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Regulations (Standards - 29 CFR)
Completion of developmental steps and certification. - 1952.152

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• Part Number: 1952
• Part Title: Approved State Plans for Enforcement of State Standards
• Subpart: I
• Subpart Title: North Carolina
• Standard Number: 1952.152
• Title: Completion of developmental steps and certification.


In accordance with 1952.153(a) the Occupational Safety and Health Act of North Carolina (S.B. 342, Chapter 295) was enacted by the State legislature on May 1, 1973, and became effective on July 1, 1973.


In accordance with 1952.153(b), the North Carolina occupational safety and health standards identical to Federal standards (thru 12-3-74) have been promulgated and approved, as revised, by the Assistant Regional Director on March 11, 1975 (40 FR 11420).



In accordance with 1952.153(p) and the requirements of 29 CFR 1952.10, the North Carolina poster for private employers was approved by the Assistant Secretary on April 17, 1975.


In accordance with 1952.153(p) and the requirements of 29 CFR 1952.10, the North Carolina poster for public employees was approved by the Assistant Secretary on April 20, 1976.


In accordance with 1952.153(q) full coverage of agricultural workers by the North Carolina Department of Labor began on April 1, 1974.



The State plan has been amended to include an Affirmative Action Plan in which the State outlines its policy of equal employment opportunity.


In accordance with 1952.153(c) all North Carolina compliance personnel have completed refresher training courses.


In accordance with 1952.153(d) all occupational safety and health personnel in the North Carolina Department of Labor are covered by the State merit system which the U.S. Civil Service Commission (by letter dated January 22, 1976) has found to be in substantial conformity with the "Standards for a Merit System of Personnel Administration." Agreement with the North Carolina Department of Human Resources specifies that all health personnel cooperating in the State occupational safety and health program are likewise covered by the State merit system.


In accordance with 1952.153(f) all North Carolina compliance personnel have attended basic training courses at the OSHA Institute in Chicago.


In accordance with 1952.153(g) the North Carolina Department of Labor has publicly disseminated information on the availability of consultative services.



In accordance with 1952.153(h) a manual Management Information System which provides the quarterly statistical reports required by the Assistant Secretary as well as internal management data has been developed and is fully operational.


In accordance with 1952.153(i) State enforcement of standards began on July 1, 1973.


In accordance with 1952.153(k) the State has promulgated the following administrative "rules and regulations":


Regulation 7B.0100: Inspections, Citations and Proposed Penalties.


Regulation 7B.0300: Recording and Reporting of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses.


Regulation 7B.0400: Rules of Practice for Variances.


Regulation 7B.0500: Rules of Procedure for Promulgating, Modifying or Revoking Occupational Safety and Health Standards.


Regulation 7B.0700: State Advisory Council on Occupational Safety and Health.


The North Carolina Occupational Safety and Health Review Board has adopted Rules of Procedure governing its review of contested cases.



In accord with 1952.153(l), Safety programs for State employees were initiated and implemented.


In accord with 1952.153(m), Safety programs for large counties and municipalities with over 10,000 population were initiated and implemented.


In accord with 1952.153(n), Safety programs for other counties and municipalities with 4,000 to 10,000 population were initiated and implemented.


In accord with 1952.153(o), Safety programs for towns and other governing units having between 1,000 and 4,000 population were initiated and implemented,


In accord with 1952.153(e) and 1902.3(d) the North Carolina occupational safety and health program has been fully staffed.


In accordance with 1952.153(j) the State has developed and amended a Compliance Operations Manual which defines the procedures and guidelines to be used by the North Carolina compliance staff in carrying out the goals of the program.



In accordance with 1902.34 of this chapter, the North Carolina occupational safety and health plan was certified, effective October 5, 1976, as having completed on or before March 31, 1976 all development steps specified in the plan as approved on January 26, 1973.

[40 FR 18429, Apr. 28, 1975, as amended at 41 FR 17547, Apr. 27, 1976; 41 FR 22562, June 4, 1976; 41 FR 41083, Sept. 21, 1976; 41 FR 43897-43900, 43902, Oct. 5, 1976. Redesignated at 51 FR 2488, Jan. 17, 1986; 61 FR 66593, Dec. 18, 1996]

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