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Early Implementation of Public Single-Sex Schools: Perceptions and Characteristics (PDF) (Aug 26, 2008)
This report is based on surveys and site visits conducted in 2005, which provide additional descriptive data on public single sex schools in the U.S. It presents findings about perceived effects of single-sex schools or classes, and may be helpful in considering topics on which further research and evaluation may be warranted.
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Early Implementation of Public Single-Sex Schools: Perceptions and Characteristics (Aug 26, 2008)
This report is based on surveys and site visits conducted in 2005, which provide additional descriptive data on public single sex schools in the U.S. It presents findings about perceived effects of single-sex schools or classes, and may be helpful in considering topics on which further research and evaluation may be warranted.
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Early Implementation of Public Single-Sex Schools: Perceptions and Characteristics (MS Word) (Aug 26, 2008)
This report is based on surveys and site visits conducted in 2005, which provide additional descriptive data on public single sex schools in the U.S. It presents findings about perceived effects of single-sex schools or classes, and may be helpful in considering topics on which further research and evaluation may be warranted.
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Early Outcomes of the GEAR UP Program (Aug 08, 2008)
This report discusses findings from an evaluation of the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) grant program. It presents middle school outcomes for a small sample of schools participating in the program and a matched comparison group of non-GEAR UP schools.
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Upward Bound Program - Grantee-Level Performance Results 2005-06 - Appendix (PDF) (Jun 27, 2008)
This page is the appendix of the 2005-06 grantee-level performance data for the Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science Programs. (PDF)
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Upward Bound Program - Grantee-Level Performance Results 2005-06 - Appendix (MS Word) (Jun 27, 2008)
This page is the appendix of the 2005-06 grantee-level performance data for the Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science Programs. (MS Word)
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Upward Bound Program - Grantee-Level Performance Results 2005-06 - Discussion (PDF) (Jun 27, 2008)
This page provides a discussion and explanation of 2005-06 grantee-level performance data for the Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science Programs. (PDF)
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Upward Bound Program - Grantee-Level Performance Results 2005-06 - Discussion (MS Word) (Jun 27, 2008)
This page provides a discussion and explanation of 2005-06 grantee-level performance data for the Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science Programs. (MS Word)
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Upward Bound and UB Math-Science Grantee Level Performance Results 2005-06 - Figure 2 (MS Word) (Jun 27, 2008)
This page provides a graph showing the postsecondary enrollment rates of UB participants expected to graduate high school during 2004?05, by length of participation under the Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science Programs grantee level performance results 2005-06 . (MS Word)
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Upward Bound and UB Math-Science Grantee Level Performance Results 2005-06 - Figures 1a and 1b (PDF) (Jun 27, 2008)
This page provides a graph showing the frequency of postsecondary enrollment rates based on 2005-06 grantee-level performance data for the Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science Programs. (PDF)
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formatted as Portable Document Format (PDF) (33)
of type Reports (33)
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about Program Evaluation (29)
of type Reference Materials (29)
for Institutions of Higher Education (28)