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A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Strategies for Improving Teacher Quality

Student Achievement and School Accountability Conference
October 2002

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  1. The No Child Left Behind Act Of 2001
  2. No TEACHER Left Behind
  3. NCLB--Focus on Four Areas to Attract and Retain Highly Qualified Teachers
  4. Certification Reform
  5. Advantages of Alternative Certification
  6. Different types of Alternative Routes to Certification
  7. What does the American Board offer?
  8. Professional Development
  9. Eight Key Elements
  10. Eight Key Elements (cont.)
  11. Eight Key Elements (cont.)
  12. Compensation Strategies
  13. The Cincinnati Plan
  14. Performance Based
  15. American Board Offers:
  16. Recruiting Ideas
  17. Recruiting Ideas (cont.)
  18. Recruiting Ideas (cont.)
  19. Recruiting Ideas (cont.)
  20. Recruiting Ideas (cont.)
  21. Recruiting Ideas (cont.)

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