Legislative Reference Bureau
LRB Studies and Reports

Studies by Session Year

Research studies requested by the Legislature during session. Access to reports in pdf; requesting legislation citations; Bureau publication report numbers and titles; and fact sheets.

Hawaii Constitutional Convention Studies 1978

The Hawaii Constitutional Studies 1978 were undertaken at the direction of the legislature and are an attempt to present in understandable form many of the possible issues and the arguments on both sides of such issues that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1978 may wish to consider.

Admin Rules Directory and Table of Statutory Sections Implemented

The Table is a new table of statutory sections implemented of the Hawaii Administrative Rules Directory. It replaces all prior versions of this table whether published separately from or in conjunction with the Hawaii Administrative Rules Directory.

The purpose of this table is to enable users to tell at a glance whether state agencies have adopted rules that purport to implement or interpret statutory sections. On any given page of the table, the rule sections in the right hand column (those containing three sets of numbers) are the rules that the adopting agency or agencies claim either implement or interpret the corresponding statutory sections listed in the left hand column.

Manuals and Handbooks

The Bureau's series of handbooks are intended to provide a convenient and comprehensive reference for legislators, legislative staff and the public of the basic information relating to the legislative process. Publications include: legislative and administrative rules drafting manuals; research tools; and a directory of officials in Hawaii.

Session Actions

The Bureau's Systems Office publishes yearly compilations of history and status of bills and resolutions. Lists of measures for each legislative session include: Crossover Bills; Bills Passed, Resolutions adopted; and Acts and Vetoes.

LRB Notes

Research briefs intended to provide basic background information relating to state government in areas that may include difficult, complex constitutional, legal and legislative concepts.

Library Publications

The Library publishes the two-volume, Directory and Guide to Government in Hawaii and several lists compiled from their library catalog, CARD. Lists such as Agency Reports to the Legislature and Selected Recent Acquisitions are also published as rss feeds.

All Agencies Reports

This table provides status query and online access links for reports requested by the Hawai`i State Legislature to state, federal, official and private agencies.

Titles List

Bureau studies listed by published date since 1990.


The Hawai`i Legislative Reference Bureau makes its publications available on the Internet as a public service, and reliance on information published on this site is done at the user's own risk. Neither the State of Hawai`i nor any agency, officer or employee of the State of Hawai`i guarantees the accuracy, reliability, completeness or timeliness of LRB reports and studies published on this site, and may not be held liable for any losses caused by any person's or entity's reliance on the information available here.
