

MPC&A Cooperative Programs Division

The mission of the MPC&A Cooperative Programs Division is to provide assistance to DOE's Office of International Materials Protection and Emergency Cooperation, Material Protection, Control, and Accounting Program (MPC&A) in reducing the threat posed by weapons-usable nuclear material by cooperating with Russia Institutes to (a) consolidate material in fewer buildings and at fewer sites, (b) eliminate excess HEU by downblending to LEU, and (c) install sustainable physical security and accountancy upgrades appropriate for the level of material attractiveness and the threat of theft. Recent efforts have focused on developing MPC&A operational monitoring systems for selected nuclear facilities.  BNL works with over 15 Russian nuclear facilities in this program and oversees and supports over $35 million annually in contracts for work at these facilities.

For more information please contact W. Trevor Pratt, Division Head at 631-344-2630 pratt@bnl.gov 

Nonproliferation and Safeguards Division

The Nonproliferation and Safeguards Division (NSD) supports efforts to ensure that the essential ingredients of nuclear, radiological, and chemical weapons do not become available to terrorists or States attempting to develop weapons of mass destruction.  This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration; the U.S. Department of Homeland Security; the U.S. Department of State; the U.S. Department of Defense; international agencies, especially the International Atomic Energy Agency; and local jurisdictions.  Projects in which NSD staff have been engaged include:

  • Enhance the inspection training and safeguards implementation at gas centrifuge and uranium ore conversion facilities.
  • Help implement the International Atomic Energy Agency Additional Protocol in the U.S.
  • Review and suggest improvements for future International Atomic Energy Agency safeguards regimes at nuclear power plants.
  • Supporting and monitoring permanent and irreversible elimination of weapon-usable nuclear and radiological materials through international cooperative programs.
  • Leading domestic efforts to examine the security of nuclear, radiological sources and chemical agents to ensure that they are not diverted and used for terrorism.
  • Helping U.S. cities develop strategies to identify the presence of smuggled nuclear or radiological weapons for interdiction purposes, and consequence management strategies should interdiction efforts fail.

For more information please contact Michael Rosenthal, at 631-344-4872 mdrosenthal@bnl.gov 

Detector Development & Testing Division


The Detector Development and Testing Division focuses on research, development and testing of radiation detectors for nonproliferation, treaty verification and homeland security applications.

Click image to enlarge...The Detector Development and Testing Division collaborates with other national laboratories, commercial entities and the BNL Instrumentation Division in developing advanced detectors that offer greater range, selectivity and ease of use over currently available systems.  These projects offer the opportunity to build and test various detector systems in a real world environment for potential deployments in the war against terror.

The Division also tests and evaluates commercial as well as laboratory prototype radiation detectors at the BNL Radiation Detector Test and Evaluation Center (RADTEC) under funding from the Department of Homeland Security.  BNL has constructed a test facility (RADTEC) that allows the assembly and testing of commercial off-the-shelf technologies (COTS) and government off-the-shelf technologies (GOTS).  This facility supports the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Countermeasures Test Bed (CMTB), providing baseline data for protection against known radiation sources.  The purpose of CMTB is to assess the feasibility, cost and usefulness of deploying radiation or nuclear-material detectors for either the interdiction or consequence management scenarios for homeland security.

For more information please contact Carl Czajkowski, Division Head at 631-344-4420 cjc@bnl.gov.

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Last Modified: June 19, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Donna Occhiogrosso