FORMAT FOR SEBSCC Phase II Annual Report



PROGRESS:  Where are you in your research?  Refer to your proposal.
Compose a paragraph or two describing the overall objectives of your
research and the contribution of this year's work to attaining those
objectives.  Address the milestones in your proposal.

SCIENTIFIC ACCOMPLISHMENTS:  What did you do this year?  SEBSCC's goals
are to increase understanding of the S.E. Bering Sea ecosystem, to
document the role of juvenile pollock and factors that affect their
survival, and to develop and test annual indices of pre-recruit pollock
abundance.  Provide several paragraphs and a supporting figure or two
showcasing scientific advances you have made this fiscal year.  What is
their importance to your research, to your collaborators, to SEBSCC, and
to science in general?

APPLICATIONS:  What tangible products document your research?  List
publications, presentations, technology transfers, and collaborations
(provide complete citations and descriptions).

STEPS TO COMPLETION:  What remains to be done?  Describe what you
still have to do in order to complete the product you contracted to
deliver.  Discuss obstacles.  Provide a revised timeline and
milestones, as necessary.

Send an electronic version of your report to Allen Macklin (