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Index to the Manuscript Collections--Search Results

22 record(s) found

Collection Number: 6
Collection Name: American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Records (now the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association)
Earliest Date: 1938
Latest Date: 1994
Linear Feet: 145
Collection Description: The American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Records contains correspondence, constitution, bylaws, handbooks, directories, ledgers, invoices, newsletters, black and white and color photographs, membership listings, reports, policies, student chapters papers, publications, and papers of various committees. A majority of the records are drafts of articles for the American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The AAEA is a professional society for those interested in agricultural economics. The organization is committed to furthering knowledge about the economics of agriculture, rural communities, and natural resources. It was organized in 1910 as the American Farm Management Association, and became the American Farm Economics Association in 1914. In 1968 a subgroup left the organization and called itself the American Agricultural Economics Association.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Economics; Farms and Farming Systems; Natural Resources
Formats: Photographs

Collection Number: 38
Collection Name: Cardon, Phillip V., Papers
Earliest Date: 1910
Latest Date: 1961
Linear Feet: 2.5
Collection Description: The Phillip V. Cardon Papers include correspondence, articles, poems, photographs, and material relating to his work in the areas of soil research, forage crop improvements, land use policy, and the USDA Graduate School.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Among the many positions which Cardon (1889-1965) held with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) were agronomist for the Bureau of Plant Industry (1909-1919) and director of the USDA Graduate School (1950-1952). Beginning in 1953, he served as director general of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Farms and Farming Systems; Plant Science; Natural Resources; USDA History
Formats: Photographs

Collection Number: 41
Collection Name: Cedar Valley Land Company of Vinton, Iowa Records
Earliest Date: 1904
Latest Date: 1907
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Cedar Valley Land Company of Vinton, Iowa, Records consist of two volumes of the company's contracts and records of land sales.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Farms and Farming Systems; Natural Resources

Collection Number: 77
Collection Name: Herrera, Alfonso L., Manuscript
Earliest Date: 1930
Latest Date: 1930
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Alfonso L. Herrera Manuscript, titled "Siliza y Vida; Importancia de la Siliza en Biologia, Medicina, Plasmogenia, Agricultura e Industria y Teorias Acerca del Origen de la Vida" (1930), is 791 numbered leaves. Translation of title page: Silica And Life; The importance of silica in biology, medicine, plasmogenia, agriculture and theories about the origin of life. Illustrated work with 115 prints and color plates. Imitation of chromosomes segmentation by calcium fluorosilicate. Infiltration of sea-water in fluorosilicate fresh water.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Natural Resources

Collection Number: 91
Collection Name: Kellogg, Charles Edwin, Papers
Earliest Date: 1929
Latest Date: 1975
Bulk Dates: 1947-71
Linear Feet: 307
Collection Description: The Charles Edwin Kellogg Papers contain scripts of Kellogg's speeches, articles, reviews, reprints, correspondence, field notes, journals, slides, photographs, soil maps, and publications relating to soil science and agriculture. Publications include many of the rare works of soil science pioneers such as Glinka, Ruffin, Evelyn, Young, and Marbut.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Charles Edwin Kellogg (1902-1980) began his career at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1934 as a soil technologist on the National Cooperative Soil Survey and was appointed Chief of the Soil Survey Division of the Bureau of Chemistry and Soils in 1935. His department became a part of the Bureau of Plant Industry in 1939. A prolific writer, Kellogg played a major part in outlining and writing Soils and Man, the USDA's Yearbook of Agriculture for 1938, and wrote the first edition of the Soil Survey Manual in 1939, which was subsequently adopted by soil survey organizations throughout the world. Kellogg was a world authority in soil classification and its use. He advised international organizations and national research and agricultural agencies in this and other countries, helping to organize research and promote improved farming systems for efficient production, soil conservation, and high standards of rural living. While traveling to other countries to learn farming methods and to assist in agricultural development programs, Kellogg wrote field notes and took photographs of his soil surveys and of other experiences of the trips. At the time of his retirement in 1971, Kellogg was the Deputy Administrator of the Soil Conservation Service.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Farms and Farming Systems; Physical Sciences; Natural Resources
Formats: Maps; Photographs

Collection Number: 151
Collection Name: Sharpe, Charles Farquharson Stewart, Papers
Earliest Date: 1925
Latest Date: 1991
Bulk Dates: 1925-1949
Linear Feet: 6.75
Collection Description: The Charles Farquharson Stewart Sharpe Papers consist of copies of articles, translations, and publications relating to geomorphology and erosion; correspondence and other records produced in the course of work for the Climatic and Physiographic Division; research notes and draft reports of physiographic studies in which Sharpe was involved; copies of published reports authored by Sharpe; and photographs and lantern slides documenting soil erosion studies.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Charles Farquharson Stewart Sharpe (b. 1907) worked as a soil conservationist in the Climatic and Physiographic Division of the Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, from 1935-1943.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Physical Sciences; Natural Resources
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia; Photographs

Collection Number: 163
Collection Name: Stubbs, Harriett Singleton, Papers
Earliest Date: 1982
Latest Date: 1985
Linear Feet: 2.5
Collection Description: The Harriett Singleton Stubbs Papers consist of publications, brochures, reports, articles, speeches, fact sheets, bibliographies, and correspondence relating to acid rain in Canada and to United States government agencies and other organizations that dealt with acid rain.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Harriett Singleton Stubbs was executive director of the Acid Rain Foundation, Inc., during the 1980s. The mission of the Acid Rain Foundation was to raise the level of public awareness, to publish educational materials, and to bring about resolution to global change issues.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Physical Sciences; Natural Resources

Collection Number: 167
Collection Name: Taylor, Albert Davis, Manuscript
Earliest Date: 1936
Linear Feet: 0.3
Collection Description: The Albert Davis Taylor Manuscript is the result of an inspection trip of landscape architecture in national forests conducted during the summer of 1936 by Taylor and R. D. Bonnet. This manuscript, the report of the trip, consists of assessments of the problems of landscape and recreational planning in the national forests, supplemented by illustrations of desirable and undesireable appplication of methods and principles of design to specific problems. Increasing social use of national forests made it necessary to reevaluate the standard of landscape design throughout the U.S. Forest Service in an effort to preserve the natural aspects of the forest. The typewritten manuscript is titled "Problems of Landscape Architecture in the National Forests; Report to the Chief, Forest Service, on a Trip of Inspection through Some of the National Forests in Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9." Written in 1936, it consists of 223 pages, including photographs.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Albert Davis Taylor (d. 1951), consulting landscape architect for the U.S. Forest Service and R.D. Bonnet, associate landscape architect in the Washington office of the Division of Recreation and Lands, conducted an inspection trip of landscape architecture in national forests during the summer of 1936.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Forestry; Natural Resources

Collection Number: 203
Collection Name: U.S. Forest Service Woodsy Owl Collection
Earliest Date: 1974
Latest Date: 1987
Linear Feet: 73
Collection Description: The U.S. Forest Service Woodsy Owl Collection includes films, slides, negatives, videotapes, posters, original artwork, songsheets, bumper stickers, patches, keyrings, campaign materials, costumes, distribution materials, legislation, photograph albums, and other miscellaneous items. Campaign materials consist of publication proposals, drafts, correspondence, newspaper cuttings, news releases, newsletters, magazines, and public service announcement statistics and information.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Woodsy Owl was the U.S. Forest Service’s anti-pollution symbol. Beginning in 1970, the Forest Service promoted Woodsy Owl’s “Give a hoot! Don’t pollute.” campaign against littering and vandalism in national forests.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Forestry; Natural Resources
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia; Audiovisuals; Posters; Photographs

Collection Number: 207
Collection Name: Young, Alvin L., Collection on Agent Orange
Earliest Date: 1930
Latest Date: 1987
Linear Feet: 120
Collection Description: The Alvin L. Young Collection on Agent Orange contains correspondence, newspaper articles, journal reprints, conference papers, technical reports, congressional hearing testimony, government documents, monographs, and other research materials concerned with the phenoxy herbicides, the toxic impurity 2,3,7,8-tetrachloro-dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), and related chemicals. Much of the collection focuses on, or is related to, Agent Orange, a phenoxy herbicide containing TCDD used as a defoliant during the Vietnam War.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Alvin L. Young (b. 1942), a specialist in herbicide physiology, amassed this collection over more than 25 years of research conducted for the U.S. Air Force, Veterans Administration, and other federal agencies. He has also served as an advisor or consultant to the National Academies of Science and the Italian and Australian governments. His expertise includes the ecological impact and toxicity of the herbicides used in the Vietnam War; the environmental fate and toxicology of tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxins; and science policy and risk assessment/risk management applied to environmental issues.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Natural Resources
Formats: Reprints

Collection Number: 220
Collection Name: Imle, Ernest, Papers
Earliest Date: 1940
Latest Date: 2000
Bulk Dates: 1940-1980
Linear Feet: 13.5
Collection Description: The Ernest Imle Papers include photographs, reports, and articles about U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) rubber research from the 1940s to the 1970s, primarily at the Regional Rubber Experiment Station. Additionally, there are articles and correspondence on tropical agriculture, including cacao, and publications on lilies.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Ernest Imle (b. 1910), a plant pathologist, began working for USDA in 1942. He was director of the Regional Rubber Experiment Station in Turrialba, Costa Rica, from 1945-1954, botanist for the Plant Introduction Section from 1955-1957, director of research at the American Cocoa Research Institute from 1957-1971, and assistant director of the International Programs Division of the Agricultural Research Service from 1971-1998. His research interests included improvement and diseases of tropical crops, research and training needs in tropical agriculture, plant introduction, and quarantine and germ plasm problems. Imle developed budding techniques for the rapid production of commercial plants with a vigorous rootstock, a high-yielding stem and a blight-resistant crown.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Plant Science; Natural Resources; USDA History
Formats: Photographs

Collection Number: 236
Collection Name: Plitt, Charles C., Collection
Earliest Date: 1897
Latest Date: 1994
Linear Feet: 10.25
Collection Description: The Charles C. Plitt Collection consists of a series of journals resulting from weekly botany field trips, which Plitt referred to as “tramps,” ranging in date from about 1898-1922. Plitt led these tramps through many areas around Baltimore; such as Loch Raven, Glen Burnie, Towson, Curtis Bay, and Ellicott City. The collection also includes biographical data, correspondence, photographs, and a book.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: A lifelong Marylander, Charles C. Plitt (1869-1933) was both a professor of botany and an international authority on lichens. In 1891, he received a degree in pharmacy from the old Maryland College of Pharmacy. In 1920, he was appointed full professor of botany and pharmacognosy at the School of Pharmacy of the University of Maryland. In 1921, Plitt was awarded an honorary doctor of science degree for his meritorious work in botany by the International Academy of Sciences.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Physical Sciences; Plant Science; Natural Resources
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia; Photographs

Collection Number: 256
Collection Name: USDA Division of Agricultural Engineering Records
Earliest Date: 1913
Latest Date: 1981
Bulk Dates: 1919-1940
Linear Feet: 40
Collection Description: The USDA Division of Agricultural Engineering Records contain photographs, glass negatives, and acetate negatives relating to agricultural engineering. Some of the subjects include irrigation, drainage, farm buildings, farm power and machinery, crops and crop conditioning, harvesting, care and handling of products, road construction, and farm electrification. Additionally, there are articles on agricultural engineering and farm electrification, and speeches and papers by Arthur William Turner, Assistant Chief, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering in 1943. Also, there are materials collected for a book to be written on the history of farm electrification by M. Conner Ahrens, assistant chief of the Farm Electrification Research Branch of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) agricultural engineering research began in the Division of Irrigation Investigations in the Office of Experiment Stations in 1898. By 1915, the Division of Agricultural Engineering was created within the Office of Public Roads and Rural Engineering, Bureau of Plant Industry. Agricultural engineering attained bureau status in 1931 and included the Divisions of Irrigation; Drainage and Soil Erosion Control; Mechanical Equipment; Structures; and Plans and Services. In 1939 a new bureau was created called the Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering, followed in 1943 by the establishment of the Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering. The USDA reorganized in 1953 and the new Agricultural Engineering Research Branch became part of the Agricultural Research Service. In 1957 the branch became its own division with four branches including Crop Production, Livestock Engineering and Farm Structures, Harvesting and Farm Processing, and Farm Electrification. M. Conner Ahrens was former assistant chief of the USDA Farm Electrification Research Branch. Arthur William Turner was Assistant Chief for the Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering beginning in 1943.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Farms and Farming Systems; Natural Resources; USDA History

Collection Number: 263
Collection Name: Hough, Franklin Benjamin, Papers
Earliest Date: 1870
Latest Date: 1884
Bulk Dates: 1876-77
Linear Feet: 2
Collection Description: The Franklin Benjamin Hough Papers consist of handwritten correspondence, agreements, and memoranda. Much of the correspondence deals with forestry matters, and, specifically, a paper that Hough presented to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 1873 on "The Duty of Governments in the Preservation of Forests." His study revealed that forests were beneficial to climate, streamflow, and soil, and argued that it was necessary to preserve and renew forests. The address triggered a national forest-preservation movement and lobbying effort backed by AAAS. In response, Congress approved funding in 1876 for a federal forestry expert within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and Hough was appointed to the position soon after.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Franklin Benjamin Hough (1822-1885) was the first physician in Lewis County, New York; forest commissioner, USDA, from 1876-1881, and the chief of the Division of Forestry, USDA, from 1881-1883.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Forestry; Physical Sciences; Natural Resources; USDA History

Collection Number: 264
Collection Name: Hough, Romeyn Beck, Papers
Earliest Date: 1882
Latest Date: 1908
Bulk Dates: 1882-1900
Linear Feet: 0.5
Collection Description: The Romeyn Beck Hough Papers include Hough's journals from 1882-1887, 1890-1894, 1898-1900; a July 6, 1908, letter to Hough from Melvil Dewey requesting Hough's book Handbook of the Trees of the Northern States and Canada; and an undated statement made by Dewey, President of the American Library Institute, commending Hough’s book at a meeting of the Virginia State Library Association.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Romeyn Beck Hough (1857-1924), son of Franklin Benjamin Hough, was a naturalist, author, and businessman in the state of New York. In 1888 he published the first volume of a series of 12 books titled American Woods, which contained the native and naturalized species of woods in the United States and Canada. These volumes were unique in that they included samples of wood as illustrations. Hough also devised a machine for cutting wood sections with thicknesses of 1/10 to 1/1,200 of an inch. In the scientific world, American Woods was well-received and won numerous awards, including the grand prize at the Paris Exposition in 1889. Subsequently, Hough produced another book, Handbook of the Trees of the Northern States and Canada, containing photographic and textual descriptions of 208 kinds of trees found in Canada and in the Eastern United States. To do research for these publications, Hough traveled frequently and kept journals of his activities.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Forestry; Natural Resources

Collection Number: 277
Collection Name: USDA Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Division of Land Economics Records [?]
Earliest Date: 1914
Latest Date: 1955
Bulk Dates: 1934-1952
Linear Feet: 6.25
Collection Description: The USDA Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Division of Land Economics Records [?] consist of reports, correspondence, and publications relating to the work of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, probably the Division of Land Economics. Most of the material is the product of Bureau or Division, though some was produced by the Land Utilization Division of the Resettlement Administration. Topics include general land policy and policy planning, zoning, settlement patterns, local land utilization studies, tenancy and land ownership, and water projects.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The Bureau of Agricultural Economics was established in 1922 and included the Land Economics Division. The Division was abolished in 1953. The Land Utilization Division functions of the Resettlement Administration were transferred to USDA Bureau of Agricultural Economics in 1937.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Natural Resources; USDA History

Collection Number: 291
Collection Name: Flood Control Collection
Earliest Date: 1910
Latest Date: 1972
Linear Feet: 0.5
Collection Description: The Flood Control Collection contains reports, articles, publications, correspondence, notes, and data regarding the issue of flood control in the United States due to erosion, loss of forests, man-made dams, and storms. Most of the publications were produced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil Conservation Service, but the collection also includes articles written for professional meetings such as the American Society of Agricultural Engineers and the Society of American Foresters.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: In 1935 Congress passed an act that directed the Secretary of Agriculture to create an agency to deal with issues surrounding soil quality and erosion. This new agency would be called the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and was actually the successor to the Soil Erosion Service (which itself was only two years old) of the Department of the Interior. The USDA had been examining soil erosion for years. However, a new program, developed by Hugh Hammond Bennett (the first chief of the SCS), coordinated much knowledge and practices related to soil. Bennett first began to promote the fight against soil erosion in a published bulletin in 1928. The actions taken by the SCS to maintain and improve soil conditions were driven largely by private landowners, who were organized into local districts. Furthermore, the SCS was given the recommendation to coordinate its actions with other agencies doing similar work. Both of these methods allowed for the most concentrated effort possible to conserve the nation’s soil. After the USDA reorganization of 1994, the SCS was replaced by the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Farms and Farming Systems; Physical Sciences; Natural Resources; USDA History

Collection Number: 328
Collection Name: Rivera, William McLeod, Papers
Earliest Date: 1962
Latest Date: 1992
Bulk Dates: 1986-1992
Linear Feet: 2.5
Collection Description: The William McLeod Rivera papers consist of journals, papers both written and collected by Rivera, conference publications, correspondence, and information on courses taught by Rivera.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: William McLeod Rivera is an associate professor in the College of Agricultural and Natural Sciences at the University of Maryland. His subject area of expertise is agriculture extension education. Throughout his career he has worked all around the world in consultancy capacities on projects and programs related to adult and agricultural extension education. These projects have ranged from formulating curricula for educational institutions to developing extension programs for rural farmers. He has worked under such organizations as the United Nations, World Education, Inc., the World Bank, and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Rivera is also a well-accomplished author, having had two books published, edited several other books, and written many articles in several adult and agricultural extension education books and journals.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Physical Sciences; Natural Resources

Collection Number: 329
Collection Name: Soil Conservation Service Film Collection
Earliest Date: 1953
Latest Date: 1977
Linear Feet: 4.5
Collection Description: The Soil Conservation Service Film Collection contains films produced by and for the Soil Conservation Service. These films were used for education, training, and public service announcements.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: In 1935 Congress passed an act that directed the Secretary of Agriculture to create an agency to deal with issues surrounding soil quality and erosion. This new agency would be called the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) and was actually the successor to the Soil Erosion Service (which itself was only two years old) of the Department of the Interior. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) had been examining soil erosion for years. However, a new program, developed by Hugh Hammond Bennett (the first Chief of the SCS), coordinated much knowledge and practices related to soil. Bennett first began to promote the fight against soil erosion in a published bulletin in 1928. The actions taken by the SCS to maintain and improve soil conditions were driven largely by private landowners, who were organized into local districts. Furthermore, the SCS was given the recommendation to coordinate its actions with other agencies doing similar work. Both of these methods allowed for the most concentrated effort possible to conserve the nation’s soil. After the USDA reorganization of 1994, the SCS was replaced by the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Farms and Farming Systems; Physical Sciences; Natural Resources
Formats: Audiovisuals

Collection Number: 331
Collection Name: USDA Bureau of Biological Survey Records (Duckstamps)
Earliest Date: 1918
Latest Date: 1939
Bulk Dates: 1934-1939
Linear Feet: 4
Collection Description: The USDA Bureau of Biological Survey Records consist of memoranda and transcripts related to hunting regulations; water and forest conservation; wildlife control, management, research, and development; migratory habits of birds and other animals; control of rodent pests; and bureau management.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Biological Survey began as the Office of Economic Ornithology in 1885, under the Division of Entomology. Its main task at the time was to study how birds affected farm production. In its first decade, this unit would evolve into the Division of Biological Survey, and its duties were expanded to include the distribution of birds and other animals in the wild, as well as to track the food and migratory habits of the animals. In addition, the research done by this division was used to maintain the delicate balance between controlling dangerous species and protecting endangered species. The division reached bureau status in 1905. Research was then expanded to include the economic connections between conserving wildlife and controlling species that were a danger to agriculture. The bureau also had the responsibilities of enforcing wildlife laws and managing wildlife refuges. In 1939 the bureau was transferred to the Department of the Interior (DOI). In 1940 it merged with the Bureau of Fisheries (also transferred to the DOI in 1939) to become the Fish and Wildlife Service.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Physical Sciences; Natural Resources; USDA History

Collection Number: 350
Collection Name: Stoesz, Abraham D. Papers
Earliest Date: 1930
Latest Date: 1963
Bulk Dates: 1957-1961
Linear Feet: 2
Collection Description: The Abraham D. Stoesz Papers is composed of approximately 1100 35mm slides. Subjects of the slides include erosion, soil, plants, and flowers, as well as what seem to be tourism photographs from Washington D.C., New York City, and other cities and universities. Many slides are clearly labeled with the date, location, and subjects of the slide. The slides represent locations all over the United States. A second large part of the collection contains field notebooks kept by Stoesz. There are approximately 50 notebooks which include notes from conferences, meetings, field expeditions, etc. Some are clearly dated and easy to understand; others contain abbreviated notes and are undated. The notebooks date from 1952-1963, with the bulk of them relating to 1957-1961. Also included in this collection is a program from Stoesz's funeral, two photographs, and 12 35mm film rolls. All film rolls are rolled and may not be viewable without proper preservation. Eight of the rolls are stored in metal film canisters that could not be opened during the accession process.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Abraham D. Stoesz was born on April 26, 1894. He worked with the Soil Conservation Service beginning in the late 1920s and continued there until his retirement in the early 1960s. He worked in locations including Mandan, ND; Rapid City, SD; Lincoln, NE; Washington, DC; and Tanzania. He died on February 24, 1982. The Soil Conservation Service (SCS) is now called the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS); for more information:
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Physical Sciences; Plant Science; Natural Resources
Formats: Audiovisuals; Photographs

Collection Number: 357
Collection Name: Sterling Brown Hendricks Papers
Earliest Date: 1924
Latest Date: 1970
Bulk Dates: 1960-1968
Linear Feet: 1
Collection Description: The Sterling Brown Hendricks Papers consists primarily of article reprints written and compiled by Hendricks, a USDA scientist and administrator from 1922-1970. Annual reports from the Mineral Nutrition Laboratory for the years 1958-1969 and reference articles are also included.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Sterling Brown Hendricks (April 13, 1902 - January 4, 1981) served within several departments of the USDA, including holding the position of Chief Scientist in the Mineral Nutrition Engineering Research Laboratory, ARS, USDA from 1943-1970. Hendricks was an accomplished chemist and mineralogist. He was awarded the ARS Science Hall of Fame posthumously in 1993 and the Sterling B. Hendricks Memorial Lectureship Award was established in 1982.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Physical Sciences; Natural Resources; USDA History
Formats: Reprints

Last Modified : June 13, 2007

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