Seal of U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

Graphical Version

December 21, 2006



SUBJECT:  Request for Comments – Implementation of Policy Changes to the Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act; Amendment of Regulations; Proposed Rule

PROGRAMS: WIA, Wagner-Peyser

1.  Purpose. To transmit a request for public comment on a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM), concerning amendments to the Workforce Investment Act and Wagner-Peyser Act Regulations in volume 20 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The proposed rule will be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for review and approval.

2.  References. Federal Register, Vol. 71, No. 244, December 20, 2006, pp. 76557-76569; Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998, sections 111, 117, 171 and 189; Wagner-Peyser Act; 20 CFR 652, 661, 662, 663, 664 and 667,; 5 CFR 90.603 {subpart F, Appendix A}; 38 USC 41; 65 FR 49294-49300; 70 FR 19206; 70 FR 19222; 5 USC 6, 601, 804; 20 USC 9276(c), 2939(a); 29 USC 49k; Executive Orders 12866, 12875 and 13132; Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995;

3.  Links. This Alert is in the Regional website Resource page at:

Link to the Federal Register attachment (.pdf)

4. Action. Program administrators are request to share this Information Alert with appropriate staff and other agencies, and are invited to comment, on or before February 20th to:

Maria Flynn, Administrator
Office of Policy Development and Research
Ref. RIN 1205-AB46
U.S. Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration
Room N-5641
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20210
202-693-2766 (fax)  - maximum of five pages (preferred method)

Comments may also be submitted through the Federal eRulemaking portal.

5. Contact. Questions and comments about the NPRM may be directed to: Maria Flynn on 202.693.3700. Questions or comments about the format of this Alert may be directed to Robert Rainault on 312.596.5416.

6. Expiration Date. February 20, 2007

7. Attachment. Federal Register, Vol. 71, No. 244, December 20, 2006, pp. 76558-76569