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Direct Loan Servicing

Direct Loan Consolidation

The following Direct Loan publications offer up-to-date information on the program for students and parents. These publications are in Portable Document Format (PDF). To view a PDF file, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not have it, you can download a free copy from Adobe.


Direct Loan Basics for Students  PDF [includes correction to print version]
Explains subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Stafford loans for students.

Direct Loan Basics for Parents  PDF  Spanish version PDF [3MB]
Explains Direct PLUS loans for parents.

Direct Loan Basics for Graduate and Professional Students  PDF
Explains subsidized and unsubsidized Direct Stafford loans for graduate/professional students.

Consolidation--A Smart Choice for In-school and Graduating Borrowers  PDF
Explains the advantages and basic steps involved in consolidating your loans while in school.

Consolidation loan rationale  PDF
This fact sheet explains why you should consider consolidating your loans while the interest rates are at historic lows.


Entrance Counseling Guide for Direct Loan Borrowers  PDF [1MB]
A more detailed description of your borrowing and repayment options, including a sample loan repayment chart. Intended for students who are deciding how much to borrow to go to school (20 pages). This is an updated version that includes the revised repayment plans enacted by legislation.

Exit Counseling Guide for Direct Loan Borrowers  PDF [1MB]
Reviews your loan repayment options and includes a sample loan repayment chart, a budgeting worksheet, and a borrower's rights & responsibilities checklist. Intended for students who are completing their studies and will soon be entering repayment (24 pages). This is an updated version of the guide that includes the revised repayment plans enacted by legislation.

Entrance Counseling Guide for Graduate/Professional Student PLUS Loan Borrowers  PDF [2.6MB]
This guide describes PLUS loans for graduate/professional students and discusses repayment options, including loan discharge and consolidation. It also advises students on keeping their account updated and avoiding delinquency and default.

Other Federal Student Aid Publications

Publications on Student Aid on the Web
Includes the Student Guide to the FSA Programs.