Aloha and welcome to my web page!

Vivian AionaI am honored and excited to share information about the events my family and I attend. As the wife of Hawai`i's Lt. Governor and the mother of four children, I am deeply interested in our state and the well being of Hawai`i's keiki.


The privilege of being lifelong residents in this paradise encourages us to be active in our community, respectful citizens and proud public servants. Those are all paramount values in our family, and they weighed heavily into my decision to become a full partner in my husband's commitment to work each day to improve the quality of life for all the people of Hawai`i.


As a member of the Fetal Alcohol Taskforce, I am listening to the concerns of young people, parents and community leaders who are drawing attention to programs that help pregnant women avoid drug and alcohol abuse. Also I have been focusing on the need to help bereaved families across our state draw some measure of comfort from knowing others care and share in their loss.


I feel each one of us has a personal responsibility to be an ally for the change we envision in the precious gift that is our state.


Mahalo for visiting. Peace and aloha to you and your family.


Vivian W. Aiona
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