Energy Sciences and Technology Department (EST)

Water-Energy Nexus Initiative

Featured Projects

BNL is taking an active leadership role in the Water Energy Nexus Initiative.

The Water Energy Nexus Initiative is an evolving program currently being spearheaded by the Department of Energy. to focus diverse talent and resources on very complex and interconnected technological, economic and socio-political issues inherent in regional, national water and energy supply and demand issues.

Population, social, economic and environmental dynamics in the Northeast, across our country, and in fact, throughout the world, are increasing energy and water consumption. Competition for these resources is escalating and sustaining ready access to water and energy has become a social, economic and political imperative. Clean and ample water and energy supplies are essential to our health, personal comforts, and national security – regardless of where we live.

Historically, energy and water issues in the U.S. have been examined separately. But they are deeply interconnected and finding meaningful solutions to these critical resource issues requires a broadly based collaborative and interdisciplinary approach.

BNL’s close proximity and close alliance with stakeholders in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions, as well as elsewhere in the country, along with its multidisciplinary talent and resources make it a key and enabling participant in addressing the complex technological and public policy issues in the Water Energy Nexus challenge.

EST has taken a leadership role in the Water Nexus Initiative, recently coordinating and conducting a premier regional workshop with Columbia University, EPRI and other key stakeholders . EST and others at BNL are actively defining a path forward for the Water Energy Nexus Initiative.

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Last Modified: March 18, 2008
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