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NCI Enterprise Vocabulary Services (EVS) provides resources and services to meet NCI needs for controlled terminology, and to facilitate the standardization of terminology and information systems across the Institute and the larger biomedical community.

Two key terminology resources are produced and published by EVS:

  • NCI Thesaurus is a reference terminology used in a growing number of NCI and other systems. It provides rich textual and ontologic descriptions of more than 60,000 key biomedical concepts.
  • NCI Metathesaurus is a comprehensive biomedical terminology database, connecting 3,000,000 terms from more than 70 terminologies, including some propriety vocabularies with restrictions on their use.

These and other resources and services are described more fully on this EVS Web site.

EVS is a service of the Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT). It is a key component of the cancer Common Ontologic Resource Environment (caCORE) and the cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid (caBIG).

last modified 2008-01-22 11:41