Assistants Workshop
List of Upcoming Courses
We have attached the list of OK-FIRST training opportunities in comingmonths. Each link should take you straight to the workshop's sign-uppage, where there are more details (addresses, times, etc.). We will add dates and locations for Recert classes as they are finalized.Remember, refreshers are worth 6 hrs of CLEET credit and Assistants are worth 12 hours.We look forward to seeing you there!------Assistants Course (Norman) Oct 20-21, 2008Assistants Course (Norman) Nov 17-18, 2008 [more]
From Kay Danks, Town of Reydon Emergency Manager
May 08, 2007

    Just wanted you all to know that thanks to the training received from OKFIRST, there were no fatalities and only one minor injury.      I still broadcast live on the Civil Defense channel with the cooperation of the Roger Mills County Sheriff's office who keeps the radio traffic down to a minimum. This allows me to communicate with my storm watchers and warn the towns and those out in "scanner" land of the storms approaching.  We had been on the air approximately 1 1/ 2 hours prior to this storm that hit Sweetwater.  The Beckham and Roger Mills County line runs through the middle of town so both counties were involved and it worked smoothly.      I am extremely appreciative to the Texola Fire Department who gave me... [more]


A Note About Severe Weather Watches
Feb 03, 2008
Since Mother Nature can't decide whether it is winter or spring, I need to pass along a note about severe weather watches.  The National Weather Service has implementedtheir... [more]

OK-First Full Course
Dec 02, 2007
OK-First will be holding its Full Certification Course from January 14-18. This class will give you access to the OK-First website, training materials, and mesonet data for free.... [more]

Winter Weather Interpretation Tips
Nov 30, 2007
With winter weather approaching, don't forget some of your OK-FIRST winter weather tips. First of all, don't forget that winter weather is a tough forecast and expect it to change... [more]

OK-First Website is Moving!
Oct 10, 2007
Starting today, the OK-First website is moving!  The new URL for OK-First will be:  http:/ /  For now, the old website will be redirected to the... [more]

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OK-First Assistants Course (Norman-Oct)
Oct 20, 2008
OK-First will be hosting an Assistant's Course October 20-21 in Norman atthe National Weather Center (120 David L. Boren Blvd) If you have any questions please email us at... [more]

OK-First Assistants Course (Norman-Nov)
Nov 17, 2008
OK-First will be hosting an Assistant's Course November 17-18, 2008 in Norman atthe National Weather Center (120 David L. Boren Blvd.) If you have any questions please email us at... [more]

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