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Critical Infrastructure Protection Training Program (CIPTP)

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This program is designed for the Security Manager, Senior Security Specialist, or individuals having responsibility for the protection of critical infrastructure essential to national security, their departments or within their jurisdictions. This includes both the physical- and cyber-based systems for critical infrastructure and key assets.

How You Will Benefit

To equip the student to better understand how to protect the infrastructures critical to their mission.  The course will cover a range of topics and use a “broad brush approach” to the subject matter.  Critical Infrastructure Protection is a hot topic and will continue to demand our attention in the future as well.  Protecting our critical infrastructure and ensuring public confidence is paramount for national stability. This course will also serve as a network of contacts for future reference since everyone has professional experiences that may assist you with your current or future needs.

Type: Advanced

Length: 4 1/2 class days.


  • CIP Policy
  • CIP Model
  • Threat Briefing
  • Threat Assessment Process
  • Physical Security
  • Personnel Security
  • Information Security
  • Matrix/Vulnerability Assessment
  • Emergency Programs
  • Case Studies
  • Security and Contingency Planning P.E.


Instructors in the Critical Infrastructure Protection Training Program (CIPTP) have thorough knowledge and understanding of the foundational documentation establishing and guiding critical infrastructure protection.

  • Presidential Decision Directives (PDD)
  • Executive Orders
  • Homeland Security Presidential Directives (HSPD)
  • National Response Plan (NRP)
  • National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)
  • National Incident Management System (NIMS)

Critical Infrastructure Protection is ever evolving and one must stay current on policies and procedures set forth by the current Administration. Instructors are current and former State, Local and Federal law enforcement Officers and are currently involved with Critical Infrastructure Protection. As protection of our critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) is very fluid, instructors understand the importance of the dependencies and interdependencies and the cascading effects of critical assets, systems, and functions.

Tuition and Cost

This training program is also exported to various sites around the country; therefore, tuition costs are determined by the actual location of the training. Contact the Division Program Specialist, at email FLETC-CounterterrorismDivision@dhs.gov for specifics.

Prerequisites for Attendance

Generally, applicants should be security specialists, program managers, inspectors, investigators, and officers charged with NIPP implementation, compliance, and information sharing; specifically the federal workforce charged with CI/KR protection duties identified in HSPD-7.

Students shall complete the following on-line courses and provide the certificates of completion prior to attending the course.

IS 860 National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP)

The link below takes you to FEMA's website where all the IS (Independent Study) courses can be found. 


Registration Information

The Federal Agency Training Officer for your agency should contact the FLETC Training Admissions Specialist at (912) 267-2269 or via e-mail @ FLETCAdmissions@dhs.gov for program/lodging costs and availability of allocations in this training program if you are interested in attending.

State/Local Employees

Contact FLETC Office of State and Local Training at the State/Local Employee Registration Website.

International (Non-US) Personnel

Should contact FLETC International Training and Technical Assistance at (912) 280-5353, Email: FLETC-intlrqst@dhs.gov

Additional Information


Official travel days are Sunday and Friday afternoon.

Special Equipment Needs


Contact Information

Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
1131 Chapel Crossing Road
CTD / TH391 - ATTN: Program Specialist
Glynco, GA 31524
E-Mail: FLETC-CounterterrorismDivision@dhs.gov
FAX: (912) 267-3144

Training Dates

There are currently no training dates or other items within this program.