United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

NY/NJ Healthcare Network

Attention Returning Iraqi and Afghanistan Veterans

Welcome Home and Job Well Done!
We value your service and sacrifice and the sacrifice of your families who also serve. Now it's our turn to serve YOU!

You have 5 years from your date of discharge to receive free health care for any condition that may be related to combat service. Whether or not you choose to use VA health care after separation, you must enroll with VA within 5 years to get health care benefits later on. After the 5 years, a co-payment status will depend on whether your illness or injury is found to be service-connected.

There are several ways you may enroll for care:
Cathy Abshire, M.Ed., Network OEF/OIF Program Coordinator Network Office
Cathy Abshire, M.Ed.
Network OEF/OIF Program Coordinator
631-261-4400 x7227

Operations Operations Enduring & Iraqi Freedom - image of a yellow ribbon and a soldier holding a United States flag.

Related Links

Points of Contact for Returning Veterans

New York
Castle Point
Northport, Long Island
St. Albans, Queens

New Jersey
East Orange