 186 TireFailure 184 TotalCrashes 250 TOTALGVWR 444 TotalOOS 425 TotalViolations 425 TowingUnitProblem 189 Tracking 143 TrackPosition 343 Traffic 401 TrafficControl 163 TrafficDensity 107 TrafficSpeed 107 TrailerCount 443 Transmission 492 TransmissionFailure 185 TravelLanes 161 Treatment 76 TRN 422 TruckCount 71 TruckExterior Data Set 440 TruckInspection Data Set 451 TruckUnits Data Set 466 TUNBodyType 466 TUNCargoWeight 469 TUNEmptyWeight 469 TUNPosition 466 TUNSpillage 472 TUNTotalLength 470 TUNUnitType 466 TUNVIN 468 U UMO 422 UnderrideTapePeel 475 Undertaking 120 UnderWater 197 UnitNumber 426 UnitsTransfused 356 UNK 422 Unknown 412 UnknownCause 60 UnknownFactor 97 UnknownVision 135 UnkTypeCrashes 251 UnpaidLoading 113 UnscheduledExtensions 110 UnspecifiedExternal 148 Upset 100 USMAIL 410 V VariableCompensation 113 VehicleCount 71 VehicleDefectCount 182 VehicleDisposition 498 VehicleEvents Data Set 478 VehicleExterior Data Set 486 VehicleInspections 429 VehicleLightingDeficiency 188 VehicleLoad 108 VehicleNumber 17 VehicleObscured 193 VehicleOutOfService 429 VehicleOutOfServicePerc 429 VehicleOverweight 187 VehicleSEA 438 VehicleState 401 VehicleType 243 VehicleViolationsAverage 429 VEXBodyType 486 VEXCargoSource 490 VEXCargoWeight 489 VEXCurbWeight 496 VEXInspectionDate 491 VEXSpecialUse 490 VEXVehicleClass 488 VEXVIN 490 VEXWeightSource 489 VINBodyType 240 VINMake 239 VINModel 239 VINWeight 243 VINYear 240 ViolationType 464 ViolDesc 323 ViolDescription 91 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Index • 507 W Waiver 254 WashedOut 197 WeakTieDowns 57 Weather 402 WeatherCount 198 Weaving 123 WeekAverage 153 WeekLongest 152 WeekShortest 153 Wheelbase 495 WheelConfig 243 WhileCount 302 WindGust 200 WorkDaysLost 354 WorkFatigueCount 109 WorkPressureCount 103 Wrong Way 121 WrongTurnLane 120 WZE 423 Z Zip Code 248 LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Index • 508 Appendix A: LTCCS Sampling and Analytical Issues Sample Design The selection of crashes for the LTCCS was accomplished in two stages, using the infrastructure of the National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) Crashworthiness Data System (CDS). The first stage is the selection of geographic areas called primary sampling units (PSUs). The United States has been divided into 1,195 PSUs where each PSU is comprised on a large city, a large county, or a group of counties. The PSUs are grouped into 12 categories or strata described by geographic region (northeast, midwest, south, west) and degree of population (central city, large county, and group of counties). PSUs were selected for the sample in 1986 based on probabilities proportional to the number of fatal and injury crashes in that PSU in 1983. The more crashes in a PSU, the greater the likelihood that PSU would be included in the sample. The four geographic regions are: Northeast New Jersey – Ocean County New York – Kings County (Brooklyn) New York – Ulster County Pennsylvania – Allegheny County (except Pittsburgh) Pennsylvania – Montgomery County Pennsylvania – Philadelphia Midwest Illinois – Chicago Indiana – Lake County Michigan – Genesee County Michigan – Muskegon County Michigan – Washtenaw County Nebraska – Douglas County South Alabama – Bibb and Tuscaloosa Counties Florida – Fort Lauderdale and Hollywood Maryland – Charles and Prince George’s Counties North Carolina – Wake County Tennessee – Knox County Texas – Dallas West Arizona – Gila, Graham, and Greenlee Counties Arizona – Yuma and La Paz Counties California – Los Angeles Colorado – Gilpin and Jefferson Counties Washington – King County (except Seattle) Washington – Seattle In the second stage, researchers were notified of truck crashes within their PSU. To qualify for the LTCCS, a crash had to involve a large truck and at least one fatality that could be classified LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Appendix A: LTCCS Sampling and Analytical Issues • 509 as “K,” or at least one injury that could be classified as “A” or “B” on the KABCOU scale defined as: K = Killed A = Incapacitating Injury B= Non-Incapacitating Injury C= Possible Injury O=No Injury U = Unknown In most PSUs the goal was to research all qualifying crashes. However, due to notification difficulties the crashes sampled were in reality a subset of the crashes occurring in the PSU. The difference is accounted for in the sampling weights. Also, researchers sometimes responded to crashes that didn’t qualify for the nationally representative sample. If such cases were researched, they remain in the LTCCS files for anecdotal analysis with weights of zero (see Sampling Weights). Sampling Weights Each LTCCS case has a value in the variable RATWEIGHT (“Ratio Weight”). This variable gives the statistical sampling weight of the case for national representation. RATWEIGHT should be used as the weighting variable in all statistical analyses. The LTCCS case weights sum to NHTSA’s NASS General Estimates System (GES) estimate of in-transport large truck crashes of maximum injury severity K, A or B nationwide from April 1, 2001 to December 31, 2003 inclusive. The GES was used because it covers all types of crashes regardless of vehicle type. The CDS focuses only on those crashes in which at least one passenger vehicle was towed due to damage. In each PSU, within-PSU weights were derived as the ratio of qualifying GES cases listed during the period of the study to qualifying sampled LTCCS cases in the PSU over the entire period of the study. The resulting weights were then multiplied by the CDS PSU weight (the inverse of the PSU probability of selection) for the respective CDS PSUs. Use of the GES PSU weights would not have been valid as PSU weights because the GES has 60 PSUs whereas the truck study was only performed only in the 24 CDS PSUs. In a final step, the weights resulting from the above steps were post-stratified to GES national estimates by PSU region and researched maximum injury severity (see below). This was conducted by applying to the unadjusted weight a ratio equal to the ratio of the GES estimate of the number of qualifying crashes to the unadjusted LTCCS estimate of the number of qualifying crashes by region and researched severity. The 24 CDS PSUs are evenly distributed among four NASS geographic regions of the United States, so that each region contains six PSUs. The post- stratification was applied to remove biases that could occur toward higher injury levels due to the notification process. Weighted Injury Severity The LTCCS case weights sum by maximum injury severity to the GES estimates by maximum injury severity if and only if the following variables are used for maximum severity: Crash file CRASHRESSevCode General Vehicle File GVERESSevCode NonMotorists file ANMRESSevCode LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Appendix A: LTCCS Sampling and Analytical Issues • 510 Explanation Each LTCCS case contains two different variables assessing the showing the maximum injury severity that was recorded on the PAR for the case. However, the truck cases were weighted to the GES estimate of similar cases nationwide. In the GES, coders overrule the PAR severity if the PAR narrative disagrees with the PAR severity. Therefore, a similar coding procedure was undertaken for the truck cases. Experienced NASS injury coders reviewed each vehicle narrative and occupant injury coding for each vehicle in each truck case, and recorded the maximum injury level by vehicle. The coders also reviewed all non-motorist injuries. If initial reviews were not in agreement, the case was re-examined until consensus was reached. If no information was available except the PAR assessment, the PAR assessment was migrated into the researched assessment. The results of the researched severity assessment were coded into the variables GVERESSevCode at the vehicle level and ANMRESSevCode for non-motorists. The crash level CRASHRESSevCode was derived from GVERESSevCode and ANMRESSevCode by taking the highest researched severity in a crash in either the GeneralVehicle or NonMotorists file. Cases of Weight Zero Of 1070 truck cases in the files, 963 have weights greater than zero. These 963 are the nationally representative sample of in-transport large truck cases with maximum injury severity K, A, or B occurring between April 1, 2001 and December 31, 2003. LTCCS cases not belonging to that universe of cases have weights of zero. Zero-weight cases have not been removed from the truck database so that may be available for clinical analysis and anecdotal data. However, they should not be included in analyses for national representation. Note that in any software package with a weight statement, using the weighted data will result in omission of any cases with weight zero. Zero-weight cases fall into at least one of the following categories: Crashes Occurring Before April 1, 2001 These cases are considered pilot cases and do not occur in every PSU. During this time, procedures were being tested and finalized. Seventy-five cases fall into this category. Crashes Where Maximum Researched Injury Severity Is Not K, A, Or B These cases are not part of the universe represented by the weighted cases. These cases include those where the maximum researched injury severity was C (5 cases), O (11 cases), U (1 case), or where the only non-C/O/U injury was a fatality ruled as occurring prior to the crash (three cases). To weight these cases to GES cases of the same maximum injury level would change the universe of the weighted LTCCS, and would also be impractical given their very small sample sizes. Crashes Where The Only Involved Large Truck Was Not In Transport Crashes where the only involved large truck was not in transport (for instance parked on shoulder) are not part of the universe represented by the weighted cases. Twelve non-pilot LTCCS cases fall into this category. Their case ID (variable name CASEID) numbers are: 207003882, 333006634, 333006859, 806004774, 806005979, 807005027, 808004521, 811005122, 812004811, 816005021, 817005068 and 821003827. Analysis Issues Standard Errors The LTCCS employed a complex sample design involving stages of sampling. Therefore, statistical analyses involving variances or standard errors (or procedures that use them, such as hypothesis testing and confidence intervals) should be conducted using a software product that can take the sampling stages into account, such as RTI’s Survey Data Analysis (SUDAAN). The nesting variables to use in such an analysis are PSUSTRATA and PSU. The weight variable is LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Appendix A: LTCCS Sampling and Analytical Issues • 511 RATWEIGHT. Using regular SAS procedures will give standard errors that treat the sample as a simple random sample and are likely to be underestimated. Time Period Due to the small sample size, it is strongly recommended that the truck sample be used as a whole rather than broken down into years, months, weeks, days of the week or time of day. Estimates or trends based on years, months, weeks, days of the week or time of day will not be valid. Injury Severity Weighted and unweighted counts for maximum injury severity as measured by PAR vs. researched assessment will not necessarily match. The researched severity assessments – CRASHRESSevCode, GVERESSevCode and ANMRESSevCode - should be used for any weighted analysis involving severity. The PAR severity variables (CrashPARSevCode, GVEPARSevCode, ANMPARSevCode) should not be used for weighted analyses involving severity. LTCCS Analytical User's Manual Appendix A: LTCCS Sampling and Analytical Issues • 512