United States Office of Personnel Management
Theodore Roosevelt Building
1900 E Street, NW
Washington, DC 20415-0001

Office of the General Counsel


[agency name and address]


We refer to the claim of the above-cited employee for temporary quarters subsistence allowance (TQSA). The claim is allowed as indicated.

The record shows that Mr. [xxx] was improperly terminated from his position overseas with the [agency] and was subsequently reinstated. Mr. [xxx] stayed in temporary quarters while awaiting issuance of overseas permanent change of station (PCS) orders. Mr. [xxx] is requesting TQSA payment for the period September 1, 1994, through November 17, 1994. The claim was forwarded here for further review.

We agree with the analysis provided by the Director, [name] , in the Directors June 28, 1996 memorandum to your office, copy enclosed. Accordingly, Mr. [xxx]s claim should be paid, if otherwise correct.

We are advising the employee of our action by copy of this letter.


Joann Charleston


Joann Charleston