NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
NCI Cancer Bulletin: A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
July 26, 2005 • Volume 2 / Number 30 E-Mail This Document  |  View PDF Version  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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Featured Article
"Jumping" DNA: A Tool for Finding Cancer Genes

Director's Update
The Cancer Genome: An Important Project for a New Era

Testing Shark Cartilage as a Cancer Drug

UPDATE: Mammography Insurance Reimbursement

Cancer Research Highlights
Benign Breast Disease Indicates Relative Risk for Breast Cancer

Low Long-Term Risk for Second Testicular Cancer

Tumor Cells Use Protein to Fend Off Anti-Angiogenesis Drugs

Study Shows Fidelity of Medicare Chemo Data

Cervical Cancer Incidence Signifies Broader Health Care Disparities

Funding Opportunities

Featured Clinical Trial
Chemotherapy for Recurrent or Treatment-Resistant Lymphomas

NCI Testitifies on Radiation Effects from Nuclear Weapons Testing

New Web Sites Describes BCSC Resources

Diet and Communication Workshop

CNP Grantees Discuss Cancer Disparities

Cancer Center Profile
UNMC Eppley Cancer Center

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Cancer Center Profile Cancer Center Profile

UNMC Eppley Cancer Center
Director: Dr. Kenneth H. Cowan • 986805 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198 • Phone: 402-559-4090 • Web site:

The UNMC Eppley Cancer Center is the only NCI-designated Cancer Center in Nebraska. The Eppley Institute was established in 1960 as part of the University of Nebraska Medical Center College of Medicine with funds from the Eugene C. Eppley Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and the University of Nebraska. In 1983, NCI awarded the Institute a Cancer Center Support Grant that has been continually funded since then. In 1999, Dr. Kenneth H. Cowan was named director of the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases and of the UNMC Eppley Cancer Center. Shortly thereafter, the Center was designated an NCI Clinical Cancer Center. Since then, the Cancer Center has conducted almost 400 clinical trials for leukemia and lymphoma, as well as breast, prostate, pancreatic, gastrointestinal, and lung cancers.

UNMC Eppley Cancer CenterPatient/Clinical Care
In the multidisciplinary Peggy D. Cowdery Patient Care Center, part of the Lied Transplant Center, cancer patients are treated by surgical, medical, and radiation oncologists, as well as by supportive care specialists such as genetic counselors, nutritionists, and social workers. At the Lied Transplant Center, patients with cancer and other diseases requiring transplantation benefit from revolutionary treatment strategies in a comfortable, home-like setting. Cooperative Care, a new model of care delivery, enables family members to stay and participate as partners in a patient's care.

The UNMC Eppley Cancer Center is renowned for its basic research programs in chemical carcinogenesis; molecular, cellular, and structural biology; and translational research in new therapies. Research programs focus on cancer genes and molecular regulation, molecular and biochemical etiology, experimental therapeutics, and disease-oriented working groups.

Other Notable Programs
The UNMC Eppley Cancer Center has received funding from NCI to conduct a vaccine clinical trial designed to reduce the risk of breast cancer recurrence following initial treatment, and has received federal funding to establish a Center of Excellence for research in the prevention of breast cancer. In addition, the Center's Nebraska Early Detection and Informatics Technology project is poised to become the first statewide lung-cancer screening program in the United States.

Physicians at the Center have developed a unique protocol using high-dose radiation and chemotherapy to treat patients with advanced prostate cancer. Center researchers have also received $4.2 million from NCI to develop a blood test for early detection of pancreatic cancer and to develop an international Web-based pancreatic cancer registry. As a nationally known program of excellence in leukemia and lymphoma and 1 of only 14 NCI-funded Centers of Excellence in bone marrow transplantation, the UNMC Eppley Cancer Center has received an $8.5 million grant from NCI to study the molecular characteristics of lymphoma.

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