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Verse of the day

“[Life by the Spirit] So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.”- Galatians 5:16

Today's passage is from the New International Version.

Listen to this chapter   Audio is taken from the Listener's Audio Bible narrated by Max McLean.

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Recent news

A quick piece of news for all of our mobile Bible Gateway users: you can now access the mobile site by using You can still access the site using We made this change as a result of the feedback we’ve been receiving concerning the mobile site. If you have any suggestions or comments or [...]

Read through the Bible in 2009, starting today!
The new Bible Gateway Bible reading plans start today! If you’ve ever wanted to read through the entire Bible but weren’t sure where to begin, now is the perfect time to start. You can head over right now to read today’s reading. That page updates each day with the new day’s reading, so bookmark it [...]

Read through the Bible in a year with new Bible Gateway reading plans!
Starting on January 1, 2009, you can read through the Bible day-by-day here at the Bible Gateway using one of our new reading plans. You can get your daily reading online or via RSS or iCal.

Take the Bible Gateway with you at
Now you can take the Bible Gateway with you wherever you go! We've added a new smallscreen-friendly site for use with your iPhone, BlackBerry, or other internet-capable mobile device:

Reading multiple Bibles in parallel
One of the most frequently-asked questions we receive at the Bible Gateway is "Can I read more than one Bible in parallel?" Yes, you can! You can view up to five different Bibles simultaneously, and you can display them side-by-side to compare a passage in several different versions. Read on for a short tutorial that shows you how to do so.

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