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Catalogue: Prophetic Medicine

dot Tahdhīb al-maqāmah fī-mā warada fī al-fad wa-al-ijāmah   (MS A 88/III)
(The Instruction to the Congregation on What has Been Said Concerning Venesection and Cupping)
تهذيب المقامة فيما ورد في الفصد والحجامة
by Muammad ibn Muammad, Muftī al-anafīyah bi-al-Quds al-Tāfilātī (d. 1777/1190)
محمد ابن محمد التافلاتى مفتى الحنفية بالقدس

This is a treatise on Prophetic Medicine as it relates particularly to bloodletting and cupping. Little is known of its author except that he was an authority in the Hanafī school of jurisprudence in Jerusalem.

No other copies have been identified.

Tahdhīb al-maqāmah fī-mā warada fī al-fad wa-al-ijāmah   (MS A 88/III)


MS A 88/III, fol. 1b
MS A 88/III, fol. 1b

The opening of a treatise on Prophetic Medicine as it relates particularly to bloodletting and cupping, by Muammad ibn Muammad al-Tāfilātī (d. 1777/1190). The copy was made in 1217 (= 1802-3) by the scribe YYūsuf al-Rasanāwī ibn Ismā‘īl. From a note in the margin of the title page, it would appear that he made the copy for his own use. He is the same copyist who transcribed in Istanbul another treatise at NLM concerned with Prophetic Medicine, MS A 88/IV.

physical description

Arabic. 4 leaves (fols. 1a-4b). Dimensions 21 x 15 (text area 15.8 ca 9.5) cm; 22-25 lines per page. The title is given on the title page (fol. 1a) and in the text (fol. 1b line 12). The author is given in the text (fol. 1b line 5) as: Muammad ibn Muammad al-Tāfilātī Muftī al-anafīyah bi-al-Quds ('religious/legal authority in Jerusalem').

The copy was made in 1217 [= 1802-3] by the scribe Yūsuf al-Rasanāwī ibn Ismā‘īl (fol. 4b line 8-9). From a note in the margin of the title page, it would seem that he made the copy for his own use. He is the same copyist as made the another of the treatises with which this one has been bound (MS A 88/IV).

The text is written in small, personal and inconsistent naskh with ligatures, using black ink with headings in purplish-red.

There is extensive marginalia.

The thin, gray-cream paper has only laid lines visible.

The volume consists of 4 leaves and one end leaf which is blank.


The volume is bound in a modern library binding of pasteboard covers and envelope flap covered with tan leather. There are modern paper pastedowns and endpapers.

The manuscript is bound together with three other manuscripts: MS A 88/I, MS A 88/II, and MS A 88/IV.


The manuscript was purchased in 1941 by the Army Medical Library from A.S. Yahuda (ELS 3329).


Schullian/Sommer, Cat. of incun. & MSS., entry A 88 item 3, p. 327. Hamarneh, "NLM", p. 96.

NLM Microfilm Reel: FILM 48-129 no. 5

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