The Center has launched a new health care campaign, Resources for Recovery, addressing the impact of combat injury on military families and children. The first installment, The Combat Injured Family: Guidelines for Care, provides a fact sheet for military and civilian healthcare providers and one for military families.







Textbook of Disaster Psychiatry edited by Robert Ursano, Carol Fullerton, Lars Weisaeth and Beverley Raphael and published by Cambridge University Press is now available







New Faculty recently joined CSTS and bring added dimensions to several grant projects. Quinn Biggs, Ph.D. a Post-Doc, Jodi McKibben, Ph.D., Research Psychologist, Jennifer Guimond, Ph.D., Child Psychologist, and Pat Martinez, Clinical Nurse Practitioner.







Scientists at the CSTS recently received funding to address the needs of children of injured families and to study some of the fundamental neuroscience mechanisms that may lead to treatments for PTSD and TBI.







Dr Ursano will be a Distinguished Lecturer at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting in Washington D.C (May 3–8)