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Index to the Manuscript Collections--Search Results

49 record(s) found

Collection Number: 4
Collection Name: Agricultural Society of Albemarle Transactions Manuscript (Photostatic copy)
Earliest Date: 1817
Latest Date: 1828
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Agricultural Society of Albemarle Transactions Manuscript (Photostatic copy) includes rules and regulations, records of new members, their signatures, minutes of meetings, and committee reports. Preceding the manuscript are two letters from Armistead C. Gordon, an attorney in Staunton, Virginia, to Rodney H. True, a botanist at the Bureau of Plant Industry, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), regarding the manuscript's origins and previous ownership.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The Agricultural Society of Albemarle (Virginia) was formed in 1817 to promote the interests of agriculture, and rural and domestic economy. Many distinguished Virginians, including Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, were members. Staunton, Virigina attorney Armistead C. Gordon indicated that he was presented the photostatic copy of the manuscript by a descendant of one of the society's members and then sent it to the Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, in 1913. By 1917, the manuscript copy was in the possession of Rodney H. True, a botanist at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Bureau of Plant Industry, and he and Gordon were corresponding about its origins. The bookplate in the front cover indicates that True presented the manuscript copy to the National Agricultural Library.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Agricultural Organizations; Economics

Collection Number: 6
Collection Name: American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Records (now the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association)
Earliest Date: 1938
Latest Date: 1994
Linear Feet: 145
Collection Description: The American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) Records contains correspondence, constitution, bylaws, handbooks, directories, ledgers, invoices, newsletters, black and white and color photographs, membership listings, reports, policies, student chapters papers, publications, and papers of various committees. A majority of the records are drafts of articles for the American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The AAEA is a professional society for those interested in agricultural economics. The organization is committed to furthering knowledge about the economics of agriculture, rural communities, and natural resources. It was organized in 1910 as the American Farm Management Association, and became the American Farm Economics Association in 1914. In 1968 a subgroup left the organization and called itself the American Agricultural Economics Association.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Economics; Farms and Farming Systems; Natural Resources
Formats: Photographs

Collection Number: 8
Collection Name: The Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) Records
Earliest Date: 1913
Latest Date: 1997
Linear Feet: 30
Collection Description: The Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) Records includes newsletters, ACE Journal (quarterly), clip art books, communication handbooks, minutes of board meetings, annual meeting programs, correspondence, manuscript of "The Presidents of ACE," annual directories, early publications, and miscellaneous photographs.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences (ACE) is an international association of communicators and information technologists. ACE members are writers, editors, photographers, graphic designers, videographers, electronic media producers, marketing and public relations practitioners, researchers, Web developers, database programmers, distance education specialists, educators, and managers. They work in universities, government agencies, and research organizations in the public sector, as well as companies and firms in the private sector. ACE develops professional skills of its members to extend knowledge about agriculture, natural resources and human sciences to people worldwide.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Economics
Formats: Photographs

Collection Number: 13
Collection Name: Bailey, Warren, Papers
Earliest Date: 1933
Latest Date: 1976
Linear Feet: 7
Collection Description: The Warren Bailey Papers include correspondence and information on meetings attended, unpublished reports by various authors on topics such as food production and farms, published reports by Bailey and various authors, and hand written reports and notes from college classes he attended on economics.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Warren R. Bailey (1910-1984) joined the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1938 as an agricultural economist working in the Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Chicago, Illinois; and then Berkeley, California; before moving to Washington, D.C., in 1952. During the 1950s, he conducted research on farming problems in the western states. In the late 1960s he served as acting chief of the Production Adjustments Division of the Economic Research Service (ERS). Bailey worked at USDA for 36 years, retiring in 1974 as the deputy director of the Commodity Economics Division of ERS.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Farms and Farming Systems; USDA History

Collection Number: 15
Collection Name: Barnes, Cornelius, Account Book
Earliest Date: 1802
Latest Date: 1809
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Cornelius Barnes Account Book consists of accounting entries relating to the use of leather for the making of boots, shoes, and the binding of books.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Animal Science; Economics

Collection Number: 19
Collection Name: P.J. Berckmans Company's Fruitland Nurseries Records
Earliest Date: 1899
Latest Date: 1923
Linear Feet: 1
Collection Description: P.J. Berckmans Company's Fruitland Nurseries Records contain an inventory of the nursery stock list dated 1918, purchase and shipping orders, a private letter, covers of catalogs, and a number of photographs of the nursery stock.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The P.J. Berckmans Company's Fruitland Nurseries of Augusta, Georgia, were started in 1858 by P.J. Berckmans.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Plant Science
Formats: Photographs

Collection Number: 29
Collection Name: Brewster, John Monroe, Papers
Earliest Date: 1950
Latest Date: 1970
Linear Feet: 3
Collection Description: The John Monroe Brewster Papers include correspondence, research notes, photographs, and a manuscript of a book of Brewster's writings which was published posthumously. The book is titled: A Philosopher Among Economists [Selected Works of John M. Brewster]. Philadelphia: J. T. Murphy Co., [1970].
Historical or Biographical Sketch: John Monroe Brewster (1904-1965), an agricultural economist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), began his service in 1936 in the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Land Use Planning Division. Throughout his career he continued to serve as an agricultural economist within many different USDA divisions including the Farm Security Administration, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Farm Security Administration, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Production and Marketing Administration, Agricultural Marketing Service, and the Production Economics Research Branch. Brewster’s last position at the USDA was as the leader of the Farm Size and Resource Requirements Investigations, Agricultural Adjustments Branch of the Farm Economics Division of the Economic Research Service. Some of his notable studies focused on oilseed processing, the relation of resources-to-income in family farming, the classification and structure of family and non-family farms, the effects of technological advance on American farming, and cultural attitudes as a factor in the economic growth of under-developed countries. In 1954 Dr. Brewster received the USDA Superior Service Award and the Agricultural Marketing Service Meritorious Award for his work with cottonseed oil mills.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; USDA History
Formats: Photographs

Collection Number: 30
Collection Name: Brooks, Emerson Merlyn, Papers
Earliest Date: 1913
Latest Date: 1972
Linear Feet: 17.5
Collection Description: The Emerson Merlyn Brooks Papers contain the original manuscript material, worksheets, photographs, and maps relating to the book The Growth of a Nation; A Pictorial Review of the United States from Colonial Days to the Present, 1956. There are also materials intended for use in a book called Pictorial Agriculture-USA.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Emerson Merlyn Brooks (1905-1982) was an agricultural statistician who began his U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) career in 1933 with the Bureau of Agricultural Economics (BAE). In 1939 Brooks was transferred to Washington, D.C., to specialize in estimates of the tobacco, peanut, and sugar crops. From 1963-1967, he served as the deputy director of the Field Operations Division. Brooks completed his service with the USDA working with the Statistical Reporting Service (SRS) as a staff officer for career development and foreign programs, from 1967-1972.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics; Farms and Farming Systems; USDA History
Formats: Maps; Photographs

Collection Number: 41
Collection Name: Cedar Valley Land Company of Vinton, Iowa Records
Earliest Date: 1904
Latest Date: 1907
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Cedar Valley Land Company of Vinton, Iowa, Records consist of two volumes of the company's contracts and records of land sales.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Farms and Farming Systems; Natural Resources

Collection Number: 43
Collection Name: Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee Records on Cotton Trade Agreement
Earliest Date: 1931
Latest Date: 1941
Linear Feet: 0.5
Collection Description: The Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee Records on Cotton Trade Agreement contain the committee's copies of the Proposed Cotton Agreement Draft and paperwork relating to it.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics

Collection Number: 47
Collection Name: Poster Collection
Earliest Date: 1877
Latest Date: 1950
Bulk Dates: 1915-1950
Linear Feet: 74.25
Collection Description: The Poster Collection contains approximately 470 posters relating to World Wars I and II, poultry, cattle, dairy, food, and farming. Most of the posters are not dated. There are approximately 300 World War I- and World War II-era posters. Although many of these posters are not dated, the known date-range runs from 1917-1919 and 1940-1946. The posters display government information relating to wartime agricultural programs and educate and encourage Americans to participate in the war effort through increased food production and conservation. Homemakers are asked to Win the War in the Kitchen by planting war gardens and canning vegetables, while farmers are told that Your Farm Can Help, and encouraged to plant particular crops, construct storage silos, and eliminate plant diseases to help the war effort. Additional World War II posters highlight the various important uses of cotton by U.S. soldiers and encourage Americans to Make America Strong by promoting community education and involvement in proper meal preparation and food preservation. The collection also includes approximately 100 poultry posters and promotional advertisements. Most materials are not dated. The poultry-related advertisements and educational posters provide information about poultry processing, production, and standards of quality; and encourage the consumption of eggs, chicken, and turkey.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Animal Science; Economics; Farms and Farming Systems; Human Nutrition; USDA History
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia; Posters

Collection Number: 49
Collection Name: Davis, John Herbert, Papers
Earliest Date: 1905
Latest Date: 1984
Bulk Dates: 1938-78
Linear Feet: 41
Collection Description: The John Herbert Davis Papers consist of an autobiography, correspondence, speeches, broadcast text, reports, congressional testimony, photographs, periodical publications, term papers, school notes, masters degree thesis, Ph.D. thesis draft, programs, newspaper clippings, certificates signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, oral history tapes, Middle East material, and books authored by Davis.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: John Herbert Davis (1904-1988) worked as an agricultural economist with several U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) administrations beginning in 1936, including the Resettlement Administration, the Farm Security Administration, and the Farm Credit Administration. From 1942-1944, he served as the chief of the Wheat Section, Grain Division of the Commodity Credit Corporation. After working outside of USDA for several years, Davis returned to USDA in 1953 as the president/director of the Commodity Credit Corporation. In June 1953 he became the Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, initially responsible for commodity marketing and adjustment activities, and then responsible for the Foreign Agricultural Service and Agricultural Marketing Service. From 1957-1959 he served as a consultant in the Foreign Agricultural Service, the commissioner general of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and as vice chairman of the Board of Trustees and director of the New York Office of the American University of Beirut (dates unknown).
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; USDA History
Formats: Audiovisuals; Photographs

Collection Number: 50
Collection Name: Dodge, Jacob Richards, Clippings
Earliest Date: 1878
Latest Date: 1902
Linear Feet: 0.75
Collection Description: The Jacob Richards Dodge Clippings Collection contains five bound volumes of clippings of agricultural articles written by and about Dodge.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistician Jacob Richards Dodge (1823-1902) was chief of the USDA's Statistical Division for 27 years. Dodge was born in New Boston, New Hampshire, learned the art of printing, and engaged in teaching, first in New Hampshire and afterwards in Mississippi, where he successfully conducted an academy. In 1849 he redirected his career path to the field of journalism, studying rural economy and statistical information. When the new Department of Agriculture was established in 1862, he became engaged in editorial work and statistical investigation. At the same time, he chronicled the events of the Civil War for the Associated Press. In 1866 he assumed charge of the Statisitical Division, which he retained through the changing administrations until 1874. He accepted a temporary commission for investigation of commercial agriculture in the Treasury Department, and the charge of the statistics of agriculture of the 10th Census in 1879. Commissioner George Bailey Loring compelled him to take his former position as statistician in 1881, the duties of which performed until his retirement in 1893.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; USDA History

Collection Number: 53
Collection Name: Edwards, Everett Eugene, Papers
Earliest Date: 1926
Latest Date: 1951
Linear Feet: 9
Collection Description: The Everett Eugene Edwards Papers include his writings, speeches, bibliographies, administrative information related to his position at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), materials for courses he taught, and historical materials that he may have used for research.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Everett Eugene Edwards (1900-1952) was an agricultural economist and historian in the U.S. Department of Agriculture Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Division of Statistical and Historical Research from 1927-1952. He was the editor of Agricultural History from 1931-1952. Edwards made notable contributions to agricultural history through his work as an author, editor, bibliographer, and critic.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics; USDA History

Collection Number: 56
Collection Name: Carper, Elsie, Collection on Extension Service, Home Economics, and 4-H
Earliest Date: 1908
Latest Date: 1990
Linear Feet: 8.75
Collection Description: The Elsie Carper Collection on Extension Service, Home Economics, and 4-H contains materials relating to early extension work, largely saved by Extension specialists and program leaders over Carper's many years of employment as a clerk at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). Subject areas include Cooperative Extension history, early history of Extension home economics, Extension Homemaker's Organization, early history of the National Association of Extension Home Economists, and 4-H materials.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The National Association of Extension Home Economists (NAEHE) began in 1934 as the Home Demonstration Agents’ National Association. The mission of this organization was "to promote the interest of home demonstration work." NAEHE also had a goal of helping to improve the skills of its members in the areas of home economics and adult education. In 1965, members of the National Negro Home Demonstration Agents Association (NNHDAA) merged into the NAEHE. The NNHDAA had been founded seven years earlier, and specifically focused on home economics in the African-American community. In 1995, the NAEHE once again changed its name, this time to the National Extension Association of Family & Consumer Sciences. This change came about because of the evolutionary shift of the profession to family and consumer science.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Text Available in NALDR:
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Animal Science; Economics; Human Nutrition
Formats: Posters; Photographs

Collection Number: 57
Collection Name: Estabrook, Leon Moyer, Manuscript
Earliest Date: 1869
Latest Date: 1937
Linear Feet: 3.5
Collection Description: The Leon Moyer Estabrook Manuscript is an unbound typescript titled “Life of One American; Memoirs of Leon M. Estabrook.” It contains Estabrook’s account of his life and work as statistician and chief of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Bureau of Statistics and Crop Estimation. The typescript includes descriptions of the work done in early years of the Bureau of Plant Industry and of USDA scientists such as B. T. Galloway and Walter Swingle. There is information relating to crop reporting, and some observations on agricultural conditions during Estabrook's travel abroad. He also provided information about USDA buildings.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: In 1905, Leon Moyer Estabrook (1869-1937) organized and became the first Chief of the Office of Records, which centralized the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Bureau of Plant Industry’s accounting systems. He became the Chief of the Office of Seed Distribution in 1909, then Chief Clerk of USDA. In 1913, Estabrook became Chief of the Bureau of Statistics (changed to Bureau of Crop Estimates in 1914). He represented USDA at the General Assembly meeting of the International Institute of Agriculture in Rome in 1920. Estabrook became Associate Chief of the new Bureau of Agricultural Economics in 1921. From 1925 to 1929, he traveled all over the world collecting data and writing reports for the first World Census of Agriculture (1930), for which he was highly commended. In 1930, he organized the first Inter-American Conference of Agriculture. In 1931, Estabrook retired.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Plant Science; USDA History

Collection Number: 58
Collection Name: Evans, Frank L., Manuscript
Earliest Date: 1906
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Frank L. Evans Manuscript [ca. 1906] is titled "Reminiscences Covering Personal Characteristics of Several Executive Heads of the United States Department of Agriculture, 1871-1906." Though containing neither table of contents nor index, Evans’s manuscript is divided into three sections. In the first portion, he lists and describes the Commissioners/Secretaries of Agriculture under whom he served and his opinion of each of them. The executives covered are Frederick Watts, 1871-1877; William LeDuc, 1877-1881; George Loring, 1881-1885; Norman Colman, 1885-1889; Jeremiah Rusk, 1889-1893; J. Sterling Morton, 1893-1897; and James Wilson, 1897-1913. The manuscript also includes William Saunders, who served as horticulturist and superintendent of the grounds from 1862-1900, and whom Evans considered a remarkable individual and unsung hero. The second portion of the manuscript describes the occasion of Evans’s retirement. The third and final portion details Evans’s career with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the inner workings of the department.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: In 1875, Frank L. Evans was hired by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to work in the mailing room of the Seed Division; within a few months, he was promoted to the Statistical Division. In 1890, Evans was appointed cashier. In 1893, he was appointed disbursing officer and chief, Division of Accounts, a position which he held until his resignation in 1906.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; USDA History

Collection Number: 62
Collection Name: Fossum, M. Truman, Floriculture Collection
Earliest Date: 1890
Latest Date: 1986
Linear Feet: 195.25
Collection Description: The M. Truman Fossum Floriculture Collection contains papers relating to all of Fossum’s endeavors, including business and personal correspondence as well as reports and publications related to the fields of marketing, horticulture, and the floriculture industry in the United States and abroad.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: In his career, Fossum (1912-1991) served as assistant professor of horticulture at the University of Maryland, director of Research and Member Services for the Society of American Florists, consultant for the Bureau of Census, agricultural economist and consultant for the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and economic analyst for Florists’ Transworld Delivery Association (FTD). On behalf of the floral industry, Fossum campaigned for unbiased, third-party statistical information services for the industry, which led to the establishment of the Horticultural Specialties Census. He initiated benchmark economic studies and services relating to the floral industry, and he led the cooperative effort with the USDA for the development of market-news-reporting on ornamental crops.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Economics; Plant Science

Collection Number: 65
Collection Name: USDA Bureau of Plant Industry Horticultural and Pomological Investigations Records
Earliest Date: 1892
Latest Date: 1960
Bulk Dates: 1902-49
Linear Feet: 49
Collection Description: The USDA Bureau of Plant Industry Horticultural and Pomological Investigations Records contain black and white photographs, acetate and glass negatives, glass slides, drawings, note cards, project reports, research records, and correspondence related to small fruits and nuts from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Fruit Laboratory. Examples of topics include experimental fruits, varieties, plant anatomy, breeding, crossing, diseases, insects, irrigation, handling, pruning, harvesting, and marketing. Many photographs were taken in Beltsville and Glenn Dale, Maryland.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: In 1913 the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Bureau of Plant Industry combined the functions of its Offices of Horticultural Investigations, Pomological Investigations, and Field Investigations in Pomology, and named the new unit the Office of Horticultural and Pomological Investigations. This office did research in the areas of breeding, growing, physiology, pathology, and disease, with a specific focus on crops. The office changed its name to the Office of Horticulture in 1926, and then merged with several other offices in 1928 to form the Office of Horticultural Crops and Diseases (later the Division of Fruit and Vegetable Crops and Diseases). In 1951, the division was split into the Division of Fruit and Nut Crops and Diseases; and the Division of Vegetable Crops and Diseases, both coming under the Horticultural Crops Group. In the USDA reorganization in 1953, the Horticultural Crops Group became the Horticultural Crops Research Branch.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Plant Science; USDA History
Formats: Photographs

Collection Number: 68
Collection Name: Glendora Products Company Can Label Collection
Earliest Date: 1916
Latest Date: 1956
Linear Feet: 4
Collection Description: The Glendora Products Company Can Label Collection contains mint-condition labels of various products from the company's warehouse and also includes patent and trademark documents and correspondence relating to them.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The Glendora Products Company engaged in packing fruits and vegetables. Labels were removed from the Glendora warehouse vault in Warren, Pennsylvania.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics; Human Nutrition
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia

Collection Number: 76
Collection Name: Heinemann, Charles Brunk, Manuscript
Earliest Date: 1938
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Charles Brunk Heinemann Manuscript, a typewritten carbon copy of the manuscript "American Live Stock Markets and Marketing," is about the evolution and development of the system of livestock marketing in the United States and a brief history of certain of these markets.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Biographical data on Heinemann is not available. The Library of Congress holds several of his manuscripts; but the reference librarian replied that he cannot find any biographical information at all on Heinemann.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Animal Science; Economics

Collection Number: 84
Collection Name: Soybean Utilization in Japan Manuscript
Earliest Date: 1965
Latest Date: 2004
Collection Description: "Soybean Utilization in Japan" by William Brandemuhl was completed in 1965. This manuscript copy was given to Special Collections, National Agricultural Library, by Tomoko Brandemuhl in 2005. Tomoko published the manuscript in 2004. The general collection of the National Agricultural Library owns a copy of the publication. According to the author, the report served as a reference to those who were connected in some way with the Japanese market as well as those interested for academic purposes. Soybeans were an important component of the Asian diet. Topics included in the manuscript are a history of the soybean, Japan's production and supply of soybeans, and soybean utlilization
Historical or Biographical Sketch: William Victor Brandemuhl (b. 1940-1998) graduated with a degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin in 1963. Upon his graduation, he received a scholarship from Honey Mead Products Company, Mankato, Minnesota, to study soybean utilitzation in Japan. He was the first American to study this subject in Japan and conducted research at Kyoto University Department of Agricultural Economics.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics; Plant Science

Collection Number: 90
Collection Name: Jump, William Ashby, Papers
Earliest Date: 1938
Latest Date: 1949
Linear Feet: 6
Collection Description: The William Ashby Jump Papers consist primarily of correspondence, budgetary data, and reports relating directly to his work and professional interests. It also includes 27 volumes of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Budgetary Material, 1946-1952, housed with the rare books.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: William Ashby Jump (1891-1949) began his career with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1907 as a messenger boy for the Bureau of Animal Industry and progressed through various administrative positions within the Bureau of Markets and the Division of Publications. He soon became the chief administrative officer to the Secretary of Agriculture (1921-1924), the Assistant Director of the office of Personnel and Business Administration and Budget Officer for the Department (1925-1934), and the Director of Finance in the Office of Budget and Finance (1934-1949.) Jump was recognized as an outstanding authority on budgetary and financial administration. His early realization that budgeting was a basic part of program development and operation did much to make the concept of budgeting the vital management force that it is today.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Human Nutrition; USDA History

Collection Number: 95
Collection Name: Land Ladies' Club Records
Earliest Date: 1936
Latest Date: 1990
Linear Feet: 2.75
Collection Description: The Land Ladies' Club Records contain archives of the Land Ladies’ Club consisting of membership lists, financial documents, charitable activities records, and other records associated with the various activities of the club.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The Land Ladies' Club was founded in 1930 as an active organization of women whose husbands were professionals in the Farm Economics Research Division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Economics; USDA History

Collection Number: 98
Collection Name: LeDuc, William Gates, Manuscript
Earliest Date: 1890
Latest Date: 1927
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The William Gates LeDuc Manuscript is an autobiography [ca. 1909] of LeDuc, the fifth U.S. Commissioner of Agriculture. This manuscript, "Recollection of a Quartermaster; Autobiography of General William Gates LeDuc," was copied in 1927 from the original owned by LeDuc's brother Henry. It includes one original letter written by LeDuc on April 8, 1892. Subjects include a family history, details on LeDuc's travels and business dealings, an account of LeDuc's role as quartermaster in the Civil War, incidents during his term of office as commissioner of agriculture, and information about farm life and society in general during the 19th century.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: William Gates LeDuc (1823-1917) was born and raised in Ohio, and was a graduate of Kenyon College. After graduation, Le Duc went into the book trade, then settled in Minnesota where he started the manufacture and marketing of flour from Minnesota spring wheat. He volunteered for service in the Civil War, served as quartermaster in the army, and was discharged with the brevet rank of brigadier general. After several unsuccessful business ventures, LeDuc turned to farming. He became Commissioner of Agriculture on July 1, 1877, and served until June 30, 1881. Afterward, he was appointed as a receiver of the National Bank in Fayetteville, North Carolina. As Commissioner, LeDuc desired to make the United States as self-sufficient as possible. He believed that sugar and tea should be produced in the United States instead of imported from other countries. Research was done on improving the yield of sugar from cane and obtaining sugar from beets, corn, sorghum, and other products. He established an experimental tea farm at Summerville, South Carolina. Because of the spread of disease through animals, he established the Division of Veterinary Science to deal with disease prevention. He organized a Division of Forestry headed by Franklin B. Hough.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics; Farms and Farming Systems

Collection Number: 99
Collection Name: Lloyd, William Allison, Papers
Earliest Date: 1912
Latest Date: 1945
Linear Feet: 0.5
Collection Description: The William Allison Lloyd Papers consist of three volumes of papers and addresses relating to agricultural extension from 1913-1940. The collection includes the pre-Smith-Lever work in the northern and western states. Lloyd addresses the organization of cooperative extension work under the Smith-Lever Act; the development of county agent work in the northern and western states, and the development of the County Farm Bureau as an extension agency. He also discusses the New Deal’s national agricultural policies and the Extension Service. Biographical information and a subject index to Lloyd’s public papers are included at end of the third volume.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: William Allison Lloyd (1870-1946), a lawyer who practiced in Ohio and Texas, was hired by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Office of Farm Management (later the Office of Cooperative Extension Work) in 1913 to supervise the work of county agents in more than 30 states in the U.S. midwestern and western United States. Furthermore, he pioneered programs in farm leadership at the local level, and also worked on plans for state and county bureaus through which extension work could be done. Lloyd was best known for his contributions of scientific applications to practical farming.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Farms and Farming Systems; USDA History

Collection Number: 102
Collection Name: McFarland, J. Horace, Papers
Earliest Date: 1923
Latest Date: 1975
Linear Feet: 432
Collection Description: The J. Horace McFarland Papers relate to Mount Pleasant Press; the majority of the collection includes glass negatives, acetate negatives, transparencies, slides, photographs, and watercolors of plants (ornamental and vegetables). There are plant-breeding records which include rose cards or letter-sized forms consisting of a black and white photograph of a variety of a rose and accompanying scientific documentation. Also included are original artwork; catalogs produced by the company; photographs of the office; and a map of McFarland’s residence.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: McFarland (1859-1948), conservationist, master printer, and horticulturist, was well known for his books and photographs of roses. In 1878, McFarland started his own printing business, Mount Pleasant Press, which specialized in horticultural printing and was the first to use color photographs in its publications. In fact, many images were taken at McFarland's famous trial gardens on the grounds of his residence, Breeze Hill.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Plant Science
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia; Audiovisuals; Photographs

Collection Number: 105
Collection Name: Meler, Charles J., Papers: American Poultry Historical Society Papers
Collection Group: Poultry Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1959
Latest Date: 1965
Linear Feet: 2.25
Collection Description: The Charles J. Meler Papers include correspondence, egg marketing orders, and egg promotion material along with contracts for egg producers and started pullet growers in Illinois and neighboring states; publications of the American Poultry and Hatchery Federation and the Illinois Poultry Industry Council, and miscellaneous brochures from nationally known commercial poultry breeding organizations and equipment manufacturers.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Charles J. Meler of Nashville, Illinois, was a hatcheryman, member of the Illinois Poultry Industry Council, and past president of the American Poultry and Hatchery Federation.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Economics; Poultry
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia

Collection Number: 114
Collection Name: Hudson Brick and Supply Company Ledgers
Earliest Date: 1925
Latest Date: 1929
Linear Feet: 3
Collection Description: The Hudson Brick and Supply Company Ledgers contain two ledgers from the brickyard formerly located on the grounds of the U. S. National Arboretum.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics

Collection Number: 116
Collection Name: National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) Records: American Poultry Historical Society Papers
Collection Group: Poultry Science Collections
Earliest Date: 1906
Latest Date: 1992
Linear Feet: 22.5
Collection Description: The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) Records contain documents, reports, and summaries of early efforts to improve the economic aspects of poultry production through breeding and disease control. Materials include newsletters, publications, and reports relating to the poultry industry and the early history of NPIP. Also included are tape recordings of NPIP conferences, and registered trademarks of NPIP emblems and poultry breeding farms.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) provides a cooperative industry-state-federal program for controlling certain poultry diseases.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Economics; Poultry

Collection Number: 120
Collection Name: Gilbert, Henry G., Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection
Earliest Date: 1724
Latest Date: 2004
Bulk Dates: 1890-2003
Linear Feet: 1129
Collection Description: The Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection is a special reference collection of over 150,000 American and foreign catalogs. It was begun in 1904 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) economic botanist, Percy Leroy Ricker. Its purpose now, as then, is to provide information regarding sources, prices, and descriptions of plant material offered for sale by U.S. nurserymen, growers, and seedsmen and, to a lesser extent, by foreign firms. The collection is now named for its longtime curator, Henry G. Gilbert (1930-1996). There are catalogs from the following countries: Africa, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Burma, Canada, Canary Islands, Ceylon, Chile, China, England, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Holland, Hungary, India, Italy, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Palestine, Poland, Russia, Scotland, South America, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United States.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Henry G. Gilbert (1930-1996) was a reference librarian at the National Agricultural Library (NAL), USDA. He worked at NAL for 27 years, beginning his tenure at the South Building in Washington, D.C., just prior to the library’s move to Beltsville, Maryland. In addition to working in reference, Gilbert was NAL’s librarian for the U.S. National Arboretum and the curator of the library’s collection of nursery and seed trade catalogs. Gilbert earned an associate of science degree in horticulture form the State University of New York at Farmingdale, a bachelor of science degree in entomology from the University of Georgia, and a master of library science degree from the Pratt Institute (New York). Prior to becoming a librarian at NAL, Gilbert worked for various agricultural organizations, including a position at the Port of New York as a USDA Plant Quarantine Inspector.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Animal Science; Economics; Farms and Farming Systems; Plant Science; Human Nutrition
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia

Collection Number: 121
Collection Name: Nursery Associations Records Collection
Earliest Date: 1896
Latest Date: 1941
Linear Feet: 4
Collection Description: The Nursery Associations Records Collection consists of the Letterpress Book (1886-1896) of the Western Association of Wholesale Nurserymen; Account Book (1926-1933) of the American Association of Propagating Nurserymen; Record Book (1937-1938) of the Pacific Coast Nursery Association; Treasury Records (1936-1938) of the Council of Eastern Nurserymen; and American Horticultural Council.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Economics

Collection Number: 123
Collection Name: Olsen, Nils Andreas, Collection
Earliest Date: 1855
Latest Date: 1936
Linear Feet: 25
Collection Description: The Nils Andreas Olsen Collection consists of journals, ledgers, and other account books of the Evans Hardware Company, Princeton, Minnesota, covering functions prior to 1920; records of Alfred Erickson, Washington County, Minnesota; minutes, payroll book, cash books, and other records of the Golden Valley Creamery Association and its member groups, a cooperative functioning from 1908 to 1910; some 19th century military post records; and other miscellaneous material.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Nils Andreas Olsen (1886-1940) was born in Herscher, Illinois. He graduated from Luther College, Iowa, in 1907; was a graduate student in history and economics at Johns Hopkins University in 1907-1908; received a master's degree in history and economics at the University of Wisconsin in 1909; was an instructor in history and economics at Muhlenberg College, Pennsylvania, 1909-1910; an instructor and graduate student in history and economics at Harvard University, 1910-1912; and a farm manager from 1912-1919. Olsen joined the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1919 as an assistant agricultural economist; he was promoted through the various economic branches and in May 1925, became Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. As Assistant Chief he was responsible for the development and coordination of the research work in the bureau and also continued to have charge of the Division of Agricultural Finance, directing the research and investigational work of that unit. On July 16, 1928, Olsen became Chief of the bureau. He retired in 1935.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Farms and Farming Systems

Collection Number: 130
Collection Name: Poppleton, Daniel, Account Book
Earliest Date: 1818
Latest Date: 1939
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Daniel Poppleton Account Book (typewritten copy, 1939) is titled "A Pioneer Farmer of Licking County, Ohio . . . 1818-1852." Most of the entries in the account book are debit items. Little money was in circulation at that time, and marketing of farm products was accomplished through barter. There is an introduction to the account book written by W.W. Stockberger, which provides biographical information about Poppleton and an explanation of the account book.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Daniel Poppleton (1784-1852) was born at Pownal, Bennington County, Vermont. In 1812 he and his wife became the first settlers in Hartford Township, Licking County, Ohio. Poppleton served as the first Justice of the Peace in Hartford Township.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics; Farms and Farming Systems

Collection Number: 138
Collection Name: Prince Family Manuscript Collection
Earliest Date: 1779
Latest Date: 1914
Bulk Dates: 1790-1861
Linear Feet: 8
Collection Description: The Prince Family Manuscript Collection contains correspondence, account books, notebooks, and journals that provide an insight into the difficulties of maintaining a large nursery in the early years of the new American nation. Much of the material concerns business dealings between members of the Prince family and those transacting business with them. The remaining portion of the material deals with observations on and experiments with plants.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: This material is concerned with the most productive and innovative years of the Prince nurseries, which were based in Flushing, Long Island, New York. During these years, the nursery was owned and operated by William Prince, Jr., and William Prince, his son. Their Linnaean Gardens developed into experimental grounds for cultivating native American species and for testing European and Asian species.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics; Plant Science

Collection Number: 144
Collection Name: Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, Collection
Earliest Date: 1934
Latest Date: 1941
Linear Feet: 2.5
Collection Description: The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Collection consists of copies of press releases, presidential addresses, inaugural addresses, executive orders, and newspaper articles of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, all pertaining to agricultural matters. It is likely that this collection was originally housed in the library of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945), the 32nd President of the United States, held office from 1933-1945. Roosevelt dealt with the problems related to the Great Depression from the previous administration and established several key programs and experiments that would become part of his New Deal. He also successfully led the United States through World War II until his death near the end of the war. The goal of the New Deal was to rehabilitate the economy, recover agricultural resources, and prevent citizens from losing their homes and farms. Some of Roosevelt’s experiments included Social Security, a revamped tax system, work relief programs, and tighter control over banks. Roosevelt was also able to gain federal regulation of the economy.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics

Collection Number: 173
Collection Name: Thorburn, Grant, Manuscript
Earliest Date: 1830
Latest Date: 1834
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Grant Thorburn Manuscript is a 50-page invoice book of flowers, trees, and seeds for Grant Thorburn & Sons.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Grant Thorburn & Sons was one of America’s first major businesses devoted to the sale of plant and crop seeds to the public. Grant Thorburn (1773-1863), originally from Scotland, moved to New York City in 1794 as a nailmaker. He entered the seed trade in 1805, after realizing the possible market for mass-produced seeds. In addition to having created one of the early seed businesses, Thorburn first distributed a seed catalogue in 1822. Upon Grant Thorburn’s death in 1863, the company was transferred to his son James, and was incorporated in 1895.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics; Plant Science

Collection Number: 174
Collection Name: USDA Tobacco Market News Service Records
Earliest Date: 1920
Latest Date: 1975
Linear Feet: 22
Collection Description: The USDA Tobacco Market News Service Records contain historical information on the Tobacco Market News Service (1928-1971); tobacco inspection (1927-1963); stocks, standards, and grading (pre-1929-1935); and auctions (1929-1962). There are correspondence, notes, and copies of tobacco annual reports (1932-1953); major legislation (1933-1952); and hearings and testimony (1947-1950). With the development of World War II, there are wartime regulation summaries and reports of tobacco activities (1941-1948); material related to tobacco agreements made with other countries after the war (1945-1952); and notes and reports of U.S. Department of Agriculture committees meeting after the war (1947-1951). Additional materials include correspondence of the tobacco division for the years 1949 and 1950; notes and publications relating to the main USDA Market News Service, which was the head of all of the individual agriculture commodities, including tobacco (1948-1964); files relating to the Tennessee Burley Tobacco Grower’s Association (1946-1960); black and white photographs; and various types of maps.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: In 1931 the Tobacco Market News Service started its work within the Tobacco Section of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Employees followed sales and prices at the tobacco auctions, and talked to growers, buyers' representatives, and warehousemen to better interpret the day's markets in their reports. The different offices of the service dealt with a particular type of tobacco, compiled their statistics, and issued mimeographed market news reports daily and weekly to the public. Tobacco Market News provided tobacco growers, the tobacco trade, and other interested persons with timely information on prices, sales, and marketing conditions on the tobacco auction markets.
Processed: Yes, view the finding aid online.
Subjects: Economics; Plant Science; USDA History

Collection Number: 175
Collection Name: Tontz, Robert Lee, Papers
Earliest Date: 1920
Latest Date: 1993
Linear Feet: 6.5
Collection Description: The Robert Lee Tontz Papers consist of statistics, clippings, and publications related to U.S. and foreign trade, including comparisons between exports and imports from 1790 through the 1970s. Also included are data about projected voting in congressional elections (farm versus nonfarm belts) dating from the 1950s to the 1970s, correspondence, reports, membership files on the Farm Bureau and the Grange, and photographs. There is a copy of Tontz’s work: The Agricultural Parity Concept--Reprints of Selected Articles and Memberships of General Farmers’ Organizations, United States 1874-1960. A bibliography of Tontz's publications is also included.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Robert Lee Tontz was Chief of the Trade Statistics and Analysis Branch, Foreign Development and Trade Division, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), during the 1960s. From the 1940s-1960s, Tontz taught and researched economic problems of international agricultural trade at several universities in the United States and the USDA. He has authored over 100 publications.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Farms and Farming Systems

Collection Number: 176
Collection Name: True, Alfred Charles, Papers
Earliest Date: 1847
Latest Date: 1929
Linear Feet: 9
Collection Description: The Alfred CharlesTrue Papers include manuscripts, notes, and drafts of works True was engaged in writing, as well as papers and documents that he accumulated for historical research between 1900 and 1929. The materials reflect his interest in agricultural history and relate especially to his trilogy histories on research, education, and extension work.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Alfred Charles True (1853-1929) was Chief of the Office of Experiment Stations from 1893-1915 and director of the State Relations Service from 1915-1923.
Processed: Yes, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics; USDA History

Collection Number: 197
Collection Name: White, Richard P., Papers
Earliest Date: 1965
Latest Date: 1975
Linear Feet: 3
Collection Description: The Richard P. White Papers contain correspondence, brochures, newletters, publications, subject files, and drafts relating to White's manuscript "A Century of Service: A History of the Nursery Industry Association of the United States."
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Richard P. White (b. 1896) was a former executive vice president of the American Association of Nurserymen.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics

Collection Number: 198
Collection Name: USDA Organization for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1914, Broadside
Earliest Date: 1914
Linear Feet: 2.75
Collection Description: The USDA Organization for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1914, Broadside is titled "United States Department of Agriculture Organization for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1914" and was prepared by N.E. Fealey. The broadside includes budget figures.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; USDA History
Formats: Agricultural Art and Memorabilia

Collection Number: 260
Collection Name: Agricultural Marketing Service and Farm Market Photograph Collection
Earliest Date: 1959
Latest Date: 1984
Bulk Dates: 1960s-1970s
Linear Feet: 11.5
Collection Description: The Agricultural Marketing Service and Farm Market Photograph Collection consists primarily of slides of farm markets and associated marketing and transportation activities throughout the United States, with a few examples from foreign countries.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Farms and Farming Systems
Formats: Photographs

Collection Number: 277
Collection Name: USDA Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Division of Land Economics Records [?]
Earliest Date: 1914
Latest Date: 1955
Bulk Dates: 1934-1952
Linear Feet: 6.25
Collection Description: The USDA Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Division of Land Economics Records [?] consist of reports, correspondence, and publications relating to the work of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, probably the Division of Land Economics. Most of the material is the product of Bureau or Division, though some was produced by the Land Utilization Division of the Resettlement Administration. Topics include general land policy and policy planning, zoning, settlement patterns, local land utilization studies, tenancy and land ownership, and water projects.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The Bureau of Agricultural Economics was established in 1922 and included the Land Economics Division. The Division was abolished in 1953. The Land Utilization Division functions of the Resettlement Administration were transferred to USDA Bureau of Agricultural Economics in 1937.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Natural Resources; USDA History

Collection Number: 292
Collection Name: USDA Commodity Stabilization Service Records
Earliest Date: 1935
Latest Date: 1969
Linear Feet: 0.5
Collection Description: The USDA Commodity Stabilization Service Records contain handwritten notes or typescript charts with statistical figures about the production and trade of chemicals used as insecticides in commercial agriculture.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: The Commodity Stabilization Service was the successor agency to the Production and Marketing Administration and was responsible for its price support and adjustment activities.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Economics; Entomology; USDA History

Collection Number: 340
Collection Name: Ballard, Myron, Account Book
Earliest Date: 1828
Latest Date: 1850
Linear Feet: 1
Collection Description: The Myron Ballard Account Book from Bradford County, Pennsylvania, contains price data from 1828-1850. A letter written by agricultural economist Everett E. Edwards accompanies the book. Edwards explained that Fred W. Card donated the book to the Agricultural History Unit of USDA's Division of Statistical and Historical Research.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Myron Ballard (1800-1878) lived in Columbia Township, Bradford County, Pennsylvania.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics

Collection Number: 341
Collection Name: McLaughlin, Israel, Account Book and Papers
Earliest Date: 1838
Latest Date: 1944
Bulk Dates: 1838-1881
Linear Feet: 0.25
Collection Description: The Israel McLaughlin Account Book contains handwritten examples and practice pages of mathematical computations such as “The Single Rule of Three”, The Double Rule of Three”, “Compound Interest”, “Insurance Commission and Brokage”, “Discount”, “Barter”, “Loss and Gain”, and “Domestic Exchange.” There are several pages listing loans due to Israel McLaughlin in 1853, 1853-55, 1857-58, 1868, and 1871-72. One page has newspaper clippings of household remedies for illnesses. The account book also contained loose documents, most of which are land deeds for property owned by Robert J. Stringfellow in Cheatham County, Tennessee. Other names include the Pack and Harris families. There is a business card of John O'Neill, Solicitor of Claims, Washington D.C. and an envelope with a return address of T.R. Dickson, Country Court Clerk, Charlotte, Tennessee. The collection includes an 1862 bill of sale for four slaves.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics

Collection Number: 353
Collection Name: Ioanes, Raymond Andrew, Papers
Earliest Date: 1953
Latest Date: 1997
Bulk Dates: 1954-1965, 1990-1997
Linear Feet: 1.25
Collection Description: The Raymond Andrew Ioanes Papers include correspondence and memoranda from the Foreign Agriculture Service (FAS), speeches given by Ioanes, and 2 photographs. Topics include 20th century history of FAS, foreign agriculture trade, the dispersal of surplus agricultural products in foreign countries, and trade relations with Russia, the European Community (EC), and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Materials relating to the Association for Diplomatic Studies' Foreign Affairs Oral History Program, for which Ioanes acted as both an interviewer and interviewee, are represented, including interviews conducted by Ioanes and two copies, one edited manuscript and one finalized, of an interview in which he is the interviewee. Foreign Affairs Oral History Program materials are housed at Georgetown University.
Historical or Biographical Sketch: Raymond Andrew Ioanes (1918-2005) began working for the Foreign Agriculture Service in 1953 and served as Administrator starting in 1962 until his retirement in 1973. Ioanes was very active in world food trade and provided food relief by supplying surplus American agriculture products to other countries. Ioanes was influential on many large scale USDA food relief programs, including relief to Berlin after World War II and the implementation of the "Food for Peace Program," Public Law 480, which outlined the U.S. food relief program to Third World countries.
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural History; Economics; Human Nutrition; USDA History

Collection Number: 354
Collection Name: American Seed Trade Association Photographs
Earliest Date: 1924
Latest Date: 1596
Bulk Dates: 1924-1956, n.d.
Linear Feet: 2
Collection Description: The American Seed Trade Association Photographs contain matted 24"x15" (inc. mat) group photographs from various United States seed trade association meetings. Persons in photographs are not identified. Seed trade associations represented are as follows: American Seed Trade Association (1924, 1925, 1928, 1932, 1937, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1951, 1952), Atlantic Seedmen's Association (1956), California Seed Association (1949), Pacific Seedmen's Association (1943), and Western Seedmen's Association (1924, 1931, 1932, 1937, 1939, 1941, 1952, 1953).
Historical or Biographical Sketch: "Founded in 1883, the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) is one of the oldest trade organizations in the United States. Its membership consists of about 850 companies involved in seed production and distribution, plant breeding, and related industries in North America. As an authority on plant germplasm, ASTA advocates science and policy issues of industry-wide importance." [From the American Seed Trade Association website,]
Processed: No, contact Special Collections.
Subjects: Agricultural Organizations; Economics; Plant Science
Formats: Photographs

Last Modified : June 13, 2007

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