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Docket Number - Title

97S-0163 Dietary Supplements, Courtesy Letters (Letters of Objection) *
02D-0324 Bioengineered Plants for Use in Humans and Animals *
02N-0273 Animal Proteins Prohibited in Ruminant Feed *
03N-0009 Federal Preemption of State & Local Medical Device Requireme *
91N-0103 Fatty Acids & Heart Disease, Hlth.Claims & Label Statements

BKG 4 Background material (NFR 1/6/93) Vol#: 26

94D-0325 ICH; Impurities in New Drug Substances; Availability

GDL 1 Guidance Vol#: 1

NAD 4 Vol#: 1

97S-0163 Dietary Supplements, Courtesy Letters (Letters of Objection)

LET 663 HFS-810 to Your Vitamins Vol#: 19

LET 664 HFS-810 to Neuro Help Vol#: 19

LET 665 HFS-810 to Tabak's Health Products Vol#: 19

LET 666 HFS-810 to Nutriment Innovations, Inc. Vol#: 19

LET 667 HFS-810 to FoodScience Corporation Vol#: 19

LET 668 HFS-810 to Pharmaton Natural Health Prod Vol#: 19

LET 669 HFS-810 to Enzymatic Therapy, Inc. Vol#: 19

LET 670 HFS-810 to Herbalist & Alchemist, Inc. Vol#: 19

98D-1146 Microbial effects of antimicrobial new animal drugs/human sa

C 86 Kari Provost Vol#: 19

C 87 Deborah A. Moran Vol#: 19

C 88 Richard D. Huhn, M.D. Vol#: 19

C 89 JoAnn Hanson Vol#: 19

C 90 Helen Schulz Vol#: 19

C 91 Carol L. Sanford Vol#: 19

C 92 Debra Regulski Vol#: 19

C 93 Dr. Gary Greenberg Vol#: 19

C 94 Form letters count 17 Vol#: 20

EMC 666 Mark M. Giese Vol#: 15

99N-4282 Biotechnology in the Year 2000 and Beyond; Public Meetings

EMC 3930 Racheal Fabiani Vol#: 513

EMC 3931 Katrin Saucier Vol#: 513

EMC 3932 Cecile Harrison Vol#: 513

EMC 3933 Lynette Liechty Vol#: 513

EMC 3934 Gordon Gacek Vol#: 513

99P-2630 Establish a Daily Value for "added sugars"

EMC 477 Tamisue Webster Vol#: 32

01N-0067 Reclassification of Dental Mercury

EMC 650 Maryanne Rygg Vol#: 17

02D-0324 Bioengineered Plants for Use in Humans and Animals

C 589 Charity A. Halice Vol#: 12

C 590 Am Sande 1/Zimmer 306 Vol#: 12

C 591 CropLife America Vol#: 12

C 592 CSPI Vol#: 12

C 593 Gay Rogers Vol#: 12

C 594 American Phytopathological Society Vol#: 12

C 595 Susan Edens Vol#: 12

C 596 Kathleen L. Tucker Vol#: 12

C 597 Andrea Feig Vol#: 12

C 598 Douglas E. Wingeier Vol#: 12

C 599 The Greens Vol#: 12

C 600 North American Export Grain Assn, Inc. Vol#: 12

C 601 Arthur T. Gionti, MD Vol#: 12

EMC 11 Kelly Coleman Vol#: 12

EMC 12 Lisa Stutey Vol#: 12

EMC 13 Ernest Goitein Vol#: 12

EMC 14 Dave Georgis Vol#: 12

EMC 15 Don Lareau Vol#: 12

EMC 16 DuPont Agriculture & Nutrition Vol#: 12

EMC 17 Keith L. Proctor Vol#: 12

EMC 18 Lorraine Greco Vol#: 12

EMC 19 Harriet Sharp Vol#: 12

EMC 20 Karen Wilken Vol#: 12

EMC 21 Natalie Koster Vol#: 12

EMC 22 Brandy Narasky Vol#: 12

EMC 23 M. Vidal Vol#: 12

EMC 24 Catherine Workman Vol#: 12

EMC 25 Snack Food Assn Vol#: 12

02D-0325 Polyvinychloride using Plasticier di-(2-ethyhexyl)phthalate

EMC 82 Elise Harris Vol#: 3

EMC 83 Christy Knockleby Vol#: 3

EMC 84 Garnet Harron Vol#: 3

EMC 85 Michelle Mayhan Vol#: 3

02N-0273 Animal Proteins Prohibited in Ruminant Feed

C 33 Fats & Proteins Research Foundation, Inc Vol#: 4

C 34 North Dakota Farmers Union Vol#: 4

C 35 Dept of Agriculture of Australia Vol#: 4

C 36 Ron Butler Vol#: 4

C 37 Baker Commodities, Inc. Vol#: 4

C 38 Minnesota Farmers Union Vol#: 4

C 39 Central Bi-Products Vol#: 4

C 40 Senate of West Virginia Vol#: 4

C 41 Land O'Lakes Farmland Feed Vol#: 4

C 42 Harold K. Michael (CI) Vol#: 4

C 43 Mark Hedrick Vol#: 4

C 44 W.C. Taylor Vol#: 4

C 45 Roger L. Fansler Vol#: 4

C 46 West Virginia Legislature Vol#: 4

C 47 Robert K. Harris Vol#: 4

C 48 Virginia Poultry Federation Vol#: 4

C 49 Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Vol#: 4

EMC 11 California Dept. of Food & Agriculture Vol#: 4

02N-0276 Bioterrorism Preparedness;Registration of Food Facilities

LET 2 HF-10 to Dear Colleague Vol#: 3

LST 1 Registration List for 01/21/2003 meeting Vol#: 3

REF 1 January 29, 2003 Press Release Vol#: 3

REF 2 Question asked at 01/21/2003 meeting Vol#: 3

TR 1 Transcript of 01/21/2003 meeting Vol#: 5

02N-0278 Bioterrorism; Prior Notice of Imported Food Shipments

LET 2 HF-10 to Dear Colleague Vol#: 3

LST 1 Registration List for 01/21/2003 meeting Vol#: 3

REF 1 January 29, 2003 Press Release Vol#: 3

REF 2 Question asked at 01/21/2003 meeting Vol#: 3

TR 1 Transcript of 01/21/2003 meeting Vol#: 6

02N-0466 Safety, Clinical and Immune Response of Dryvax

EMC 253 Carole Paolino Cohen Vol#: 1

03M-0049 PMA NaviStar DS & Celsius DS Diagnostic/Ablation Catheters

AAV 1 Biosense Webster, Inc. Vol#: 1

03N-0002 FDA Export reform and enchancement act of 1996: Certificatio

N 1 Vol#: 1

03N-0009 Federal Preemption of State & Local Medical Device Requireme

EMC 1 State of North Dakota Vol#: 1