How Do I Get Certified with the Small Business Administration?

Three small business categories must have Small Business Administration (SBA) certifications to do business with Brookhaven National Laboratory:  Small disadvantaged business, 8(a) program, and HUB-Zone small business.

Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) Certification

You can obtain more information about the SDB Program by contacting any SBA district office, or reviewing the SDB home page, or taking the online training course on SBA certifications. For information call (202) 619-1850.

Benefits of SDB Certification:

BNL can only count SBA CERTIFIED SDB companies toward our Fiscal Year 2008 (FY08) prime contract goal of 6.30%. If everything else is equal, this would give you an advantage over another non-certified business.

8(a) Program

You can obtain more information about the 8(a) certification program, which is part of the SDB program, by contacting any SBA district office, or going to the SBA 8(a) Business Development page

Historically Underutilized Business (HUB-Zone) Certification

Click here to learn more information about the  HUB-Zone program or click here for the actual application.

Once you are registered as an SDB or HUB-Zone company: Register on DOD's Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database (formerly PRO-Net), which includes the Small Business Administration (SBA) database of small business contractors and their areas of business. Agency contracting officers and prime contractors search this database to find small business sources and subcontractors.

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Last Modified: February 22, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Michelle Holbrook