Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST
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Your FIRST Stop on the Learning Curve

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentEqual Housing Opportunity

Supported by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
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Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST is an initiative designed to promote compliance with the Fair Housing Act design and construction requirements. The program offers comprehensive and detailed instruction programs, useful online web resources, and a toll-free information line for technical guidance and support.

HUD and the Department of Justice Release New Guidance on “Reasonable Modifications” under the Fair Housing Act.

HUD Publishes Proposed Rule Proposing to Adopt 2003 ANSI A117.1 Accessibility Standard.
This notice appears in the July 18, 2007 Federal Register. Public comments are due September 17, 2007.

HUD publishes its report on the 2006 International Building Code and 2003 ANSI A117.1 as Safe Harbors in the July 18, 2007 Federal Register.

True or False?
The Fair Housing Act's design and construction requirements require 20% of the units in new multifamily housing to be accessible.

  Click here for answer

Our instruction modules include general information, as well as more specific technical information regarding design and construction requirements, building strategies, various disability rights laws, and enforcement. 

Sign-up for upcoming FIRST training events and conferences around the U.S.


The Fair Housing Act
Design and Construction Requirements 
of the Fair Housing Act
Common Violations of the Fair Housing Act