Definitions: Guests and Visitors

Effective Date: Nov 30, 2000 Point of Contact: Bonnie Miller

Term Definition
assignment (foreign national) Presence, including employment, of an invited foreign national at a DOE facility for more than 30 calendar days. Assignments are normally for the purpose of participating in the work of the facility, gaining experience, or contributing to projects.
BNL contact A BNL employee responsible for overseeing the work performed by the contractor and for determining whether the contractor employee(s) shall require BNL site-specific training or be assigned an escort.
BNL Designated User Facility
  • Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS)
  • National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS)
  • Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) Facility
  • Tandem van de Graaff Accelerator Facility
  • Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)
collaborative research A project that will produce a report that has at least one BNL scientist as an author.

An organization or individual (contractor, sub-contractor, consultant on a Personal Services Agreement, or vendor) that performs work or provides a service, under contract to the Laboratory other than for on-site services, such as the cafeteria, service station, child development center, and the credit union.

Contractor employee(s) An individual employed by a contractor organization, who works or provides a service at the Laboratory. This does not include people who make routine deliveries, for example, Federal Express, UPS, RPS.
Contractor (resident) An organization or individual (contractor, subcontractor, consultant on a Personal Services Agreement, or vendor) that performs work or provides an on-site service, such as the cafeteria, service station, child development center, and the credit union, under contract to the Laboratory.
Educational Programs Coordinator A departmental point-of-contact with the Office of Educational Programs (OEP), appointed by the Chair of the Department, to centralize the flow of paperwork and assist with student/teacher placements within the Department. The Department is responsible for notifying OEP of personnel changes.
foreign national

A foreign national is any person who is not a U.S. citizen, and includes permanent resident aliens. Foreign nationals sponsored for visits or assignments include

1. Officials or other persons employed by foreign governments or other foreign institutions, which may or may not be involved in cooperation under international agreements;

2. Foreign students at US institutions;

3. Employees of DOE or other US Government agencies or their contractors, of universities, of companies (professional or service staff), or of other institutions;

4. Prospective employees of DOE or DOE contractors.


Any non-employee who visits the Laboratory for whom the Laboratory establishes and maintains a permanent record. A permanent record may be required if the visitor meets one or more of the following conditions: 1) Visits a facility for which training is required; 2) Visits a facility requiring the use of a radiation monitoring device; 3) Visitor or accompanying family member is a foreign national; 4) Visitor is expected to spend more than three days at the Laboratory.

A guest is assigned a BNL guest number.

Guest administrator One or more employees, appointed by each Laboratory organization, authorized to capture, input, and update information on guests and terminate their active status. This person may also be the host/sponsor.
Guest Information System (GIS) A module of the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) which tracks demographical and historical information on guests. To maintain continuity of information on individuals whose status evolves from employee to guest (or vice versa), one identification number is used to track that individual in all modules of the HRIS.
GIs Web Front-End An Internet-based registration system for guests to input personal and demographical information on themselves and for designated Laboratory personnel to use to perfect and approve the guest record.
Guest Processing Office Organizations which have large numbers of guests for whom they are responsible (National Synchrotron Light Source [NSLS], Nuclear and Particle Physics, and Plant Engineering), are authorized to process guests on entry to the Laboratory and to input and update information into the GIs The Human Resources Records Group serves as the Guest Processing Office for the rest of the Laboratory.
Guest scientific appointee

Any person, who for one or more days, actively engages in a BNL- approved research project. This does not include technical discussions or observations of less than 30 days. Appointees must have an affiliation with a home institution or business (except retired employees and spouses of current scientific staff).

All other guests are considered non-scientific.

host (sponsor) BNL or DOE employee sponsoring, coordinating, and/or approving the guest's visit. This individual is responsible for assuring guest compliance with the provisions of this subject area as well as the accuracy of data required herein. A sensitive country foreign national cannot be a host of another sensitive country's foreign national. Organizations (Departments/ Divisions/Offices) appoint and authorize hosts/sponsors and assure proper transfer of responsibility should a host/sponsor leave the Laboratory or change positions.
job shopper A contracted employee whose services are assigned to BNL through a contract with an independent firm. Such services are provided to support temporary technical, engineering, accounting, or other service needs. Job Shoppers are assigned through Human Resources. There are established open contracts for support services provided through contract labor or job shop houses.
minor Any person less than the age of 18.
other visitors (transient guests)

This category includes a variety of people who visit the Laboratory for whom there is no need to maintain a permanent record. It includes short-term visitors, individuals who perform work or a service at the Laboratory, who are on-site for one to three days, family members of employees and guests, library users, and selected groups, such as Physical Review staff or students on-site for course studies.

oversight Reviewer, regulator, inspector, or assessor, either an individual or a team of individuals from Federal (DOE, EPA, OSHA), state (DEC, Board of Health, Government Officials), and local agencies (Suffolk County Governmental Authorities or agencies), invited members of a community group/committee, or scientific host/sponsor/partner. These individuals could be either US citizens or foreign nationals. They can come to the Laboratory to conduct activities to ensure compliance of federal regulations or contract requirements, monitor processes and activities, conduct peer reviews/productivity surveys, or to establish and enhance community trust and confidence.
primary user of a research facility An individual with primary affiliation other than Brookhaven, collaborating on an approved experiment being conducted at one of the Laboratory's User Facilities. Facility users are typically given a one- to two-year intermittent guest appointment (without remuneration) subject to extension.
research collaborator

An individual with a primary affiliation other than Brookhaven, who works with members of the scientific staff, or uses a Laboratory research facility. Allowances for expenses, such as travel, per diem, or housing may be provided.

sensitive country A country to which particular consideration is given for policy reasons during the DOE internal review and approval process of visits and assignments by foreign nationals. Countries may appear on this list for reasons of national security, nuclear nonproliferation, regional instability, threat to national economic security, or terrorism support. A foreign national is considered to be from a sensitive country if a citizen of, or employed by, a government or institution of a sensitive country. For a current list of sensitive countries, contact the BNL Counterintelligence Office.
Sensitive subject Unclassified subject/topics identified in existing federal regulations governing export control as well as those identified by DOE as unique to its work, which involves information, activities, and/or technologies that are relevant to national security. Disclosure of sensitive subjects has the potential for enhancing weapons of mass destruction capability, leading to weapons of mass destruction proliferation, divulging militarily critical technologies, or revealing other advanced technologies which may adversely affect US national economic security. Therefore, they require special management oversight, especially before release to foreign nationals. The list of sensitive subjects is maintained by the Office of Nonproliferation and National Security. See the Sensitive Subjects List on the Fiscal Services Division (FSD) Foreign Travel Web site.
short-term consultant visitor

An individual who works or provides a service at the Laboratory, who is onsite for one to three days.

specific security plan A plan developed and implemented to protect DOE and DOE contractor assets and to prevent the compromise of a DOE security interest or sensitive subject to a foreign visitor or assignee. The specific security plan shall impose specific access restrictions and security countermeasures to ensure effective protection of DOE assets. The security plan is approved by the approval authority for the unclassified foreign visit or assignment. The effectiveness of the security plan serves as a critical decision element regarding approval actions. The security plan provides sufficient detail to support the approval authority in the decision-making process. For more information, see the Specific Security Plan.
sponsor See host.
sponsoring department The department/division that contracts for and oversees the work of the contractor.
student The student title is not mutually exclusive with other titles. Guests may be designated as students if they are registered in graduate, undergraduate or high school programs.
Student collaborator An undergraduate or high school student who participates for a short-term in BNL research programs, normally under the auspices of the Office of Educational Programs.
teacher collaborator A pre-college teacher, who participates in BNL research programs, normally under the auspices of the Office of Educational Programs.
terrorist sponsor countries The US State Department maintains a specific list of state sponsors of terrorism that are not contained in the sensitive country's list. Visits and assignments by foreign nationals from these countries require special processing and approval from the Secretary of Energy.
transient guests See other visitors.
user A user is a person who uses one of BNL's nationally designated user facilities. The user title is not mutually exclusive with other titles. Contractors and guests may be users.
visit (foreign national) Presence of a foreign national at a DOE facility for 30 calendar days or less. Visits, which total over 30 calendar days in a period of 12 months, are defined as assignments. Visits are normally for technical discussions, orientation, observation of projects or equipment, training, contract service work, or discussion of collaboration on topics of mutual interest without participation in the work of the facility, or for courtesy purposes. The term "visit" includes officially sponsored attendance at a DOE event off-site from a DOE facility, but does not include on- or off-site events and activities open to the general public. Off-site events that do not include participation by DOE or DOE contractor personnel that work in areas of national security and nonproliferation, or have knowledge in subjects of interest to foreign nationals that may attempt to compromise national security may be exempted from the provisions of this notice by the approving official from the host organization.

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