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Social Security Online

Code of Federal Regulations

CFR 20 Title Page

SSA logo: link to Social Security Online home  §404.1633 Policies and operating instructions.

(a) We will provide the State agency with written guidelines necessary for it to carry out its responsibilities in performing the disability determination function.

(b) The State agency making determinations of disability will comply with our written guidelines that are not designated as advisory or discretionary. (See §404.1602 for what we mean by written guidelines.)

(c) A representative group of State agencies will be given an opportunity to participate in formulating disability program policies that have an affect on their role in carrying out the disability determination function. State agencies will also be given an opportunity to comment before changes are made in written guidelines unless delay in issuing a change may impair service to the public.

[46 FR 29204, May 29, 1981, as amended at 56 FR 11020, Mar. 14, 1991]

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Last reviewed or modified Wednesday Sep 17, 2008

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