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Paleo Slide Set: Low Latitude Ice Cores: High Resolution Records of Climatic Change and Variability in the Tropics and Subtropics
Peruvian altiplano
Map of Quelccaya Ice Cap
Quelccaya Ice Cap
Trek to Quelccaya
Camp on Quelccaya
Drill bit
Removing drill apparatus.
Visual Annual Layers of Core
Ice Core rigging
Melting core samples
ECM Data at Quelccaya using decadal averages of data from Thompson et al. (1988).
Accumulation record from Quelccaya compared to archaeological record of Peruvian pre-history.
The Dunde Ice Cap
Dunde Base Camp
Moving equipment to Dunde Basecamp
Scientists set up a small gas-powered drill
Dunde ice record correlations
International team of scientists involved with research.
High on the slopes of Huascaran.
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Last Modified: 12 October 2001

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