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Key MEDLINE® Indicators

FY2007 % Change FY2006 % Change FY2005 % Change FY2004 % Change FY2003 % Change
Citations Indexed for MEDLINE
670,943 +8% 623,089 +3% 606,000 +6% 571,000 +9% 526,338 +5%
MEDLINE/PubMed® Searches16
845 Million17 -6% 896 Million +19% 754 Million +11% 677 Million +35% 503 Million1 +32%
Gateway Searches
746,00018 +44% 518,000 -28% 722,000 -28% 1 Million -29% 1.4 Million -13%
Journal Titles in MEDLINE
5,19419 +4% 5,020 +2% 4,928 +1% 4,839 +3% 4,697 +4%
Journal Titles in
Index Medicus7
4,530 +3% 4,416 +3% 4,279 +1% 4,189 +5% 3,994 +4%

Total Citation Data Creation

685,134 +2% 669,124 +5% 639,000 +9% 584,000 +9% 535,000 +3%

Keyboarded Citations13

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- -100% 55,000 -46% 101,000 -11%

OCRed Citations8

105,841 -13% 122,106 -20% 152,000 +36% 98,000 -10% 109,000 -4%

Citations Received
Electronically via XML9

579,293 +6% 547,018 +12% 487,000 +13% 431,000 +33% 325,000 +11%
Retraction Notices10
118 +22% 9714 +45% 67 +24% 54 -13% 62 +107%
Retracted Articles10
124 +28% 9714 +31% 74 +28% 58 -17% 70 ----
Partial Retraction Notices20
12 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
Partially Retracted Articles20
13 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
7,035 -2% 7,175 +9% 6,602 +23% 5,362 +3% 5,185 +4%
31,956 +0.9% 31,685 +3% 30,855 +1% 30,678 -20% 38,56012 +54%

Prior years

The U.S. Government Fiscal Year (FY) runs from October 1 - September 30.

1Statistical gathering method changed effective with April 2003 data.
2Includes Internet Grateful Med® searches totaling about 27 million.
3NLM Gateway was released to the public on October 16, 2000 but the statistics include only April-September 2001 usage.
4The net increase of one journal resulted from the deselection of nearly 250 nursing and dental journals that had not been indexed for several years and the addition of about 50 titles from the former SPACELINE, HISTLINE®, and BIOETHICSLINE® databases. These journals were not included in IM.
5About 40 titles of the increase were due to the addition of former AIDSLINE® titles.
6Re: FY2000 - About half of the 325 title increase was due to the addition of former HealthSTAR titles. The remainder are new titles.
7Index Medicus® (ceased in print after December 2004 issue) was a monthly bibliographic listing of current biomedical references derived from MEDLINE. Included: subject and author sections and separate Bibliography of Medical Reviews. Remains an online indicator in MEDLINE citations found in PubMed.
8Optical Character Recognition after scanning.
9eXtensible Markup Language
10See Fact Sheet - Errata, Retraction, Duplicate Publication, and Comment Policy for definitions. NLM began to report retracted articles separately in FY2003. Prior to that the numbers reported were Retraction Notices only.
11No maintenance was done on comments and errata from October 2000 - April 2001 as the new maintenance system was being developed and tested.
12Includes revised and re-edited comments entered in previous years.
13Keyboarding ceased as a method of data entry in June 2004.
14Numbers are coincidentally the same; there were 3 notices published twice (retracting the same publications) while there were some notices retracting multiple articles.
15There was a data entry and concomitant indexing backlog resulting from the General Services Administration Board of Contract Appeals' suspension of NLM's editing and data entry contract from late February 1996 to late April 1996. The large backlog was eliminated in early April 1997. This caused fewer records to be added to MEDLINE during FY1996 and a greater number added in FY1997.
16For comparison, ELHILL® (mainframe computer retrieval software for MEDLINE and other NLM databases) searches were 7,397,000 in FY1996; 8,741,000 in FY1997; 15,600,000 in FY1998.
17June 2007 implementation of Entrez 2.0 resulted in changes to the statistical gathering process.
18Statistical gathering method was enhanced effective October 2006 to collect previously unreported access.
19Includes about 110 history of medicine journals and 13 bioethics journals.
20NLM began to report partial retractions separately in December 2006.

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Last reviewed: 04 December 2007
Last updated: 04 December 2007
First published: 07 February 2002
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