Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the areas of expertise of the staff of the Nonproliferation and National Security Department?
  2. What are the funding sources for NNSD?
  3. What relationship exists between NNSD and the International Atomic Energy Agency?
  4. Does the NNSD perform classified work?

1. What are the areas of expertise of the staff of the Nonproliferation and National Security Department?

The staff of the Nonproliferation and National Security Department have expertise in domestic and international safeguards, arms control and verification technology development, nonproliferation, project management, physics, applied mathematics, chemistry and nuclear engineering, and other engineering fields.

2. What are the funding sources for NNSD?

NNSD divisions and project offices are funded through the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense, the Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, and New York State.

3. What relationship exists between NNSD and the International Atomic Energy Agency?

NNSD's International Safeguards Project Office (ISPO) is responsible for the technical and administrative management of the U.S. Support Program to IAEA Safeguards. The U.S. Support Program provides technical assistance to increase the effectiveness and improve the efficiency of IAEA safeguards. At present there are approximately 80 active tasks addressing needs in radiation measurement, containment and surveillance, training, information collection and analysis, information technology, remote and unattended monitoring, and environmental sampling. In its management role, ISPO maintains an office in the U.S. Mission Vienna and has almost daily interaction with the staff of the IAEA Department of Safeguards.

BNL and NNSD also host IAEA visitors throughout the year. Under funding from the IAEA, BNL hosts the Training Workshop in Design Information Review for the Entire Life Cycle of Research Reactors. In this workshop, which is held at BNL once per year, IAEA safeguards inspectors learn how to confirm the declared operational status of research reactors and practice their skills by reviewing the design information for the three decommissioned research reactors at BNL. NNSD has also, since 1999, hosted Topical Workshops for discussion of technical issues faced by the IAEA Department of Safeguards. In 1999, the Topical Workshop focused on communication technology for remote monitoring. In 2000, the workshop focused on information security and in 2001 Design and Testing for Equipment Reliability. These Topical Workshops provide an opportunity for IAEA staff to interact with experts from the U.S. public and private sector and receive advice and guidance for improving their technical capacity. Finally, NNSD hosts the USSP Biennial Review Meeting during which members of the IAEA, ISPO, the U.S. government, and USSP contractors review the status of the USSP, its active tasks, and the future needs of the IAEA. This meeting is attended by management of the IAEA Department of Safeguards. The last such meeting was held in October 2001.

ISPO is also responsible for recruiting U.S. citizens for positions in the IAEA Department of Safeguards. ISPO staff members attend tradeshows of technical and professional organizations to distribute information about job opportunities at the IAEA. ISPO can also facilitate the application process by providing information concerning specific job vacancies, providing access to application forms, and tracking applications through the IAEA recruitment process. Visit the ISPO website for more information about job opportunities at the IAEA.

4. Does the NNSD perform classified work?

Most activities are unclassified, but a few of the programs reference classified information, while others generate classified reports. All classified information deals with treaty verification, nuclear materials safeguards, and security or nonproliferation issues, none of which deals with the design or development of nuclear weapons.

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Last Modified: June 19, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Donna Occhiogrosso