Office Contact Info.
Phone: (631) 344-3604
Fax: (631) 344-2358
Mail address: Bldg. 490

Elisabeth de Castro Caparelli


Telephone:  (631) 344-3640
also see: TMS and TMS-MRI web sites

Research Interests

    The main focus of Dr. Caparelli's research is on the development and validation of combining transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with others neuroimaging techniques. Due to her strong background in MRI research, her latest project focuses on performing simultaneous TMS-fMRI to evaluate the brain structures affected by the TMS stimulus in a 4 T Varian scanner.

 Education & Concurrent Positions

  • B.S. University of Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil,(Physics), 1989
  • M.S. University of Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil,(Nuclear Physics), 1992
  • Ph.D. University of Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil,(Nuclear Physics),1996
  • Post Doc. Federal University of Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil, (Theoretical Physics), 1996
  • Post Doc. USP of Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil, (MRI), 1997
  • Teaching Assistant with Fellowship at the National University of General San Martin, Argentina, (MRI), 1998
  • Teaching Assistant and Researcher at the National University of General San Martin, Argentina, (MRI), 2000
  • Research Associate, Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, (MRI), 2001
  • Assistant Scientist, Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, (MRI), 2003
  • Associate Scientist, Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, (TMS&MRI), 2005
  • Medical Scientist (Tenure Track), Medical Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, (TMS&MRI), 2008

Selected Publications

  • Caparelli E.C. and Tomasi D.
    K-space spatial low-pass filters can increase signal loss artifacts in Echo-Planar Imaging.
    Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 3:107-114 (2008).
  • Tomasi D., Chang L., Caparelli E.C. and Ernst T.
    Sex differences in sensory gating of the thalamus during auditory interference of visual attention tasks.
    Neuroscience, 151(4):1006-1015 (2008).  PubMed
  • Caparelli E.C.
    TMS & fMRI - The new neuroimaging tool to study the brain function.
    Current Medical Imaging Review, 3:109-115 (2007).
  • Goldstein R., Alia-Klein N., Tomasi D., Zhang L., Cottone L.A., Maloney T., Telang F., Caparelli E.C., Chang L., Ernst T., Samaras D., Squires N.K. and Volkow N.D.
    Is decreased prefrontal cortical sensitivity to monetary reward associated with impaired motivation and self-control in cocaine addiction?
    American Journal of Psychiatry, 164(1):43–51 (2007).  PubMed
  • Tomasi D. and Caparelli E.C.
    Macrovascular contribution in activation patterns of working memory.
    J. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 27(1):33-42 (2007).
  •   PubMed
  • Tomasi D., Chang L., Caparelli E.C. and Ernst T.
    Different activation patterns for working memory load and visual attention load.
    Brain Research, 1132(1):158–165 (2007).
  •   PubMed
  • Tomasi D., Goldstein R., Klein N., Telang F., Caparelli E.C., Maloney T., Volkow N.
    Thalamo-cortical dysfunction in cocaine abusers: implications in attention and perception.
    Psychiatry Research, 155(3):189-201 (2007).
  •   PubMed
  • Tomasi D., Goldstein R.Z., Telang F., Maloney T., Alia-Klein N., Caparelli E.C., Volkow N.D.
    Widespread disruption in brain activation patterns to a working memory task during cocaine abstinence.
    Brain Research, 1171:83-92 (2007). 
  • PubMed
  • Tomasi D., Ernst T., Caparelli E.C. and Chang L.
    Common deactivation patterns during working memory and visual attention tasks: An intra-subject fMRI study at 4 Tesla.
    Human Brain Mapping, 27(8):694-705 (2006).
  •   PubMed
  • Tomasi D., Chang L., de Castro Caparelli E., Telang F. and Ernst T.
    The human immunodeficiency virus reduces network capacity: acoustic noise effect.
    Annals of Neurology, 59(2):419-233 (2006).
  •   PubMed
  • Caparelli E.C.
    Can motion artifacts be completely removed from fMRI-activation maps?
    Current Medical Imaging Review, 1:253-264 (2005).
  • Caparelli E.C., Tomasi D. and Ernst T.
    The Effect of Small Rotations on R2* Measured with Echo Planar Imaging.
    Neuroimage, 24(4), 1164-1169 (2005).
  •  PubMed
  • Foerster B.U., Tomasi D., and Caparelli E.C.
    Magnetic field shift due to mechanical vibration in functional magnetic resonance imaging.
    Mag. Reson. in Medicine, 54(5):1261–1267 (2005).
  •   PubMed
  • Tomasi D., Caparelli E.C., Chang L. and Ernst T.
    fMRI-acoustic noise alters brain activation during working memory task.
    NeuroImage, 27(2):377-386 (2005).
  •   PubMed
  • Chang L., Tomasi D., Yakupov R., Lozar C., Arnold S., Caparelli E. and Ernst T.
    Adaptation of the attention network in Human Immunodeficiency virus brain injury.
    Annals of Neurology, 56:259-272 (2004).
  •   PubMed
  • Tomasi D., Ernst T., Caparelli E.C. and Chang L.
    Practice-induced changes of brain function during visual attention: A parametric fMRI study at 4 Tesla.
    NeuroImage, 23(4):1414-1421 (2004).
  •   PubMed
  • Caparelli E.C., Tomasi D., Arnold S., Chang L. and Ernst T.
    k-Space based summary motion detection for functional magnetic resonance imaging.
    Neuroimage, 20(2):1411-1418 (2003)
  • PubMed
  • Caparelli E.C. and Tomasi D.
    An Analytical Calculation of the Biot Savart Integral Equation.
    Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 23:284 (2001).
  • Tomasi D. and Caparelli E.C.
    Um Experimento de Oscilador Forçado Amortecido.
    Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 23:171 (2001).
  • Caparelli E.C., Tomasi D. and Panepucci H.
    Shielded biplanar gradient coil design.
    J Magn Reson Imaging, 9(5):725-31 (1999).
  •   PubMed
  • Tomasi D., Caparelli E.C., Panepucci H. and Foerster B.
    Fast Optimization of a Biplanar Gradient Coil Set.
    J.Mag.Reson., 140(2):325-39 (1999).
  •   PubMed

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Last Modified: October 2, 2008
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