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National Institutes of Health Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Last Update: 09/24/2008 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Spittel, Michael

Address: 6100 Executive Blvd Room 8B07, MSC 7510
Bethesda Md 20892-7510
For FedEx use:
Rockville Md 20852
Organization:  Demographic & Behavioral Sciences (DBS) Branch
Specialty: Mortality/Morbidity Research: Infant & Adult
Population Research/Demography
Health Disparities, Social Conditions, & Well-Being

Michael L. Spittel received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He oversees the Branch's extramural portfolios relating to population studies on mortality and morbidity; infant/child health; and health disparities. In addition he co-manages DBSB's training program (T32), which helps support pre- and post-doctoral researchers in demography. Before joining the Branch in October 2005, he was an Associate Service Fellow in the Mortality Statistics Branch (MSB) of the Division of Vital Statistics (DVS) at the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Dr. Spittel's own research interests include health disparities, immigration, and statistical methodology.